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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1908)
i LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY , JUNE 18, 1908 VOLUME XXV NUMBER 92 SPEAKER DROPS INTO CHICAGO QUITE UNEXECTEDLY. INTEREST IN LABOR QUESTION Says That He and Congress are on Record Against Certain Legis lation. Chicago, in.—Something of a sensa tion was caused Sunday by the un expected arrival in Chicago of one of the presidential candidates, “Uncle Joe” Cannon. He arrived from Dan ville late in the afternoon, going to the Union League club, where he was soon in conference with some of th-e most prominent leaders of congress, including Mr. Payne of New York, chairman of the committee on ways and means; Mr. Dalzell of Pennsyl vania, the ranking member of that committee; Representative Overstreet and Representative Sherman of New* York, who has the congressional back ing for the vice presidency: Richard Rerens of Missouri and a number of delegates from Illinois, Missouri and other states. It soon developed that Speaker Can non's coming was in connection with the platform. Mr. Cannon the other day learned in a general way the main features of the existing draft and did not feel that they presented any j serious obstacles. However, the ar rival of the congressional leaders developed the fact that the so-called anti-injunction plank contained cen tain features which were regarded as 1 quite opposed to the declaration made at a recent caucus of the members of the house upon that subject. Mr. Can non was called bn the long distance telephone and the platform situation w-as discussed. The speaker is not an adept in talking over a long-distance telephone, and he finally decided to take a train into Chicago and go over the platform in person. Meantime Mr. Cannon and his con gressional lieutenants are thoroughly ! going over the platform plank concern- \ ing the restriction of injunctions. It is not only the speaker's personal view that an anti-injunction plank such as is proposed would be unneces sary and unwise, but as speaker of the house he feels that the formal action of the republican membership taken only a few weeks ago and strongly ex pressive of opposition to such legisla tion should receive serious considera tion before such a plank is finally in troduced in the pronouncement of the party to the country. Some of the con gressional leaders have pointed out that such a plank would create a sin gular diversity ct offi«.;al representa tion. the republicans of the house formally declaring against such legis lation and the republican platform formally declaring in favor of it. The speaker's views on this subject were outlined to his friends Sunday night as being identical to those ex pressed two years ago. No Name But Bryan’s. Glenwood Springs, Colo.,—The real interest in the democratic state con vention. which convenes here on Mon day to select ten delegates to the J convention at Denver, centers in the ironclad resolutions binding Colo rado’s delegates to vote for Bryan for the presidential nomination is a fore gone conclusion, as no other name is being mentioned in this connection. The contest will be fought out to a finish in the credentials committee. Pardon for Powers and Howard. Frankfort. Ky.—By announcing the pardon of Caleb Powers and James Howard. Governor Willson closed the last chapter in one of the most noted criminal cases in the history of this state, in which the people of the Uni ted States have formally expressed their interest by signing the petitions for pardon. NEBRASKANS' CAUCUS MONDAY Meet to Agree on Division of Conven ^ tion Plums. Chicago, 111.—A number of the Ne braska delegates reached Chicago Sunday and are quartered at the Palmer house. Among them are: Senators Burkett and Brown, Repre sentatires Pollard and Kinkaid, W. N. Huse of the Norfolk News and J. H. Arends of Otoe county. Victor Rose water has been on the ground contin ually since the national committee took op the contests, holding the proxy of C: H. Morrill of Linooln, the present national committeeman, whom he expects to succeed. The Nebraska delegation will meet, at 2 o'clock Mon day to elect a national committee man, a chairman and members of the various convention committees. Senator Burkett is slated for a speech seconding Taft’s nomination and also, it is said, for membership on the important resolutions commit tee. Governor Sheldon, it is further stated, is to be chairman of the dele gates. Samoan Volcano Active. Auckland, N. Z.