The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 03, 1913, Image 5

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    Have a Business Home
Call today and let ua start you on the J
road to prosperity. We not only accept,
your deposits, keep your money safely
and render you every possible accommo- i
dation that the best banks in the country ;
can render, but we will take care of your j
valuable papers and give you our assist
tance in any business transaction free of
charge. We invite you to make our
bank your business home.
01. f. Nason, prest. H. B. Outhouse, Vlce-Pres'
L. fiansen, Cashier
Well kept teeth mean much to your
appearance and more to your health. It is worth
while, therefore to buy only the best in brushes,
tooth powders, washes and pastes.
You will tind the most reliable kinds at this
store. Call in and look over our stock—today
Here are a few specials
Nydenta Tooth Paste Nyals Tooth Powder
Colgates Dental Cream Colgates Dental Powder
Euthymol Tooth Paste Monoxide Tooth Paste
— Swanson & Lofholm
Shoe Sale
As we have decid
ed to clean up all
odds and ends in
SHOES at quite a
^ loss to us, but at a
bargain to those
who BUY.
These Shoes at regular
price was sold from $2
to $8. But will all be
put on <jne counter and
marked your choice
$1.45. A bargain to
those who need shoes.
Barrington Hall A*Handful
Find out for yourself, take rCIIlUVcU
home a can of barrin gtn
hall—drink it—count the
the cups and if you find that
these letters don’t tell the
truth, we will pay you back
for the can of coffee. It is simply this;
b'TF^ ■ 1
{ V
in preparing
tin of'*•
Barrington Hall from the stand point of quality, makes
the best cup of coffee you ever drank.
Barrington Hall, from a stand point of cost per cup, is m
higher than any 30c coffee. Barrington Hall coffee will
give enough cups of cofiee to the pound more than any 30»
coffee, which proves that it does not cost any more. And
when you once have tried this coffee and find that it is sc
much better than any other coffee that will surely be the
kind that you want.
1 Subscription to the North- f
i western is $1.50 a year g
l Single Copy 5 cents |
Dr Vallier, Osteopath, Grand Island
Big Red Millet seed for sale by Geo.
Ziffler at $1 per bushel. 3-27-tf
April 7th, the last day of the biff
Auto Contest.
Good work horses for sale. Phone
9203. A. E. Charlton. tf
Ladies spring suits and cloaks
just in. Loup City Mer. Co.
See Lee Bros, for friction drive
Eggs for hatching from pure-bred
Barred Plymouth Rocks, $1.00 per set
ting. R. L. Arthur.
If you have a horse or a mule to
sell, call phone 20.
Myrl. A. Warrick.
We pay cash for eggs delivered at
the creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
Our big Auto Contest positively
closes the evening of April 7th. Get
Furniture, almost as good as new
for sale at the Second Hand Store
for 5oc on the dollar,
Mrs. Mary A. Gardner has two un
furnished rooms in one of her cot
tages for rent. See her for particulars.
Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald
dray at either lumber yard,or E. G.
at Taylor’s.
Our big Auto Contest closes at 9
o’clock on the evening of Aoril 7th,
without fail. —
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derlee. Black 63, or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Reports from the bedside of Mrs.
McCray are not so encouraging the
past few days, her condition not im
proving as was hoped.
Good seed oats, two kinds, pure and
clean, home grown, also Stock Food
and Molasses Feed, for sale by
Robert Dinsdale. tf
Embroideries and laces the finest
ever seen in Loup City. Loup City
Mer. Co., has them.
Gus Lorentz has madeadecided im
provement in his store front, placing
inner windows in the inclosure back
of the big show windows.
We are paying 32 cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. We
test and pay cash for cream.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
J. F. Bock returned Friday from a
two weeks' trip back to Pacific Junc
tion, Iowa, his old home, where he
went to look after some of his land
- Myrl Iliddleson, who has been learn
ing the jewelry business with H. M.
Eisner, left Monday morning for
Omaha to still further perfect him
self in his chosen work.
Buy your clocks, watches and every
thing kept in a first-class jewelery
store of Schwaner. He keeps best and
most up-to-date stock, and at prices
to suit your pocketbook.
The state supreme court last Friday
decided that the present stallion law
was unconstitutional, but it also said
the legislature could easily cure the
measure so as to make it constitu
tional. This item of news has not
been censored.
