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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1908)
A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. FIRST ill BE of Loup city. 1885 Conser vative 1908 and Strong Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. Corn, per tyu. .60 Wheat, per bu.75 @. so Oats, per bu .57 (it .43 Rye, perbu . 60 Butter, per lb.15 w .is Eggs, per doz. .12 Hens, per lb.. .07 Spring chickens, per lb. .05*2 BON TON RESTAURANT CONGER BROS, Props LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA Hot Meals and Lunches atall Hours I May and Ice Delivery Office. Leave orders with the cashier. aug2(irf LOCAL NEWS. Dipping tanks and dip sold at P. O. Reed's. For farm loans call on A. L. Zimmerman. For good grades of machine oils see P. O Reed. Mrs. H. A. Sleeth left for Lincoln yesterday morning. Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when in need of a drayman. The M. E. Sunday school picnicked on the river Tuesday. I will guarantee 17c for butter fat I test and pay cash.—A. E. Chase. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, call on John W. Loner. Ask Senator Cul ley how the walking is between Litchfield and Loup City. Take your butter and eggs to Con hiser's. where you can get anything you want. Star Brand shoes are better. Every pair guaranteed. —Loup City Mer cantile Co. The editor is moving this week ireo the Enevoldsen house vacated by Fred James. Farm loans made on short notice and at reasonable rates by A. L. Zimmerman. Mrs. D. L. Adamson went to St. Joe Tuesday morning to buy tier fall stock of millinery. You can walk on stars if you buy a pair of Star Brand shoes at the Loup City Mercantile Co. Quite a numberof Loup City people attended the Woodmen picnic at Litchfield yesterday. Keep out the flies by getting some wire cloth for your doors and win dows at P. O. Reed's. Tire Presbyterian Sunday school will picnic at Jenner's Park next week Friday afternoon. 1.200 yards unbleached muslin. 7L cents Der vard. Loup City Mercantile Co. Miss Ella Foster went to a hospital at Omaha yesterday morning, where she will take treatment for a goitre. John W. Lons: is prepared to make all Heal Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baliman and family Sundayed at the home of Mrs. Haliman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sami Daddow. McKinnie Bros., have two high {trade yearling Shorthorn bulls for sale. Price reasonable. Bargains for someone. Messrs, and Mesdames J. B. and D. S. Draper are among those who attended the Woodmen pienie at Litchfield yesterday. Beginning August 5th, we will pay cash for ereatn at the creamery. \Ve also pay cash for eggs. Ravenna Creamery Co. Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Johnson and little daughter from Aurora visited a few days the first of the week at the home of Wm. Larsen. From now on Jenner's Park will be open every day. including Sundays, with refreshments served, the admis sion being 5 and 10 cents. Grandpa and Grandma Erazim and family were over from Ravenna last Sunday to visit their new grandson and nephew. Mr. Gus. Lorentz, Jr. The best plays, funniest comedians, sweetest singers, cleverest dancers and tiie best musicians are not too good for the patrons of Boyd Burrowes shows. More people are using Loup City flour now than ever have been in the past. Try a sack from your tiour dealer next time and if satisfied get a supply while old wtieat is being ground. We always carry ground corn and all kinds of feed and solicit your business. Loup City Mill & Light Co. The Ladies’ Aid of the Baptist church will hold an open meeting on Wednesday, August 26th. Light re freshments will be served. All the ladies of the town are Invited to come in for a social hour. If they feel in dustrious they may bring their work. The gentlemen are also invited. Mrs. W. S. Waite is doing splendidly as president of the aid. The hour of meeting is at 3 o’clock Flour and Feed Store Moved. Having purchased an interest in the Cooper mercantile store with Mr. Felix Makowski, I have removed my stock of flour and feed to that place of business, where I will be pleased to meet all my old patrons and as many new ones as may be pleased to give me their patronage. Call