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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1915)
4 f OLDEST PAPER IN SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN SHERMAN COUNTY. THE PAPER THAT THE PEOPLE READ VOLUME XL LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. February. 11th 1915. NUMBER 8 1 SECOND SPASM OF BLIZZARD Firs! Spasm Bad Enough, But Second Spell Showed the First to Have Been Only Boys’ Play. WORST IN HISTORY OF NEBRASKA. No storms of the blizzardy sort in the history of Nebraska, with ^ accompanying disaster no tele graph and phone communications, has exceeded those of the past week, although others have been accompanied by more severe cold weather. In this, the state has been most fortunate, for if the blizzards had been side pards of biting, intense, below zero weath er. deaths to many people, besides death and destruction to thousands upon thousands of head of stock f would have resulted. What was t lie first blizzard last week, can be said of the second, following on the heels of the first, only in a greater degree. More wires were pulled down, more train service put out of commission, more snow fell, higher winds swept over the ^ country, and much more deviltry was done by far ‘in the second than in the first spasm. The second storm began Wed nesday night of last week and by Thursday morning had drifted so badly that so far as these branch line were concerned train service on the U. P. out of here was aban doned. the motor not going out / either that morning nor Friday 0 morning, the oidy train Thursday on that branch being the freight, which managed to come up from St. Paul about 1 o’clock with the mail and returning, taking thefe.v passengers who cared to risk go ing got stuck in a big drift 3 miles this side of Dannebrog, where it still remained Saturday. It was also reported Friday afternoon that the snow plow .that was doing missionary work on that branch got tired between Dannebrog and St. Paul, and was resting in too big adrift to overcome. The Sar gent passenger came down Thurs day morning and got east as far 1 as Farwell, where it got stuck in a snow drift and was still there Saturday, while the snow plow, which was out Billy Sundaying and marooned train of passengers. A. L Barnes, who for some months past h is been the efficient yard-master at the Leininger Lumber Co’s yards, severed his connection with the .yards at the advent of the new company and has returned to his home at Au rora. He was one of the very host young men borrowed from a neighboring city, and it is with regret we learn of his leaving us. Wherever he goes the best wishes of the Northwestern and the many friends he made while here will follow him. It would have been worth see ing if a moving picture could have been made last Friday afternoon of Frank Mickow, Herman Jo hansen, Emil Dolling and other of the good boys, trving to buck snow drifts in pedestrian stunts from their farms into Loup City. Asked why in thun—no, not that in winter, but just why in thu— just why they did not remain at home instead, they admitted that with the beautiful in every dir ection, the landscape view was not sufficiently attractive to keep them from the lure of the city, etc. County Treasurer F. M. Henry went to Hastings Monday to at tend the state association of coun ty treasurers, of which organiza tion lie is vice president. He will come home as the president of the society or we miss our guess. It is slated to meet Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. was sleeping quietly somewhere between St. Paul and the unfor nates. It is thought that W. R. Mellor, who with his wife was re turning to Lincoln from the Com mercial Club banquet here, ac companied by Prof. Barbour, could write very interestingly of their experience while stranded in the snow drift, but not “Seeing America” very extensively from the professor’s viewpoint, nor able to add much to Mellor's slides of “Better Stock Products,” though some moving pictures of .the hours they passed in enforced resi dence near Farwell would prove very “moving1’ indeed. Friday morning, Old Sol man aged to peep through the storm clouds, but it was not till some time Sunday night that a snow plow, followed by the passenger, passed through here from the east on up to Sargent, * The U.P. branch was not cleared till late Monday allowing the motor to leave for St. Paul follow ing the snow plow. The Burling ton brought in a little mail on its way up Sunday night while the snow plow brought up the U. P. mail when it got in Monday even ing. The l\ P. snow-plow was fol lowed by a train carrying, bunk cars, diner, and 200 laborers who had been busy the past four days with very little if any sleep. One poor fellow was very sick on reaching here and was sent to Omaha Tuesdav morning for medical aid. NEAR CAIRO William Brayion Probably Struck By Train on Way Nome. BODY FOIRR BY WORRMIR. The body of William Brayton, a farmer residing on the W. B. Waite place, two miles west of Cario, and along the Burlington tracks, was discovered at 7 o’clock Saturday morning, lying along the Burlington tracks and about a mile west of town and nine feet from the rails. At first it was supposed that he was caught in the storm, but examination'of the body revealed that he had been struck