If You Are a Farmer We wish to impress on you the advantages and convenience of a bank account Right now is a good time to put your business on a systematic basis. After once you have used the check plan of paying all bills, you will realize the risk of the haphazard, lose money in the pock et method you are now using. The old First National Bank of Loup City is the Pioneer bank of Sherman county and conducts its business on such system atic and independent lines as to make us a neces sity to you. and we cordially invite you to come and do business with us. Come and see us about opening a deposit account. Iea E Willim*. l*re«t L. Hansek, Cashier A. 15 Oit h *E, V. Prat. 0. E. A hams, Asst. Cashier THK NORTHWESTERN THt'KM’A V MA V 2». mi A Few Market ^notations. Coca. »rr be... > i At a **: per tw ..Zi m *» Oat*, per ta. ..V • JL. Bye. per be .. ~® Better, per lb. ... S> Etxt. per te .. -V* LOCAL NEWS. Time is Men*» Wt-u »■ . mi * *au*t. (wt your »*•- . Henry M Eisners, tie fr-af' r .rtrwt. Y*»U LOW it » •iatfS *»*nt «-r T V tired ! * Feed • •rimler*. Mi lifi b and t Mr Seed at T * U. eei* iicteit sort tu-aiij and promptly d “i«r a! Srunaairr'a. M*>. < * Ritimuar returned from « raa a tear data ua» Tn \rr> nut r-unf for tour rook tu-ir Ft sale try E. «•. Taykir. F r *1 i t>j *ut iu tlie »a» of < fr»a- vyanue. T M. lietst. • cm!..*»-r »ai.'»U*gi»e you a like Ik « It a kef Fall and lad oat. it t* Ml f *i:i criiter the Aleuior ia *ddr.-»* a L. ! Seld tUk year/ Ei« -. am- e ft. t narranted. also the *. /• v ei’irr'v Lire K»tlrr. L ki . , snd *ile of Logan l«» - . •« re rny.i;ng em'Usdat.i Tir.ii: Take >uur butter and egg* to <«•* tikrrV nbrre you ran jfet any tiling | you eant • . 1 'th - turned la»t Fri-. •j«i fr • - taiurr- meeting at1 /<». A tinnier Mart i.ad business at • . a a. »eek. returning Frida-, e1-.rnitig. As igaut V. . i a Barker gi»eni • a*. *.-«. >• to I IlhlM-r. See U..« ivr parts -i.;r» i - i.a>eii:ui ‘ reaenrry < o. pats tie . ./..♦»• -ski i*rit» for egg* de lrtried at tlie rreaaery lieit. i . ee .1. .mug tlre-use.tr— indrbt ei- . Hi' trrdiuandt F'urniture I it aiu ; rle t a add Ktlle. Ate w«*d • an l tlie Janueienk'l to : >r. ». - an a meat td»opin tlie uid < sj«n Jai.i *i i tig store i>utiding i.et »• ur » - boxes of F erdinandi tie Itn.it/i -an lie lias a uhv tw 4 "e u and at pru-*— tliat are rtgiiu Mr* J- • liinu uf < »rd. at.r over a seek. Or ewe tije smallpox bugaboo lias scared thros out. Have you *e*'i those fine Willow Em.sen. mi W i oohiser * window? il< . j one FUKE and lias enough u« supply each and every one of h»s mam customers li A. Watt* was up from Lincoln ,m*i Friday tryitig to secure a store n u to have a ptauo sale, but could i* A find a p ace !e could engage and •cnt ■ to Arcadia. »tie re business wa» nut so rushing. The visit of iiei. L. Mi Ewan +»»-i a He from Kearney oier last iuoii1 ■ and the *eriuon» by Uie rev erent a. Uie First 1'reshy lenan ii.ur h both looming and evening m i.at day were very pleasing to I.ec twwt of friend* bere. Although Li* ay was rainy and bad quite a asj.urr were present botb morning ».«1 riming and thoroughly enjoyed tearing their puM again. The lag < lu-alia excursion train of j nine anrim were lie re on schedule time tin* Morning, were met at Uie StjiiL t>y leierai hundred Loup I 'it> naufde of si! agwa. headed Ip MV -p - tciid mud escorted down into ii,. ny. w. wrre each booster passed • lie ..i itneniw of tlie day wiUi his ■rad p*v ■!.- anf after Uiree-quar • an boor m pleasant inter .-r—-. -ft lor oUier points. Of ,-o-r*. eu *h chili, and adult were .ft mi y.wrwiua of pleasant souve :.jr* A the occasion. It was one of ptSsili: -.neaiorbsa. Tie following program will be given at Uie Wiggle i reek school house on May 3s at * p. in. All welcome: hong, ■rhuuh iw ■ Elsie Goodwin: rec.. Ma ttie McFadden. rec- Glare Me Beth. «uig ol spring, w-bool: rec.. Laurice IVugh. quartet, nr . Lorin Goodwin: rwc 'admf Kubl: »ong. sciiool: rec. Emiel Kubl: rec.. Kkird Goodwin: wmm school. rwr . Joe McFadden. rec.. Etiei l*wddow. duet. Hazel and Vir McFadden: rec.. Frank McFad dcsi: rec Harold Uaddow: song, six girls: rwc- Aliena Biascbke: rec.. Le For buggies see T. M. Keed. I*o you want a Rocker free' See • onhisers adv. Clint Outhouse returned last week from Carlyle. 