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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1913)
NO PEACE UNTIL HUERTA LETS 60 USURPED POWER President Says in Message Pres tige of Dictator Is Crumbling and End Is Near. WANTS ffiONEY BILL PASSED Urges Enactment of Legislation to Make Farming a More Efficient Business. LET SHERMAN LAW STAND Primary Elections for Selection of Candidates for Presidency Urged— Ultimate Independence of Phil ippines an Obligation—Dou ble Duty Toward Alaska —Employers’ Liability. Washington, Dec. 2.—The following Is President Wilson’s complete mes sage delivered to congress today: In pursuance of my constitutional duty to ’’give to the congress informa tion of the state of the Union,” I take the liberty of addressing you on sev eral matters which ought, as it seems to me, particularly to engage the at tention of your honorable bodies, as of all who study the welfare of the nation. I shall ask your indulgence if I ven ture to depart in some degree from the usual custom of setting before you in formal review the many matters which have engaged the attention and called for the action of the several departments of the government or which look to them for early treat ment in the future, because the list is long, very long, and would suffer in the abbreviation to which I should have to subject it. I shall submit to you the reports of the heads of the several departments, in which these subjects are set forth in careful de tail, and beg that they may receive the thoughtful attention of your commit tees and of all members of the con gress who may have the leisure to study them. Their obvious importance, as constituting the very substance of the business of the government, makes comment and emphasis on my part un necessary. Country Is at Peace. The country, I am thankful to- say. is at peace with all the world, and many happy manifestations multiply about us of a growing cordiality and sense of community of interest among the nations, foreshadowing an age of settled peace and good will. More and more readily each decade do the na tions manifest, their willingness to bind themselves by solemn treaty to the processes of peace, the processes of frankness and fair concession. So far the United States has stood at the front of such negotiatiojis. She will, I earnestly hope and confidently be lieve, give fresh proof of her sincere adherence to the cause of interna tional friendship by ratifying the sev eral treaties of arbitration awaiting renewal by the senate. In addition to these, it has been the privilege of the department of state to gain the as sent, in principle, of no less than 31 nations, representing four-fifths of the population of the world, to the ne gotiation of treaties by which it shall be agreed that whenever differences of interest or of policy arise which cannot be resolved by the ordinary processes of diplomacy they shall be publicly analyzed, discussed, and re ported upon by a tribunal chosen by the parties before either nation deter mines its course of action. There is only one possible standard by which to determine controversies between the United States and other nations, and that is compounded of these two elements: Our own honor and our obligations to the peace of the world. A test so compounded ought easily to be made to govern both the establishment of new treaty obli gations and the interpretation of those already assumed. Huerta Must Let Go. There is but one cloud upon our ho rizon. That has shown itself to the south of us, and hangs over Mexico. There can he no certain prospect of peace in America until General Huerta has surrendered his usurped authority in Mexico; until it is understood or all hands, indeed, that such pretended governments w ill not be countenanced or dealt with by the government of the United States. We are the friends of constitutional government * In America; we are more than its friends, we are its champions; because In no other way can our neighbors, to whom we would wish in every way to make proof of our friendship, work out their own development in peace and liberty. Mexico has no govern ment. The attempt to maintain one at the City of Mexico has broken down, and a mere military despotism has been set up which has hardly more than the semblance of national author ity. . It originated in the usurpation of Vlctoriano Huerta, who. after a brief attempt to play the part of con stitutional president, has at last cast aside even the pretense of legal right and declared himself dictator. As a consequence, a condition of affairs now exists in Mexico which has made it doubtful whether ever, the most lementary and fundamental rights ^Uher of her own people or of the itizens of other countries resident vithin her territory can long be suc cessfully safeguarded, and which ‘breatens. if long continued, to im '* ril the interests of peace, order and tolerable life in the lands immedi ately to the south of us. Even if the usurper had succeeded in his purposes, in despite of the constitution of the republic and the rights of its people, he would have set up nothing but a precarious and hateful power, which could have lasted but a little while, and whose eventful downfall would have left the country ir. a more de plorable condition than ever. But he : has not succeeded. He has forfeited the respect and the moral support even of those who were at one time willing to see him succeed. Little by little he has been completely isolated. Bv a little every day his power and prestige are crumbling and the col lapse is not far away. We shall not, I believe, be obliged to alter our pol icy of watchful waiting. And then, when the end comes, we shall hope to see constitutional order restored in distressed Mexico by the concert and energy of such of her leaders as pre fer the liberty of their people to their own ambitions. Currency Reform. 