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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1908)
DR. RICH’S CATARRH REMEDY Home Treatment Price $3.00 Dr. Rich, the well known Grand Island Specialist, has arranged a system of Home Treatment for Catarrh of the various organs of the body, and is now prepared to sup ply to any sufferer from this prevalent disease a course of remedies that will be found to be not only satisfactory in every respect, but at a price certainly reasonable, and within the reach of everybody. During the five years Dr. Rich has been in Grand Island he has carefully avoided the treatment of Catarrhal conditions of the body, not be ing prepared to take up a work requiring time from his already extensive office business. During the past year, however, Dr. Rich has perfected a method which he offers below, for treating Catarrh in the home, and feels not on ly assured or excellent results, but that he will make many new friends, which will assist in increasing his already large practice. A photograph below shows one of the $3.00 outfits, and should give a perfect idea of the value offered. Dr. Rich's treatment for Catarrh is a Home Treatment in every sense, and can be used without deten tion from business. A full month’s treament of these rem edies will be sent for $3.00. You may order as often as you like at the same price, or have the treatment sent to your friends. As there will be a large demand from the many people familiar v/ith Dr. Rich’s reputation as a Skill ful Specialist, you are kindly requested to order early and avoid delay. OUTFIT NO. 1 For Catarrh of the Head, Nose and Throat. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Frontal headache. Dull feeling in head. Ringing nolsea In head and ear*. Deafness. Unnatural and excessive discharge from nose. Hard bloody crusts and scabs in nose. Hawking and spitting of mucus. Mucus dropping from nose into the throat. Tickling in the throat. Bad breath. Bad taste. Loss of appetite. Coughing and gagging. Vomiting. Nausea. Dizzy spells. Loss of memory. Confusion of Ideas. Irritability. Insomnia. Bad dreams. Pain in back and top of head. Nose stopped up. For OUTFIT NO. 2 Catarrh of the Stomach and Bowels If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Distress after meals. Pain, soreness, burning, weight, uneasiness, pressure, full ness In pit of the stomach. Bloating over stomach and bowels. Belching part or all of the time. Gas in stomach and bowels. Heartburn. Sour stomach. Choking sensation in throat and chest In the evening and during the night. Bad dreams. Nightmare. Vomiting and nausea. Constipation. Nervousness. Irritability and crankiness. Insomnia. Headache. Pain over chest, shoulder blades and around the body. Pain over the heart and palpitation. Difficulty in breathing. Dizziness. 7r~ _ Bad taste. Coated tongue. OUTFIT NO. 3 - _ For Catarrh of the Nerves. ■f you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Mental dullness and forgetfulness. Epileptic fits. Headache and dizzy spells. The blues, mania. Insanity and melancholy. Unnatural drains and losses in men. St Vitus’s dance. Neuralgia and cramps. Lost power in any part. Pain or congestion of spinal cord. (The cause cf most backaches.) Sleeplessness and restlessness. Loss of memory. Confusion of Ideas. Nervousness and Irritability. Despondency and dull mind. Heart fluttering and excitability. Twitching muscles and easily frightened. Limbs go to sleep. Wandering pains over body. Bad dreams or nightmare. Varicocele and sexual weakness. Hand trembling and anxiousness. Loss of appetite and ambition. Nervous debility, and weakness. D ii. RICH Master Specialist. Grand Island, Neb. ^p-FiVE YEARS IN GRAND ISLAND~m Order the treatment you need. Write me a per sonal letter if you wish. I will read your letter and re ply to it myself, telling you just what to do. When you receive the outfit you order, if you do not think it is the greatest value you ever received for $3.00 send it back at my expense and I will return your money. GUARANTEE STATE OF NEBRASKA,) [ ss. Hall County. ) Dr. Rich, being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that the illustration below is a true representation of the $3.00 catarrh outfit tor catarrh of the head, nose and throat, herein advertised, and that any one ordering same and finding it not satisfactory may have his money returned upon demand. DR. RICH. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 25th day , of February, 1908. JOHN ALLAN, Notary Public. My Commission expires Jan. 5, 1912. This is a Photograph of Dr. Rich’s Catarrh V\? e Outfit for Home Use. »v> i «• i u«t '■ Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug Act of June 30, 1906. . Serial Number No. 18752. The above outfits contain no Morphine, ' Opium, Cocaine, Heroin, Eucaine, Chloroform, Cannabis Indica, Chloral Hydrate, Acetanilide, or any*of their derivatives. OUTFIT NO. 4 If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a fuii month's treatment. Failing vision. Great thirst. Making water during the night. Flatulence (gas in stomach and bowels.) Breathless on exertion. Kinging in ears and dizziness. Puffiness of face and ankles. Dropsy. Discharge from bowels light gray color. Discharge of mucus from bowels. Urine dark green color. Enlarged and tender liver and stomach. Jaundice and loss of strength. Pain over kidneys. Insomnia. Pain under and between shoulder blades. Palpitation of heart. Dark spots (liver spots) on body and face. Hot flashes and spots before the eyes. Nervousness and irritability. Great depression of spirits. Sleep during day. Pain and soreness under right short ribs. Catarrh Kidneys. OUTFIT NO. 5 For Female Catarrh. IS you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Chronic inflammation, congestion and enlargement. Dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation.) Melancholia, irritability and despondency. Backache, insomnia, ready fatigue. Inflammation of the womb and ulcerations. Ovarian pains. Neuralgia. Pelvic congestion. Dragging pains in front. Spine-ache. Nervousness and sick headache. Impoverishment of the blood. Irritable bladder. Pains in back and lower limbs. Loss of weight and displacements. Uterine derangements. Irregular menstruation. Leucorrhoea (whites). Itching. Burning. Loss of appetite, energy and ambition. Nervous prostration and depression of spirits. An elegant tonic for nursing mothers. OUTFIT NO. 6 For Catarrh of the Bladder. Rf you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment. Painful urination, especially in women. Passing a little urine at a time, and often. Straining, spasmodic urination. Pain over the bladder. Swollen and tender parts in women. Inflammation and soreness. Passing of blood in urine. Passing smoky colored urine. Itching and burning of parts. Burning, scalding urine. A general feeling of restlessness. Irritability and crankiness. Great nerv'ousness. Dribbling of urine. Incomplete urination. Sediment in urine (muco-pus). Distress in sitting down. Urine is heavy, brown or dark yellow. Leucorrhoea. Cut out this order blank and send to Dr. Rich, Grand Island, Nebraska. No Shipment of medicine will be made unless this order blank is used in ordering. LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN. Dr. Rich, Grand Island, Nebraska:— I enclose you $3.00, for which please send me One Month’s Treatment for Catarrh of the Fill in above the treatment you desire. Name. Age Address ..— Where Control Was Lacking -- * pitcher All Right with the Ball, But Not in Other Respects. A pitcher belonging to a profes lonal baseball club, who thought he was not getting his share of the lime light of publicity, went one day to the captain and manager to make his "kick.” Being of a somewhat choleric disposition, which had got him into trouble more than once, lie spoke with feeling. “Cap,” he said, “you’re not giving me a square deal, and you know it." “What's the matter, Bill?” “You know what’s the matter, cap. I haven't been in the box for three weeks. You know I can play ball. I’ve got every outcurve, inshoot, up shoot and drop there is in the busi ness. I’ve got everything that any other pitcher has. I can put on speed, and I can send ’em slow. I can get ’em right over the plate every time I want to. Haven't I got as good control of the ball as any fellow you i know of?” ‘‘Yes, Bill,” said the captain, ‘‘you have. When you get as good control of your temper as you have of the ball I’ll use ytm, all right. Don't you be uneasy about that, Bill. “Bill” went away deep in thought, and it was not very long after that conversation that he “got into the game" again.—Youth’s Companion. Conservative Russia. Russia is the country that has made fewest changes in its stamps. In nearly 50 years Russia has brought out only eight distinctive designs. The most extravagant in the production of new designs are the Central American republics. For example, Salvador, with a population of 825,000 and an area smaller than that of New Jersey, issued a new and distinctive series of postage stamps each year between 1890 and 1900. Men's Dress. Men are dressed as they are chiefly because fewer of them look ridiculous so clothed than they would in any other costume. Modern dress is merci ful to men; it gives no undue ad vantage to the well-built and handsome —indeed, it detracts from their appear ance and modifies the figures of those not blessed tvith a fine physique.— Court Journal. Your Responsibility. No life is just the same after you have once touched it. Will you leave a ray of hope or one of despair, a flash of light or a somber cloud across some dark life each day? Will you by thoughtless cruelty deepen the shadow which hangs over the life, °r y°u by kindness dispel it altogether? No matter how you feel or what is dis turbing your peace of mind never al low yourself to send out a discourag ing, a cruel or an unkind word or thought.