—Advices received here state that for three nights, be ginning May 10, there was a remark able volcanic outbreak on Savali, largest of the Samoan islands. The first eruption was followed by the greatest flow of lava in the history of ■ the island, it being estimated at i nearly 3.000 tons per minute. Soon there was an almost continuous sheet of lava eight miles wide and from six inches to six feet deep flowing down • the countain side. It destroyed many native houses. ALL CONTESTS NOW SETTLED. National Republican Committee eGts Through. Chicago.—After the longest con tinuous session in its history, consum ing eight whole days, the republican national committee Friday evening completed the temporary roll of del egates to the coming convention. There were more seats in dispute than at i any previous gathering of the party, I and yet with the vital matters depend- ! ing on the decisions the committee i reached its conclusions with practical ly no serious disagreements and the unanimity of action with a.vigorous! part of the membership hostile to the Taft candidacy must testify to the substantial justice of the final rulings in the various cases. As already in dicated it is doubtful if many of the contests will be appealed to the con vention. and presented again before the credentials committee. The de feated contestants have loudly assert ed that they would not rest with the ' national committee, but these pro-, nouncements were chiefly for outside effect. It is safe to say that the cre dential committee will not be bother ed with many contests, except were congressional nominations are at stake or the regularity and recognition of dual committees. It must not be for gotten either that the credentials com mittee will be made up of many mem bers seated by the national committee, and their natural disposition will be against unseating any one aud tf con firm the national committee’s findings. If this is done the permanent roll can be made up on short notice, and the wheels of the big convention set into motion on the second day. Frank H. Hitchcock, who had charge of Secretary Taft's interests before the national committee, issued a state ment claiming 704 votes for Taft on the first ballot. He makes his state ment in comparison with one issued by him on May 16, after all of the del egates to the national convention had been elected. In that statement Mr. Hitchcock claimed 517 instructed del egates, which number he now reduces to 513. He credits one to Foraker from Ohio and two to Foraker from Virginia and does not claim for Taft the split delegation from the Eighth Tennessee district, involving the loss of another seat. By endorsement he claims 36 votes, the same figure given in his May statement, but by declara tion he now claims 155 votes instead of 31 as claimed in May. This makes a total of 704. He credits 227 instruct ed votes for other candidates and leaves 49 not accounted for in the columns of any of the candidates. Japan Welcomes Merchants. Tokio—Baron Ishii, in his first speech in his new capacity as vice foreign minister, addressing a joint meeting of the chambers of com merce. now in session at Tokio, gave an earnest view of his attitude toward foreigners trading with Japan, when he warned the chambers to avoid an tagonizing foreign trade. Minister Ishii pointed out that the new treaties would be effected in August, 1911, but that the proposals, which mus$ be drawn up by June, 1909, would al most exclusively be confined to the customs tariff. Thaw Will Remain in Jail. New York—Harry K. Thaw will re main in the Poughkeepsie jail pend ing an application of his counsel to Justice Dowling of the supreme court for a change of the order committing him to the state hospital for the in sane at Mattewan. This decision was rendered by Justice M. Morschauser. Johnson Done with Office. St. Paul, Minn.