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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1913)
" \ "* • - r v i - LARGEST CfROULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN SHERMAN COUNTY. LIST OPEN TO PATRONS AT ALL TIMES. Loup City Northwestern THANKS YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ALL ITEMS OF NEWS YOU MAYiCONTRIBUTE _gfe_, % _ VOLUME YTTXTI LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1913. NUMBER 2 NORTHWESTERN CORRECTED i Q* I * A Letter From Miss Meroe Outhouse iu Answer to Squib is Last Week’s Paper in Regards to Teachers Attending State Association. ‘ _ _ _ / ARTICLE PROBABLY TOO SWEEPINC. In'this week’s Northwestern we publish a letter from Miss Meroe Outhouse, in answer to the squib in last week’s paper to the. effect that teachers attend the state as sociation meetings for the purpose of getting an outing, rather than for the purpose of getting intel lectual food out of the association program. In reading the squib, we find that we made the assertion in too sweeping a character, in cluding the teachers as a whole in stead as we really meant, which /f was to the effect that a number of those going to these meetings, say one-third, go merely to get away from the grind and for the pur pose of having a good time only. We still insist that a large num ber go for the purpose of having a jolly time away from all cares, but would not infer that tney com prise the bulk of the number at tending or that the good of the association meetings is thereby brought down to a minimum, or that they should be discontinued. Nor that the teachers in this re gard are any more direlect than those attending meetings of other associations, not excepting even the State Editorial Association meetings, of which the editor and and writer is a member. But "ire do insist that large numbers of those attending the meetings of all associations take advantage of these meetings to get away from business cares simply for the fun and good time they may have, without intending to receive nor absorb any special good from the same. For instance, at Omaha last June, not one-half of the at tendants on the association ses sions were to be found in their seats during all the sessions, nor any considerable part thereof, but i roamed the city streets for the major part of the time, seeming to take little or no interest in the proceedings, nor could have given any succinct account of the pro ceedings thereof, merely making of the association meet an excuse for getting away for a good time. All honor to those who attend the state meets of all kinds for the benefit that may accrue by reason thereof, nor do wfe harbor any scold for those who just go to have a pleasurable vacation, as even if they do not attend any of the meetings they gain to some ex tent by reason of getting away from dull care and mixing with the big world, which is an educa tion of itself to a certain extent, as you know the old and ever true maxin is “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’' * The fol' lowing is Miss Outhouse’s letter: Loup City, Nebr., 15, 1913, Ed. Northwestem.-Dear Sir: Be lieving you are willing to hear both sides of every tfuestion, I de sire to question the statement re garding attendance of the Nebras ka State Teachers’s Association in your publication of Nov. 13. During four years’s residence in Lincoln. I attended four annual meetings of the organization re ferred to in your editorial, as a resident of the city, ample oppor tunity was afforded me to observe closeiy the attitude of out-of-town visitors. In the case of the great majority of teachers, surprising professional interest was displayed and attendance upon the sessions was constant. • As the program planned by those in charge of the affairs of the' association provides always not only for sectional meetings /which touch upon purely technical matters, but also for general meet ings, to which the public are in vited, and pleasure trips, sightsee ing outings, school rallies, etc., it seems reasonable that a teacher would often be seen “sightseeing over the city.” Surely the poor teacher may be allowed a little re creation, some escape from eter nal duty. The idea of educators in such ar rangements is that there is some thing outside of books of value to the average teacher and that such educational matter should not be neglected. Take, for instance, the securing of Madame Gadski for the recent meeting at Omaha, and the excursions to be made to the great packing house plants of the city. It would seem that even a teacher might be both enter tained and improved by taking advantage of such arrangements, any school board is obsessed by the idea that a teacher is mere ly “getting away for an outing,” let them ask for a report of the sessions attended and then li^en to the report when given. They can then easily decide whether the teacher has been benefited, or not Finally, the average teacher is to be commended for displaying enough professional interest to care to go to a state teachers’ meeting. In Illinois, teachers "have to "be paid for attending the county institutes, which Nebraska teachers all attend at their own expense. And the live teachers and live schools of Nebraska uni versally attend the meetings of the State Teachers’ Association. It adds to the status of the school, advertises the “liveness” of the governing school board, and, let it be hoped, stimulates the teach ers to better work. Thanking you for your consid eration of the matter, I am Yours sincerely, Meroe J. Outhouse. Furniture House Changes Hands On Friday on iast week, H. Krebs, junior member of the fur niture and undertaking firm of Daily & Krebs, disposed of his in terest in that store to his senior* partner, E. P. Daily, and leaves with his wife the early part of next month for Boise City, Idaho, where he will re-enter the same business. The Northwestern had known of the possible change for a week or more, but through courtesy to Mr. Krebs did not make notice of same till the un completed deal was made final. Mr. Krebs and his charming wife have made many friends during their short stay among us, and they with us, while regretting their moving to a distance, will wish for them the best of success in their new home. Mr. Daily will continue the business at the old stand and will have the best wishes of our people. young McCarthy IS MAKING GOOD Tom McCarthy seems to be striking his gait out in Montana, of late, and has been cleaning up everything he has gone up against. He has had two bouts recently, one on the 26th of October, at Great Falls, which he won in one round, and on Thursday, Novem ber 6th, he fought a man named Uvanna, putting him out in the sixth sound. Soon after Mc Carthy went to Montana he fought a draw with “Spider” Kelly, a Montana celebrity, and from re ports that have drifted to Ravenna, ; it was one of the hardest fights McCarthy has ever had. The police stopped it in the fourth or fifth round. McCarthy did not | attempted to do any more fight [ ing for some months, a period . necessary for him to accustom - himself to the climate. Recently •4 he has been getting into the game again, and as stated, his won readily enough. It is reported that on Thanksgiving day he is to have another bout with “Spider” Kelly, who the sports say is one of the eminent men in the busi ness, and if McCarthy bests him in the forthcoming match he will take a very decided step upwards in the fistic world.—Ravenna News. STORK VISITATIONS Bom—Thursday, Nov. 13, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schumann of this city, a -pound baby girL All doing well. And now Mrs. Panlchurst, the great English militant suffragist who is here in this country stirring, or try ing to stir up the suffrage movement, is mad and mad all over. She has re ceived an offer of marriage from Dr. Tanner, the man who made himself noted soma years ago by fasting, and she terms the proposal from the noted taster as an insult. Gosh! Sis ti;i§r WEDDING DELLS AT GIDEON, NEE. Young Loup City Couple Bntted in Wedlock Last Week. HENRY—DOMGARD Last week we mentioned that Miss Iva Henry was visiting at the home of her brother, Rev. W. E. Henry, at Gibbon, but no one would infer thereby that any more interesting news could be taken from the simple announcement. However,we have now" interesting sequel to the incident. -Later, our young friend, Mr. Chris. Dom gard, who had been paying rather close attention to the popular Loup City girl, bade adieu to the city, without assuring his friends of his proposed destination, but hied himself to Gibbon, where the lady of his choice was visiting, and on Tuesday of last week, Nov. 11, 1913, was united in the bonds of wedlock with the lady, the ceremony being performed by the bride’s brother, Rev.W. E. Henry, thus taking snap judgment on their many friends, who had been expecting such denoument, but not in the least in such expectant manner. The bride is the second daughter of County Treasurer and Mrs. F. M. Henry of this city, and one of our very best young ladies, to whom to know is to love and respect, while the groom is one of our most enterprising and appreciated young business men, owner of the Crystal Bottling works, and correspondingly well liked. May the kindest of fortunes attend them through life. Mr. and Mrs. Domgard return ed Saturday evening and are at present busy receiving the con gratulations of their many friends. TWO