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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1916)
V. F. MASON, President. C. H. RYAN, Ass’t Cashier L.fHANSEN, Cashier. The Value of Thrift “To-day, with our national wealth approximat ing one hundred and eighty-seven billions and al most one hundred millions of people in the country, we have about four billion seven hundred millions in the savings banks, belonging to ten and a half mil lion depositors. This may seem an amazing sum of capital and number of depositors, but when a com parison is made with other countries and a balance is struck, it is found that the l nited States is near the end of the list in the percentage of savers to pop lation. “With the frightful destruction and economic waste throughout Europe, it is evident that after the war these nations will need funds for recon struction, and the United States will be called upon to supply them; that for some time to come this country will not be able to secure capital, as in the past, from Great Britian and France for the pur pose of carrying on new enterprises. The United States must finance itself. First National Bank We Pay Five Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits Perfect! o n The shadow of exaggeration is cast on an ad when the appellation “Per fection’' is applied to the product; at least that is our version of it. So when we tell you of HIGH ART I CLOTHES, we will say what is our sincere conviction — that they are as near perfect as modern manufactur ing methods, alert designing and fair-play business policy can make them. Young men will find a host of good-looking models to select from and their seniors will be sure to find their suit made in a model in con formity with their dignity and correct in every detail. Their price is moderate when their value is considered. MADE BY STROUEE it BROTHERS, BALTIMORE, MD. $15.00 to $25.00 G US LORENTZ EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! LUMBER PRICES CUT AND SMASHED! Just received a special lot of boards, shiplap and grooved roofing. Boards 4 inches to 12 inches wide; all lengths j Shiplap 8 inches wide;a 11 lengths. Rocfiing 10 inches wide; all lengths. Any of above $22.00 per M while it lasts; also all lengths dimension at special prices. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! SHINGLES! S2.25 PER M. Come in and look this lumber over; just the thing for sheds and outbuildings, roof sheating, etc. Big gest lumber bargains ever offered in Sherman county. We’ve got a regular lumber bargain counter. Big value for your money. HANSEN LUMBER COMPANY “The Fanners Friend.” t Dally sells for less. "E Try Chase's first—It pays. f Garden seeds—James Bartunek. E ' Palmolive soap.—The Rexall Store. E i Good organ for sale. See Willis E! Holcumb. E House for rent. Inquire of the E! Northwestern office. E A. E. Charlton was a Grand Island E j visitor Tuesday morning. E Wanted:—A good girl for general E housework.—Mrs. H. A. Hinman. E Miss Pauline Lewandowski visited = with relatives and friends at Ashton E Tuesday. = Mrs. E. B. Corning visited ith her = daughter. Mrs. Albert Anderstrom. at = Ashton Saturday. S Miss Carrie Kay visited with Mrs. s Albert Anderstrom and family at E Ashton last Saturday. = Miss Teckla Stellmaek went to E Ashton Monday morning to visit a E few days with friends. E M. Levy came up from Hastings E Tuesday evening in the interests of E the Pizer & Co. store here. = D. C. Grow and W. O. Brown were E | Grand Ieland visitors Saturday on E j business and pleasure combined. : K. W. Zavgren and wife, who have : been hf’Te visiting with his broth--. : | A. R. Zavgreen, and family, returned : J morning. E Miss Nora Goc returned to her E ; home at Columbus Monday morning S after a short visit here w'ith her ; many friends. E Mrs. N. P. Nelson and daughters. E Delma and Olga, went to Boelus on E Saturday to spend Sunday visiting E with relatives. Miss Clara Bogacz returned to her | home at Ashton Tuesday morning af ter a visit here with her sister. Mrs. ' Floyd Janulewicz, and family. Mrs. Clarence Stevenson, of Ar cadia. and Mrs. Susan Tockey of this place, went to Duncan. Neb.. Tuesday morning to visit a week or ten days. Mrs. O. A. Woods and daughter. Miss Minnie left Tuesday morning for Excelsior Springs. Mo., in hopes of benefiting Miss Minnie's health, j Give us the opportunity to dress you better on the same or less money with Adlers' Collegian clothes.