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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1908)
A. P. GULLEY, President. W. F. MASON. Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL OF LOUP CITY Conser vative 1 and Strong Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. Corn, per bu. 58 « .60 Wheat, per bu. .80 Oats, per bu.40 @ .42 i Bye, perbu . .60 Butter, per lb.18 & .20 Eggs, per do*. .11 Hens, per lb. .01 Spring chickens, per lb.051* LOCAL NEWS. Take your eggs to Conhiser’s. Garden seeds in bulk atP.O. Reed's Bulk olives at Lee Bros, meat shop. For a gasoline stove see P. O. Reed. The brickyard opens work in a few days. Hoes, rakes and spades at P. O. Reed's. Mrs. H. A. Wilson has typhoid fever. Come and see the embroidery at Conhiser's. Garden-making time. Shut up your chickens. Children’s trimmed hats. 80c to $5 at Mrs. Mead's. Lan Bensehoter has sold his restau rant at A rcadia. Most all kinds of field seeds at P. O. Reed’s. Loans on real estate, call on John W. Long. Jeffords for eipert watch work: fine hand engraving. Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when in need of a drayman. We welcome Elder A. O. Hall to our ranks of new readers. I will pay the highest CASH price for live poultry—R. L. Arthur. Liveryman Hosier has been a vic tim of lagrlppe the past few days. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, call ou John W. Long. Oyster shells that make the hens lay. at the Loup City Mercantile Co. Misses Jennie and Fannie Sutton expect to visit friends in Chicago shortly. Lee Bros, are now ready to smoke meats for the farmers. Get in your orders. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand and chil dren visited over list Sunday at Dan nebrog. The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay 27 cent* for cream until further notice. Potatoes in 5 and 10 bushel lots, 60 cts per bushel at the Loup City Mercantile Co. Miss Brnie Odendahl and Mrs. F. E. Odendahl went to Columbus to visit over Easter Sunday. Ask your flour dealer for a sack of #Loup City flour, best grade $1.40. Every sack guaranteed. Mrs. A. Boone was called to Kalona, Iowa, last Thursday, by the illness of her mother, who is afflicted with a cancer. Why not go to the Loup City Mer cantile Co. and have your measure taken for a new suit? They under stand the business. R. P. Starr went to Lincoln yester | day morning to attend a meeting of ! the Republican State Cent ral Com jmittee. The K. P. boys missed him on their excursion to Ravenna. Attention Comrades.—You are re quested to meet with the L. of G. A. i R.. Saturday, April 25th, at 5 o'clock p. m.. at Society Ilall. Coffee will be served and Decoration Day arrange ments completed. * Commencing April 1st and continu ing for 30 days we will give in ex change forty pounds (40) Pansy Straight flour or thirty-five pounds (35) White Satin High Patent flour for a bushel of good wheat. Every sack of our flour is guaranteed and in order to introduce our flour over the bounty we make this offer. We also keep for sale at the mill shorts, bran, ground ryet corn chop, corn and oats chop and a low grade flour mixture for hogs. Lour City Mill & Light Co. For fishing tackle or base ball goods see P. O. Reed. Yesterday was Arbor Day. How many trees did you plant? Rig luscious olives in bulk on hand at Lee Bros.' meat emporium. Try 'em. Mrs. I)r. Main. Miss.Effie Moon and Judge Moon were in Grand Island Monday. Fine line of Sailors, also Tailored hats at Mrs. Mead's, south side of square. Ethel McDonal went to Grand Is land last Saturday to work at dress making. likio New Spring Samples for tailor made suits at the Loup City Mer cantile Co. Geo. McFadden was a new cash subscriber to the Northwestern last Thursday. Thanks. Potatoes in 5 and 10 bushel lots, 50 cts per bushel at the Loup City Mercantile Co. And it seems he did give a true copy of those petitions. Who proves to be liar the? Stewart Conger and wife visited with Casius Conger and wife at St. Libory over last Sunday. Lost on the streets of Loup City a gold mounted fountain pen. Finder leave at this office and receive reward. Wm. Poch. one of Sherman county's progressive farmers this week becomes