The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 17, 1910, Image 2

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    loop City Northwestern
i. W. BURLEIGH. Publisher. 1
Other Matters of Interest Con*
Sensed From the More
Important Telegrams.
The Vienna Neuses Wiener Tage
hlatt pubi'shes a long story of the
BkAtrln* mial troubles of Count and
Countess Gizycki. The countess was
formerly 34.:* Eleanor Patterson of
Chicago, daughter of R. W. Patterson.
La Paz <Bolivia) dispatch: William
3. Bryan, accompanied by bis wife and
daughter, arrived here. All are en
joying good health. A reception in
honor o! the distinguished visitor was
held at the La Paz Club, at which the
diplomatic representatives and various
government officials met if,r. Bryan.
President. Villazon has arranged to re
ceive Sir Bryan, who has expressed
his great appreciation of the manner
la which he has been welcomed here.
The new press bill designed to sup
press dissemination of anarchistic
literature in India, and which was
foreshadowed in the speech with
which lx>rd Minto opened the im
perial « .j'icQ. was introduced at a
recent - on of the council by Sir
Herbert H»p«^RisIey. secretary of the
Lomu d<*partn at. British government
of Inula. The measure does not
create a censorship, but provides for
the control of all newspapers and Job
Private correspondence now In the
possf*-.on of the government relates
that former President Cipriano Cas
tro has left Malaga. Spain, for Tene
rlffe, Canary islands, en route to Cen
tral Americ a. lie alms to be in a posi
tion to provoke a revolution against
President Gomez when the Venezuelan
congress meets in April to elect a con
stitutional pn -ident of the republic.
The German government has issued
a de ree. which in effect permits
Amer: an apple* packed In barrels, in
the head of which excelsior or paper
ts pla-«d to prevent damage in ship
ping. to c ater that country without the
payment of the tariff rate provided.
The death of Representative Loring
of Massac ausetis was due to pneu
F A Italiders. president of the
People's State bank of Lakota. N. D..
which was recently closed by the
state ba'-k examiner, was arrested on
S chare, of forgery. He was released
on 17.600 bond
First Lieut. Burton J. Mitchell,
Twelfth infantry, aide d'eatnp on the
staff of Brig General Frederick Funs
ton. forwarded his resignation from
the army to President Taft.
At Keno. Nev.. suit for divorce on
the ground of desertion was Sled by
Jac s Gayley. second vice president
of th s Lniied States steel corpora
tion. The charge is desertion.
Secretary MacVeagh has announced
the members of the board of ten ex
pert-i. xLujc duty it Is to establish a
standard of purity governing the im
portations of that article of mer
chandise during the calendar year
An honest policeman on his rounds
through a dark alley in a West Vir
ginia town stumbled over the half
conscious form of a man with $U,uOO
In real money in his pocket. The
officer took $60 of it. but only after
protest, as a reward.
Joseph A Graham, a widely known
editor and author, died at his some in
Salisbury. Md. He was widely known
la the w-«
President Taft prevailed upon John
Embry to withdraw his resignation as
United States attorney for Oklahoma
and to remain in the office.
Tests of the methods of paper-mak
tag are provided for by an appropiia
gion made by the house.
The Indianapolis Sun has been sold
to Rudolph Leeds of Richmond, Ind.,
con of the late W. B. Leeds.
The education interests of Alaska
will soon be in the hands of W. T.
Lopp, who has been selected by the
commissioner of education as chief of
the Alaskan division.
John L. Sullivan, the former heavy
weight champion of the world, was
married to the sweetheart of his
chool days. Mies Katharine Hartnett
Jem Driscoll, the English feather
weight champion, has announced that
he will sail for America shortly to
fight Abe AUell. holder of the world's
title, in San Francisco.
One hundred womens’ tailors went
to the While House and had the satis
faction of bearing President Taft
make a brief talk.
Although reported to have improved
greatly In health through his recent
trip to the South Senator Aldrich's
condition Is causing his friends much
Only twenty-six seats are left to be
contested for in the British elections.
Ex-Governor Mickey of Nebraska
has suffered a relapse and is agaiu
very Vow
Operators and miners at Toledo
hre hopeful of reaching a peaceful un
derstanding as to a wage scale.
The nouse way* and means commit
tee will begin an investigation of the
hight cost of living.
Th- senate committee on irrigation
will report a bill providing for a $30.
•00.000 bond issue to complete irriga
tion projects.
The senate and house may conduct
rival Investigations on the high cost
af living.
Approximately 7G9.1G7 acres of land
were designated by Secretary Ballin
ger of the interior department, as
open under the enlarged homestead
Senator Conger's exposing New
Yorks state politics scandal is likely
to win victory for direct primary sys
According to advices from Oliulchu
pa. Mexico, Indians in that vicinitj
are in an ugly mood and an uprising
is thought not improbable.
William C. Proctor announced that
be bad withdrawn his offer of $500,
000 for the proposed graduate college
of Princeton university.
A cable message received by rel
atives in Baltimore from Mr. and Mrs
Anthony J. Drexel, who are in Lon
don. announces the engagement oi
their daughter.
Rear Admiral Sebree, commander
of the Pacific squadron, notified the
navy department that he transferred
his flag and staff from the cruiser
Tennessee to the cruiser California.
The average wages of laboring men
belonging to trades' unions in Kansas
were $24 more in 1909 than they were
in 1908.
President Taft will celebrate St
Patrick's day with the Irish at Chi
cago, having definitely accepted an in
vitation of the Good Fellowship clul
of that city.
Senator Curtiss of Kansas intro
duced to President Taft eight Kaw
Indians. In honor of the occasion the
braves were attired in gorgeous native
At Paris Ambassador and Mrs. Ba
con Inaugurated an interesting exhibi
lion of paintings by American womei
artists given under the auspices oi
Holy Trinity lodge.
Thirty-five men are believed tc
have been killed by a mine explosion
near Drakesboro, Ky.
Vice-President Sherman is urging
the re-election of Senator Smooth oi
West Virginia.
Edward Payson Weston left Pasa
dena. Cal., on a walk across the con
tinent which he expects to complete
within ninety days. He will follow
the route of the Santa Fe railroad tc
Some one says, pay less for amuse
ments. less for fun. and then there’ll
be more for the slaughter house mag
A hill which would do away with
the employers’ liability law attracts
attention in the house.
The bill providing for federal chart
ers for corporations will be intro
duced in congress.
It has not yet been proved that the
high cost of living is a result of cole |
Niagara Falls was selected by i
young woman o? Buffalo as a fit place
to end her life.
Newton W. Gilbert of Indiana was
nominated by President Taft as vice
governor of the Philippines.
On the basis of an equal distribu
tion of the money in circulation in
the United States on February 1 a
person would have 18 cents less than
he or she had a year ago. The cir
culation per capita on Febraury 1 was
$34.82; a year ago it was $35.
In order to meet expeditiously the
needs of the Indian in the handling of
the individual account which the gov
ernment holds in trust for him, the
bureau of Indian affairs, in revising its
regulations, will incorporate a pro
vision enabling superintendents of
Indian schools and reservations to
give to the Indians from their indi
vidual funds, without reference to
Washington, amounts not exceeding a
specified sum, which will probably be
placed at $100, in any one month for
the purpose of meeting their actual
In a sririted attack on the postal
savings bank bill, Senator Jeff Davis
of Arkansas told the senate that it
was a measure in the interest of the
national banks, "the high-collared
roosters, the money sharks, and
money grabbers of Wall street.”
An Increase in round numbers, in
customs receipts of $33,000,000 and
in internal revenue of $10,000,000, but
a deficit in the ordinary receipts of
the government of $25,000,000, against
$64,000,000, show the results of the
1 first seven months’ operations of the
treasury for the fiscal year 1910, as
compared with the corresponding
period of 1909.
The house passed the agricultural
appropriation bill, carrying nearly
$13,000,000, a net increase of $400,000
over last year. This increase was
chiefly for the forest service, made
necessary by the addition to the na
tional forests of 26,528,439 acres.
The Mississippi legislative caucus
came within ten votes of selecting a
successor to the late Senator Mc
The president will not insist on
early action by congress on the fed
eral incorporation bill.
Seven men in a motor car were
blown to atoms by an explosion oi
dynamite near Phoenix, Ariz.
Wade H. Eli is has resigned as as
sistant of the attorney general tc
manage the Oh o republican campaign
Pittsburg, aKs., officers made a vaie
search for the bunch of train robber*
who held up passengers.
William J. Llryan, accompanied by
his wife and daughter, arrived at La
Paz, Bolivia. All ot them are enjoy
ing good health
A delicate situation attended the
visit of Former Vice-President Fair
banks to Rome.
During the months of July, August
;:nd September, 1909, the total num
ber of persons killed on the railroads
of the country was 852 and the in
jured 1.924.
The cross-examination of Binger
Hermann, on trial for alleged con
spiracy to defraud the government of
public land, was concluded at Port
land. Oregon, after lasting three days.
Congress adjourned promptly on
learning the death of Representative
Ixivering of Massachusetts.
James A. Cook, the American con
ductor, is to lie sentenced to twenty
years in a Mexican prison.
Ballinger, Schwartz and Dennett are
to be represented by counsel at the
interior department inquiry.
Representative Dwight of New York
says congress has made an excellent
record thus far this session.
The conversion of Samuel L. Shank,
mayor of Indianapolis, to the model
license doctrine from his theories of
high license is announced.
General Manderson of Omaha says
the United States is lagging in its
merchant marine.
Nomination of Howells for United
States district attorney for Nebraska
was confirmed without opposition.
Several Bills Well Along, Some Meas
ures Being Nearly Ready to
Washington.—The fact that Presi
dent Taft in his New York speech
picked out for his subject postal sav
ings banks, interstate commerce leg
islation. anti-.njunction, statehood and
conservation of natural resources
seems to mark these as subjects for
early consideration by congress. Es
pecially is this true for the reason
that measures to carry out these party
pledges have reached advanced stages
before the appropriate commi**'*^.
It is remarked also that the charac
ter of Mr. Taft’s allusions to the fed
eral incorporation bill would hardly
justify the placing of that measure
in the first rank of administration
measures, while the fact that ship
subsidy was ignored altogether makes
it questionable whether the executive
will bring pressure to bear to promote
its chances.
Ship subsidy legislation seems al
m,ost certain to pass the senate, but
the democrats in the house are pre
paring to line up against the bill and
believe that with some republican as
' sistance they will be able to defeat it.
It is not improbable that the senate
would then resort to placing the meas
| ure upon the postoffice appropriation
; bill as a rider, in which event a second
\ contest would be precipitated in the
| house.
It is expected that the select com
mittee of the senate designed to con
duct the proposed inquiry regarding
; the price of food products and other
necessaries of life will be announced
at an early day of the present week.
There is little doubt that the republic
an membership of the committee will
I consist of Senator Lodge, chairman,
and Senators Elkins, McCumber,
Smoot and Crawford. The democratic
membership has not been determined,
but indications are Senator Simmons
of North Carolina and Senator Clarke
of Arkansas will be asked to officiate
on behalf of the minority membership.
The question of whether the house
committee on ways and means will
undertake the investigation of the
high cost of living in view of the ac
tion the senate is taking is undeter
mined. There is no demand for a
: rival inquiry and the indications are
that the house will be willing to leave
the whole subject to the senate, as
the latter s probe is intended to con
stitute a defense of republican prin
ciples and is designed for use in the
coming congresssional elections.
Postal savings banks and appropria
tion bills will take up practically the
entire week in the senate. In the
house the rivers and harbors bill will
probably occupy considerable time
and there are other appropriation
bills ready for consideration. Among
these is the postoffice bill carrying
5240,000,000, and the Indian bill. It is
unlikely that any of the administra
j tion bills will be considered in the
house this week.
Swedish Department Will Be Trans
ferred from Near Lincoln.
Chicago.—The executive committee
of the general conference of Seventh
Day Adventists are seeking a site
near Chicago for a proposed Swedish
j seminary. When built the Swedish
department of Union college at Lin
coln, Neb., will be transferred to the
new institute. It is planned to afford
! the students training in practical agrl
1 culture and fruit growing.
Cudahy Loses Tax Case.
Topeka, Kan.—The supreme court
has ordered the county clerk of Wyan
dotte county to put all property of the
Cudahy Packing company on the tax
rolls. The company claimed that the
finished product is not taxable.
Pay Million in Claims.
Washington. — Representatives of
the claim departments of some of the
big railroads were before the house
committee on interstate and foreign
commerce, c ne of them testified that
last year he settled claims amounting
to more than $1,000,000 against his
Explorer Arrives at Valdivia on Ger
man Steamer Osciris.
Valdivia, Chile.—Dr. Frederick A.
Cook, the explorer, and his wife ar
rived here on board the German
steamer Osciris, having taken a cabin
at Montevideo. Dr. Cook traveled un
der the name of T. Craig. He and his
wife arrived Sunday. He declined, to
be interviwed.
The Coming of Roosevelt.
Berlin.—The Foreign office has en
deavored for some time to learn Just
when Former President Roosevelt ex
pects to be in Germany, but is still in
the dark as to his plans. It has been
widely published that Mr. Roosevelt
will be in Berlin on April 28, but if
this is so, it is not known officially and
the situation is embarrassing in a way,
as Emperor William’s spring plans
cannot be definitely arranged in the
meantime, because his majesty pur
poses to be in the capital when his
guest arrives.
Uncle Sam Needs Teachers.
Washington.—The dearth of teach
ers in the Indian service is the educa
tional problem that is confronting the
civil service commission. The great
est necessity exists in the demand for
male teachers, who are married,, to
take charge of the day schools, al
though female teachers in the board
ing schools are also needed. An
examination for teachers will be held
April 13, at several cities in each
state and territory, and It is expected
that from those who pass these exam
l (nations appointments will be made.
Items of Interest Taken From Hero
and There Over the State.
The new bank at Morrell has com
menced business.
The new passenger depot at Blair
is nearly ready for occupancy.
Mrs. A. E. Church of University
place, Lancaster county, hanged her
self In the cellar.
Parties have been looking over the
situation in Beatrice with a view of
putting in a sLreet railway system.
Farmers in various sections of the
state are now busy gathering corn
that cold and snow interfered with
in securing earlier.
Snow' being about off the ground,
farmers are getting busy with un
husked corn, of which there is a great
deal throughout the state.
Dr. Person of Stanton found an egg
of unusual size, laid by a black Lang
shan hen. which contained one yolk
and another yolk in a separate shell.
The house on the farm of Wilber
Islev in Island Grove township. Gage
county, was destroyed by fire. Mr.
Kuhn had considerable difficulty in
rescuing his family from the burning
Edward S. Miller, whose corn mills
were destroyed by fire in Beatrice
about two months ago, has purchased
the corn mill at Firth, Lancaster
county, and will locate in Lincoln with
his family.
The largest deposits known in the
history of Minden were shown in the
reports of the two national banks,
they having together nearly $500,000.
Seven other banks in the county are
equally well situated.
Petrus Olson, aged 25 years, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Olson, was buried
at fetromsburg. His body arrived
from California, where he was acci
dentally killed by coming in contact
with the electric wires.
A. P. Libby, former deputy county
treasurer of Johnson county, but re
cently in the general merchandise
busines sat Powell, Wyo., has suf
fered a fire in which he lost his store
building and stock of goods.
A shooting affray occurred at E.
Torrey’s, about ten miles north of
Oxford. Ira Torrey, a son of E. Tor
rey, about 20 years old, shot and seri
ously W'ounded his brother, Ernest. It
was the outcome of a quarrel.
Preston Bryan lost his life by suf
focation in a fire in a rooming house
at North Platte. He had been sick
for a few days and a lamp was left
burning ir his room. Evidently he
overturned the lamp, for it was found
on the floor.
a meeung oi me city council
of Nebraska City the city attorney
recommended that the permits of the
druggists be revoked and they put out
of the liquor business because they
were selling too much and were sell
ing it on Sunday.
The large frame building of J. D.
Kuhn in Island Grove township, Gage
county, was burned to the ground.
The fire was started by the explosion
of a lamp in the sitting room. The
fire spread so rapidly that the entire
contents were burned.
Henry Hoxie, a pioneer of Holt
county, died at his home two miles
east of O’Neill. Two weeks ago he
injured his leg and foot by crushing
them in a hay baler. The limb was
amputated and complications arose
which resulted in his death. »
While en route to Columbus D. C.
Westfall of York died on the Norfolk
passenger while tl-.e train was be
tween Tarnov and Platte Center. At
the latter place a physician was
called, but he was , beyond relief,
death being caused by apoplexy.
Mr. -.nd Mrs. Fletch Whitcomb of
York have been very much worried
over their daughter. Miss Byrd Whit
comb, on account of the great floods
in Paris, where Miss Whitcomb is
studying music, but they received a
letter from her saying she was safe.
One of the most successful farm
sales ever held in the state of Ne
braska was the Chester R. Sutton
sale, five miles north of Blair, when
twTenty-four head of mares and colts
averaged $200 per head and one span
of mares brought $620, The sale
amounted to $7,000 and every dollar
wras paid in cash.
Two boys who were “bumming”
across the country were run over by
train No. 16, west of Benkelman, one
lad losing both legs and the other,
whose name is Fritzel, his remaining
leg, the other having been taken off
some years ago in a street car acci
dent in St. Louis. Fritzel is dead
and the other boy is in the hospital.
Riley S. Har of Burt county is hav
ing lumber sawed from the cotton
wood trees planted on the homestead
he filed on in 1866 when a young
soldier fresh from the civil war. He
will use this lumber to build a new
house in Lyons for his old age. In
these days of high priced lumber this,
he considers, is a good object lesson
for land owners.
From Sunderland it is reported that
range cattlq have stood the hard win
ter pretty well and the abundance of
feed which was put up in the fall
has been utilized to the best possible
advantage. The grass on the prairies
“dried up” satisfactorily, there being
very little rain or moisture in the
fall, valuable sustenance thereby be
ing conserved.
Mrs. Benton Kinkead of Platts
mouth, aged 60 years, was found dead
in her bed by her husband. She had
been in the best of health and death
was evidently due to heart trouble.
Numerous homesteaders who filed
under the KJnkaid one-section law
several years ago are now making
five-year proof on their claims. The
increase in value of real estate since
settlement was made has made many
of the claims more valuable than was
hoped for at the time of filing, and
many of the settlers have reason to
rejoice because of having taken up
Mrs. Maggie Wessell has filed a pe
tition for a divorce from Marcus Wes
sell, a wealthy farmer of Cass county.
She charges he was guilty of extreme
At Rising City Gotlieb Shultz died
as the result of an injury. He was
trying to prepare a colt for the stock
show and had a plank in his hand
to crowd the animal to a wall so that
it would stand. As he approached
the colt wheeled and kicked, striking
him on the arm, and the thumb which
was against the board. The outcome
of the injury was blood poison and
One of the most tremendous land
movements ever seen in America Is
progressing at the present time to
wards Burbank-Ocala Colony, in
Marion County, Florida. One simply
cannot comprehend what it means to
see a thousand people purchasing
farms in just a few days. One has
no idea of a country that one month
contains no habitations, and the next
thirty days is dotted over with cot
tages; is throbbing and active with
life and movement, and is the center
of improvement that equals, if not sur
passes. those great days of the far
w?est when whole counties were peo
pled over night.
Hut thi3 movement towards Florida
CHAS. H. SI Eli.
Florida's New Empire Builder
is iar more interesting and ot greater
import than any movement towards
land heretofore recorded in this coun
try. The primal influence of this
great movement is Charles H. Sieg
ind the organization which he has
This man is the pioneer of Florida
In the matter of placing northern men
and women upon Florida farms. Less
than one year ago Charles H. Sieg or
ganized nis first colony, which was lo
cated in St. Johns Park, Florida.
Every acre of the 30,000 comprising
this colony was sold within 30 days.
The demand was so great that Mr.
Sieg secured another tract of land,
amounting to some 36,000 acres, at
Jacksonville Heights, and this in turn
was sold out with the rapidity of the
first colony.
Today at these two great colonies,
St. Johns Park and Jacksonville
Heights, are to be seen many beauti
ful cottages: hundreds of farms are
being worked; settlers are thoroughly
satisfied: land values have arisen
: 100%. and many of those settlers who
; bought land, and have not even im
proved it as yet, are actually refusing
In profits more than the amount of
money they paid for their homes.
Then Mr. Sieg began his search for
his greatest and his best Florida farm
community. After careful scrutiny
of all Florida lands, he decided that
Marion County, north of the County
Seat, Ocala held the greatest promise
for his ideals, and he purchased a
large tract of land here.
Upon one side of this property lies
the Atlantic Coast Lin.e Railroad; on
the other, the Seaboard Air Line; and
through the heart of it travels the
Ocala & Northern Railroad. Upon
the eastern border of the colony,
which Mr. Sieg has called Burbank
Ocala. the beautiful Ocklawaha river
runs, and over the breast of its waters
travel passenger and freight steam
ers from Palatka to Silver Springs.
Tins stows how easr tt 19 to clear land, simply by
setting tire to the stuxrtps. which contain
large quantities of turpentine.
It is thus seen that transportation, j
the greatest and most necessary ot all I
adjuncts to a farm community, j
reaches its highest point of develop- j
! ment at Burbank-Ocala Colony.
But a short time ago Charles H. !
Sieg announced through the public
press his intention of selling this prop- |
erty. as he had sold his former colo- I
' nies in 1909. The response to these j
; announcements was so great that it I
| surpassed the ideas of Mr. Sieg. To- 1
day the evidence which this man has
| at his finger ends of the enormous
| demand for Florida soil, is more aston
j ishing than the" reading of a work of
Surely this is the day of back to
the soil.
To take a trip over the Burbank
Ocala Colony is to have a pleasure j
that amounts almost to a vacation.
As one approaches Florida upon
any of the great railroads reaching I
this state, one is at once struck with
the conversation one hears in the j
smoking, dining or sleeping car. This
conversation is almost wholly con
fined to the topic of Florida, and gives
an insight into the real condition ot
the fame of this great state, for these
people come from almost every sec
tion of the North American continent.
Every train carries many men and
women who are going to Florida, and
strange as it may seem, the majority
of them arc routed to Burbank-Ocala
From the worn-out hills of N«J.. Eng- I
land, from the cold and bleak moun
tain camps of the mining districts of
the Rockies, from beautiful California,
from rfyll and snow-laden Canada,
from the cities and from the farms.
Catholic and Jew, college professor
and bricklayer—these are the people
who are settling today in Burbank
Ocala colony. Every race, every re
ligion, every trade and every profes
sion has some man or womi.n who is
a settler at Burbank-Ocala, and who
from this fact, prove that this land
satisfies all people and all classes of
There arc three new townsites in
this colony, places where Chas H. Sieg
and his organization have decided to
build cities. When one sees what
these cities were but a short time
ago, and looks at them when one ar
rives at Burbank-Ocala Colony, one
has an idea of what their appearance
will be six months from today.
The people are moving upon the fer
tile fields of Burbank-Ocala Colony in
large numbers; they are preparing
those fields for the reception of their
first crops: they are building their
homes, and in the wake of these set
tlers is traveling the commerce to
the various lines of business, that de
pend upon an agricultural community
for their existence.