—Hub Clothing Store, Lawrence Lofholm, Prop. The Misses Minnie Cowley, Marv Fitzgerald and Kathleen Hastings, all of Areadia. were in our city last Saturday shopping, returning home in the evening. One of the worst dust storms in years was visited upon Sherman coun ty Sunday. It semeda s though half of the real estate of the county was in the air at one time. C. C. Cooper was a business pas senger to Brownlee. Neb and up by Alliance in the interests of the Lor.p City mill. Mrs. Cooper accompanied him as far as Grand Island. Mrs. A. B. Young, as a delegate, and Mrs. J. S. Pedler. Mrs. R. L. Ar thur. and Mrs. G. W. Collipriest. are , at McCook. Nebraska, this week at tending the grand chapter of the Eastern Star lodge. The Caddy restaurant is being moved into the old Eisner saloon ■ building, which has been completely remodeled for his occupancy. I. E. Conger will move his barber shop into the building vacated by Mr. ' Caddy. i James Bartunek left on Monday for Omaha. St. Joe and Kansas City on business connected with his store. Mr. Bartunek has worked up quite a reputation with his hand made har- ; ness and other goods and enjoys a large patronage. Clifford Puddy. who has been bar bering at Smalley’s for the past two weeks went to Minatare, Monday. Mr. Puddy was a good barber and it was with regret that Mr. Smalley saw him leave. A. B. Young is helping out in the shop until another man can be secured. Jenner’s park will be opened to the public on Thursday, June 8. The park has been greatly improved dur ing the past winter an4 many new attraction* added. A complete stoiy of the opening day at the park will be found in another column in this issue of The Northwestern. The Ambler Players, a. stock com pany consisting of twelve people played here at the opera house three nights last week. They carry their own band and orchestra and gave some very creditable shows. They went to Pleasanton from here. Henry Jenner has about recovered I from a severe attack of rheumatism that he enjoyed (?) almost all winter. Mr. Jenner says that about sixteen hours of hard work every day. on a light diet will sure knock the rheuma- ' tism. But we are inclined to believe that the cure is about as severe as the disease. W. B. Flanders disposed of his pol hall and business to Dick Bradiev and R. C. Barber, of Grand Island this week. In the transaction Mr. a house and lot in Grand Island. We understand that Mr. Flanders will continue to make his home in Loup City. Joe Caddy has charge of the pool hall under the new management. i The saloon question at Rockville developed into quite a mix-up and for several days Rockivlle was in the dry column, as far as saloons were concerned. Two applicants for li cense. Frank Dvmek. who owns the saloon and Ralph Sundstrom. The village ordinances allow but one sa loon and Mr. Sundstrm had a re monstrance against the issuance of a license to Mr. Dvmek. Mr. Dvmek won out, the board issuing him a li I cense on Saturday evening. Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Garden seeds.—James Bartunek. Palmolive soap at the Rexall store Sure hatch incubators. Sold by J J. Slominski. Buy your Palmolvie soap at the Rex all drug store. Ervin Rowe was a passenger to Farwell Saturday. C. A. Clark made a business trip to St. Paul last Friday. Sheriff Williams was at Rockville on business last Friday. The one-cent sale at The Rexall Store will save you money. We have heard nothing about the Loup City ball team as yet. Tomato and other plants are now ready.—Werner Pritschau. 18-4 Mrs. John Blaska has been very ill with tonsilits the past two weeks. John W. Long went to Omaha Mon day. where he spent several days on business. “Ivanhoe” in moving pictures at the opera house. Friday evening. May 12. Six big reels. Mrs. C. F. Beushausen has been very ill with the measles, but is re ported much improved. L. B. Polski and Floyd Janulewic-z were eastbound passengers to Omaha last Friday on business. J. K. Bailey left Saturday morn ing for McCook and Sweetwater to visit wMth relatives a week or two. Joe O'Bryan returned home from Ord and Omaha where he had been on business and pleasure combined. Mrs. H. E. Willis returned from Omaha Monday night, where she spent a week visiting with relatives. Charles May is running the light plant nights during the absence of Charles Briggs, who is on the sick | list. The board of county supervisors will meet on May 23. This will be their first meeting since early in January. Mrs. William French returned from Falls City on Monday, where she at tended the funeral of her sister. Mrs. Henry Johansen. Fritz, H. J., Chris and Herman Johansen were called to Falls City last Friday by the death of Mrs. Henry Johansen. Miss Bertha Christensen was a pas senger to Palmer last Friday movi ng to spend a few days visiting with "elativs and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Liebhart went to Aurora Saturday morning to visit with the latter’s daughter. Mrs. A. 3. Conger, and family. Straw hats have appeared upon :he scene. Next