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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1908)
A. P. GULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. THE FIRST IMTI0IML BANK of Loup city. Conser vative and Strong I Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates,! with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market ({notations. Com, per bu. .06 Wheat, per bu. . .77 @. 80 Oats, per bu.;so (a .38 Eye, perbu . .00 Butter, per lb.15 <3 .18 Egg«, per doz... .12 Hens, per lb. .07 Spring chickens, per lb.05% LOCAL NEWS. Teachers’ institute closes tomorrow. Dipping tanks and dip sold at P. O. Heed's. Hayliurst reported 91 in the shade here Monday. For farm, loans call on A. L. Zimmerman. For good grades of machine oils , #ee 1’. O Reed. Bird Draper has purchased Dolling’s milk wagon and route. Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when • |n need of a drayman. Harry Miner has taken charge of frhe Omaha elevator here. I will guarantee lie for butter fat 1 test and pay cash.—A. E. Chask. - The Baptists held a pretty lawn •ocial at their church last evening. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, eall on John W. Lous. Take your butter and eggs to Con hiser’s, where you can get anything you want. Star Brand shoes are better. Every pair guaranteed.—Loup City Mer cantile Co. Farm loans made on short notice and at reasonable rates by A. L. Zimmerman. Mrs. B. T. Snyder left yesterday tor an extended visit with her daugh ter in Colorado. 1,200 yards unbleached muslin, cents per yard. Loup City Mercantile Co. Miss Lillie Lofholm has taken a position behind the counters at the Loup City Mercantile Oo.’s store. John W. Lorn: is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on abort notice at lowest rates. Rev. Longstaff. now of Farwell. formerly of Ashton, is spending a two montha' vacation in England. From now on .Tenner’s Park will be open every day. including Sundays, with refreshments served, the admis cion being 5 and 10 cents. ^ ou nngtit Know the teachers Institute is in session here this week, from the bevy of feminine loveli ness to be seen on our streets each day. Mrs. Dan DeWitt and children arrived from Iowa Saturday evening and Dan wears that ecstatic smile. They are at home in the Lan Ben schoter cottage. Mrs. G. S. Leininger entertained the Entre Nous club last Friday afternoon, and the ladies attending report it one of the most unique affairs of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spencer and daughter, Orlee, from Neola. Iowa, are visiting Dr. Allen and mother. Mr. Spencer thinks this is a much better country than he expected to tind. More people are using Loup City flour now than ever have been in the past. Try a sack from your liour dealer next time and if satisfied get a supply while old wheat is being ground. We always carry ground corn and all kinds of feed and solicit your business. Loup City Mill & Light Co. Messrs. Gus. Lorentz. P. O. Reed, Newt. Vance and Ashley Conger autoed it to Litchfield last Thursday to see the Boston Bloomers boost base ball. The boys went to see petticoats pound the spheres and one of them, at least, insists the Bostons were for the greater part boys in bloomers. Awful on the optics, eh? Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Zimmerman arrived from Virginia last Saturday to permanently reside in Sherman county, Mr. Zimmerman having dis .posed of his interests in the old <* ‘presidential state and returning to his first love. They are looking well and glad to be back home once more. They will reside on the old Wake jjight farm north of the city. We are glad to have them with us again. For Sale H. J. Johansen is offering for sale 14 tall-Jjred boars and his crop of spring boars, from ids Loup Valley herd. Purciiasers will make no mis take in securing line heads for their herds from among Mr. Johansen's pure-bred Poland Chinas. Call early and secure your choice. It was only 91 in the shade yester day. Lap dusters, horse covers, nets, etc. at P. O. Heed's. Loans on real estate, call on John W Lone. 3 on «2, Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. Rufus Hiddleson returned from his Iowa visit last Friday. If you want a good buggy whip cheap, go to P. O. Reed's. Mrs. Powell of Palmer visited here with her brother, Joe Thompson, last Friday. The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay IT cents for butter fat till further notice. Mrs. Wallace of Omaha is lie re visit ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Syas. Flies are coming. Get your screen doors and windows of the Leininger Lumber Co. You can walk on stars if you buy a pair of Star Brand shoes at the Loup City Mercantile Co. A workman at the brickyard was overcome with heat yesterday. No serious results feared. Keep out the flies by getting some wire cloth for your doors and win dows at P. O. Reed’s. E. B. Todd of Ord visited here over last Sunday with his sisters, Mrs. F. M. Henry and Mrs. I. N. Syas. Try Oakdale Nut coal for >our cook stove. An excellent coal for summer use, for sale by E. G. Taylor. Misses Maggie Minshull, May Bock and Lena Smith returned home from the Kearney normal Saturday last. McKinnie Bros., have two high grade yearling Shorthorn bulls for sale. Price reasonable. Bargains for someone. Mrs. I)r. Evans returned from her visit in Iowa last Friday. Her father and mother accompanied her home for a weeks' visit. For Sale—Eight line yearling Short horn bulls for sale. Enquire of H. B. Musser. 