a new reader of the Northwestern. Parties wishing to purchase good Refrigerators can do well by leaving their order with Christensen & Fer dinandt. John W. Long is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. Miss Laura E. Benschoter is visit ing in the city, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jas. McDonald, and of her many friends. Every correct dresser ought to have a new tailor made suit for Easter. The Loup City Mercantile Co. is the place to get it. Pure-bred Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale. ¥1.00 for fifteen: $1.75 for thirty, or $5 per one hundred. Mbs. Herman Johansen. Ice contracts must be signed up by May 1st, at which time the wagon wili start and I wish patrons to have their refrigerators ready for use. J. W. Conger. Three-quarters of an inch of rain was not so bad for last week's break in the drouthv period. But that was not a patchin to what other parts of the state pot. Mrs. C. C. Cooper. Mrs. E. G. Tay lor, Mrs. Eva Kendall and Mrs. J. W. Burleigh drove out into Washington township Tuesday and spent the af ternoon with Mrs. B. P. McKinnie. Come to the recital and then de cide whether you want to take violin lessons. If you are thinking of be ginning. let me know at once, as only a few pupils will be taken. Max Jeffords. Will Zimmerman returned last Sat urday evening from Mead county. Kansas, where last week he disposed of upwards of 1100 acres of land to York county parties. Billy is a hust ler on the land business. Headquarters for Wedding. Birth day Anniversaries, Easter. Gradua tion presents. See our line of Souve nir Spoons. Just the thing for grad uating presents. No trouble to show I you. J. F. Jeffords. Arrangements are being made for Decoration Day. Rev. J. O. Hawk will preach the Memorial sermon at j the M. E. church Sunday, May 24tli. ; The committee is trying to secure a ! speaker for Decoration Day. Further I particularo are promised in due time. We have possession of the score sheet of an interesting little shoot by a few members or the gun club Tues day, but out of strict compassion for those engaged in it we absolutely de cline to exhibit the s(c)ore sheet, much as it would please John or dis please Will: The shoot was for 25 birds, and those engaged in the sport were: W. F. Mason, A. T. Conger, P. O. Reed, A. S. Allen, R. P. Starr. Frank W. Burleigh and Jno. W. Long, whose score stood in the order named. No; no one got 25 birds. GROCERY BARGAINS Three Cans Good Alaska Salmon .25 Two Cans Alaska Red Salmon - .25 Five pounds Hroken Rice - - - .25 Six Cans Fancy Tomatoes for - .75 Five pounds Dried Peas - - .25 One pound package Corn Starch .05 Eight Bars Good Laundry Soap - .25 Egg-O-See. 3 for.- .25 Dr. Price's Food, 3 for - - - - .25 Maze All, best of all, 3 for - , - .25 Pure New York Buckwheat, 0 lbs .25 POTATOES - .85 Oyster Shells that make the hens lay Six Cans of Corn for Mercantile Co j 3 on t>2, Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. A few boxes of talcum at exist. Mrs. Mead. The telephone boys are putting in ; a six-mile line near Arcadia. I will guarantee 23c for butter fat. 11 test and pav cash.—A. E. Chase. Col. C. A. Clark of Ravenna was | doing business in Loup City Tuesday. Ernie Milburn of Arcadia has gone | to Drummond, Montana, to look up | a saloon location. ! Misses Jess Culley and Meroe and | Emma Outhouse returned to the | State University Tuesday morning. J. D. Gilbert arrived home last ; week from several month's visit at I Strawberry Point and other places in ! Iowa. We learn by the Ord Journal that | Joe O’Bryan has gone to Hot Springs, : Ark., to get rid of his old rheumatic enemy. Every man of the church is remind i ed of the meeting of the Presbyterian Brotherhood next Sunday afternoon at 3:30. The chicken pie supper given by Methodist ladies in the basement of ■ thgir church last Fridav evening was a success from every point of view. Arthur Brown w ill go to Chicago next Monday on a six week’s vaca tion. Miss Minnie Lofholm taking a I position in the Times office during his absence. I Just after going to press last Thursdav noon, the long looked for rain came in plenteous proportions ; and continued till Mother