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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1914)
- YON ME * CMMHUL, IF TOI ME C00I THM FEM OF THE UN Loup City Northwestern _OFFICIAL PAPER OF SHERMAN COUNTY. NEBRASKA. I LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN SHERMAN COUNTY. THE PAPER THAT THE PEOPLE READ VOLUME XXXIII LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. April 23, 1914. NUMBER 20 CHILD DROWNED IN WATER TANK taiaal Saa ai Haas Okorailler Accidentally Drowned, Circuastances Not Clear or iwai ■ MISSUS OILY 7FEW MIIITES. Tuesday morning of tins week about 11 o*ek»*k. t!«e infant suo of Hans i Hternuiler. living some few anile* south of this city. was acci dental!!- drowned in the water tank at the home. Tne little fel low. aged some two and one half year* wa* piaj mg about the place and bring misard for a little time, aeais-h was institute.!, resulting in finding the little Itudy in tiie low tank. I be »upj» notion Innj that be had climbed up to the top to get a drink, and the wind, which wa* ften-ely Mowing at tie* time, toppled the little body over into the tank, where in was found a An old court-house ha* burned down m Wanda. Priceless re cocts were districted. It is safe te say tltal the < *urts of that stale wiiJ be kept ba»y for years to cocr adjusting title* to property.1 And tie- ei|*-ise of it will no doubt co»t some pour people utore than they can pay and there i* wbrn- mam will - iffer who have •ut the mean* to prove their own er-ahip. .U'llk^m —h. — .^ '■■JiLHlBl ■ little later. l)r. Bowman was hurriedly summoned, but on his arrival life was extinct. The sor rowing family have the deepest s\ :u >athy of our entire communi ty. The funeral services were Ik-. ! from the home \V ednesda.v at -1 o't lock. tl»e little one was laid to re>t in the cemetery at Austin. We tliis week present the an nouncement of Win. Hancock for the office of sheriff, subject to the democratic votors at the coming primaries. Will Hancock is one of the mo't likeable fellows in this county, and the letter he is known the more friends he has. With the exception that Will trains with the wrong political crow I. the Northwestern finds no fa di with him. and believes if he 'in ds in winning the nomina . • uid suls'erpient election, he will prove ■ most -atisfactory of ficial. K. (i. Taylor went to Omaha Tuesday ruKin on a matter of business. • W' r - — — ■ - i Stable Set on Fire and Boy Burned to Death Our of ttiuM- pitiful tragedies that shake a small ct immunity to the cure occurred Sunday after buta at zseneea, when the four yaar old son of L. I). Carter, a railroad man of that place, was Iwrnel to death in au accidental krr. probably »*f hi* own creat ing l'«»tm**>r B. A. Iharrowof Sner* was in the city Tuesday and related the circumstances of the sad occurrence to a Chief re presentative. It appears that the little fellow was playing With another small rhum of about his own age. who was a son of K. C. Mason. The families live near each other ami the boy * had a small wagon tliey •ere trundling at tout. The aiea suddenly pipped into their heads that it would he s|4er*ilid simn for them to have a Ueifiie and to tics end tbe% reumruied koking an-and f< >r material to (mild it with. Nothing eottld be found, however, to siul lh« ir juirpoe and one of them swgratrd that they go to the Mason i«arti and get some thing out <d there that w ould t*um. The little fellows lifted the box from their wagon ami started in the direction of the bam. It was a short tine- after this that Mrs. Ihrm*. who lives, heard M r». Carter's scream mg and going t > f front • r *i» that tlie Mas n barn was Ini ruing. Mr. Ihrmw, on learning what was tie mat le.-. rushed to the scene and found that the bam itad caught fin* from a burning shed adjoining. Ttie whistle at the round house was blown and in a few minutes after the arrival of the fire depart ment the flames were extinguished. It was only the little Mason boy that ould give any information a -out tin* fire and his account was s.. childish and meagre that it left much to be surmised. The other child was missing and it quickly dawned upon the horri fied onlookers that he must have !<een in the burning shed. This proved to be only to true, for up on entering the place the searchers were confronted with heartrend ing sight. Crouehed in a far corner of the shed, with his arm thrown across his face as though to protect it from tie* fl tines were the remains of the Carter boy, his little body bum <1 to a crisp. It is supposed that he children had jmssessed .themselves of matches in some way ami when they went into the -bed to gather material for their Minfine. one or mom of the matc'ies had been ignited, which caused the disaster. Th<* accident is one of the sad dest tliat has ever occurred at Seneca and the sympathy of the entire community has lieen ex tended to the bereaved parents. The body of the child was taken t*» Elk Cmek for burial Monday morning on No. 42. funeral ser vices occurring in the afternoon. -Custer County Chief. The Present Contents of the Political Pot The pnilUcai put has bags n to boil ta *ut*i shape in Sherman county. Several candidates for the various uftcrt have already cuwar forth, ai d we hear of many uf those who are conneetion with the wc apj>nd th.' fol Cuantf Clerk L B. Polaki, L. L. Skaainski, B. Ijuwrtui Sheriff W«l Hancock. L. A. Williams. Fete Howe, Lloyd Bly, Floyd Janulewicz. County Superintendent Mary A. K. Hendrickson, L. H. Currier, K. D. Hendrickson. County