'phone 5 on 2"4, or address him at Loup City, Neb. This paper can give all the local news only as our friends lend us their co-operation. If anyone visits you, if you contemplate leaving town, if you see or hear or do anything out of the ordinary day's routine, tell us about it, that we may tell the public. A. E. Chase's three little daughters ; went to Ord Tuesday morning for an extended visit. Mrs. Chase and her youngest son went to Ashton yester- \ day for a few days’ visit, while the oldest boy is out harvesting, so Bert is boss at home for the nonce. J. H. Harrod, who has been assist ing at the Leinger Lumber Co’s office and yards during the absence of the senior member, left for his home at Fort Collins. Colo., Monday afternoon. Mr. Harrod is a very pleasant gentle man and we regret he does not re main. The union meeting of the Pres byterian and Baptist churches will be held at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening. Rev. James will deliver the sermon. All are cordially invited to attend. If the evening is warm the service will be held out of doors. There was a large gathering on the lawn of the Baptist church last Sunday evening and an enjoyable service. The out of doors meetings ought to be popular during the warm j evenings. Secretary W. R. Mellor of the State Board of Agricnlture and Secretary W. H. Whitten of the Lincoln Com mercial Club appeared before the, meeting of the Western Passenger Association at Chicago, last week to gether with representatives from five other states, and secured a rate of one and one-half cents per mile for all state fairs in this western terri tory. This will be the first reduced rate granted to farmers since the en actment of the two-cent fare law, and should result in an increased attendance for the Nebraska State Fair, Aug. 31 to Sept. 4th. J. F. Reynolds of Hazard and Nick Hansen remembered -us with renewed subscriptions yesterday. Miss Mamie Adamson went to Central City this morning for a visit with relatives and friends. O. F. Petersen last Friday moved into the handsome property he pur chased of Carsten Truelsen. The Northwestern is indebted to Miss Mary Minshull for an elegant and most fragrant bouquet of sweet peas. Monday morning. Mrs. F. E. Pope of St. Paul, Neb., and Mrs. Geo. Barrey of Dead wood. S. D., were guests over last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cooper. Beginning August 5th, we will pay cash for cream at the creamery. We als pay cash for eggs. Ravenna Ckeamehy Co. Mrs. Fred Taylor and little son ar rived here from Fairbury, this state, last Thursday evening for a visit with T. A. Taylor and family. Max Jefiords gave a nice little picnic party at the park last Friday evening in honor of Miss Marie Ainstine of Tamora and Miss Cora VanDecar of York. One of the large plate glass win dows in the front of the Cooper store is broken it’s full width, caused as we understand by the settling of that wing of that building. Dr. O. E. Longacre is enjoying a visit from his brother, A. W. Long acre of Crown Point, N. Y. The gentleman is making a tour of many points throughout the west. Nick Hansen was hauling old corn to the elevators the first of the week, receiving therefor W> cents per bushel. Nick says that's some difference from the 8c to 10c market price not so very long since. Mrs. Will Hawk will entertain the ladies of the Entre Nous club and their hungry husbands tomorrow afternoon at the pleasant suburban home south of the city. We wouldn’t miss it for a good deal. Senator E. A. Sibley of Lincoln county, who is contes'ing with M. P Kinkaid for the latter's seat in com gress, was in Loup City yesterday in the interest of his candidacy. Ht went to Lincoln this morning to file for that office. Mr. John Briggs of Stroud, Okla. and Mrs. Twedell of St. Joe, Mo. brother and sister of Mrs. Judge Hunter, who have been visiting hei the past week or more, left Tuesday for Colorado on a further yisit with relatives and friends. A handsome baby girl came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Congei on Tuesday afternoon of this wee! and Jim is the most supremely liappc man in this bailiwick. Jim had beer blessed with two boys and now comes the queen of the household. Mr- and Mrs. J. P. Leininger re turned last Saturday evening from their exeended visit to the Pacific Coast. As intended. Miss Jessie re mained for a longer visit with lie: sister at San Diego. They report a splendid time in the west. Mrs. W. T. Owens and little daugh ter, Catharine, left last Friday morn ing for Belmont, Wis., for an extend ed visit to Mrs. Owens’ parents anc other relatives. The lady's father i in very poor