The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 25, 1911, Image 5

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    If You Are a Farmer
We wish to impress on you the advantages
and convenience of a bank account
Right now is a good time to put your business
on a systematic basis. After once you have used
the check plan of paying all bills, you will realize
the risk of the haphazard, lose money in the pock
et method you are now using. The old
First National Bank
of Loup City is the Pioneer bank of Sherman
county and conducts its business on such system
atic and independent lines as to make us a neces
sity to you. and we cordially invite you to come
and do business with us. Come and see us about
opening a deposit account.
Iea E Willim*. l*re«t L. Hansek, Cashier
A. 15 Oit h *E, V. Prat. 0. E. A hams, Asst. Cashier
THt'KM’A V MA V 2». mi
A Few Market ^notations.
Coca. »rr be... > i At
a **: per tw ..Zi m *»
Oat*, per ta. ..V • JL.
Bye. per be .. ~®
Better, per lb. ... S>
Etxt. per te .. -V*
Time is Men*»
Wt-u »■ . mi * *au*t. (wt your
»*•- . Henry M Eisners, tie
fr-af' r .rtrwt. Y*»U LOW it »
•iatfS *»*nt
«-r T V tired ! * Feed • •rimler*.
Mi lifi b and t Mr Seed at
T * U. eei*
iicteit sort tu-aiij and promptly
d “i«r a! Srunaairr'a.
M*>. < * Ritimuar returned from
« raa a tear data ua»
Tn \rr> nut r-unf for tour rook
tu-ir Ft sale try E. «•. Taykir.
F r *1 i t>j *ut iu tlie »a» of
< fr»a- vyanue. T M. lietst.
• cm!..*»-r »ai.'»U*gi»e you a like
Ik « It a kef Fall and lad oat.
it t* Ml f *i:i criiter the Aleuior
ia *ddr.-»* a L. ! Seld tUk year/
Ei« -. am- e ft. t narranted. also
the *. /• v ei’irr'v Lire K»tlrr.
L ki . , snd *ile of Logan
l«» - . •« re rny.i;ng em'Usdat.i
Take >uur butter and egg* to <«•*
tikrrV nbrre you ran jfet any tiling |
you eant
• . 1 'th - turned la»t Fri-.
•j«i fr • - taiurr- meeting at1
<tw»i in Bum
\, r U • iiwur as a gift, at
t Ft: El. at t ninsef s Sati»
faru<ry >/<».
A tinnier Mart business at
• . a a. »eek. returning
Frida-, e1-.rnitig.
As igaut V. . i a Barker gi»eni
• a*. *.-«. >• to I IlhlM-r. See
U..« ivr parts -i.;r»
i - i.a>eii:ui ‘ reaenrry < o. pats
tie . ./..♦»• -ski i*rit» for egg* de
lrtried at tlie rreaaery lieit.
i . ee .1. .mug— indrbt
ei- . Hi' trrdiuandt F'urniture
I it aiu ; rle t a add Ktlle.
Ate w«*d • an l tlie Janueienk'l
to : >r. ». - an a meat td»opin tlie
uid < sj«n Jai.i *i i tig store i>utiding »• ur » - boxes of F erdinandi
tie -an lie lias a uhv
tw 4 "e u and at pru-*— tliat are
Mr* J- • liinu uf < »rd. at.<i
dau*,-.tef Mr* i < Tlton.pKio. and
< . 4r«a <4 !;avet<t*a wrr* guests of
t:eii many friend* over Sunday.
Evidently people are too busy to
arr»-d. a* J jdge Smitii la* not
„«•_ tali • -»*e f.>r over a seek. Or
ewe tije smallpox bugaboo lias scared
thros out.
Have you *e*'i those fine Willow
Em.sen. mi W i oohiser * window?
il< <i give >. j one FUKE and lias
enough u« supply each and every one
of h»s mam customers
li A. Watt* was up from Lincoln
,m*i Friday tryitig to secure a store
n u to have a ptauo sale, but could
i* A find a p ace !e could engage and
•cnt ■ to Arcadia. »tie re business
wa» nut so rushing.