and see me and 1 will treat you right. \V. G.' McNulty. For Sale II..). Johansen is offering for sale 14 tall-bred boars and his crop of spring boars, from his Loup Valley herd. Purchasers will make no mis take in securing line heads for their herds from among Mr. Johansen’s pure-bred Poland Chinas. Call early and secure your choice. Piano Recital. On Tuesday evening, August 25th, Miss Jennie Anderson will give a piano recital to which all are invited. On Wednesday evening the regular pupils’ recital will be given, and ten cents admission will be charged on this evening. Both recitals will be held at the Presbyterian church. Elizabeth Zimmerman. Boyd Burrowes Big Tent Show is coming. Lap dusters, horse covers, nets. etc. at P. O. Reed s. Loans on real estate, call on John W. Long. 3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. Don’t forget Lee Bros, is the place to get choicest of meats. It. P. Starr went to Lincoln Mon day morning on legal business. If you want a good buggy whip cheap, go to P. O. Reed's. A. P. Culler returned home Friday evening from his trip to Oklahoma. Read the advertisement of the Boyd Burrowes show in another column. ’ F. .1. Starr, a brother of R. P. Starr w as a guest of the latter last evening. The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay 17 cents for butter fat till further notice. .1. S. Pedler was called to Neligh. this state, Monday morning on busi ness. Old Settlers’ Picnic at Jenner's Park. Sept. 9 and 10. Keep the date in mind. Flies are coming. Get your screen doors and windows of the Leininger Lumber Co. Chas. Guilford returned from the Monte/.uma valley country last Thurs day evening. The Misses Smitli of St. Paul were guests at the C. C. Cooper home the past few days. nave you tried tnat nne ooiogna at Lee Bros’, meat market? It is mighty good eating. Little Lucile Taylor has been ill the past week with a threatened attack of typhoid fever. Boyd Burrowes "always good show” will be in Loup City two nights start ing Wednesday, August 26. Try Oakdale Nut coal for your cook stove. An excellent coal for summer use, for sale by E. G. Taylor. Mrs. R. M. Iliddleson lias been quite ill the past week with sciatic rheumatism, but is some better. WANTED— Eight (8) little girls to distribute bills forthe Boyd Burrowes Shows. Apply at tent August 26th. Jno. W. Long and family returned from Lake Okoboji Monday evening, reporting a most pleasant vacation at that summer resort. For Sale—Eight tine yearling Short horn bulls for sale. Enquire of II. B. Messer, 'phone 5 on 274, or address him at Loup City, Neb. Miss Mande Blackman, who has been visiting at the home of C. W Conliiser. left Monday for the west for a further visit with friends. Mrs. Win. Larsen’s good father, II. G. Daly, of Idaho, who has been visiting her the past week, left Mon day for a further visit at Aurora. “Yield exceeded my highest hopes,” says Chas. Dixon, after threshing grain sown with his Monitor drill bought of Thos. Jainrog & Son of , Ashton. Boyd Burrowes Coming Boyd Burrowes Big Tented Shows : pay their annual visit to Loup City ' two nights starting Wednesday, Aug. I 28. By his fair dealing, honest adver tising and always delivering uniform 1 v good, clean instructive performances Boyd Burrowes has established a reputation throughout the country and his show is patronized by the best people everywhere. A host of new and pleasing features have been added this season. Big especially constructed tent with no pole in front of stage, large stage mounted with a wealth of costly scenery, a company of 15 acting people, singers, dancers, comedians and novel specialty artists, a strong repertoire of comedies and dramas, the latast moving pictures and finest illustrated songs. Prof. G. L. Payne’s superb concert orchestra will render choice classical and popular music in a grand concert before the regular performance nightly. During the hot busy season the performance starts a little later than advertised to allow country patrons attending. Come when you hear the band play. Grocery Department We have the business, because we sell for small profits. Good Dried Prunes, count 80 to 100 per pound, - - - 5c 50 to 60 fine prunes 3 pounds for - -25c N. Y. Ring Dried Ap ples, 2 lbs. for - - 25c Best Calif. Dried Ap ricots per pound, 15c Fine Calif. Dried Peaches, per lb., 25c Dr. Price’s Foods, 3 boxes for - - - 25c Egg-O-See, 3 for - 25c Maz-AII, 3 for - — 25c Rice, Texas broken, new 1907, good color, per pound, 5c Extra fancy Texas head Rice, per lb. 10c, or 3 for - - 25c Oiled Sardines, six cans for - - - - 25c Good Mustard Sar dines, 3 cans for 25c 8 bars good Laun dry soap for - - 25c We handle the German American Coffee. Buy direct from the growers. Cut out the middle man's profits. Best cof fee for the money. OUR Leader— —20c and 25c— —Try Them Barrel Salt, - - $1.75 Oyster Shells, per 100 .90 We pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. I. . . Mrs. Theo. Wilson of Ashton has so far recovered her recent illness as to be able to visit friends in this city last week. C. J. Tracy made a business trip to the southwestern part of the state last week, as we understand with a view of purchasing land. Guy O. Toulouse came up from Valley, Neb., last Friday after his family and Monday they left for their new home. May success attend them. Morning service at the Presbyterian church next Sunday as usual. The union evening service will be held at the Baptist church. Everyone invit ed to attend. M. P. Hiddleson of Rippey, Iowa, arrived last Friday on a visit to his brother. Treasurer R. M. Hiddleson, returning home the middle of the present week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Bangs of Aurora arrived last Friday evening from Aurora for a few days’ visit with their son. L. A. Bangs, and family, of Washington township. A. E. Honser received a short visit this week from his brother Adam, who came through here from Loup City on his way to Indiana. Mr. Ilouser reports an abundant corn crop in Sherman county.—Aurora Repub lican. A 5-year-old son of Tom Garner, south of town, last Thursday fell from a haystack on to a stacker, striking a beam, fracturing his skull. Dr. O. E. Longacre and a doctor from Lincoln were summoned and the little patieot was operated upon successfully and is getting along finely. Mrs. Lindahl of Hordvllle, Kansas, I mother of Mrs. A. i. Lingren, and Miss Carlson of Chicago Heights, a niece of Mr. Lingren. who have been visiting them the past week, left on Monday morning, Mrs. Lindahl for her home and Miss Carlson for a con tinuation of her visit with friends in Polk county. The Baptists are repairing their church with a view to making it warm and comfortable for winter. The building has been built for more than twenty yeaes and little repair ing has been "done during that time i so that now the need is urgent. A new roof has been put on under the direction of J udge Moon, chairman of ■ the building committee. The other repairs will be a steel ceiling, new | pews, furnace and furnace room, paint ed inside and out and the walls re papered. This will make it a pleas ant place in which to worship and a credit to the town. Everybody feel ing an interest in this work and | desiring to help may see Joseph James, chairman of the financial com 1 mittee, or C. R. Sweetland. church | treasurer. Any assistance financial | or otherwise will be greatly appreciat I ed. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR, LINCOLN Monday. Aug. 31—Lincoln Day Tuesday, Sept. 1—Governor’s Day Wednesday, Sept. 2— Bryan Day Thursday, Sept. 3—Taft-Omaha Day Friday, Sept. 4—Parade Day Best Agricultural, Live Stock and Machinery Exhibits ever shown in Nebraska. $30,000.00|in Premiums $12,000.00 in Speed Fifteen harness and eight running races > Pain's stupendous spectacle ERUPTION OF MT. VESUVIUS and CARNIVAL OF.NAPLES 500 people. Immense display of fireworks each night Liberates New York Festival Military Band and Grand Opera Concert Company of sixty persons, eighteen of whom are Grand Opera singers of na tional reputation. State bands from Hebron, Beatrice, Aurora and St. Paul Western League Base Ball. Athletic Meet. Wild West Show New $23,000.00 cattle barn, 174x255 to hold 036 head of cattle New $10,000.00 steel frame auditorium, to seat 2,500 people, to be dedi cated by Hon. W. J. Bryan, on Wednesday, September 2d For premium list and entry blank, write W. R. Mellor, Sect’y, Lincoln, Neb. We are pleased to announce in this issue the coming to our