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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1915)
I I f 1 W I %*> « (!) <S» It, M I I I 1 i ra asp I (nil i SPECIAL FOR CASH The coupons in this Adv., if cut out and presented at our store are good for a cash re bate of 10 per cent on the dollar on all goods in stock except flour, or sugar by the hundred weight. **»«*»•! Cash Coupon Good for 10 cents, with a $100 purchase, at C. C. COOPER S Cash Coupon Good for 10 cents, with a $1.00 purchase, at C. C. COOPER S Cash Coupon Good for 10 cents, with a $1.00 purchase, at C. C COOPER S Cash Coupon Good for 10 cents, with a $1.00 purchase at C. C. COOPER S Cash Coupon Good for 10 cents, with a $1.00 purchase, at C. C. COOPER S This Offer Expires on the 10th Day of March 1915 in I I ■*> C. C. Cooper News Along Rural Route 2 Harry Shipley took home a load of coal, Saturday. Floyd Howard visited at Albion the past week. Don’t forget the Grange Literary next Friday evening, Febr. 19, ,?ohn Blaska and wife spent Sun day at Jas. McBeth's. The Grange took in eleven new members,last Tuesday. E. J. Flynn marketed two loads of hogs on the Loup marketed Tuesday. Carrier on two received many pretty valentines the past week. Mrs. Stark butchered a young beef last week. Fern Wilkie was some better, Tues day, he has been very sick for some time. Will Miller put his mail box in a more convenient place for the carrier the past week. Lawson Bailie has started to move on his rented place east of Hazard, this we&k W. T. Draper did some repair work at the Prarie Gem schoolhouse Mon day. Roland Goodwin and Art Casteel went to Grand Island Monday to at tend the horse sale. Harry Hinman and Bob Prichard were repairing telephone lines on route two the past week. .1. W. Cowling took his daughter, Yida out to her school in the Biehel district. Monday. There will be no mail service on route two next Monday the 22nd. This being a holiday. Miss Meroe Outhouse taught school Saturday. She was making up one of the blizzardy days. Rufus lliddleson is working for Will Hawk, having sold his dray line to Roy McDonald. Pupils neither tardy nor absent during the fifth month of school from district No. 72 are: Lester Shipley, Viola and Bessie Kilpatrick. Silvia and Louisa Schwaderer. Fritz Biehel attended the big Here ford cattle sale at Grand Island the ]8th and 19th. Mr. Biehel is a member of the Hereford Whiteface cattle association, and always takes interest in these meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Will Draper attended the Eastern Star lodge at Loup City one night last week and on their way home got into a drift just south of the V. P. depot and had to unhitch the team and pull the buggy out backwards. Chandler and Martin were out on route two Sunday Using telephones. They got stuck in a drift and had to call for help to get out. The telephone men, doctors, and carriers have all been up against the real thing tiie past few weeks. The Cash family on route two are certainly having hard luck the past week. Last Friday they had a mule get his foot caught in the wire fence in such a manner that it cut its foot off just above the hoof. It died a short time afterwards. Monday the best milk cow they had on the place fell and broke it's neck, and the worst of it was that the cow be longed to Glenn and she had been fresh only a few days. The southwest route district was completely blocked with snow for over ten days during the blizzardv weather. Hut 1 managed to get around through pastures and plowed fields. If I run up against some thing so that 1 do not get around, I go thorough for 1 always carry a shovel and it does not make any dif ference how bad the roads are I will get to you some time during the day never give me up, for if I do not get to your place the first day. remember I am still on the road as J never turn back, unless there is a terrible blizz ard raging. The farmers have had a hard time getting feed to their stock the past three weeks, and during the blizzards that held for a week in the first part of February hundreds of head of stock were several days without feed or water. Many horses and cattle were completely snowed in and the only way that water and feed could be got to them through the roof of