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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1911)
Rain Tomorrow! If the weather man predicts rain for tom morrow you arange your plans accordingly. Are you do ing the same for the rainy day of your life? No man can tell you when the day of adversity is coming and the only safe thing to do is to build up a Bank account against that day. This bank affords you a rare opportunity for sav ing by accepting any deposit from a dollar up, and will pay you 4 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually. First National Bank LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA » In* E. Willi*)*'. Prest. L. Hanses. Cashier A. II <» ti -k. V. Pres! Pail P. Plat/., Asst. Cash THE NORTHWESTERS Tim* I ird 4. »•>. l.*«rT %* ic flaftw* - * »* m * 3U •# fH * *rnm Wr* f**-tmn+ tr.1* *» m ^ ^ 9* ' ' 4T* ■ II Of* A. Si lr -%» «C*T %,,, % -TIE fr'kSrdMkV'•drystn* - I t*’ t «. ' ■ -» topa** p ». *. a» w v afeft- -l!aflst ^ - J A. t>A!Kt£-LA4 Of Ajrrcti % fVi Mmrkrt Ou«*!a!ion^. Con. jprr tub Wl«fc: bu •Jto. Mr? t*c Kj«\ J*er tat: Hi.’Jjtt per it. ii«* t*rr 4k* LOCAL NEWS. Mr* M Amwr ta* berii on the «lr4 ij«t Utt $»*•. >» <s»j* < Atl-tm t i'MUni>r» Lb »p»ra nir Bim a»it . .«(»• * I*. /^Sidjrrxat. b*» bnm berr U» n** m*efc v t «»ir ifti-r bu^M** WUrh Lw» i!t.;licf* i»i* a t.uu.Uer of 4.«r Lai* m» ! *r hi«r Mi— I,: . r Lr.nmrrr i-i» ot-rri Kulrijw (root & »t irirTr ruid lj* ,«**. »**-*. \ tor i>; t«-» . u»t rr rdied trt T M lind Mr* J ,«K<t i,t t ir-1 u wn itsitiug Irr • :*•«-»* M»*dtan> 4*it» and CiJMSf- SSMl IJk'H- .IMT4. Ika't iwmrt : ..«<:.»«*r » Klg >j« - «*ia “*» t fliutim l* da> * R.L '.Aram* left NuMai fora l,ri». tK*m» It.t I '»..IkMU Uk. trucu u*r> up*. lo»> Uifrt'.fti (Dk«tH IV "*>* Mi. .» kfi.i Ml n <'|JB lu«rr • ai .j ».:• :w Tar !•• «»n . ,* r .* » * jr-.i : .*«- l‘r«o t#jt» --an rtmr. » «;tii Mr* J . .'i ~ - •*. K«dai»dai a1t«-r tauut* Try .l£U« n.‘ ' a :-.r jour mol •*«»«• Fir t‘» I. Ci. Isyler. Km* iiriir William** rrl .ro*-d tkiuw !«»* iir»- xirr _*»* NMiOntej. miirtr *ur !ad Urr »a 'i-ii-brr of fir lr»md* Far Urn* HI-* -at in U« may of i r«a . - *#r '< M. Iliad s .. ys*j wc.ii to sorrow money on .and. write for a?pi cation blanks. Cen tra! icbroska -and and Loan Co Volbach. Ord or Loup City. Nebraska. I r% T. i*r Mr - ItHr Tlart mi. * Ifatcf *fn trjm* Ur' U » t» fttfff Jkf* t iul f -.a - . A ffe-anriMuai dnt | ; gar y*«_ g>*Mt * n trr. I i . uelirti ahd little rffl T li-mU V rtrWIlt a*, ilrffirt. (aliftnu. »drd 1 .'H v KA. frlt-hd* im Take jotit hot’«-i and >tx» t.« < ole .JM-; a. »lrfr * - «•»»! if ahytt !lig t oe want Is. *1 Han •' fern Haute. ilni.. „ ■ «a .. :<ih lor a n»n »,r. iu« - • err •* .»» Nancy llarrod. atc;1 li-.-f I'-.*- Hr Bill rutt Uiuer i» > . 'i* . u|"r of »rri». K are . .’1 rttia t a»l« for ■r.t-rtrri .*•_ u* creamery, ilivt M < LUtUS) Co. Mr. IjUJiM Hor. al M* m l** i >1 Am - Uittinrrr. Mi» and V!i— Nancy -» clay* .a»t Beck K * ..jrn > ker in »*»! tf. and report 1 id-r. j • Usw \ U » J! if • take a f» *h a .»• r - Me . UI *Ai ah* U1.IO'* In l-‘dal* Hiram *•«■ r *nd family returned ia«t Mr iir.ui eveltin* from li*ll bm; * u».i BiUi hi* parent* a I »d litre.* «iMrr. at I.urrrn* | *. a< >‘tg ’.le river, jiira i*'v rt» a o jat ri.) >ab;r ume. i t. u-.. n* may nijri.t fat »!*» uuutaarf alJenner * l*arfc. will Ir hr ' ever* •**•:.uraday n;*bt until furtii-r ii :i e i.atd mu*i4 and be>t of order. M, !* i*'. I relay purchased Mr*. InMitX* <4.. * uf n'.riUe.and jtt.urOat »> «*«d lil* **■'• ited-ii jrn: g • <)< sal tier ioidltii; uceupied t»y Mr* India »**re »* »iil exploit be i* «t« a MV understand Mr* ]>HiU »ni mu >»e from the city. We received a«4 »eek the report of the jMtaurdine huaday rata* of Ua... •I *rd« Mi un«»r proiokiwr manner • a* mmlaid and could not be found he ^nr»tod Tlte error a a* pmi ul f m armn only inti It uu ■ ltr repealed- aliutt ever fault it «a» Mr and Mr* II T Letter a rill u> Nn*a a yesterday. tt> return tot*rand Mini irabi u> attend tUie big «wtan *a!t*. rft-»t in hut city Fri r and Saturadav of tiib Meek. A legaU •*» of meiultera of the Vr rein IfcMeMi are Irving to pel up an onion trurn U*i* city to attend fetUrltie*. Aat *>at-raa< li 1*. m*rr aoid atMiract b.»