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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1913)
!■■■■■ I ill I — The Lonp City Northwestern J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher. VOUP CITY, - • NEBRASKA FOR THE BUS! MAN \ NEWS EPITOME THAT CAN SOON BE COMPASSED. MANY EVENTS ARE MENTIONED Home and Foreign Intelligence Con* densed Into Two and Four Line Paragraphs. CONGRESS. President Wilson has sent a num ber of nominations for confirmation. Suffrage sub-committee continues its hearing on suffrage parade police protection. Senator Penrose gave notice that a very vigorous request for hearings on the tariff bill would be made. James Hamilton Lewis has been sworn in as senator from Illinois and appointed to privileges and elections and District of Columbia committee. Senator Hughes introduced a bill to admit Dr. F. F. Friedmann to practice medicine in the District of Columbia without the usual examination. Senator Works, speaking on his bill to prevent District of Columbia news papers from printing details of crime, vigorously attacked present-day jour nalism and newspapers. GENERAL. Two sailors of the United States truiser California were killed and three others wounded in a street fight at Mazatlan. a Pacific coast port in Mexico. Two of the silk mills now idle be cause of the strike of 25,000 workers for more pay and shorter hours are leaving Paterson. N. J. One, belong ing to the firm of Aronson & Bloom. The directors of the Pennsylvania railroad at a meetin in Philadelphia ! passed a resolution authorizing a 10 per cent stock issue amounting to about $43,000,000. Mary Webb, 19 years old, sister of Robert Webb, the most daring of the automobile bandits who terrorized Chicago last winter, will enter a con vent as atonement for the crimes of her brother. An earthquake lasting several sec onds was experienced at Salt Lake City recently. Telephone operators on the fifth floor of the Telephone building reported that their transmit ters were rocked by the force of the shock. Prosecution under the Mann white slave act is threatened for a young married man of Kearney, Neb., follow ing the confession at Sioux City, la., by his cousin, a 15-year-old girl, that she had accepted money from him with which she was to pay her ex penses to join him. For the third time in his reign, King Alfonso of Spain narrowly es caped being the victim of an an archistic attempt against his life. Three shots were fired at the king in the streets of the capital by a native of Barcelona, Rafael Sanchez Allegro, who was immediately overpowered. The king was not injured. Hundreds of corporations will be relieved from paying the federal cor poration tax by a decision of the su preme court to the effect that corpo rations leasing all their property and having no income except that yielded by the lease, are not “doing business” and therefore are not sub ject to the tax. Mrs. William Cuming Story of New York, head of the conservative party, failed by six votes of the necessary majority to elect her president general of the Daughters of the American Re volution on the second ballot, which began Friday. The vote stood: Mrs. William Cumming Story, 574; Mrs. John Miller Horton (administration candidate), 642; Mrs. Charles B. Bryan, 42. Three congressional investigations have been proposed. Representative Lobeck asked for an investigation of the “extortionate prices the govern ment is compelled to pay for eleva tors in the various government build ings. Representative Clark of Flor ida asked for the appointment of a special committee to probe various Special commissions and make recom mendations to abolish them. Repre sentative Austin proposed an investi gation of the stemming district to bacco associations with headquarters at Henderson, “as alleged combina tion in restraint of trade.” Higher prices for cold storage products have been the rule ever since the industry became commer cially importrant as shown by data for more than thirty years back col lected by the Department of Agricul ture. t Immigration officials at Philadel phia were startled when Rudolph Gertzen, a German farmer, in reply to the question as to whether or not he had $25, which is necessary before im migrants can land, carelessly pulled ou of his pocket $14,000. Fire that destroyed four large buildings and caused a loss estimated at $300,000 in the Kansas state peni tentiary at Lansing, Kan., was spread by convicts who scattered burning papers in buildings not in the path of the frames, according to a state ment by Fire Chief Michael Bahler of Leavenworth. Brooks Henderson, former United States senator from Missouri and au thor of the thirteenth amendment to the United States qonstitution, died at a hospital in