Treasurer F. M. Henry. County J udge E. A. Smith, A. E. Charlton. We received a pleasant call Tuesday from W. A. Siefert of Ashton. who was in the city on business. OWE’U TO SHERMAN COUNTY - A NEW COURT HOUSE. j^|E are proud of Sherman County Long We’ve lived upon her bounty— And her fields— they are the greenest of the green’ She has built us buildings many— While we haven't built her any, And her Court house is the DAMDEST ever seen. J^ER farms—they are prolific’ And her people are pacific’ The best in all the state, I wean’ But there’s one thing not forgotten’ OH’ her court house it is rotten’ And it makes us all ashamed to have it seen. gHE has wealth— a goodly store’ With bright prospects for some more’ In fact there are but few things that she lack— But there’s one thing we deplore’ And It makes us awful sore— That her Court house’s nothing but a SHACK. gO it’s up" to ME and YOU To get out and boost a few ” And to vote it “Yes” upon the 12th of May. All records need protection’ We’ll remove this “old infection” And our debt to Sherman county we will pay. ITEMS OF NEWS FHOMASHTON Peter Jezewski went to Grand Island Monday to bring back a new Ford for Isaac Sandberg. Miss Frances Corning visited over Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A. Anderstrom. G. H. Lorenz made a business trip to Sargent, Thursday night of last week. Attorney R. P. Starr was down from Loup City on business Fri day and Saturday. L. A. Williams, Ed Oltmann and Stanley Goc were visitors from Loup City Friday. The first game of the season went our way, Ashton won over Boelus 10 to 7. A good crowd was pre sent. Johnnie Rapp, Jr., the Younker Autoist traveled to Hazard last Sunday afternoon on very im portant business. The B. B. B. club members were present at the Ball game Sunday and their cheer did help the boys—keep it up B. B. B. Albert Anderstrom went to Grand Island Monday. Went by rail and came back in a car all in one day. Floyd Janulewitz of Loup City and Miss Helen Kwiatkowski of Ashton had their first calls Sun day at St. Francis church. Abdella Ayoub and wife hare been in Omaha the past couple of weeks, the fruit store has been in charge of John and Ed Farrah during their absence. All those wishing to hare ads on the Base Ball fence, had better see the manager at once, and make their reservation as there is not much space left Jos. Jankowski tried oat his new Ford on the grand stand and new base ball fence, from the the looks of the grand stand the Ford got the best of it. Mr. and Mrs. Erank Maschka entertained a large crowd of young folks at their home Wednesday evening of last week in honor of their 1st wedding anniversary. Well Franz Na-*Zdrowie. It is only a question of time till Ashton will be the garden spot of Nebraska, providing the Ashton ites keep on planting trees as they are doing this year several hun dred have been planted and they are still planting. Keep it up boys its work, will account for it self. The concert given by the Loup City Alpha Girls’ Glee Club, was well received and very much en joyed by a fair sized audience at opera house Friday night. They were a jolly bunch of girls and showed that they had received ex cellent training. They should have had a larger house but con sidering the short time that they advertised and this being the farmers’ busy season they did very well. Come again girls. Frank Dworak, of Omaha came up Saturday to shake hands with his many friends here. The mar ried mens section of the M. G. U. gave an informal smoker in the club rooms in his honor Saturday night. A fine time is reported. On account of having a large ship ment of cattle that required Ins personal attention, consigned to him for Monday’s market be had to harry home, Steve Polski took him down to Ravenna Sunday. H. W. Ojendyk, postmaster, village clerk, implement dealer and all round good fellow, was over here from Ashton Tuesday on business and shaking hands with his host of friends in the hub. I Mason’s Have Big Initiation A special train from St Paul brought a number of Masons to Loup City Tuesday evening, and a number of auto loads came from Arcadia, all to attend third degree work of that order and enjoy a lot of “eats'* provided for the occa sion. The card of L. L. Slominski, announcing his candidacy for the office of county clerk, appears in this issue. Mr. Slominski was for a year and a half the efficient deputy under County Clerk Die tericks, deceased, and after the death of the latter had full charge of that office till a successor was appointed. While Mr. Slominski was deputy and during the time he had full charge of the office he gave full satisfaction, so far as we have learned, and should fortune’s wheel turn in his favor, we be lieve would prove a worthy and well qualified officer. R. D. Hendrickron announces in this week’s paper his candidacy for the office of county superin tendent of schools. He has a host of friends throughout the county; has proven a most effici ent superintendent of schools in the past, having filled that office two terms, and if elected again to that office past history would re peat itself in the good work he would do. Our people with one accord will be glad to know that the little son of Verne Alleman, who was seri ously injured some days ago by falling on a bay knife and disem bowelling himself, is so far on the road to recovery that he may be said to be clearly out of danger. It is little less than a miracle his escaping death. • FIFTY