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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1908)
' Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXV LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1908 NUMBER 31 PERSONAL. Mayor Busse of Chicago admitted that he and Miss Josephine Lee had been married more than a month. The conviction of Dr. Walter R. Gil lette. formerly vice-president of the Mutual Life Insurance company, on the charge of perjury, and his sen tence to six months in the iteniten tiary were set aside and the indict K ment against him quashed by a deci sion of the appellate division of the supreme court of New York, on tech nical grounds. It was announced at the White Mouse that President Roosevelt would go to Africa in April. 19U9, to hunt big game. Charles Henry Brent, bishop of the Philippines, has declined to accept the post of bishop of Washington. S K. Strother of Taylorville was elected president of the Illinois Press association. Maj. Alfred Dreyfus was shot and slightly wounded by Louis Gregori, a military writer, in the Pantheon just after the canonization of Emile Zola. Dr. William C. Gorgas of the isth mian canal commission was elected president of the American Medical as sociation at Chicago. The funeral of former Senator James K Jones of Arkansas was held at the family residence in Washington. C. .1 L. Meyer, former millionaire and once president of the Northwest ern railroad, asked to be admitted to the Milwaukee county poorhouse. Congressman J. F. Lanning. former ly vice-president and director of the defunct Ohio Trust company, was in dicted at Norwalk, 0.. on s* ven counts charging embezzlement. William Jeffries was hanged at St. Charles, Mo., for the murder of Wil liam Wussler. President Roosevelt narrowly es caped serious injury when a horse he was riding reared and fell with him into a creek. John Hays Hammond, the noted mining expert, entered the contest for the nomination for vice-president on the Republican ticket. Gaston P. Philip, civil engineer and clubman of New Y'ork and V. ashing ton. was acquitted of the murder of Frank Maraboy, a cab driver, by a jury in Washington. Robert A Smith, retiring mayor of St Paul. Minn., was presented with 111,000 by business men. C. C. Hanson was appointed receiver for the Gulf Compress company by Judge McCall of the United States court at Memphis, Tenn. The concern has a capital stock of $1,000,000. King Gustav of Sweden reviewed 30 000 soldiers of the German amy at Berlin. I GENERAL NEWS. Four men were killed and ten in jured by the bursting of a steam pij>e on the armored cruiser Tennessee while she was on a speed trial near San Pedro. Cal. Rear Admiral Sebree and other officers had narrow escapes from death or severe injury. Eight persons were killed and a score injured in a head-on collision on the Washington, lialtimore & Annapo lis electric railway between Annapolis and Camp Parole. Three packing companies and one railroad company, convicted in 1900 of rebating and sentenced to jiay fines aggregating $01,000, handed to the clerk of the I’nited States court in Kansas City a check for the total amount of their fines, plus costs. Contests for 24 seats in the Repub lican national convention were de rided by the national committee in favor of the Taft delegates. These contests came from Alabama and Arkansas King Edward. Queen Alexandra and Princess Victoria started for Reval. Russia, for a visit to the emperor of Russia. Sheriff George W. Garrison of Okla homa City. Ofela., was shot and killed by negroes while trying to arrest a murderer Gregory Grey of Laporte City. Ia.. made a will leaving his $50,000 estate to a poor man who had befriended him. and ten minutes later he died Sebastian Guyla, a clerk in a whole sale liquor house in Wilkesbarre. Pa., and Mrs. Anna Kares a married worn an whose husband had deserted her. carried out a death pact. Guyla killing the woman and himself. Safe hl°wers robbed the post office at Maryville, Tenn., of about $1,000. George Ftune, who shot his neigh bor. George Priebe, at Laporte, Ind.. was found*guilty of manslaughter. At a Special election held in Kansas City. Kan., the proposition to substi tute the commission form of govern ment for the present one was de feated. C. A. Coey's balloon Chicago traveled irom waincy, in., vu oicg Lut, o. u., over 800 miles, in 11 hours, setting a -lew speed record. The Mexican government stated