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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1913)
Loup City Northwestern •. VOLUME XXXI LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 7Tl913 NUMBER 25 _ _» Professional Cards k<)BT. P. STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRESKE. --*-,-i NIGHTINGALE & SON AttejikCnicMUaw LOUP PITY. NEB K. H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska AAEON WALL Xj a "w Tv7" © r Practices in all Courts 1.0 tip City, Neb. ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Loup Citt, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract booksin county O. E. LONGACRE PHYSICIAN id SURGEON Office, Over New Bank TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS riione, 30. Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Loop City, - Nebraska A. S. MAIN ~1 PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Loup City, Nebr. Office at Residence, Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN Physician* aud Surgeon* Phone 114 Loop City, y.brukt Dr. James F Blanchard OSTEOPATH I ST Office hours 1 p. m. until 5:30 p ni. only S. A. ALLEN, DE.YTMST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up Btairs in the new State Hank building. W L. MAttCY, DJ3NT1ST, LOUP CITY, NEE hast Side Public Suuxie. Phone, Brown 116 " J. L WEiNMAN Pefer in a r i a n All calls ! eceive prompt, care full and considerate attention Phone No. 0 C. o. SWEETLAND PLUMBER 15®|» AND ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Cooie and get my prices i£L msmwm Contractor and‘Plasterer Phone White 7t) Give me a call and get my prices. I will treat you right. Satisfaction Guaranted H KREBS Fuueral Director Licensed Embalmer Business Phone Black 61 Loup City, Nebraska General Blacksmithing H**r«e Shoeing and Wood work Come in and see me. % Former Loup City Boy Maugled by Explosion Last Saturday. Edgar Daddow, a former Loup City boy. and son of Mrs. John Eggers. was the victim of a gas explosion at a creamery plant in Omaha, where he was employed as engineer, losing his right arm just be low the elbow and having liis breast bone broken, besides sundry other injuries. The story of the accident, as near as we could learn, was as fol lows: While doing some work about the engine, in tilling some receptacle with gas, there was in some manner an explosion, pieces of iron tearing the right arm off just below the elbow, as stated above, striking him in the breast, breaking the breast bone and tearing a large hole in same, and pieces of iron striking him in various places about the lower part of the body. He was immediately taken to a hospital and a message sent here to bis mother, Mrs. Eggers, who. with his uncle. Mr. Thos. Daddow, drove to Kavenna the same evening and book a night train to Omaha, to the bedside of the injured boy. The mother and uncle returned home Tuesday evening, leaving sou and nephew getting along as well as could L»e expected aud bringing word that in spite of the seriousness of the in luries his recovery was assured, un ess unusual complications should irise. Young Daddow, as we under stand. was born and reared in and! tear this city, where lie grew to man- j lood, although being away for the jast few years. About twoyearsago. :ie came back to Loup City and start id a shoe shop in the old John Eggers neat market building, adjoining the >ld I’ilger opera house, but after a short time closed up the business and ivent to Omaha, where he had been iinployed as engineer of a creamery jp to the time of the above accident. The many friends of the young man. bhe wife and children, mother and numerous relatives, will sympathize with all concerned in the almost fatal tragedy, aud hope for tlie young man’s speedy recovery. --— Sherman County Is Nearly Free of Debt -Maybe our people do not realize it, jut Sherman county is crawling out >f debt with splendid rapidity, the indebtedness of the county having seen reduced nearly half in the past [hree years. At present the county’s indebtedness is only $43,000, and it is 1 pretty sure shot that by this com ing June or July another $3,000 will L>e cut off, leaving the bogy man at $40,000 only, and with the present levy, the entire debt can be entirely wiped out within the next two or three years. What do you think of that? Doesn’t that spell new court house in the near future? And now, just stop a little and let this soak in. A special levy of 5 mills for 4 years, would give Sherman county a $05,000 court house all paid for. What do you think about it? Is it not worth copsidering? Is there an enterprising Sherman county citizen, and this county lias no other kind, who would not willingly give his pro rata