The visit of iiei. L. Mi Ewan
+»»-i a He from Kearney oier last
iuoii1 ■ and the *eriuon» by Uie rev
erent a. Uie First 1'reshy lenan
ii.ur h both looming and evening
m day were very pleasing to twwt of friend* bere. Although
Li* ay was rainy and bad quite a
asj.urr were present botb morning
».«1 riming and thoroughly enjoyed
tearing their puM again.
The lag < lu-alia excursion train of j
nine anrim were lie re on schedule
time tin* Morning, were met at Uie
StjiiL t>y leierai hundred Loup I 'it>
naufde of si! agwa. headed Ip MV
-p - tciid mud escorted down into
ii,. ny. w. wrre each booster passed
• lie ..i itneniw of tlie day wiUi his
■rad p*v ■!.- anf after Uiree-quar
<rr> • an boor m pleasant inter
.-r—-. -ft lor oUier points. Of
,-o-r*. eu *h chili, and adult were
.ft mi y.wrwiua of pleasant souve
:.jr* A the occasion. It was one of
ptSsili: -.neaiorbsa.
Tie following program will be given
at Uie Wiggle i reek school house on
May 3s at * p. in. All welcome: hong,
■rhuuh iw ■ Elsie Goodwin: rec.. Ma
ttie McFadden. rec- Glare Me Beth.
«uig ol spring, w-bool: rec.. Laurice
IVugh. quartet, nr . Lorin Goodwin:
rwc 'admf Kubl: »ong. sciiool: rec.
Emiel Kubl: rec.. Kkird Goodwin:
wmm school. rwr . Joe McFadden. rec..
Etiei l*wddow. duet. Hazel and Vir
McFadden: rec.. Frank McFad
dcsi: rec Harold Uaddow: song, six
girls: rwc- Aliena Biascbke: rec.. Le
For buggies see T. M. Keed.
I*o you want a Rocker free' See
• onhisers adv.
Clint Outhouse returned last week
from Carlyle. 111.
Two thousand new post cards at
the Variety Store.
Adam Zahn. the sage of Elm. was
ltere—to tiie circus—Tuesday.
Try the Stroud A Hetirickson dray
an-- They will give you good service.
Rose C nb Brown Leghorn eggs,
, I t lor *3.«w per 100.
'•ciiwaner can and will save you
nionet >n anything in the jewelry
1} for the ice man hy secur
ing a n.. e ice box of Ferdinandt the
Furniture man.
Urn !\«ch of Ashton townihip was
a pleasant caller at this office Tues
dav of this week.
* all a? tiie Variety Store and get
pr.» r». you will be surprised. No
trouble to show goods.
>tr»>ud a ilenrickson. successors
to Conger, will do your hauling
promptly and satisfactorily.
WV are paying 1- cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
Mr> Ja- Johansen and babv and
Mr- Will French * isited last Friday
at 'sliaupps with Mrs. Kd Oltmann.
We will buy what you do not want,
and sell \<>u what you do want cheap, j
The Snuxu Hami Store.
rl«e new city well on the hill isj
down L*i a depth of 115 feet and gives !
an abundant additional supply of j
i »ur bundle of ready prints were'
dialed in transmission, hence we1
are a da !ate in issuing our paper
tiii> week.
Lad:~~ and children's hats cheaper
•han ever while they last. We will i
• • carry ary over Mrs. DeWitt’sI
Variety *:«#c
VV aj. HarK-.s k does things right.
He hr. gilt his 1 beys and 2 girls in J
to the circus Tuesday and gave them ;
the time of their life.
Mrs I >hn < *'Bryan and chiidren of
Grand Island arrived Friday evening
for a lew dav-.' \ i-i* with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Swanson. j
Mrs. Hawk lias staretd her new j
tw..-story residence on her property
»o' of tiie M. E. church, to hi*
occupied by C. F Beushausen.
Wiltier Waite is the iiappy fatiier
f a new baby girl, who arrived at
Ins home Monday evening. May 22.1
Mother and daughter doing well.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derVe. 1 on 51. or leave your order!
with either lumber yard or E. G.'
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
I'ncSeJobn Nordstrom brought a
hunch >f young people down from
Washington township to see the wila
animals, and incidentally the circus.