by a train. Coroner Geddes was notified at once and after hearing the particulars ordered the body taken to Cario, and in the meantime he went to that point on a freight train, arriving there about noon. The body was discovered by members of a work train of the Burlington while they were on their way down from Ra venna. There were coyotes in the neighborhood at the time and a flagman guarded the body until aid was summoned from Cario. A party went out afoot from the vill age at once, among them a doctor, and on examining the body it was found that one leg and arm were broken, the neck and collar bone broken and the head bruised. Either an engine with snow plow attached or train No. 41, which followed, struck the man, those on | the ground believing it was the | former. This accident must have occurred shortly after 4:27 last Friday , when the plow started west and the passenger train fol lowed a half hour later. 1_ Mr. A. L. Barnes of the Lein inger Lumber Co. was quite ill for a few days last week and his good mother came up from Au rora to be with him. He was able to be out again in a few days. A Very Pretty Home Wedding Last Wednesday evening, Feb, 3, 1915, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lewis, a few miles southeast of this city, occurred the marriage of Miss May Lewis, and Mr. Merle Jacobs of Hamilton county, the Rev. L. V. Slocumb of the First Methodist church of this city officiating. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, and a very charming girl. and in the few short years she has lived here has gained a large circle of friends. The groom, who is one of the bright young men of our sister county, may be sin cerely congratulated over securing as his life mate one of Sherman county’s very best. The North western extends best wishes to the new homemakers who we under stand will make their home in Hamilton county. The High School Girls’ Glee Club Conceit, which was to have been given last Fliday evening was postponed, because of the extreme bad weatner until Thursday even ing of this week, Febr. 11. It is to be hoped that all will turn out, and help these young people to make a success of their postponed entertainment. Bob Jackson came down from his farm, 13 miles north, last Tuesday with his team, and was still in town Friday working up his nerve to tackle the big drifts homeward the following day. We have received no aeroplane wire less as to result of nerve or action. We received a pleasant call last Saturday from Mr. Howard Smith formerly from Davis Creek, who has rented the old J. A. Arnett farm on Route 2, of O. F. Peter sen for the coming year. We are glad to welcome him as a new reader of the Northwestern. A gang of nearly a bakers dozen were out to the farm of Lawrence Smith last Monday disposing of some banks of snow ’steen feet j deep and about a mile in length. I We understand a civil' engineer from Omaha will be here the evening of the tenth to confer with the city council and give estimates on the probable cost of a sewerage system for this city. He comes on his own motion and at his own ex* pensfl, Marriage licenses was issued last Wednesday, February the 3rd, 1915, to Merle Jacobs of Hamilton county and Miss Ger trude May Lewis of Sherman county, and to Max John Molek of Platte county and Miss Lucy Victoria Micholski of Sherman county. Property owners are warned that the city ordinance regarding the cleaning of snow from side walks will be rightly enforced from now on. Get busy.. Joe Reiman who has been cos fined to his home for the past few weeks with a game knee, is slow ly improving. Miss Blanch Fletcher entertain ed a few of her friends at her home last Monday evening. An exceptionally good time was re ported by those present. ARCADIA BOY KILLS HIMSELF AccMoutil Diseliirgi of Cun While Hunting Ends Youthful Life. VICTIM FRII DURYEA Last Sunday, while Fred Dur yea and Oscar Gregory were hunting along a creek near Ar cadia, the former’s gun became entangled in the underbrush in such a way as to be accidently discharged, the charge of shot en tering the side of his head tearing away a large portion of the skull, causing death shortly afterwards. We regret that we are not more fully informed of the particulars of this sad and terrible accident. Fred Durvea was about 23 years of age, and has spent most of his life at Arcadia. He was a nephew of Elmer Duryea, the ball pitcher, and was a young man of sterling qualities, well and favorably known in this section, and his sudden and terrible demise is a great shock to his many friends, who join with the Northwestern in extending their heartfelt sym pathy to the bereaved parent and other relatives. News Along Route Two The history of the service on route the past week is hs follows: I have been carrying mail on route two out of Loup City for al most 9 years, and never have I seen such blizzards as we have bad the past weel. Sunday it commenced to snow’ and by Mon day it was 4 howling blizzard. One of the papers stated that the carriers did not try to leave the postoffice. This is wrong for I hitched up my team and made every effort to serve the patrons on this route, but after an hour of hard work I had to give up. The next morning, Tuesday I started out and only got as far as Frank Casteel's, here I stayed all night. The next