that reports that peace with the Yaqui In dians had been declared or was as sayed were premature. [ A tornado which passed near Ge j r.eva. Neb., caused two deaths, tatally injured two other persons and de stroyed several thousands of dollars' worth of property. Stacy Matlock, chief of the Pawnee tribe of Indians, and Miss Blanche Hill, a Pawnee girl, will be married at Carlisle, Pa., where the voting woman is attending the government school. In the case of the Minneapolis, St Paul L Sault Ste. Marie Railway com pany against the Wisconsin railway commission, the supreme court ot Wisconsin upheld the commission and favorably established the constitution ality of the law that created it It was declared in London that 210.00U pounds of American meat that has been stored in London. Glasgow and Liverpool was teshipped by fast steamer to New York to meet the con tinued shortage of meat in America. The full Republican national com mittee met in Chicago and began the hearings on which will be determined the contests involving 229 seats in the convention. The City of Cleveland, largest pas senger steamer on the lakes, started from Detroit on her maiden trip. About 20 persons were killed and $20,000 damage done to property by a cloudburst at Guanajuato, Mexico. Mae O'Reilly, who, Julius G. Truel son Jr., declared in a "confession” to the Texas authorities, was murdered on the Gunness farm at Laporte, Ind., ts in Saratoga, N. Y.. alive and well. Three persons were killed instant ly and more than a dozen Injured In a collision between an Elgin. Joliet & Eastern freight train and an Aurora car of the Joliet & Southern Electric Traction company. Joseph M. Brown defeated Hoke Smith for the gubernatorial nomina tion in the Georgia Democratic pri mary. forty ships were wrecked ana _iu pearl fishers met death in a terrible typhoon off the west coast of Austra lia. The Wise levee, constructed along the Missouri shore of the Mississippi river, across from Alton, broke and about l.OOu acres of farm land were submerged. Mrs. Minnie Grunert was found strangled to death at Appleton, Wis., and the police believed she was mur dered. The jury at Allegan. Mich., disa greed in the case of‘ Mrs. Neelly, charged with manslaughter because her child died while under treatment by mental healers. Reports of principals of schools in the East side. New York, have re vealed the shocking fact that hundreds of the pupils are starving. A commit tee of East side school board members ha; organized fur the relief of these poor children and emergency meas ures have been adopted. In a desperate fight with a large wildcat near Cannonsburg. Pa.. John Ilrady, a farmer, was fatally injured. Robbers cracked the safe of the Hank of Fairland, Okla., and obtained SI 0,000. Idaho Democrats were split by the Mormon question and held two con ventions. Democrats of Maryland and Louisiana elected uninstructed dele gations. Preparations for the placing of Emiie Zola's body in the Pantheon aroused the anti-semites of Paris to violent rage and some rioting oc curred. Charles T. Muir, paying teller of a New York hank, committed suicide be cause a shortage in his accounts was discovered. ovuaiur ^iiiibuu ueieaieu vju\ . v um mins in the Iowa primaries by about 12,000 majority. The Burlington road was fined at Springfield, 111., for violating the 28 hour live stock shipment law. A, P. Camden, a Chicago traveling man, was murdered in Minneapolis by a youth supposed to be insane. The federal grand jury at St. Paul returned three indictments against James L. Lovering, publisher of the Mail Order Monthly and of Successful Agriculture charging him with using the mails for the purpose of promoting a lottery and a scheme tj defraud. With appropriate exercises, the peo ple of the south celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Jefferson Davis. Mrs. William Dorner and her four young daughters were asphyxiated by gas in their home in Chicago. Postmaster General Meyer an nounced that an agreement had been reached with the British government for a letter postage of two cents an ounce between the United States and Great Britain and Ireland, to become effective October 1. The president appointed Roy H. Chamberlain, an attorney at law, of Iowa, as general appraiser of mer chandise at New York. The Kosciusko county bank at War saw, Ind., was closed by the state au ditor because of bad loans. C. F. Wilber, a butcher of