1 turn to matters of domestic con cern. You already have under con sideration a bill for the reform of our system of banking and currency, for which the country waits with impati ence, as for something fundamental to its whole business life and neces sary to set credit free from arbitrary and artificial restraints. I need not say how earnestly 1 hope for its early en actment into law. I take leave to beg that the whole energy and attention of the senate be concentrated upon it till the matter is successfully disposed of. And yet I feel that the request is not needed—that the members of that great house need no urging in this service to the country. I present to you, in addition, the urgent necessity that special provision be made also for facilitating the cred its needed by the farmers of the coun try. The pending currency bill does the farmers a great service. It puts them upon an equal footing with oth er business men and masters of en terprise, as it should; and upon its passage they will find themselves quit of many of the difficulties which now hamper them in the field of credit. The farmers, of course, ask and should be given no special privilege, such as extending to them the credit of the government itself. What they need and should obtain is legislation which will make their own abundant and substantial credit resources avail able as a foundation for joint, con certed local action in their own be half in getting the capital they must use. It is to this we should now ad dress ourselves. Allowed to Lag. It has, singularly enough, come to pass that we have allowed the indus try of our farms to lag behind the other activities of the country in its development. I need not stop to tell you how fundamental to the life of the Nation is the production of its food. Our thoughts may ordinarily be concentrated upon the cities and the hives of industry, upon the cries of the crowded market place and the clangor of the factory, but it is from the quiet interspaces of the open val leys and the free hillsides that we draw the sources of life and of pros perity, from the farm and the ranch, from the forest and the mine. With out these every street would be si lent, every office deserted, every fac tory fallen into disrepair. And yet the farmer does not stand upon the same footing with the forester and the miner in the market of credit. He is the servant of the seasons. Nature determines how long he must wait for his crops, and will not be hurried in her processes. He may give his note, but the season of its maturity depends upon the season when his crop ma tures, lies at the gates of the market where his products are sold. And the security he gives is of a character not known in the broker's office or as fa miliarly as it might be on the counter of the banker. Efficiency In Farming. The agricultural department of the government is seeking to assist as never before to make farming an effi cient business, of wide co-operative ef fort. in quick touch with the markets for foodstuffs. The farmers and the government will henceforth work to gether as real partners in this field, where we now begin to see our way very clearly and where many intelli gent plans are already being put into execution. The treasury of the I’ni ted States has, by a timely and well considered distribution of its depos its, facilitated the moving of the crops in the present season and prevented the scarcity of available funds too oft en experienced at such times. But we must not allow ourselves to de pend upon extraordinary expedients. We must add the means by which the farmer may make his credit constant ly and easily available and command when he will the capital by which to support and expand his business. We lag behind many other great countries of the modern world in attempting to do this. Systems of rural credit have been studied and developed on the other side of the water while we left our farmers to shift for themselves in the ordinary money market. You have but to look about you in any rural disR-ict to see the result, the handicap and embarrassment which have been put upon those who pro duce our food: Study Rural Credit. Conscious of this backwardness and neglect on our part, the congress re cently authorized the creation of a special commission to study the vari ous systems of rural credit which have been put Into operation in Eur ope, and this commission is already prepared to report. Its report ought to make it easier for us to determine