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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1913)
FARMER’S — I — INSTITUTE j _ I LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURS DAY, DECEMBER, 4th, 1913. ■' “ j Many things of value s j to the farmer will j ■ be discussed. No farmer ] should fail to attend. j i ALL ARE WELCOME l « __ • First National Bank] Loup City, Nebraska. j « We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. j I BUY FURS I will pay highest market prices for furs, this winter. See me and get my figures. \ J.W.Thompson * - M.-i SOLID COMFORT GOOD LOOKS and ENDURING QUALITY THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT MAKE DREW SHOES FAMOUS / i We have them in Brown, Tan and Black, Velours, Nu Buck, Gun Metal, Patent and ^ Vici Kid at. Prices from W.50 to $5.00. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. 11 I E. E YOU NGQU 1ST, Prop. | YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND j I THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW | CHANGE OF PROGRAM ! Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; | ; Matinee every Saturday afternoon | Show every nigl t and nothing but the best of g pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially I invited to attend. •>.**- g At the New Opera House g , THOMAS DADDOW I LOCAL NEWS. Swanson & Lofholm last week pur chased a dandy new Monarch type writer of the latest pattern. Prof Ostry, principal of the Rock ville school, was a Lonp City visitor between trains last Saturday. Marrifiald Pianos for sals by O. F, Pataraan Stuart Conger and children of their son, Romeo, visited over last Sunday with Stuart’s brother, Cash Conger, at Dannebrog. Schwaner can and will save you money on a piano. , Mr. Lon Marvel of Hamilton county arrived last Thursday evening for a week or more visit with his brother, E. M. Marvel on Route 2. Phone your meat orders to Lee Brothers. They deliver same to jou promptly. Mrs. J. R. Gardiner and little son went to Dannebrog last Saturday noon for a two weeks’ visit with the lady’s parents. Schwaner can and will save you money on a piano. Mrs. Joe Thompson and children went to Ord last Saturday morning for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O’Br.van. R. R. Krebs and M. C. Pope of Scotia were Loup City visitors last week Wednesday, visiting with the former’s son, H. Krebs. Loup City White Satin Floor de livered to any part of the city by Lee Brothers. Attorney R. P. Starr was in Litch field last Thursday engaged in the factional troubles in that live busi ness village between the “wets” and “drys.” LBanks Hale, wife and baby ar rived here last Friday evening from their home in Wyoming, where Mr. Hale had business to transact for a few days. For Sale—Double-barreled breech loading shot gun. See R. L. Arthur. Chris Domgard and bride will oc cupy the cottage vacated by J. A. Danlelsou, about the first of next month. The ladies of theEntre Nous club were entertained by Mrs. H. M. Mathew at the New Frederick last Friday afternoon with a few hours at Flinch, followed by a fine 5:30 o’clock dinner. For Sale—Ten tons of millet hay and some alfalfa. Mrs. Anna Cash, phone 9520. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Mathew went to Lincoln last Saturday to witness the Iowa-Nebraska football game, and incidentally from there to Omaha, where Lawyer Mathew had some mat ters of business to look after. l We had such a call for extra copies i of tiie Northwestern last week that we are short a number wished for. Will any of our readers who, after reading their their copy can spare the same and will hand them into this office? It will be a great accomoda I tion to us and the parties wishing ! them. See the tine display of shell goods at the Ten Cent Store. - * We inadvertantly omitted mention last week of the passing through this city of a puilman containing some seventeon Arcadians, bound for the Texas countrv, with prospects of se curing soil in that sunny southland. The delegation was in charge of that prince of Texas land excursionists managers, R. F. Wicliman of Scotia, which assures for the Arcadians the very best care and good time Fred can scare up. You can save lots of trouble and de lay by phoning vour meat orders to Lee Brothers. They deliver same, to you. We received too late for last week announcement of Thanksgiving en tainment to be given at the Fairview school, District 49, which did not reach this office till after publication day. We are sorry, but insist that those having favors for the paper must send sam6 in by Wednesday morning to insure publication that week, as we go to press that afternoon, in order to reach all county subscrib ers by Saturday of same week. Please bear this in mind. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. Black 63, or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. The football game last Friday after noon between Arcadia and Loup City high schools resulted in a score of " to 0 in favor of Arcadia. It was said to be very exciting from start to fin ish. One accident resulted from the game, a son of Rev. Slocumb being knocked unconscious in a compact with other players, but with no ser ious results. J00 copies of sheet music just arriv ed at the Ten dent Store. The Northwestern this week pub lishes a 9-page paper, 5 pages all-home print, because of a rush of advertis ing. The merchants of Loup City, the enterprising ones, mav be found exploiting their waree through our columns, as the best advertising med ium to be had. A nd they are worthy of-your patronage. Watch the adver tisements in the Nortnwestern for Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. R J. Nightingale & Son Attornej and Counicr*&i«Lsw Loup City, Nebraska. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall. Lawy ©r Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Lonp City. - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract hooksin county O. E LONCACRE Physician & Surgeon Office. Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, N0.38 $ A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon Phone. 30. Office at Reef den ce Two Doors East of Telephone Central Loup Eifa, - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Physician& Surgeon Loup City, Nebr. Office at Residence, Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Phun«U4 I,Clip City. Dibruk. S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State dank buildiup. W. L. MARCY DENTIST Loup City, ’ Nebraska. OFFICE: East Side Public Squmo. Phone, Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Cal! lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone brown 57 C; si. SWEETLAND PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices W. M. DONER Contractor and Plasterer Phone White 70 Give me a call and get my prices. I will treat you right. Satisfaction Guaranted H. KREBS Funeral Director Licensed Embalmer Business Phone Black 65 Loup City, Nebraska Rufus HiddlesoH DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone, Either Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylor’s Elevator FRANK ADAMS General Blaeksmithing Horse Shoeing and Wood work. Coine in and see me. J E WEINMAN ?*eteri n ar tan Authorized to make inspec tions for Inter-State Ship > ments Office up stairs/ State Bank Building Phone No. 108 Mrs. R. N. Pritchard and SpIreHa Conetterre. Loup City, Nebraska ALONG ROUTE TWO Clark Allman sale is in December. W. H. McLaughlin sold Ray Mc Fadden a load of corn Saturday. Mr. Thornton and Clifton helped work the roads Saturday. A. P. Paulson and family spent Sunday at Sweetwater Art Wilson and wife spent Sunday at the home of Vern Allman. Otto Henning and lady friend autoed to Loup City Saturday. John Petersen and son hauled the carrier two loads of hay Saturday. Will Hancock has been touching up the new road work since the rain. Mrs. Henry Ransinkdld some qailt ing at Edd Flynn's last Wednesday. Plumbeck Bros, were down on the Creek trapping last week. L. H. Hanseu lost a calf with the black leg last week. Lizzie Miller is again working at, the Jung restaurant. Henry Kuhl took a load of porkers to market last Wednesday. L. H. Hansen had a sick horse last Wednesday. W. T. Draper and family spent Sun day in Litchfield. Lulu McFadden spent Sunday at Kilpatrick home. The literary was a great success lest Friday evening the attendance was good the program was fine. There is a wedding or two to be pulled off on Route 2 before long. Guess who. Mrs. B. Kojenskiand daughter have been painting their new house south the tracks the past week. The Cemetery association put in some new hitching racks at the ceme tery last week. Tom McFaddens and Frank Dad doWs attended church at Loup City City Sunday night. Rutherford and son have been shredding corn fodder for John Peter son this week. The postoffice department will not be responsible for money orders left in the mail boxes meet the carrier and hand him your orders. Every road that has been worked this fall ought to be gone over with the road drag now. L. H. Hansen took a load of coal home Monday and broke down between McFadden's and Oltjenbrun’s the next day lie cleared up the wreck. During the storm Thursday night Frank Wagner's chicken caop was Mown over and