Washington from a complication of disorders. He was 86 years old. John E. W. Wayman, former state’s attorney of Cook county. Illinois, and candidate for the republican nomina tion for governor at the last primary, who shot himself in his home in Chi cago, died. Death was caused by hemorrhage of the lungs. Mr. Wayman had been sinking steadily since the ahcoting. The Citizens State tank at Priest, Idaho, was robbed of $2,000. The National Council of Women, which includes sixteen independent women’s organizations and many sep arate branches, held a three-day ses sion in Washington recently. Uncle Joe Cannon, wearing a new grey felt hat, is in Washington on his first visit as a private citizen in near ly forty years. There is as yet no conclusive evi dence that the Friedmann treatment is worth a penny to any pulmonary consumptive who is seeking an abso lute and positive cure. The Scotland Yard authorities, London, are convinced that Joseph Wilberforce Martin, the millionaire cotton king of Memphis. Tenn., was murdered and his body thrown in the Thames. The low'er house of the New York legislature passed a bill to pay $1 a day for each day’s imprisonment to persons who are pardoned by the gov ernor and who in the opinion of the executive are innocent. Militant suffragists who destroy property shculd be placed in insane asylums instead of jails, as their ac tions indicate nervous derangement. This statement is made in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical association, Chicago. The Minnesota house passed the workmen's compensation bill already passed by the senate, providing $10 a week benefit for workmen disabled while performing their duty. The bill now gees to the governor for his sig nature. Fefinite plans for the construction of one of the biggest and most expen sive hotels in the world are said to have been completed for Chicago’s down town district. The new hos telry is to cost $9,000,000, and will be built at the southeast corner of Clark and Madison streets. An air oiast generated oy me iau of 3,000,000 tens of capping at the Miami mine at Globe, Arizona, killed three miners and injured 100 others, four probably fatally. The blast was so terrific that ore cars were blown from twenty-five to 100 feet along tun nels 500 feet below the surface. Twine binders that sold at $225 w’hen introduced thirty years ago de creased $100 in price down to the for mation of the International Harvester company in 1902 and since that time have increased slightly in price, ac cording to testimony cf witnesses on cross-examination at a session of the hearing in the government’s dissolu tion suit in Kansas City. A new policy in filing vacancies in the position of irrigation manager and assistant has been adopted by Secre tary Lane of the interior department by w’hich these positions hereafter will be filled through civil service commission examinations, instead of by advancement of men connected with the construction of irrigation works. Albert C. Frost, former president and promoter of the Alaska Central railroad, and his four co-defendants, George M. Seward, Pierre G. Beach, Frank Watson and George C. Ball, all interested in the development of the road, were found not gpilty in the fed eral court in Chicago of conspiracy to obtain illegally millions of dollars’ worth of coal lands in the Matanuska Valley, Alaska. Miss Belle Sams of Pasadena, Cal., was the victim of a peculiar series of accidents, all occurring within the space of a couple of seconds. While washing dishes Miss Sams dropped a soup tureen on her foot, breaking one of the bones. She put out an arm to save herself from falling and struck the edge of the kitchen sink so vio lently that the arm was broken. Col lapsing in a faint, the young woman fell to the floor in such manner that one of her legs was twisted under her and broken. The Presbyterian parsonage at To ledo, 111., was dynamited recently. The Rev. W. H. Wilson and his wife, who were in the house at the time, escap ed with slight bruises. Wilson has been a vigorous foe of saloons. orUnT. All of the classic events of former horse racing days, the Suburban, Metropolitan and Brooklyn handicaps, the Lawrence realization and other fatures, are to be renewed during the eighteen days racing, which will be tried at Belmont park, New York, be ginning on Decoration day. Luther McCarty, the heavyweight champion claimant, and Frank Moran of Pittsburg, have been matched for a ten-round bout in New York. Bud Anderson of Oregon won from “Knockout” Brown of New York by a clean knockout, in the fifteenth round of their scheduled twenty-round light weight bout in Los Angeles. The Montana state athletic commis sion, appointed under the state boxing law, organized and adopted rules