what methods will be best suited to our own farmers. I hope and believe that the committees of the senate and house will address themselves to this matter with the most fruitful results, and I believe that the studies and re cently formed plans of the depart ment of agriculture may be made to serve them very greatly in their work of framing appropriate and adequate legislation. It would be indiscreet and presumptuous in anyone to dog matize upon so great and many-sided a question, but I feel confident that common counsel will produce the re sults we must all desire. Let Sherman Law Stand. Turn from the farm to the world of business which centers in the city and in the factory, and I think that all thoughtful observers will agree that the immediate service we owe the business communities of the country is to prevent private monopoly more effectually than it has yet been pre vented. I think it will be easily agreed that we should let the Sherman anti trust law stand, unaltered, as it is, with its debatable ground about it, but that we should as much as possi ble reduce the area of that debatable ground by further and more explicit legislation; and should also supple ment that great act by legislation which will not only clarify it but also facilitate its administration and make it fairer to all concerned. No doubt we shall all wish, and the country will expect, this to be the central subject of our deliberations during the pres ent session; but it is a subject so many-sided and so deserving of care ful and discriminating discussion that I shall take the liberty of addressing you upon it in a special message at a later date than this. It is of capital importance that the business men of this country should be relieved of all uncertainties of law with regard to their enterprises and investments and a clear path indicated which they can travel without anxiety. It is as im portant that they should be relieved of embarrassment and set free to prosper as that private monopoly should be destroyed. The ways of I action should be thrown wide open. 1 turn to a subject which I hope can be handled promptly and with out serious controversy of any kind. I mean the method of selecting nomi nees for the presidency of the United States. I feel confident that I do not misinterpret the wishes or the expectations of the country when I urge the prompt enactment of legislation which will provide for primary elections through out the country at which the voters of the several parties may choose their nominees for the presidency without the intervention of nominating con ventions. I venture the suggestion that this legislation should provide for the retention of party conventions, but only for the purpose of declaring and accepting the verdict of the pri maries and formulating the platforms of the parties; and I suggest that these conventions should consist not of delegates chosen for this single pur pose, but of the nominees for con gress, the nominees for vacant seats in the senate of the ITnited States, the senators whose terms have not yet closed, the national committees, and the candidates for the presidency themselves, in order that platforms may be framed by those responsible to the people for carrying them into ef fect. Independence for Philippines. These are all matters of vital do mestic concern, and besides them, out side the charmed circle of our own national life in which our affections command us, as well as our con sciences, there stand out our obliga tions toward our territories over sea. Here we are trustees. Porto -Rico, Hawaii, the Philippines, are ours, once regarded as mere possessions, are no longer to be selfishly exploited; they are part of the domain of public con science and of serviceable and enlight ened statesmanship. We must admin ister them for the people who live in them and with the same sense of re sponsibility to them as toward our own people in our domestic affairs. No doubt we shall successfully enough bind Porto Rico and the Hawaiian is lands to ourselves by ties of justce and afTection, but the performance of our duty toward the Philippines is a more difficult and debatable matter. We can satisfy the obligations of gen erous justice toward the people of Porto Rico by giving them the ample and familiar rights and privileges ac corded our own citizens in our own territory and our obligations toward the people of Hawaii by perfecting the provisions of self-government already granted them, but in the Philippines we must go further. We must hold steadily in view their ultimate inde pendence, and we must move toward the time of that independence as steadily as the way can be clea d and the foundations thoughtfully and per manently laid. Test of Responsibility. Acting under the authority con ferred upon the president by congress, I have already accorded the people of the islands a majority in both houses of their legislative body by appointing five instead of four native citizens to the membership of the commission. I believe that in this way we shall make proof of their capacity in coun sel and their sense of the responsibil ity in the exercise of political power, and that the success of this