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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1914)
IBIS’ CLOTHING We Have Just Received A New Line of - - - BOY’S CLOTHING Direct from the Manu facturer, and these Goods are bought with the Tariff off. If you are in need of a good boys suit, call in and see us THE BUSY PLACE Loup City Mer. Co. FEBRUARY BARGAIN SALE X«>. >_ 64o acres. 4 miles from Milburn, 110 acre* in cultivation. very good soil, it lias a good -•d biNM. frame barn, com crib and grainary, a ell. windmill and tanks. l*ri<-e per acre, owner might except smaller place or town pro perty. if priced right, for jwyment. FL K. R. Good house of <> rooms, barn and ideeksmilh ‘•hop on i> good lots, only one block from main street, for sale or trade. Price $4000. W HS lxi acres in Thomas County, Kansas. *»r. acres under cultivation, balance prairie, all good soil. 1? miles north of Brewster, incumber anoe el'**-*. Owner wants income property or stuck for equity. Price $1.> per acre, this is a snap act quick. G.H.Mc. 12u acres, half milefromCity limits about one-half under cultivation, owner will ex change for improved quarter on river bottom or sell for per acre, good terms 1 have 12 good resident lots, well located, 3 blocks from the court house square, that I can sell in lots of 2. 4 or tl. or will sell all at a bar gain. see me at once if you are figuring on buy* mg choice lota. (rood gasoline engine and pump jack for sale cheap. If you fail to find anything in the 'alatve that interests you just let me know and I will try to had something that will. List > our property with me for quick results J. W. BOUGAL BEAL ESTATE ABB IISIIAICE Lou Citv. Rebraska. NOTICE to FARMERS I l<n*e on toad a juantlry of the Council Bluffs Remedy and would be if lad u> figure with you on your spring supply of Stork Remedy. All of the big feeders are rood feeders oft the Cuundil Bluffs goods. Phone Alfred R. Cook, Loap City, Nebr. KEEP mi Ml MIT NT OF THE HOISE had I«r Sheas Clean by Using GRABS SELF ABJISTMG Foot Scraper Far Sale By 0. L 6MBELL, Ageat Imp CNy, - flabraaka. CHURCH NOTES There will be no preaching services this coming Sunday at the M. E. church, morning or evening. Sunday school and Epworth League as usual. German church—March J, Sunday school 10:00 a. m.: service 10:3o p. in. March 8 service at Kelso. Ilev. E. M. Steen of Green Valley Illinois will visit our city and preach at the Presbyterian church both morning and evening next Sundav. All members of the church and con gregation are asked to be present. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock Rev. Steen will preach at Austin. The Sunday school and Christian Endeavor held at the usual-hour on Sunday. ALONG ROUTE TWO Get your supplies from the carrier. Vern Allman put in a new gate near his barn last week. F. A. Pinckney took a load of hogs to Loup City Monday. John Petersen bought a feed grind er last week. • A rt \\ ilson aud Jesse Fletcher are going to have a sale March 4. Mrs. G. B. Wilkie has been quite sick this week. W. Tucker has been on the Eick list the past week. A. H. Newhouser marketed two head of fat cattle, Friday. Ed Obermiller is putting in a tele phone. Mary Bendykowski of Ashton is visiting at the Mike Kilmick home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fross set. tied in the new home on route 2. Arthur Rowe has been doing some carpenter work at the home of Chris Oltjenburns this week. Mike Klimick left last week foi Genoa. Neb., he expects to be gone about three weeks. II. Houdersheldt set a mile of tele phone poles along Ed. Obermiller line Saturday. L. H. Hansen took a load of farm machinery upon route 3, where lie farms this coming year. Harry Shipley and wife are new patrons on the vou le. we arc glad to have these good people with us. John Galloway and wife attended the surprise party at A. Conger s home last Thursday evening. I