The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 11, 1915, Image 5

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    W. F. MASON, President
L. NANSEN, Cashier
Opportunities for men of character are not
hard to find. A bank account is an evidence of
character and a bank book showing regular de
posits is the passport to opportunity and the key
to success. Enroll yourself as a depositor and be
come a member of the “Opportunity Club.” Don’t
forget that the bank account is the first step to
ward success and fortune; protects your family in
emergincies; educates your children; makes you
independent; irives you a standing in the commu
nity ; is a valuable aid in any enterprise under
taken anywhere by anybody, under any conditions.
One dollar will start a bank account with us.
Why not begin today and have at least one of
your idle dollars drawing interest and at work
while you sleep.
First National Bank
Loup City, Nebraska.
We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits.
7. S. John
All Auctioneering business attended to
promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
me a trial. Phone 7304.
Use Ungles Dry Dip
Can Be Used In All Kinds of Weather.
Easy to use
Simply sow
it over the
stock like
grass seed.
It works by
evopo ra
ti on and
need not be
on the ani
Is the ver
min exter
l infectant &
which you
have been
(looking for.
O r der to
Immediately stops the loss incurred in feeding
stock which are pestered with vermin and itch
ing, Cleanliness means profit.
Is cheap, 25 lbs. $2.50. 50 lbs. $4.50.100 lbs $8.00
All put up in tight wood packages.
Phone 9611, or purchase at Hayhurst-Cxallaway’s
Hardware Store
Compare our Job Work with others
a word to the wise is sufficient.
At the New Opera House
Will Run Every Night in The
Week Hereafter '
A 4-Reel Show
Every Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday
Change of Program
Nothing but the best pictures will be shown here.
Everybody is cordially invited to attend.
Let the Northwestern visit your
home duriig 1915. You will like it.
Effective Punishments.
One ol the first judges—real judges
—of Deadwood put in operation many
odd ideas of corrective punishment
If a man was brought before him
charged with shooting up a peaceful
place without provocation this judge
used to delight in tolling off half a
dozen good 6hots, whose business It
was to fire all around the accused,
who was made to stand up against
a wall. The closer the shots and the
more scared the accused the better
the judge liked It. If the accused
demurred against this little tit-for-tat
punishment he v as formally ordered
to stand up and the maximum sen
tence under the code was meted out
to him. In the case of a prisoner who
might not be impressed with the tar
get practice sentence there were oth
er penalties, such as a five mile gallop
on a frisky horse, with the legs of the
accused tied under the horses belly
and a saddle made of fair sized stones
wrapped in a blanket for his seat. Pro
test against this meant again the ex
treme code punishment.
"Madame” Fitted Him.
The friends of a certain senator say
that, although it is admitted that some
one used senate stationery to promote
a mining scheme, it is very unjust to
make any charge of dishonesty against
the kindly old man. To illustrate his
character, they tell this story: He
was one of the funeral party that ac
companied the body of a distinguished
senator <o its burial place. On the
return trip he went early to bed. The
next morning his round, red face, de
void of hair, gentle of expression and
wrinkled, was thrust out of his berth
as the Pullman conductor passed by.
‘‘Are we on time, captain?" called out
the senator in his thin piping voice.
“Just on time, madame,” said the con
ductor, as he lifted his hat and passed
Gov McLane and ibr Bible.
Gov. John Mci ane of Hamp
j shire, like ail Sot *ch people is very
re.igions. On n recent Sundsy after
noon. while the fa "ly—the governor.
Mrs. MeLane, a s.j about 12 years
old ano Mrs. McLane’s "lother—were
eating dinner, there was a very ani
mated debate in regard to religion.
Gov. MeLane is very liberal in his
theological views, while his ir other-in
law is veiy or.hod x. After a sharp
retort from hr- as ‘o his interpreta
tion of ‘-foik. dogma, the governor
said: “t-..other, you know on., side
of the Bible only; but 1 pride myself
on knowing hot:: sides of it."
At this statement the governor’s
young son brought 'he discussion to
an abrupt close, 'Then he swVt up:
"That a »o. but i s the ‘outside’ pa
knows best!"
Rare Books Fetch High Price*.
Ben Jonson's works were in favor
when the sale of the fourth portion cf
the Huth library' commenced at Sothe
by's In London. The only copy known
on large paper of "The Fall of Se
Janus” realized $4,500. It was in
creased in value by being an auto
graph copy, containing in Ben Jon
son's writing the dedication: "To my
perfect friend. Mr. Francis Crane. I
erect this pillar of friendship, and
leave it as the eternal witness of my
love.—Ben Jonson.” The fourth book
printed with a date, Balbu’s Cathol
Icon," fetched $3,800, and the second
of the original unauthentic quarto edi
tions of ’‘John, Iving of England,” a
play used by Shakespeare, realized
Beer Always on Tap.