step will be sure to clear our view for the steps which are to follow. Step by step we should extend and perfect the sys tem of self-government in the islands, making test of them and modifying them as experience discloses their successes and their failures; that we should more and more put under the control of the native citizens of the archipelago the essential instruments of their life, their local instrumentali ties of government, their schools, all the common interests of their commu nities, and so by counsel and experi ence set up a government which all the world will see to be suitable to a people whose affairs are under their own control. At last, I hope and be lieve, we are beginning to gain the confidence of the Filipino peoples. By their counsel and experience, rather than by our own, we shall learn how best to serve them and how soon it will be possible and wise to withdraw our supervision. Let us once find the path and set out with firm and confi dent tread upon it and we shall not wander from it or linger upon it. Double Duty Toward Alaska. A duty faces us with regard to Alas ka which seems to me very pressing and very imperative; perhaps I should say a double duty, for it concerns both the political and the material develop ment of the territory. The people of Alaska should be given the full terri torial form of government, and Alas ka, as a storehouse, should be un locked. One key to it is a system of railways. These the government should itself build and administer, and the ports and terminals it should itself control in the interest of all who wish to use them for the service and de velopment of the country and its peo ple. But the construction of railways is only the first step; is only thrusting in the key to the storehouse and throwing back the lock and opening the door. How the tempting resources of the country are to be exploited is another matter, to which I shall take the liberty of from time to time call ing your attention, for it is a policy which must be worked out by well , considered stages, not upon theory, but upon lines of practical expediency. It is part of our general problem of conservation. We have a freer hand in working out the problem in Alaska than in the states of the Union: and yet the principle and object are the same, wherever we touch it. We must use the resources of the country, not lock them up. There need be no con flict or jealousy as between state and federal authorities; for there can be no essential difference of purpose be tween them. The resources in ques tion must be used, but not destroyed or wasted; used, but not monopolized upon any narrow idea of individual rights as against the abiding interests of communities. That a policy can be worked out by conference and conces sion which will release these resources and yet not jeopard or dissipate them, I for one have no doubt; and it can be done on lines of regulation which need be no less acceptable to the people and governments of the states concerned than to the people and government of the nation at large, whose heritage these resources are. We must bend our counsels to this end. A common purpose ought to make agreement easy. Specially Important. Three or four matters of special im portance and significance I beg that you will permit me to mention in clos ing. Our bureau of mines ought to be equipped and empowered to render i even more effectual service than it j renders now in improving the condi tions of mine labor and making the j mines more economically productive as well as more safe. This is an all important part of the work of con servation: and the conservation of human life and energy lies even near er to our interest than the preserva tion from waste of our material' re sources. We owe it, in mere justice to the railway employes of the country, to provide for them a fair and effective employers’ liability act; and a law that we can stand by in this matter will be no less to the advantage of those who administer the railroads of the country than to the advantage of those whom they employ. The experi ence of a large number of the states abundantly proves that. We ought to devote ourselves to meeting pressing demands of plain justice like this as earnestly as to the accomplishment of political and economic reforms. Social justice comes first. Law is the machinery for its realization and is vital only as it expresses and embodies it. Safety at Sea. An international congress for the discussion of all questions that affect safety at sea is now sitting in London at the suggestion of our own govern ment. So soon as the conclusions of that congress can be learned and con sidered we ovvght to address ourselves, among other things, to the prompt alleviation of the very unsafe, unjust, and burdensome conditions which now surround the employment of sailors and render It extremely difficult to obtain the services of spirited and competent men such as every ship needs if it is to be safely handled and brought to port. May I not express the very real pleasure I have experienced in co operating with this congress and shar ing with it the labors of common service to which it has devoted itself so