health, was one reason for the visit, while Mrs. Owens' owi; health needed the much required rest from her duties in the postoffice. Last evening was a good one foi runaway teams. After supper, the express team of Jay Cole made a short run up Main street, scattering ex press matter, but were stopped by Louie Spahr in front of P. O. Reed’s before any serious damage was done. Later the St. Elmo bus team, which had taked a number of traveling men down to Conger's pond for a swim took a spin, colliding with a farm team near the mill, then crossing the B. A M. bridge near Ohlsen’s in safety and ending up at the bridge south of towr which is being repaired and which they could not fly over. The roughest partof it was that some of the clothes of the traveling men was in the bus and they had to remain at the pond till their wearing apparel could be restored to them. The team was somewhat scratched up and the bus itself knocked out, otherwise nc damage resulted. Y. M. A. A. Notes. If you have played basket ball and would like to get Into a gymnasium team, give your name to Max Jeffords at once. We want to form a first and second team having enough in each to play among themselves. Now is the time to join so that we will be ready to meet any high school 01 college team in the state when the season starts. Towels for the shower bath will be found in the top drawer at the left in the gymnasium. This drawei is locked, but you may get a key at Cooper's, or of any of the officers bj paying for the towels you expect tc use. Please lock the drawer and re turn the key when you are through. Wanted—An instructor for evening classes at the gymnasium. No one but those having experience in gym nasium drills need apply. See Max Jeffords about the hours and salary. Look for the report of the financial standing of the Association next week We will give the total receipts and expenses since the Association start ed. We have bought a stove for the shower bath and will put it in as soon as the weather changes. Just now the bath is fine without warm water. I f you have not tried it dc not wait any longer. You get the bath free and a towel is loaned for the small sum of fire cents. Grocery Department We have the business, because we sell for small profits. Good Dried Prunes, count 80 to 100 per pound, - - - 5c 50 to 60 fine prunes 3 pounds for - - 25c N. Y. Ring Dried Ap ples, 2 lbs. for - - 25c Best Calif. Dried Ap ricots per pound, 15c Fine Calif. Dried Peaches, per lb., 25c Dr. Price’s Foods, 3 boxes for - - - 25c Egg-O-See, 3 for - 25c Maz-AII, 3 for - — 25c Rice, Texas broken, new 1907, good color, per pound, 5c Extra fancy Texas head Rice, per lb. 10c, or 3 for - - 25c Oiled Sardines, six cans for - - - - 25c Good Mustard Sar dines, 3 cans for 25c 8 bars good Laun dry soap for - - 25c We handle the German American Coffee. Buy direct from the growers. Cut out the middle man’s profits. Best cof fee for the money. OUR Leader— —20c and 25c— —Try Them —*— Barrel Salt, - - $1.60 Oyster Shells, per 100 .90 We pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Fatal Accident. Last Tuesday, July 31, Guy. the 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. L Mercer near Ashton, was kicked ir the forehead by his pony, with which he was playing, and sustained injuries from which he died on Thursday about noon. Everything possible was done to relieve him and to restore consciousness, which did not return, i The funeral services were held on Friday at Ashton by Rev. L. C. McEwen and the loved form laid tc rest in the Ashton cemetery. Guv was an unusually bright boy, a general favorite as' witnessed by the | large concourse of people who attend ! ed the funeral and who deeply grieve his death. His parents and brothers and sisters have the heartfelt sym pathy of all in their sorrow. E. O. Garrett, democratic candidate for lieutenant governor, was inter viewing Loup City democrats vester day. Notice of Sale Unfler (Mel Mortgage. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of n chattel mortgage dated on the 23rd dav of July. 1907 and duly Hied in the ofllce of the county clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska on the 29th day of July. 1907. and executed by George E. Reed and Julius Reed to the Avery Manufacturing Company, a corporation of Peoria. Ills.. and thereafter assigned to Avery Company, a corporation of Peoria, Illinois, to secure the payment of the sum of $1620.00. and upon which there is now due the sum of $835.00 with interest at 8 per cent per annum from July 23rd. 1907. according to the terms of said notes, and upon which there is also due the further sum of .'786.Of with interest at 8 par cent per annum from July 23rd. 1907, by reason of the violation of the conditions of said mortgage whereby said mortgagee has the right to declare and does declare the same to be due for the reason that It feels unsafe and inseenre on account of the said mortgaged property being wholly abandoned by the said mortgagors: default having been made in the payment of the whole of said sum and no suit or other pro ceeding at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, there fore I will sell the property therein described, to-wit: 1 Nickols & Shepherd 13 H P Engine. No. 54105. 