—Governor Johnson, in a written statement, which he gave out for publication, says that he will not be a candidate for renom ination for governor of Minnesota for a third term and that if nominated he will not accept. BILLIK IS GIVEN AN APPEAL. Condemned Fortune Teller of New York is Granted a Reprieve. Chicago—Herman Billik, the Bo hemian fortune teller, condemned to death for the murder of five mem-, hers of the Vrzal family, was granted a stay of execution until he has been afforded an opportunity to appeal his case in the supreme court. Judge Landis of the United States district court, who had declined to grant a writ of habeas corpus in favor of Billik, de cided that the prisoner had the right to appeal from his decision denying the writ. The case will now be carried to the higher federal tribunal. WILL TEST VALIDITY OF ACT. Racing Men Will Appeal First Case to Supreme Court. New York—Complacency has fol lowed the consternation thrown into the track of the race track owners, horsement and bookmakers by the passage and signing by Governor Hughes of the anti-race track gam bling bills, and the sentiment of the followers of the turf seemed to be that racing would be continued. Money for Conscience Fund. Washington — Secretary Cortelyou has received in an envelope post marked Jersey City a conscience con tribution of $8,000, which has been turned into the conscience fund. In an unsigned letter the sender says that many years ago he and another man took a considerable sum of mon ey belonging to the government and that this $8,000 makes a total ot $40,000, or fourfold that originally taken by himself. This, he/says, has been returned to the treasury from time to time during a number of years. MR. HAMMOND’S CHOICE. •v i & * r» I iip&w#<fcy fWlTOWPpflU* • GOV. HUGHES IS VICTORIOUS GETS ANTI-RACE TRACK BILLS THROUGH LEGISLATURE. Measure Passed by Small Majority and Will Probably Ee Contested in the Courts. Albany. X. Y.—After a great strug gle, the Agnew-Hart anti-race track gambling bills are now laws of state of New York. Governor Hughes, by his signature affixed to each of the bills at 4:35 p. m. Thursday, crowned a legislative victory the brilliancy of which, equaled only by its unexpect edness. is conceded even by those who fought him in the matter to the last ditch and beyond. A few minutes before 2 p. m. the extraordinary ses sion of the legislature of 1908 ad journed without deldy. The decisive votes which passed the bills were cast by Senator Otto G. Foelker of the Fourth senate dis trict of Brooklyn, who crawled from a sick bed and made a sixty-mile rail road journey to do it. so weak and dis tressed in mind and body that he : seemed on the verge of utter collapse, and by a new senator. William C. Wal | lace of Niagara Falls, who was elect ed at a special election in the cam paign preceding which the governor | himself toured the district speaking in ! behalf of his election. There was no surprise in the vote of Senator Wal lace. who from the outset had been definitely pledged to the support of : the governor's recommendation in this matter. The bills passed by the precise con stitutional majority of 2C to 25, not one vote too many or too few. The bills in no way affect, as far as their face provisions go. the slate racing commission in particular or horse rac ing in general. They relate solely to the penalties for gambling, pool sell ing and book making, which as before are declared by the law to be “a pub lic nuisance.” Senator Foelker expects to return to Staatsburg. Francis X. Murphy of Staatsburg, his physician, confirmed the impression of all observers that the senator could hardly have endured another moment of the excitement amid which his vote was cast. He ex pressed the belief that Senator Foel ker had not been permanently in jured by his experience. Thieves Make Rich Haul. Chicago—Early Thursday thieves smashed a plate glass window in the jewelry store of Hyman, Berg & Co. at State and Washington streets and escaped with sixty gold watches and miscellaneous jewelry valued at $3,000. Nebraska Graduates. r Chicago—Richard E. Dowd of Hast ings and Miss Elsie M. Martinson of College View, Neb., were graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons Thursday. MAJORITY FOR TAFT. Figures Compiled by Opponents Indi cate His Nomination. Chicago—By the rulings of the na tional committee on contest cases the instructed Taft delegates seated in the convention gives him more than the requisite majority, even on the figures compiled by his opponents. Of course there has been a Taft ma jority of legitimate delegates from the outset according to the verified returns to his managers, and nothing but the complete overturning of all the Taft delegates involved in the con tests, most of them trumped up for this very purpose, could have put the result in doubt. Place of Wedding a Secret. Paris—In order to avoid the possi bility of any unpleasant incident, it has been definitely decided that the wedding of Anna Gould and Prince Helie de Sagan will not take place in France. Although the time and place of the ceremony are still rigidly guarded, it can be stated that the cou ple will be married before the end of this month and probably in England. Mme. Gould is greatly pleased that her bro her, George Gould, who left New York Tuesday for Paris, is to be present at the ceremony. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR LOSS UNCLE SAM S MAIL PC 'LH MYS TERIOUSLY DISA .Jw ; A. It Was Due in.Kansas City, and It is Believed in that Place It Was Stolen. Los Angeles—Reluctant admissions made by the ]>ostoffices in three cities confirm to some extent the belief that ■ the disappearance of a registered mail pouch somewhere within the jurisdic tion of the Kansas City. Mo., post office last Saturday night will prove one of the biggest hauls in the history of the postoffice department. From j private sources it was learned that a j package of at least $50,000 in cur- j rency was among the contents of the j pouch, which carried in addition a large number of letters and packages containing money and other valuables to an. amount which can only be con jectured,'but-which may reach $50,01)0 more. The pouch was in transit from this city to New York and the postal in spectors who have had the case in charge for at least forty-eight hours refused any explanation of the man ner in which it became lost sight of, as the regulations of the departments providing for inspection of registered matter are of the strictest. That a pouch of value has disappeared was admitted by the department at Wash ington, by Postmaster M. H. Flint of Los Angeles and by Inspector W. J. Vickery, attached to the Kansas City postoffice. who appears to have the case for investigation. In no case, however, was there any positive in formation as to the method employed in carrying out the robbery. The fact that the mail in process of transfer at the Union depot in Kansas City is handled in a temporary sub-station since the destruction of the regular branch office by fire sev eral months ago supports the theory that advantage was taken of condi tions presumed to be more lax than ordinarily. There Is reason to believe that the I $50,000 package of currency, which will undoubtedly prove to be the larg est individual loss, was a shipment made by a Los Angeles bank to its New York correspondent. Postmaster Flint of Los Angeles stated that it •would be impossible for any official of the department to even estimate the total contents of the missing pouch until the holders of receipts issued on the day in question had made affi davits as to the matter entrusted to the mails. Mr. Flint admitted, after being shown the dispatches from Kan sas City, that he had. been notified of the loss, adding that the responsibil ity of the local post office for its deliv ery ended when it was locked in the presence of witnesses by the registry clerk and delivery to the railway postal employes. May Regain Eyesight. Washington—For the first time in twenty-seven years Thomas P. Gore of Oklahoma was able to distinguish an object, when on Tuesday, for the brief period of thirty seconds, he could see his cuff with : bis left eye. For the past week the senator has been re ceiving treatment at the Episcopal eye, ear and throat hospital In Ihis city. Brother Accused of Murder. Manning, la.—Gory with blood and his head crushed in, Joe Dillingham was found dead in the stock yards here, and his brother. Frank Dilling ham, is locked up in jail, charged with murder. Passing of a Noted Irishman. Chicago—Colonel John F. Finertv, editor of the Chicago Citizen, for mahy years prominent as a newspa per man, lecturer and Irish patriot, died at his residence here, aged 62 years. Church Leader Is Killed. Tiflis—Archbishop Nikoln, formerly of Georgia, was assassinated by revo lutionists on the steps of the synodi cal building. The assassins emptied their revolvers into the body of the archbishop and escaped. Most Important Happen ings of the World Told in Brief. PERSONAL. Gov. Hughes absolutely refused to bec«*e a candidate for the vice-presi dential nomination. Gov. Johnson of Minnesota declared he would not be a candidate for a third term. . Charles B. I'llmo, formerly a French naval officer, was publicly degraded at Toulon as a traitor and spy. Representative A. A. Wiley of Ala bama. a member of the past four con gresses. was reported critically ill at Hot Springs. Va. Miss Annie S. Peck, well known