unreservedly during the past seven months of uncomplaining concentra tion upon the business of legislation? Surely it is a proper and pertinent part of my report on “the state of the Union” to express my admiration for the diligence, the good temper, and the full’comprehension of public duty which has already been manifested by both the houses; and I hope that it may not be deemed an impertinent intrusion of myself into the picture if I say with how much and how con stant satisfaction I have availed my self of the privilege of putting my time and energy at their disposal alike in counsel and in action. Not Impressed. “I know no North, no South, no East, no West,” declared th<^ impas sioned orator. “You are also badly mixed in several other respects,” commented an old farmer in the audience. The Compliment. “My wife paid me a fine compliment this morning!” triumphantly stated skimpy little Mr. Hennypeck. “She said I was almost as big a fool as her first husband i”—Judge. Wins Her Hand. "j never mince matters. Miss Mabel. I am very outspoken. I always call a spade a spade. Is your heart mine?” "Produce the diamond, Charley, and go down and resign from your club and we’ll call it a go.” A Lesson in Politeness. ■"But, daughter, why didn't you tell the young man to stop kissing you? asked the mother. “Why, mother, you know you taught me never to interrupt anyone!” Hopeless Case. "I am afraid my son is hopelessly stupid.” “What's the trouble at college? His tory or geometry?” “Why, they say he can’t learn the football signals.” A Nurse's Success. “I’ve just returned from abroad, you know. How is your poor father?” “We lost him.” “Dear, dear!” "Tes, the nurse married him.” Good Business. MrB. Rich—Why do you pay your maid such awfully high wages? Mrs. Rose—Oh, it pays in the long run. She never breaks those expensive vases any more, for fear we will take it out at the end of the month. Worse Luck. Muggins—What’s the matter with Brokeby? He looks worried. Guggins—He can’t meet his bills. Muggins—That's nothing. I can't dodge mine. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION IN WESTERN CANADA » THE LATEST METHODS ADOPTED BY THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES. Scientific fanning can be pursued with more profit and advantage in Western Canada, probably than in any other portion of the continent. What may be achieved by it may be ascertained when it is known what has been accomplished by the thous sands who have been following the occupation for some time and made a success of it with not even a theore tical knowledge. They ‘‘have tickled the land with a hoe" and become rich. But the question is how long could that continue. The soil and the cli mate and every other condition favor great results by a pursuit of such methods as a technical and practical knowledge will bring. There Is in the writer’s opinion no possibility of failure. Fully aware of this and also of the great potentialities that exist in Western Canada for the following of the profession of farming, as it could be developed and carried on in I Western Canada, the various govern- | ments have established the machin- j ery, that there may be developed a class of farmers, who in the posses sion of the rich soil of that country, with its abundant humus and its phos phates and other properties with which it is so largely endowed, will make of the country, the greatest farming portion of the known world. The Dominion government showed its paternalism years ago when it es tablished experimental farms in Mani toba and Saskatchewan. The benefits ! of these in the matter of practical ; education have been widespread, but the greatest benefit is to be observed I in the immediate vicinity of these farms, where the occupants have | brought their holdings into a high state of cultivation, and year after year sees an added value. The Province of Manitoba is sup plementing this work by its excellent agricultural college, manned by pro fessors of the highest standing in their various branches. That this work is appreciated is shown by the large attendance, not only of the far mer’s sons, but by the farmer him self and also by the sons of business pien and professors who intend fol lowing farming as a profession, and that is what it is fast becoming. The Province of Saskatchewan. ] alive to the necessity of a higher and a better system of farming, has in | connection with its university an ag ricultural college and^what It is do ing today in the matter of education will be felt for all time to come, and i it will not be long before it will be an easy matter to pick out the farms j manned by graduates of this college, or the farms owned by those who have gained from the experience taught by their neighbor. The same ftay be said of Alberta. The university at Edmonton has a complete agricultural college. Full advantage of this is taken by hundreds of students anxious to better their ag ricultural knowledge, and fit them to take hold successfully of the lands that they expect to occupy. This province has also added demonstra tion farms in various parts, which are very successful, inasmuch as farmers visit them from all parts, and take ad