day Wednesday I got to Loup City at 4:30. Changing teams I was out again on my route the same day at six o'clock in the evening, traveled all night getting to Harry Shipley's at 7 o’clock at 12 o’clock it commenced to snow hard and kept it up until morning at 5:15, the wind whipped to the northwest and the second blizzard of the week was upon us at times it was hard to see a few Jfeet ahead and wa^ with the greatest difficulty that I reached Harry Shipley’s, and at one o’clock reached Jorgen Plembeck’s the storm was raging with renewed force. I was forced to stay all night. The next morning Friday the blizzard was still raging, but I decided to get home if I could so with the assistance of Mr. Plembeck’s bo^s and Fritz Holm we started to Loup City a distance of a little over two miles. It took us three hours hard work to get there. Saturday after the blizzard I started out and with the assistance of Jim Burnett, Homer Hultz and my boys I managed to get to Chris Oltjenbruns by 12 o’clock, and by night I was at Alfred Jorgenson and Vern All man. Sunday morning at 11:35 I continued on around the route getting home Sunday at 11:45. Monday morning found me again in the harness I made the trip in one day or 14 hours. Miles upon miles of the route was completely j blocked. At this writing I have to ! go miles out of my way to cover1 the route. To the road bosses, route patrons and all who assisted me in my route duties the past week I want you to know that I appreciate what you have done for me and my horses, without! your help it would have been im-! possible to give yon the service I, have given you the past week. The experiences of the past week would fill agood sized book. Sleds, wagons, corn cribs, chicken houses, have been almost com pletely buried. One house on the Route the snow was three feet above the eaves on the north side Mm ELIZABETH ERAZIM HONORED Will Have Prominent Place in Cast of Annual Dramatic Production WINS OVER 80 CONTESTANTS. Miss Elizabeth Erazina, the tal ented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Erazim of this city, has recently won a place in the Uni versity of Nebraska Dramatic Club, l>eing one of four successful contestants of eighty aspirants. As a result she will be assigned a prominent place in the annual dra matic Club. The Misses Erazim entered Wesleyan University, at University Place, at the begin ning/of the school year, but have i now transferred their activities to the University of Nebraska, at Lincoln.—Ravenna News. The Northwestern is this week indebted to Dr. S. A. Allen for excellent write-ups of the Com mercial Club banquet and many other interesting news items,kind ly taking upon himself these edi torial duties at the request of the editor who was called away for a few days. And the good doctor knows how 10 do the act in regu lar editorial style, as this week’s Northwestern gives substantial evidence. In ful^settlement of all claims anil demands against the C. B. &. Q. R. R. Company on account of of the accidental death of her hus band at the Twelth street crossing a few weeks ago, Mrs. Matt Mc Dcugal has agreed to accept #8,o0n. The agreement was reached by direct conference be tween the parties interested and no legal proceedings were institu ted.—Aurora Republican. Rev. L. V. Slocumb was called to Clinton, Iowa, last Thursday’, by the serious illness of his mother, taking the noon snow-plow special. THE COMMERCIAL CLUB BAMQUET Third Annual Banquet Held February Third in The Baddeur Opera House Festive, Entertaining and InstrucSve. OVER 175 NESTS PRESEHT. The third annual banquet of the Loup City Commercial Club, held February 3rd in the Daddow opera house, was a happy combi nation of the festive, the enter taining and the instructive. Over 175 guests were ‘served a tempting four-course dinner at 7:30 by the ladies of the Methodist church. A multitude of charming young ladies ably assisted by several gallant young men acted as waiters, bringing on food with quickness and dispatch, eliminat ing delay and cold soup, making this feature of the event an inter esting part of the program. To carry out the instructive feature, W. R. Mellor, Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, whose home is really Loup City, and Professor Edwin H. Barbour of the State University, were pre sent. Mr. Mellor’s snappy talk along with two films of “Better Nebras ka” motion pictures enthused his hearers several times to hearty applause. Mr.Mellor made every one proud of Nebraska, many were acknow ledging^ surprised with the won* derful possibilities of agriculture in this state. Of all the encourage ment we have ever Dfelt to attend i the state fair, the persuasion Mr. Mellor uses in his spirited address on “Better Nebraska” is the strongest. The pictures are good and certainly show the five stock industry to be of greater magni than many imagined. Professor Barbour’s address on Grandma Shettler Breaks Wrist By some means, the Northwest ern failed last record the serious accident which befell Mrs, Jerry Shettler, who suffered a severe fracture of her left wrist the pre ceding Sunday evening. The good lady had gathered up some feed for her chickens and was preced to the hen house, when in some unexplained manner she fell break ing the big bone in her left wrist, the bone protruding