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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1907)
Imp City Northwestern 4. W. BURLKIQH, Rwkltofcw. MOT CITY, . . MBKA8KA. *"*'" ' ■ ■" ■ ■■ «... Tact in Conversation. Pleasant conversation, among intel ligent people, should be flowing and natural,' neither stilted nor frivolous. It should be instructive, without ped antry, and polished without being af fected. Those who really converse reason without arguing, joke without punning, skilfully unite wit and rea sons, maxims and sallies, ingenious raillery and severe morality. They speak of everything in order that every one may have something to say; they do not investigate too closely, for fear of wearying; questions are treat ed with rapidity; precision leads to elegance, each one giving his opin^n, and Bspporting it with few words, says the' New York Weekly. No refined person attacks wantonly' another's opinions, no tactful person defends his own obstinacy. They discuss in order to enlighten themselves, and leave oft discussing where dispute would begin; every one gains informa tion ; every one recreates himself, and all go away contented; nay, the sage himself may carry away from what he has heard matter worthy of silent meditation. The coyote is a much despised ani mal of the wild and woolly west, and even Mark Twain's vivid description of its powers of speed is not sufficient to establish it in popular respect. But it seems Colorado farmers have come to the opinion that the coyote has qualities heretofore unsuspected anrl which if they do not add to his repu tation for morality indicate a higher grade of intelligence than he has been credited with possessing. Colorado is renowned in various ways; amoug other things for raising the finest mel ons. Now it appears the coyotes have not only developed a taste for the mel ons, but the sagacity to pick out the ripest, best and sweetest. As a con sequence, says the Trov Times, the <k melon farms are frequently raided by the beasts and the farmers are heavy losers. Ordinarily a coyote is held in such contempt that little or no atten tion is paid to him. But when he be comes a destroyer of Colorado’s choicest melons he is daring fate too much. It is now likely to be war to the f’eath, and the coyote crop will be killed off in order to save the crop of melons. Figures collected by the Internation al Society of State and Municipal Building Commissioners and Inspect ors show that every week, on an aver age, fires in the United States burn up three theaters, three public halls, 12 churches, ten schools, two hospitals, two asylums, two “colleges,'’ six apart ment houses, three department stores, two jails, 26 hotels—the fires at sea shore resorts this summer will raise the hotel average—140 “flat” houses and 1,600 single dwellings. Such a record of waste is bad, but it is not surprising in a land of wooden build ings. Moreover, many of the buildings destroyed would have been torn down if they had not been burned. A countryman who suffered from a slight fire said he had lost two houses and three barns if you counted the dog house, the. chicken house and the cow shed. In such lists as the foregoing a house is a house be it ever so worthless, and a “college” may call itself so even if it occupies but three rooms and does most of its business by mail: Last year German yachts which came here to race for the Roosevelt cup were defeated. This year our boats contesting for the Emperor Wil liam cup at Kied, Germany, Were bad ly beaten. Yacht-designers usually succeed best in building for home wa ters and for weather conditions to which they are habituated. These in ternational races, however, are not without their usefulness. Yachting, a clean, beautiful sport, is of great value in its influence on the important sci ence of ship-building. The word tram is derived from a man’s name—Outram—Thomas Out ram. Outram lived In Derbyshire, England, and in the beginning of the last century he invented a peculiar sort of track that diminished the fric tion between wheels and roadbeds. These tracks of Outram’s, though nothing like a trolley track, were called at first outramways, then tram ways, and when street lines and street cars came into existence they were dubbed respectively tramways and trams. Joe Akkiojoglau, a Turk living in New York, has had his name changed to Joe White on the ground that White is the English of Akkiojoglau. While it is none of our business, we approve of the change simply because it saves wear and tear on the alphabet. If some enemy Of the Japanese would introduce the toy pistol into tfieir country it might not be neces sary to build many more warships for the purpose of protecting ourselves against the Yankees of the east. A Boston newspaper calls the dear old luscious quahaug “Venus mer cenaria.” It is but fair to say the words we^e written in an gpothesls of the clam. The Hub hasn’t relin quished its hold on culture. ——j———__ Now that the British cavalry, regi ments are to be mounted on horses bought in Kentucky, will Missouri kindly cease chortling over the fact that it supplies the British artillery with* mules? OURAMERICAN KINGS FARMERS THE BACKBONE OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. FEEDING THE OTHER NATIONS Greater Need of Study of Economic Principles by the Tillers of the Soil—Building Up the Towns. American farmers are the wealth producers of the nation. In the United States annually the products of the farms exceed in value all the gold the country has produced in a score of years. If the term can be used in a free republic, the farmers are the American kings. The results of their labors feeds not alone a single nation, but assists in supplying sustenance for a large part of the people of nearly all lands of the earth. ’Tis the prod ucts of the farms that give the means of support to the great railroad sys tems, that keep the thousands of great steamers plying the oceans, that make possible the thousands of great enter •prises. While the farmer is among the most independent classes of the land, too often he fails to reap full reward for the work he has accom plished. He must fight combine after combine, and pay taxes to support in stitutions from which he receives no benefit. This is because of the con centration of capital in the hands of a comparatively few in large financial centers. But is not the farmer to blame for this condition to a great extent? Does he not make it possible for the concentration of wealth in large cities? He certainly does lend his support to the building up of trusts, and to capital concentration, when he fails to patronize enterprises in his home town, and refuses to help build up its industries. There is a "penny wise and pound foolish" attitude on the part of farm ers in many communities that is de structive to their own interests. It is seeing a profit, quite often purely cmaginary, and in striving to gain it lose sight of the truth that they are wielding the sword that will eventual ly inflict a serious wound to them selves. This is the practice of pur chasing goods at trade centers distant from home. Towns and communities are made wealthy by retaining as great a part of the earnings of its people as possible. The larger the town can be made, the more valuable becomes the farm located nejtr it, be cause the home market is made bet ter and higher prices are secured for products. Money earned by the farmers and the business men. if retained at home, generally finds investment in new en terprises that give employment to la bor. and' add to the wealth of the community and assists in lowering tax ation. On the other hand, when the earnings of a community are sent away from it, the towns are deadened, and farm values lowered, taxation is made greater and the small imagined gains to those sending away the profits of their labor react against the sender, who assists in concentrating money in large financial centers in the hands of those who pay no local taxes. Generally the monied powers of those distant cities dictate to the farmers what prices shall be received for the products of their farms, and to the laborer the compensation he shall receive for his labor, is not this proposition plain? D. M. CARR. TRADE’S MAGNET. Virtue in Right Kind of Advertising in the Home Papers. There is no apparent reason why the merchant in the average town should not be able to sell goods, class and quality considered, as low as the large city stores. He is under less expense, and if he iB enterprising and up-to-date, he can buy his goods at as low a figure as the retailers in the large cities. There is laxity observe! in the management of business by some merchants in rural towns. They depend too much on trade drifting their way without making the right kind of effort to gain it. A merchant in a western state who took it in his head to use large advertising space in his town paper, found that within three months, by persistently follow ing up a plan of using a half page in the local paper for the publishing of prices and describing goods, increased his trade more than a third. From the position of doing about the fourth amount of business of any stoce in the town, he rapidly raised to first place. He is on the road to prosper ity, and has been a benefit to the town in general, drawing trade to it that was never enjoyed before. This was done within 30 miles of one of the large western cities, and with the de partment stores of the city advertis ing in the same paper. A Town Convenience. Only for the farmers, the laborers and others that comprise the great part of the population, the merchants of the towns would have little excuse for being in business, and the mer chant is a wonderful convenience to ■ people of his neighborhood. One can not well get along without the other. The merchant depends more upon the success of the fanner and the laborer than do either of the latter on the suc cess of the former. Between them there should be greater harmony. In towns that are noted for activity and progress, particularly in agricultural sections, it will be found that it is the united efforts of all classes of workers that win. Half-Finished Tasks. Most lives are filled with half-fin ished tasks which were begun with en thusiasm but which have been drop ped because the enthusiastic begin ners did not have enough grit to carry them to a