to have the old joke in the center of our beautiful park superceded by a flue architectural structure and safe place lor the county’s records? Say, you good boys over the county, give the matter a little of your leisure thought and write us about it, will you? $14,000 Worth of Irrigation Bonds Cancelled by Board The county board at its session just concluded did a good job in paying off $10,000 worth of irrigation bonds against Loup City township and also $4,000 worth against Logan township. The board found there was enough money on hand to take up that much of the irrigation bonds against the above named townships, and by pay ing a small premium, the holders were willing to cancel the same at once, although they were not paya ble for a year or more yet, bearing 7 percent interest, in thus taking up tlie bonds the'board has made a sav ing ih interest of some $1,050 to the two townships. This leaves only about $3,000 of irrigation bonds in debtedness against each township, and that will soon be paid off and the old irrigation nightmare will be at an end. Serious Charge Against Ravenna Policeman Ravenna, Neb., April 28.-(Special to the Bee) County Attorney McDer mott lias issued a warrant charging A. M. Gramly. for the last year police man and street commissioner of Ra venna of having immoral relations with a 13-year-old girl. Gramly has lived here many years, and lias a wife and four children. Gramly is about 50 years old. He left Ravenna a few days ago, but his whereabouts are presumed to be known and an i qigit will doubtless be made at once. L B. Polski Appointed Clerk The county board met Monday, de clared the office of county c'erk va cant, caused by the death of W. C. Dieterichs, and upon an informal bal lot being taken for his successor, the vote stood for L. B. Polski to 1 for ,f. F. Nicoson. The election of Mr. Polski was then made unanimous. There were but three candidates be fore the board for that office, J. J. Slominski, present deputy county clerk, being the third man. All three of these gentlemen have held the position of deputy clerk, and all were familiar with the work of the office. The succesful applicant, Mr. Polski, was the first deputy under W. C. Dieterichs. county clerk, deceased, resigning that position to accept the post of assistant cashier in the First National Bank, which position he was filling most acceptably when elected to fill the vacancy in the clerk's office. He comes of a family of bank ers, his father and brothers being the present owners of the Bank of Ashton, and his life work has been along that line, so that his election as county clerk carries with it an en dorsement of one who is fully able to cope with any form of clerical work that may come up in the office to which he has received the unanimous vote of the county board of supervis ors. Comic Supplement Immoral in Tendency The Philadelphia Public Ledger makes announcement that “the use of the color comic pages in the Sun day Public Ledger lias been discon tinued. It was concluded tint the subject matter and treatment of the 1 comic illustrated serials exercise a ; mischevious influence on boys and j girls and have demoralizing tenden-j eies.” The alleged “comics’- are now on the decline, and yet their use is still so general that educators and moralists are horrified over the in fluence they are having on the rising generation. It is not generally un-; iersfiood yet, but the fact will become I plain in the next fifty years that the colored suppliment of the first dozen j years of the twentieth century has done more to demoralize the young people of the United States than any other single agency. Every time one i of these daubs is discontinued it! lightens the load of the parent and the school teacher.—Ord Quiz. State University Notes In the interclass debates the Seniors won first place. The Senior team was coached by Chris Sorenson. Winnie Outhouse is known as*a shark Latin student. It is said that she gets a two-hour lesson in fifteen minutes. Lincoln is going through a wet and dry campaign. Those who have gone over the situation carefully estimate that 80 per cent of the student voters will vote dry. Sorenson and Rein are on opposite sides. Clifford Rein, as editor of the Daily Nebraskan, has been carrying on a vigorous campaign for economy in class functions. He is fighting for cheaper dances especially. At present a dance ticket costs from $3.50 to $5.00. Add to this the rent of a dress suit, flowers, cab, etc., and the aver age student cannot afford to attend. University removal has been the cause of much argument pro and con among the students. As far as the reporter can learn, the Loup City students nearly all favor