Have a Business Home Call today and let ua start you on the J road to prosperity. We not only accept, your deposits, keep your money safely and render you every possible accommo- i dation that the best banks in the country ; can render, but we will take care of your j valuable papers and give you our assist tance in any business transaction free of charge. We invite you to make our bank your business home. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01. f. Nason, prest. H. B. Outhouse, Vlce-Pres' L. fiansen, Cashier Well kept teeth mean much to your appearance and more to your health. It is worth while, therefore to buy only the best in brushes, tooth powders, washes and pastes. You will tind the most reliable kinds at this store. Call in and look over our stock—today Here are a few specials Nydenta Tooth Paste Nyals Tooth Powder Colgates Dental Cream Colgates Dental Powder Euthymol Tooth Paste Monoxide Tooth Paste — Swanson & Lofholm DRUG STORE Shoe Sale As we have decid ed to clean up all odds and ends in SHOES at quite a ^ loss to us, but at a bargain to those who BUY. These Shoes at regular price was sold from $2 to $8. But will all be put on