conclusion. It does not take much ability to begin a thing, and we cannot estimate a person by the 'number of things he or she com mences. The test of character is in a wom an’s or man’s ability to persist in what she undertakes until he adds the fin CITIES AND TOWNS. How They Are Built Up and What Gives Them Permanency. Towns and cities are built where exist the greatest natural advantages. Growth and importance depends on en vironments and conditions. Require ments are that there be some manner of employment for their population: Thus the business of the place fixes its standing. It is then evident that the greater are the resources of a country and the more enterprising its people, the more important will be its cities and towns. Some locations have fa vorable conditions for certain lines of manufacture, and single Industries support thousands, like the textile in dustry at Fall River, and the manu facture of jewelry at Providence, R. I. Others have shipping facilities that cause them to become great commer cial centers. No city can exist within itself, free and independent of tribu tary territory, but must depend upon a large scope of country to supply it with the products necessary for the sustenance of its people, and for the marketing of its articles of commerce, and its manufactures. Towns and cities decay when their business interests are destroyed. In the west, particularly in the mining sections, can be found hundreds of ex amples illustrative of this fact. The discovery of a mine is sufficient to gather people to compose a city. With the exhaustion of its mineral re sources business is destroyed and the town becomes deserted. . In agricul tural sections exist commercial towns, made necessary by the development of the surrounding country. Such towns are supported' by the trade that can be attracted from a certain scope of territory, and industries that can be established to employ labor. With development of tributary country, and expansion of industries, and the exer cise of enterprise many of these towns attain the magnitude of cities and be come important commercial and finan cial centers. With their growth farms adjacent Increase in value. The truth of this is In evidence in nearly every state of the union. While within the boundaries of the United States proper there are more than 86.000,000 of peo pie there is room for millions and mil lions more. There will be hundreds and thousands more cities pulsating with business come into existence. Reader, is not your home town one that may become a great city if you only do your part to assist it toward greatness? HOME ENTERPRISES. \ Trusts Cannot Well Compete with the Products of Local Mills. Never in the past has there been such opportunity for the establish ment of small enterprises in the cities and towns of the United States as is now presented. There is barely a lo cality which does not possess some advantages for certain lines of manu facture or commerce. There is little prospects for over-production as the population of the country is increas ing at an enormous rate, and new mar kets are being opened continually in foreign countries for American prod ucts. Imports are decreasing ex cepting of raw materials, and each year shows an increase of imports. Many lines are supposed to be in the hands of combines, but these so-called trusts can never prevent the success of local enterprises in Bimilar lines if the masses of the people will close ly follow the home trade principle, and as far as possible give preference to local products. The great agri cultural sections produce the wheat, corn, barley, and other cereals which find their way to large mills in far off cities, are converted into flour, starch and innumerable kinds of foods, and in their manufactured state are returned to the sections where the grains were grown and sold at prices that leave a large margin of profit. How much more economical would it be to convert cereals Into flour and other foodstuffs in mills located in the districts where the grains are grown. Would not the farmer receive a benefit in increased prices, the sav ing of freight rates, two or more profits that result from marketing, and would there not be a great benefit derived from the keeping at home wages paid to laborers and the reten tion ip general of profits that go else where? Beware of Peddlers. It will always be found best to avoid dealing with wanderers through „ the country who have something to dis pose of particularly those who are j not known to you as thoroughly hon est. For years stoves, furniture, books, and hundreds of articles have been hawked about the country by itinerent agents. Some have more or less merit, but all are sold at enor-, mous profits, far greater than would be required by some home dealer. When money is paid to the come-an go traveler, just so much money is taken away from circulation in a com munity, and it is gone to remain. The Telephone. Rural telephones are a boon to the farmers. They can keep in close touch with the markets, and all the doings of the outside World. One the uses that the 'phone can be well put to, is the getting of late market news from . the home town. There are very few farmers who cannot use the telephone with profit during the marketing sea son. The Home Market. Good agricultural towns afford a steady market for eggs and other pro duce, thus keeping prices even. There is a poor market in a poor town, and prices are uneven. ishing stroke. The ability to hold on ip one of the rarest of human virtues. Look out for the period in your' life when you are tempted to turn back! There ia the danger point, the decisive period. All the great things of history have been accomplished after the great majority of men would have turned back. William Astor Chanler’e two-year - old son, the direct descendant of John Jacob Astor and hejr presumptive to the Astor fortune. ' , * .. -Jt-*.