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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1907)
VOLUME XXIV. ' LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1907. NUMBER 4T PROFESSIONAL CARDS A. P. CULLEY, Attoraer & Gonnselor-at-Lav (Office: Fhist National Bans) Loup City, Nebr. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY. NEBRESKE. AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attoney ui CmM'L&w A LOUP GITY. NEB R. H. MATHEW, Anorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, , Loup City, Nebraska O. E. LONGACRE PHYSICIAN ill SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEUN Phone, 30. Office »t Residence Loup Clip, - Nebraska S. A. ALLEN. DEJVTIST; LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs m the new State Bank building. W. L. MARCY. LOUP CITY. NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Souue Phone, 10 on 30 m. a. Bonded Abstracter Loup City, • Nebraska. Oulv set of Abstract books in county Try the F- F- F- Dray F. F. Foster, Prop. Office; Foster’s Barber Shop L. A. BANGS The Drayman Phone 7 on 60 Asks Your Patronage FOR A Pleasant Evenicg Call un Pratt at South Side Pool aid Billiard Parlors Fixtures New and Up-to-Date S A- PRATT, - Proprietor Cleoria Items. (Too late for last week.) Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. John son, Sept. 20th, an 8-lb girl. Mother and daughter doing fine and ihethinks Charles will soon recover. | Some fifty people met at the home of S. Foss Thursday night to attend the pie social given by the Ladies’ Aid. Proceeds, #12.05. Mrs. Summers has same friends from Mason City visiting her. Rev. Miller of York is here looking after his farm. Joe McMullen is giving his house a coat of paint. Messrs. Wheelerand McMullen were down to St. Paul and return Monday. Mr. Budler acted as auctioneer and Miss Day as clerk at the pie social. Jas. McBethand family took dinner at Mr. Blaschke’s Sunday in honor of his son, John’s 21st birthday anni versary. Rev. Stewart, the Cleoria minister, stayed over Saturday night at S. Foss’ and preached Sunday. He will preach here again in four weeks. Ross Warrick is selling his property and grain and intends to leave this country. i Mr. Sickles and family went to ' Iowa Tuesday morning. Misses Anna and Ida Johnson, who have been visiting their brother, Mr. Chas. Johnson, returned to Lincoln and Omaha Tuesday. S. Foss and A. L. Zimmerman took eleven, head of cattle to market Mon y*J' ——— Hastings, Nebr., celebrates on Oct. 1«, II ana 12 with a genuine Frontiei Festival, consisting of rough riding, steer roping and broncho busting, together with other thrilling events. F*r information and entries, write