removal to the farm. The new law provides as follows: To create a University build ing fund a levy of three-quarters of a mill is made for six years. But no part of this fund is to be available until the question of the location of the University shall have been sub mitted to the people at a general election. The two propositions, ex tension and removal, are to be sub mitted at the same time and the one receiving the largest vote carries. If extension carries, half a mill will be used at the city campus, and the other quarter of a mill at the farm. If re moval carries all the appropriation goes to the farm. Visions from Storkland Boro, April 23rd, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Coley of Litchfield, a bouncing baby boy. Mamma and baby doing nicely, but Ed is still walkintr among the clouds and just can’t come down to terrestrial affairs. Booms Hadley and Butler to Head the Republicans in 1916 Boston April 27.—Former Governor Herbert S. Hadley of Missouri was indorsed informally for president of the United States and Nicholas Mur ray Butler for vice president at the Grant night dinner of the Middlesex club Saturday qight. Both were guests and speakers at the dinner. | W. C. Deiterichs Passes Away As was predicted last week, County Clerk W. C. Dieterichs' life ebbed away last Thursday evening, just as the shades of night were coming on, death resulting from peritonitis, fol lowing the operation for appendicitis. Tne funeral occurred the following Saturday at 1 p. m. from the home of deceased, a very short and simple service being given by Rev. Tourtellot of the Presbyterian church, and the body was laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery. At the wish of the family, there was no ostentation, no flowers, only a few words of farewell, and all that was mortal of our friend, every body’s friend, was committed to its last resting place. To say that the illness and death of deceased came as a shock to our entire community, is putting the matter mildly. Few had know n that he had been ill or in poor health up to the hour when it was known that he had been stricken with the disease which caused his death, and almost before the news had reached our people came the news that he had succumbed to the enemy of all mankind. >lr. Dieterichs was! a man who made no enemies, and multipied his friends as fast as known. He had been a most pleasant, kind and accommodating friend, man and county official, as all who had dealings with him could testify. Of a naturaj! retiring disposition, he never pushed I himself forward, leaving that to be i done, if at all, by his friends. It is safe to say that in his death our county has lost one of its most pop ular officials, our city one of its best citizens, and the community one of its most desirable men. Cloaks! Cloaks!! Cloaks!!! j We have a few of our new spring! cloaks which we will close out at a cut price. Loup City Mercantile Co. Do You Want Cement Work? Anyone wanting block work, house or foundation, or any kind of cement work, see me. I have on hand at present a large number of concrete blocks nicely cured. I ask your pat ronage. C. J. Tracy Road Notice (Nightingale) To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at a point on the east line of section twelve (12), township fifteen (15), range fifteen (15), in said county, where road num ber one intersects the east line of said section twelve* and running thence south along the east line of said section twelve to the right of way of the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy llailroad Company andtheDce along said right of way, in a south easterly direction and terminating at the north line of Barker's Second Ad dition to Loup City, in said county, be established and opened, the same to have a width of forty feet, being twenty feet on each side of said sec tion line down to said right of way, , and sixty-six feet wide thereafter along said right of way, and all ob jection thereto or claims for damages must be tiled in the office of the county clerk on or before noon of the 1st day of July, 1813, or such road will be established without reference thereto. Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this 24th, day of April, A. D. 1913. W. C. Dieterichs, County Clerk. By J. J. Slominski. Deputy. [seal] Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate of Will in the County Court of Sherman county. Ne braska State of Nebraska, i Sherman County. ( 33 To the heirs, legatees, devisees and all persons interested in the estate of Charles S. Cash, deceased: On reading the petition ol Allen Cash, pray ing that the instrument tiled in this court on the 24th day of April, 1913. and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of Charles S. Cash, deceased; that said instrument be admitted to probate and the administra tion of said estate be granted to Annie L. Cushasexecutrix. Itis hereby ordered that you and all persons Interested in said matter, may, and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the -2fst day of May, A. D. 1913, at 1 o clock p. m. to show cause, 1f any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all per. sons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loup City North western a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said court this 24th day of April. A. !>.. 1913. E. A. Smith [seal] County Judge (Last pub May. 15) Road Vacation Notice (Leibhart) To all whom it may concern: * The commissioner appointed to vacate the Dublic road crossing the n e 1-4 section twenty-six (sec 26) and north west quarter and northeast quarter (nw 1-4 and ne 1-4) and southeast quar rer (se 1-4) or section twenty-tive (25) all in Town fifteen (15) Range four teen (14) has reported in favor of such vacation, provided that the substitu ted roads be made passable and all objections thereto, or claims for dam ages m ust be tiled in the county clerk’s office on or before noon of the 8th day of June,1913, or such road will be vacatated with out reference thereto. Dated at Loup City this 8th day of April, 1913. W. C. Deitebichs County Clerk Last pub May 8 Notice to Creditors 1 ^Sherman Coimty* H 1,1 llu' Count* Court ' In the matter of the estate of II® tiert W. ■ | Pedler. deceased. ’ j To the creditors of said estate: j You are uereby notified, that I will sit at the . | County Court room in Loup City, in suit County, on the 17th dav of November. 19;3. t< [ j receive and examine all claims against said ; estate, with a view to their adjustment and ul * lowanee. The time limited for the present-t tion of claims against said estate is the 17th 1 day of November. A. Lb. 1913. and the time . limited for the payment of debts^U one year from said 31st day of March. M.'i3. Witness my hand and seal of said County . Court, this 21st day of April. 1913. E. A. «\1ITH f (seal) County Judge Last pub May 15 Sheriffs Sale Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale to me di : rected from the District Court of | Sherman county. Nebraska, upon a ; decree or foreclosure rendered in said | court on the 12th day of March, 1913, j wherein John Fisher was plaintiff, jand Kate Lvons. Mary J. Farr, Mary j J. Farr, administratrix of the estate 'of Levi J. Farr, deceased. Linden ■ Farr, Gertie Farr. Willis Farr. Teddy i Farr. Caroline Lade. E. G. Lade, ex ecutor, were defendants: I have levied upon the following described real estate, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section twenty-six (26) in township thirteen (13), range fifteen (15), west of the 6th principal merid ian, situated in said Sherman county and state of Nebraska, and J will on the 3rd day of June, 1913, at two o'clock p. m.. of said day. at the south door of the court house, in Loup City. Sherman county. Nebraska, offer for sale and sell said-above described real estate at public auction to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy the amount of 81734.00 with interest at seven per cent per annum from the 12th day of March, 1913. and costs of tire above action taxed at 846.13 and accruing costs, which amount was ad judged to be due to the plaintiff above named from the defendants above named, ana to be a lien upon the above described premises. Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this 28th day of April, 1913. L. A. Williams, Sheriff of Sherman county. Nebraska. A. C. Mayes, Plaintiff's Attorney. [Last pub. May 29] Notice of Sheriff's Sale Notice is hereby given that, by virtue of an order of sale to me di- I rected issued out of the DistrictCourt of Sherman county. Nebraska, upon a decree rendered in said court on March 11th, 1913, in a certain cause therein pending wherein Ashton State Hank is plaintiff and Frank J. Stobbe. Elizabeth Stob -e. the Cudahy Pack ing Company, Armour and Company, and Victoria Ilaremza are Defend ants. in favor of the said plaintiff. Ashton State Bank, in the sum of $3841.45, bearing interest at eight per cent per annum, and costs taxed at , $27.75. and ordering that in ease the defendants, Frank J. Stobbe and Elizabeth Stobbe. fail for twenty days to pay the Plaintiff the said sum of $3841.45, with interest at eight per cent per annum from March 11th, 1913. and Costs of suit, that the prop erty hereinafter described be sold to satisfy said decree: Now tnerefore. I will on the 27th day of May, 1913, at one o’clock in the afternoon of said day. at the south