Bavaria has the world's record for
beer drinking. Perhaps that accounts
for a certain push button In the city
of Nuremberg. On one of the many
interesting little streets cf that quaint
old town there is a large, plain-look'
ing building which serves as the down
town office and warehouse of a cer
tain large brewery. In the wall near
the door of this wholesale establish
ment there is a push button that evi
dently connects with an electric bell
Bomewhere. Over it is a sign reading
"Bierglocke," which translated literal
ly into English means “Beer Bell"—
evidently an arrangement for sum*
moning more beer in case of emer
Bull-Fight Tragedies.
Bull fights as Madrid have been
marked by two tragedies recently, one
of them of a very unusual character.
During an exhibition by amateurs a
bull which had been severely wounded
by a toreador was writhing in agony
when a matador approached to attack
it with a short sword. In his strug
gles the wou-ided animal knocked the
sword out of the matador's hand and
sent it flying over into the public en
closure, where it struck a spectator in
the chest, killing him on the spot.
The victim of the second tragedy was
Miguel Freg, the Mexican toreador,
who was overtaken in the ring and
gored by a bull. He died in the hos
pital shortly afterward.
Jam, From “Jamaica."
Jam seems to take its name from
Jamaica, and is comparatively a mod
ern luxury. Galt, in his “Annals of
the Parish." states that the fashion
of jam making was introduced into
Scotland about 1760, when berry
bushes were planted by “some of our
young men that had been sailors com
ing from Jamaica,” and the condiment
was valued in the first place chiefly as
“an excellent medicine for a sore
throat.” A writer in Hone's “Every
day Book,” in 1826, deplored the fact
that jam could not be “purchased at
the shops as other articles of con
sumption are.”
Hasty Sightseeing.
Europeans are wont to talk of Amer
icans who rush through Europe with
a guide bock in one hand and a rail
road timetable in the other, but an
Englishman overheard on a New York
bus the other day was in a class by
himself for speed. “I’ve been up to
the Metropolitan museum,” he volun
teered to a seatmate. “Bally flna
place, but big. Took me an hour to
see everything in 1C"
A Preacher's Partisan Prayer.
It is difficult for the fervent partisan
to avoid politics, even in the pulpit
There are those, too, who never try.
Among them was Father Taylor, the
Boston sailor-preacher. He was once
conducting a Sunday morning service
a few days before the state elections,
and he took the opportunity of offer
ing up a fervent prayer that a man
might be chosen for governor who
would rule in the fear of God, who
would never be afraid of the face of
day, who would defeat the ringlead
ers of corruption, who would defy his
own party if it yielded to wire pullers,
who— Suddenly Father Taylor
paused. Then he brought his prayer
to an abrupt conclusion. “O, Lord,”
he exclaimed, "what's the use of box
ing the compass in this way? Give us
George N. Briggs for governor.
Amen! ”
Recovering Rapidly.
When the doctor came down from
seeing her husband he told her that’
her good man would shortly be on the
road to convalescence. 'What's that?"
she asked. ‘‘I mean he will be get
ting better," said the doctor. “You
will know because he will get irritable
—extremely so.” When he called the
next day the doctor found the devoted
woman as happy as a sandboy, smiling
and singing to herself. “And how are
we today?" he asked. “Oh, he's get
ting better all right.’ she answered.
“He came down to the kitchen this
morning and threw a coffeepot at the
cook, and shot our old house dog be
cause it wouldn't say Please!’ So I
cooked him a dish of tripe and onions
and he has gone hack to work, it's
wonderful how you doctors know
Commercial Spies.
Spying is as prevalent in the com
mercial world as in the political world,
though the existence of these com
mercial spies is not nearly so well
known. There are certain classes of
manufacturers, however, v. ho habitu
ally employ a regiment of spies—com
petent men, whose business it is- to go
to other lands and spy out the new en
terprises and inventions being made
by the various traders. Individual
methods vary very greatly, and are
often so subtle as to make it difficult
to tackle them.
“Israfel" Angel of Music.
Israfel or Israfil, in Mohammedan
mythology, was the angel of music,
who puossesses the most melodious
voice of all God's creatures. This is
the angel who is to sound the resur
rection trump and will ravish the ears
of the saints in Paradise, Israfel, Ga
briel and Michael, were the three an
gels that warned Abraham of Sodom's
destruction. In the Koran we read:
‘and the angel Israfel. whose heart
strings are a lute, and who has the
sweetest voice of all God’s creatures."