Do you realize that Eisner, the
Jeweler, has spent over $400.00 for
correct time pieces, consisting of a
chronometer and regulator, so that
he can absolutely time your watch
correct when brought to him for re
pair? 4-3
Go to Vic Swanson's for seasonable
styles of up-to-date Dry Goods. We
invite your attention to our complete
and carefully selected lines. Our
stock is perfect, beyond criticism or
comparison. We are showing the cor
rect styles of the season and prices
are right.
The Northwestern wishes at all
times to give the news correctly,
while at the same time is well aware
that cannot be true in all instances
coming to its notice. However, it will
in some cases hereafter see to it that
at least certain items are censored
and receives the O. K. of those who
never make mistakes.
Eisner, the Jeweler, has a complete
watch repair cabinet, consisting of
genuine staffs and jewels and other
materials making up a watch, this
cabinet complete costing $500. This
gives the customer accurate work.
No misfits from this cabinet. Go
in and ask to see it. 4-3
Your horses, cattle, hogs and sheep
need a Spring Tonic and Conditioner,
something that will put them in
proper condition to make the best
growth and development. It will
pay you big to feed Sal-vet. For
sale only at The Rexall Drug Store.
Vaughn & Hinman.
Miss Rebecca Debord from the west
side is in town this week taking
orders for “The Great War On White
Slavery,” by Clifford G. Roe, the well
known author and lecturer. This is
Mr. Roe’s best and latest book on a
live subject much agitated at the
present time. Miss Debord is stop
ping at the Bon Ton Cafe.
Let a newspaper commit an unin
tentional error and the editor is
jumped upon and kicked and cursed
from pillar to post, with no promise
of forgiveness this side of the grave.
But let some other person comit an
intentional error and the same editor
is appealed to not to say a word about
it. And all this beats the word that
is spelled with four letters. Butsuch
is the life of an editor_Ex.
snens at ijee nros.
Mrs W. F. Mason visited at Palmer
Schwaner, the Jeweler, guarantees
all repair work.
We still have some flour at a cheap
price. Lee Bros.
E. F. Jonas paintar and paper
hanger. Phone Black 74.
Dr. Carrie L. Bowman made a bus
iness trip to Omaha last Friday, re
turning Monday evening of this week.
If you want good, prompt draying,
call on C. L. McDonald, successor to
About 500 bushels Early Ohio seed
potatoes for sale at 75c per bushel.
tf A. J. Johnson.
Ted Gasteyer has been ill the past
few days. Pretty tougli on that little
live-wire to be housed up.
Miss Irene Ruibbels and Miss Alice
Johnson of Arcadia were visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. II.
Williams last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Dale of Denton,
who have been visiting their son. R.
E. Dale, and family the past three
weeks, returned home yesterday.
R. P. Starr came home from Grand
Island last Saturday, much improved
in health, but yet quite weak from
his recent illness.
If your watcn or clock does not run
correctly, take them to Schwaner, the
Jeweler, and he will put them in
guaranteed shape.
A. N. Cook and family were visiting
at Litchfield last week prior to re
moving to their new home in Wyo
You are always on the right road
when you follow the crowd to the
Loup City Mer. Co., as they have the
Eggs for hatching from pure-bred
Barred Plymouth Rocks, Bradley
Strain. 50c per setting. Phone, black
71. Albert Fiebig. tf
me v ummerciai uuu raised -pioi
for the Omaha tornado sufferers, J.
W. Conger adding a $5 check later, lie
not being in town when Sheriff Wil
liams passed the petition.
Sargent, Comstock, Arcadia, Ord,
St. Paul and Greeley were among the
near-by towns which wentudry”Tues
day. Loup City went damper than
ever before.
E. Holcomb went to Omaha Tues
day to consult a nerve specialist. He
was down to that city on the same
errand a short time since and received
much relief.
Agent J. A. Danielson, wife and
daughter Miss Dessie, left yesterday
morning on a few weeks’ vacation.
They go to Lincoln, Omaha, Kansas
City, St Louis and on to Dallas, Texas
to visit their son, thence to Galves
ton and other Sunny South points.
There were no moving pictures for
several evenings last week, owing to
the tornado disaster at Omaha, which
prevented the receipt of necessary
films. However, the pictures are go
ing merrily on this week
Put your stock in good condition by
feeding Sal-vet the best Conditioner,
and Worm Destroyer known. It will
pay you big to feed Sal-vet now.
The Rexall Drug Store.
Vaughn & Hinman.
From last reports, Mr. and Mrs. T.
L. Pilger is steadily improving, and
the family hopes soon to be able to
make their long deferred departure
for California.