TRAIKLOAD OF BUICK CARS About the largest consignment of automobiles that ever went west passed through Omaha Thursday night when the Rock Island car ried on two trains and aggregated 300 machines. Think of it. Can you tell of any other car shipped in such large quantities? Looks'as if the i western coast was as good judges 'of cars as is Nebraska, and the Buick is one of the general favor ites in every part of the state. REST AFTER LONG ILLNESS After Patiently Suffering for the Pest Two Years Mrs. James Burnett FflSSvS mWUrnj* DIED SDRDAY EVENING. On last Sunday, Nov. 16,- 1913, at about 5 o’clock in the afternoon, oc curred the death of Mrs. James Bur nett, in this city, after an illness last ing more than two yqlrs. The illness of Mrs. Burnett, which had been ac companied by intense suffering for the past two years, causing her to be a confirmed invalid, and for the past number of months hovering between life and death, had awakened over the entire city the utmost sympathy over her condition, so much so that each day the entire population had expected to hear of the end of her sufferings, which bad permitted of no hopes for her ultimate recovery, and when finally death came to her relief, the people’s'as a whole breath ed a sigh of relief that her more than human sufferings were at an end and she was at rest. Mrs. Burnett was a wonderfully good woman, and during her months and years of agony no word of complaint ever escaped her lips, or anything but the sweetest words and patient acceptation of her condition to husband and all most dear, came from her. Deceased, whose maiden name was Catherine McDonall, was born in Churso, Can ada. Kov. 6, 1850 While yet a small child, she came with her parents to Batavia. Ills., and later, in 1882, to Nebraska She was married to James A. Burnett on Feb. 22, 1887. She leaves to mourn her demise the lov ing husband. James Burnett of Loup City, two sisters. Mrs. S. F. Reynolds of this city and Mrs. Esther Dewitt, of Jefferson. Iowa, and four brothers. Valentine McDonall of this city. John McDonall of Waterloo, Iowa, James McDonall of Edgewood, Iowa, and George McDonall of Wells, Nevada. Her christain faith and assurance proved a so rce of deep comfort and a well spying of joy to her during her years of suffering. The funeral occurred from the home Monday afternoon, a large circle of friends'being present, Rev. Tourtellot of the Presbyterian church in charge of the services, after which the re mains were laid to rest In the Ever green cemetery. Casd Of Thanks We wish bo thank the many kind friends and neighbors for their kiDd ness shown to us during the long and painful suffering of our loved one, the many friends who always stood ready to assist us in time of trouble. James A. Burnett, ■ Mrs. Libbie Reynolds, V. McDonall and family. MARViNTRiCH GETS HIS PICK Declaring that he has never obtained any government land and that his claim to the first choice of the United States holdings in the abandoned Fort Niobrara military reservation is legal, Marvin Tritch of Kirkville, Mo., has selected section 34, township 34, range 27, Cherry county, containing 640 acres. Tritch’s new home is situated two miles east of this city, on the Niobrara river. It contains eighty acres of fine timber land, 200 acres of farm land, one mile of river front, nine springs, good grazing land and is plentiful with game^ Tritch values his claim at $15,000. The Yellowstone and Omaha auto mobile road runs directly north of this section, the state farm joins on the east, and it has rural mail delivery and telephone at the door. Arthur Stromsburg of Stroms burg. Neb., whose right to the second selection was challenged at the same time that Tritch !s privi lege of proving up on his claim was questioned, contends that under the laws governing land drawing he is eligible to a claim, and will select his claim at once. CARROT DO WITHORT THE HORTHWESTERH In a letter received a few days ago from Roy T. Fisher, at Lock port, Ills., who will be remembered as be ing united in wedlock some three years since to Miss Schneidereit and moving to Lockport, he remits for another year of Northwestern .read ing, saying, “We cannot do without the paper.” He Bays they are getting along . icely, their baby big enongh to run around and get into all kinds of mischief, every parents knows how that is, and also says the weather has plenty of of snow one week and sunshine and clear weather the not, with work so plentiful that be and his gang of men have lots to carry over till next season. Success to Roy, wife and the big joy of there honaa hold. SCOTIA MAN MURDERED Body of R. N. Woodward a Contractor from Scotia fonnd at Denver. IS KNOWN TO NAVE NAD $7M. — A special telegram to the Daily Bee from Denver, under date of Tuesday of this week states that a policeman that morning stum bled over the dead body of a man afterward identified as R. N. Woodward, a contractor of Sco tia, Neb. From circumstances at tendant upon the case it was be- j lieved he was murdered for $700,1 which it is known he carried with him. A telegram was also re ceived the same day at Scotia by the wife of the murdered man from Denver that her husband had been found dead in that city, having been shot. Robert Wood ford, a young farmer, had resided in Scotia about four years. Two weeks ago he made a sale of his personas property, and a week ago he started out to look up a location, taking quite a sum of money with him. He leaves a wife and one child. He was well known to Messrs. Daily, Krebs and Bredthauer, Loup City’s for mer residents of Scotia. COUNTY SCHOOL ROTES By Supt. L. H. Currier. The record of school attendance in this county is better this year than it has ever been before. This is due to a great extent, no doubt, to the special effort of the teachers and parents along this line. The county superin tendent and teachers wishes to urge upon the parents the necessity of en couraging regular attendance. To many outside interests should be care tully restrained by parents. What would you do in case you saw some person with their clothing afire? What would you do in case you saw someone apparently dead from suffo cation? What would you do to retire a a drowning person? These and many such questions which every boy and girl, man and woman should ask himself and decide upon a definite plan of action. To have such a plan may some day save the life of some dear friend. Teachers should teach their child ren and drill them by practical demo strations along this line that each one will have a definite plan of action in case accidents happen in hiB pre sence. Within the last few months there have been many serious, several fatal accidents from burning, m the state. Most of these accidents were probably the result of ignorance or carelessness and should not have occurred. It is the duty of teachers and parents to teach their children that, fire, kerosene, and gasoline are very dan gerous things. Ling Children are Getting the Habit Some few weeks ago, the North western recorded the runaway of a team near the school house one Friday evening and the narrow escape of the Mcllravy and Ling children, who had started for their respective homes after the week’s school was over, when the team was frightened ran away and demolished the rig without injur ing the children materially. This week, we have to record the second runaway by the same team, which belonged to Mr. Ling, and with about the same results. After school, the children went to the J. P. Leininger barn near the school house and attempted to hitch up the team, but the horses becoming restive from the noise and actions of boys in the neigh borhood, the little girls were un able to do so and a couple of boys volunteered to help. After the team was ready to start, the boys and girls got into the rig and started, with the boys driving, when again the horses became frightened at the football players and started on a run, circling in south of the school house and near the W. T. Owens residence, the vehicle turned over throwing out the occupants, making kind ling wood of one wheel, the horses making a getaway from the buggy and caught at a dis tance, without further harm. Of all the crowd no one was serious ly hurt It is an unfortunate af fair and wonderful that one more were not badly injured or killed in the mix-up. CHURCH NOTES. Methodist—10 a. m. class meeting. 10:30 Preaching Service, Subject, “Home” 11:45 Sunday school. 6:30 p. m. Bpworth League. 7:30 Preaching Service Subject, “Stones in the way of Spiriturl Pro Tbe doors of the church will be thrown open for admission to mem bership both morning and evening. Communion Services, Nov. 30th. Baptist—Morning Service “The Sin of Backsliding”. Hie evening service, “The Determination of Bath”. Sun day school at 11:45 a. m. Preaching in tne afternoon at the Dead Horae scdooi nouse. -i A VERY UNIQUE WEUDINQ PARTY * Mrs. Chris. Bomgard Entertained by a Bunch of Girl Friends in a Bevel Way at the Hone of John W. Long. AM EVENING OF FIN AND FROLIC. A bunch of the intimate girl friends of Mrs. Chris Domgard, (nee Iva Henry), entertained her in an evening of fun and frolic at the home of John W. Long, Mon day evening of this week, roast ing and toasting the delinquent guest of honor, for her recent mis deeds and shortcomings in desert ing their ranks, and to show her just how impressive and serious her actions had been. The girls 4 rehearsed with solemn mein, but amid uproarious