Hanker- Williams and Hansen of j
• First National Hank attended i
• l,e <ii-trict linkers' convention at’
Hr. keti Ho» last week, making the i
trip by auto.
"Hid you say coal?” “Yes. Pinnacle,
nut coal." This is a good coal for
tiKik stoves, free from slack and easy
to start. Try it. For sale at Tay
lor's elevator.
Judge Hunter writes glowingly of
his ne» Florida home, a town of 1300
people and without even one news
paper. Tiie latter fact isprima facie
e» idence of its celestial qualifications.
Mrs. Lula Kickert and daughter
and Mrs Minnie Schirkofsky of
Hrand Island arrived here last week
Wednesday fora fortnight's visit with i
the ladie s parents. Mr. and Mrs. I
Louie Bechtold.
Mrs. M. C. Mulick went to St. Ed- j
wards Tuesday to attend the funeral i
of Mrs A the O'Bryan. Mr. O'Bryan, i
husband of deceased, is well known in
this community, having made his
lionic years ago with the family of
Joe O'Bryan. Three children are
left, the oldest being 7 years of age. ;
Miss Marie Lewandowski was mar-1
ried Tuesday morning of this week
at St. Francis church, Ashton, to
Mr. Jacob Slominski. A wedding re
ception was held that evening at the
home of the bride's father. Peter Le
wandowski. north of Schaupps.which
was attended by a number of friends
of this city The bride is well known
having made her home in Loup City
the past few years. The groom is
agent for a stove company and is said
to be a worthy young man. Their
manv friends extend congratulations
and best wishes for their happiness
and prosperity. The groom owns
lot* just north of the Catholic church
where he expects to erect a residence
in tiie early fall.
Conductor Atnick's new residence
is inclosed and ready for the plas
terers. The house is most com
modious and on a somewhat difierent
architectural plan than others being
built this year. The first story is
devoted to’ a sitting room, dining
room, bathroom, three bedrooms and
an elevator to the dining room from
the IriU-lten. which occupies the full
length of the south part of the resi
dence. will have cement floor and for
the most part used as the family
dining room as well. Adjoining the
kitchen will he a store room, furnace
room and coal bin. properly par
titioned ofi. The house is of cement
blocks with fine porch of cement on
the west. The plans are unique and
wfU make a most commodious home.
Fatal Accident
This (Thursday) morning about 8
o'clock at the Keystone lumber yard
at Rockville occurred an accident in
a runaway which will probably re
sult in the death of the injured man.
While loading a wagon with lumber,
driven by an old gentleman named
llajek. who was here from his home
in Buffalo county helping his son
build a house, the team ran away, re
sulting in splitting the old man’s
skull, breaking his left leg and caus
ing other serious injuries. The leg
will have to suffer amputation,
which, with his advanced age of 70
years, and other injuries, will likely
result in his death.
Later. 1:06 p. m.—A phone message
frome Tom Lay just-received says the
injured man died, a few minutesjpast
noon. No operation was attempted,
as there was no chance for recovery.
Dr. Marcy’s Mother Dead
Word was received here the first of
the week by Mrs. Marcv from I)r.
Marcy who has been at Sterling, 111.,
the past week at the bedside of his
good mother, that the latter passed
away last Sunday evening atTo'clocK,
the funeral to occur Wednesday aft
ernoon. The four sons and’ two
daughters of the sainted mother
were all present. Mrs. Lucy Sands,
twice bereaved of life companions,
was aged t. years. Some eight years
since she lost her evsight, and for
a period of years has been a sufferer
from cancerous affections, undergo
several operations therefor, the dis
ease coupled with advanced age caus
ing her death. She was well and fa
vorably known to many of our people
having visited here a number of times
in past years. Dr. Marcy is expected
home this week. He has the earnest
sympathy of friends, and especially
of those who have passed through a
like sorrow.