Beatrice, Neb., built a gallows and hanged him self. Theodore P. Shonts denied the stories that his son-in-law, the Duke de Chaulnes. was a drug fiend; he said the nobleman was stricken with heart disease while praying by his wife's side. For perhaps the first time in history there will be a fair election in Central America the first week in July, when Panama chooses its new president. The campaign has become so threaten ing that it has been decided to guard the polls with United States marines. The supreme court of the United States affirmed the decision of the Ststes circuit court for the I eastern district of Missouri in the ex tradition case of H. Clay Pierce of the Waters-Pierce Oil company of St. Louis, holding him subject to extradi tion tc- Texas, where he is under to diet-meet on a charge of perjury. JUNE HAS ARRIVED. WHAT THE \J*T PASO UKE TMf ••IH'ST the EMUACtMg^T \ *»K, rt v*ORrt Here Comes the Bride. MR. BRYAN WILL_PUT IT BUCK IF IT CAN BE PROVED THE MONEY WAS PAID. Replies to Charges of New York World Regarding that Nebraska Campaign Fund. Lincoln—W. J. Bryan has reiter ated his statement of his intention to make good the $.0,000 said to have been contributed to the Nebraska campaign by Thomas Ryan of New York, if the story published in the New York World can be proven. His statement given out tonight is as fol lows : ‘‘I have just read the World's story charging: 1. That my brother-in-law, Mr. Allen, chairman of the democratic state committee, had a conference with Mr. Sheehan in 1904 in regard to campaign funds. 2. That Mr. Sheehan, as Mr. Ryan's attorney, secured from Mr. Ryan $20,000 for the Nebraska campaign. 3. That Mr. Ryan made the contri bution to secure my “open and un qualified support of Judge Parker.” 4. That “to disguise the source of the contribution, Mr. Ryan gave the check to Mr. Sheehan, and that Mr. Sheehan gave his checks to Mr. Al len.” “Chairman Allen and Mr. Dahlman, the Nebreska member of the national democratic committee, have already denied the World's charges and stated that the only money received came from the national committee, but I desire to add the following state ment: "Mr. Allen says that he never saw either Mr. Sheehan or Mr. Ryan, and 1 nave no reason to doubt his word. If Mr. Ryan contributed to the Ne braska campaign it was not with my knowledge or consent. While I had j but a remote personal interest in the : Nebraska campaign that year. I am in i terested in Nebraska politics and am i also interested in national -politics, and I am not willing to be. in the i slightest degree, obligated to any i favor-seeking corporation. If. there fore, the World will secure from j either Mr. Sheehan or Mr. Ryan a ! statement, or prove in any oth * way j that Mr. Ryan gave to Mr. Sheehan, to any one else, or to the national committee any sum whatever with the understanding that the sum would be used in the Nebraska campaign. I shall see that the amount is returned to Mr. Ryan. “As to the charge that my support of Judge Parker was purchased, I need only say that 1 announced my support of Judge Parker immediately after the St. Louis convention and that that support was open and un qualified from the convention until the polls closed. I had opposed his nomination, but he had no more loyal supporter during the campaign. I was in correspondence with him, and both on the stump and with my pen rendered him all the assistance I could. While the World was selling its columns to the republican commit tee to be use in caricaturing Judge Parker, my paper was urging his elec tion.” SENATOR ALLISON IS NAMED WILL SUCCEED HIMSELF TO UNITED STATES SENATE. Returns Are Far From Complete. But Enough Known to Determine the Successful Men. Des Moines—Allison has been nom inated by at least 7.000 majority. This is generally conceded. Returns are not all in and the headquarters of the various candidates have been closed. The only returns being re ceived are those by newspapers. Forty-nine counties scattered over the state give Allison a majority of 9,000. The other counties are not going to reduce this materially and may raise it some. Forty-seven counties give Carroll 37.487 and Garst 25,841. Ham ilton in twenty-four counties got 4,717. Carroll will probably have a majority ot 25,000 over Garst. Speaker Clarke is in all probability nominated for lieutenant governor and Bleaklev for state auditor. It is believed that not half of the republican vote for