the rack blown from the wagon. Ernest Daddow on his way from town Saturday in his automobile kill ed a calf of Oltjenbrun. He settled with Mr. Oltjenbrns. The Ladies Aid will have a chicken | pie social at the Wiggle creek church on Flrdav evening Nov. 28th. The supper will start at 6o’ciook. Every body are cordially invited. Henry Kuhl bought a thoroughbred Short Horn bull at Silver City, Iowa and had it delivered to him last Wed nesday. At the home of Will Draper; last S&burdav evening, the good lady of the house being absent, Miss McFad den and several of her girl friends had a slftmber party. The old saying “When the old cat’s away the mice want to play,” was carried out to the very letter. One of the most exciting runaways ever occuring in this part of the country, and tire most fortunate as well, was the experience accorded Elsie Oltjenbrun and Lilly Brown last Friday morning between the south bridge and the mill race. Hie two girls were driving to town in the Olt jenbrun’s buggy, and when near the home of Frank Mickow, his little dog ran out barking and biting at the heels of the horse. The animal show ing much fright, Miss Elsie got out of the vehicle and attempted to drive the feist away. However.she did not succeed and the horse began a mad race toward town, with Miss Lily in the buggy and holding the lines. In spite of all her efforts, the animal continued towards the mill race and when very near became frightened still more and turned toward the ion house. Again a tumble week rolling beneath the horse’s feet gave the ani mal a fresh Impetus and It again to ward the left and made towards Mic kow’s, where Frank managed to get Miss Lilly out of the buggy, while the horse swerved again and made toward town. Going but a short distance, it tote loose from the cart, smashing it into kindling wood. Outside of this, no damage was done save the scare ex perienced by the girls and those who witnessed the exciting time. The fall worked roads are surely in bad shape this fall and most any fall they are not in the best of shape for winter. If the roads were all worked in the spring, say the last of May and during J . ne. The rains that fall during these months would pack the new ground hard. And if the roads were worked in the spring theground is wet and the men and teams could do one third more work. This fall the roads the dryest they have been in years. Alt road bosses have been roasted for their work on the roads i this fall, but you go out and try to plow or grade and you will soon Bnd out tltat it is not their fault. There ought to be a law tiiat all road work ftiouia be done in the spring. It is true that some of it will be badly washed, but they are always badly washed all summer, when they are worked in the fall as the most of the fall road work does not settle until the spring rains come.' If the roads were worked In bhesDring they would only have to be slightly touched up in the fall. And if the roads were work ed in the spring there wouldn’t be any weeds to bother with as they cause lota of trouble with the grader, The roads If worked in the spring could be kept in good shape all summer with a road drag, But the dragging should be done by the road boss, for just at the time It should be done the farmers are too busy. If the roads are dragged at the right time i% will kill most of the weeds along the road side. One naan and three horse team could get over a good many miles In a day filling up email ruts mads during the rainy weather. Why not state tnat a certain amount of the road funds for dragging only. For Solo, Cheap Large oaed coal burner, good gasp line stove, automobile and automo bile bouse. All in fiipb class condi You Can Buy Lots of Cheap Suits at Low Prices, but you Can’t buy A GOOD SUIT < for a Low price. You buy a garment, all wool, and hand tailor-, ed for less money than any store in Loup City Get your suit for Thanksgiving OF LORENTZ DRESSER’S FOR MEN and BOY’S ONLY Gordon Furs LOUP CITY STEAM LAUNDRY I r l Solicits Your Patronage Family Washings Made a Specialty Rough Dry 24c Per Dozen l E. E. McFADDEN, Propr. ! LOUP CITY FLOUR ) Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills when you can get | Loup City White Satin Flour for less money, and every sack guaranteed. | All dealers handle our flour. | LOUP CITY MILL & LIGHT CO. ( FOR THE MONEY Hardware Paints Oils Tinware and Tin Repairing T. A. CZEHOVIAK 9 For Sale. My Herd Boar Dutch Chief No. 129967 at a price that will move him, this Boar has proven to be a good breeder, think him good enough to head any herd. BEN KLIMPER UUP CUT, NEBRASKA. Help us make the Northwestern better