wish to thank the road bosses for their special efforts in getting the roads open Tuesday. Fritz Bichel bought several head of thoroughbred cattle at Grand Island last week and had them shipped to to Loup City, Saturday. The following farmers were putting up ice last week: Chas. Schwaderer. J! Arnetts, F. A. Pinckney, Mcllravy, Will Hawk, Dutchy Rettenmayer, Zwink Bro6. and Rev. Bennett. As Henry Goodwin was driving a span of young colts on the route last Thursday, he met an automobile at which the horses became frighten ed and at once became unmanageable they ran half a miletefore he could stop them. There was no-damage done except some broken harness. Encampment No. 75 installed the following officers: Will Steen, Chief Patriach: O.' Petersen, Senior War den; R. D. Hendrickson, Junior War den; Joe Reiman, High Priest; T. R. Lay. Scrib: A. B. Outhouse, Treasuer. After instalion all went to the dining room where sandwiches, coffee and! apples were in abundance. LOCAL NEWS. Get your boys’ suits at Lorentz. Cash Pritchard returned home from Omaha last Saturday. Miss Smith of Ashton was a guast over last Sunday with Miss Klea Mc Nulty. G. S. Williams will hold a public sale at the old Mercer farm, Feb. 27. _ Miss Berdie Lofholm attended the play at Ashton Monday evening, the guest of Mrs. A. Anderstrom. Don't forget Weaver's big embroid ery sale at Rockville Feb. 27. Mike McKeon was up from Bristol an interested spectator in district court. Mrs. F. M. Henry and Mrs. L. N. Smith were visitors to Ashton Tues day. Mrs. Chris. Christensan went to Palmer Tuesday morning for a few days' visit with a son. A marriage license was issued Feb. 21st to Jerry Ocenasek and Buella Karel, both of Bristol township. C. W. Potter, Joe Cording, F. W. Clancy, were among those courting from the west side Tuesday and Wed nesday. Geo. Holmes was up from Bristol as a witness in district court this week in the Quinn case. Rev. L. V. Slecumb went to Grand Island Tuesday, where he suffered an operation on his nose. C. E. Travis of Aurora, who had been here several dajs visiting his brother, Bert Travis, returned home the first of the week. Special bargains in odds and ends of Boys’ Suits at Lorentz. Cash Pritchard is holding down a chair in Conger's barber shop. Mrs. J. A. Danielson, who has been on the sick list the past number of days is improving nicely. Geo. Hosier was reported on the sick list yesterday. He has a bad case of la grippe. Miss Elizabeth Dinsdale returned to her home at Palmer last Saturday, after a few days’ visit with relatives and friends here. C. R. Sweetland and wife left Tues day morning for Omaha, where Clar ence goes to attend the state plumbers convention. Mrs. Sweetland going for a pleasant outing. G. S. Williams will hold a public sale at the old Mercer farm, Feb. 27. The Northwestern is glad to add the name of W. M. Brandt to its sub scription list. This good family re cently moved here from Arcadia and are living in the north part of the city. The Loup Citv Mercantile Co. cer tainly have a swell line of spring goods. Our young friend. J. J. Slominski is in charge of the Lewanduski general store till the owner can jar loose from the business at Schaupps and take charge himself, but Jake is well qualified in the meantime to handle the business here satisfactorily. Don't foivet Weaver’s big embroid ery sale at Rockville Feb»27. Wanted—To buy Leghorn chickens. Robt. Fulliton. Austin, Neb. Leslie Lyons returned from Hold ridge and other south Nebraska points Tuesday of this week, where he. Mrs. Lyons and baby had been visiting relatives the past two weeks. Mrs. Lyons and baby stopped off at Cario. where they visit a few days be fore coming home. Don’t forget Weaver’s big embroid ery sale at Rockville Feb. 27. Wanted, hides, sheep pelts and wool. We pay highest prices. Write for prices and tags. Omaha Hide&FurCo.Omaha Miss Louise Taylor left last