the sheds or building. There was very little loss during that trving week. Some of the farmers’ fences are cov ered with from 2 to 10 feet of snow. The third blizzard since the first of February struck us Saturday night and all day Sunday the 4th it almost made the road impassable. The road to the south bridge was completely blocked again W. O. Brown said that he has lived here 40 years and had never seen such conditions as we have had the past two weeks. To the road bosses and patrons 1 was glad you helped me through the bad roads again Monday. ROCKVILLE HEWS Mrs. Wm. Reimers went to Boelus fast Tuesday to visit with her brother and family. The Misses Nora Ohlund and Wilma Nelson went to Ashton last Wednesday to visit friends. Miss Pearl Needham, deputy county treasurer, came down from Loup City last Saturday for a visit at the Dr. Dickinson home. Henrv Bushhausen has sold his interest in the pump and well business to Ed. Isaacson, and the firm hereafter will be Bowen <6 Isaacson. Carl Jensen, son of Niels Jen sen, just east of town, returned last Saturday from Lincoln,where he was taking the short course in the state agricultural school. E. F. Kozel, of the firm of Ko zel & Sorensen, went to Omaha last Tuesday to take in the auto mobile show. He left the Mrs. at home to enjoy herself. Oh, you naughty man. T. K. Lay of the Keystone Lbr. Co. ’s force at Loup City, is taking care of the local yards at present, the manager, F. A. Dunker being on the sick list. E. Dwehus went to Frogtown last Tuesday. He did not men tion his business down there, but we should judge it was to get a drink of good water. E. Cords and a Mr. Langford, a piano salesman, who found the at traction of our little town so strong that he concluded to spend the winter here, went to Omaha last Friday, both returning hale and hearty on Monday evening’s motor. A comedy entitled “A Cheerful Liar,” by home talent, was given under the auspices of the local base ball club last Saturday night at the opera house. Although the weather was next to a blizzard there was a good-sized house. To say the least, this was one of the best plays put across the foot lights, by home talent, the house being in a continual uproar from beginning to end. The specials between the acts by the Misses Olga Scherzbach and Fay Neilson received generous applause. We understand the management has been requested to repeat the play at some future date, when the roads are in better condition, so the country folks can enjoy it. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR NOWIN We have just received our spring line of Muslin Undewear, Underskirts, Corset Covers. Call and see them. Loop City Morentile Co. LOCAL NEWS Daily sells for less. Mason Philips was a St. Paul visitor last Saturday. Frank Adamson was a passen to Seward, Neb., Tuesday morn ing of this week. Daily sells for less. County Surveyor E. II. Corn ing was an Ashton visitor Tues day. J. W. Long went to Lincoln Tuesday morning on a business trip. If you want good, prompt draying, call on John McDonall, successor to L.C. McDonall. Phone Red 104 Nelson Fisher received two fine mule-feet hogs Monday, shipped to him from the south part of the state. Daily sells foi less. Rev. Slocumb will be home b.v next Sunday and all services will be as usual at the Methodist church. Leave orders for John McL mail dray at either lumber yard, or at E G. Taylor’s, or Phone Red 104 Louis Strattmann, aged 30 and single, committed suicide hist Fri day night at his home near Chap man by shooting himself twice with a 25-20 rifle. Daily sells for less. President Johansen and Secre tary Tracy are busy these days rounding up and securing the coming attractions for our next county fair. Stationery, tablets, and school supplies at Joe Vaughn’s. Sunday morning services at the German church as usual. Choir practise Friday evening. Ladies aid met Thursday with Mrs. D. Baumann. Pay cash, Pay less, for your groceries at Joe Vaughn’s. Two changes in dray firms oc curred this week, C. L. McDonald buying out Rufus Hiddleson, and Walter Thornton buying out Jno. McDonald. ^ The pony contest closed hist Saturday night, Miss Bessie Con ger being announced as the win ner Tuesday night at the picture show. Quality and Quanitity groceries at