>a*pnd buunntto B. Matt**. Ut«*» making Mr Maume* jttiy maker of itaMOrtt in Uie nti dr ntarr disputed of tliat of lti» bmuneas tnauu; of M* re of ilia tan bufeintsaa which ha* rea :*d it re lo» nnurr Umc and aueatioo. I' I HAVE YOU 5700 you can pay now and $2, 500 more March 1st? Then we can sell you an improved farm of 320 acres 2 miles from the county seat of Sherman county. You can have almost your own time to pay the balance at 6 per cent. All the very best of soil Price only $40 an acre. Central Nebraska Land and Loan Co . Wol bach. Ord or Loup City, Nebraska. • I V lired lor Feed Grinders. Far Harj>er wih l**- home from his Iowa i »~i* this evening. . sensandoidhenswanted tr Le» Brutiten ar*. I.t . nolds went to Grand ls •steriay aftern oon. to return ludi). • -j*e i- -a gathers the rr »d. lie one of 'em. v>- : •'i.i ■ i.a*s • i ird. who has .tij Vi" Kuic'e Chase, re lumed u ii., Monday. • , ri:.ii ( nluser continues sait- Ki days. iiad- :.ei in regular «*•— ’ titday afternoon for routine Tuesday they met as a t*iard <•: equalization i-argum- 4 the biggest kind eon at Ci •nliiser's !or 15 days. Mr. I»_n:al Bauman pun based the ngerfarm in Wiggle Creek a- - t umay paying Use handsome fur the tine <juater section ’ i'i day- < inhiser continues - . a sa.e Take advantage of Li., great bargains. V.r ■ ! Mrs seamier Swanson of ere last week guest t Mr.- Vic Swanson, and iu ■ • ruing home Fridav morn ing ■get tna; ( onhiser contin -aie for 15 days longer. He a- targainsyou want. *' • rsa familv was indebted :l' U< Mr. Willis Fulliton - • : .rtiie iucious mess of green • ' tlie -aw n He knows how to reacii iij, edit-oral heart. >' • .4 -V ilenrickson. successors * C iriger. wiil do your liauling pr a !'■ . and satisfactorily. If you want to buy, sell or exchange any kind of property anywhere quick, send or bring full partic ulars to Central Nebras ka Land & Loan Co., wol bach. Ord or Loup City, Neb'aska. I. * »*-»n u|i to Arcadia last and in art 11-inning game •.ard-iought congest on Lite ~ ': t t»> me score, tlie figures ■- ■'*- • infavor of the Arcadians. u : buy what you do not want, atrl s. . ,u what you do want cheap. Tiik Sk< ond Hand Stohe. ' W .me i as resigned as general * r (■! tiie telephone company go to i lid Mexico witli ids • r ah ut Uie first of September > s invest there. His successor ha? I* yet been selected. i r- \ getting ready for Uie * i aa. which tiegins in this city 'tie 1~' t till- month and lasts five dais' '• .. i‘i r<-iiiu from Custercoun Miss Katie A Lowe of Per il a v> r< married last Friday by tiie judge fin tiie same day Uie p. rcl.ased the lion Ton res ' of Frit/Johansen ; in ■ or spring chickens and Lee Brothers and receive ’.i ■ giiesi market price for trie "i : rstand (iiuson wired hack 1 . Tiua Monday that he had • : oe deal Ut start a paper there an . s; week's issue of his paper *a- ■ ti.i last, removing his plant t F Tiai point forthwith. If > i. want a dray, plione A. L. En ter ee ' on '3. or leave your order »it . either lumber yard or E. G. Ta> ior. Best of service guaranteed. dr- \\ < Harper's parents. Rev. and Mr? Enyert of Savannah. Mo., arr.. s iasi evening, and will remain o*r > nday. Ho. Enyert occupying M K puipit tliat day. They re ii ne Monday, tlieir daughter, ais i***eri Msitingat Uie par - • .