mountain climber, is going to Peru to make a second attempt to reach the summit of Mount Huascaran. which she believes is the loftiest peak in the western hemisphere. Raymond Hitchcock, the actor ac cused of mistreating young girls, was acquitted by a jury in New York. The empress of Germany fell from her horse while out riding, but was uninjured. J. U. Barnes, president of the in solvent Minnesota Title Insurance and Trust company, was found guilty of grand larceny at Minneapolis. The state board of pardons of Illi nois refused to pardon Herman Billick of Chicago, convicted of the murder of Mary Vrzal. George W. Wood, Lewin A- Wood and Forest B. Wood pleaded guilty in St. Paul to conspiracy to defraud and were fined $2,500 each. GENERAL NEWS. The Agnew-Hart anti-racetrack gam bling bills were passed by the New York senate by the constitutional ma jority of 26 to 25 and were at once signed by Gov. Hughes. A jury in Pontiac, Mich., decided that Henry Clay Ward of that cit» a millionaire whose eccentric actions led to his family’s applying to have a guardian appointed for him, was competent to manage his own affairs. Mulai Hafid. the usurping sultan of Morocco, entered Fez at the head of a large army. Ten robbers, heavily armed, invaded the customs office at Tiflis and killed the official in charge and his four as sistants, decamping with $12,000. The police pursued the robbers, killing three. After a campaign of extraordinary bitte.rness the voters of Sedalia, Mo., rolled up a majority of 848 against local option. Patrick O'Hare of Pittsburg, Pa., fatally shot his wife and child and cut his own throat. Flood conditions in Missouri and Kansas were much improved, though there were three drownings at Kan sas City. Two children of Fall River, Kan.. were found suffocated in a trunk in which they had hidden. Before the brewers’ convention ad journed at Milwaukee it was decided to raise $200,000 to wage war against the spread of prohibition. The Republican national committee completed the hearings of contests in volving 219 seats in the convention. Of these 216 were given to Taft and three to Foraker. Explosions and fire in flne Morris packing plant at Kansas City. Kan., resulted in two deaths and the de struction of about $350,000 worth of property. The Allison Glass works of Cen tralia, 111., employing 300 men, filed a petition in bankruptcy with the fed eral court. Nine bookmakers were arrested at the Gravesend racetrack for violating the new anti-racetrack gambling laws of New York. John McGreer, a landscape artist, 69 years of age, who recently lived in Chicago, was drowned in the Hudson river near New York. Anthony Comstock, head of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, says his society will fight the sheath gown, whether worn by chorus girls or members of the 400. The receding of the Mississippi river flood in the vicinity of La Crosse, Wis., revealed thousands of dollars’ worth of pearls cast up by the high waters. Sam T. Stevenson, former secre tary of New Orleans Local No. 17, Typographical union, was arrested in that city with $8,000 of the union's funds. Twelve people were injured, two probably fatally, in a street car col lision in Chicago. Nine persons were killed and 65 in jured by a rear-end collision of a freight with a passenger train at Roc capietra, Italy. Roy A. Gormley, a Detroit grain broker, ended a week’s debauch by committing suicide in his apartment at the Apditorium Annex, Chicago. On claims aggregating $8,791,047 due the National Car Wheel company of New York, the Wheeling & Lake Erie railroad was thrown into the hands of a receiver at Toledo, O. The Hotel Gramatan at Bronxville, N. Y., and the new Cliff hotel at New port, R. I., were destroyed by flamea More than a dozen persons were' hurt at Capitol Heights, a suburb of Montgomery, Ala., when the platform used to accommodate participants in the unveiling of a'statue to Gen. Rob ert E. Lee, collapsed. Federal Judge Landis granted an appeal to the United States supreme | ccurt to Herman Billik, convicted of the murder of Mary Vrzal, just as! preparations for his execution were being made in Chicago. Wisconsin Prohibitionists nominated a ticket headed by W. D. Cox of Mil waukee for governor. President J. C. Wallace of the American Shipbuilding company an nounced the permanent closing of the Bay City (Mich.l yard of the com pany, which began operations nearly half a century ago. A silver service from a design