Campbell Bros/ Show
The Carnplell brothers circus and
menagerie which visited Loup City
Tuesday of this week upheld its for
mer reputation as being the cleanest,
best managed, and purest show of
the kind on the road. Being a pro
duct erf Nebraska, owned and con
trolled by Nebraska boys, who are
courteous, gentlemanly and oblig
ing fellows, it appeals to our people
and as a result the big tent was com
fortably filled with the best of our
people, who applauded to the echo a
performance excellent from start to
finish. One graceful and grateful aet
on the part of the management, and
one ever to be remembered by our
people, was the arranging the route
of the big parade at the request of
the w riter so that it might pass the
homes of the editor and others whose
little ones were shut in by quaran
tine. thus giving the little household
angels a plimpse of the child's para
dise from which they were tempora
rily banished. It was a kindness that
was heartily appreciated and happily
commented on. One of the most
noteworthy things about this good
show is tlie entire absence of the fol
lowing 0f gamblers, confidence men
and short-changers, such undesirable
citizens being banished. Another
good point is the carrying with the
show a Bed Cross tent and competent
physican- a thoughtful provision.
All in all. Campbell Brothers' show
is commendable in all its appoint
ments and future visits desired.
Moon Creek Items
Ti^e "last day of school" picnic was j
a pronounced success. The picnic j
dinner, as most of such are. was nice |
anil greatly enjoyed by those present: I
ice cream being one of the main fea-:
The ball game resulted in favor of |
tiie Zwink team.
Robert Hinsdale, accompanied by
Frank Fross, shipped cattie Wednes
day last. The latter will spend a j
few days in Table Rock before re
turning home.
.'lr. and Mrs. lliddleson are still re
pairing their house.
Misses Cora and Yelva Fross and
Ethel Mercer visited Omaha Wednes
day. Miss Yelva went on to Table
Rock to visit relatives, while the
other two returned home Friday.
Mrs. Clark, who is still very poorly,
has a brother here visiting iier from
Cuniversity Place.alsoa brother and
wife here from Illinois.
Mrs. A. R. Outhouse and Mrs. A.P.
Culley went to Lincoln Friday to at
tend tiie Ivy Day exercises at the
Ssate University. Their daughters
at school there will see that they are
properly cared for. as they purchased
return tickets.
Tiie Jenkins will district
court at Ord bills week, called Judge
Wall. Attorney Nightingale. Attor
ney Mathew. Mrs. H M. Mathew. L.
Hansen. Frank Grow and Miss Pearle
Needham Tuetdav to that city as |
counsel or witnesses.
I)r. S. A. Allen returned last Friday i
noon from tiie dentist's convention
at Lincoln, and would you believe it,
did not capture a darned office for
Loup City. He and Taylor Gibson
should be' quarantined for not lasso
ing offices from their state meets.
Mrs. Harry Bellenger went to Loup
City Tuesday, where she will spend
a w'eek or two visiting friends and
relatives. While she is away Harry
will spend most of his time fishing
on tiie Loup river, as lie lias a lay-off
from his duties of tiring on tne U. P.
—St. i'aul Phonograph.
E. S. Cook of Wichita, Kas., has
accepted a position as yard man with
tiie Keystone Lumber Co., of this
city, arriving last week. He is a
very affable gentleman and we are
glad to welcome him to the city. We
understand Mrs. Art Gilbert of Ar
cadia has permanently accented the
position of bookkeeper at the Key
stone' office.
In spite of the fact that tiie editor
has doubted, and does still doubt,
tiie presence of small pox (that is, the
real tiling) in this city and county,
lie has suffered banishment from his
home, which is under quarantine
for that disease and has taken up a
temporary abode with Landlord Lun
dy of the St. Elmo, his little daugh
ter. Hazel, being the victim of the
so-called disease, which he is willing
to admit is of an infectious char
acter. and believes it is the right
thing to quarantine, as the best
method of stamping it out. At no
time lias his little daughter been
seriously ill. and the telephone an
nounces she is having a picnic within
the four walls, working "dad" for
anything she fancies necessary to her
contentment under her enforced con
finement. There are several other
"dads" eating at the St. Elmo who
are enjoying the same blessing.f?) as
the editor, among whom are Wm.
Larsen. Bob Young and Pete Ogle. I
while L. Rein, Tom Daddow. R. M.
lliddleson and Homer Hultz and pos-;
sibly some others are out of sight1
somewhere. The whole thing ranges
from the sublime to the ridiculous:
and then some. Whatever it is, the
little ones infected seem to be hav
ing the most fun out of the game.
