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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1911)
Professional Cards KOBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-law LOUP CITY. TEBR&SZ&. R. J. NIGHTINGALE toaj id ksswr-friai LOUP CITY. NEB R. H MATHEW. Anorney-at-Law, And Atatnclor. Loup City, Nebraska O. K. LONGACRE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office. Over New Bank TKLKPUOKK ' ALL, NO. 3» A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON m«nr. 3m Oln at BnMnrr • t L. Hfl Luup City - Nebraska A. s. MAIN PHYSICIAN 111 SURGEON Loup City. Nebr. Utbc* at Hnittmcr. i r epiioijf t cnnectiou S. A. ALLEN. OE.YTMST. LOt r - ITT. NEB. O&ee up »tatr* id liitr new State Bank building. W. L- MARCY. LOUP GITY. NEB OFFICE Eaat Side PuWie Suuaie. FUooe. 10 on 3* vr-~ Tin* Saji JbaiV tut \utir o .tapir tiuti tirpt-rul* upon r> all kind- ttwrr'k one lierr U* *>uu jot*. Our toilet nertion U» a»*j>»r; • oatpietiun «»K.p were all drUraLr T.iiiet Soaps, Creams and Powders out be |.ufrbwd The tulll) 1» purr, ll.r pri> r> j-'t rnr*«l »li»lrvrr ><Wir toilet nr«l ■» tan utif >uu beat. Swanson &. Lofholm. Up-to-Date Druggists (jimmI Judgment Intariablt r»Ju in '.!» «• lotion <>t Iron* our >ani» and *lteds Coi tractors and Builders ^Bu* tdjtt f«d ■ark rui.l lie done • 1U1 poor m»t*ru. tiiU s »hy m '-*• U«mi art- rmtonrn of ourv ttiatr rr rtrnj in tlie »aj ol nsUai^r Ljikiia* uiatrru! Uiia U tl* N*"' to twne lor H. Keystone Lbr. Co. • «J yard* at Loup City, Ashton, Itoikville and Austin The Labor of Baking *k iuii> U **% rcdurtd if you uy tlit rtgUi kiiMi of Flour. u«l if Ujt <ju«* U fl. "HliU u Uir Iwm, KtojrT hu put to tot* the takers art<l tMHjatk«r|*-r> in Uiim part of tin cuuistn. U* uualnouo reply mould br White Satin Voo mould tot* for if If you mere im4 toil- Hu t it moitij riiJiur a Ul*iv Loup City Mills THE NORTHWESTERN KfcMS:—•) OO PIR T1AB.IP PAID IK ADTAPCk Enured II ihr Loup Ctlr PosuiBce lor trmnk ■tenon ihroucn ibr moils os second class matter Office Phone, - 6 on 21 Residence, - - 3 on 21 J. \V. KURliKltiH. Ed. nn«l Pub Candidates' Cards --- r»>M DWTRICT JI'IM.K 1 hereby pir^Dt myself as a candidate for ; Judjre of tain Twelfth Judicial District, sub j»*et t»* the- dPt'MOB of the Republican electors »»f Buffalo «'us:« r ami Sherman ^r.Niut *u. judicial district 1 would appre ciate your support Aak«»x Wall. 1 hrrel'V announce to the electors of the twelfth judical district 1 am a candidate at the primary election tole held August I-Y mi for the republican nomination for the offer of Didru-t Judy to succeed uiyself. I shall stiin . for the feai less enforcement of the i^w« the punishment of frit; npeedj trials; the strictest ecoBon.\ ia the basin enatfIho court and exact justice for all. wiinout regard to race or uat >na!ity wealth or poverty, po ut cal or religious beliefs. If your judgment tppuf ay yoadMt as district judge in the |rusi. 1 w ill appreciate your endorsement at the pi iuiar\ roars sincerely, BKtTNO O. HosTKTLEK. Fun CorMTY Stpick intkn dent I hereby announce uiyself a candidate for Superintendent c»f Schools of Sherman county, '•abject to the will of the democrat and popu list %oters at the cornu* primary election. R D HENDRICKSON. 1 hereby announce that 1 am a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Schools Of Sherman cutty. Nebraska, on the Repub lican ticket subject to the will of the voters at the August primaries. Your support will be appreciated. Makt. A K. Hendrickson. 1 hereby anuounce myself as a candidate for tb» office of County Superintendent of Schools of Sherman county subject to the good will of •.*:<- LVm.K rat and people’s independent voters at the A^rust primary' election 1 earnestly solicit your support L. II CCHBIER. kom oorsnY TBEasUBKB I hereby announce my candidacy for the of ' TreaMM Sherman county, subject to the will of the democratic and populist vot *-r* a- expressed at the comini? AukusI prima j ry election FRANK LoBCHR'K 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Sherman county, subject to the decUion of the democratic and populist • *t« rs a? the coming August primary elec , tion O. F Petersen. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the of Treasurer of Sherman county, subject to the will of the Republican voters as ex at the coming primary election. Your •upport will be appreciated. F. M. Henht. j n« T* r*v announce myself a candidate for the Offeee of County Treasurer of Sherman county, t to t he decision of the Republican vot » rs aa expressed at the coming August prima ry election W H Simpson r<>K «or sty Judge 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Jud*e of Sherman county, rubjn t t.. the de» Uioii of th** democratic and Tteopie s Independent party voters at the com .u.' Aujru**t pr.iii.tnrv E A. SMITH, j for sheriff 1 To M\ Fi i«-n»ls and the Voters of Sherman | ‘ oUUf 1 i*-re \ .ounce in \ *r »f a* a candidate for • ♦-o! >l.. rin t.f ^heifnan county. sub •. : .• .• -I « i the Republican voters jr a . - pin:...iv ej«»*tton. I earnestly* :.J moral, upright citi ili mm an J. Johansen :** « am •• my-eli a candidate for re- j • :h» ■ :hcr ».f Sheri?! *»f Sherinan j v!\ ect to the wi!. o! the Republican • >.; • - • ibe coming Aifut pr> ?;.4-v»i* I- a. Williams i r* . urn ...v u. candidacy for the of 0 • • * S -h* • an eouutt suited to :*•*-.»» o: • Republican Voters at the AiirUM iuu’v • letl.on. rl (i Miner. • » o. . • n *f a candidate for tir i.a« i ..f sheriii «»f ^herumu county sub* •« t to ite decis n -i the democratic and peo .* • <d iepvhdeot party toter^ at the cumin*? 1 *r:a.arv rirctlou R. N PHITi HaKU roK cotm t i.kkk To the l»^*n.«KTatic and People’s lndepend • m %ou-»s o' rman county 1 hereby make . u« »b that I am lie fore you for renomination for the office of ‘‘minty Clerk and will esteem our \ou*s and efforts in my behalf at the pri mary August I'.th. I*.l. W. C. PlETKKICBS ; 1‘oliticai Advertisement] Letter from L4 H. Currier To the Voters of Shorman County: 1 tind that it will be impossible for j me to visit all or even one half of ‘ the voters in Sherman county bydriv in, therefore I take this last chance before the primary election of again reaching you through the columns of this paper. I have served as teacher sixteen years. I taught as principal of the Litchfield schools oue year, as princi pal at Ashton two years, and as prin cipal of Kockville schools for the past three years, and have been elected to that position for the comiug year. 1 taught as principal of schools in Iowa and South Ifakota before coming to Nebraska. I am a graduate of the Nebraska state Normal school at Wayne and have done two years University work. Having taught in both country and graded schools. I am in a position to judge ol and also to be in sympathy with both gradod and rural teachers I was a candidate fer County Su perintendent of Sherman county four years ago and lost by eight votes. I aui married and have four children and aai letter enabled to study child hood and to work for its development into useful citizenship. It also ena bles me to see the situation from a parent's standpoint. 1 am not the candidate of any par ticular man. 1 have never asked for the support of any paper in the coun ty. I believe in absolute cleanliness and honesty in political as well as social and private life: further, I be lieve that a county oilicer does not and should not pose as representsi g any particular section or faction oi the county, because he should and must treat all parts of the countv alike, and without partiality in his official capacity, or he is not a good true officer. 1 assure you. one and all, that 1 shall not only appreciate any etiort you may make in my behalf, but if nominated and elected I will do all in my power to further the cause of education in Sherman county. Very respectfully, _L H. Ct’KBIKK. (Political Advertising) Statement by Sheriff Williams In la*t week's issues or tiie county rpere appeared a statement by H. Johansen, charging me with cer tain things. First that I have had U»e office of Sheriff for eight years and am now asking for another term, which is all true. • Further, that tw o or four years ago 1 told Mr. Tangerman that if he would not run that time I would sup port him (Tangerman) next time, which would not he a crime, had It bet ii a fact, but what was said at that time by Mr.Tagerman was this: “Mr. Williams, when you don't want to run again I would like to run for sheriff.” I said to him. go and tile far the oftiee and run now. and if you get the nomination I will do all 1 can for you. “No, I don’t wrnt to run: when you are in the race.” That was ] all that was said. Mo. Tangerman's lips are now silent. He was a true friend of mine and had he lived and run for sheriff 1 would have been one of his most willing workers. And then again he says, “Since my | announcement the same request was ! made by two men. that-1 publicly! withdraw.” Now. I never gave anyj one authority to ask Mr. Johansen to withdraw on my account, but IMI>! tell them NOT to ASK him to with-j draw on my account, as there would ! be some one tile and run who would I be a stronger opponent. Now I liave nothing personal or otherwise against Mr. Johansen and : in conclusion 1 will say I have been elected to the sheriff's ortlce four terms and always with a bigger ma jority each time, from 80 the first time to 600 the last time, the largest majority that any one ever got in the county, and whether 1 win or lose this time I will always feel grate ful to the people of Sherman county and proud of the record, and during my eight years as sheriff I liavo never \ lost a trip by sickness, storm or cold weather, night or day. and have al tried to save the county and the peo ple’s money. Hoping that you will all attend the primary August Isth, 1911. 1 remain yours truly. L. A. WrLLiAMs. Don’t forget the primary election next Tuesday, and be on hand to ex press your breferences. Next Tuesday will be primary elec tion. You owe a duty to your friends who are candidates. Co and vote. In marking your primary ballots, republicans, next Tuescay, you will make no mistake in putting your cross in thesquare following the name of E. Z. Russel of Blair for Railway Commissioner. Mr. Russel has for years been connected with the State Fair Association, and his record there and as treaururer of his home county of Washington in the past years makes him a safe man to trust as Railway Commissioner. Among the candidates for the su preme bench this year on the repub lican side, we call special attention to J. K. Cobby, publisher of the Annotated Statutes, and a man thoroughly versed in the laws of the state and one of the very best jurists Nebraska. Cobby is a name better known in the legal lore of Nebraska, perhaps than any other. You w ill make no mistake in voting for.I. E. Cobb\ for Supreme Judge. Local pride, and the fact that Sher man county is able to present a candi date for the district judgeship in everyway qualified for the respon sible duties of the ortice, should call upon the republican voters of Sher man county to cast their votes for our esteemed townsman. Hon. Aaron Wall for that ottice. The people of Sherman county are and should be porud of their local candidate, and we expect the voters of the county will roll up a handsome majority for Judge Wall Base Bail Tournament Arrangements have been perfected for a big Rase Rail Tournament to be held in Loup Citv, Tuesday. Wed- . nesdav and Thursday, the :2nd. -‘:*.rd 1 and :4Ui of the present month The following clubs have signilied their intention to be present at theTournr ment and complete for the purses, which will be *T>0 on eadh game, tin per cent to the winner and 40 per cent to the lose-: Sargent. Arcadia Ord. Ravenna. Ashton, Rockville and Lonp City. Some $450 has been raised by Loup City to promote the Tournament and guarantee the purses and provide for one of the biggest times along base ball lines ever held i in Central Nebraska. We have not! at this time, nor will have this week j full particulars of the organizationj of the tournament, but will next ! week tell our readers all about it. i Prepare to attend and have a tine1 time. Change in First National Quite a noted change occurred last week in the ownership of the First National Bank of this city. \V. F. Mason and C. Bradley of Wolhaeh, Nedraska, purchasing all of the in terest of Mr. Ira E. Williams in said bank. Mr Williams will retire al together from the bank and Mr. Mason together with Mr. L. Hansen will have the active control and man-! agement of the institution Mr. Bradley is widely and well known business man of ample means and i has in the bast ten yearsowned large tracts of land in Sherman and Valley counties and will invest largely in lands in these counties in the future I especialy in Sherman county. Messrs i Mason and Hansen have been con nected with this splendid bauk for so many years in the past that they need no introduction at our hands, j The new management took charge of the business on Monday of this week. We bespeak for them a con-j tinuance and even increase in the business of this well and favorably known financial institution in the future. Of Mr. Williams intentions for the future we are not at present informed. Exciting Runaway