1 Avery Separator. 32x54. No. 2286. 1JBFF Stacker. No. 1529. 1 Weigher. I unmounted tank. 1 pack pump and hose, i 1 150x8x4 belt. ! Also 7 head of horses, to-wit: 1 sorrel horse named H rank. 15 years old. weight 1250 pounds. 1 bay mare named Molly. 12 years old, weight 1250 pounds. l gray mare named Flip, 6 years old, weight 950 pounds. 1 gray mare named Topsy. 4 years old. weight 950 pounds. 1 gray mare named Jane. 8 years old. weight 1000 pounds. 1 roai mare named Flora, 12 years old. ; weight 1150 pounds. I sorrel mare named Brone. 5 years old. I weight 800 pounds. ■ at public auction at the premises of Christ 1 Zwink on the northeast quarter of section twelve, township fifteen. Range sixteen, in Sherman county. Nebraska, on Friday, the ! 31st day of August. 1908. at the hour of 10 I o'clock in the forenoon of said dav. Dated this 30th day of July. 1908. AVERT COMPANY. Assignee and Owner of Mortgage. By R. J. Nightingale, Its Attorney. [Last pub. Aug. 20J Dale-Chase. On last Saturday morning, July 25tli. 1908. at the early hour of 3:30 o'clock, occurred the marriage, at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Chase in this city, of their daughter. Lela, to Prof. Ray mond E. Dale of Denton, Neb.. Her. ; L. C. McEwen performing the cere ! tnony, only the immediate family ol . i the bride and parents of the groom i being present, besides Misses Ella | Taylor and .less Gulley, the forme) | playing the wedding march and tht | latter serving as bridesmaid. Tht ! ceremony was followed by a breakfast and the happy couple drove immedi ; ately to Ravenna, where they took the ! train to Lincoln and Omaha, to tht ; disappointment of the crowd of young people who had gathered at thedepoi to give them the usual shower of no and old shoes. They will later visi relatives at Coon Rapids, Iowa. ai. returning will visit at the home < the groom’s parentsat Denton. Neb. later coming to Loup City for a shot visit. Ttie bride is the only daughtei of Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Chase and wa born in this city, and is highly accom pllshed. She is a prime favorite 01 her many friends here both old and young. The groom is one of the most successful teachers in the state, foi three years principal of the LoupCit.v schools, ending this year, and made hosts of friends here. The professor has not as yet accepted any one of a number of schools offered him for | the coming year, hut will probabh j make an acceptance prior to their re turn to Loup City a few weeks hence. The Northwestern, with our people as an entirety will wish for Prof. Dale and his fair bride a goodly measure of prosperity and marital bliss. A Well-Rounded Life Last Friday morning at an earlv hour, there passed from this life into the peaceful beyond, Grandma Beck, at the ripe old age of 92 years, (i months and 7 days, her end of life's span being at the home of her ever faithful and loving daughter. Mrs. Clemma Conger. Few there be that have passed through so many event ful years in life's titful existence, and less with the patient, Christian forti tude, looking forward to a life of peace and iiappiness in the great beyond. The funeral took place at the Methodist church Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. Pastor James of the Baptist church in a well-worded address officiating at the last sad rites. The body of the church was tilled with friends of the deceased who came even in the most sultry weather to pay their last sad respects to the departed. A number of aged women, close friends of the departed, acted as honorary pall-bearers, making a beautiful, yet pathetic sight as they ' followed the bier into the church | editice. their tottering footsteps giv ing evidence that their companion had only preceded them a few days, months or years, as the case may he. into the mystic beyond. The casket was smothered with handsome flowers emblematic of the pure, sweet life resting beneath. obituary: Harriet Boyer was born in Berks: county. Pennsylvania. Jan. loth. 1818 i She was married to .Tosiali Beck..]une 15, 1840. to this union seven children j were born, live of whom. Elizabeth ! Harlow, who is now in Santiago, Chili South America: Fredrick Beck. Okla homa City. Okla., Catharine Oblinger Indiana: Albert Beck, Missouri, and Clemma Conger of this city, survive her. Sixteen years after her mar riage. she with her husband and chil \ dren moved to Illinois where the\ lived ten years, moving to Missou: in 1855 where tiie town of Bosworti ! was located in 1889. residing then | until the death of her husband h j j 1891. Since that time she has mad j ! her home with her children, spending i | the last eight years of her life win I tier daugiiter, Clemma Conger of thi city. She united with the Methodist church at the age of fifteen latci living where there was no congrega tion of that faith joined the Baptist church, always living a consistent Christian life, finding her chief