To be given at the M. E. church
Decoration Day, May 30. at 1:30 p. m.!
Invocation—Rev. Harper.
Music—“Battle Hymn of Republic” i
Gettysburg Address—A. T. Conger
Music—Glee Club.
Address—Rev. Shephard. Litchfield
Music—Male Quartet.
Declamation—Mrs. R. N. Pritchard
“America", sung by congregation
Benediction—Rev. Jueling.
The Loup City band will assist
with the music at the church, also
lead the procession to the cemetery,
where the usual services will beheld.
Soldiers of G. A. R„ Ladies of Circle
and Sons of Veterans will meet at
their halls promptly at 1 o’clock. |
when the band will meet them and
go to the church. Sunday, May 28.
will be Memorial Day. Services will
be held in the M. E. church, sermon
by Rev. Harper. Old Soldiers. Ladies
of G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans;
will meet at their halls at 10 a. m.
sharp, and march in a body to the
church, where seats will be reserved 1
for them. Special music.
Before Purchasing Elsewhere;
Please call and see the many beau-1
tiful things we have to show you. j
Prices right and satisfaction guaran-1
teed. Henry H. Eisner,
Reliable Jeweler.
Town Property for Sale
My residence with barn and tive
lots' for sale. Phone 5 on 61, or in
quire of Geo. S. Lkeninger.
Residence for Sale
My house and sis lots for sale.
Phbne 6 on 13, or see me for particu-1
lars. Ward Yer Valin.
German Evangelical Church
Next Sunday. May 3$tli. there will
be services at Loup City at 10:30 a. m.
Sunday school 11:30, Young People's
Union at l:3op. m. May 37th lesson
in German at 10 a. m.
P. .lueling. Pastor.
Commencement Doings
The Fourteenth Annual Commence
ment of the Loup City High School
will Lte held on May 38 and 33. and
June 1 and 3, the graduates this year
numbering ten. as follows: Lula B.
Lofholm. Lila McNulty. Florence
Leininger. Frieda Olilsen. Jennie
Minshull. Zelpha Heed. June Fuller.
John B. Bnrrowes. t'assius Pritchard
and Frederic J. Lesehinsky. Sunday
evening. May 38th. at 8 o'clock, at
the Piesbyterian church. Rev. W. C.
Harper will give the baccalaureate
address. Wednesday and Thursday
evenings. May 31st and June 1st. at
the opera house will l>e given the
class play entitled. "The Strenuous
Lite.” tin Friday evening. June 3nd.
at the Presbyterian church will be
given the Commencement program as
Piano Duet.
Mrs. R. P. Starr and Miss Odendahi
Invocation.Rev. P. .lueling
Address ..Rev. Dr. Roach of Lincoln
Presentation of Diplomas R. P. Starr
Vocal Quartet. ..Messrs. Schwaner,
Allen. Mellor and Mathew.
Benediction..Rev. W. C. Harper
Put the Hoboes at Work
There should be a "rock pile"
speak, provided for the hoboes who
seem of late to have spotted Loup
City as a dead easy point to visit.
Following the over-night detention t
soft bed provided at Sheriff Williams'
hospitable city palace with checker- j
barred windows, for three of these!
fellows last week, another weary son 1
of rest, who had neeti occupying a
stable in the rear of Mayor l’edler's
residence as a lodging house, was
taken in by Marshal Burnett last
Thursday evening and placed in the
checker-board retreat. These fellows
are not fed at county expense, as er
roneously stated by us last week but
are turned out to graze on the pub
lic the morning following their over
night arrest. We trust the authori
ties will hustle up some work on the
street and hare Marshal Burnet herd
them, as manual labor will have a
tendency to stop visits from such un
desirable citizens. Can't this be doue
at once. Mr. Mayor and gentlemen of
his cabinet'/
we conldn't build up a good reputa
tion that way. We must sell you
clothes that will wear, hold their
shape and always look well, and must
be made right and from absolutely
all-wool fabrics.
We are safe in selling them: you
are safe in buying them.
The Reliable Clothier
|-- i
1 will stand my three imported
stallions at the same barn in Loup
City, two Percherons and one Belgian,
weighing from 1700 to 1900 pounds.
