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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1916)
^ * - Where will You Be at 65 — o - It is up to you 4 We can help you DO YOU REALIZE that out of 100 average healthy men at the age of 25 36—will die before reaching the ag9 of 65 5—will be wealthy 5—will be supporting themselves by work 54—will be dependent upon friends, relatives or charity. THIS CHART represents man’s ac cumulating period from 30 to 50 years of age. Either success or failure is settled. * At 20 Everything to gain and nothing to lose. This is the egotistical period — the age son thinks he knows more than his father. This space repre sents the young man’s self-sufficiency. Age of indisnrpfinn At 30 The boy at this age is changing his mind and concludes he doesn’t know as much as he thought for. He now considers the father a man of judgment. At 35 the son realizes that life is a reality, and he is not so smart as he once thought. His fa ther was a man of master mind. At 40 | 75 per cent of men at j this age meet with re- fc verses and lose their f entire accumulation. _I NOW ,OR NEVER At 45 90 per cent have lost all by this age. At 50 This is the age of caution. A man must not speculate, for e has all to lose and nothing to gain. He must look for securi ty—not high rates of interest. Only one man in 5000 can after this age recover his financial footing. At 60 At sixty, 95 per cent of men are dependent upon their daily earnings or on their children for support. Will you be oe of them or one of the 5 per cent with a compe tence? Solution: Spend less than you earn Start a bank account First National Bank 1 Loup City, Nebraska j When looking for a good lunch or short order drop in at the IDEAL BAKERY LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS ■ We carrv a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten tion given to all special orders. 200 STEERS ____ I c^==========j===============:=‘ If you have plenty of rough feed for cattle you will find no kind of stock more profitable than good quality two vears old steers like these. They are high grade, mostly I Shorthorn types, and have good growthy frames and will make the man who buys them a good profit if sold off the grass next July. Xo cattle you can buy will pay better for the feed. They will eat or can be handled with less trouble or shelter, and remember they are ready for mar ket earlier than any other class of cattle you can buy. For surest and largest profits buy two-year old steers. We will sell these cattle in bunches to suit purchasers and give time on them to responsible parties having sufficient feed and shelter to care for them. First Trust Company - ' I Everybody knows that Christinas is the y Piano man’s harvest — when you pay big | profits. You can eliminate this loss, however, by taking advantage of our Factory-to-Home jelling' Plan and Profit-Sharing System, and save from $100 to $200. Our Pianos are Quality Pianos, fully guaranteed for 25 years, backed by our 59 years’ Piano experience and by our entire capital and resources of over $1,000,000.00. Write today how to obtain a Piano or Player Piano Free, and our catalog, prices and all other information will be sent by return mail. DON’T DELAY! DO IT NOW! Sehmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Manufacturers of High Grade Pianos and Player Pianos 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Established 1859 Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Henry M'. Eisner for glasses. Salt, $1.85 per barrel, at Arthur's. I. C. Smith was a Rockville pas senger, Monday. Norton Lambert was a business pas senger to Grand Island. Monday. C. C. Cooper was a business visitor at Alliance and Scotts Bluff, Monday. Mrs. D. M. Woods returned home on last Friday, from her visit at Danne brog. Raymond Oltmann was an east bound passenger to Omaha, last Sat urday. Vincent Johns was a business pas senger to Grand Island, Monday of this week. