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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1917)
* Electrified Homes E -trier, y is now fast superceding old methods in j many departments of the heme. The modern home—the COMFORTABLE home—now has Electric Heaters Electric Irons Electric Lights and many other labor saving and cost saving appliances. T ..: .he :deuJ force—no danger, no annoyance, no failure. Y • 1 r.r. j half the emoyment of life if your home is nc*. nod. Let as wire your house for lights. We handle the Almo Lighting systems for farm homes. Coll and let us explain them to you. I LOUP CITY LIGHT AND POWER CO. / A Timely Hint l! > u are going to buy harness now is the time, • ' -r* lu:th< r advances will be made. Come in and talk it over w ith us. Bring in Your Harness m I ' For repairing and oiling—bring in one or two sets | at a tune and avoid the rush. i JAMES BARTUNEK --- Your Hardware and Harness Man —-— j WELCOME MEWS FOR YELLOWSTONE PARK TOURISTS - Summer all tourist transportation within '• • ' I’.i* t. v* II be by automobile. The White ten-passen r» that • ■■■ so serviceable daring 1916 over the Cody '**«'* * lb *1 .! I..- throughout the Park I'nrk ■ .-r a complete five-day tour,—in and out * *•««!♦• • o|M. gateway and out the other, whether 1 "d>- . ’ ■ * V. wstone. Ail Park tourist, whether ot tIn- • : :! •• |«-nnanent camps, will be carried in 1 jtoir.ob.h-*. lo n;.Yellowstone Wonderland by automo i combination of efficiency and hmuy. Nothj! " !i the travel world could be more scenic and satisfying than - : eliow-*tou<- i»y automobile in connection with tin t ody route. ' ' '' hv ! • u ~ ~iven to the public that has long v - 1 b-r it. Illustrated publications will later be tarnished on re«jue>t hv the undersigned. L W. WAKELEY, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. 1004 Pannun Street, Omaha, Nebraska Daily sells for less. — Try Chase's first—it pays. E. G. Taylor was a caller at St Pan] | Monday morning. — An extra fine line of wall paper is ; on display at Swanson's. Harry Hinman was a business cal ler at Rockville last Friday. T. W. O. Wolfe made a business trip to Comstock. Tuesday evening. For sale—Pure Bred S. C. Rhode Red setting eggs.—O. L. Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCall, of Austin, were shopping in our city last Satur day. Wm. Simpson was a business caller at St. Paul last Friday, returning in the evening. Good four year old bay gelding for sale. wt. 1400. sound. Robert Fulliton. Phone No. 9720. 11-2* i Mrs. Frank Tapolski and children | visited with relatives and friends at Ashton last Friday. — Ed. Wilson was a business passen j ger to Grand Island last Friday, re ! turning in the evening. Farmers bring in your plows and discs now and be ready for spring work.—Emil J. Schoening. 7 tf W. D. Zimmerman was a business passenger to St. Paul. Tuesday morn ing. returning the same day. Wm. Lewandowski was a business passenger to Grand Island Monday morning. returning in the evening. C. R. Sweetland returned home last Friday from Lincoln, where he had been for several days on business. Mrs. J. H. Lee left Monday noon for an extended visit with her mother Mrs. Fairbairn. at Whiting. Kansas. Mrs. Marvin Lee and little daughter Marvia. left Monday for a two week# visit with relatives in Rosendale. Mo. L. A. Bangs returned to Aurora on last Friday where he is working, af ter spending a few days with home folks. Mrs. Wm Graefe was a passenger to Grand Island last Friday to spend sev eral days visiting with her parents and friends. Miss Jennie Sutton returned home last Friday from her trip to the west ern coast. She reports a most enjov abe visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hiddleson were callers at Austin and Rockville last Saturday morning to spend several days visiting. George Lausse and family were pas sengers to Rockville last Friday and visited until Saturday, returning on the evening train. Mrs. H. S. Conger returned to her home at Arcadia. Monday evening, af ter spending the day visiting at the S. E. Gallawav home. For Sale:—All kinds of lumber for sale at Schaupps. Off the old E. G. Talor elevator. Prices reasonable.— See T. A. Gzchoviah. 