Come and see me. as it costs no more
to raise a colt from a good imported
horse than a grade. Terms, #15 to
insure colt to stand and suck. #12 to
insure mare with foal. V for season.
All mares that are sold, traded or
abeut to be moved from vicinity
where bred the service becomes due.
Yours resp't, Jamks W. Johnson.
BRAIN, NO. 58929
Four years old. Dark
Dapple Cray
Season—Monda vs. Fridays and Sat
urdays at Round Front barn, balance
of week at farm one mile northeast
of town. Terms of service—$10.00 to
insure colt to stand and suck: $7.50
to insure mare safe in foal. If mare
is traded, sold or removed from coun
ty. foal bill of same will become due
and I will expect immediate settle
ment. Care will be taken to prevent
accidents, but will not be responsible
should any occur.
As we are using the improved cap
sul system this year, it will be neces
sary for all mares to be at the barn
not later than 4 o'clock, as they
must be examined and ready to be
bred at 4:30 p. m. each day. Statistics
show that this method of breeding
will get 30 per cent more colts than
by the actual service of the hone.
Bring in your shy breeders and we
will breed them for you.
Mellor 9t Johnson.
4! Hours Cut Fiom the Time
To California
New schedule for the San Francisco Over
land Limited, in effect Monday, May 29. saves
half a business day between Missouri River
Points nnd San Francisco.
This record-breaking time is made possible
by the short line, double track, few curves and
low grades of the
Standard Route of the West
Protected by Electric Block Signals
Excellent Dining C*rs
Ninety-pound steel rails and a Sherman
ballasted roadbed, smooth and solid as arock,
further contribute to speed. These are the
essentials of travel comfort.
The San Francisco Overland Limited is
the finest train service to California—and now
the fastest.
For Fares, Reservations and all Information
Call on or Address
G. W. Collipriest, Agent
A Great Gash Discount Offer
How to get
one of these
Ask for one of
the bills ex
plaining the
deal and get
C. W. Conhiser
General Merchandise
•fhe Satisfactory Store
One of the things which has popularized this
Bank Is the friendly atmosphere patrons always
find here.
We don't believe in trying to make people
think we are doing them a favor when we attend
to their wants, however small or great.
You are doing us a good turn when you bring
business of any nature to this bank. We appreci
ate it and want you to always feel at home here,
and find it a pleasure to come.
Don't stay away because your transaction is a
small one. It's the sum of small things that
makes this bank great
Capital and Surplus, $42,500
Officers and Directors:
J- S. Pedler, President John W. Long, Vice Pres.
G. C Carlsen, Cashier
W. R. Mel lor S. N. Sweetland
E. C. Taylor Samuel Daddow
Iron Bed Clamp
made of malleably iron, guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to break.
We carry a full line of these beds in
in stock and would be pleased to see
all prospective buyers. Call and look
over them.
This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds.
Come in and see our complete line of
f -
Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi,
Before yon place your orders. We can save you money
on everything in our line.
H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
SPENT $500.1-REFUSED $3000.33
Two years ago one of Uncle Sam’s soldiers filed on a 40-acre homestead
adjoining the town of Powell, Wyoming. By applying his time served in
the Army, this homesteader has now made final proof. He has paid out
only 0500.00 on the ten payment plan, towards water rights and improve
ments, and has just refused a 03000.00 offer for his 40-acre farm.
This illustrates the value of irrigated farms under Government Canals
in the Big Horn Basin.
Your Chance Soon
More of this same kind of land will be opened soon to entry. The
Ralston Unit Is already platted and 12 miles more of the main canal is more
than half finished br the contractors. If you want to get one of these rich
Government prizes send me your name and address for my mailing list and
I will notify you as fast as new tracts will be supplied with water. The
next one will be announced very soon.
NEW FOLDER: The new Shoshone Project folder contains a map of the
Big Horn Basin, plats of the Garfield, Powell and Ralston irrigated land?*
several farm scenes and two beautiful pictures of the Shoshone Dam. It
is yours for the asking. Write today for particulars about our personally
conducted excursions to these lands first and third Tuesdays.
D. Clem Deaver n fT
Immigration Agent ) -
1004 Famam St. Omaha, Neb ^