vantage of educating themselves for short periods during each winter. Dean Curtiss of Ames Agricultural College, Iowa, says: "We of the United States think that we know how to get behind agri culture and push, but the Canadians dare to do even more than we do in some respects. They have wonderful faith in the future: they hesitate at no undertaking that offers prospects of results. More significant still is the wide co-operation for agricultural pro motion, including the government, private individuals and corporations and the railroads." “Canadians ase putting great faith in education for the development of their resources—not the old education, but vocational and technical. Prov inces that have less than half the pop ulation of Iowa and much less wealth are appropriating more liberally for colleges and schools. Manitoba, for instance, has in the last two years provided about as much money for the building of an agricultural plant as Iowa haB appropriated in half a cen tury. It has given in two years $2. 500,000 for buildings and grounds for its agricultural Institutions. "Saskatchewan is building a plant for its university and agricultural col lege on a broader and more substan tial plan than has been applied to any similar institution in this country. Yet neither province has more than half a million population. “For public schools equally gener ous provision is made. They are be ing built up to give vocational and technical training as well as cultural. They fit the needs of the country ex cellently and should turn out fine types of boys and girls. They do this with a remarkable faith in the value of right education. "Dean Curtiss was much interested in the many other ways the Canadian government aids agriculture, aside from appropriations for educational purposes. They are aiding in solving marketing problems; they are encour aging better breeding of livestock by buying sires and reselling them at cost, and they are doing many other things of like character. "I found that the government is ad vancing from 50 to 85 per cent, of the money necessary to build co-opera tive creameries and elevators,” said Dean Curtiss, ‘'and it is doing it at a low rate of interest and on long time payments. Where cattle need breed ing up, the government buys bulls of dairy, Shorthorn, or special dairy breeds and sends them in at cost price and on long time payments.” The yield of grain in Western Can ada in 1913 was excellent but not ab normal, wheat going from 30 to 45 bushels per acre, and other small grain with equally good averages.—Adver tisement Men bestow compliments only on women who deserve none.—Mme. Bachi. Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion,allays pain,cures wind colic,25c a boUle-Adv Forget an injury, but never forget that you have forgotten it. You’re the One who is going to suffer if you neglect the small ills of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. They.are only warn ings of impending sick ness which you can 4 ‘sidetrack” by the use of HOSTETTER S Stomach Bitters It Restores the Appetite, Aids Di. gestion and Keeps You Weil ^a^THOMPSON’Swe^T^^'i,?” Oeye water Bookl* tr f i>w. r" **■ JOHN L. 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CO., OMAHA i Successors to Omaha Tent & Awning Company and Scott Tent & Awning Company The Jeweler 221! Swift 16Ui Stmt. imuk< 30 fears in Omaha. Send us your Wat we , repair il/or y°u »«* good order. AU work guaranteed and promptly done. Try Us-lt Will Pay You Consign yonr stock to ns for good prices, good flits and prompt remittance. Write or wire ns for any desired information regarding the market. Alicom i munications answered promptly. We are working i for your interest and appreciate yonr bunkues*. FARRIS PURINTON A MARCY Sucetobor* to N. K. Aeker * Co. Live Stock Commission loon 110-112 Eichaage Bldg., Slock Tds. Station. S. Omalukeb 30,500 Bell Telephones in Omaha Bell Lines Reach 668 Nebraska Towns Talk to Omaha Over the Bell Telephone The Typewriter for the Rural Business Man Ball Bearing Long Wearing Whether you aie a small town merchant or a farmer, you need a typewriter. If you are writing your letters and bills by hand, you are not getting lull efficiency. It doesn’t require an expert oper ator to run the L. C. Smith & Bios, typewriter. It is simple, compact, complete, durable. Send in the attached coupon and we will give especial attention to your typewriter needs. I L. C. Smith A Bron. Typewriter Co., : Syracuse, N.Y. : Please semi me your free book abcut : I: typewriter®. ; | Name. . ... • : P.O. : : State. • YOUR OWN NAME ing them up. Send name and address for purtirn lars. A. II. J., Box 1(132, Philadelphia, Pa. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 50-1913. Lots of Health and Energy in this Big Family Package of r These crisp, toasty-brown biscuits are lighter and more diges tible than even well-made bread. The men folks and young sters love them because they’re so crisp and Savory. Always ready to eat, no fussing nor fixing needed. Tuck some in your A pocket when you start out for work. Solid nourishment without bread’s large percentage of water. « { looaeWn.Es &*cvn (ompzht sunfZiZ^LitM Jft\