J. R. Corey, Sec’j. 46U THE NORTHWESTERN TIKKB:—«.go rat mi. v mid n adtmci Entered nt the Loup City Postoffioe lor trnnt mission through the malls an second nines matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108 Residence ’Phone. - 2 on 108 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. NOTICE OF SALE OP LANDS PON DEL1NQUENTTAXES For tho jroar 1906 and Prior Yoars. State ot Nebraska, ) V SS: Sherman County, ( To nil whom it mi)' concern: Xou will take notice that all lands and lots on which taxes for 1806 and prior years have not been paid, will be sold at the County Treasurer's office in the Court House in Loup City. Nebraska, on tha first Monday in Novem ber. 1807. between the hours of 8 o'clock n. m. and 4 o'clock P- m„ said sale to adjourn from day to day until all the lands and lots have been offered for sale. The following is a list of lands and lots to be sold, nne the amount set opposite the descrip tion Is the amount dne and unpaid. May 1st. 1800. To each amount will be added Interest and costs of advertising: OAK CREEK Township 16 Range 13. Des. Sec. Ami.: sel.8 I 15 90 i nel. 9 20 09 nw4. 9 1* 81 : swl. 9 19 60: swl.17 13 73; sel .17 13 73; e2nel.18 9 OIL e2se4.18 0 42: nel.22 10 35 sel.22 18 35 *»4.23 11 29 : W2ne4.25 7 75 : sel.25 25 10: sel.26 23 94 nel .35 25 17 i LOGAN 1 i Township 16, .Range 11 i sw4.1 $1156] nwl .2 11 61 swl. 2 26 01 : nel . 3 32 91. sel..'... 3 23 92; nwl.1 13 20 swl. 4 15 47 i ne4 .11 14 72 nwl.....12 18 74 se4.15 25 72 nwl.18 17 57 i swl.18 17 57; nwl..20 19 66 ne4se4n2ne4se ne4 .16 24 80 nel.22 19 76 8W4.22 15 81 sel.22 15 81; swl.29 1127 nwl.32 15 881 Township 16, Range 15 sw4. 1 13 11 se4. 1 17 59 nel.26 12 54 WA8HISGTON Township 16, Range 75. sel.20 I 7 60 Lot 5.21 4 20 Lot 6.21 1 96 nwlnwlLot 3. .28 3 60 nine! . .30 4 74 swl.34 9 49 sw4sel.34 2 40 Lot 4 . 34 2 32 Township 16. Range 18. swl. 5 15 44 se4.6 17 37 sel.7 15 13 w2nwl . 8 8 37 w2swl .8 8 3 B2swl.9 10 26 s2sel.,...9 10 28 nel..12 11 11 sel.13 12 » nwl .15 14 11 n2swlswlnw sel.15 11 65 nel. 17 16 78 sel.17 12 68 e2nwl ..18 9 W Lot 1.18 3 65 Lot 2.18 3 12 n2ne4. ..19 5 15 ■2nel.19 5 55 nel... 25 9 19 sel .25 9 19 e2nwl.28 5 39 swl .28 10 52 swl .29 11 75 nwl.30 11 75 ELM Township 15. Bulge 16. 82se4..6 630 70 s2sw4 . 6 17 OB n2ne4n2nw4....10 18 30 nZs2no4.10 3 8!! sw4.13 17 25 *2nw4.14 6 64 8W4.14 16 59 e2se4 .30 9 73 se4sw4.20 5 66 w2sw4.....21 1049 «3ne4e2se4... .24 16 15 n40nw2 .34 7 81 w2nw4nw4sw4.37 IS 60 OW4.*.....29 12 96, se4ne4 I .....S3 4 06, 02801 . .33 7 64, sw4swl..34 3 33, WEBSTER i Township 15, Bulge 15. i ne4.3 $16 181 uw4. 3 16 58 ! se4.. 3 18 (131 ne4 . 6 13 86 I nw4_^r.10 25 97 l sel....23 34 09 1 sl5anw4.30 2 12 1 ne4..32 15 77 ) sw4 . 