J. T. Hale arrived from his home
in Ogden, Utah, last Thursday even
ing on business matters. Friend
Hale has promised us an interesting
letter from his Utah home upon his
return there. He is looking better in
health than when he left here and
says he is feeling fine.
G. A. Curry, who moved last fall up
to Thedford, in the sandhills, has
moved back to his farm between here
and Litchfield, the climate and water
up in the hills not agreeing with him.
He is suffering with asthmatic
troubles, combined with bronchitis,
but we are In hopes he will early be
relieved of the illness arising there
from, and be once more the hale and
hearty man of yore. We acknowledge
a pleasant call from him last Satur
day while in Loup City on business
YVe are indebted to our friend, C. J
Tracy, who with his wife returned
last week from their winter’s stay in
Florida, for the finest sample of grape
fruit we ever saw. It was about the
size of one of the largest cantelopes
grown in this country, and upon
sampling the same found it as good
as it looked and tasted very “more
ish.” Mr. and Mrs. Tracy report the
most enjoyable time of their lives
down in the Sunny Southland,and re
turn refreshed and invigorated and
with a renewed lease on life.
According to certain critics, a news
paper should never publish an item of
news unless in has been authenticated
by those who were in position to ab
solutely know of the correctness,
What a strenuous time the pool
scribe would have if he hiked around
for proof of every local item published
That being among the things im
possible, and the editor not being
omniscient, omnipresent nor infalli
ble, he has to do like the teachers ol
the Word, take a great deal on faith.
The Hastings College Glee club,
consisting of 16 or 20 members, will
be in Loup City, Friday evening.
April 11th. This means a musical
treat for Loup City people, such as
they never have had before. The pro
gram will be such as will please every
one. Do not fail to hear it. This
club comes under the auspices of the
Christian Endeavor society and the
concert will be held in the Presby
terian church. Admission 35c and 25c
aee artnur ior seea potatoes.
Lee Bros, still wants chickens.
Limited quantity of choice baled
hay for sale. L. N Smith.
See Schwaner, the Jeweler, for first
class repair work.
Buy your wall paper at the Loup
City paint store.
Call and see the new Ladies cloaks
and suits. Loup City Mer. Co.
VV. J. McLaughlin has purchased a
fine matched team of black horses for
his hearse.
For Sale—About 150 bushels of mil
let seed. Phone 9321,
tf lioraer Hughes.
If it isn’t right, Schwaner, the
Jeweler, will make it right. See him
for all repair work in the jewelry line.
About 500 bushels Early Ohio seed
potatoes for sale at 75c per bushel.
tf A. J. Johnson.
The Baptist Ladies will hold a ken
sington at the home of Mrs. A. S.
Main, Friday afternoon, April 4th.
Discs sharpened by either the cold
rolling or cutting process at Garner’s.
Prices right and staisfaction guar
Henry Ohlsen, son Herman, and
Irvin Conger autoed to Greeley Tues
day, the Ohlsens to look after their
contract for the new court house and
Mr. Conger to visit his daughter,
Mrs. Art Reed.
Ed. Oltman removed to Loup City
and will temporarly reside in one of
Kornrumpf cottages in the south
west part of the city. Ed has pur
chased the Eisner saloon.
We have just received a large ship
ment of SAL-VET the best known
Tonic and Guaranteed Worm Destroy
er, for all kinds of live stock. For
sale only at The Rexall Drug Store.
Vaughn & Ilinman.
Dr. J. E. Bowman took Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Knoeplel to Ravenna in his
car, they taking their daughter to
Lincoln where she underwentan oper
ation on one of her lower limbs. The
operation was successful. The doc
tor returning home Wednesday morn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Larsen of Ar
cadia passed through here last Satur
day for Omaha to be with their 16
year-old son, who was at the M. E.
hospital being treated for hernia
when the tornado visited that city
and partially destroyed the hospital,
and their anxiety as to his welfare
caused them to go down and see how
he was faring. He was notin injured
in the storm, however
After looking after the best inter
ests of the writer for the last five
i months, and proving the best mother
in-law a man ever had, Mrs. Catherine
; Bridgeford left yesterday morning for
' her home at Jefferson, Iowa. Mrs.
, Burleigh and Master Duane accom
panying mother and grandmother as
I tar as Grand Island. As Grandma
| Bridgeford has passed the three score
! and ten mile post in life's journey,
her visits here will probably be few
in the future, but always there will
be the easy chair waiting for her at
the editorial fireside and always the
most loving welcome when she comes.