city as a per manent tixture Mr. Ira E. Williams, formerly cashier and manager of the BeemerState Bank of Beemer. Neb.. Mr. Williams visited our town some 22 years ago and was engaged as book keeper in the First National Bank for the period of one week when Mr. Culley, cashier of the bank at that time,* received notice that the direct ors had employed Mr. A. J. Bell, whom many of our people will re member as serving as bookkeeper and assistant cashier in that institution. This is the second visit of Mr. Williams and we are glad to learn that he has identified himself with Messrs. Culley and Mason in the management of the First National Bank here, in which he becomes in terested and the cashier. Mr. Culley will remain with his stockholdings, as president, and Mr. Mason will be come vice-president and Mr. Hansen will also retain his old position. This will constitute the personnel of the bank, making it as strong an institu tion as there is in the state. Mr. Williams will purchase a home here and make this his permanent resi dence. He comes to us highly rec commended both by the papers and the citizens of his community. He is a gentleman in all respects and a man whose character will emphasize his morals and Christian convictions. The following is taken from the Omaha 1 Bee of the 16th instant.—Ira E. , Williams, cashier of the Beemer State bank at Beemer has removed with his family to Loup City, Neb., where he will engage in the banking business. Mr. Williams has been connected with I the Beemer bank as cashier for six teen years, he being one of the founders of that institution. During this time the growth of the bank has been constant, it now ranking among the strongest financial institutions of Cuming county. There will be a box social at the home of Mr. Ira Timson on the coun ty farm two miles north of town, on j Friday evening, August 21. The ladies : will provide a box' of supper large enough for two, the gentlemen to buy the boxes. One of the men of the neighborhood promised to come in with a hayrack for all who would like to ride. All wishing to go please re port at the Baptist parsonage before Friday noon if you can go. Miss Marie Cooper gave a party to a number of her young friends last i Tuesdav afternoon. Along R. R. No. I. Joe Blaschke’s girls were to church at Loup City Sunday. One of Wm. Stockwell's girls is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. X. Criss visited at the home of Willis Holcomb Sunday. Max Lescliinsky and family attend ed the German dance at the park Fri day night and Saturday morning. W. M. George has rented the poor farm for next year. Andy Coppersmith came home last week "from Bradshaw. Xebr., where he had been to visit his father, who is going blind from the formation of a cataract on his eyes, one eye being totally blind and the other nearly so. He is in the 70’s. Chas. Anderson lost a cow and calf last week and had not found them Tuesday morning. W. S. Waite was out west on busi ness along the telephone line Tuesday Hattie Hayliurst visited at the home of O. S. Fross several days last week. The best piece of winter wheat on old ground raised this year was on a piece of old ground ploughed early and sown between Sept. 10-20. It pays to plough and sow early. Mrs. Henry Apple and daughter returned home Monday from their visit to Hamilton county. A party was given at Chas. Sickles last Saturday night in honor of Sin Sickles of Iowa. A fine time reported. Miss Laura Weedin came up from Aurora Tuesday of last week to visit her sisters. Mesdames Johnson and Ling. Mr. and Mrs. John Wheeler and family and Weedin’s young folks from Aurora visited at Zwink’s Sunday. Jas. Ling and family were visitors at A. Johnson’s Sunday. Frank, Fred and Jake Zwink start ed threshing at S. Younglund's again Monday. Weedin’s have bought a new stacker this year and are getting up some fine hay. Miss Alberta Geiser visited Miss Winnie Parsley last week. Tresa Weller visited her cousin. Miss Winnie Parsley, Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Gilbert expects to go to Arcadia Tuesday to visit with Mr. Stone’s family until next Thursday. A heavy rain fell southwest of the route last week, something over four inches of water falling. One of tiie rural routes