Joe Vaughn’s. Clarence Pruss, the three weeks old child of Frank Pruss died of pneumonia,and was buried Thurs day. J. E. Scott of the Daily Furniture Co. had charge of the funeral. _ Don Holmes will this week Sat urday move down on the farm north of Ravenna vacated by his brother Robert, who has a public sale the day previous and will go up into Cherry county, where he has bought a ranch near Crooks ton. We wish both the brothers the best of good fortune in their new locations. A special lot of split southern Red Cedar posts 13c each, while they last. Hansen Lumber Co. Clifford Bone brought to this office Monday a lemon sent to him from Edinburg, Texas the other day which was one of the largest we ever saw, weighing two pounds. That's some lemon, eh? If you want a dray, phone A. L. Enderlee, Black 63. or leave your or der with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. Baptist—10:30 a. m., subject, ‘The Heart’s Desire.” B. Y. P. U., 6:20 p. m., led by Miss Eva Jackson. 7:30, subject, “Young People as God's Witnesses”, a subject of special interest to young people. We will sell you enough Square Deal woven wire fence to fence 160 acres for §160. Hansen Lumber Co. Mrs. R. H. Mathew and little son returned from Chicago last Friday evening, where they had been for the past two or more weeks while the baby was being treated by a specialist. No opera tion was found necessary, we are glad to note;_ Loup City Flour is sold by all our merchants. This flour is guaranteed and if not satisfactory your money will be refunded to you. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Topolski of Schaupps attended the club dance at the opera house last Friday evening. These club dances are attracting wide attention from the younger class, not only of this city, but from our neighboring towns as well. Notice—All Modern Woodman of Loup City are requested to be there Feb. 23, business of import ance. L. V. Slocumb. The third and last blizzardy weather of Friday and Saturday seriously interfered' with passen ger and freight traffic on the Union Pacific west of North Platte and the Burlington in the north west part of the state, so much so that freight traffic did not attempt to go anywhere otf schedule time. Of course, branch roads were laid up as usual. r#3 i S CALL AND SEE \ i s In The New Dress Goods New Trimmings and New Embroideries, at R. L. ARTHUR S [#aB m i ! i I i i e ;#xl Lincoln, Feb. 15.—Food Com missioner Harman received word this morning that the second ol the parties prosecuted at Ord foi selling diseased' meat, had enterec a plea of guilty and paid a fine The second man to plead guilt.) was Mr. Mazac, a butcher, he wai assessed a fine of $100. l3aily sells for less. Some prices of interest at the Wesl Side 3-10 and 23c Store. Crepe paper in all shades 7c per rol 3 boxes of matches for. 10< 3000 new post cards eacl China nest eggs.3 for 5< Scrub brushes of all kinds 5-10 and 15< Corn poppers.10 and 15< John Ohlsen and son last Wed nesday closed a contract for a 3 story brick building at Ansley, Nebr., with basement, three stor< buildings, metal ceilings, pressec brick front with plate glass, and up-to-date in all appointments Over two of the store building! will be a Masonic hall, while ovei the other will be offices. Th< building will be 72x80 feet, anc will cost approximately from $13, 000 to $15,000 when completed. To the cash trade—Did yoi ever take notice that we carry tin most up-to-date line of Groceries and Dry Goods in Loup City, oui stock is large and complete. W< are not over-stocked on merchan dise, and do not have a lot of un desirable goods on our shelves t< offer you at cash prices, but we do have the new up-to-date mer chandise, and will meet any price that our competitors make you on any class of goods it does not make any difference what the price is, we will still save you money. Remember the store. VIC SWANSON’S The store that has up-to-date goods at the lowest prices. Special Teacher’s Examination. Examination will be heid Fri day and Saturday this week, Feb. 19 and 20. L. H. Currier, County Superintendent. Want Advertising The rate for advertising in this column of the Northwestern is 5 cents a line for each insertion. The Northwestern is tiie oldest newspaper in Sherman