Appreciative Spectator!
Lawyers are not the only clast In
which a sense of the pecuniary value
of their attentions is well developed.
It is recorded of a famous actor that
in the course of a tour he rewarded
the politeness of a waiter at his hotel
with a pass for the theater to which all
the town was crowding to see the
stage favorite in a great play. The
next day the actor asked the man
hotv he had enjoyed the visit to the
theater. "Oh, it wae very nice, I en
joyed it very well, indeed—but—er—
who is to pay me for my time?’ was
the disconcerting reply.
Thought Gorilla a Myth.
It is a strange fact of natural h!»
torv that the gorilla was unknown to
science until the middle of the last
century, when there was a migration
of the animals from the interior of
Africa towards the coast, probably in
quest of food. Tile first scientific in
vestigation of the great ape was made
by an American missionary, Rev.
Leighton Wilson. He was met with
jeers that ' there ain’t no such animal,”
until, towards the close of 1846, he ob
tained a skull and sent it to the Bos
ton Museum of Natural History.
Encourage Children to Play.
Play gives joy, freedom, content
ment and occupation. A child who
plays thoroughly, with perseverance
and determination, will be thorough
and persevering in life. Children
are full of imagination, which findB
expression in their games and play.
A child's world is very real. Blocks,
balls, water colors, scrap books,
sands, spools or garden tools have a
significance for him.
K!s Time Had C:-e.
Again that ringing in 1.1; ears! It
Teas the warning he had dreaded. He
knew his time had ccme. Yet, al
though he had started at the Bound, he
seemed half-dazed and wholly careless
of the conseouences. Put etlll the
ringing in his ears! “Drat it!” he
finally said, and springing from bed
the careworn commuter shut off the
alarm clock and proceeded to dress for
the 7:10 train.—Puck.
Altogether Out of Place.
James Payn once told the story of
a visiting parson who was starting the
prayer for rain when the clerk pulled
his coat tails. “You musn’t read that,
air,” he said. “But it’s a prayer for a
good harvest, my man,” expostulated
the preacher. “That’s Just it, sir,” ex
plained the clerk; "the visitors are
our harvest, and we want none of
your rain.”
Really Not Her Fault.
Little Jane is impish, lovable I
vary ingenious in the matter of ex
cuses for her frequent wrongdoing.
Reproached, the other evening, for an
Ul-spent day, she waxed gently de
fiant. "Yes, I ke~w I’ve been
naughty, but, really, l couldn’t help it.
1 specially asked God to make me
good today, but he didn’t choose tg
«o it ”
Java Surpasses Egypt.
Java possesses ruins of temples of
p vanished religion that in vast wealth
pf sculpture surpass anything Egypt
Atavism In Doga.
DogH, probably the earliest of do
mesticated animals, when transferred
to a tropical country, such as central
Africa, lose in a few generations most
of the characteristics they have ac
quired in Europe, and revert more and
more to the type of the jackal and the
wolf. Then their ears, whatever their
breed, tend to become pointed, their
coats turn sandy or rufous and their
bark becomes a howl. Some attempt
has been made to show that this is the
result of disease and resembles the
effect of malaria on the human consti
tution. Yet the Egyptian dog of Phar
aonic times possessed, as is seen by
the monuments, these very character
istics: and as he was certainly domes
ticated before the European animal,
it is probable that these are original
features of the race.
English Prejudice Against Corn.
Maize haa long been grown in Eng
land at a, foraga crop for cattle and
horses—but this is not sugar corn—
and the average Britisher has not yet
overcome his prejudice against eating
horse feed. Yet English cattle and
English horses have an enviable repu
tation in parts of the world outside of
England, and it may be that the Eng
lishman will take a leaf out of hia
horse book.
Ideal Land fop Coffee.
The coffee plant flourishes best In
well-watered region, in a tropical cli
mate at an elevation of 1,500 to 5,000
feet, and in a rich soil. All these ele
ments are found to perfection in Hra
zil, especially in the four states of Sao
Paulo, fclo de Janeiro, Espirito Santo
and Minas Geraes, whose combined
areas cover about one-eighth of the
vast dcmaiu of the republic. This sec
tion produces about four-fifths of the
world’s supply of coffee.
Seemed to Him Wasteful.
A eoung Frenchman was being n about Calderstones park by an
English friend. “What a fine place
this would make for shooting. Look
at the birds flying about,” said the
Frenchman. The Englishman replied
to the effect that, with certain excep
tions, It was the spirit of the country
to encourage bird life. The son of
Gaul shook his head and observed
half-sorrowfully. “It does seem a pity
that all this food should be flying
Uround and no use made of it.”