by Paul Revere, the American revolution ary war hero, is to be presented to the United States cruiser Colorado by the state of Colorado at San Francisco prior to the sailing of the cruiser to the orient in August. The Lusitania beat the Mauretania's record on the western passage by seven minutes. For the third time in as many days an entire square of dwelling houses was burned in New Orleans. Thieves smashed a window in the jewelry store of Hyman, Berg & Co., State and Washington streets, Chi cago, and escaped with 60 gold watches and jewelry valued at $3,000. As the result of the local option elections held in Oregon, county pro hibition will prevail in 21 of the 23 counties after July. David B. Hill of New York, on sail ing for Europe, scored William J. Bryan, declared there was no longer a Democratic party, and commended, the candidacy of Gov. Johnson of Min- ' nesota. As the result of a political quarrel at Stanberry, Mo., R. H. Duncan, al .lawyer and candidate for prosecuting: attorney, shot and killed Charles E. Butler, city marshal. A pouch of registered mail from Los Angeles for New York, containing upwards of $50,000, was stolen after reaching Kansas City. The United States Brewers asso ciation at its closing session in Mil waukee adopted a platform of prin ciples in which it pledges itself to the abolition of the immoral saloon and to the cause of temperance in the use of intoxicants in the broadest sense, j The great elevator of the Tri-State Grain company at Hammond, Ind., and 250,000 bushels of corn were destroyed by fire. Settlement of further contests by the Republican national committee gave William H. Taft 504 votes, or more than enough to nominate on first ballot. The United Confederate Veterans elected Gen. Clement A. Evans of Georgia commander-in-chief and de cided to meet next year in Memphis. W. F. Burns of Jackson county, S. C., while on a bridal trip across Panther mountain, in Greenville coun ty, was robbed of his pretty young wife by a gang of six men, after he had been bound, beaten and robbed. According to the school census, Chi cago now has a population of about 2,140,000. Joseph Leiter of Chicago and Wash ington and Miss Juliette Williams of Washington were married at the home of the bride’s parents. Miss Margaret Sargent of Sioux City, la., found her mother and a man named Joe Ford dead with bullet holes in their heads. Archbishop Nikon, exarch of Geor gia, was assassinated in Tiflis by rev olutionists. A monument to the Russian dead at Port Arthur, erected by Japan, was unveiled. An 11-year-old boy at St. Joseph, Mo., wrecked a freight train to obtain coal. The Montclair (N. J.) council adopt ed an ordinance providing a five dol lar fine for the owner of every dog that barks after 6 p. m. The Republican national committee seated both the “lily white” and "black and tan” delegates from Louisiana with half -a vote each. The latter agreed to vote for Taft. Six contests in Mississippi and one in Missouri were decided in favor of Taft. Edward VII., king of England* and Emperor Nicholas exchanged royal visits on the waters of the Bay of Reval in the Gulf of Finland. It was a notable meeting and one which may have a far-reaching effect in the world policies of the futue. Property damage to the extent of $20,000 was done in Guthrie, Okla., by a violent wind and rain storm. Representatives of the large steel interests agreed on a general reduc tion in prices of finished steel prod ucts. Three hundred persons, including Marquis de Dion, were poisoned by ptomaines at a banquet of the Auto mobile club of Paris. One person is dead and many others are in a serious condition. Fire In the business district of En nis, Tex., did $150,000 damage. Mrs. Thomas Murrill of Breathitt county, Kentucky, killed Miss Mary Terry, for whom Murrill had deserted her. OBITUARY. John Vines Wright, who was the oldest ex-member of congress and had been a confederate oflicer and a su preme court judge in Tennessee, died in Washington, aged 80 years. Charles T. Dunwell, representative of the Third congressional district of New York, died in Brooklyn. Capt. Edward Rabey, commander of one of the small steamers at the New York quarantine station, died. William Smith King^ one of the fa mous pony express riders, died at Amazonia, Mo. STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON DENSED FORM. THE PRESS, PULPIT AND PUBLIC What is Going on Here and Thera That is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska. PROMINENT