Roosevelt was cast at the primary election. If Judge Prouty is nominated for congress in the Seventh district it is by such a narrow margin that only the full complete returns will deter mine the matter. Wednesday night he had a majority of six over Con gressman Huli. with some precincts to report yet. In the Tenth district Congressman Woods, chairman of the state central committee, was chosen over J. P. Conner, present incumbent. Elbert H. Hubbard was renominated for con gress in tlte Eleventh district. The only democratic contest was in the Second district, where Mark Walsh of Clinton won over J. E. De Armand of Davenport, he carrying Scott county against his opponent. The congressional nominees nanied in the primaries are: First district, C. A. Kennedy (rep.i, George S. Tra cy Idem.); Second district. A. F. Daw son I rep.), Mark Walsh Idem.); Third district, Charles E. Pickett (rep.I, Charles Elliott Idem); Fourth dis trict, G. N. Haughen (rep.), democrat in doubt; Fifth district, James W. Good (rep.) S. K. Tracy idem.); Sixth district, N. E. Kendall (rep.), D. W. Hamilton (dem.t; Seventh district, Hull or Prouty (rep.), D. C. Holly (dent.); Eighth district, W. P. Hap burn (rep.), W. A. Jamieson (dem.t; Ninth district, W. I. Smith (rep.), R. C. Spencer idem): Tenth district, Frank P. Woods (rep.), democrat doubtful; Eleventh district, E. H. Hub bard (rep.), no democratic nomina tion. CHURCH UNION ABANDONED. United Presbyterians Take No Action on Movement for Present. Pittsburg—The proposed union of the Presbyterian and the United Pres byterian churches, or at least to bring the two denominations into closer re lation, which has been before the gen eral assemblies for some time, hits been abandoned for the present. At the closing session of the general as sembly of the United Presbyterians, a report recommending such action was adopted. The report was submitted by the committee to which the subject had been refused by the last general assembly. -- i Oliver Belmont Very III. New- York.—With his family at his bedside. Oliver H. P. Belmont was hov ering between life and death late Thursday night at his country home near Hempstead, L. L, after an opera- ' tion for appendicitis. < Fewer Diamonds, More Sugar. New York—Largely increased im ports of sugar and a continued falling 1 oil in the value of diamonds brought 1 into the United States are features of 1 the May report of Appraiser Wanna maker of the port of New York. Prec- 1 ious stones and pearls to the value of ♦ ubo.tOd »VU:U uiltiug did) , iX large drop from the same month last 1 year, when imports of jewels and prec ious stones amounted to 12,951.435. i Ninety-four automobiles of the ap- ' praised value of $238,122 were brought t in against 120 cars in May. 1907. J Tariff Committee to Toil. Washington.—The senate committee on finance, which was authorized to make an investigation of the tariff dur ing the recess of congress, to be in readiness to take up a review of the tariff next winter, will hold its first meeting in some cool resort about the middle of July. The exact date has not been fixed, but will be announced soon. — Walker Freed in Mexico. San Diego. Cal.—The steamer St. Denis, which arrived here Thursday from Ensenada, brought the report that William F. Walker, the New Britain, Conn., banker arrested in Lower Cali fornia after a long chase and who was fighting extradition, has won his case ixi t /Uits Oi U iliut uiUbib i 6* yoking the commitment to the Ensena da prison were expected to reach Ense nada soon. If Walker has won in the upper court he must, now wait the slow' action of Mexican courts before he «e*» be released ALLIES BACK DOWN ANTI-TAFT FORCES DECIDE NOT TO BOLT. FORMAL STATEMENT ISSUED Presentation of Evidence in Contests Will Continue in Regular Way Until the Close. Chicago.