for the elimination of brutality, betting at the ringside and the sale of liquor. Atlanta police commissioners stop ped the scheduled ten-round bout be tween Abe Attell, former feather weight champion, and Benny Kauff man of Philadelphia in the seventh round. Henry Ordemann and Jess Wester gaard made short work of a wrest ling match in Des Moines. Ia., Wester gaard winning the first fall in 13 minutes and Ordemann the second and third in 17 and 18 minutes. Jack Britton of Chicago outpointed Matty Baldwin, the Boston light weight, on a one-sided ten-round bout in Chicago. George (Knockout) Brown, the Chi cago middleweight, outfought Billy Grupp of St. Louis in a ten-round pre liminary, while Wilie Beecher of New York outpointed “One-Round” Hogan, the California lightweight, in another. Johnny Summers, lightweight of England, defeated Alfred Goodwin in Sydney, Australia, in the ninth round of a scheduled 20 round go. Goodwin was out-classed from start to finish. The match was stopped because of the poor showing Goodwin made. Senator Norris favors a reduction in the duty on wheat, but opposes free flour as proposed by the Under wood bill. Bert Fagin, the California middle weight, knocked out Bid Daley of Co lumbus, O., in the sixth round of a scheduled tsn- round bout in Los Angeles. PRESIDENT IS WATCHING JAPAN MR. WILSON READS WITH INTER EST DISPATCH FROM TOKIO. RETALIATION IS DEMANDED The Bill by California Legislature Becomes Increasingly Serious. Washington.—President Wilson is keeping in touch with the situation in Japan and California. He read with interest the dispatches from Tokio expressing the popular feeling against the bill, and studies the text of the pending measures as well as a synopsis of similar laws in New' York and Texas. The president told his callers that the federal government, of necesssity, must refrain from inter ference with California, while in the process of legislating and could not make its attitude known to inquirinf nations until the bills were passed. He added, however, that if any im pression had been circulated in Japan that the administration here had be come indifferent to the developments in California, such a view was unjus tified and that judgment as to the measures should be withheld until they are finally framed and passed. In the meantime the president de clared that every effort was being made to keep in communication in formally with the California legisla ture. It is unlikely that the presi dent will communicate his views di rectly or take any step that will in terfere with the legislative process, but he hopes through members of congress here to do his utmost to prevent any obvious violation of treaty obligations. Should treaty rights be violated, he is hopeful that Japan will withhold judgment until the American courts have dealt with the question. Outbursts unwarranted. Government officials appear to look upon the popular outburst in Tokio as unwarranted at this time. The federal government fully intends to give Japanese protection and privi lege accorded foreigners under the favored nation principle of its treat ies. Diplomatic circles here are alive to the situation and some of the more prominent embassies and lega tions have been ordered to keep their embassies advised of every ac tion. Japan Talking cf War. Tokio.—The situation brought about by the California bill has be come increasingly serious. A mass meeting composed for the most part of irresponsible people, demanded the most extreme measures of retal iation by Japan. During the gather ing the singing of war songs aroused the feelings of many of the lower classes who were present. Anonymous writers in the newspa pers give an outline of plans for the seizure of the Philippines and Ha waii, and at the same time denounce the Japanese government’s submiss ive attitude. It is said that the changed conditions in Japan make it impossible for the government to re strain the newspapers and the lower classes. On the other hand, government cir cles are showing a friendly spirit. Hamilton Wright Mabie of New York, Dr. Peabody and John L. Mott, secre tary of the international committee of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation, were the guests of a lunch eon given by Baron Noboaki Makono, the foreign minister, at which some of the most prominent Japanese and Americans were present. A very cor dial feeling prevailed. Mrs. Story Chosen Leader. Washington, D. C.—Mrs. William Cumming Story of New York, head of the conservative faction, has been elected president general of the so ciety of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution, defeating Mrs John Miller Horton of Buffalo, the ad ministration candidate, on the third ballot. The vote stood: Mrs. Story 600, Mrs. Horton 449. Scott, Negro, Gets Appointment Springfield, 111.