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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1913)
MONEY SAVING Still continues, and regardless of the big crowds that flooded our store last Saturday and thus far this week, there are a great many choice bargains left and many lines of goods practically unbroken, v / l Men’s heavy sheep lined coat 5.25 1 Men’s sheep lined coat better grade 5.50 1 Men’s sheep-lined coat,a bargain at $4.50 MEN’S ODD PANTS 25c TO $1.00 DISCOUNT. Men’s Heavy Fleeced Underwear. Underwear 2 piece, regular 65c & 50c grade 45c Men’s 1.00 and 1.2 • union suits_ _ 98c Men’s 1/0 union suits_ 1.25 Men’s 2.50 wool union suit..__1.98 Boy’s heavy fleeced shirts and drawers regular 40c and * Oc grade, choice... 25c Boy’s heavy fleeced union suit, regular 50c and 65c, now_ .. 45c Men's and U)'s uspenders. Regular 50c grade suspenders_ 45c Regular 35c and 25c suspenders- 23c Men's Dress Shirts—regular 1.00 1.25, 1.50, on sale choice_ __ 98c Men’s Worh Shirts—regular ; Oc and 65c, now 45c Men’s Sox—all men’s 25 sox, for- - 22c All 50c silk sox_ _----- 45c LOUP CITY MERCANTILE CO. $50.00 IN MERCHANDISE FREE The person holding lucky number on De cember 24th, at 8:30 p. m. may come into my store and select $50.00 worth of any thing in stock. One chance with every SI cash purchase. Quality Highest Prices Lowest Lou Schwaner JEWELER California’s Best Season Is AH The Year Around Season's have but litble effect in the uniformly pleasing cli mate of California—every day is a day for out-door sports, and there are special attractions for every member of the family. WHEN you go to California is of little consequence, but how you go is of all importance. There is one best- the road that lias proved its superiority for nearly half a century, the road whose service is as uni formly perfect as California's climate. This and more too is the ’ Union Pacific Standard Boad of The West. Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals. Dustless Roadbed. Double Track. Liberal Stopover Prlvlleenji. See Denver anti Salt Lake Citj-JEn route For California literature and information rel atite to mutes, stopover privileges, etc., call on or address 6. W. CGLLIPRIEST, Agent LOCAL NEWS. The Rojewski-Topolski public sale Thursday, Dec. 18. Don't forget the date. Elba Smalley bought a tine new Kimball piano of Lou Schwaner Mon day for tils better, half. Three big boxes of matches for 10c at the Ten Cent Store. Wash Peters was down fiom Wash ington township on business matters Monday. Watch mv window you will see new things at Eisner's the jeweler. Mrs. J R Gardiner and babv came home Saturday from several weeks’ visit with her parents at Dannebrog For Sale—A good top buggv. almost new. _A. C. Ogle. A Mr. Slocht.of Flagler, Colo., was in Loup City Monday looking for a farm for rent. He may conclude to buy later. * For Rent—Farm of 320 acres in Valley county. A. E. Charlton, Loup City. Neb., phone 9203, 41 Public Masquerade Ball, Dec. 31, 1913, in the opera house, given bv the Germania Verein. Everybody invited. A good corn popper for 10c at the Ten Cent Store. Last week The Ideal advertised through the Northwestern for a girl and the first week brought the de sired help. Advertising pays. Good fresh candy at 10c per pound at the Ten Cent Store. Barney Rojeski expects to move to Loup City and into his new residence south-of the Union Pacific depot, soon after his public sale nearSchaupps on the 18 th. Don't forget the Rojewski-Topolski sale Thursday, Dec. 18. a mile north west of Schaupps, and four miles east and a mile north of Loup City. Wm. Larsen of the Loup Citv Mer cantile Co. went to Omaha Tuesday morning on a goods buying trip. If you want good, prompt draying, call on C. L. McDonald, successor to Hagood. For Christmas goods, call at the Rexall store. Talk about vour rains. The gauge at the First National benk registered 3.12 inches of moisture the first five days of December. November gave us onlv .38. while September registered 2.24 inches. The ground can now be said to be pretty thoroughly soaked. Many useful articles suitable for Xmas gifts at reasonablejrrices. •foe Vaughn. Rojewski-Topolski public sale Thursday, Dec. 18. See other notices in this paper and sale bills for part; culars. Supervisors W. O. Brown and J. H. | returned last Friday noon from ar tendance on the state supervisors convention at Lincoln. They went down to the state capital the preced ing Monday morning. ! 