—Representatives of tha “allies have recalled their statement that the\ will bolt the republican na tional committee so far as the presen tation of evidence to support the claims of anti-Taft delegations from southern states is concerned. There is evidence that the announcement made Saturday night upon the author ity of Representative Francis J. Burke, manager of Senator Knox, af ter he bad been in conference with Senator Hemenwav of Indiana. J. B. Healing of Indiana and others identi fied with the campaign being made by the "allies” created dissension. Some of the other spokesmen for the "al lies” declared the announcement to be ill advised and they busied them selves Sunday to counteract its ef fect. After numerous conferences the fol- i lowing, which was headed, “Statement from the allies,” was issued: “Upon the authority of the repres- ■ entatives of all presidential candidates ! other than Secretary of War Taft it j was announced today that they would | continue to present their side of the ; contested delegate cases to the nation al committee. The decision of the na tional committee will not be taken as final by the candidates known as the ‘allies,’ but an appeal will be taken in cases where it is believed injustice has been done, first to the committee on credentials and later to the conven tion itself. “The determination of the repres entatives of the 'allies’ to continue the presentation of the contests to the na tional committee is not to be taken as an indication that they approve of the manner in which these contests have been decided. But in order to be in the position to present all of the cases in proper form to the committee on credentials it is deemed advisable to comply with the form of procedure laid down by the national committee. "It is the firm determination of the representatives of the 'allies' to first give the national committee an op portunity to consider all the contents on their merits.” STORM VICTIM DEAD. Mrs. E. Arganbright of Shickley Dies of Injuries. Davenport. Neb.—The results of the tornado Friday night east of here, at Carleton, are just being realized. The wire of E. Arganbright, who was killed at his home two miles east of Shickley died, and the loss to prop erty east of Shickley ts conservative ly estimated at $50,000. The loss at Carleton where two were killed, will reach $60,000. Following is a partial list: New school building, $6,000; S. W. Bailey, residence and out buid ings, $5,000: Lutheran church and parsonage. $2,500; United Brothren church. $2,500; W. C. Bates, $700; D. M. Smith, $1,000; E. E. Lichty, 51,000; Philip Mall. $400; Mrs. Bris tow, $500; Lester Carter, $500; Wil liam G. Chen, $500: Frank Kochrow; 5600: John Edwards, $300; W. F. Bradley, $300; Mrs. Yearnshaw, $300; rhad Easterbrook, $300; Frank Fitz simmons. $500: Dr. Westerhoff, $200; Frank Sissell, $500; J. G. Bader, $500: President Names Commission. Washington—Carrying out his dec larations to the conference of gover nors that should congress fail to pro ride for the continuanse of the Inland Waterways commission, he should continue it by executive act, and con gress having failed to take action on the subject. President Roosevelt has re-appointed the members of that com mission. Great Crowd of Teachers. Cleveland, O.—Thirty-one thousand nemberii of the National Educational association have signified their inten tion of being present at the conven :ion of that organization to be held in :his city June 29 to July 3. inclusive, rhe attendance may swell to 60,000 or nore. NAVAL BILL BEATEN. Russian Duma Defeats Appropriation for Four Battleships. St. Petersburg—The Duma by a mte of 194 to 78 rejected the item n the naval budget appropriating $5. ■00,000 to lay the keels of four battle hips during the current year. This ote is tantamount to a vote of lack if confidence in the present officials if the ministry of marine and whole ale resignations from the ministry .re expected to follow. Calls Uncle Sam Bad Names. Caracas—El Constitutional, the offl :ial organ of president Castro, pub ishes a New York letter stating that t is rumored that the United States rill secretly support Colombia in case if war with Venezuela. In an editorial article that paper discredits the re ulfil his duty, whatever that may be. ["he paper also publishes a partisan ipeech in which the United States is ■ailed “th^ Cain of America, which mmulates fraternal cordiality in order o brutal instincts.'" * RAVAGES OF THE TORNADO. Several Towns Visited With Disas trous Results. Omaha.