—Wiliam T. Scott, the only negro ever nominated for president of the United States by a regularly constituted delegation, rep resenting ‘ thirty-seven states, has been placed upon the house pay roll as a janitor. Wilson Heads Boy Scouts. Washington.—President Wilson has accepted the honorary presidency of the Boy Scouts of America. He ex pressed interest in the work and promised his active support. Nebraska Postmasters Appointed. Washington.—Nebraska postmasters appointed: Linscott, Blaine county, Hattie L. Boggs, vice G. L,. Dean, re signed; Pepper Creek, Dawes county, David H. Berg, new office; Schill, Sheridan county, C. E. Bensckoter, vice G. E. Bensckoter, resigned. Georgetown and Harvard Tie. Washington.—Harvard and George town played twelve fast innings to a 4-4 tie in Washington, the game being called by agreement to let the visit ors catch a train. Pope’s Condition Better. Rome.—Medical skill and strong vi tality have combined to bring about a change for the better in the condi tion of Pope Pius. The official bul letins issued relieved present anxiety, but there are softie who are skeptical and fear a third relapse. Fly Across Sahara. Biskra, Algeria.—Four military aeroplanes piloted by lieutenants ol the French army have arrived here after a 500-mile trip over the Sahara desert. , NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. Coming Events In Nebraska. May 8 to 10—Annual Convention Mississippi Valley Historical Associa tion, Omaha. May 20, 21 and 22.—Thirty-seventh Encampment G. A. R., Fremont Smallpox has developed in the county jail at Omaha. A fire in Bloomfield recently did damage to the amount of $14,000. Patrick Murray, an old pioneer of Washington county, died recently at Blair. A new telephone exchange is being built in Holdrege. The city council of Wymore in reg ular session swore in the newly elect ed city officials. Charles Blank, son of Jacob Blank pf Lyons, was killed by gas at Arlee, Mont., April 5. Roscoe Fuller of Fremont is in jail there, charged with passing a check drawn for GO cents for $60. The University of Omaha opened Its baseball season by defeating the Deaf and Dumb institute 10 to 0. Charles Boldt, a young farmer aged 36, of Grand Island, killed himself with a 22-rifle. It is believed his mind was temporarily deranged. The Burlington is contemplating building a line from Cheyenne, Wyo., to Banner county. Nebraska. The bill authorizing the issuance pf bonds of $1,000,000 for the resto ration of tornado-wrecked homes in Omaha was passed by the house. Rev. -N. P. Swanberg, pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church of Holdrege and president of the Nebraska confer ence, died at his home in that city. The Nebraska Peace Oratorical as sociation will hold its annual meeting on Friday evening, April 18, in Omaha. The appointment of Frank Cox as postmaster at Sutherland is the first federal plum given Nebraska by Presi dent Wilson. The women of Nebraska City have shipped to the Dundee relief station three barrels of canned fruit for distribution. ueorge A. Losev, representative rrom Dodge county in the state legis lature, will move from Fremont to Ha german, N. M. The Rev. James A. Duff}*, rector of ; 3t. Mary’s cathedral at Kearney since j 1904, has been consecrated bishop of t the newly created Catholic diocese at ; Kearney. Although snow has predominated at Broken Bow for the last few days, ! spring is starting this year under fa- ' vorable auspices so far as the condi- i tion of the ground is concerned. At least fifteen families living in the ' lower river bottoms near the foot cf i Burt street, Omaha, are homeless, ; made so by the steady rise of the \ Missouri waters. Tne Cnion Pacific is to make a vast experimental dry-farming terri tory of its 400-foot right-of-way from Denver to the Kansas line in Colo rado. The baseball season opened at Ash- i land with a game between the Ashland | High school and Benson High school teams. Score, 10 to 0 in favor of Ashland. Palmer’s bill permitting 20,000 or more members of a fraternal insur ance association to secede and form an independent organization passed the house today on third reading, 67 to 20. In order to break up a practice of loitering on the streets and making in sulting remarks to women and girls who pass, Policeman Charley Pipkin in Omaha sent ten young men to po lice headquarters. Since the tornado, 2.000 changes in address have been filed at the post office in Omaha, showing that more than 5,000 people have been com pelled to abandon their homes on ac count of the storm. The per capita value of Nebraska farm property is 56.5 per cent more than the average valuation of the ten states of the corn-belt. These states are: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. * Mayor W. D. Haller of Blair was taken to St. Joseph’s hospital in Omaha, suffering from a severe case of hemorrhage of the bladder. Mr Haller had been ailing for several days, but was not taken seriously ili until Friday. Fielding a perfect game, outhitting the Grizzlies more than two to one playing inside ball and stealing bases successfully, Omaha closed its pro season schedule in a blaze of glory, winning the third victory over the western league champions. 