Earth was j quite thoroughly drenched. Now is the spring of our discontent made more so by the beginning of house-cleaning time. The editor makes a point of being more busy at i the office as a natural sequence. A violin, piano and voice recital ! will be given at the Presbyterian i church. Tuesday evening. April 28th. by the pupils of Miss Beth Zimmer man and Max Jeffords. No charge for admission. Postmaster Owens sends his sub ; scription to the Northwestern up in | to the year 1911. He and Lewis j Strankman of Grand Junction, Colo., are almost a tie, Lewis leading by a couple of months. The president of Shiloh Circle No. | 5. Ladies of G. A. R., asks that every member attend the Circle next Satur day evening-. April 25th, as they have initiation and other important busi ness. Bring plenty of something good to eat. We are indebted to Mrs. Abbie Gilbert for a renewal last Saturday of her own subscription to the North western and for that of Myron Gilbert at Ewing, Neb., and for that of V. W. Krise at Nemaha, Oregon. G randma is one of the Northwestern’s staunchest friends. Elder A. O. Hall, the new Adventist minister, who arrived here from Giawford. this state, about a month since, has finally received his belated household goods and gone to house keeping in the Winklemann cottage in the east part of town. We acknow ledge a pleasant call, Friday last, from Elder Hall, who is a bright ap pearing and highly intelligent young man, who will undoubtedly be in strumental in building up the Ad ventist society here greatly. His family consists of wife and one child. The Northwestern bespeaks for him a most cordial welcome from our | ever generous people. The report having gone out that in event of Loup City going "dry” Jen ner’s Park would be turned into a beer garden, a representative of the Northwestern has it directly from Mr. Harry Jenner that so long as lie owns the park such will not be the case. However, he has a proposition from a Stanton, Neb., man to trade him a tract of land in that county for the park and should the transfer be made lie has no means of knowing what the new owner might do. The North western has also lizard a rumor to the effect that in event of a "dry” period in Loup City, local men will put in a new park near town, fora beer garden but we have not as yet interviewed those mentioned as the proposed pro jectors, hence only give to report as i given to us. To preserve your house—your property — your dollars, you might say—you must use paint. To do so economically the paint you use MUST have lasting qualities. Remember, poor paint costs more than good paint, {or the work has to be done oftener. Start right by getting Horse Shoe Paint and you can make up your mind it’s on to stay. The reason for this is plain. Horse Shoe Paint is wholly composed of the strongest and best materials known in the science of paint making — it contains no cheapening or adulterating materials what ever. It s made of strictly Pure Zinc and White Lead for pigments. Add to this Pure Linseed Oil—crushed by the manufacturers themselves to insure its purity — then the necessary drier and coloring matter and you’ve got the best paint that money, brains and material can produce. Horse Shoe Paint has 6tood the test for 20 long years—it’s n proven paint— and is sold in almost every town and city in the United States. Should not that fact alone convince you that Horse Shoe Paint gives satisfaction beyond question ? Hors® Shoe Paint does all we claim — we guarantee it to be pure and to wear. Hors® Shoe Paint is absolutely pure; you buy it subject to chemical analysis and its paint that lasts. Pain* your house with Horse Shoe Paint this season by all means. OOENDAHL BHOi, DRUG SiO^E Office building for rent. Inquire of T. M. Reed. Jim Gilbert returned last Tuesday evening from his visit in Kansas City. Miss Bernie Stark of Palisade, 1 Colo., is visiting her uncle, Mr. E. B. ! Corning, and family. Cottage now occupied by F. C. : Herschlag for sale or rent after May j 15th. See T. M. Reed. Mrs. C. C. Outhouse entertained last Saturay evening for the Misses Meroe and Emma Outhouse. Mrs. G. W. Collipriest ana children ! returned home last evening from i their visit in Indian Territory. Painter George Stork is beautifying ! the front of the Chase drug store, i George is an artist with the brush. Another car of farm machinery just received at T. M. Reed's. Call and see what I have that you may want. I>o you not want a good Buggy. \ Spring Wagon or Surrey? 