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Newhouser is very sick with pneumonia. Mrs. Sherman Houdersheldt and little son are here visiting from David City, this week. Atholbert Chase spent Sunday with his parents. He was accompanied by Cecil Haines of Litchfield. Mrs. Minnie Jung was a passenger to Grand Island last Thursday, re turning home on Friday. H. B. Campbell of Fremont, came i Satuday evening ad spent Sunday at the S. H. Richmond home. David Morrow returned from York. Saturday, where he has been work ing the past three weeks. Earl Mcllravy returned home, Sat urday, from Omaha, where he pur chased a new car for O. S. Mason. Miss Retta Gasteyer came over from her school near Litichfield the Iasi of the week and spent Sunday at home. Mrs. S. J. Hill returned to her home in Lexington, Monday, after having visited here at the Kee home for some time. Mrs. J. W. Amick was a passenger to Grand Island, Saturday, to spend the day shopping. She returned in the evening. Miss Lucienne Chase secured a school over near Mason City, Satur day. She went over on Sunday to be ready for Monday. Mrs. Earl Mcllravy returned home last Saturday evening from Giltner, where she had been visiting with her parents the past week. __ 4 Misses Florence Depew and Eva Watts returned to their school work at Kearney, Monday, after a few days visit with their parents. Miss Waunetta Conger came down from her home at Arcadia. Thursday morning for a few days’ visit here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Mary J. McNeil and little Lu cille Currier went to Grand Island on last Friday morning to spend the day. They returned home in the evening. Miss Caroline Cole went up to Sar gent and Taylor, last Thursday for a short visit with relatives and friends, returning to Loup City Mon day morning. Mrs. Carl Johnson and children of Ord, came over last Thursday and spent several days visiting with her sisters, Mrs, A. E. Chase and Mrs. W. S. Waite, and families. Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis faction guaranteed. i For Sale—Duroc Jersey male hogs. I —Ben Klimper. phone 7511. Judge Aaron Wall was a business ^ visitor to St. Paul, last Friday. A. B. Outhouse was a business pas senger at Rockville, last Friday. R. L. Arthur returned last Friday | from a business trip to St. Paul. W. D. Zimmerman transacted busi ! ness at Aurora a few days last week. Six reels of the “Diamond from the Sky” Saturday night. 10 and 15 cents. The county treasurer is issuing dis ! tress warrants for all delinquent per l soual tax. | _ Wilbert Morris was a business pas ' senger to Grand Island, last Thursday morning. Dance at the Garland Theatre on Thanksgiving night, Nov. 30th. Ad mission $1. Made to measure shirts that are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Call and see samples.—Gus Lorentz. Miss Winifred Brown returned to ! her home in Grand Island, Tuesday, after having visited here several days. Mrs. Mary Nitkowski and daughter, Estella, were passengers to Grand Is land, last Friday on a business mis sion. Prof. Martin of Kearney, was here ; last Saturday assisting Superintend ent Currier in the Study Center class. , ^ Fritz Leschinsky was a business passenger to Grand Island, Thursday of last week, returning home Friday | evening. _______________ For Rent:—One 5 room house, one ti room house and one 7 room house, all in good condition.—First Trust Company. __ Mrs. J. F. Newhouser of Aurora, came up last Thursday to visit a short time with her son, Adolph Newhouser. S and family. j - Last week the Northwestern failed i to mention of the son born to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tracy. All concerned j doing nicely. Theda Bara, Jean Sothern and Wm. I Shay are the stars featuring in the I big Fox feature Tuesday night, Nov. 1st. 7 reels. 