source of joy and comfort in reading God's word.' Grandma Beck passed into the life beyond at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. Clemma Conger in this city. Friday morniug. July 24th, 1908, at 7:45 o’clock, aged 92 years, 6 months and 7 days, surrounded by her daugh ter, Clemma Conger, her son, Fredrick Beck and granda ugh ter. Miss Nettie Conger. The remains were taken to Bosworth, Missouri. Monday morning by her son, for burial beside those of her husband. card of thanks: We wish to take this occasion to return thanks to those who have been so kind, sympathetic and helpful to us in theiilness and subsequent death of the dear one who has passed out from our hearthstone. May a kind | I Providence deal as graciously with ! : you in am sorrow of like nature that | may fall to you in the loss of those | whom you love and lose. Mrs. Clemma Conghli. Fredrick Beck, Nettie Conger. Chautauqua Cancelled. The following self-explanatory letter from the Chautauqua is given the public. At this late day it is much better to cancel the Chautauqua en tertainment. as it would be impossibe in the short time left to make the necessary arrangements and give the proper advertising. As to whether we will have a Chautauqua next season will depend upon whether the people are interested enough in it to take hold of the enterprise: Lincoln, Neb.. July 23, 1908— Dear Sir: We are sorry that it becomes our duty to inform you that the Reform Chautauqua Association has found it necessary to suspend work for this season. This decision has been made only after finding our selves forced to face with many embarrasments that cannot be over come for the present. The floods and consequent delays in transportation: the sickness and death of our Supt. Rev. J. S. Tussey’s child and his absence from the work, and the sick ness of our treasurer, lias placed us in a position where it is impossible to continue, as men to take up this work are not to be fonnd. The money advanced by towns where Chautau quas are not held will be returned and all indebtedness will be settled in due time. We begin at once our preparation for the coming year and trust we will be able to hold a Chau tauqua in your town next year. The Assemblies this year were eminently successful from a popular point of view. Every Assembly at which the matter was' submitted to a vote of the local Association, voted to take the Reform Chautauqua next year. Some went so far as to offer to guar antee $500.00 in order to secure a re turn of the Chautauqua. We hope to see you in due time and arrange for next session of the Assembly. Yours truly, Rev. J. S. Tubsey, Supt. Amos Vance, Sec’y. Special Bargains This Week 100 PIECES OF CHINA To be GIVEN AWAY FREE. We give one piece of China with or.e 25c package of Coffee, the Coffee is good grade. Cal! and see the China; each piece worth 15c to 50c. Rolled Flake Hominy, per pond, 4c 9 Bars of Soap, - - • 25c Gallon Kamo Syrup, best made, 45c Regular Grade 25c Coffee, at - 20c Gallon of Apples, select stock, - 30c 2 boxes Grape-Nut, only - - 25c 3 boxes of any Breakfast Foods, - 25c Salt and Pepper Shakers, and filled, 10c Swans-Down Cake Flower, - - 25c We guarantee everything we sell, and will trv and please all. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, CONHISER’s $ Come in and Look Over Our Line of ICARPETS Rugs, Art Squares, Lin- J eoiiums, Lace Cur taius and Portieres. Don't Fail to Get Our Prices on | FURNITURE Christensen & Ferdinandt Furniture Company. Christensen & Ferdinandt, Undertakers and Embalmers t i t i Because it’s the ideal roofing for all kinds of farm buildings and out-houses, etc., as it keeps them warm in winter, cool in summer.dry in wet weather, and will not pollute any water with which it may come in contact, leaving it avail able for all domestic uses. You can lay it yourself, and at a cost_»uipri» umlylow. Send for our book , and free sample^ ~ ' J. P. LE1NINGER LUMBER COMPANY. * *€>J. I. DEPEW©* Blacksmith § Wagon Maker. My shod is ibe largest and best equipped north of the Platte River B I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma ■ chluery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and B turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. m MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT R | ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS ftr&s timniiJHi ixjaa-s aagsaufsaaBSBKBimKK&KimE* We are selling many gallons of and those who use it are report the CHICKENS AND HENS FREE FROM VERMIN Better try it. It is also a great wood preserver. It greatly preserves the life of the post, if applied to the post just at or below the ground. Sold in hulk, Sl.Ott per gallon. We have just unloaded a ear of good WHITE CEDAR POSTS, which we are offering at 11c eaeli in lots of UK) or more KEYSTONE LUJVIBEP CO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb. E. G, Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier DIRECTORS W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N.^Sweetland LOUP CITY STATE- BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00