< ’or a fortnight or more, ac companying them. Hu! you -ay coaly" ' Yes. Pinnacle u ai." This is a good coal for m ik oves. free from slack and easy to atari. Try it. For sale at Tay lor's elevator. To members of tiie Babtistchurch will give a reception for tlieir pastor, II*v. powers, at tiie church on Friday evening The ministers of the town will give the welcome to our town, while Rev. C'oulston of Hastings and I»r Noutlierland of Grand Island wt.l give Uie address of welcome to Uie assaciation. After the short prog rata at tne church, all are invited | to Uie parsonage for a social hour. Miss Zelpha Reed went to Greeley yesterday* morning. Stork and Gilbert have just finished a nice job of painting of the Arthnr store front. A marriage license was issued Mon day. the 7th, to Isaac J. Gross and Miss Ina Hapke, both of this county. Frank Taylor, wife and little daugh ter of St. Paul visited here over last Sunday at the E. G. Taylor home. Cncle John Chipps and Mike Ka miniski of Oak Creek were welcome callers at this office Monday when in the city on business. Miss Pearl Keeler attended a sur prise on her sister-in-law. Mrs. Karl Keeler at Austin. Monday on the eve of the departure of that lady to Cherry county. A 12-months'-old baby of L. A. Hangs of Logan township fell into a water tank at the home yesterday but was fortunately rescued just in time to save the little one s life. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carl sen of the State Bank of this city at Omaha last Monday morning, a tine baby boy. The entire people of Loup City will tender congratulations to the nappy new papa and mamma. A letter from Miss Lulu B. Lee at Dolores. Colo., renewing for the North western says “My school will begin Aug. 1st. I have the same school 1 taught last year. We will have a longer session this year. Our folks l are all well.” Miss' Lulu’s legion of friends here will wish her success. In leaving here last Friday to join her husband at Nelsonville. Ohio, the editors daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frank Burleigh, visited en route with a brother at Lincoln, resuming her journey Mondav evening. She expect ed to reach Nelsonvilleyesterdav fore noon. Mrs. Betli Zimmerman-Owens and baby from Sunnyside. Wash., arrived here Monday evening for an extended visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman, and other relatives and friends. She was met at Broken Bow on her way here by her father, who was up there on business mat ters. Jos. S. Zocboll. business manager of the St. Paul Normal and Business Coliege, is now in the city looking after the interests of that institu tiod. The St. Paul College has a broad reputation for thorough and practical training. Anyone who is contemplating to attend college the coming school year would do well to see Mr. Zocholl while he is here. Along R. R. No. 2. Clarende Burt sold* horse last week. Will Kuhl was at Loup City Sunday. E. K. Corning drove Route 1 Tues day. H. W. Brodock went to Central Citv Tuesday. Frank OUewski is home from the hospita1. Ed. Obermiller was at Loup Citv last Sunday. Skip Thrasher was out to John Squire's Monday. Andy Cray is slowly recovering his recent ooeration. Ctias. Bar is visiting at the home of L. M. Mickow. Mr. Hively of Waterloo, la., is vis iting Jim McBeth. It pays to keep the harrow going when fall plowing Howard Fulliton is working for H. W. Brodock this week. Miss Goldie Kilpatrick came home from York last Friday. Hugh McFadden is' painting Alle-j man's house this week. Miss Mable Gray is working for1 Torn Gray at Rockville. Will Hawk slaughtered the weeds along his line Saturday. Take one or both of’the county pa pers and help the route. J. A. Sawyer of Hazard was in Loup City Saturday last. H. A. Wiikinson has been visiting on Route t* the past week. N. P. Neilson sold several head of cattle to Biemohd Monday. John Haller and wife returned from a visit to St Paul. Monday. Miss Dessie Martin is' visiting at the home of Janies;McBeth. The Big Three were scraping at J. W. Conger's ice pond Tuesdav. Geo. Curry was in Wiggle Creek on Monday visiting his son Wilbur. Jno. Foy has the contract for paint ing Art Wilson's house this fall. Mis