running out of Litchfield only served part of the route last week on account of the bad condition of the roads. Elmer Johnson, brother of Charles Johnson, visited here the past week. Mrs. Chas Johnson attended Swedish campmeeting at Stromsburg, Nebr., last week Some fields of corn are in the dent, third crop of alfalfa ready to cut, haying and falll ploughing under full head, pastures look good and in some you can cut good hay. Threshing in shock is uphill business this year, corn looks grand and will be the largest crop Sherman county ever raised as there is more acres in corn than ever before. Alfalfa sown this month is a good stand. Whfe driving to Loup City on lloute No. 2 Mrs. John Warrick lost a ladies’ hand bag. Finder please cal! her over the phone. Several parties celebrated their birthday anniversaries at Sara Foss’ Sunday^ some 23 people being there during the day. M. A. Gilbert cut the weeds on both sides of the road from the bridge west to Hendrickson’s. There are only four places on the route where the weeds have not been cut this year. Miss Carrie Douglas lias gone east r for a visit with relatives and friends. M. A. Gilbert and Bert German re paired the culvert atJ.A. Arnett's last week. A. J. Budler is up in the sandhills again this week. W. O. Brown and Geo. McFadden are putting up their hay this week. Mrs. J. A. Summers is agent for Mrs. W. T. Price's canning powders. Andy Coppersmith lost a horse last week that had been cut in the wire fence. The barb wire fences claim a good many horses in a year and it is nearly always the best one. E. G. Taylor has a gang of men building the new addition to the mill this week. This w ill tie a big improve ment for Loup City. A good mill in a town will help to build it up more than anything else. Christ Zwink, Henry Apple. Joe ' Blaschke and Sam Haddox have fixed the roads along their lines the past week. This is something that is ap preciated by the carrier and team. Art Conger visited at McKinnie Bros. Sunday. Gold Winslow left Thursday for Prosser. Neb., for a few days visit with his family. Threshing machines are having a hard time this year owing to the weather. One machine was at its 3rd place Monday on Clear Creek. Sam Foss reports that his wheat went 20 bushels to the acre. Supt. Hendrickson and brother Dug were out to the old home Monday. Ed. Kilpatrick. Nellie Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sickles visited at IL L. Bell's Sunday. Y. M. A. A. Notes. The Basket ball teams must hem gani/ed before the August27. If vo have been think of joining do so a: once and get. regular practice started. See Max Jeffords about it. Max Jellords expects to leave her ■ Sept. 1st. and someone else will in appointed to take care of the gym nasium affairs. The six months' sub 1 seription raised last May run until Nov. 1st which will keep the gym nasium running until Dec. 1st. More young men should join as it gets cool er but it will be necessary for the town to help or at least encourage the association if the membership alone is to support it during the winter. Now it can be run at very little expense and book fines pay freight on new books shipped every three months from Lincoln. Basket ball games or other sports can draw crowds to town on any occasion and all this takes is a a little enthusiasm on the part of everyone. The interest has been kept up so far but could just as well be twice what it is. All persons using the basket ball are asked not to kick it. That is not j the way to play and will soon ruin the ball. We will tell you just once and doing it the second time means you will be expelled and will not get your membership fee back either. For Sale One Piano. Must be sold regardless of cost; to avoid re-shipment to | factory. Address, Manufac-; turer, care of Northwestern. Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 23rd day of July. 1907 and duly Hied in the office of the county clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, on the 29th day of July. 1907. and executed by George E. Reed and Julius Reed to the Avery Manufacturing Company, a corporation of Peoria. Ills., and thereafter assigned to Avery Company, a corporation of Peoria, Illinois, to secure the payment of the sum of $1620.00. and upon which there is now due the sum of $635.00 with interest at 8 per cent per annum from July 23rd. 1907. according to the terms of said notes, and upon which there is also due the further sum of ;785.00 with interest at 8 per cent per annum from July 23rd. 1907, by reason of the violation of the conditions of said mortgage whereby said mortgagee has the right to declare and does declare the same to be due for the reason that it feels unsafe and insecnre on account of the said mortgaged property being wholly abandoned by the said mortgagors; default having been made in the payment of the whole of said sum and no suit or other pro ceeding at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, there fore I will sell the property therein described, to-wit: 1 Nlckols & Shepherd 13 HP Engine, No. 5605. 1 Avery Separator. 32x54. No. 2266. 1JB F F Stacker, No. 1529. 1 Weigher. 1 unmounted tank. 1 pack pump and hose. 1 150x8x4 belt. Also 7 head of horses, to-wit; 1 sorrel horse named Frank. 15 years old, weight 1250 pounds. 1 bay mare named Molly, 12 years old, weight 1250 pounds, 1 gray mare named Flip, 6 years old, weight 950 pounds. 1 gray mare named Topsy, 4 years old, weight 950 pounds. 1 gray mare named Jane. 8 years old, weight 1000 pounds. 1 roan mare named Flora, 12 years old, weight 1150 pounds. 1 sorrel mare named Brone, 5 years old, weight 800 pounds. at public auction at the premises of Christ Zwfnk on the northeast quarter of section twelve, township fifteen. Range sixteen, In Sherman county, Nebraska, on Friday, the 21st day of August. 1908. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. Dated this 30th day of July. 1908. avebt Compart, Assignee and Owner of Mortgage. By R. J. Nightingale, Its Attorney. I Last pub. Aug. 20] Uncle Sam Breakfast Food The Food for health, is sold on a positive guarantte to do all we claim, providing it is used continually until all is consumed: inonev back, if it doesn’t. 7 * Dry Apricots, new ones per lb - .12 l-2c Dried Peaches, new ones per lb - .15c Dry Raisins, new ones, per lb - • ,10c Good Canned Tomatoes, can - - 12 l-2c 9 Bars of Soap, - - - 25c 7 bars Diamond C Soap for - .25c Rolled Flake Hominy, per pound, 4c Two boxes Grape-Nut, only - - 25c Swandown Cake Flour, - - 25c Mason Jars, half gallon, per dozen - .90c Ask to see Swandown Cake Flour. Any little girl can make fine cake with it. Every package guaranteed. We ask you to trade with us, and will treat you all the same. CONHISER’s Come jn and Look Over Our Line of CARPETS Rugs, Art Squares, Lin eoliums, Lace Cur taius and Portieres. Don't Fail to Get Our Prices on FURN ITURE Christensen & Ferdinandt Furniture Company. Christensen & Ferdinandt, Undertakers and Embalmers MA of WILL Protect Your Stock Because it’s the ideal roofing for all kinds farm buildings and out-houses, etc., as it keeps them warm in winter, cool in summer,.dry in wet weather, and will not pollute any water with which it may come in contact, leaving it avail able for all domestic uses. You can lay it yourself, and at a cost laiprit^ inglylow. Send for our book., and free sample^ * ” ' ' r J. P. LELN1NGER LUMBER COMPANY. '• ■^J. I. DEPEW8&* Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker. My shoo Is the largest and best equipped nortb of tbe Platte ttlver I have a four horse englDe and a complete line of tbe latest Improved, ma chluery, also a force of experienced men who know bow to operate It and torn out a job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS We are selling many gallons of and those who use it are report the CHICKENS AND HENS FREE FROM VERMIN Better try it. It is also a great wood preserver. It greatly preserves the life of the post, if applied to the post just at or below the ground. Sold in bulk, $1.00 per gallon. We have just unloaded a car of good WHITE CEDAR POSTS, which we are offering at 11c each in lots of 100 or more KEYSTONE LUJV1BEP CO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb. E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President , Cashier -directors W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. [Sweetland LOUP CUT STATE" BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, - • $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00