10-1 Clyde Chisholm and, wife returned home Tuesday evening from Grand Is land. where they had been on busi ness and pleasure combined. C. J. Tracy was a neastbound pas senger to Omaha. Tuesday morning attend the Mid-west Cement Dealers’ association held there this week. -y Mrs. V. E. Cunningham and daugh ter. Lettie, were Grand Island callers last Friday morning to spend the day shopping. They returned in the even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sheridan, who have been here visiting at the Charles Briggs home for the past week, return ed to their home in Columbus last Thursday. Mr. ana Mrs. w. w. MCMicnael or Arcadia, spent last Thursday visiting here with their son. Ray McMichacl, and wife, returning again on the even ing passenger. Miss Edna Lewandowski returned to St. Paul Monday, where she is attend ing the St. Paul college, after a short visit here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Lewandowski. Miss Sadie Woten came up from her home at Rockville last Saturday to do some shopping and visit with her friend. Miss Frieda Dieterich. She re turned home the same day. Mrs. R. M. Hiddleson was an ea=t bound passenger to Hastings last Fri day morning to spend a few days visit ing with her son. Lee, who is attending school at that place. She returned on Monday evening. Miss Carrie Johnson, who has been here employed at the central office left last Saturday evening for Arcadia, where she will visit a few days with relatives and friends. From there she will go to York. Central City, and several other places and visit before returning to her home in Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thompson en tertained a few couples at their coun try home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wise, of Colorado. A fine supper was served and a very peasant even ing was spent by all. Those who were present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. T.1 Beushausen. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Beus hausen. J. W Long. Mr and Mrs. Rom eo Conger. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Leinin ger, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Johansen. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Steen, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Out-! house. Mrs W. T. Owens. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Depew. and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Collipriest. Try Chase's first—it pays. Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Ed. Kilpatrick was a passengT to Grand Island. Monday Pratt’s Poultry and Animal Regula tors are sold at Swanson's. Ronald Rowe was a pessenger to St. Paul. Tuesday noon, returning in the evenig. For Sale—New four room house Water, electric lights—Hansen Lum ber Co. E. A. Miner returned home. Monday evening from a business St. Pau and Wolbach. L. H. Spahr cleans and repairs ad kinds of sewing machines at Jas. Ba> tunek's. Call at once. Wm. Jacobs came up from Rockville last Friday and transacted business here between trains. * Raymond Oilman was an eastbound | passenger to Omaha last Friday. He i returned home Monday. i _' Wm. Aufrecht returned to his home at Big Springs Saturday after a short i stay here visiting relatives. For Sale:—Five room house and seven lots in Loup City for sale.— Enquire at Jung's restaurant. Wm. Aufrecht returned to his home at Big Springs. Saturday, after a short stay here visiting with relatives. Gus Lorentz and little son were pas sengers to Grand Island last Thursday morning returning in the evening. Mrs. J. J. Jezewski left Monday morning for Kansas City. Mo. to visit with her mother a short while. Plymouth Rock eggs for. hatching. 50c per 15. Two-blocks west of the old Dr. Jones place.—Mrs. Henry Miller. 12-4 A. F. Eisner returned home Tues day eveuing from Omaha, where he had been in attendance at the auio show. Miss Clara Polski came up from her home at Ashton last Friday and visited with her brother. L. B. Polski. and family. For Sale.:—Ford car in good condi tion. Has been run about 10.000 miles. For information call at The Northwest em office. Miss Waunetta Conger, of Arcadia, spent a few days visiting in our city last week, returning to her home on Friday evening. Wm. Dolling and Henry Schuman re turned home last Thursday from Oma ha. where they had been in attendance at the auto show. — — Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Slominski and children were eastbound passengers to Omaha Monday morning on business and pleasure combined. Miss Ruth Levy, who has been here for some time past in charge of the Pizer & Co. store, left