100 copies of sheet music just arriv ed at the Ten Cent Store. — A. E. Edwards of Rockville was in town Tuesday on business and gave 1 | this office a pleasant call. J Thursday' Dec. 18 will be the public ! sale given by Barney Rojewski and J. ! S Topolski a mile northwest of Schaupps. See sale bills and Public Sale notice in another column. Merrifield Pianos for salo t y O. F. Peterson E R Ginning reotved a letter from 1 ■! f'! Town. ■. fw ■. >■ - ' >,■ W ! cl) • 1 1 tvers *'h', busy v* i:i« ti , b •••.'! '• ■_ lie ■/. a'iit-r a as ha ■ v nod , ;■! •) r and • ha* sc far tie-, I -d fio! I: (I "•!. j t.,s Til H le.i'S • .! ;>* I. , IP v .or il i; ay g sis tarty ai the i 11 xnl l)iug Suire ‘ If you want a dray, phone S. L. En derlee. BiacK 03. or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. Lonnie Rentfrow from Omaha was a business visitor in Loup City last week. He is the son of the late Jas. Rentfrow. formerly of this city who moved to Kearney where he died some two years ago. A new line of ladies watches. Come in and see thenr, my information costs you nothing, is worth monev to you. Henry M. Eisner. See the fine display of shell goods at the Ten Cent Store. Rojewski-Topolski public sale four miles east and a mile north of Loup City, Thursday, Dec 18. Seven horses 10 cattle, 80 hogs and farm machin ery. Don’t forget the date. There will be a shooting match in Loup*Citv, Tuesday. Dec. 23. See bills for particulars. Loe Brothers will pay you the high est price for chickens. See adv. of Cooper’s special feature sale in this week’s Northwestern. Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald drav at either lumber yard, or at E G. Taylor’s. Toys and dolls of all kinds are be ing recieved at cent Ten Store. Bet ter come in and look them over. Bring in yourchickens to Lee Bros, and receive from them the highest market price. See the advertisement of Cooper's Special Bargain Sales in this week's paper. Boyd Burrowes and his company 'will be here at the opera house Dec. 20. O, A. Woods at his livery stable in Loup City, will begin a series of sales for this winter,. Commencing Dec. 20. Wanted, hides and chickens at Eg ger's meat market. Highest market price paid for same. Books are ideal Xmas gifts Books for little folks and everybody. See our line. Joe Vaughn. Buy Mogul Brand Coffee. Makes one-fourth more cups of good coffee than other kinds. Your patronage appreciated. Joe Vaughn. For Sale—Plymouth Rock Roosters. Inquire of P. C. Parks, P. O. address Arcadia, Nebr. The Sturt.evanti Vacuum Cleaner the clean way to clean. See C. R Sweetland or phone. He has them for sale or rent. A. M. Lewis lost ten head of cattle a f w days apo. winch he had turned into his corn stalks. This is only one of many like instances this fall. From all over the county come reports of loss from the corn stalk disease. And e4ch year is bnt a reception of the same cause and results for the past perhaps fifteen or more years. There seems but one remedy—keep your cat tle out of the corn fields. . A $50 DIAMOND $50 GIVEN NWAY, ON THE 24 of December, 1913 AT 9 O'CLOCK r. M., NT HENRY M. ELSNER The Leading Jeweler of Loup City, Nebraska, one chance for every one dol lar CASH PURCHASE ALONG ROUTE TWO Don’t forget Miss Lulu McFadden’s and Miss Vida Cowling’s school pro gram the 19th. . Adam Ghering had hogs on Loup City market Tuesday. J. E. Roush marketed cattle a Loup City Tuesday. Henry Goodwin marketed a load of hogs Monday. Frank and George Wagner each marketed a load of hogs Monday. Mrs. John Gallaway is still quite poorly with rheumatism. Alvin Koch was hauling hay on Route 2 Monday. Simeon Iossi has fixed up his water tank. Geo.Plambeek is home again afer all summer’s.wor« for W. O. Brown. Miss Lila Goodwin’s school. Dist.78, lias new window curtains. Jim McBeth's fathe from Osceola, Neb .returned home Tuesday from his visit here. Chris Johansen lias finished digging the creamerv ice house deeper. Fritz Bichel took home a load of lumhi-r and shingles Tuesday. Ed Flynn hauled out the new heatr ing plant for the Bichel schooi house Tuesday. Ed Tucker’s two children are visit ing their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mendenhall this week. Ernest McLaughlin is shucking for Fd Obermiller. Mr«. Frank Tucker and