The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 16, 1912, Image 3

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    NOMAN'S ▼
Cv*rj*C*rm /Mr srioutz xl&x r**e£ / <^p
•mryimg * mmm Tbsy s„ m *k!». taut tar
* !** “T* ** Atedrrsrd. sho arts ‘-.mb
' •» ~«f«- and ilrrt Me re
’*•** 1 *•* tar is a secret wr»kw man
'*•* “ •—a» w»l«. i*< tl.-r •*«*<! on
Wain* BMPr-u«* Orr *r- < ritotnala
•tar; ta uitaw to fatitjk. the cy aimer
x‘ ■tee's lead, aad la Sunr-IM
* •■' K«tl»rtir Appi->srd !»:«*•
1B*«A ud tala carte snake d sllrid
“ * wo-lesi ataOoa to nadwt a amuc
&r*«db ‘ martratra to tlr
Mai a r.-Hr
•t At saltl—r Mr i:fa
asf* ■ sasl f—• rrt
- ta I -1 Appmard and
- —--. .-lie*.. aad star inform™
tAse tiuw rtaay ara ta ataaadaa the iataa-1
tata^taatn, Ttar -kind au aad tils
* ’•*■***'' •■nT'k UH r-fTpipflk’d r « «rho *f f -
-irtrar.1 -a- >p a at.# Is aart tat Kef‘ mi -
"1—'-;*A «a dr- TWt to-mrr a ratal
■* tartofta ttar rail r*art It ttar ceuis
«es: -a tu -Tats ilia A apfrais aid
at« -a that hr la me lancet
‘ H- ta at « -poa. . ; ar.-f * "oarf and
Aiat.t arts i dr inn ttar apart. and *•» to a
ia»»t M ttar talar t and nroa! a
*aa: etaleh flart aar la ttar distant
CrtAieT£h Ai A4 Car t-rrei •
Out O' the dusk, ta *Wh objects
• eee ;ae> |a* repute*. the bungalow
kiotamp up before then* By •■Muumtu
mmaeat they passed. Caat; look in*
•met 'Altai the beach Katherine
Jee-rtag up zb 10 ter face
Ar» they mwat Gaire”T“
Ksd y-t." he said. ps-ipier;!) ia his
Mm* it a mm I thuaght. the)1 know
h» ran icy beads «sa us at any
***** tel tar cab 60 habc uatii the) ir
ready te take up oar case. . . .
bn. he IbH'bdetd a 4 lAJfng his Chou!
testa aad am pi cad Infusing hla men
bet with * * •uhdebr* aad doetetafl he
had beep *tad to lr~! .e ii iooi eui.
it »cc t be long sum '
Yob Kama before your friend—Hr.
Tea He's Mare to ha bet* at c!
bAMd aay ma ate—he or the rereflap
'itet. GcrrtMt . . . what are we
P-.'-n* t« do ia the meantime *“
*«'U hare te stick te the open ull
the fccho einan il Is there a lantern is
*he house any.mag in make a bght
MPkp—ye*,' she replied la sar
pnae. thanes a kerosene lantern we
es*d »’ night, when it was necescar)
•a *» t# ’be ta 01 house Itet . . .
wouldn't K tend them to w»T“ Isn't
darkness oar sj.est corerT
•llldfllly; tent fee got to hare
oteeth-te 10 sicaai Apple) ard with.
Me iscrewd that I should show a light
m the band pit. :a etdte. at any trou
ble. hot he’ll he counting on the cut
ter being here by this time, aad it
•out do to let him make a landing
«m the twa-h near the Hag boat.*
1 uadermaa* Just a minute . .
. “Is (here ua»r
t mi y. be *ald > aduiag !n
Hot hurry ”
11- Tidiowed her Into the rouse and.