■ v if 32 " AUTUMN GOWNd No woman really likes to realize that the ever useful bolero Is going out of fashion—for a time at least! This little garment is so essentially practical and so generally becoming that we have come to regard it as an old and tried friend, without which life would seem hardly possible: and yet it is very certain that the bolero is fast disappearang from the arena of fashion. The rage for three-quarter coats—of varied styles—continues unabated, and this autumn and winter we shall see voluminous mantles adopted free ly. Everything denotes that loose outer garments, made of the most I pliable materials, will be the leading novelties of the coming season. The general effect is” almost bizarre and this effec* will be heightened when we come to wear wraps of crepe de chine, velvet and furs—mixed. Nev ertheless, fragile materials will most surely form the chief portion of our autumn and winter wraps. All the coats for the autumn and early winter—are made with open fronts. For this reason waistcoats are, arid will continue to be, things of immense importance. I have seen quite a number of the dainty little waistcoats of Irlande, small double breasted, gilets which open in a V over a frilled shirt front and which are fas-' tened with the most exquisite buttons of enamel, old paste, quartz set in gun metal, and so on. There is a wonder ful cachet attached to these semi loose coats and dainty waistcoats. They recall the "sporting” type of gar ment, but at the same time they are eminently feminine and picturesque. J am certain that nearly all the best of our early winter walking dresses will show coats of the order just de scribed and, in nine cases out of ten, these coats will show long tight sleeves which will reach quite to the wrist. There can be no doubt about the coming revival of long sleeves— for the tailor-made costumes at least. For afternoon wear we shall still have elbow sleeves and even- those which do not reach the elbow, but the long sleeve for street wear is about to re claim its lost position. Combinations of color are to be great features of the coming season, 1 and will afford opportunities for many triumphs, and, alas, also for many failures. One revival is the tone which two seasons ago was known as automobile, and may most easily be compared to rusty iron, and this is used with much effect in union with dark smoke-grey. Smoke-grey alto gether would seem to have irresistible charms, and it-lends itself with special grace to decorations of purple, plum, and deep red and peacock blue, all of which colors compete most successful ly for favor of a dull, rather than a bright, inclination. Underground Electric Railway. In order to, facilitate, and accel erate at the same time, the collection and delivery of letters and packages in Vienqa, the ministry of commerce is engaged upon a plan for an under ground electric railway wlfich would link together the chief and various district post offices of the city, some 64 in all. According to the plans which are now under discussion, the line would be built 26 feet below the surface of the ground, and the tunnel would have a height of five feet and a breadth of four feet four inches. The stations would be built underneath , the post offices. The trains would run at 20 miles an hour,' and would con sist of a motor and three cars, each carrying as much as the ordinary | post van. It is estimated that seven yeare would be required for the construe-! tion of the line. While it would cost I an enormous sum of money, in the long run the line could be operated for much less than the present home and wagon service, while the mails Grey has the privilege of clothing the seated damsel shown in our large illustration. It is of voile, with bands of graduated taffeta reaching just be low the knees; oxidized silver and gold embroidery decorate the front of the bloused bodice, while filet net forms the undersleeves and the yoke, and the hat is of dark grey chip, trim med with dark grey roses and \wo dark feathers. Grey flowers are much in vogue, and usually these will be found mad-.' of velvet,*roses and big Venetian Cloth Costume with White Cloth Revers—Blouse of Lace. arum lilies being the most favored blossoms for exploitation under such circumstances The other dress illustrated is of plum color, the skirt of very thin cloth traced with a silken embroidery to match, while the coat is made of talfeta, also of the same color. The vest is of ecru lace, and a novelty is the quaint sleeve set in deep tucks. The hat of purple straw is trimmed with a bristling bunch of feathers, blue, green and purple, and the style may be commended to those who are brave enough to consider seriously an immediate desire for autumn clothes. As to me controversy which is once again raging round the “stays” or “no stays” question, I would question whether tight lacing has any effect whatever in improving the figure; as a matter of fact, the less the figure is coerced the better it looks. Frank Confession. Applicant—We would like to rent this house, but we can’t afford ItT Owner—I would like not to rent it; but I can't afford it, either.—Chicago Journal. could be handled in less than half the time now required for the purpose. Received all over the world by kings and other rulers, Gen. Booth retains the simplicity and democracy that marked him as an unknown Methodist minister, yet he is an auto crat in the management of his huge organization. He is at home with any kind of an audience. In his recent automobile tour through England he addressed factory hands in their plants, mass meetings out of doors and fashionable audiences in theaters which he hired, all in one day. And in his present American tour he will follow the same course. A , Stickler for Expression. “There is only one objection I have to this hotel,” said the pedantic per son “What’s that?” inquired the clerk. “In quoting rates it .speaks of the accommodation it offers. It’s one of the mqst unaccommodating places on earth. The Inefficiency might be ex cused, hut the mendacity is unforgiv able.”—Washington Star. ■ • ,'^SV * AROUND' HOUSE LITTLE HINTS THAT WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Excellent Method of Renovating Veil —Dressing for Black Goods— Washing Piano Is Better Than Polishing It. Renovate Veils.—Cover a broom stick with white cotton cloth, the width of a veil. Roll carefully. Pin top and bottom. Steam over boiling water. They will look like new. Yolk of Egg Removes Spots.—To take spots from wash goods, rub them with the yolk of egg before washing Black Goods Dressing.—Boil ten cents’ worth of logwood bark in two quarts.of water. When cool add two quarts of stale beer. Add water suffi cient to cover goods; lift and stir goods occasionally until of an even black. Then rinse, partly dry and press. Stop Squeaking Shoes.—Drive a peg in the sole. /Wash the Piano.—When your piano looks dull and dingy, don't daub on more polish, but simply wash it: Take any good pure soap, preferably white castile, and make a lather with tepid rainwater. Wash the piano carefully but thoroughly, using a piece of sofi cheesecloth or clean chamois, and rub dry with clean cheesecloth. The pianc will look like new. This is what is, used in piano stores. Triumph Furniture Polish.—One half gallon raw oil, one pint turpen tine, one-half pint alcohol, one-hal! pint benzine, one-half pine aqua ammo nia. First remove all dust from article to be polished, then rub with a canton flannel cloth dipped in the mixture. Dingy Black Kid Gloves.—Renew black kid gloves by adding a few drop: of ink to a tablespoon of olive oil. Ap ply with a feather and dry in the sun Beer Polish for Furniiure.—Firs! rub furniture clean with a woolen cloth wet with beer. Then boil a piece of wax the size of an egg, the saur amount of sugar, in two cups of beer When this is cold polish the furniture with it. Oysters Escalloped in Ran-.equins. Stir half a cup of butter (generous if you like) into a cup, each, of gratec bread crumbs (soft) and eracke: crumbs. Have the oysters carefull; rinsed with water, to remove bits o. shell. Butter the ramequins, put in a layer of the buttered crumbs, then a layer of oysters and sprinkle their w’ith salt and pepper; then add i sprinkling of buttered crumbs, a table spoonful of oyster liquor or sherrj wine, then a second layer of oysters sprinkle with salt and pepper am eover with buttered crumbs. Leavi the dish uncovered and bake about 2; minutes. Serve in the ramequin. Buttons and Chenille. Chenille trimming always suggest; a certain costliness, although as j matter of fact it is no more so tha; the silk braids and velvet application: now used in such profusion. Wit' either braid, velvet or silk trimming chenille combines readily, and it i: well to remember that a little of it goes a great distance. For years but tons have not been used in such prc fusion, and present indications poin' to their appearance on all the stree garments of the coming winter whether those coats be of cloth, velve or fur. For the Flower Lover. Little Glass contrivances are to hr bought that will assist in beautifying the home with a few flowers. The} go into the bottom of a vase, and be ing pierced and open to the water u« derneath, a half dozen blossoms wil stand apart gracefully and fill a fall ly large vase. Home-made substi tutes of cardboard, a little larger thai the mouth of the bowl, or smaller i it flares and leaves a place where on to rest the circle of pierced card board, answer the purpose very well but they must be covered with thi flowers and leaves. About Curtain Poles. Often when moving into a new house there is the need for an extra long