Satur day morning Ibr her new home at Everett, Washington, where she is to open a ” Beauty Parlor” for the bene fit of the ladies of that western city. Miss Ella Taylor will not go to Everett till a few weeks later. A new line of boys’ clothing just in for spring and. they are dandies, at Loup City Mercantile Co. The annual township meeting of Loiy^City township wjll be held in Society Hall nekt Tuesday, March 3. at one o’clock p. m. There should be a generous turnout of our people in terested in township affaire. If they don’t, they hare on kick coming over its actions. Xo need of going out of town this year to get your spring and summer goods, as you can find most anything you want at the Loup City Mercantile Co they have Certainly got the goods. Don’t forget the public sale on Wednesday next, March 4, by A. W. Wilson and Jesse Fletcher on ' the farm of Mr. Wilson, 5 miles south and one mile west of Loup | City, on Wiggle Creek, the boys 1 having for sale nine horses and < mares, some red sows and a lot of 1 farm machinery, corn and millet 1 seed, potatoes, etc. Terms eight months and 10 per cent Of course ( Jack Pageler will cry the sale. < NEW DRESS GOODS AT ARTHUR’S \ The first of our SPRING LINE is now on display. You will find these goods to be dependable and the LATEST PATERNS. * Make Selections Early The members of the G. A. R., Ladies of the G. A. R. and families had a supper and (food social evening at Society hall Wdnesday evening. George Xewburg and son, Walter of Sweetwater were in attendance on the district court Tuesday as witnesses in the Quinn case. Dr. Carson of Grand Island will be in Dr. Longacre's office Wednesday, March 4th. prepared to treat the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and also to Fit Glasses. Sherman County School Notes. By Supt. L H.Currier. Teachers and patrons, do not miss the educational meeting Saturday, Feb. 28. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. The pupils of the Loup City schools will furnish the music for the day. The Girls’ Glee Club will also favor us with a selection entitled “Flow Flow.” Besides the regular program there will be a round table. The object of the round table is the discussion of questions of interest to parents and teachers. The free discussion of a question always brings out new ideas, presents a question in its various phases and emphasizes the more im portant. Read the program and then decide to come and take part and help to make this meeting a success. If you do not care to take part, come and listen. A social was held in Dist. No. 24. $22.50 being raised with which teach er and pupils plan to buy an organ. The school board in Dist. No. 39 is alive to the interest of their school. The following supplies have been pur chased this school year: New set of of maps, large bookcase, new window shades and over $60 worth of text books. This is the largest school in the county. Teachers, send in notes regarding your school work. Don't forget to bring an exhibit of your school work for our Saturday's meeting. The following teachers were present at the joint meeting of the teachers of Sherman and Buffalo counties: J..H. Burwell. Miss Madge Holmes and Miss Loe Bert, Loup City: J. M. Ostry, Ethel Myers, Eliaa Lund, and Alice Tangerman, Rockville: Minnie Croston, Litchfield; Eleanor Cochrane of 20, J. W. Sorensen of 31, Emil Hol ub of 42, Florence Brock of 55, Elea nor Holmes of 75, Garra Hill of 40, Tracy Pesek of 53, LaNelle Heater of 62 and Rebne Hedlund of 65. * Closing Out Shoe Sale I am closing out my entire stock of shoes to make room for a department of Ready-to Wear Ladies’ Garments, which I will hereafter carry instead of shoes, therefore I am offering such bargains in men's, women's, boys’ and girls' shoes as have never before been offered to the trade in Loup City. Now is the time to tit out your entire family in footwear, and at astonish ingly