from the wrist in a frightful manner. She hastily returned to the house, where Uncle Jerry forced the bone back and straightened the wrist as best possible and Dr. Main was called, who reduced the fracture and she is now doing finely and getting along as well as the nature of the accident will allow. of the house. I have taken a good many scenes around with a post- j card .camera. The creeks are level full and cattle and hogs are walk-1 ing across them on the snow. Geo. McFadden shipped a car load of hogs to Omaha, Monday. A baby toy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cash, at Albion, Xebr., Febr. 1st. Lavina Cash was quite sick last week. Dr. Bowman was called to attend. About 15 teams were lined up on the Brown bridge shoveling snow so they could get into Loup City, the snow from the bridge to the Walnut trees was all the way from 2 to 7 feet deep there are lots of drits in the country from 10 to 15 feet deep. Allen Cash, who went to Texas, a short time ago, is now at Post City, working in a garage for the man who manufactures Postum and Post Toasties. He says it is pretty cold there, and that they had had only about an inch of snow since he had been there, and that went off the next day. Don Holmes and family went to Rob Holmes' Wednesday to at tend the sale Thursday, but on that day, there was another ofie of our blizzards going so the sale was postponed. Don braved the storm on horseback. Thursday, returning Saturday, aud Sunday succeeded in getting his family home. The fatal beauty of Rev. “Kid” F. W. Wedge, whose non de fight is “Fighting Parson,” almost landed him in jail yesterday and it did land a woman who said her name was Mrs. Frank G’Neil, be hind the bars. The Reverend “Kid,” who has a fight for tonight at the Armony, went to the Grand bath house to reduce his avirdupois, where the woman followed him until attend ants and sheeted patrons frantical ly called the police. Officer Chapman took her to jail, and would have taken the fighter, too, only for his earnest plea for mercy. “She’s stuck on me, and she followed me clear down stairs,” he said. Officer Chapman, who also pos sesses the fatal quality, sympathy' ed with Wedge and let bim go.— Omaha Bee Saturday. Parks, Schools and Public Im provements, given by the aid of interesting projections on the screen, illustrated his practical ideas in a way which won for him open praise and appreciation. The club feels fortunate in having secured Professor Barbours ser vices and it is the opinion that his wholesome advice on clean streets, well kept yards and his plea for orderly, but unaltered nature about our buildings, will be acfa*J upon with the opening of spring by the people of this community. The beauty of a winding path, the grandeur of the rose, and the elegance of simplicity all without useless cost makes Professor Bar bour’sdiscourse encouragingly in teresting. We will venture that many resolutions created by by that address will clean up ‘a number of our yards, build some plain but convenient door steps, and bring order and beauty out of what now is unsanitary and un sightly. It is said that a man's mind is to be judged by the con dition of his back yard— !! " » . It certainly seems time for some of us to change our mind. The musical part of the program consisted of an orchestra composed of Mrs. R. P. Starr, Howard Starr, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Young and Miss Ruby Johnson, which delighted those present with many beautiful selections, including sev eral pooular numbers,and vocal {se lections were beautifully rendered by the Misses Depew, Mrs. C. O. Rettenmsyer of Arcadia, Mr. Montaque Worlock, Miss Faye Gallaway and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Schwaner. Each performance was heartily appreciated, and by spirited applause returned for an encore. A short, spicy talk by our out going president, John W. Long brought the function to a close, leaving the Club in the hands of I its newly elected officers. It may sound like a fable or fairy tale, but the North western is able to vouch for the fact that the day following the second spasm of blizzardy weather. Otto Petersen shoveled a beaten path over the snowy divide leading south of the editor’s home to the corner of the public square. Truth is always stranger than fiction, hence this tribute to the secretary of the Commercial Club. Much wonder was expressed Monday, when Col. Brewer was industriously shoveling the beauti ful from the county sidewalks south and west of the court house square, but when it was found that he was doing so on a bet of a cent a running foot for the com pletion of the job, wagers were freely offered at three to one, with no takers, that the colonel would win. Joe Stecher, the Dodge w rest ler, has replied to Yussiff IIus sane’s insulting challenge, by sim ply asserting that the Turk can get what he wants any time he is ready. “I will wrestle Hussane for $5,000 and stand ready to post $500 as a guarantee of good faith,” writes the Dodge athlete. Friends of Stecher hardly expect to see Hussane accept Stecher's offer, which is as good as gold and should serve effectually to hush the big noise of the big quitter. Among the new readers of the Northwestern received the past few days are F. N. Mickow and the Hansen Lumber Co. Thanks.