—Three different portions of Nebraska were visited by as many tor nadoes Friday afternoon and night, and as a* result six people are dead, two fatally injured and the number more or less seriously hurt cannot be estimated until more details are added to the meager reports now in. Twisters descended on St. Paul. N'eb.. Thursday night late, on Franklin. Fairfield. Edgar and other small places Friday evening: the one which result ed most seriously swept a path just west of Geneva. A large number of houses and farm buildings have been destroyed. At Fairfield several churches were entire ly demolished and the school house badly damaged. No fatalities there. At Geneva two were killed, two fatally hurt and several others in jured. The State Industrial School for girls was badly damaged. At Franklin one person was killed and many houses completely de stroyed. At St. Paul two were killed and much property damage was done. At Carleton the same twister that struck Franklin tore up a number of houses, killing a woman and injuring several other people. At Edgar a number of buildings were blown down, but it is thought no one was killed. It is reported that Scandia. Kas.. was wiped out. but no reports of a definite nature can be se cured from there. The towns of Ina vale and Chester are also struck. Geneva. Fairfield. Inavale and Ches ter were evidently visited by the same ’ tornado. Franklin and Riverton were visited by a different one, and St Paul, in an entirely different locality, was struck by the tail end of the wind that tore things up near Kearney a lit tle while before. EXPLOSION ON TENNESSEE. Break in Boiler Tube Works Havoc on Armored Cruiser. San Pedro, Cal.—A terrible accident occurred on board the United States armored cruiser Tennessee on Friday. While the ship was steaming at nine ten knots on a speed trial off Point Huenene. California, a tube in a boiler in the starboard engine room burst ing under 2115 pounds pressure, killing four men and injuring ten others—all of the men in the compartment at the time. The explosion, the cause of which is unknown, occurred only a few minutes after Admiral Uriel Se bree. Captain F. B. Howard and Chief Engineer Robertson had left the en gine room on a tour of inspection. Four of the men were instantly killed and two more are expected to die. Congressman Laning Held. Norwalk. O.—Congressman J. F. Laning. formerly vice president and a director of the defunct Ohio Trust company, who was indicted on seven counts charging embezzlement, was jointly indicted with James P. Gibbs, president of the closed bank in two in dictments in which obtaining money by false pretenses is alleged and an other indictment charging misapplica tion of the funds of the bank. F. W. Christian, secretary and treasurer of the bank, was twice indicted on the charge of perjury. EIGHT KILLED IN COLLISION. Electric Cars Come Together Head-on Near Annapolis. Md. Annapolis—In a head-on collision betwen two special cars on the Wash- j ington, Baltimore & Annapolis rail road eight persons were killed out right and a score of others were seri ously injured, some of them perhaps fatally. The collision was due to t\ confusion of orders, as the line haa been running several extra cars. Troops for the Philippines. San Francisco—The United States army transport Buford sailed Friday for Manila via Honolulu and Guam with nearly 700 bluejackets from the east, who will be distributed among the American ships on the Asiatic station. “Mere Newspaper Gossip.” Washington — Postmaster General Meyer after the cabinet meeting said that all talk to the effect that he might be chairman of the republican national executive committe to con duct the coming campaign was "mere newspaper gossip.” Hoke Smith Beaten. , Atlanta, Ga.—With the returns prac tically complete from all counties in the state, Joseph W. Brown's puralitv in the democratic primary is 15,000. Governor Smith lost his own county, Fulton, and most of the other larger counties in the state. Burkett's Daughter Operated Upon. Washington—Miss Josephine’ "Bur kett, daughter of Senator and Mrs. j Burkett, submitted to a surgical oj»er- j ition for abscess of the bladder. She ' has been afflicted for a considerable time with the trouble. KANSAS RIVERS AT FLOOD. Torrential Rains Cause Nearly All Streams in State to Overflow. Kansas City—Flood conditions pre tail in all the rivers in Kansas and Oklahoma, owing to the torrential ■ams wcicn ha.<. .Vium ^ver,> „.