32 21 42 I nwl.32 18 33 i ne4 .34 17 54! n**4. 35 11 95' 804 .35 11 95 nwl.35 11 18 swl.35 11 95 LOUP CITY Township 15, Range is. ptsSnwl.1 *20 9. swl . ! 42 UU e?nw4 and lots 2 to 4 ... . 2 45 54 lot 1....11 1 09 Township 15, Range It. swt. 1 21 50 KWlnwl. 2 t 62 nwt.0 12 3? net and set_13 3137 swt. 13 14 32 w2nei.15 7 36 ne4.17 13 00 pts2nwt.17 41, netnwt.20 2 76 net.,■» 80 53 net . 35 1» 77 Township 14. Range 14. e2se4. 10 8 27 n2nw nnd ■>2ne4.14 9 11 sw4ne and se nwt nnd net set. ne4swt. lt 9 11 net.88 24 87 lot I..35 85 loti. 13. It..... 1 4 88 LGCPCITY VILLAGE Original Town Lot Blk Amt 6 and 7.. . * 19 70 22x75ft inlS to 16 5 14 10 17 to 18. 6 3 85 13 to 17 . 7 4 30 1310 14...10 60 15 to 16 .10 60 110 12. .11 2130 # to 12.16 3 09 n 10011 In 1.... 18 071 7 .18 19 41 8 .18 15 48 10 to 12.18 61 S7 »H 18 and 19...18 5 81 s 40ft 12. an 11.19 48 M I8aadl9. .....19 '8 94 20 and 21.19 Sl« 23 to 84...M 970 ■ to 4.29 9 46 5 .20 M WH 22 nod low 21 nnd 22_M MM «*tOl7.J2 14 M 18 to 22. 22 7 14 13 tn 15........38 146 19 to 21.21 2 H ....M 13 43 w f* 18.a 3 TO SS 1»W a......... in . 24.25 42 1 to 6.28 7 74 10 to 12... .26 8 94 n 115ft 1,2,1.27 172 18 .28 52 19 . 28 16 82 22 abd 23.34 93 34 and 35 . 34 93 36 to 40.31 IK 41 to 42.34 82 43 to 47 . 34 1 45 1 to 5 . 35 1 98 10 . 35 41 22 to 23....35 206 19 to 21.35 2 25 24 to 33 . 35 10 83 First Add. n2 and 8w4_ 5 9 71 pt 8. 7 75 pt 8.. 1 48 pt 8. 8 75 pi 8. 93 ne4 150x150ft... 12 174 stt and n«4. .12 5 16 50x150ft In se4.14 34 Hogue s Sub Dir. all blk. 5 4 81 Ualk A Knechbaum's Addition 4 to 5. 2 41 6 .2 17 8 to 9. .... 2 41 1 to 6. 4 1 72 13 to 14. 6 1 97 13 to 20.11 16 93 I to 3.12 1 78 19 .13 1 10 27 and 28.J3 2 33 13.14 9 28 8 to 12.16 14 16 Barker's First Add. 9 to 10. 6 9 71 11 and It..6 8 94 7 to 12. 7 42 20 19 to 24 . 7 3 54 7 to 10.8- 33 pi. II and 12 .. .. S' ‘1 11 Blackman'a^ab-DiT l to 4 .12 7 28 i Barker's Second Add. Smith’s Add. 13 to 24 . 4 15 28 8 to 10.6 8 18 1. to 2.9 IT 19. 9 It I to 3.11 59 » to 12.11 59 4 to 8.11 59 1 to 3 8 28 19 to 22. 8 42 28 to 34. 8 17 7 to 9.12 88 10 to 11...12 52 12.12 26 I to 24.14 54 33 7 to 12.18 1 11 13 to 16.18 67 17 sod 18.18 42 13 to 18. 23 2 32 U to 12.24 20 64 6 .25 42 7 .25 43 8 . 25 42 9 .25 43 10 .25 42 II .25 43 5 and 6 . 26 60 7 and 8.26 60 9 to 12.26 1 11 n to 15. 20 86 16.*8 - 26 17 to 20. 26 1 11 7 to 12.32 11 60 75x150ft between bik 30 end 32.. 172 In Section 18 end 7. pt sw sw4.7 10 47 pt sw4.18 36 37 pt SW4.18 3 52 ptne4ne4.18 67 ASHTON Township 15, Kantre 13. nel. 1 18 44 swt.1 18 40 ae4. 1 20 55 se4 . 3 20 IS nw4. 5 15 25 nw4.6 19 87 pt 8W4. 7 94 pt SW4. 7 47 ne4 .10 22 46 ne4se4 .10 5 91 Se4 nw4. 