1 have just . received a carload. Call early and ; make vour selection.—T. M. Reed. i Next Sunday morning at the Pres 1 byterian church church the pastor will speak from the text, “What is in Thine Hand?-’ The evening topic is 1 “The man who introduced his wife as his sister, and the complications that i ensued." There will be special music A11 are invited. Tiie death of Mr. G. H. Whitman ; of Washington township, who suffered a stroke of paralysis some few weeks | since, occuraed Wednesday morning. ! The funeral was held from the home i today at 2 o'clock and the remains interred in the Lee Park cemetery I Obituary next week. Miss Etta Lofholm, the Northwest ern's faithful typo, visited at Grand Island from last Saturday till Tues day evening of this week, thus com pelling the editor to do double duty in the office during that period. This is her first vacation for a couple of years and she was justly entitled to it. An interesting contest is on for this coming' Friday night at Ord be tween the High Schools of Loup City and Ord. Clifford Rein, leader, Chris tian Sorenson and Archie Kearns rep resenting our schools. We shall ex pect our boys to come home covered with glory, as we believe they are fully able in debate to hold up their side of any question with any team in central Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor. who wore home over Sunday returned to Lincoln Monday morning. They will join the Gov. Sheldon excursion to San Francisco, which leaves Lincoln on its itineracy this week Saturday, stopping over at Denver, at points in New Mexico, at Los Angeles and other sight-seeing places on the way and will view the big fleet in 'Frisco, returning by another route than on the way out. They will have a glorious time no doubt. The community of Austin was saddened last Saturday morning by the death of Delbert Jack, son of Mr. Roscoe Jack. The young man who had jnst passed his eighteenth birthday yielded to the grim messen ger after eleven days of severe suffer ing. The funeral services which were largely attended were held from the Austin church Tuesday afternoon. Rev. McEwen officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Jack and children have the sympathy of all in their great sorrow . The home of Dr. N. L. Talbot of Austin was the scene of a pretty wedding. Wednesday evening. April 22nd. at which time their youngest daughter. Miss Josephine, was united in marriage with Mr. Parke G. Paige, in the presence of some twenty rela tives and close friends. Rev. L. C. McEwen officiated using the simple but impressive ring ceremony. Fol lowing congratulations by all present the party sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner which fully sustained the reputation of this Austin home. Mr. and Mrs. Paige are so well and favorably known that all will unite in wishing them ’‘bon voyage” thro’ life. They will go to housekeeping at once on Mr. Paige’s farm, where their home is furnished and waiting for them. Miss Helen Forbridger, who has been trimmer for Miss Froehlich, re turned to Iter home in Kansas City, Monday. Mrs. T. M. Reed was home from their homestead near Anselmo over last Sunday, returning to farm life ; Monday. .1. 1. Ifepew returned from Hastings last Saturday evening, whither he has been for a week in the interest of his disc patent. Mrs. F. H. Hiser and children left Tuesday for their new home on the Pacific Coast in Washington, visiting at several points en route. Ravenna keeps the saloon licenses at $1500 this year and will have as ! least five saloons, with the possible addition of two more. It will be the i only "wet” town on the Billings line of the B. & M. between Grand Island and the northwest borders of the state, Alliance joining the '‘dry" towns. Blame is better than praise. I | hate to be defended in a newspaper. As long as all that is said, is said against me. I feel a certain assurance