W. F. MASON, President L. NANSEN, Cashier OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities for men of character are not hard to find. A bank account is an evidence of character and a bank book showing regular de posits is the passport to opportunity and the key to success. Enroll yourself as a depositor and be come a member of the “Opportunity Club.” Don’t forget that the bank account is the first step to ward success and fortune; protects your family in emergincies; educates your children; makes you independent; irives you a standing in the commu nity ; is a valuable aid in any enterprise under taken anywhere by anybody, under any conditions. One dollar will start a bank account with us. Why not begin today and have at least one of your idle dollars drawing interest and at work while you sleep. First National Bank Loup City, Nebraska. We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. 7. S. John Auctioneer LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA All Auctioneering business attended to promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a trial. Phone 7304. Use Ungles Dry Dip Can Be Used In All Kinds of Weather. Easy to use Simply sow it over the stock like grass seed. It works by evopo ra ti on and need not be on the ani mal. I Is the ver min exter minator,dis l infectant & cleanser which you have been (looking for. O r der to day. Immediately stops the loss incurred in feeding stock which are pestered with vermin and itch ing, Cleanliness means profit. Is cheap, 25 lbs. $2.50. 50 lbs. $4.50.100 lbs $8.00 All put up in tight wood packages. MILO GILBERT Agent Phone 9611, or purchase at Hayhurst-Cxallaway’s Hardware Store Compare our Job Work with others a word to the wise is sufficient. Notice THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House Will Run Every Night in The Week Hereafter ' A 4-Reel Show Every Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday Change of Program Nothing but the best pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. THOMAS DADDOW Let the Northwestern visit your home duriig 1915. You will like it. Effective Punishments. One ol the first judges—real judges —of Deadwood put in operation many odd ideas of corrective punishment If a man was brought before him charged with shooting up a peaceful place without provocation this judge used to delight in tolling off half a dozen good 6hots, whose business It was to fire all around the accused, who was made to stand up against a wall. The closer the shots and the more scared the accused the better the judge liked It. If the accused demurred against this little tit-for-tat punishment he v as formally ordered to stand up and the maximum sen tence under the code was meted out to him. In the case of a prisoner who might not be impressed with the tar get practice sentence there were oth er penalties, such as a five mile gallop on a frisky horse, with the legs of the accused tied under the horses belly and a saddle made of fair sized stones wrapped in a blanket for his seat. Pro test against this meant again the ex treme code punishment. "Madame” Fitted Him. The friends of a certain senator say that, although it is admitted that some one used senate stationery to promote a mining scheme, it is very unjust to make any charge of dishonesty against the kindly old man. To illustrate his character, they tell this story: He was one of the funeral party that ac companied the body of a distinguished senator