111. Two thousand new post cards at the Variety Store. Adam Zahn. the sage of Elm. was ltere—to tiie circus—Tuesday. Try the Stroud A Hetirickson dray an-- They will give you good service. Rose C nb Brown Leghorn eggs, , I t lor *3.«w per 100. A.J.Johnson. '•ciiwaner can and will save you nionet >n anything in the jewelry line. 1} for the ice man hy secur ing a n.. e ice box of Ferdinandt the Furniture man. Urn !\«ch of Ashton townihip was a pleasant caller at this office Tues dav of this week. * all a? tiie Variety Store and get pr.» r». you will be surprised. No trouble to show goods. >tr»>ud a ilenrickson. successors to Conger, will do your hauling promptly and satisfactorily. WV are paying 1- cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Creamery Co. Mr> Ja- Johansen and babv and Mr- Will French * isited last Friday at 'sliaupps with Mrs. Kd Oltmann. We will buy what you do not want, and sell \<>u what you do want cheap, j The Snuxu Hami Store. rl«e new city well on the hill isj down L*i a depth of 115 feet and gives ! an abundant additional supply of j water. i »ur bundle of ready prints were' dialed in transmission, hence we1 are a da !ate in issuing our paper tiii> week. Lad:~~ and children's hats cheaper •han ever while they last. We will i • • carry ary over Mrs. DeWitt’sI Variety *:«#c VV aj. HarK-.s k does things right. He hr. gilt his 1 beys and 2 girls in J to the circus Tuesday and gave them ; the time of their life. Mrs I >hn < *'Bryan and chiidren of Grand Island arrived Friday evening for a lew dav-.' \ i-i* with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Swanson. j Mrs. Hawk lias staretd her new j tw..-story residence on her property »o' of tiie M. E. church, to hi* occupied by C. F Beushausen. Wiltier Waite is the iiappy fatiier f a new baby girl, who arrived at Ins home Monday evening. May 22.1 Mother and daughter doing well. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derVe. 1 on 51. or leave your order! with either lumber yard or E. G.' Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. I'ncSeJobn Nordstrom brought a hunch >f young people down from Washington township to see the wila animals, and incidentally the circus. Tuesday. Hanker- Williams and Hansen of j • First National Hank attended i • l,e e given the class play entitled. "The Strenuous Lite.” tin Friday evening. June 3nd. at the Presbyterian church will be given the Commencement program as follows: Piano Duet. Mrs. R. P. Starr and Miss Odendahi Invocation.Rev. P. .lueling Address ..Rev. Dr. Roach of Lincoln Presentation of Diplomas R. P. Starr Vocal Quartet. ..Messrs. Schwaner, Allen. Mellor and Mathew. Benediction..Rev. W. C. Harper Put the Hoboes at Work There should be a "rock pile" so.to speak, provided for the hoboes who seem of late to have spotted Loup City as a dead easy point to visit. Following the over-night detention t soft bed provided at Sheriff Williams' hospitable city palace with checker- j barred windows, for three of these! fellows last week, another weary son 1 of rest, who had neeti occupying a stable in the rear of Mayor l’edler's residence as a lodging house, was taken in by Marshal Burnett last Thursday evening and placed in the checker-board retreat. These fellows are not fed at county expense, as er roneously stated by us last week but are turned out to graze on the pub lic the morning following their over night arrest. We trust the authori ties will hustle up some work on the street and hare Marshal Burnet herd them, as manual labor will have a tendency to stop visits from such un desirable citizens. Can't this be doue at once. Mr. Mayor and gentlemen of his cabinet'/ WE COULD SELL THAT COST US LESS, but we conldn't build up a good reputa tion that way. We must sell you clothes that will wear, hold their shape and always look well, and must be made right and from absolutely all-wool fabrics. We are safe in selling them: you are safe in buying them. LOP PT'Z The Reliable Clothier |-- i Notice 1 will stand my three imported stallions at the same barn in Loup City, two Percherons and one Belgian, weighing from 1700 to 1900 pounds. Come and see me. as it costs no more to raise a colt from a good imported horse than a grade. Terms, #15 to insure colt to stand and suck. #12 to insure mare with foal. V for season. All mares that are sold, traded or abeut to be moved from vicinity where bred the service becomes due. Yours resp't, Jamks W. Johnson. BRAIN, NO. 58929 Four years old. Dark Dapple Cray Season—Monda vs. Fridays and Sat urdays at Round Front barn, balance of week at farm one mile northeast of town. Terms of service—$10.00 to insure colt to stand and suck: $7.50 to insure mare safe in foal. If mare is traded, sold or removed from coun ty. foal bill of same will become due and I will expect immediate settle ment. Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible should any occur. As we are using the improved cap sul system this year, it will be neces sary for all mares to be at the barn not later than 4 o'clock, as they must be examined and ready to be bred at 4:30 p. m. each day. Statistics show that this method of breeding will get 30 per cent more colts than by the actual service of the hone. Bring in your shy breeders and we will breed them for you. Mellor 9t Johnson. 4! Hours Cut Fiom the Time To California New schedule for the San Francisco Over land Limited, in effect Monday, May 29. saves half a business day between Missouri River Points nnd San Francisco. This record-breaking time is made possible by the short line, double track, few curves and low grades of the UNION - SOUTHERN PACIFIC Standard Route of the West Protected by Electric Block Signals Excellent Dining C*rs Ninety-pound steel rails and a Sherman ballasted roadbed, smooth and solid as arock, further contribute to speed. These are the essentials of travel comfort. The San Francisco Overland Limited is the finest train service to California—and now the fastest. For Fares, Reservations and all Information Call on or Address G. W. Collipriest, Agent A Great Gash Discount Offer How to get one of these Rockers absolutely Free! Ask for one of the bills ex plaining the deal and get a COUPON! C. W. Conhiser General Merchandise •fhe Satisfactory Store One of the things which has popularized this Bank Is the friendly atmosphere patrons always find here. We don't believe in trying to make people think we are doing them a favor when we attend to their wants, however small or great. You are doing us a good turn when you bring business of any nature to this bank. We appreci ate it and want you to always feel at home here, and find it a pleasure to come. Don't stay away because your transaction is a small one. It's the sum of small things that makes this bank great LIP CITY STATE UK Capital and Surplus, $42,500 Officers and Directors: J- S. Pedler, President John W. Long, Vice Pres. G. C Carlsen, Cashier W. R. Mel lor S. N. Sweetland E. C. Taylor Samuel Daddow NOTICE THE SaHsbury-Saterlee Iron Bed Clamp made of malleably iron, guaranteed by the manufacturers not to break. We carry a full line of these beds in in stock and would be pleased to see all prospective buyers. Call and look over them. This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds. Come in and see our complete line of f - FURNITURE Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi, Before yon place your orders. We can save you money on everything in our line. H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co. SPENT $500.1-REFUSED $3000.33 Two years ago one of Uncle Sam’s soldiers filed on a 40-acre homestead adjoining the town of Powell, Wyoming. By applying his time served in the Army, this homesteader has now made final proof. He has paid out only 0500.00 on the ten payment plan, towards water rights and improve ments, and has just refused a 03000.00 offer for his 40-acre farm. This illustrates the value of irrigated farms under Government Canals in the Big Horn Basin. Your Chance Soon More of this same kind of land will be opened soon to entry. The Ralston Unit Is already platted and 12 miles more of the main canal is more than half finished br the contractors. If you want to get one of these rich Government prizes send me your name and address for my mailing list and I will notify you as fast as new tracts will be supplied with water. The next one will be announced very soon. NEW FOLDER: The new Shoshone Project folder contains a map of the Big Horn Basin, plats of the Garfield, Powell and Ralston irrigated land?* several farm scenes and two beautiful pictures of the Shoshone Dam. It is yours for the asking. Write today for particulars about our personally conducted excursions to these lands first and third Tuesdays. D. Clem Deaver n fT Immigration Agent ) - 1004 Famam St. Omaha, Neb ^