NOMAN'S ▼ LAND a 3vc LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE ^ILLUSTRATIONS BY TtoytiA*** Cv*rj*C*rm /Mr srioutz xl&x r**e£ / <^p & i i_I •mryimg * mmm Tbsy s„ m *k!». taut tar * !** “T* ** Atedrrsrd. sho arts ‘-.mb ' •» ~«f«- and ilrrt Me re ’*•** 1 *•* tar is a secret wr»kw man '*•* “ •—a» w»l«. i*< tl.-r •*«*srd !»:«*• 1B*«A ud tala carte snake d sllrid “ * wo-lesi ataOoa to nadwt a amuc &r*«db ‘ martratra to tlr Mai a r.-Hr •t At saltl—r Mr i:fa asf* ■ sasl f—• rrt - ta I -1 Appmard and - —--. .-lie*.. aad star inform™ tAse tiuw rtaay ara ta ataaadaa the iataa-1 tata^taatn, Ttar -kind au aad tils * ’•*■***'' •■nT'k UH r-fTpipflk’d r « «rho *f f - -irtrar.1 -a- >p a at.# Is aart tat Kef‘ mi - "1—'-;*A «a dr- TWt to-mrr a ratal ■* tartofta ttar rail r*art It ttar ceuis «es: -a tu -Tats ilia A apfrais aid at« -a that hr la me lancet ‘ H- ta at « -poa. . ; ar.-f * "oarf and Aiat.t arts i dr inn ttar apart. and *•» to a ia»»t M ttar talar t and nroa! a *aa: etaleh flart aar la ttar distant CrtAieT£h Ai A4 Car t-rrei • Out O' the dusk, ta *Wh objects • eee ;ae> |a* repute*. the bungalow kiotamp up before then* By •■Muumtu mmaeat they passed. Caat; look in* •met 'Altai the beach Katherine Jee-rtag up zb 10 ter face Ar» they mwat Gaire”T“ Ksd y-t." he said. ps-ipier;!) ia his Mm* it a mm I thuaght. the)1 know h» ran icy beads «sa us at any ***** tel tar cab 60 habc uatii the) ir ready te take up oar case. . . . bn. he IbH'bdetd a 4 lAJfng his Chou! testa aad am pi cad Infusing hla men bet with * * •uhdebr* aad doetetafl he had beep *tad to lr~! .e ii iooi eui. it »cc t be long sum ' Yob Kama before your friend—Hr. App*eyardT“ Tea He's Mare to ha bet* at c! bAMd aay ma ate—he or the rereflap tuner* 'itet. GcrrtMt . . . what are we P-.'-n* t« do ia the meantime *“ *«'U hare te stick te the open ull the fccho einan il Is there a lantern is *he house any.mag in make a bght ***** MPkp—ye*,' she replied la sar pnae. thanes a kerosene lantern we es*d »’ night, when it was necescar) •a *» t# ’be ta 01 house Itet . . . wouldn't K tend them to w»T“ Isn't darkness oar sj.est corerT •llldfllly; tent fee got to hare oteeth-te 10 sicaai Apple) ard with. Me iscrewd that I should show a light m the band pit. :a etdte. at any trou ble. hot he’ll he counting on the cut ter being here by this time, aad it •out do to let him make a landing «m the twa-h near the Hag boat.* 1 uadermaa* Just a minute . . . “Is (here ua»r t mi y. be *ald > aduiag !n Hot hurry ” 11- Tidiowed her Into the rouse and. while she disappear *-d to look for ibe found Un» n> to the divas and robbed it of it* fort-ring—a heavy steamer tag which he folded and tuked beneath one arm before Kath erine returned Van wont *aat the Sight bow-T* • K«