of success. But as soon as honeyed words of praise art spoken for me, I 1 feel as one that lies unprotectad before his enemies. In general, every evil to which we do not succumb is a | benefit. A. I’. CVllky. i Nature Fake James Stout, one of Deuel county's farmers claims to have the largest steer in the Fnited States lie says the steer measures six fen ! two inches high and measures nine ; feet four inches around the girth. | Mr, Stout has already been offered 15*70.1 for him and refused it. He will take him to I>en\ r during the na tional convention and have him on 1 exhibition tin re at that time’ Young Wen Trick Saloonkeepers Lushton. Ntb.. April 14 The young1 men who were made freeholders prior to the spring election are in many cases refusing to deed back the lots that were deeded to them. Lushton went dry and tiie saloon element are trying to get back lots deeded away prior to election for the purpose of making freeholders so that they could secure the necessary number of free holders on saloon petitions. New Rural Route North Postmaster Owens on Monday of this week received notification from the department at Washington of the establishment of the rural route north from this city, to be designated as ••Rural Route No. 3,” to begin on the 1st day of ,1 une. 1908. The same in structions to patrons obtain on this route as relate to other routes al ready established, regarding boxes, etc., and patrons of the newr ronte should get ready for their mail deliv ery at an early date. The Jewelry Business Is Peculiar Unto Itself. You, kind reader, buy on faith and the jeweler buys on a scientific know ledge of gems, material and construc tion. You take your jeweler’s word for the reliability of his goods, he takes nobody’s word for it—he satis fies himself as to their genuineness and worth. For this reason you should buy of your jeweler and not be influenced by alluring advertisements whose promises are not and cannot be fulfilled. Our 27 years' experience in the business enables us to take advantage of qualities and prices. We want your business, your chil dren's business and your grandchil dren’s business. To attain this we at all times supply you with reliable goods at right prices. No trouble to show you. J. F. Jeffords. Alfalfa Seed Those wanting Alfalfa Seed for spring sowing, please call and make your wants known. T. M. Reed. Farms for Sale in Nebraska and Virginia. For full information see or write A. O. Zim merman, Hallboro, Virginia, or A. L. Zimmerman, Loup City, Neb. INS OUT My Entire Line of jVlep’ Wopiep’s & Ghildrep’s S-H-O-E-S! Men’s Hats, WEN’S DRESS SHIRTS, Men’s Work Shirts Ladies’ Two-piece Suits . And numerous other lines. These goods are go ing to be sold, and Sold a a Reduction of 25 to 50 Per Cent For Cash, or in Exchange for Produce. Do not ask us to extend your credit on the above lines. We can not do so. C. C. Cooper WHy DON’T you wv REX FLINTKOTE ROOFING IJO Roofing has ever " given satisfaction or service like Re* Flintkote Roofing. It is the result of years of labor, and is made of the best mat ted -wool fibre treated ed by our own com pounds. It is water proof, fi re resisting, and is not affected bv vapors of acids or alkalies. It costs less than shingles, and can be laid by any one. Our book tells more about it, and - will be sent free, with samples. LeiningerLbr.Co iRex Flintkote Roofing used on thouJ sands of build ingrs intheCnltedStates and Canada. LOOK FOR THE BOV'every" As E/^S^Ep is past We invite you to call at any of our yards and see our latest styles in Screen Doors and Screen Windows. If your doors or windows are odd in size, we can fit them just the same. KEYSTONE LU|VIBEp eo. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President Cashier -directors W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland LOUP CITY STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, Capital Stock, - - $26,000.00 Individual Liability, $260,000. OO -^J. I. DEPEW1N* Blacksmith §> Wagon Maker My shod Is tbe largest and beat equipped nortb or tbe Platte Klver j I have afour horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma chtuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS iww————KiaasK