Gertrude Ladegard is home from Summer school at St. Paul. Mrs. H. N. Smith is visiting at the home of her son Yern this week. There were over thirtv picnicking down by the river last Thursday. Will Draper is building a fine home on his farm east of Ed Kilpatrick. Milo Gilbert last week sold Skip Thrashera span of 4-year-old colts. Miss Lettie Peugh was taken quite ill at Loup City Sundav afternoon. Mrs. Clarence Burt visited Tuesdav afternoon with Mrs. Herman Jung. Nick Daddow marketed a load of squeelers at Loup Citv last Fridav. Francis Spence of Green Lake. Wis., is visiting his brother. C. B. Spencer. E. G. Taylor's men were unloading a car of wheat at the mill Saturday. Carrier Foster of Route 1 was ill on Tnesday and unable todriye the route L. H. Currier and J. F. Nicoson were going weston the divide Monday Nick Daddow and son marketed a couple of loads of hogs at Loup City Monday. m. r reaericKon sola his firm Mon day on Wiggle Creek to V. Wagner for *7300. Mrs. W. M. By I and daughter Hazel of Chicago are visiting lieraunt, Mrs. W. O. Brown. •*oe Biasclike and wife and Charles Schwaderer and wife visted at Fritz Bichel’s Sunday. Presly Ileisnerand his brother were initiated into the German Verein on Sunday at Loup City. Sim Criss and wife and Xeoma Criss from Route 4 were trading at Loup City last Friday. The iiired man lias' a vigorous kick coming as the rains mostly come Sat urday nights or Sundays.' A good rain covered 'the route last Wednesday, measuiing from one-half to thee-fourths of an inch. •John Sqierson Monday while plow ing brought forth two diffemt bunch es <>f snakes coiled in knots. Claus Plambeck of Ashton and Geo. Plambeck of Wyoming are visiting Jurgen Plambeck this week. Mr. Burke and wife of Central City who have been vising at G. B. Wil kie's returned home Monday. Route 2 is being favored with ail kinds of rain, a slight shower cover ing most of the route Tuesday. Will Smith, wife and daughter Le na. who have been visiting with F. M. Mickow. returned home Tuesday. Potato vines in bloom and oat fields green again since the rains makes this season an odd and unusual year Will Hawk mowed along his fence south of Oltjenbruns last week and leveled the high grade along the road. Ed Radclifie and his men are putr ing the finishing touches on Alfred Jorgenson’s new house this week and it is nearly ready for the painters. Mr. and Mis. Griffith and Mia. Woods worth returned home to Albion r Sunday after seven! weeks’ visit with the Cash families on Routes 1 and 2. The southwest part of the Route from Goodwin’s to W. O. Brown's failed to get any of the nin Friday that visited the balance of the route. Another good nin covered almost the entirs route Friday south of Will Hawk school house. The fall was an inch and over in the Wiggle Creek country. In the route news last we stated the Plambeck girl in Wyoming died of heart failure when it wasa case of snicide instead, from ill health. She was buried at Ashton last week. Corn looks good. This crop of alf alfa is about all in stack. Some farm ers have commenced haying. Pas tures look good. A good many are seeding ground to alfalfa. This the month to sow fall alfalfa. Fnnk Adams cut the weeds along his line Tuesday. Nothing speaks for the farmer more than this. It looks nice to sec the weeds cut along the road. It makes the country laok good to anyone passing through. Austin Scribbles Roy Barr visited Sunday with Frank F068. Mrs. Ida Ogle took dinner at H. L. Harwell's Sunday. Mrs. Dan McDonald was a Loup City visitor Friday. Raymond Oltman visited Sunday at Milt Rentfrows. Mrs. J.W. Gilmore and Mrs. Ida Ogle were Rockville callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Foss and daughter Miss Willma visited across the river Sunday. Rov Karr. Willma Foss. Frank Foss and Jessie Ogle attended the show Monday evening. Mrs. Sherman and sons. Dennis and Frank, attnded church at Austin Sunday afternoon. Mrs. I>an McI*onald. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fletcher were Grand Island Thursday attending tl»e show. There is to be preaching at Austin the first and third Sundays of each month at 3 p m. Everyone invited. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson left for a trip to the sandhills. II. A. Woody has charge of the place during their absence Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daddow. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie I*addow and Mr. and Mrs. Talbot took dinnerSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Park Paige. The ice cream social given July 25* was a success. The money amounted to §8.40 it will be used to purchase new song books for the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gilmore Mr. andjtrs. II. S. Hartwell Mr. and Mr^tfiltRentfrw and daughter Miss Rhea were shopping in Loup City Saturdry. Mrs. Will Couton. Mrs. Margaret Ogle, Mrs. Dan Carpenter, Mrs. Ida < >gle. Mrs. J. W. Gilmore and Homer Ogle went to Sam Fletcher's Thurs day after choke-cherries Mrs Heath of Keva l*aha county is here on a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fulliton of Austin Mrs. Heatb made a ' here some t wo or three years since, and made many friends’ during her stay. Mrs. P. G. Paige. Mrs. Lonnie Dad dow. Mrs. X. T Talbot. Frank Foss. Jessie Ogle. Jesse Mitchell. Clara Fulliton. Mrs. Heath, Howard Fulli ton, Homer Ogle and Jessie Gilmore attended the show iu Loup City Thursday night. On last Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Jay Plant gave a smail partv in honor of Mr. Plant's mother's birthday. Mrs. Needham and Mrs. Hiddiesonof Loup City. Mrs. Margaret Ogle. Mrs. Will Couton. Mrs. John Heil. Mrs. J. W. Gilmore. Mrs. Talbot and Mrs. Lar son did justice to the ice cream, i Rose Comb Brown Leghorn epps 15 for 75c. *3.00 per 100. A.J.Johnson. Here With the Goods Tkf cLauphlin's are here with tin poods, every time ^orrect and dean service in the Liv ery Line. Look up this place for conveyances neat. A nd teams that are handsome and “• steady and fleet. TTuexcelled drivers that know al the roads. J2*ood men to take care of teams and of loads. Here is the place that pleases truv elinp men I ike flies to the supar they come back apain. In here vou will find outfits that art all O.K. TCeatest of neat rips in the livery •*-” way. Superior service you'll tina here ^ every day. Iook up this barn for feed and * beard. foi |t’s rates are as low as the markets afford. \Tery neat and commodious always ’ is found Excelled by no place in the country around. T>inp up McLauphlin's any old " time rou'll tind here the best in the liv erv line. Notice Notice is hereby given that bids will lie received by the county clerk ! for the leasing of the County Poor Farm up to noon of the 14th day of August. 1911. Terms of lease on tile in the county clerk's office. County board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. C. Dieterichs, c lerk. truer of Heiriie and Nonce n Petitioi loi Settkuit of Account In the County Court ot Sherman county. Ne braska. State of Nebraska, i -SS. Sherman County. 1 To the creditors, heirs, legatees and all per sons interested in the estate of * red Wt r ner. deceased: On reading the petition of Mike Klimek, ad ministrator. praying a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in this court on the nth day of August 1911, it is hereby or dered that vou and all persons interested m said matter may. and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 56th day of August. A. D. 1911, at one o'clock p m to show cause if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner -bould not be granted, and tbat notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loop City Northwestern, a weekly newspaper prtrt ed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing [seal] E. A. Smith County Judge Last nob A or ROAD NOTICE (Klaussen To All Whom It May Concern: The commissioner appointed to lo cate a road commencing at the north west corner of the northeast Quarter of section thirty-sis ,3»Vi, township fourteen (14), range fourteen (14!. Sherman county. Nebraska, running thence east and terminating at Road 2tW. has reported in favor of the es tablishment thereof and all objec tions thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon of the 12th day of September. 