Monday noon for her home in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Goodell left on Tuesday morning for Bladen, for a short visit with the former’s sister, who is reported as being quite ill. Miss Marie Ohlsen was a westbound passenger to Arcadia last Thursday evening to spend several days visiting with her sister. Mrs. Jess Marvel. Mrs. Victor Johnson, who has been here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLaughlin, returned to her home in York, last Saturday morning. Irvin Rowe and Lew Cole were east bound passengers to Hastings, last Saturday, where Irvin was initiated into the bricklayers' union. Irvin re turned Monday. Mrs. Stanley Sonnefeldt and children passed through our city last Thursdav.! enroute to Sargent, where they expect to make their future home. They were ■ formrly of Ashton. Henry Brandt and Walter Scott au toed up from Hamilton county last-; Thursday for a visit with the for mer's brother. Wm. Brandt, and fam-1 ily. They returned home Tuesday. Lost—Antomobile number 9276^ on the road between Rockville and my place two miles west of the Austin bridge. Finder please leave at Hen- j ken's garage at Rockville. — Wm. Knoepfel. After visiting several herds of Pure Bred Hereford cattle in both Sherman and Valley counties and attending the Grand Island sale. Henry Obermiller purchased an eight months old bull of John Howe, paving $200.00. _ Harvey O'Bryan, who has been brak ing on the I'nion Pacific here for some time, with his family, will move to Kearney in the near fututre. where he will brake for his brother. Dick, on the run between Kearney and Hastings. 320 acres all in native grass. 27." acres can be broke out easily if not more. A11 under fence except 160 rods on west side. 1-4 of mile to school. Lo-* cated in good neighborhood. Seven miles from Loup City. For sale cheap, i Inquire of August Jaeschka. 12- tj Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wise and family arrived in our city last Friday from Pleasanton, where they have been for some time visiting with relataives and friends, for a short visit here with many friends. From here they will go j to Arcadia and Ruskin .to visit with relatives and from there to Ord. be-j fore returning to their home in Co!> J rado. Mr. Wise was formerly pastor of | the M. E. Church at this place. Daily sells for less. Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis faction guaranteed. . W rights Condensed Smoke am , Ham Pickle is sold at Swanson’s. Rev. Smithberg was a west bourn passenger to Comstock last Saturday evening. For eaves trough, tin work, solder ing and all kind of repair work ca: on L. H. Spahr. M. Levy returned to Hastings las Friday morning after closing out fit Pizer & Co. store here. If you need prairie hay call at Tay lor s elevator. We are shipping it choice hay.—E. G. Taylor. Mrs. Kate Stellmock visited with relatives and friends at Ashton Iasi Friday, returning in the evening. For Sale Cheap—-One horse, set oi j single harness, buggy- as good as new j boy’s saddle. Inquire of Henrv Dolling 12 tf. --- Mrs. George Ware, who has been here visiting at the J. X. Fisher home, returned to her home at St. Paul on Monday morning. Mrs. J. F. Viges returned to he/ home at Pierce. Monday morning aff»r a short visit here with ijer mother. Mrs. Dan Bauman. Fritz Johansen returned home. Mon day evening from Omaha, where he has been for some time visiting with his two daughters and other relatives. Halsey Hansel came up from St. Paul last Saturday evening to spend Sunday with his mother. Mrs. A. If. Hansel. He returned to school Monday morning. ->Irs. C. H. Ryan and son. Frank, re turned home Monday evening from Gresham, where they had been the pa.-t ten days visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bond. Charles Bass returned home last Sat urday from Rockville. Hazard. Raven na and Grand Island, were he had been for the past week on business and pleasure combined. Mrs. C. r. Bitner and baby returned home last Saturday evening from Hastings, where she has been for some time visiting with relatives. J. R. Bitner. a brother of C. I'. Bitner. ac companied her home for a short visit. He returned to his home in Hastings. Monday. DAIRY COWS NEED MUCH WATER. Dairy farmers often fail to suppiv their cows enough water during fall and winter months, according to the university department of dairy hus bandry. This is especially