low prices. Call early and get choice, as they are melting away very fast. VIC SWANSON. House of Quality and Low Prices. Notice to Farmers My third freezing is now ready and the finest ice ever loaded on wagons will be loaded Friday afternoon and Saturday. Come and finish up, as this is the last call for iceing. J. W. Conger. FOR SALE, or RENT For Sale—Alfalfa har. Phone Burr Robbins, 9811. ' jan22tf For Sale—About 30 White Leghorn hens. Mrs. Geo. F. Douglas, Route 1. For Sale—a few pure-bred Poland China sows. Milo Gilbert. For Sale Cheap—A one and a half horse-power gasoline engine and pump jack. For particulars see Tom Lay at the Keystone. 2-5tf For Rent—My city residence pro perty consisting of a block of ground, house and barns in Loup City, former ly owned by J. T. Hale. Qul at First National Bank. Ed Zakrzruskl, 2-5 4t Owner. For Sale—Good 8-room house in Loup City, with pantry, bathroom and 6 closets: equipped with all mod ern conveniences, located on second block north of public square, east frontage. 1 am offering my residence property in Loup City for sale on fol lowing terms: House and three lots for 83,750, or house and six lots for 14,500, deferred payment of 11,500, se cured by mortgage on the property, rime given on the entire purchase i price, if desired, provided good se- ; ;urity is furnished. A discount of three per cent on purchase price for ill cash. Contract to be entered into >n or before Feb. 28th. with deposit if 8500. Sale to be completed on or i Defare March 21st and possession < ;iven April 1st. R. J. Nightingale. FOR SALE Two white turkey gobblers, five ioliaraeach. A. X. Charlton. Loup , 3lty. Nebr. - j SUNSHINE SPECIAL AUTO CON TEST. Names Alvin Jack Herald Rowe Rex Currier Hugh Ver Valin Earl Daddow Walter Jones Willard Lay Walter Grzywa Names John Cowling John Jolkowski Fred Amick Edwin Goc Felix Grzywa Bennie Bukowski Theo Currier Joseph Gappa Herman Miller. Buy Sunshine Biscuits in packages at The Mogul Store, save the outside wrappers for your favorite contestant, and help him win the Sunshine auto mobile. 5 cent wrappers count 5 votes 10 “ ** “ 10 “ lo “ “ 25 “ “ Get Busy, work. *' 15 “ “ 25 *• Only one mor» week to Joe Vaughn. HOUSES FOR RENT We have several five room houses for rent at $6.00, $9.00 and $10.00. First Trust Co. FOR SALE Fifteen pure-bied Poland China bred sows. See me for prices. H. J. Johansen. Notice for Liquor License In tiie Matter of the Application of Ju.ius J. Dilla for aLiquor License: Notice is hereby given that the said J ulius J. Dilla did, on the 16th day of February, A. D. 1914, file his petition to the chairman and members of the County Board of Supervisors of Sher man county, State of Nebraska, for a license to sell maltf, spirituous and vin ous liquors at retail at Schauppe, in the southeast quarter of section twel \ e (12) township fifteen (15) north range fourteen )14) in the county of/ Sher man and State of NeDraska, from the 6th day of March, 1914, to the 6th day of March, 1915. If there be no objection, protest or remonstrance filed on or before March 3, 1014, said license will be granted Dated this 16th day of February, A. D. 1914. Julius J. Dilla. Attest: L. B. Polski.County Clerk. A. W. Boecklng, Deputy. WALL PAPERl QJE have the most Com plete Line of Wall Paper ever shown in this sec tion. N - - - You Should See It before buying your spring order - PRICES RIGHT TOO SWANSON & LOFHOLM DRUG STORE I DON’T FORGET OUR NEXT EXCUR SION TO TEXAS, MARCH 3d Low Round Trip Railroad Fare Private Cars For Trip. YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS SEEING THE LOWER. RIO GRANDE VALLEY Where Everything Grows, Cali fornia and Florida Can’t Beat It W. D. Zimmerman Farmers Take Notice Now Is the time to bring your harness for repairing and oiling. Get them ready for spring work and avoid the rush. PUT IN YOUR ORDER FOR NEW HARNESS JAMES BAITIREK, tap City, Rehnska. * .