6 to 1. Nebraska stands second in the pei capita value of the corn crop; Ne braska’s com crop brings an annual per capita value to her farmers of 45.5 per cent more than the average ol these ten states. Nebraska stands second in per cap ita value of the wheat crop; in yield per acre, Nebraska leads Kansas, hei chief competitor, 25 per cent annually in bushels per acre. The per capita value of the Nebraska wheat crop is 94.7 per cent more than the average of the corn-belt states. The April edition of the Railway Journal, published in Chicago, contain ed a picture of engine No. 906 and the Rock Island shop force at Fairbury standing on a large turntable in the Fairbury yards. Km ploy es of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company who raised about $1,500 among themselves ; for relief from the tornado's effect, 1 were given $1,500 more by officials of the company. Since that the com pany has given $4,500, and President Wattles has sent $500 from Califor nia. This makes a grand total of about $8,000. Having passed the century mark by nine days, Mrs. Mariah Riddle, mother of J. A. Ramsey of Beatrice, died recently. An aged man was found frozen under a large snow drift in the yards west of the new’ round house grounds at North Platte. Roy Wolfe, who broke into Gus Cocke’s store at York and stole a motorcycle, and who was captured a couple of miles east of York after a running fight with the officers, has been taken to the reform school at Kearney, he being only fourteen years of age. WOULD SUE FORMED SUPERINTENDENT "MANUEL SHOULD PAY FOR LIVE STOCK”—COMMITTEE. RECKLESS WASTE IS CHARGED Business Methods In Vogue at Kear ney Industrial School Said to Be Poor. Lincoln.—Characterizing the busi ness methods at the Kearney Indus trial school under the Manuel admin istration of the past four years as worse than those in vogue at the most slovenly-kept and antique "corner grocery,” and averring that it would have been cheaper foT the state to have quartered its bad boys at the most expensive Lincoln hotel, mem bers of the special senate investigat ing committee brought in a report in which severe criticism is passed upon C. B. Manuel. The report was adopted following perfunctory discussion. In part the castigation offered much information on the conduct of the boys’ school dur ing the years 1909, 1910, 1911 and 1912. The members. Senators Placek, Wink and Spirk, recommended that further facts be gained by the state board of public lands and buildings, and that such action be taken as is deemed proper by those state officials. It is recommended that the attorney general start immediate action for the recovery of $1,300, which the com, mittee believes should be paid back to the state by Mr. Manuel. The report in part, says: "No method was used to keep sepa rate the money expended for different items, and no way to determine daily the amount of supplies on hand, for the reason that the steward delivers such articles to the cook and heads of different departments without making a requisition therefor. Reckless waste ot runus. “The items of expenditure disclose a reckless waste of public funds and gross incompetency in every respect. “The institution cash fund fails in nearly every instance to disclose to whom, or at what price, stock or grain was sold. No receipts are given for money received, which should be done. “The amount paid for coal during the first six months of 1912 shows an. expenditure of $0,102.10. “The institution has at all times from sixty-five to eighty-five head of cattle, of which thirty head are milch cows, and yet the butter and egg ac count for the first nine months of 1912 shows an expenditure of $951. “Mr. Manuel appears to have en joyed traveling at state expense, and the account for traveling expenses during his four years of tenure amounts to $2,244.92. and in addition to the above item the state paid for the return of runaway boys during the same period the sum of $2,318.87. “The law provides that each head of an institution shall make a requi sition for supplies each month, but Mr. Manuel did not trust the state board and found it necessary to ex pend $1,079.18 for trips to Lincoln for buying purposes. Sold