1911. or such road will be established without re ference thereto. Dated this 2>*th day of July. 1911. W. C. Dietep.ichs. County Clerk. Last pub. Aug. 24) Chautauqua Ang. 27th to 31st THE PEOPLE who with the local committee are running this Chautauqua here this sum mer—the Western Redpath Chautauqua System—will issue the handsomest and most expen sive Chautauqua program book that has ever been gotten out on any Chautauqua program. It will be diskibuted ten days before the Chautauqua starts. Get one of them. It contains almost a hundred pictures, which represent the best product of the engraver s art It is profusely decorated with fine art work and hand-lettering. The book is essentially a picture-story of the big week. There is venr little read ing matter; the pictures tell die story. It is printed on an elegant, enameled book paper. The Redpath people are using 250, 000 of these in their more than seventy Chautauqua towns. The cost of the jprmting, engraving, art work and distribution will be more than $6,000. You will believe it’s the bort when you seek. Conhiser’s Special Sale Continues 15 Days One off the things which has popularized^this Bank is the friendly atmosphere patrons always find here. We don't believe in trying to £make people think we are doing them a favor when we attend to their wants, however small or great. You are doing us a good turn when you bring business of any nature to this bank. We appreci ate it and want you to always feel at home here, and find it a pleasure to come. Don’t stay away because your transaction is a small one. It’s the sum of small things that makes this bank great LOUT cm STATE SJ1 Capital and Surplus, $42,500 Officerszand'Directors: J. S. Pedler, President, John W. Long, Vice Pres. C. C. Carl sen. Cashier W. R. Mellor S. N. Sweetland E. C. Taylor Samuel Daddow Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Terms Full Quartered Oak and Polished $30.00 F. O. B. LOUP CITY Guaranteed for Ten Years by your Home Dealer The NEW ROYAL SEWING MACHINE is one of the leading machines, all nickel trimming on copper and will never tarnish or come off. It is light running and easy to operate. We carry Repairs and Needles for all kinds of of Sewing Machines. Come in and see what kind of a deal you can make on a Sewing Machine. H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co. THERE IS PLENTY OF WATER Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley All of the rivers and irrigation canals are now running bank full. The writer has just returned from an extended inspection trip through the Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Talley, where he found that the farm* ere have all the water they can use for irrigation; crops are accordingly fine Opportunity for Investment. Money invested in Government Irrigated lands, Carey Act lands, or deeded lands In Big Horn Basin, at present prices is sure to bring large returns for the roason that the farmers of this country are beginning to understand Chat the Basin and Yellowstone Val ley have an ample water supply and that the water comes down from the mountains just at the time when it is need for Irrigation. Come with me on one of our personally conducted excureione, first and third Tuesdays, and let me show you the crops tl at follow a reliable water supply. Write today for our new folder, free, telling all about these lands. IN THE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS