loop City Northwestern i. W. BURLEIGH. Publisher. 1 U»UP CITY ... NEBRASKA CONDENSATIONS NEWS AND NOTES AND THERE. X HERE £ PERSONAL AND POLITICAL Other Matters of Interest Con* Sensed From the More Important Telegrams. Foreign The Vienna Neuses Wiener Tage hlatt pubi'shes a long story of the BkAtrln* mial troubles of Count and Countess Gizycki. The countess was formerly 34.:* Eleanor Patterson of Chicago, daughter of R. W. Patterson. La Paz rd Minto opened the im perial « .j'icQ. was introduced at a recent - on of the council by Sir Herbert H»p«^RisIey. secretary of the Lomu d<*partn at. British government of Inula. The measure does not create a censorship, but provides for the control of all newspapers and Job hrosse? Private correspondence now In the possf*-.on of the government relates that former President Cipriano Cas tro has left Malaga. Spain, for Tene rlffe, Canary islands, en route to Cen tral Americ a. lie alms to be in a posi tion to provoke a revolution against President Gomez when the Venezuelan congress meets in April to elect a con stitutional pn -ident of the republic. The German government has issued a de ree. which in effect permits Amer: an apple* packed In barrels, in the head of which excelsior or paper ts pla-«d to prevent damage in ship ping. to c ater that country without the payment of the tariff rate provided. General. The death of Representative Loring of Massac ausetis was due to pneu monia. F A Italiders. president of the People's State bank of Lakota. N. D.. which was recently closed by the state ba'-k examiner, was arrested on S chare, of forgery. He was released on 17.600 bond First Lieut. Burton J. Mitchell, Twelfth infantry, aide d'eatnp on the staff of Brig General Frederick Funs ton. forwarded his resignation from the army to President Taft. At Keno. Nev.. suit for divorce on the ground of desertion was Sled by Jac s Gayley. second vice president of th s Lniied States steel corpora tion. The charge is desertion. Secretary MacVeagh has announced the members of the board of ten ex pert-i. xLujc duty it Is to establish a standard of purity governing the im portations of that article of mer chandise during the calendar year 1910. An honest policeman on his rounds through a dark alley in a West Vir ginia town stumbled over the half conscious form of a man with $U,uOO In real money in his pocket. The officer took $60 of it. but only after protest, as a reward. Joseph A Graham, a widely known editor and author, died at his some in Salisbury. Md. He was widely known la the w-« President Taft prevailed upon John Embry to withdraw his resignation as United States attorney for Oklahoma and to remain in the office. Tests of the methods of paper-mak tag are provided for by an appropiia gion made by the house. The Indianapolis Sun has been sold to Rudolph Leeds of Richmond, Ind., con of the late W. B. Leeds. The education interests of Alaska will soon be in the hands of W. T. Lopp, who has been selected by the commissioner of education as chief of the Alaskan division. John L. Sullivan, the former heavy weight champion of the world, was married to the sweetheart of his chool days. Mies Katharine Hartnett Jem Driscoll, the English feather weight champion, has announced that he will sail for America shortly to fight Abe AUell. holder of the world's title, in San Francisco. One hundred womens’ tailors went to the While House and had the satis faction of bearing President Taft make a brief talk. Although reported to have improved greatly In health through his recent trip to the South Senator Aldrich's condition Is causing his friends much anxiety. Only twenty-six seats are left to be contested for in the British elections. Ex-Governor Mickey of Nebraska has suffered a relapse and is agaiu very Vow Operators and miners at Toledo hre hopeful of reaching a peaceful un derstanding as to a wage scale. The nouse way* and means commit tee will begin an investigation of the hight cost of living. Th- senate committee on irrigation will report a bill providing for a $30. •00.000 bond issue to complete irriga tion projects. The senate and house may conduct rival Investigations on the high cost af living. Approximately 7G9.1G7 acres of land were designated by Secretary Ballin ger of the interior department, as open under the enlarged homestead net Senator Conger's exposing New Yorks state politics scandal is likely to win victory for direct primary sys According to advices from Oliulchu pa. Mexico, Indians in that vicinitj are in an ugly mood and an uprising is thought not improbable. William C. Proctor announced that be bad withdrawn his offer of $500, 000 for the proposed graduate college of Princeton university. A cable message received by rel atives in Baltimore from Mr. and Mrs Anthony J. Drexel, who are in Lon don. announces the engagement oi their daughter. Rear Admiral Sebree, commander of the Pacific squadron, notified the navy department that he transferred his flag and staff from the cruiser Tennessee to the cruiser California. The average wages of laboring men belonging to trades' unions in Kansas were $24 more in 1909 than they were in 1908. President Taft will celebrate St Patrick's day with the Irish at Chi cago, having definitely accepted an in vitation of the Good Fellowship clul of that city. Senator Curtiss of Kansas intro duced to President Taft eight Kaw Indians. In honor of the occasion the braves were attired in gorgeous native costumes. At Paris Ambassador and Mrs. Ba con Inaugurated an interesting exhibi lion of paintings by American womei artists given under the auspices oi Holy Trinity lodge. Thirty-five men are believed tc have been killed by a mine explosion near Drakesboro, Ky. Vice-President Sherman is urging the re-election of Senator Smooth oi West Virginia. Edward Payson Weston left Pasa dena. Cal., on a walk across the con tinent which he expects to complete within ninety days. He will follow the route of the Santa Fe railroad tc Chicago. Some one says, pay less for amuse ments. less for fun. and then there’ll be more for the slaughter house mag nets. A hill which would do away with the employers’ liability law attracts attention in the house. The bill providing for federal chart ers for corporations will be intro duced in congress. It has not yet been proved that the high cost of living is a result of cole | storage. Niagara Falls was selected by i young woman o? Buffalo as a fit place to end her life. Newton W. Gilbert of Indiana was nominated by President Taft as vice governor of the Philippines. Washington. On the basis of an equal distribu tion of the money in circulation in the United States on February 1 a person would have 18 cents less than he or she had a year ago. The cir culation per capita on Febraury 1 was $34.82; a year ago it was $35. In order to meet expeditiously the needs of the Indian in the handling of the individual account which the gov ernment holds in trust for him, the bureau of Indian affairs, in revising its regulations, will incorporate a pro vision enabling superintendents of Indian schools and reservations to give to the Indians from their indi vidual funds, without reference to Washington, amounts not exceeding a specified sum, which will probably be placed at $100, in any one month for the purpose of meeting their actual needs. In a sririted attack on the postal savings bank bill, Senator Jeff Davis of Arkansas told the senate that it was a measure in the interest of the national banks, "the high-collared roosters, the money sharks, and money grabbers of Wall street.” An Increase in round numbers, in customs receipts of $33,000,000 and in internal revenue of $10,000,000, but a deficit in the ordinary receipts of the government of $25,000,000, against $64,000,000, show the results of the 1 first seven months’ operations of the treasury for the fiscal year 1910, as compared with the corresponding period of 1909. The house passed the agricultural appropriation bill, carrying nearly $13,000,000, a net increase of $400,000 over last year. This increase was chiefly for the forest service, made necessary by the addition to the na tional forests of 26,528,439 acres. Personal. The Mississippi legislative caucus came within ten votes of selecting a successor to the late Senator Mc l