laughter,a proper wedding ceremony for her bene fit. The text of the ceremony was full of wit and wisdom. The bride, Miss Ruby Johnson, alias Caroline O’Conner, was resplend ent in white, with peekaboo em* boridery and lace curtain veil at tachments. The groom, Miss Freda Ohlsen, alias Patrick O’Sullivan, was dressed in conventional black, with swallow tail coat, bright green necktie and a smile. Father Oconnor, who, amid weeping and wailing, gave away the bride, was represented by Miss Sigrid Ras mussen, and Miss Olive McCray, alias Mother Oconnor, with many misgivings, admonitions, mother ly advice and some good healthy roasts—launched her eldest daugh ter on the Sea of Matrimony. Miss Mable Barnes, alias Parson Jokes, arrayed in his latest Prince Albert coat, with trousers to match, with solemn grandeur pronounced the words most of which would be un pronouncable on such occasions, which united in happy bonds Caroline Oconnor and Patrick O’ Sullivan, until the roses bloom again. Miss Winnie Parsley was Caroline’s kid sister and made life a burden for Patrick and his bride, and kept Mother Oconner busy German—November 22, lesson In Germain 1:30 p. m. November 23. Ashton service at 10.30 a. m. Presbyterian—10:30 a. m. Theme, “The Christain as Christ’s Bride.” 7:30 p. m. “God First, the greatest commandment.” (The first com mandment.) Wednesday morning of this week at St. Josephat church in this city occurred the nuptials of Mr. John Sliva of Tarnov, Nebr., and Miss Min nie, daughter of Mr. John Augustyn, one of Sherman’s prosperous farmers A reception was tendered the happy young couple that evening at the home of the bride's parents'in Logan township, Quite a number being here from the groom's home to attend the subduing the obstreperous .young ster. After the ceremony was con cluded and all present had duly and properly saluted the bride and groom, they repaired to the dining room and partook of the good things the young ladies had pre pared. The place cards were roasts on the “Newlyweds” and especially for the guest of honor of the evening. And all present voted it one of the funiest events they ever attended. NOW THAT EU GENIC QUESTION What is a “eugenic baby” and what is eugenics? you ask. Quite a lot of people are asking that just now, and the answer is by no means as hard to grasp as appears at first sight—of the word “eugenics.” Eugenics—it is pro nounced u-jen-ike—comes from the Greek word eugenics, which means “good instock.” Eugenics therefore, the science of produc ing a good stock or race of people, and a eugenic baby is consequent ly a “a well-bred-” one. Plenty of babies are “well bred” in one sense, of course, but they are not eugenically bred; nothing particular is done to bring the best possible babies into this best possible of worlds. But the eugenists— Bernard Shaw, Jerome K. Jerome, Profs. Earl Pearson and Metchnikoff (“the sour milk cure” man), and Sir James Crichton-Brownes are among them, and their number is increasing by leaps and bounds— want to change all this. Tliey want: uniy healthy people to marry each other, and These people to do everything possibly, scientifically and medi cally, during the pre-natal period in order to insure healthy children being bom. It is an accepted fact that the feeding, the amusement, the en vironment of a mother-to-be all have their effect, in some mysteri ous way, on the mind and charac ter of her child before it comes into the world. A woman who is worried or bored or improperly fed will not have so fine a child as otherwise might; if she does not give her baby a proper chance. “Keep yourself fit and your spirits up” is what the eugenists say to mothers—expectant. Sir Francis Galton, the scientist, was the father of Eugenics. Six years ago at Oxford he set people thinking furiously about his new theory of race-culture. This is how he defined eugenics: “The study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the social qualities of fu ture generations, either physically or mentally. ” Eugenics, therefore, aims at so educating public opinion that re production by the unfit will cease. But it doesn’t on this account, at tempt to force marriage only up on approved persons and forbid it to those not approved. The supreme value of human love between man and woman is recognized fully in eugenies, but whereone—or both—of the parties of a marriage is lacking in moral responsibility and social sense or is physically unfit in any way, it suggested that parenthood should be avoided for the good of the rest of the race. Eugenics is, in fact, the elimi nation of the unfit and the en couragement of the fit to reproduce their stock. It aims at improving the race mentally, morally and physically, ;