we will hear the iuzz of the busy little fly and the song >f the nice little mosquito. J. H. Burnett went to Scotts Bluff Monday where he will locate. Mr. 3urnett has been marshal and street commissioner here about nine years. Adolph Rischer was up from Rock ville on a business last Thursday. Mr. Rischer is a paper hanger and tainter and is kept busy most of the ime. City Clerk Ro-we has been a busy nan this week enforcing the dog >rdinance and regulations regarding lutomobiles. Dog taxes became due May 1. A masterly, conscientious and ihoroughly artistic revival of “Ivan toe” will be shown in a six-reel pic it the opera house on Friday evening. May 12. County Treasurer F. M. Henry was iown to the office Monday for the irst time in several weeks. He has mproved in health, though still be ng rather poorly. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Reed. Mrs. A. Davis. Mrs. Dober Smith and Mrs. Crocket, autoed over from Greeley Sunday and spent the day with Mr. md Mrs. A. E. Reed. Mrs. Edith Thelander. who has seen here visiting at the Holcumb home on route two. went to Elm Creek last Saturday morning to visit with the Henry French family. A dance was given at the opera louse after the show Saturday night, die show orchestra furnishing the nusic. About twenty couples ej ioved the occasion immensely. Johnnie Christensen, who has been lere visiting at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christen sen. returned to his home in Torring :on. Wyo., last ^Friday morning. George E. Stein, residing in the south part of Sherman county, and Miss Catherine M. Roth, of Buffalo ■ounty, were granted a license to wed iy County Judge Smith on May ith. Frank J. Ondrak. of Ravenna, and Miss Mary Kasai, of Poole, were narried by County Judge Smith on May 3. The newly wedded couple will make their home at Ravenna, where Mr. Ondrak is employed in a tarage. Do you know we are going to have i ball game in Loup City next Fri lay afternoon? Remember the day md hike to Jenner's park and see our ligh school team cross bats with the ligh school team from Arcadia. Get iut and root and help the boys by four presence. Rev. L. V. Slocumb informed The Vorthwestem reporter yesterday that seven more membeis were taken into the Methodist church last Sunday, making a total of 125 new members received since the revival meetings. The churches of Loup City are en joying a remarkable growth. Daily sells for less. £] Try Chase's first—it pays. 5 Garden seeds—James Bartunek. E Another week and no war for us. E Palmolive soap sold at the Rexall E store. 3 Sure hatch incubators. Sold by J. E J. Slominski. E A complete line of toilet soap at the E Rexall store.—William Graefe. r Mexico is like unto the bad boy E who wants to fight but only hangs E back for fear he will get licked. E The B. Y. P. IT. of the Baptist 3 church will hold a food exchange at = Travis store. Saturday. May 13th. 3 War or no war. we note with pride ! 3 that the farmer, like the industrious 3 honey bee, keeps right on buzzing 3 away. 3 George R. Mann, of Lincoln, mem- j 3 her of the ordinances revision com- 3 mission, was in Loup City on busi- E ness last Thursday. Mr. Mann was E called to Rockville Friday to repre- E sent the village in the saloon case be- E ing tried there. 3 Norton Lambert and family came E in from route one in their Ford car E Saturday night and when about five E miles out of town ran out of gaoline. E True to its reputation the little old E Ford made it to town all right, but E had to be assisted over a couple of E hills. E Mr. Lorcosky', of Sargent, was in 3 town a few hours last Friday en- 3 route to Broken Bow. wdiere he will E assist in the Chief office for a few 3 weeks. Mr. Lorcosky owned the Sar- 3 gent Leader for a number of years, 3 recently disposing of the plant and 3 business. 3 E. A. Miner and family arrived = home from Pleasantville. Iowa, Mon- "•! day evening, where they were called = by the illness of Mr. Miner’s aged M father, who died last week. Mr. I Miner says that Iowa is also in need Ei of rain, though conditions are better a than here. Ed Obermiller found a den cf flj coyotes in the pasture the other day E and dug them out. He bagged nine I of them. On Tuesday he brought |* the scalps to the county clerk's of- I fice and got a dollar apiece for them, I bounty given by the state as an in- B ducement for the extermination of fi these animals. The Saturday crowd in town last 1 Saturday was the largest in years, g Merchants report a g»od business and the ice cream dispensaries sold out all the ice cream in town before the day ended. The large number of autos in town made ft sight not soon to be forgotten. The boy's foot race for a prize given by James Bartunek drew a large