10 and 15 cents. Don't forget the big dance Thanks giving night, Nov. 30th. Music by Jungles' Orchestra of Ravenna. Ad mission $1 .Everybody welcome. Miss Elnora Remy returned to her home in Grand Island. Friday, after having visited here for some time with her aunt, Mrs. T. R. Lay. and family. Mrs. Chrapkowski, who has been here visiting with her sister, Mrs. Frank Sobiesczyk, returned to her home at Boelus, Wednesday morning. Mrs. Minnie Paige of Cairo, and Mrs. Crawford and son of Ida Grove, i Iowa, arrived here Thursday noon to attend the funeral of their brother, Walter Gregg. H. A. Owens, who has been here for the past month visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Owens, returned to his home in Philadelphia. Thursday morning. Tuesday night, Nov. 1st, Wm. Fox presents the big 7 reel feature “The Two Orphans.” Come out and see Theda Bara, Jean Sothern and Wm. E. Shay, star in this. The Misses Oral and Marjorie Young went to Central City last Thursday to visit with relatives until their parents arrived on Friday, when they will go from there to their new home at Schuyler. Wanted—Heated or warm room in Christian family by middle-aged Chris tian man. Wish room where I can read or write evenings. Would also like board if convenient. Call or ad dress The Northwestern. Miss Waunetta Conger returned to her home in Arcadia. Tuesday even ing, after having visited here a short time with relatives and friends. She was accompanied by Miss Fay Galla way, who will visit there for several days. Are You Efficient? In these days of fierce competition, to succeed requires all . our talents. Many, an earnest, ambitious person falls short of complete success be cause of something that holds him back. Very often the cause is eye strain. YOU can be a better stenog rapher, salesman, mechanic, baker, housewife—if you will remove the handicap of eve-strain. Eye-strain can be removed—remember that. So that puts the matter squarely up to you, doesn’t it? We are eye-strain EXPERTS. Let us examine your eyes and supply glasses that will give you an equal chance with others. We have installed the dark room, which is an absolute necessity to do this fitting. We invite you to inspect our optical parlor. Eyes examined free of charge. Guaranteed' glasses at reasonable prices—$3.00 up. Kryptok:—the effecient bi-focal. Everloct:—the screwless mounting. Toric:—the modern lens. HENRY M. ELSNER Registered Optometrist. Try Chase's first—It pays. J. J. Slominski went to St. Paul on Wednesday, on business. W. D. Zimmerman made a business trip to Lincoln, Wednesday. Shirts made to measure, satisfaction guaranteed. See Gus Lorentz. The election? An old story by this time. Give us something new. The county treasurer is issuing dis tress warrants for all delinquent per sona! tax. > Good potatoes $1.50 per bushel at the place.—Robert Fuliton. Austin Neb. Phone 9720. 47-: Arthur Hunt returned Tuesday, fror Ravenna, where he had been visiting with friends a few days. Miss Martha Lewandowski was r passenger to Ashton. Wednesday, to visit with relatives several days. Mrs. Anton Sedzyik returned to her home at Ashton, Wednesday, after a few days’ visit here with relatives. The fellow who bet on a "sure Ihing” is now industriously endeavor ing to find something that really is sure. The first Blue Bird photo play will be shown at the Garland Theatre on Saturday night, Dec. 2d. “The Great Problem.” Ben Tenczar returned to Gering. Neb., last Saturday after spending a week with friends and relatives in Sherman county. Nelson Smith and family are mov ing to St. Paul, Neb., this week. Their many friends here wish them success in their new location. For Sale—A half blood Shetland pony for sale cheap. Well broke and absolutely gentle for children of any age. Inquire at Northwestern office. For Sale: One Fairbanks two-horse power gasoline engine. One new feed grinder. Also one fine Hereford bull. —Lars P. Nielson. Loup Citv. Route 2. Box 47. Coming Saturday night, Nov. 25th, the big comedy success. “Don’t Tell My Wife.” Good musica] and special ty numbers. Not a picture show. Don’t miss it. Loup City high school football team defeated the Gibbon team here last Friday by a 21 to 0 score. A more de tailed report of the game is given in another column. 5>ix reels or the “Diamond from the Sky” will be shown at the Garland Theatre Saturday night. Remember this will conclude the big serial. 10 and 15 cents. Lost. Nov. 3. on route one, between Lars Johnson’s farm and town, a lady’s heavy dark red sweater coat. Finder call Black 110 or return to Emily Steen. Reward. Work has been delayed on the Ogle garage building and the public library building by the extremely cold weather. With the advent of fairer weather work on both buildings will be rushed. — Farm For Sale:—160 acres of | choice land northeast quarter of sec- . tion 20, known as one of the W. R. Stickney farms west side of road. Easy terms. Write to owner for par ticulars.