Putting the Matter Plainly.
He was an old-fashioned father
which explains why he said to the
young man: “Are you sure you're
able to give my daughter the com
forts and luxuries to which she is ac
customed at home?” To which the
young man promptly replied: "As
your daughter's salary has paid the
rent and bougnt most of the clothes
and food for your family, I think wt
'an worry along.”
A certain major in the Philippines,
who seemed to be favored with the
good-will of the powers, managed in
some wav always to get leave just
before trouble with the natives was
due. His coloael suspected him ot
having no stomach for fighting.
“Some day,” remarked the colonel,
“they'll want to give that fellow a
decoration, and I'll suggest one. It
will be a wreath of leaves of ab
Some Famous Italians.
Volta and Galvani made great con
tributions to the selence of electricity,
but Garibaldi was not a scientist. His
energies all ran in the direction of bat
tle for the social and political eman
cipation of humanity, especially of his
pwn countrymen. If you have not al
ready done so you should read the life
of Garibaldi—the most popular name
In the history of modern Italy.—Chi
cago Examiner.
Marjorie's Gv/od Wishes.
Marjorie’s father was away on s
Journey, and Marjorie deemed it her
duty to send him a bulletin as to home
affairs. After the expenditure of much
labor and Ink she produced the fol
lowing paragraph: “My Dear Daddy
—Mother Is well. I am very well. The
baby is very well, and has a lot mors
sense now. Hoping you are the same.”
What Astonished Legal Expert.
“The Declaration of independence Is
a wonderful document,” said the patri
otic citizen. "Yes,'' replied the legal
expert;- “It's one of the ablest docu
ments I ever saw. And the most re
markable thing is that with all the
ability it represents, nobody appears
to have received a cent for drawing
U up.’
Fortunate People.
It has been rightly said that “the
fortunate people—the truly fortunate
—are not so much those who succeed
in life as those who succeed in living.”
Right living is a beautiful art, made
up of courage and kindness and hard
work and true religion; and it is open
to everybody.—Selected.
Trees Many Centuries Old.
Probably the oldest treeB in Eng
land are yews. There Is, for instance,
one in the churchyard at Burrington
Coombe, where the famous hymn,
“Rock of Ages,” is said to have been
written,-which is estimated to be at
least sixteen hundred years old, and
there is also a very ancient one in the
churchyard at Stoke Poges, where
Gray wrote his “Elegy.”
Beautiful Name*.
“We must have a beautiful name for
the baby.” said the fond mother.
“Something that sounds like poetry
and is not at all commonplace.”
“Well,” replied the fond father. “I’m
doing my best to help you make a se
lection. Here’s a list of the names of
all the apartment houses in town.”—
Washington Star.
Not Much on Him.
“Oh, I know a few things,” said the
haughty senior. “Well, you’ve got
nothing on me,” retorted the fresh
man. “Guess I knew as few things me
Royal Reception Week
Commencing March 6th, Ending Match 13th
Every man is urged to attend Re
ception week-but no man is
urged to buy. For this is a
demonstration week.
Half a Thousand of the newest
woolen weaves are waiting your
unhampered inspection.
Come and See Them
Victor Vicner, proprietor.
Ideal Bakery & Restaurant
Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at all
We Also Carry a Full Line of Bakery Goods.
Careful Attention Given all Special Orders.
Cream Puffs and Boston Brown Bread every Saturday after
noon. Put in your order early.
Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills .
when you can get
Loup City White Satin Flour
for less money, and every sack guaranteed.
All dealer.-, handle our flour.
Auctioneer I
Loup City, Nebraska.
All Auctioneering Business Attended to !
promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give <
me a trial. !
See my price and make your dates at the First National Bunk j
In planning “The Perfect Coast Tour” or the “See
America Tour,” Scenic Colorado is of first im
portance. No coast tourist could afford to say
that he had not included ‘Scenic Colorado” either
one way or the other in this world's greatest rail
journey. Go one way via Seattle, Portland, and
during the season visit either Glacier or Yellow
stone National Park. Link together these scenic
routes with the Ocean Coast voyage between
f an Francisco and Portland.
Through the season, various publications,
special folders and the like will be available,des
criptive of the Burlington circuit rates and
through service routes.
L. W. WEEKLY, General Passenger Agent
1004 Farnum Street, Omaha.
Not join the pro
cession and be
come a North
western reader?
Everybody’s is
doing it.