and front door of the court house, in Loup City, Ne braska. sell the following described real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to-wit: lot numbered eight (8) in block numbered ten (10) in the original town of Ash ton: also all of lot fifteen (15). except the west twelve and one-half (12)^) feet of said lot. and all of lots sixteen (18), seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) in block two (2) in E. G. Taylor’s Second Addition to said town of Ashton, all situate in Sherman county. Nebraska, to satisfy the amount due on said de cree. with interest, cost and accruing costs. Witness my hand this 22nd dav of April, 1913. : L. A. Williams. Sheriff of Sherman county, Nebraska. I [Last pub. May 22.1913] ” Road Notice (Commercial Club) To all whom it may concern: The commissioners appointed to lo cate a road commencing at the east end of Road No. 426 on the south line of section 31, township 16, range 14 and running thence in a northerly di rection about 100 rods to the summit of a ridge, thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction following the summit of said ridge, and crossing the half section line of section 31, town ship 16. range 14. at about thirty-tive (35) rods east of the center of section 31, township 16, range 14, thence in a northwesterly direction along said ridge, crossing section line between sections 30 and 31. township 16, range 14 at about 56 rods west of the quarter section corner between sections30 and 31, township 16. range 14. thence in a northerly and northeasterly direction along said ridge, crossing the half section line about 52 rods west of center of section 30, township 16. range 14, thence along said ridge in a northeasterly direction crossing the half section line about thirty-six (36) rods north of the center of section 30, township 16, range 14. thence in a general northeasterly direction along said ridge crossing the line between sections 19 and 30, township 16. range 14, at about forty-four (44) rods east of the quarter section corner between the sections 19 and 30, township 16, range 14,thence northwesterly along said ridge to a point about thirty-six (36) rods north and thirty (30) rods east of the quarter section corner between 19 and 30, township 16, range 14, thence west across a small pocket about seventy-live (75) rods, thence north westerly and west to a point about ten (10) rods north of the west quarter section corner of section 19, township 16, range 14. thence northwest along said ridge about twenty-four (24 Rods, intersecting with the Hans Johnson road and there terminating, has re ported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims for damage, must be tiled in the County Clerk’s office on or before noon of the 28th day of June, A. D. 1913, or such road will be established1 without reference thereto. Dated this 14th day of April at Loup City, Nebraska. W. C. Dietebichs, [saAt.j County Clerk. Last pub. May 15 THE HOME Of| Quality Groceries j •Come * M j »t • ial! •You Then will De clare our Crccries the Choisest Our ! PRICES FAIR Most Obliging You’l Find Us Anxious to Please Ever Striving Our Best YOUR WANTS TO APPEASE ,-1 2? ® is I | Try These—They’ll Please | Puffed Wheat Oranges. ^ Post Toasties . Bananas ^ Grape Nuts Grape Fruit '! Corn h lakes Lemons ^ Rolled Oats Apples * Cream of Rve Berries in Season ' Cream of Wheat Dates * Big‘T” Food Figs * < Shredded Wheat Prunes * GHsceyeR's i The Quality House Established 1888 i ^ A place some YOUR WORK NORSES need a good tonic to put them in shape to acquire the needed strength and en durance for the season’s work. Feed them SAL VET the great Condition er and tonic. Your cattle will get fat and sleek if you feed them sal-vet. YOUR HOGS will make the desired growth and gain if you in a trough convenient for them to eat of it as the sys tem requires, and your hogs,big and little, will stop root ing and take on size and flesh in a way that will please you. It will pay you to feed sal-vet. Place Sal-vet where your stock can get it and Let Your Stock Feed Themselves The Rexall Drug Store vauuhn & Hinman Loup City Infirmary of Osteopathy Dr. James F. Blanchard. Physician in charge Office will be in Infirmary after May 1st. All acute and chronic diseases treated successfully without drugs Patients desiring rooms at the Infirmary may make such ar rangements by writing or phoning a day or so in ad vance of coming. Rates on request. When in Need of I COAL or first-class Hiiam/ber of all dimensions, We also have a car of Coke. We also have a good line of Fence posts, range ing in price from ten to fifty cents. Phone Red 29 and yon will receive prompt attention LEIN1NGER LUMBER COMPANY