NEBRASKA COMPANY Among the Prominent Financial Insti tutions in Nebraska is the Western Fire Insurance Company of Lincoln. The Company has shown remark able progress and under its manage ment has shown itself to be a pro gressive and successful institution. It is a Stock Company and its Stock holders are all Nebraskans. It issues most liberal policies, maxes prompt settlement of all losses, which are paid in cash without discount. This Company makes a specialty of insur ing Farm and Dwelling House Risks; writes Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Windstorm Insurance on all classes of Farm Property' at a fixed rate of pre mium, there being no assessments. Every policy guarantees on its face the full premium as well as the amount insured. It does not p ro rate on Live Stock. Authorized Capital ..;.$1,000,00.1 Capital Stock .. 101,400' Assets Dec. 31st, 1!H>7. Cash. Loans and Securities. .. J11S,531.13 Liabilities, including Reinsur ance Reserve . 13.88rI.G4 Security to Policyholders..... 117.383.3!' LOSSES. UNPAID.. NOME Assets invested in Nebraska Fir^t Farm- Mortgages. Keep your money in Nebraska by patronizing this worthy Home Company. See the Agent now. or write the Home Office, 201 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. Democrats of Wahoo have organized a Bryan club. Brownell Hall, Omaha, sent forth eighteen girl graduates. Arcadia is planning a good celebra tion for the Fourth of July. Hail in the vicinity of Dickens did damage to the growing corn. Railroads in Nebraska have of late had a good deal of trouble from high water. Fourth of July celebrations are be ing arranged in many Nebraska towns. Prof. Simmons, superintendent of the public schools of Auburn, died last week. At a meeting of the business men of Cedar Rapids it was decided to celebrate July 4th. The Beatrice district convention of the Christian church will ,be held in that city June 30 to July 2. Governor Sheldon was given the honorary degree of doctor of laws by Hastings college at the commence ment. We publish a list of Omaha business houses in another column. In writing or calling on them please mention this paper. The dates of Fairbury’s Chautauqua assembly this year are August 14 to 23, inclusive. Manager Rain has al ready began sending out his literature advertising one of the strongest lists of attractions ever assembled in this state. • In Nebraska City a petition is be ing circulated and directed to the mayor asking for the removal cf Street Commissioner John Walker on the grounds that he Is drawing too much pay, is not courteous, and will not work away from the central part of the city. There was a small twister near Gibbon. It moved William Lukenbill's barn, then went east, to the farm of Mrs. Turley, twTo.miles south of town, where it tore everything on the place to pieces except the house. A son and daughter were injured, but not se riously. A large'barn and all out buildings were reduced to kindling wood. The following are the mortgage transactions in Johnson county for the mdnth of May: Number of farm mort gages filed, 17; amount, $31,514.55. Number released, 13; amount, 117,400. Number of town and city mortgages filed, 4; amount, $2,100. Number re leased,5 11', amount, '$4,581.20. Num ber chattel mortgages filed,’ 28; amount, $12,161.74. -Number released, 16; amount, $13,050.50. R. E. Moore, Lincoln’s richest man, has vamoosed. He is now a resident of .Connecticut. Moore was rated as twice a millionaire. He has been mayor, state senator and lieutenant governor. Last year his cashier noti fied the county assessor that Moore had' failed to return half a million' dol lars for taxation. The valuation was added to Moore’s schedule, but he has not :yet settled with the county. As a result of the trouble it is said that he has withdrawn from the state. • The West Point Farmers’ Institute • society has donated $35 to aid in the West Point district corn show. The money will be given as prizes to the school children of the district, cpen to all boys and girls between 5 and 21. The people of Odessa, who have been clamoring for a depot agent for some time and who appealed to the state railway commission to help them, have settled for the present their differences with the Union Pa cific. The road agreed to employ a man at Odessa who would devote a portion of his time to billing and re ceiving freight and to selling tickets. Judse H. D. Travis of Nebraska City