Marion County. Florida, is the ban
ner county of the state. It is the
county which but a few years ago in
competition at Tampa, Florida, with
every county in the state, took first
prize for agricultural and horticultural
Marion County has more fine roads
than any county in the state. It has
local and long distance telephones
upon its farms, and one sees here
more luxury in an hour’s travel by au
tomobile or team than one would be
lieve possible in a farming section.
We must remember in traveling
over Florida, that these people whose
homes we see. and whose fields we
marvel at, make their money and
buiid their homes, not by the man
killing toil of working 160 acres of
ground like is done in the north, but
Florida is the spot where a man is
rich who owns a ten acre farm.
Without the question of a doubt, the
greatest and most delightful portion
of Florida, where pleasure and profit
are wound and inter-wound, is Marion
County, and in the very heart of this
great county is located Burbank-Ocala
if you want to read something of
this great colony; if you want to know
in the language of irrefutable proof
and undeniable facts and figures; if
you want to see with the eye of a
camera what is now being done at
Burbank-Ocala, write for "Ten Acres
and Freedom.” a book issued by Chas.
TJ»e Experiment Farm at BurbanX-Ocala Colony.
H. Sieg, and prepared with a most
comprehensive knowledge of all ques
tions arising in the mind of a man
who contemplates making Florida his
This great book is very expensive,
and it is filled with absolute proof that
tells a story which no man can deny,
and it tells it in the language of com
mon sense.
In an interview with Mr. Sieg re
cently, he made the prediction that
every acre of Burbank-Ocala Colony
would be sold before farmers in the
north were enabled to start plowing.
This means that many thousands of
acres must be sold each and every
week, and that hundreds of settlers
are buying this land every day.
The office of the Burbank-Ocala Col
ony is located at the city of Ocala, in
Marion County, is filled with settlers
and prospective settlers to this col
ony, and the best part of it all is that
these settlers are satisfied. Many of
them are sent to Burbank-Ocala for
the purpose of investigating and mak
ing sure, not only for themselves, but
for their friends, relatives and neigh
bors. and most of these men buy im
mediately after seeing this land for
many people.
To give one some idea of the value
of this property, and how firmly con
vinced the Company is that it will
stand any investigation, the Board of
Directors of the New South Farm &
Home Company have authorized Chas.
H. Sieg to sell thi3 colony land upon
the strict guarantee that if it is not
satisfactory to the purchaser, he may
ask for and receive back every cent
he has paid, together with 6% inter
est, any time before the actual celiv
ery of the deed.
This land is selling at the price of
S25.00 per acre, tipon the terms of
50 cents per acre down, nnd 50 cents
per acre per month until the land is
paid for, thus giving every purchaser
49 months after his application has
been received to complete his pay
ments, while he can move on and take
possession of his farm after a single
payment of only 50 cents per acre.
Settlers living In tents until their homes are built
This is at the basis of 17 cents per day
for each 10 acres purchased.
My advice to every man who really
wants to make an investment out of
his daily savings, that will come back
to him in profits that are limited only
by his own capabilities, is to write at
once for the great book called "Ten
Acres and Freedom,” and inform him
self thoroughly before he buys, and
prove to his own satisfaction that Bur
banK-Ocala Colony is really entitled
to all of the tremendous patronage
which it is receiving today.
Just send in the coupon below. No
letter is necessary, and you will re
ceive by return mail this great book
950 Merchants Loan and Trait Bldg., CHICAGO
As per your announcement In onr paper,
please send me “Ten Acres and Freedom,**
which describes your Burbank-Ocala Colony
farms in Marion County, Florida. I do nos
agree to buy a farm, but I will read this liter*'
ture thoroughly.
, Address
The Waiter Was Too Smart.