crowd, and it resembled a fourth of July celebration. f. On Thursday evening, May 11, from 1:30 to 2:30 o'clock p. m. the schools will be open for the inspection of work done by the pupils, to the pat- H rons and friends of the school. Fol- tM lowing this, at 2:30 o’clock there will — be a May day program given by the children of the schools on the court yard lawn. All parents and friends are urged to attend both the inspec tion and program that will follow. A collection will be taken at the close of the program to defray the ex penses. Of "The Path Forbidden,” which will be shown at the opera house on the evening of May 18, the New York World says: “So many of our plays, books and motion pictures deal with unpleasant subjects, such as vampire women, and depict drinking and ca- ^ rousing by both men and women, that it is refreshing to see a play like — “The Path Forbidden." See it if you 2* want to be thrilled. New Yorkers have never seen more perfect artistry than Octavia Handworth portrays in this story of a girl who went right.” The Northwestern contains a large ad for the Palm Olive Soap Corn many this week. This ad contains a coupon-which wTill be accepted by several dealers in Loup City as full payment for one cake of Palm Olive soap when the holder purchases another cake at the regular price. This is an opportunity to secure two cakes of good soap for the price of one. The Rexall Store, Wm. Graefe. ^ prop, and the Loup City Cash Store, Wm. Lewandowski, prop., both ad vertise Palm Olive soap in this issue of the Northwestern. The 5, 10. 15 and 25 cent store also handies this popular soap. Mr. Hosier struck a snag in sprink ling the strees this week, due to the fact that part of the time he had no water to sprinkle with. It has been advocated several times that the reservoir be enlarged and more wells added, but nothing has ever been done in that line. The question is, what would happen to Loup City in case of a serious fire, should it occur when the reservior was about empty. We believe that the condition of water shortage should not be permitted to exist and that steps should be taken at once to secure a supply of water sufficient for all needs. To further neglect this important matter is tak ing chances that are not necessary W e hope to see an improvement in the water system here very soon. The Rosary at the opera house theater on Tuesday. May 16. One of the best productions of the year, the 7-reel Selig Red Seal Play. “The Ros ary," will be presented. Seldom be fore has the motion picture screen shown such a finished production, both from the dramatic and artistic standpoint. Critics have declared it to be one of that rare class which can justly be called "masterpieces.” The story, which has for its chief characters Father Kelly, a priest, a young man and his wife, is too well known to need any retelling. It is suf ficient to say that in film it does just ice to both the novel and the play. Wheeler Oakman, Frank Clark and Eugenie Besserer are among the well known favorites who appear in the CMt - □ mmw/" r\ * P CaMuX. ma/w | |Aa -wot XaiA 1 ptalvaA 'Wi/cm/U' ^vvt 1 CW\^ *, ^ ^ a^l 1 THE “BOSS” WANTS MEN IN HIS EMPLOY WHO HAVE ^ BANK ACCOUNTS. Z YOU WOULD PREFER THAT KIND IF YOU WERE THE £ BOSS. THEY ARE EARNEST MEN LOOKING OUT FOR THE = FUTURE; THEY ARE NOT LEFT OFF OR DISCHARGED. THE BOSS HAS A FELLOW FEELING FOR THESE MEN. I HE USED TO BANK HIS MONEY; THAT’S HOW HE BE- 2 CAME BOSS. ^ BANK YOUR MONEY. INCREASE YOUR BALANCE. BANK WITH US. | Loup City State Bankl mmillllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.. BUY YOUR MEAT FROM US * It is good meat. It has the right flavor. It is tender. It is easy to digest. It is a relief to that tired, 7 ! overworked and disordered stomach. It means LIFE. Pioneer Meat Market 0. L. TOCKEY, Proprietor The De Laval Separator Call and see one at my store and get prices on them. The Best Separator Made JACOB RITZ Rockville, Nebr. W hen looking for a good lunch or short order drop in at the IDEAL BAKERY LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS We carry a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten tion given to all special orders. The Best is What You Want [ IS WHAT WE GIVE [ And It Costs You No More The economical selling of groceries has been reduced to a science at this store. It is the logical result of conscientious en deavor to satisfy our customers and give them the best possible returns for their money. It is the result of learning from long experience how to buy the right ar ticle at the right time and at the right price, and it enables us to sell to you as we buy. Watch for Palmolive ad in Northwestern Coupons Redeemed here Loup City Cash Store I WM. LEWANDOWSKJ, Proprietor |