county, and is acknow ledged the best advertising medium in this section of Nebraska. Wanted—For the Eastern war zone, the best and most market able horses, sufficient in size and qnalit.v for any of the duties re quired there. See Myrl Warrick. FOR SALE OR RENT Few choice male Poland China hogs, for sale. Milo A. Gilbert. For Sale—Imported Percheron stal lion and purebred Holstein cow,fresh, with two bull calves, Grant Rogers. For Sale—Two registered Short hornbulls, yrs. 1 and 4 years. G. B. Wilkie, Route 2, Loup City, Neb. We have still on hand at the old brick yard a large quantity of brick for sale. Prospective purchasers will do well to see or write us regarding same. At their earliest opportunity. Henry Ohlsen & Son. Loup City, Nebraska. For Sale—1 team of horses, 5 years old wt. 1000; 1 set light work harness; 1 low truck farm wagon; 1 good top buggy; 1 Jen nie Lind walking cultivator; 1, 14 inch stirring plow; Deering mow er. Alfred Andersen* For Sale—Some of the best farm and ranch land In south Cherry county, In tracts of from a half section to four sections, close to good towns, schools and churches. For further In formation, write or call on R. F, Osborn, Cherry, Nebr. 118-4. HANSEN LUMBER CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. P. LEININGER LUMBER CO. Lumber and Building Material KLEAN COALS THAT DON’T KLINKER We sell Paints, Oils and Glass. Our paints are like some smiles “They Won’t Come Off LET US FIGURE TOUR LUMBER BILLS Yeu Will Like It When From HANSEN LUMBER COMPANY For Suit* or Trade—My resi dence and three lots, known as the old Judge Hunter property, in first block north of court house square. Price and terms made known upon inquiry. J. W. Burleigh. Notice For Liquor Licence. : In the Matter of the Application of Julius J. Dilla for a Liquor License: Notice is hereby given that the said Julius J. Dilla did, on the 10th day of February, A. D. 1915, tile his petition to the chairman and members of the County Board of Supervisors of Sher 1 man county. State of Nebraska, for a ' license to sell malt, spirituous and : vinous liquors at retail at Schaupps, in the southeast quarter of section twelve (12) township fifteen (15) north range fourteen (U) in the county of Sherman, and State of Nebraska, from the 6th day of March, 1915, to the 6th day of March, 1916. If there be no objection, protestor reraonstra ance filed on or before March 4, 1915, said license will be granted. Dated this 10th day of Feburary. A. D. 1915. Julius J. Dilla. Attest: L. B. Polski, County Clerk. A. W. Boecking, Deputy. WANTED 20,000 POUNDS OF POULTRY Will Pa, Delivered at Loup City, Nebraska Friday and Saturday Febr. 12 th and 13th at our car on Bur lington Tracks. 11c For Hens and Springs 61c For Old Roosters These Prices are Top so I think you should do well to sell now. J. J. Slominski 4 Report of the Condition or THE Rockville State Bank Of Rockville. Charter No. 851. in the '• ■ of Nebraska, at the close of busin*— Feb. Pth. 1915: RESOURCES: Loans and Disooun ts.. -'« 4 Overdrafts. Banking house, furniture and fixture- . Current expenses.taxes and int. pai.; l)ue from National and State Banks__ |22 066 4: Checks and items of ex change .. 9K M Currency... I 732 wt Gold coin. i .625 ■« Silver, nickels and cents.. 273 in i Total.... LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in. Surplusfund. Undivided profits. Individual deposits sub ject to check..... 137.710 19 Demand certificates of de posit. UM 80 Time certificates of de posit... 52.061 15 Depositor's guarantee fund *lP. .X I i i v Total lie State of Nebraska, j Countyof Howard. 1 I, EL Dwehus. cashier of the aluve m bank, do hereby swear that the ai»oe - ment is a correct and true copy of the i. made to the State Banking Board E. Dwihi . Attest: P. Jensen. Director. Olof Nelson, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of E’ebruary. 1915. Chris Apph [seal] Notary Paid. By George Barr McCutche.i is a story which strike? an original note. Its plot is bold* striking and unique. How james Brood’s early mistake affected his file, and the strange way in which he dis covered his error, form an exciting narrative which no lover ot fic tion should miss. [)ur New Serial! *e Sure to Get the Issue Vith the First Installment