—Anton Erazim, Ravenna. Neb. 46-3 Wm. Dolling is the winner in aiTI election bet with Dr. O. E. Longaere. The Doctor has to wheel Mr. Dolling around the court house square in a w-heelbarrow. Owing to the cold weather and snow the exhibition has not yet taken place. Mrs. H. N. Fisher returned to her home at St. Paul. Tuesday, after hav ing visited here with her son. Nelson Smith, and family, for some time. She was accompanied by the three Smith children who will stay there until their parents arrive later. Born, to County Attorney and Mrs. L. L. Stephens on Sunday, Nov. 5, a son. All concerned doing nicely. The new arrival weighed eight pounds and has been named Lowell Warren Stephens. He is a husky youngster and is a very welcome addition to the family. The Sherman County Times and plant has been leased by Harry E. Willis and Walter Overman from C. F. Beushausen. The new firm has taken possession and no doubt will get out a good newspaper. Both gentlemen are printers and will no doubt make a success of the venture. Nature warns you when your bowels are stopped up. The filth from your system is backing up instead of go ing out. Take at once Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea or Tablets—clear the bowels, get them to work regular ly, then keep them regular—that’s the secret to real health.—Graefe’s Phar macy. Last week the Nebraska Tele phone Co., placed a telephone in every voting place in the county where there was no phone. By this arrangement election results were soon obtainable. No charge was made by the company for this ser vice. The telephone company and the efficient manager here, W. P. Cook, were given a vote of thanks by the county officials for the courtesy ex tended. Considerable dissatisfaction -has been expressed since the Union Pa cific took the motor off their branch here. Instead of the motor a steam train leaves Loup City at the usual time and returns from St. Paul as a combination train at noon and carries the mail. The train leaves here again | at 1:15 p. m. and returns as a pas senger again in the evening. The trains by the new arrangement have run on schedule time with a couple of exceptions and the plan has worked out better than it was at first supposed it would and has inflicted no particular hardship on any one that we can hear of. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininv BjL'SfiL CWtut ma/iv v mz^dxrtb ywt s 4u4 mcni^ = § QUENTLY ASKED0U LEAVE HER?” Y0U HEAR THIS FRE‘ ^ | BECOMHOF T*HEM ? HAS UTTLE CHIL°REN’ T°°- WHAT l = OH THEY DIDN’T HAVE A DOLLAR IN THE BANK AND § = THEY HAD TO GO TO WORK. HE WAS ONE OF THOSE = = CARELESS MEN WHO SPENT ALL THEY EARNED. = § ARE YOU DOING THAT? START A BANK ACCOUNT NOW = E WHETHER YOU ARE MARRIED OR NOT. = | BANK WITH US. 1 j Loup City State Bank I I Wintery Blasts l | Call for Gordon & § 1 Ferguson Fur Coat 1 = A good fur coat is far the cheapest in the 5 long run. A complete line at Bartunek’s and = your size and at a price you can afford to pay. | Blankets and Lap | | Robes | E A complete new line for this season. Come in E E and look them over. E A complete line of the Famous “Wyeth” Hard = ware and Cutlery. Known the world over, r Handled exclusively at Bartunek’s in Loup 1 City. 5 = Get tickets for every $1.00 spent at my store. | Three premiums given away, free, drawing to E take place on Saturday, December 23. = First Prize, $53.00 Set of Harness. | Second Prize, $18.00 Shot Gun. | | Third Prize, $6.00 Coaster Wagon. | E Try and see if you are the lucky person. You E can’t get it if you don’t try. One number is as E good as a hundred if you have the lucky num- E E her. E E Harness made to Order. E S | JAMES BARTUNEK | i Your Hardware and Harness Man = ___^ E I Loup City Cash Store I My Prices are Always Right You will save money by coming in and convincing yourself I New Goods Received • I have just received a nice line of sweater coats and sheep lined coats, which I am selling at very reason able prices. WM. LEWANDOWSKI, Proprietor