Will Dolling, our new baker, is here
with his family from Ansley, and is al
ready at home in apartments joining
his new bakery. He has not matters
complete as yet, and we are not going
to tell ourpeoble how nice everything
will be when completed till he gets in
his furniture, counters and all para
phernalia connected with a first-class
business. The old opera house, how
ever, begins to show nicely what it
will be when completed and in run
ning order. It will be several days
yet before he will be able to get right
down to business, but when he does,
Loup City will have a bakery and
lunch counter enterprise which will
be a pride and honor to our city.
Just wait a few days.
There Must Be a Reason
Why has Vic Swanson’s trade ii*
creased so rapidly the past year?
Simply because his line of Dry Goods
have quality and prices are way be
low others. We buy nothing but the
best and carry no junk. Inspect our
line and be convinced. Don’t forget
we carry a complete line of Ladies’
Shoes—Tan Buck, White Buck and
Oxfords. Our groceries are as good
as you can possibly buy_Vic Swan
Homestead Land
Sierra Nevada Foothills, good land,
water, wood, range, springs, streams,
bit; oaks, game and fish. Living is
cheap, winter a joke, no snow. Room
for hundreds. Your next. Copy gov
ernment township plat of the land
and all questions answered, $1.00. I
save you $99.00. No remittance, no
answer. Resident 27 years. A. Ke
noyer, (locator) Hanford, Calif. apr3
down to the facts. Set
tie this question of a
Bank acconnt in a sensible,
logical way. You have read
much about the many advan
tages; you know that success
ful people have a Bank Ac
count for conserving and pro
tecting their income, but—
what is a Bank Accouu w orth
to you?" That’s the test. Fig
ure the matter out for yonr
self, study the basic principle
involved, talk with people
who have a bank account, get
the facts in the case and then
act. Your account will be
appreciated at the
Loup City State Bank.
For Style And Service
Look Better -Fit Better-Wear Longer.
You’ll appreciate “Tess and Ted” school shoes because four
pairs usually last as long as five pairs of ordinary shoes made for
The better class of people everywhere now recognize “Tess
and Ted” school shoes as the most satisfactory children’s shoes in
existence. The reason is that they Look Better, Fit Better and
Wear Longer—that it’s a “Star Brand” shoe, and
Star Brand Shoes Are Better**
“Tess and Ted” school shoes are
made In all the different leathers—in high
cuts, regular heights and Oxfords. There’s
a style for every age and condition of
childhood, from five to fifteen years.
They are honestly made of good,
solid leather. No paper, composition or
othQT substitutes for leather are ever used.
The “Star” on the heel insures you better
value than you have ever seen in chil
dren’s shoes.
Come and see the new styles.
Loup City M,Co.
Whereas: We understand that some Loup City merchant
sells 100 lbs. sugar for $5.10 and
Whereas: Said price is the wholesale price for said sugar
and we do not believe that said merchant does sell for
this price out of philanthropic or charitable reasons, but
intends to gain customers by selling sugar at this price, and
Whereas: We belive that competition is the life of trade,
that we have the same right as any other to increase our
patronage therefore have we
Resolved: To conditionally sell
250 Sacks of Sugar
At 4 cents per pound
or 25 pounds for $1.00. 12 1-2 pounds for 50 cents. 6 1-4
for 25 cents. Until said 2o0 sacks are sold.
Our Conditions: To any customer buying $2.00 worth of
merchandise, g roceries, dry goods or shoes, other than sugar,
cash or produce, we will sell 6 1-4 pounds of granulated sugar
for 25 cents- To any customer buying <4.00 worth of goods
will sell 12 1* pounds sugar for 50 ceQts. To any customer
buying $8 00 worth of goods, we will sell 26 pounds sugar for
We will not raise the retail price of our goods, but will sell
at regular price, which is the same as our competitors, or
lower. Tomatoes, 2 cans 25c. Peas 2 cans
25c. Corn 3 cans 25c. Dried Prunes 3 lbs- for
25c. Brooms 30 and 35 cents.
Your attention is called to our line of summer goods now in.
In this line,we have the latest goods out, also the best line of
trimming ever seen in Loup City.
You are kindly invited to call at our store and examine our
goods and you will agree with us that we can compete with
the best stores in the state and we meet all prices. Do not
miss this opportunity and buy your sugar at 4 cents per lbs
Remember we will always go our competitors
One better
M. Leschinsky
Big Decline In Oil Meal
We have just received
& Feed For Spring
The Loup City Mill and Light Co