MILLION FOR WAR FUND Pniiteat, Witt Ctaaut tf Cmwi to Facet Mtaiaat Imnamt to It •tctaL Mtttt War Witt Mtaita. YERA CRUZ CAPTURED WITH LOST OF TWENTY AMERICANS ANI 200 MEXICANS. Notwithstanding “War Is Hell’t tliere seems no other way for this country to do than force Dictator Huerta of Mexico to a decent re cognition of our rights, even if it culminates in war. Some days ago. President Wilson made it plain to Huerta that he should salute this country over frequent instances in which he expressed his contempt for the United States by causing the arrest of sailors and officers without the slightest pretext of right in so doing. This recognition of this country Huer ta has refused, hence there are at present in Mexican waters or on the way there several battleships, and troops are being mobalized near the Mexican border, ready for instant action. Congress on Monday heard the president’s message, gave unanimous sanc tion to his desires and intentions regarding Mexico and appropriat ed fifty millions of dollars to carry out the war procedure. Later reports Wednesday noon from the Mexican trouble seems to show a state of war between the United States and Mexico now actually exists. The morning re ports brought by the dailies are; the same as those received Tues day night here, to the effect that a detachment of sailors and ma rines seized the customs house at Vera Cruz and were fired upon by the Mexicans killing four and wounding twenty others. This brought upon the Mexicans a re turn fire which killed some 200 greasers, following which the tJ.S. transport Prairie shelled the greasers out of Vera Cruz, which is now in onr hands. \\ arships and more regiments are being sent to the seat of war from the Eastern coast. A German transport off Vera Cruz early Wednesday loaded with guns and ammunition for Huerta was seized by the Ameri can forces to prevent them get ting into the hands of the enemy. Huerta and Villa have joined forces as against the United States and will make one common cause against this country. Other dispatches are to the ef • feet that several border towns on the Texas side of the Rio (rrande have been wiped out by the greaser forces. A flying report has been received to the effect that Mexican sym pathizers at San Antonia, Texas, had torn down the American flag and that that city is in a turmoil over the dastardly affront to this Nation. Letter From Mrs. Foss of Palmyra. Wisconsin Palmyra, Wis., April 16.—Dear Editor : As so many have writ ten and asked me to write about this country, concluded to send in a few lines. All are well and do ing well. We had a fine shower today. The winter wasn't bad; only 19 below and no blizzards. Snow came right down and laid on, giving us fine sleighing for six weeks or two months. Some have asked about milking here. Yes, they are crazy on that ques tion. Pay as high as §125 for a single cow, mostly Holsteins, the ugh some Guernseys. They sell male calves right from the cow, keeping the females. One can buy calves cheap, as they never keep them. They have ten ant farms. Frank is working on one. Gets §35 per month, horse kept and board and washing. That's for single men, and they are wanting more. Roy is an other who gets $35, with house, wood, half acre of garden, two gallons of milk daily, horse kept and given a hog at butchering time. They have fine barns here. The one where Roy Barr is has engine in barn, large cement tank, and water runs all through, so each cow and horse can drink just as they please. A cement track through the center to run a manure wagon, and ditches to carry all waste. Each cow stanch ed; place at one end for horses; next colt stall. On opposite side little calves, and a silo to feed in lower part of barn. Top of barn in grain and hay. Quite a few truck farms here; plant an acre or two of cucumbers, melons and then go fishing after taking milk to the factory every morning. Some of the finest lakes here and lots of fish—from minnows to T.‘> pounders. Catch 100 in an hour. Now don’t tell Vic or Jimmie, or they will catch them all before you get here. Now, if you don’t believe it, come and see. Will close with best wishes to all old friends, As ever, Mrs. S. S. Foss. Non-Resident Expresses Views of Court House Lincoln, Nebraska; April 15. 1914.—Dear Sir:—Yours of April 14, 1914, asking an expression of my feeling, as a non-resident, on the proposition of voting bonds for the purpose of building a new court-house etc., at hand. Do I favor the proposition? Well I certainly do. We should have had these improvements long since; and the only way to recover from the stigma is to “get busy” j and boost for the bonds. My land in Sherman countv is about as far fr.un the county seat as possible, but that fire-trap you now have, contains the records of my land as well as of those living nearer, and I do not consider we ever did have much protection. , .. 1 The loss of the records of Sher man county would incur an enor mous loss, in quieting titles etc. Considering the security it will give the county records, the con veniences in the county offices and court, and that it will enhance property values and be a very de sirable asset of the county, I be lieve every voter in each precinct of the county should vote for the bonds. Civics pride and the urgent need of an up-to-date court house should induce all fur-minded citi zens to use all honorable means in securing these much needed im provements. Yours for a new court house, D M. Goddard, 611, So. 18th St. Lincoln. t