Our friend. Tom Caddy, iiad one of the most exciting runaways in this city, Monday morning, that lias occurred for many moons, lie was driving near the I’nion Pacific depot when the tongue came down, fright ening his young team, which quick as a flash sprang forward throwing t lie buggy over on top of them, with Tom underneath. From that mo ment Tom could not report history till he found himself on his feetstiil holding the ribbons, but realizing, as ; he said, that he could buy another team, but could not restore his life in event of a killing, let go of the strings and let them go whiz w hich they did. ending up in the north part of the town, the team unhurt but the buggv reduced to kindling wood. Outside of a badley bruised left arm, Tom'is just as good as tie fore the melee. In casting your ballot for the three supreme judges to lie elected this fall if you are a republican we call your attention to the candidacy of .ludge Letton for relection. There are none mentioned better qualified for the supreme judgeship. Special Sale OF CLOTHING LO R ENTZ’S Now is your time to get your suit at Bottom Prices: Men’s and Young Men’s Suits $ 7.50 to $10.00 for $ 3.75 10.00 to 12.50 for 7.50 15.00 to 18.00 for 12.50 20.00 to 25.00 for 18.00 Get your suit this monty and save $1.50 to $3.00 on all Boys* Suits from 98c to $6.98. At Lorentz’s. PTFi SEPT. 4T-nro8TH LINCOLN THE STATE’S BEST PRODUCTS TWO AEROPLANES IN DAILY FLIGHTS » LIBERATI MILITARY BAND AND V GRAND OPERA COMPANY OF 61 PEOPLE ' 9 GREAT RACES • PATTERSON SHOWS, I REWORKS. NIGHT RACES. VAUDEVILLE^, 1890 YORK COLLEGE 1911 The 22d Year Opens on September II Officially Recognized by the State. Issues all grades of Teacher’s State Certificates. Collegiate, Academy, Normal, Pharmacy, Business, Stenography, Music, Oratory and Art Departments. Thorough Courses. Strong Faculty. Good Equipments. Pleasant and healthful surroundings. Town without Saloons. More than 300 Students esu-h year. Books Free. Lowest Rates for Tuition and Board. Give us a chance to save you money. Catalogues sent free on call. WM. E. SCHELL, Pres., York, Nebr. ] INCORPORATE every desired feature of all other typewriting machines into one and compare it fea ture with feature, working part with working part, with the Underwood Standard T ypewriter and the UNDERWOOD stands out as the best machine-one per mitting the greatest latitude of work, doing more and better work per given effort, and is The Machine You Will Eventually Buy It is mechanically perfect. It stands up under every trying condition and is simple in construction. The Underwood Type Bar Stroke has but three ele ments! the Key Lever, Connecting Link and Type Bar. Underwood Typewriting Company (incorporated) OMAHA BRANCH, 1621 FARNAM STREET LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loud Cilv Neb O -s 7? g so 2. 23 «■* « o ^ M ? ^ 3* ° ® * « 2 ss a si, sr *r© -.3 • 3 2 •+» 3^ < O- 3 p O ffi S.^S*5 S' » » 5-CR W ^ OB — © J-fe ^ © -5P t O a 3 5 3 g> 2 ^l-1 ® § = K)£ET 502-= ®* 3* _ - ^ c «-• 5? 3 a” 3 — O **s 3 3 S3 ^_i 3 3 ® - - rs 3" »Ms ?■? 3.01 § S-0? 3 os 3 3 3 3 QD FENCE POSTS ieclde to have us photograph you. EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer. 6 c 3 o =2. r — 0. 0 ^ ?£ O r+' S-a O ®! H C^. At Ts* O 8» o o 2 §P fD - „ te S'© f= r ^2 o £ ® r ^ U v Q. OQ. c ._?■ o St 5—2" 35 © s C- 1 J < S) “S.'O 5 &3 - 5 O if SJ v *5 ' C ; T? fj ® " * 'T <n DR. J. R. GREGG nnmm surgeon Loup City, Nebr. Treats all diseases of domestic ani nals. Teeth work a specialty. Office Phone, - 3 on 72 LA BON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts joup City, Nejb.* Here With the Goods feed's place is here with the goods every time Excellent grades in the Implement Line 0very need of the farm to suit the demand X^esirable tools are at your command Quperior machines are alWays on hand J^est makes of Windmills and Plows in our stock ^Jnexcelled Drills, at prices bedrock, Quperiyr wagcns, to haul heavy goods J n herk are neat buggies to spin o’er the roads, ]\o Windmills are better than makes that we sell 0fxcellent repairing we do here as well. Step into Reed's and find it is true, Spending money with Reed is saving for you. T. M. e ed UP tin ElEltT UK EiPiy Is now open for the Spring Trade See Us for Solid Concrete Work Sidewalks, Floors, Etc. Call and get our prices. We have in connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and Baled Hay. GUY STOUT, Manager.