while she disappear *-d to look for ibe
found Un» n> to the divas
and robbed it of it* fort-ring—a heavy
steamer tag which he folded and
tuked beneath one arm before Kath
erine returned
Van wont *aat the Sight bow-T*
• K« <a*» me your h.nd
They stepped out into unrelieved
night darkness, dense and w arm and
rendered tangible by its burden of
la the north arose a confusion of
many »<bvt; and in thrt quarter, like
wise was a ftiefly show of weaving
mntern dgh's
iiand ta band they st ale away like
•hieves. not. three before the
bungs low was Invaded by Biat utock
and the crew of the schooner—n ioud
mmched. royntertng company, mak
ing hi draws the night with the clamor
of their disputa?: *. and their curs
t'naeea and ail enso.gut (so tar as
they road say. with no sign gives
ten of ePUer dele- • i m or puruilo
•he? tu. * off a* warily and let Hal
ly as wild 'blags skirting the hr- mu
mi hi-a. skulking silently over mils
and down through hollows, over fields
and fences, until at length they cane
w-ttbout avc-dent out upon the spread
ing sweep of sand to the east of the
iobg. low tying fjHL
Later they found Themselves at the
end of this, the northers extremity of
the island, and here toast put down
the nadghted lantern and spread the
rug in a aMght depression between low
Ctemertan murk encompassed them,
abysmal, impassive, penetrated only
by dinned rays of light from the wia
fio»» if the bung*'-iw. seemingly m
ca leu table miles distant
Slowly tae boon ebbed They tad
kng sinew revved to speak. From the
regnlartty uf her breathing Const be
lieved she adept despite her fears,
‘nuervoma by thorough exhaustion of
r. nerve sad faculty. For
weMd not sttr far fear of
The W0*. at s lantern peeped over
the ridge, inland, sod descended,
wavering, thmngh the Cold Lain to
the has eh. then became stationary
near the edge of the water, over
which h shM a long, slender spear of
He endec stood that s guard bad
tardily barn sot over the seine-boat.
From the bungalow cum thin. Ur
jejuiios oi uiio now ana then a
h :.-sT shout cac pbcnous ia 'hat hour
of calm, immutable peace.
They were drinking up there, for
getful of danger and their recent
1 disaster. . . .
Abruptly he saw that the lane of
.aa’em light was shattered and danc
leg He jumped to his feet, with a
r anee above that showed him a faint
flash of starlight. He held up his
nand a ad a breat h of air blew cool
against it—a shiver of breeie out ot
the so. bwest. All this meant dear
tlw.'tir :he breere freshened. Vague
forms of mist faded before his strain
ing sight A musical whisper and
■ lashing of waves echoed through the
it sh of night. And like a curtain the
tog fell back and away, and was not.
About two miles offshore, to the
northwest, a green light shone Uke a
colored star, with a white light a lit
tle above—at about the height of the
Kcbo s masthead. And while he looked
the two moved and swung round, until
r ■ saw not only green and white, but
the red port light as well, all moving
steadily toward the island.
la fcis arms {Catherine moved with
a st..led moan of weariness, a gasp,
and then a stiffening of her body
tit b t'lid him that she was now wide
desperation. Coast sent a piercing
whistle echoing over the waters.
Immediately, at the pistol shot, th«
Echo swerved sharply off to the west,
her red side light disappeared; and
for a full minute held on so before she
swung smartly on her heel and showed
first the green and then the red, bear
ing straight as an arrow for the end
of the sand spit.
On the island, at the same, the re
sults of the report (which, when the
j catbcat came about, was followed by
: lour others in brisk succession) were
no less marked. Down the wind from
the bungalow floated a wild chorus
of shouts and calls. In its vicinity
half a dozen twinkling lights studded
the darkness on the uplands, springing
to life as if by magic, and were
whisked hither and thither like so
man;- will-o'-the-wlsps. suggesting a
stupid, hajf-distracted ferment of con
flicting trflvice, argument and wills
among the smugglers. Presently,
however, some sort of order was evi
dently evolved; the lights converged
to a common center and bore swiitiy
down toward the beach. . . .
Coast put down the lantern on the
swelling, rounded summit of a small
dune, and took the steamer rug from
Katherine, mechanically folding it as
he divided troubled attention between
f the nearing boat and the distant rab
| b!e—now streaming headlong down
1 through the Cold Hairs and shouting
as they came.
"No more need for this.” he said, re
ferring to the rug; "the light won't
; tell them anything they don't know,
now. But ..." His perturbed
voice trailed off irresolutely as be
stood, a frowning glance directed
down the beach.
Katherine was quick to catch the
note of worry in his tone. "What is
| it?" she asked. "You're not afraid—
i you don’t think—”
1 "No.” he reassured her stoutly;
Scrre Sort of Order Wac Evidently Evolved.
awake wed mistress of her wits, ia full
i turn prehension of their position
“ Katherine—"
j “What is It?"
“The Keho— Appleyard. 1 think—I'm
, re lie'll he here ic just a few min
e- *en or fifteen; and you must
help tne show the light.”
, “Help me up," Ehe said ia a de
1 ..ected \ nice.
He lose and took her hands, lifting
her to her ieet. With one thought up
perm ist in both minds, they tinned to
ward the sea.
Off to the northwest the red port
and white masthead lights of the cat
boat were slipping briskly shorewards
—the green no longer islble—stand
:r.g in ior the beach where the long
boat lay.
A groan escaped Coast
“Oh. tae devil’." he said beneath his
oreatb. exaggerated; and aloud, half
fraaucally. 'Hurry! He’s taking the
o ner light for my signal. Here"—
grabbed up the steamer's rug and
i arus: it ui;'eremoniously into Katb
j er ne's hand—"hold this so. to hide it
::ora the beach, while ! light the lan
, tern."
Vi h agonizing slowness the min
ute* sped, and still the boat held on
direc’ly for the beach below the Cold
Lairs. Then abruptly the watcher by
the long boat awakened to its ap
proach. apparently for the first time,
.ind s j ; tided the alarm by firing a shot
from his revolver. A second later, in
| "they're much loo far away to catch
; us now. Only—hark to that!”
There was. in fact, a strange and
i sinister sound in the yelping of the
gang; their cries were indistinguish
able. but owned a dull, level pitch of
minatory rage, infinitely perturbing,
i since it seemed so senseless—like the
! harsh and inarticulate snarling ot an
i infuriated lunatic.
A shiver shot along Coast’s spine.
He found the woman, trembling, had
moved close to his side.
“What does it mean?”
“1 don't know,” he said—-“sounds
like a pack of starving wolves. . .
. No matter; it can't concern us. In
two minutes . .
The Echo had drawn near enough
for the noise of the motor to be per
ceptible: she was moving under pow
er only, her sail down but not furled,
hanging in stiff and clumsy folds in
the lazy-jacks. He could even see the
tender trailing astern, and make out
a single figure at the wheel. . . .
Then the latter bobbed down out of
sight for an instant, and the purring
of the engine was abrupted. There fol
lowed the splash of the anchor, and
the little vessel brought up quickly,
swinging wide to face the wind.
With a warning cry Katherine
stepped quickly away from Coast and
swung round, whipping out her small
but effective pearl-handled revolver.
"Stop;” she cried in a vibrant voice.
“Halt, or I'll fire!"
Finding the Comstock Lode
Far Reaching Results of the Rich
Strike of Silver Made in
June. 1859.
“You've struck It boys." Thus said
! Henry Paige Comstock to Peter
! O'Riley and Patrick McLaughlin, who
were his fellow prospectors in a search
I for gold In Six Mile canyon, now the
present Virginia City, the capital of
The date was Jane 10. 1853. In that
remote spot in the American wilder
ness, by these three obscure men, was
made on that day a discovery destined
to affect the current of American pol
j lties for a score of years. sayB a writer
i in the Atlantic Monthly, and to have
for long a disturbing influence on the |
1 world's finances.
The thing which was “struck" on
that Jane day at 1859 was the vein cov
ering what came to be known as the !
Comstock lode, la which were hidden j
the richest deposits of silver ever
found anywhere on the globe. Their
development, years afterward, simul
taneously with that of thO silver mines
of Colorado, started the downward
flood in the price of silver, which
broke the old ratio between the moDey
metals, changed the monetary system
of the leading nations from the double
to the single gold standard; incited
the movement beginning in 1877, un
der the leadership of Richard P. Bland,
for the reopening of the mints in sil
ver on the same terms as to gold;
led hence to the passing of the Blandh
Allison limited silver-coinage law of
1S7S and to that of the Sherman sll
ver-buliion-deposit act of 1890; and
was the issue which split the two
great parties and made havoc among
the smaller ones in 1896. resulting in
the act of 1900. which gave statutory
recognition to the gold standard in the
United States.
HAT IS the geneal
ogy of the clan of
the "fighting Al
lens?" What are
the racial strains
and what the physi
cal and social en
vironment that
have combined to
produce this race
of fearless fight
ers that has terror
ized Carroll county. Virginia.
The question is an interesting one
entirely apart from the academic the
ories of heredity. It is a question thou
sands of law abiding Americans doubt
less have asked since the commission
at Hillville of one of the most aston
ishing acts in the criminology of a civ
ilized country.
No man is better qualified to an
swer the question than Judge David
W. Bolen. He ''s a leader of the Car
roll county bar, was a delegate to the
Virginia state consolidation conven
tion, and Is one of the most thorough
students of Virginia history to be
found within the borders of the Old Do
minion. A neighbor of the Allens
from boyhood, their attorney and coun
sellor in many of their civil and crim
inal bouts with the law, he has per
sonally known the Allen clansmen of
three generations.
As counsel for Floyd Allen, he stood
beside his client when the latter open
, ed fire upon the court officers and
jury, and Judge Bolen himself narrow
ly escaped death from the bullets in
tended for the convicted man. He es
caped by prostrating himself upon the
court room floor until the rain of lead
had spent itself.
It is not without reason that the
Carroll county Allens are referred to
as the members of a clan. The first
of their forbears who settled In this
vicinity in Colonial times came of
Scotch-Irish stock—a strain often ol
sterling worth, but ever with a
touch of clannish family pride, and
usually with more than a touch of pug
nacity, impatience of restraint and
fighting courage.
In Revolutionary days what is now
Carroll was Montgomery county, Vir
ginia. One of the members of the
Montgomery county militia who left
his plow and his ax to march across
the Blue Ridge in time to take part
in the battle of Guilford Court House,
N. C-, was William Allen. The militia
detachment marched across the Ridge
by way of the Fancy Gap road, the
same thoroughfare over which armed
scouts have been scurrying to and fro
in search of this Revolutionary sol
dier's scion, on whose head the out
raged law has out a price.
As William Alien inarched to battle
he observed that the rolling land on
the far side of the Fancy Gap was at
tractive. When the Revolutionary war
was over he and one of his fellow sol
diers settled there and so the Allens
became established in the quarter
which they have ruled ever since like
feudal barons.
Tradition says William Allen was a
good soldier. He was destined to be
the progenitor of many good soldiers.
He had two sons, only one of whom,
William Allen. Jr., concerns this nar
rative, for the second, William, was
i the father of two sons, Bailey Aden
j and William Carr Alien.
Bailey Allen had four sons—Lemuel,
William. Carr and Bailey Allen. _r. Of
the four three were gallant soldiers in
the Confederate service during the
i Civil war. Lemuel was killed In a
charge during the second battle of
Bull Run, or, as is generally desig
nated in the south, the Battle of
Manassas. William, who was a pri
vate in the same company, saw his
brother fall, paused long enough to
; lift his stricken form and to note that
he was dead, and then went on in the
charge upon the Union position.
Carr Alien survived four years of
active service. He was a soldier
whose dash, courage and gallantry
were uniformly praised by his officers.
As a Confederate veteran and a good
neighbor, be lived until about ten
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year3 ago. when, at a good old age. he
was shot any killed by Mack Howlett.
and Howlett was lynched, after a
band, believed to have included mem
! bers of the Alien clan, had taken him
i from the Hillsville jail, the keys of
I which were surrendered by the jailer,
1 who was a cousin of "Jack” Allen's
S wife.
Of the four sons of Bailey Alien the
black sheep of the family was Bailey.
Jr. Judge Bolen was called upon to
defend him against numerous criminal
charges, and he was finally sentenced
to a long term in the state peniten
tiary for housebreaking and burglary.
iiliam Carr Allen, the other son
of the second William Allen, was the
father of Jeremiah. Robert and John.
Jeremiah also was a loyal soldier in
the army of the south. He married
the daughter of one of the most fa
mous of the old trappers of the Blue
Ridge mountains. "Uncle Billy” Combs.
The Confederate veteran and the
I laughter of the old trapper raised a
' large family of boys. Their sons were
Anderson, who died a few years, ago
after having served as a member of
| the Virginia Reserves during the last
'ten months of the war; Washington,
who was killed by the fall of a tree;
; % ictor. who is the highly respectable
and respected keeper of a country
store a few miles from Hillsville; Gar
land. who is a preacher among the
1 Primitive Baptists; Floyd, whose re
, fusai to accept sentence of impriscn
; me^t caused the Hillsville massacre;
j Jasper, generally called “Jack.” whose
son Freel is the youngest of the clans
men cow imprisoned on charges of
conspiracy and murder, and finally
Sidna Allen, who is regarded not only
as the most wealthy, but also as the
master mind of the clan.
A sister of the seven sons of Jere
miah Ailen is Mrs. Edwards (now Mrs.
Mundy), whose sons by her first hus
band were Sidna and Wesley Ed
wards. the first of whom surrendered
himself to his uAcle “Jack.” while
Wesley preferred to share the hard
ships of the mountains with his uncle
Sidna. The ether members of the
younger generation who are directly
involved in the Millsville affair are
Claude and Victor, who are the sons
of Floyd Allen, and Freel Ailen. who Is
the son of “Jack.”
“A study of the genealogical tree of
the Allens,” said one who knows them
well, "shows that, while many of the
clan have been fighting men. it is only
those of the present generation who
I have been what is commonly known
as gun fighters. Old Jeremiah was a
hard fighter even after the war was
over, but he fought with his fists.
“All of the seven sons of ‘Jerry’ Al
len were men of strong personality
and of fierce, imperious temper, but
Anderson. Washington. Victor and
Garland learned the important les
sons of restraint and self control,
while Floyd. ’Jack’ and Sidna have
never brooked restraint nor tolerated
“To students or heredity it might be
interesting to speculate to what ex- :
tent the soldier strain of the Allen
family was tinctured by less noble, |
more primitive influences engrafted
into it from the maternal side. The
mother of the seven Allens who are
the middle aged men of the present
generation was the daughter of *Uncle
Billy’ Comb3, the toughest old
woodsman and trapper known to the
history or traditions of the Carolina
mountain border. ’Uncle Billy died
at the age of 104.
“He tramped the mountain fastness- 1
es habitually in his bare beet, the
heels and soles of which had become
so calloused and hooflike that he
thought nothing of killing diamond
back rattlers by tramping upon them. |
“Like other mountaineers of his
day. ’Undo Billy’ not only trapped or :
shot the wild beasts of the mountain,
selling their pelts, bat he made a re
spectable income by domesticating the
wild boney bees and b^ raising droves
- of mountain hogs, which, until the ad
vent of warm weather, would run wild
snd fatten upon the chestnuts and
: acorns of the forests."
Judge Bolen remembers “Uncle
Billy” Combes in bis later years. “1
recall,” said the lawyer, “that he once
! showed me a spot on the mountain
j "'kere a panther had leaped out from
cover and seized one of his mountain
hogs as his prey. ‘Uncle Billy’ went
to his cabin, got his dogs out and then
summoned one or two of his nearest
neighbors. For two days and nights
they stalked the panther, until the
dogs finally ran the beast Into a tree j
where ‘Uncle Billy shot it and skinned
it for its pelt."
“Uncle Billy” Combes stood six feet
three inches tall and was mnscled like
a lion. He always wore buckskin
| breeches and a fur trimmed round
about jacket. On his bead a coonskin
cap was poised rakishly, and until his
death, about 45 years ago, he never
was seen without his shot pouch and
powder horn.
“Uncle BUly," though phenomenal
ly strong, was a peaceable man among
his fellows, and died much beloved
and respected. His son “Jed," how
ever. endowed with much of his fa !
thers physique, was a noted bully ol
the mountainside. “Jed" had met and
conquered many rivals, but he had
never tried conclusions with Ike Beam
er. Ike was, like “Jed," a giant in
strength and with sinews of steel, but
Ike was neither quarrelsome nor am
; bitious to shine as a bully. “Jed” de
i term In ed to force him to fight, trump
ed up some imaginary debt and went
to Ike under pretense of collecting it j
“Jed” knew it probably would give
him the opening he and his satellites
had been craving. Ike listened calm
ly. Then he remarked: “Jed, you know
i I don’t owe you no such sum. but folks
is saying I do owe yon a tolerable good
thrashing. Are you prepared to col
lect that debt, too?"
“Jed” needed no urging. The two
mountaineers went at it, and tradition
says it was a battle of giants. Time
and again the men, evenly matched,
had to cease from sheer exhaustion.
Then they clutched each other while
they panted for breath. It doubtless
would have been fought to a finish,
| but friends of Beamer interfered.
Neither man had “squealed." Ac
j cording to the mountaineer code of pu
| gillsm, it had been a drawn fight
; Beamer had lost the index finger of
j his right hand, which “Jed" Combes
I had worried in his teeth until he chew
ed it off at the middle joint. Ike had
j thrust his thumbs so remorselessly into
“Jed's" eye sockets that the bully was
; blinded, and did not regain hi3 sight
1 until weeks afterward.
The painter is likely to be brusque,
j Even when be possesses a bit of tact.
he is not wont to waste it on "Philis
i tines”—even if they are customers
and persons of distinction. No such
charge, however, can be brought
against an eighteenth-century painter
named Chandler.
He was commissioned by William
IV. to paint the attack commanded
by the sovereign, when Duke of Clar
ence, on a fortress on the Spanish
i coast. The attack took place at night,
and with the view of relieving the
somber veil of midnight, the artist
took the liberty of introducing sea
gulls skimming the clouds.
“Hello! ” exclaimed his majesty,
when he first saw the painting. “It
will never do to have the birds flying
about at night. They were all gone
to roost.”
"So they were, your majesty,” artful
ly agreed the artist, “but you gave
such a rousing broadside with your
guns that they all woke up and flew
“Ah. so 1 did!” assented the royal
critic, with more than royal naivete.
“I forgot that. Very good! Very
good!”—Tooth’s Companion.
Judging Races by Camera.
Now that running races are abont
to commence, further attention will be
given to a highly practical invention
for automatically judging the position
of horses at the winning post, particu
larly in cases where close finishes oc
cur. says London Answers.
Briefly, the mechanical race judge
Is an ordinary photographic camera.
Across the course a fine woolen thread
is stretched, breast high to the horses.
The moment this thread is snapped
the shutter is opened and a phono
graphic record results.
The actual development of the nega
tive is but the work of a few mo
ments, and prints can be actually dis
tributed in quite a short time
The chief utility of the invention
lies In the fact that it eliminates the
human element bom the judge's box
when a race is a very^ close thing. Not I
long since, an absolutely perfect dead
heat was recorded with this instru
Early Chimney Pots.
Silk bats were known in France
some years before John Hetherinton
frightened Londoners by wearing one. !
They came In with the French Revo^
lution, when all patriotic citizens abaa
doned wigs and had their hair cut •
short. Engravings printed so early
as 1790 depict sans-culotte dandies
wearing top hats. In a rare print of
the trial of the Girondists, which took i
place in 1793. all the judges appear
crowned with silk hats.
Although the silk hat Is not much
more than a hundred years old. hats
of that shape were worn hundreds of
years before. In Elizabethan times
a cylindrical hat with a brim rather
similar to that of the “fifties." and
with the addition of a plume, was ;
worn by the nobility. According to j
Raphael, It was worn very much ear
lier than that. A red top hat appears
la the cartoon “Paul Preaching at
Kidney Trouble Caused Terrible
Mrs. J. S. Downs, 2X9 X. Sixth St,
ChicUasha. Okia, says: “My back
across my kidneys became so lame I
could hardly move. My limbs cramp
ed an<* stiffened and
i teit completely
pi worn out. Xervous
ilcess and headaches
W kept me In an un
1/ strung condition and
' frequent passages of
the kidney secretions
added to my discom
rfort. I was soon re
lieved, however, after
\*4i t urgou latuug uuau s
Kidney Pills and when I had used
four boxes. I felt like another woman.”
“When Your Back Is Lame. Remem
ber the Name—DOAN’S.” 50c all stores.
Fbster-Milbnrn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y._
A Kind-Hearted Man.
“Mr. Wombat!”
“Couple of suffragettes out here
throwing stones at your window.”
bawled the policeman.
“How long have they been doing
“Oh, several hours.”
“Let 'em alone. It amuses the girls
and I don't believe they'll hit the win
Something Just as Good.
Barber—Getting pretty thin on top,
sir. Elver use our Miracle Halrgrow
The Chair—Oh. no! It wasn't that
that did it.—Judge.
Rather Disinterested.
“Let me take your sister apart."
“Don't. She is all broken up, as it
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Drink before retiring.
The man who wants the right of
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When the appetite is poor_
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When you are run-down—
is a short course of
Try a bottle today and be con.
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accept any substitute. ■ ,
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Children. Sold by nr:c:iMs every* .
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Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That’* Why You’re of Sorts
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Genuine must bear Signature
EYE [7RRREJ uywiig'JOTfyB
Nebraska Directory
Scott Tent & Awing Co., Omaha, Neb.
Srtf Imt Fartaa TJmck
Bat ecmppeci Dental OfioesiaCWha. Reaombtr pricca
Speca! dsscoaat to ah people Knag ootede of Omaha.
KODAK FINISHING given special
attention. All supplies for the Amateur strictly
fresh. Send for catalogue and finishing prices.
I8i3 Famam Street, Omaha, Nebr.
GOLD CROWN. *4.00 to W.00
Plate or bridge made in 1 day. Rx>
\J mmknmrtonfree. » jtv guarantee
_Cut tJH, ad. to M