*y uw- i ng the last week. The Kaw river and I ts tributaries, which drain the greater j jortion of the state of Kadrov are j >ut ot their bank* an tsi-.ay and i lave destroyed «wps . and washed J ivray l-'ve stock asd bullffifcga.: •• • * STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON DENSED FORM. THEPRESS, PULPIT SNA PUBLIC What is Going on Hers and There That is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska. Spanish veterans held their first meeting at Lincoln with a good at tendance. Rev. Hayes, for two years at Co lumbus. has accepted a call to St. Paul, in this state. The corner stone for the proposed new Catholic church at Schuyler was laid last week. The spring wheat harvest is expect ed to commence in Gage county about the 20th of June. At a recent meeting of the Wood men of the World in Omaha 1.205 members were initiated. Washington county apple growers believe they will have much of the fruit to sell in the autumn months The Masonic temple at Fairbury appears to be a go. judging by the en thusiasm of the people in the pro ject. A number of harmless insane will he discharged from the Lincoln asy lum to make ro om for more pressing cases. Frank G. Cox, who passed forged checks at Fremont, will think over his transgression for three years in the penitentiary. Baptist ladies in Fairburv are "try ing to gather up a load of waste pai>er that their church exchequer may be strengthened. J. Ahew Smith, wanted at Carlisle. 111., on the charges of forgery and murder, was arrested in Syracuse by City Marshal Meeker. The season for destructive storms is at hand. WIND and LIGHTNING will destroy and damage buildings and kill and maim stoci; in barns and pastures. Protect yourself by insur ing them in the Nebraska Mutual Ins. Co., home office, 141 South Twelfth street. Lincoln, Neb. Write us for particulars. The Crete Young Men's Christian us sociation has started a campaign to raise 120.000 to erect a building. Mo, e than $8,000 has already been pledged Pr E G. Winkler, a dentist who re cently located in Valentme. was ar rested on the charge of practicing den tistry without a license from the state board. The Alma Interstate Driving park stables are full of horses in training for the fall races which take place dur ing the Alma Interstate fair in Sep tember. George and Scott Burke, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Burke, were drowned in Hooper creek, four miles south of Adams, while out picking ber ries. The boys were eight and nine years old. Jacob Crocker, a well-to-do farme living about ten miles southwest of McCook, threw himself head fore most down an abandoned well on his farm. The well was 150 feet deep He was instantly killed. Two hundred chickens were lost and $500 worth of property destroyed as the result of a fire on the Charles l;ll farm, southwest of Hastings The fire started in a barn from a defective brooder or incubator lamp E. C. Burns, formerly deputy oii in spector for the Fremont district for many years postmaster at Scribner and representative for two tern,- of Dodge county in the state legislature, died at his home in Scribner. The Cass county mortgage record for May show’s: Fifteen farm mori gages tiled, amount $44,450 released eighteen, amount $47 :189. Ten mort gages on city property filed, amount $4,975; released ten. amount $2. His attorney at Grand Island ta^ filed suit for John J. Slattery for $10. 000 damages against the Chicago. Bur lington & Quincy, and Thomas Gra liam for the injuries sustained bv hi being pushed off a moving freight train, as alleged, and having his skull badly injured and his (eg cut off The annual camp meeting of the Nebraska state holiness assoc:a' ion win De neia tms year at Epwortn park. Lincoln, starting June 18. Men f-om the national association have been se cured to lead the meetings, which are expected to be this year very success ful. Ministers and laymen from all denominations will be present Coroner Howard of Howard was called -to the farm home, some eigb' miles northwest of that city, of Pen r Paulus, the information being that a' an early hour Mr. Paulus took hi shot ^tun and went out to the bam and shot himself and that he soon ijied. Mr. Paulus lost his wife a few months ago after some month- of severe sickness, and it is thought that his mind had become unbalanced from this and other causes. John Petersen, residing near Friend, was drowned while attempting to crass a- swollen stream At the election held in Wayne the proposition to vote $50,000 bonds for the construction of a high school building carried by a large majority. -The fees collected in the office of the secretary of state during the mofith nf Vfo t» n«*nnn• •« *1 •>».'' f*C j.*iueu os follows: For ntuo- - . > of incpnporation. *T s". notary <^m missions. $»S.1<>; niator vehicles. 5o,540j!0' brands, $52.50: certificates and transcripts. $47.25: labels and traae marks $30.63. ' \ ' <