Calves at Half Value. “Mr. Manuel was a believer in re ducing the high cost of living and hence sold everything cheap. On Sep tember 27, 1910, he sold thirty-two calves, 6 to 7 months old, and eight cows, for $415, or $10.90 a head, being about 2 per cent per pound or one-half of their value. This sale was made to a son of one of the employes. “The testimony before the commit tee shows that in addition to the thir ty-two calves and eight cows, there were six heifers, and the bill of lad ing of the Union Pacific railroad at Kearney shows that forty-six head were shipped out. Mr. Manuel has failed to account to the state for the six heifers. On October 1, 1912, he sold twenty-five calves, twenty of which were 6 to 7 months old, for the sum of $250, being about one-half of their real value. On December 30, 1910, Mr. Griffen, an employe, bought and crated a three-months'-old calf, which has never been accounted for. In September, 1910, a cow was sold to Mr. Fairchild, an employe, for $30, which sum has not been accounted for. There are twenty-three horses at the institution, many more than necessary, and Mr. Manuel sold two work horses for $170 and purchased a riding horse for $225, used exclusively by his daughter. “The state had a typewriter on hand, but Mr. Manuel conceived the idea of renting his own machine to the stenographer and drawing vouchers from the state for $45 each month and compelling the stenographer to pay him $5 a month, thereby getting $240 for the use of his machine during his te rm." Crushed by Heavy Weight. Hastings.—A. R. Harkins, aged 50, was instantly killed when a tank con taining about 000 pounds dropped on him. Harkins, who was employed at a Hastings dairy, was engaged in washing bottles directly beneath the large water tank when the support holding the tank broke, letting the entire load fall on him. L. J. Mcore, proprietor, hearing the noise, rushed in from another room only to find the man dead. Coroner .1. V. Begh tol was called and decided that an inquest was unnecessary. Bills Passed. H. R. 752—By Potts: Corporation tax bill, one-tenth of 1 per cent of capital stock per annum. Passed 60 to 12. H. R. 380—By Bartels and others: Appropriates cash funds and other re ceipts of four state normals to theii respective current expenses. Passed 84 to 0. H. 321—By Morris: To create a state live stock sanitary board and to increase the salary of the deputy state veterinarian, a salary of $2,400. KUKUHUHUS LITTLE KNOWN Mysterious Race Who Live In New Guinea, Refuse to Meet Europe ans In Their Camps. London.—Dr. Bruno Beheim gives the following description of the mys terious and little known race of the Kukuhuhus of New Guinea: The Ku kuhuhus live in a part of English ter ritory through which runs the River Qukheamu and which is situated near the German boundary. This territory is looked upon by the said race as their inalienable birthright, and ev ery usurper is regarded with hostile eyes. No European has been able to meet the Kukuhuhus in their dwelling places. Prospectors and English of ficials have made repeated attempts to approach them, but their camps were invariably found empty, often with the camp fires still burning. Many a time have Europeans left presents highly prized by other na tives, such as corals, red cloth, look ing glasses, axes, etc.. In the deserted camps, in the hope of establishing friendly relations with these people. But on returning to the same places i few day or a few w'eeks later, al though the camp showed recent traces Df occupation, such as live cinders icd fresh footprints, the goods intend i .-. 1 i Wild Scenery In New Guinea. ed for presents remained untouched where they had beer, placed. Other races of New fluinea fear tha Kukuhuhus as poison. They have learned to their cost what it means to cross the boundary. Some disap pear for all time, while others are found dead, thrust through with spear wounds. The Kukuhuhus, however, do a bartering trade with other na tives in the following way: The lat ter bring salt, earthenware, dried fish, etc., and deposit them in a cer tain indicated place. They then re tire for a few hours, being notified to do so by a curious cry from the dis tance. The timid mountain dwellers then descend to view the goods offered for sale. If they want them they put down other goods, such as skins, feathers and other jungle produce next to those articles wanted by them. Then they retire in turn, and when the way seems clear the coast dwell ers approach again. If the latter are satisfied with what Is offered in ex change they take the goods put down by the mountain people and go away: If not satisfied they retire again as before with empty hands. These business transactions between wild races show a sense of honor that re sembles careful thought. Doctor Beheim regards the Kuku tiuhus as the most remarkable of the ethnological wonders of New Guinea, and he was not successful in discov ering the secret of their origin. LIFE FOR THEFT OF BACON An Ohio Convict Went Insane Before Pardon Came—May Spend Days in Asylum. Columbus. O.