“I ate my breakfast this morning in
a Market street restaurant.” said a
down-town business man, "and some
thing occurred that particularly ap
pealed to my sense of humor. A man
and a woman were seated opposite
me, and the waiter placed a large
plate of biscuits before the two. ‘I
prefer bread,’ said the woman. In a
jiffy the biscuits were whisked away
and replaced with the staff of life. I
noticed a wistful sort of expression on
the man’s face as the biscuits disap
peared, but he made no remark. ‘I
guess she’s the boss of that ranch,’ I
thought, and then the woman turned
and said: ‘I believe the girl thinks we
are together.’ As the waitress came
back to give the couple a check she
was just about to punch the amount of
two meals on one when she looked up
suddenly and asked if they were to
gether. In one breath they said ‘No!’
Well, you should have seen that girl’s
face. She blushed furiously and then
capped the climax by saying: ‘Oh, you
sat there so quiet like, not speakin’.
I thought you were married.’ ”—Phila
delphia Record.
Going to Nature.
Again the star e? hope has risen
.rom the horizon of despair that sur
rounds the fat and forty. The newest
apostle of physical culture comes to
the metropolis with a gospel of grace
fulness which is simplicity itself.
When age begins to tell on your liga
inents just imagine you are a kanga
roo and get down on all fours and
hop. When you notice your chin de
veloping another fold emulate the liz
ard and stretch your neck. Would you
attain physical poise, imitate a bear
‘‘I go to nature for everything,” ex
plains this latest candidate for tho
fees of beauty-seeking, weight-reducing
women, and the women will keep on
going to her and to other apostles of
other fads instead of really going to
nature and keeping their bodies In
good condition by following regularly
the use of nature's three prime condi
tions of health: rest, fresh air, exer
No cure can keep in condition idlo
people who overeat, stay up late at
night and live in unventilated apart
Sight-Seeing with Reservations.
Out of the Grand Central station the
other day came a couple the sight of
whom caused citizens who saw them
to admit to themselves that there
might he, after all, some basis of
truth in the “Uncle Josh” jokes of
the allegedly funny papers. The old
man grasped his carpet bag and bulg
ing grefen umbrella firmly, arid looked
up and down the street, his mouth
“There’s a heap o’ sights in New
York, I guess, Maria,” he said. "T
misdoubt if we see them all.”
The old lady's mouth set grimly.
“Well, Silas,” she replied, and her
manner was more than significant,
“bein’ as I’m with you, there’s some, I
expect, that you ain’t goin' to see!”—
Pushing the Goods.
A number of drummers were sitting
In a hotel lobby, when one of them be
gan to boast that his firm had the
most number of people pushing its
line of goods.
There was a little argument and
then a drummer who had not had
much to say before suddenly rose and
said: "I’ll bet any man in the house
that my firm has the most number of
people pushing its line of goods!”
"Done!” exclaimed the boastful one
The money was accordingly put up
with a stakeholder, and then the boast
ful drummer asked: “Now, what ts
your firm's line of goods?”
“Baby carriages,” murmured the
quiet man as he took the money and
made for the side door.—Exchange.
The Ready Excuse.
"What are you doing with this sand
bag?” demanded the Chicago cop.
"It’s part of me equipment, Loss,’'
answered the footpad. “Honest, I,got
an airship anchored around de cor
ner.”—Louisville Courier-Journal.
"What a pessimist Brown is."
“What’s the matter new?”
"He even bewails the fact that he
can’t live to collect his life insurance”
—Detroit Free Press.
A Mark of Distinction.
“Why do doctors wear Van Dyke
beards?’” \
"So they won’t be mistaken for
bankers, with side whiskers.”—Bos
ton Herald.
Failed to Keep Careful Watch.
“He has allowed his business to ruD
“yes, and now he’s kicking because
he will have to wind it up.”
Had the Habit.
“Did she marry her third husband
for love?”
"Exactly. For love of marrying.”
We are told that the tide of tr.
Thames affects the base of St. Paul’s
cathedral. The tide of our life may
undermine the character of some man.
—J. Douglas Adam.
When shiftless people are unable to
annoy their neighbors In any other
way they get a dog that will howl al)
night long.