—Success Magazine. STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON DENSED FORM. THEPRESS, PULPIT AND PUBLIC What is Going on Here and There That is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska. Beatrice has let the contract for its new high school. Three hundred chickens were Bto’.pn from a Bohemian farmer near Vir ginia. The Chautauqua at Geneva worked under great disadvantage because of wet weather. A number of bridges in Seward county were washed out by recent heavy rains. Miss Hazel Osgood, a Johnson coun ty teacher, was painfully injured by a giant fire cracker. By the collapse of a platform at Edison on the Fourth a number of people were severely hurt. W'e publish a list of Omaha business houses in another column. In writing or calling on them please menu <a this paper. The Lang canning factory at Beat rice has opened for the season with a force of fifty hands. The prospects, are good for an enormous pack of beans, corn, apples and pumpkins. The fireworks in the store of H. E Weldman at Plattsmouth caught fire on the Fourth, causing an explosion that wrecked the store and Injuring severely H. E. Weidman. A large num her of people were in the store at the time the accident occurred, but they all escaped with slight burns. At Chadron, W. D. oCmbs was shot twice with a double-barrelled shotgun by his son while he was arguing with him in an attempt to dissuade the boy from leaving home. The injured man was at once taken to a doctor who extracted the shot which filled Combs from the chin to the waistband. The 6on is fifteen years old. An order has been issued by Judge T. C. Munger from the United States court transferring Thomas O'Brien from the Lancaster county jail 4o the Dodge county jail at Fremont. The prisoner asked to be removed from the Lancaster county jail on me ground that his health was being in jured by confinement there. An ordinary life policy in THE MID WEST LIFE of Lincoln, Nebraska, for one 25 years of age would cost $20.91 for the first year and $1G 40 a year thereafter. Payments after the first year could be paid every quarter at a cost of $4.35 a quarter. THE MIDWEST LIFE is an old line com pany and is furnishing safe and sound insurance, good for all time, at a ra‘e which is within the reach of all. Agents wanted. Write for particulars. Emile Sandose, a prominent farmer living on Pine creek, about seventeen miles south of Rushville, was mur dered by Ralph Neuman, a young man. who has been in that section of the country for about one year. Neuman came here from Kansas and taught a term of school down in that neigh borhood and has been circulating around doing nothing in particular since his school closed. The trouble arose over a homestead filing. W. T. Snell was drowned at Ash land in the surging waters of Salt creek while trying to save his chick ens. The swollen waters of the cre-.-k had backed up into his yard and were washing the chickens. He started to save them and while in the chicken house, the swift current of the waters struck the house carrying it away. Mr. Snell remained on the top of the house until it was carried down into the Platte river w’here it was over turned. The eastbound Burlington train No. 42 had a narrow escape from a serious accident at Birdsell, near Alliance, that was only avoided by the engineer being able to clearly see some ties and other obstruction that had been placed on the track. The train was stopped and an investigation was made, show ing that a number of spikes had been pulled along one rail and a number of ties and pinch bars piled on the track with the evident intention of ditching the train. * Few men in the country are more interested in the outcome of the presi dential election than Min Foster, re siding in Fluff precinct, Hamilton county. If Bryan is elected Mr. Fos ter will have his hair cut for the first time in twelve years. When Bryan was nominated at Chicago in 1898 for the first time Mr. Foster enthusiasti cally expressed his confidence that the great' commoner would win. His friends bantered him, but not being a betting man, he refused to offer or receive odds. Instead he declared that he would not cut his hair, until Bryan j was elected president. He thinks that j after November next he can be shorn of his locks. The Lincoln gas works were shut down two or three days on account of high water. Mrs. Grinstead, wife of P. W. Grin stead. a former superintendent of the Fremont schools, was bitten on the hand by a pet dog at her country home in Kentucky and was hurried to Chicago for treatment at the Pasteur institute. Mr. Grinstead was in Cleveland at the time and left hurried ly for Chicago, reaching there in time to meet his wife. Chicago physicians say that although the dog had a violent case of rabies, they have be gun treatment in time to effect a cure. Mrs. Kate Hangarter was burned to death at Norfolk from a kerosene ex plosion. She was starting a fire. The 4 woman was literally roasted alive, her entire body being cooked. She sur vived seven hours. Word has been received at York from Sheriff Afflerbaclc at Seattle that he has under arrest Luther H. John son and his sister-in-law, who eloped from there several months ago. Re quisition papers have been tel egraphed for and as soon as they secured, Johnson will be brought back to York to face several serious criminal charges.