children left Monday fcr their home at Aurora H. Ran-unk had a very sick horse Sunday night. The new heating and ventilating plant, for Dist. 47 has arrived and i ill be installed scon W. T. Draper hai? gone to Greeley to help plaster the new court hbuse. Mrs. C. Clark, vita) has been visit ing at the home of W, H McLaugh lin. left for her home near Stockholm Monday. n o si it o mi a s 1^3ies? Puddings and©S* you will want the best flour. We carry Washburn Crosbv COLD MEDAL and SWANSDOWN Cake Flour. Also a full line of Candies, Citron, Lemon, Saffron, Shelled Nuts, Etc., Etc. ARTHUR’S Mr. and Mrs. John Gallaway at tended the surprise party on Mrs. and M iss Hayhurst Monday evening. The p ipils of 47 will give a program Dec. 19, commencing at 2 o’clock p. m Following the program, samples of the work the pupils have done will be on exhibition. Everybody is in vited. A surprise party was given on Tom McFadden Monday night. The even ing was buautiful and some 70 were in attendance to enjov the time. The re w:ic a surprise on Jessip Mc Fadden on her birthday ast Wednes day evening, but owing to the bad night onlv 20 were present and had a hard time getting home in tiie pitch darkness. Jess Fletcher will move to the sand hills in the s >ring J>s-’s lottery number was 1070, but so tnanv drop ped out at, the last minute he finally got No. 500. There's atiout 60 acres of alfalfa on his drawing. The following program will he giv en at the Prairie Gem school, No 72, Friday evening. Dec. 19. Everybody invited: Song, “ ’Tis the Christmas Night:’’ recitation, Christmas Story, recitation, “At 7 in the morning:” dialogue.“Peddlers Not Wanted: solo, “Little Mischief:” exercise, “Santa Claus and His Fairies;” recitation, “An Ordor for a Picture;” dialogue, “A Quiet Country Home:” song.“Bell Song;” recitation- “Uncle Sam’s Ad dress to the Children;” recitation.“A Visit from Santa Claus:” violin solo: dialogue. “A Christmas Surprise:” recitation, “A Xmas Eve Thought:’’ recitation.“But.I’m Not Letting On:” solo, “Always In the Wav;” exercise. “Christmas:” dialogue, “Getting Readv for a Visit:” song, “Sipigh Ride;” recitation, “Babv’s First Christmas;” song. “Boys from the Northland;” dialogue. ‘ 4 Christmas Gift;” recitation.“Just Before Christ mas:" solo. “I'm Jollv Kriss Kringle:” exercise, “Nations;” song, “Smiles:” recitation, “Little Rov;” recitation, “The Mouse’s Mistake:” dialogue. “Tiie Train at Loontown;” song. •‘Flowers fer Christmas Tide:” Exer cise, “Merrv Christmas.” Teacher, Lula McFadden SHERIDAN COAL gets better each year and the price is much less than most coal sells for. If you try Sheri dan we guarantee it will never till up your stove pipes. Lump #7 00. Tint *0 30. Pea $0.25 for sale at Taylor's Elevator. PUBLIC SALE I will offer at Public Auction at my farm, live miles east and one mile mile north of Loup City, one mile northwest of Schaupps and four miles north and three miles westof Ashton, on Thursday, Dec. 18. 1913, commenc ing at one o'clock p m., seven horses, sixteen head of cattle, eighty hogs and a lot of machinery. Terms', 8 months at 10 per cent, Barney Rojewski and J. S. Topolski. owners. J. G. Pageler auctioneer and C. C. Carlson clerk. comTng B0YD-BURR0WS If you enjoy a good laugh, appreci ate a good play, aie a lover of go"d music, like sweet singing and want all these good things happily blended make it a point to see tflie great rural comedy hit ; The Corner Grocery” at the Loup City opera house Dec. 20 one nightonly. Boyd Burrowes heads the big company which includes twelves acting people. Free band concerts twice daily. MORE COMPLETE {^HAN EVER is our Holiday Goods display IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME AMD MONEY Look it over. Come in and let us show you. Swanson & Lof holm DRUG STORE 1 Hardware Paints Oils Tinware and Tin Repairing T. A. GZEHOVIAK I J. G. PAGELER Auctioneer LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. All Auctioneering business attended to promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give me a trial. Holiclay Sale Commencing, Saturday DECEMBER 13, and ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1914, We will offer the Public SPECIAL BARGAINS (too numerous to mention) and in addition to this we will give SPECIAL FEATURE SALES. Your Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. DO NOT MISS IT C. C. Cooper