true <*f cow s giving large amounts of milk. The Mis souri Experiment Station has found that two dairy cows used only one fourth to one-fifth as much waier when dry as when in milk. One cow giving over 100 pounds of milk dailv used as high as 2.601 pounds of water daily. Cows in milk should not be forc ed to suffer exposure to obtain a drink of icy water, as they will not drink enough to produce the milk they are capable of yielding under more favor able circumstances.. Cows may be in duced to" drink more water if it is warmed to about 60 degrees F. and if they have access to it at least twice a day. CLEAR CREEK SAND. L. B. Hickman shelled com Monday. Frank Kuhn shelled corn Wednesday Frank Kuhn was a Loup City visi tor. Tuesday. 0. A. Clark is under the weather with a heavy cold. F. T. Richmond got back from his trip to Illinois, Wednesday. G. A. Williams of Macomb. 111., is working for F. T. Richmond. Grant Stickney drove some catt'e and hogs to Ltchfield, Monday. John Heapy purchased a new Ford car from G. W. Lang. Saturday. Robert Stouffer did the auctioneer ing of the bpxes at the school house. j John Kuhn and sister. Mable, and Ros Hager atended the box social in Dist. No. 25. Thomas Parsley is moving his household goods to his house and lots in iLtchfield. Warren Edison, has been confined to the house for the past week the re sults of a fall. 1. A. Bowzer had the misfortune to get one of his horses badly cut in the wire fence last week. Ivan Mendenhall went to Palmer to see his sister who is visiting relatives in that part of the country. F. T. Richmond. W. O. Brown and W.*T. Gibson were in Scott township appraising some schol land. Mrs. C. D. Brookshier returned Sat urday from her trip to Missouri. She reports her mother as improving. Ira Wiliamson moved a piano out to the farm of Mr. Zimman. who have just moved into their new house. Mrs. L. L. Smith went to Ravenna. Tuesday to see her grandson. Wm. Al bers. who is sick with lung fever. Boyd Hill came home from Broken Bow high school to visit with home folks and take in the box social. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ellinger went to Ravenna to see Wm. Albers’ little son who is sick. Carl Smith drove them over in his car. Rev. W. G. Amald of Aurora, preached at Beulah Chapel and Cleora last Sunday as Rev. Wagner is still under the weather. The programme and box social held at the Clear Creek high school was a success. The weather was not very fa vorable but a good crowd was pres ent. The boxes netted $52.25. The teachers, Garra Hill and Retta Gas teyer, were commented for their en tertainment. JESS : or some ; £oocl thing, ■ ^M^^MMMH^_——^M—■ ■ ■ \ a We Offer Hearty Greetings to i Oar New Neighbors j ■ The Loup City State Bank offers greetings and a J a hearty hand-clasp of good fellowship to those who are J just now taking up their work and making their'homes 3 in and about Loup City. You will find this community full of helpful neigh- • bors and among them we wish to assure you this bank stands ready to assist and serve you in any way open J to us. J I • \\ e have a service fitted for every legitimate line of business and your account at his bank will receive the J courteous ana considerate attention of our officers in i person. ! i • fl We will welcome an opportunify to meet you—Come « in and see us. ■ i I Loup City State Bank Loup City, Nebraska ; ■ a i *• a __11 ....J O. S. MASON Implements, Hardware. Farm Seeds. Machine Oils. Windmills. Pumps, Pipes Plumbing and Heating a Specialty 45 to 65 DOLLARS Will buy one of the best and oldest makes of cream separators made, guaranteed to you and will last longer, do better work than any i 75.00 to 100.00 Dollar Machine Come in and take out one of our machines on our guarantee and free trial plan. It will not cost you a cent if not as we claim for it. Notice These are high grade machines bought at the old prices O. S. MASON j LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA Our Regular Prices Fancy Pea berry Coffee, per 11).25c Good Santos Coffee, per lb.22c 1 Gal Karo Corn Syrup.55c 4 Gal. Karo Com Syrup.30c 1 Gal. Karo White Syrup ...60c ! I Gal. Karo White Syrup.35c ; 4 Boxes Com Flakes..25c California Dried Peaches, per lb.11c Atlas Oatmeal.25c | Saxson Oatmeal . 20c 10 lb Kegs Herring...1.00 Santa Clara Prunes.•.12£c Pancake flour, 5 lb. size.•.22c % WM. LEWANDOWSKI General Merchandise QUALITY RIGHT PRICES SERVICE