curtain pole and if one is not ir a convenient place to purchase it, a substantial one can be made by prop erly cutting two for the purpose. Take two poles and lav side by side, then with a saw cut diagonally through on end. This leaves both poles with sharpened ends which can be nailed together with fine long wire nails. They can be so cleverly adjusted that the mark Is not noticeable. Velvet Cake. Cream together one cup sugar and one-half cup butter. Break Into this one egg and beat all together.. Sift together one and one-fourth cups flour, one-third cup corn starch, one tea spoon of baking powder and pinch of salt, one-half cup sweet milk and an other egg. Now add a little of the flour, the other egg and a little milk, beating each in thoroughly until all are gone. Bake imloaf tin 40 or 45 minutes. Rust from Flatiron. To remove rust from flatirons rub them with a little warm grease and wrap them up in brown paper. Then dissolve a small piece of soda in hot water. Dip the irons in this; rub them dry, and put them to heat as usual. When ready to use rub them on a piece of brown paper that has a little powdered bath brick upon it. Inexperiehced Cook’s Guide. A good rule for a young housekeep er In cc-oklng vegetables is that all vegetables that grow above the ground should be put on to cook in boiling water; all that grow below the ground, except new potatoes, in cold water. French Eggplant. Slice an eggplant and fry each slice brown. Put a layer of them while not in a baking dish, add a layer of cheese and then one of white sauce, until the dish is full, with cheese last Brown in the oven. Graham Bread Without Yeast. Two cups graham, one cup wheat flour, one teaspoon soda, a little salt, one cup sour milk, one-half cup molas- , ses, one cup cold water. Stir well, and bake at onde. UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA PRAISES PE-RU NA. Ex-Senator M. C. Butler. Dyspepsia Is Often Caused By Catarrh of the Stomach—Peruna Believes Ca tarrh o f the Stomach and Is There/are a Remedy for Dyspepsia. !4 Hon. M. C. Butler, U. S. Senator ? frone South Carolina for two terms, I in a letter from Washington, D. €., I * writes to the Peruna Medicine Co., t J as follows: J 1 “/ can recommend Peruna for» * dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I • i have been using your medicine for ’ * a short period and l feel very much « * relieved. It Is indeed a wonderful * , medicine, besides a good tonic.'” J /'"'ATARRH of the stomach is the eor ^—* rect name for most cases of dyspep sia. Only an internal catarrh remedy, such as Peruna, is available. Peruna Tablets can row be procured. Grammar and Grippe. A professor at the University of Virginia was endeavoring to impress upon the youths of his class the mon strous crime of using the adverb “badly" where the adjective “bad" should be used. “Now.” he said, after an exhaustive explanation, “if a man should say to you -I feel badly,’ what would you think?’’ "Pd think he had the grippe, sir," responded the wag of the class. Starch, like everything else, is be lug constantly improved, the patent Starches put ou the market 25 years ago aie very different and inferior to those of the present day. In the lat est discovery—Defiance Starch—all in jurious chemicals are omitted, while the addition of another ingredient, in vented by us, gives to the Starch a strength and smoothness never ap proached by other brands. Sea Trout Fattened. A sea trout was caught at Aberdeen recently, which swam 120 miles in 4!> days, and doubled its weight on the way. It was marked and put into the Coquet m Northumberland, and when recaught at Aberdeen, its length was not Increased, its rapid gain in weight being due to corpulence. How’s This? W* offer One Hundred Dollar* Reword for any rase of Catarrh that caanot be cured by Haifa Catarrh Cure. , F. J. CHEXKY * CO., Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, hare known F. J. Cheney for the laet in years, and believe him perfectly hon orable In all business Transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WaLDisn. Eisvaw A Mabvik, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure fs taken Internally, acetic directly upon the blood and mucous surracea of res system. Testimonials sant free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Hold by all I>rugg1ats. Take Haifa Family Pills for constipation. Whether you be men or women, yoa will never do anything in the world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind, next to honor.— James Allan. f Lewis' Single Hinder straight 5e cigir in good quality all the time. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Wisdom is the sunlight of the soul. —German. TL'V A C —Denton Co., raises success I LAAu fully every staple crop grows iu * w Texas; cotton, wheat, corn,oats alfal fa, sorgh am, millet, barley, rye, truck, pea nuts, fruits, berries, grapes, etc. Artesian wells 100 ft. and up. Improved farm lands GO to OKI an acre. Deaton, a town of 7,000 has five school* with annual attendance of 1,800; 0 state col leges. For descriptive literature and list of Texas lands and business chances, wirite LIPSCOMB-XDW ARDS COMPANY, Dept C, Dentes, Tsnaa / / ■