—William Welch, thir ty-five years old. the man who re ceived a life sentence in the peniten tiary for stealing a piece of bacon, is no longer a convict. Governor Cox announced his pardon. But the gover nor could not restore Welch’s reason, which has fled after five years In prison. It is likely that the unfortu nate man will have to spend the re mainder of his days in the asylum. Six years ago Welch, a New York City waif, was caught with a piece of bacon, valued at one dollar, which he had stolen from a farmer at Green ville. because, he said, he was hungry and unable to obtain work. He pleaded guilty to the charge of burglary, believing that leniency would be shown him. Instead, Judge Allread sentenced him to a life term. Application for his pardon was signed by Judge Allread and the prosecuting attorney. DENTIST WEDS APPLE EATER Dr. Thomas Allen, Who Lived Twc Months on Peanuts. Bride groom in Missouri. Dr. Allen, former president of Aurora college, who lived 60 days on pea nuts, and Miss Lillian Suehr of Ot tawa. who is said to have existed 92 days on apples, were married in Eu reka Springs, Mo., where Dr. Allen is proprietor of a sanitarium. The bridegroom is fifty years old. his bride is twenty years his junior. The bride was a stenographer for years for Lee O’Neil Browne, Ottawa legislator. She went to Eureka Springs last fall for the benefit of her health, and while there met Dr. Allen. Dr. Allen four years ago read that a boy In the central part of the state had died from eating peanuts. "Why, that must be wrong; I could live 60 days on raw peanuts,” he said. His statement was challenged, and he went on the exclusive goober diet to prove his contention. Plan to Aid Midget Mascot. Baltimore. — Anxious that little Hughie Golden, the sixteen-year-old midget of Old Nassau's baseball team shall have a chance to develop phys ically like other boys of his age, the students of Princeton university are preparing to have the lad undergo treatment. Golden is but two and s half feet in height, having been in Jared when a child. More ^ Economical \ Both in Use I and Gost I CALUMET I BAKING POWDER | — And it does better | work. Simply follow your customary method of preparation — add a little less of Calumet than when using ordi- | nary baking powder. ^ Then watch the result. J Light, fluffy, and even- » ly raised — the baking comes from the oven | more tempting, tastier, more wholesome. Calumet insures the baking of an expert. Ask your grocer to-day. | RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World's Pure Food Exposition, You don’t save money when you hug cheap or big-can balflng powder. Don't he misled. Buy Calumet It's more economical — more wholesome — gives best results. Calumet is fat superior to soar milk and soda. Her Weapon Gone. Hewitt—I hear that your wife has lost her voice. Jewett—Yes; she is a non-combat ant now. FREE BOX OF BISCUITS. Every reader of this paper can se cure absolutely free a box of assorted biscuits by simply cutting out the cou pon from their ad appearing in an other part of this paper and mailing It to Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., Omaha, Neb. The firm Is thoroughly reliable. Take advantage of this liberal offer and write them today. Most Intensive. “Do you believe in intensive gar dening, Mrs. Hoehake?” asked the vis itor. “Well, rather,” said Mrs. Hoerake. "I spent all last winter raising one genanium in a soap box.”—Harper’s Weekly. The Right of the Strong. Three-year-old George and his sis ter, slightly older, were having a tete a-tete luncheon. "Why,” she demand ed, ’’do you take the last ginger-snap, when you've had two and I haven’t had any?" The young philosopher pondered for a moment, then conde scended to elucidate. "Because,” he said, kindly, "I’m a boy and you’re a girl." to women mnifiiiiiiiimimiiinuiiiiia those headaches If accompanied with backache, dragging-down pain, do not have to be. Nature never intended that women should suilor in tbi# manner. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription For forty years has proved won derfully efficient as a remedy for woman's peculiar weaknesses and derangements. aUIIllllUIKKl YomDriiggutWhbStodi The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable —act surely and a gently on the A liver. Cure biliousness. Head ache, Dizzi ness, ana indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature «• U., OMAHA, NO. 17-1913.