10 5 40 ne4 .11 20 60 nw4.11 17 30 ge4.11 20 60 SW'I. ...13 17 46 se4 .13 21 63 s2ne.14 8 21 e2nw4.14 10 16 nw4.15 27 00 swt.17 17 71 nwl.18 20 90 sw4. 18 20 81 se4.„.18 22 22 ne4. 18 23 50 awlnei.23 3 19 ptw4sw4.23 3 SO ne4 .23 12 98 awl.23 11 60 pt w2ne4.27 2 48 pt w2ne4 .27 05 pt nene.27 63 ptnenwt.27 168 pt ta nwi.27 43 pte2nw4.27 1 57 pt einwl.27 3 25 pt swine!.27 63 pt«2nw4 .27 47 pt e2nw4.27 30 se4 .27 16 61 awl.27 13 46 SW4.28 23 61 Del.31 14 90 DWl.33 23 50 864..81 13 02 nw4..i.35 15 28 ASHTON VILLAGE Lot Bik Amt 9.3 88 JO.* 57 !».S 70 1.4 43 8.4 38 8.4 38 l>andn*2.... 5 1*9 s>41 and 3 .... 5 1 *0 ». 5 73 1'and a83t8.. 5 1133 15. a 38 If. to 18. a 1 14 d.8 43 I and 8....... 11 77 « and 10..11 88 KxlUft 7.13 131 14 .IS 1 87 U to 17_14 1 70 t 95 3. ...;.15 37 t.19 *37 3 and*.19 77 4 .19 S 84 14... 19 77 U...-.— 19 4* Badua'a Addition l.a m First Addition 1.J W ;.* a :: ::::::: :J 3 ® a'a^a a-aiia-a «.*► X 5 .4 30 6 . 4 37 Taylor’ sAddition wH2 and all 3. 4 32 15. 3 70 II::::..::::.-;: S 19 .3 41 32. 36 23 . 43 24 . 43 25 . 2 27 Taylor.s Second Add. 3 . 1 26 4 . 1 26 5 . 1 28 6...,. 1 28 7.. . .1 26 12.1 26 13 . I 37 14 . 1 26 15 . 1 26 20 . 1 26 21. 1 28 22. 1 26 23 . 1 26 24 . 1 26 25 . 1 26 26 . 1 37 1.2 28 2.2 28 5. 2 26 «. 26 7 . 26 8 . 26 14 . 26 15 . . 26 16 . 26 17 and 18. 3 64 19 to 24. 6 56 1 . S 26 2 . 3 26 3 .3 26 4 .3 28 5 .3 26 «. 3 26 7 . 3 28 8 .3 26 9 .3 26 10 . 3 26 11 .3 26 .. 3 26 IS. 3 26 ROCKVILLE Township IS. Range 13. se4sw4.. 5 5 19 pt ne4sw»nek .8 3 50 pt nwsw ne. .8 14 pt nwsw ne... 8 14 nw4.9 17 94 pel.12 11 96 Se4.12 15 80 s2se4.13 8 87 lot 1.17 1 80 pt lots 2 and 3 22 35 Township 14, Range 13. nw4. 1 15 60 n2sw4.1 6 02 sw4. 2 11 84 ne4. 5 18 46 nw4 . 5 20 83 se4.8 21 70 s2se4.10 9 50 8W4. 11 18 82 nw4.14 18 47 ne4.......17 15 48 nwl.17 15 42 nwl.18 16 02 sw4 .18 13 46 n2sel.18 8 98 pt nelsel.29 66 ROCKVILLE Village Lots Block Amt 16. 5 10 all . 9 1 13 all.17 32 1.18 10 2.18 10 3 .18 10 4 . 18 10 5 .18 10 i 6.18 10 1 7.18 10 8.18 10 9. 18 10 10.. .18 10 11.18 10 12 .18 10 6 .19 10 9.19 10 10 .19 10 U.19 10 12.19 10 1 .25 10 2.. *'..25 10 7 .26 1 64 2 .28 3 43 5 ..28 10 6 .28 10 7 .28 10 8 .28 10 9.38 10 11 .28 10 2 .29 10 3 .29 10 4 .29 10 5 .29 10 6 .29 10 7 .29 10 8 .29 10 9 ..... ... 29 10 10 .29 10 11 .29 10 12 .29 10 13 .29 10 M...-.29 10 02 1.30 1 62 82 1.30 10 4.30 10 8.30 10 *9.30 10 10.30 10 13 and 14.30 19 8.31 83 1.33 11 8.33 11 3 .33 11 4 . 33 11 5 .33 11 6 .33 11 7 .33 11 8 .33 11 9 and 10.33 19 Hand 12. . 33 19 CLAV TOWNSHIP Township 14 Range 14 SW4. 8 87 52 ne4.18 19 40 nwl..19 19 30 lots 3 and 4...27 25 15 wSse4Ase4se4..27 13 75 sel.S3 18 67 Township 14 Range 15 SW4.14 15 50 swl.82 18 08 awl.84 14 24 nwl.27 14 40 s2s w4 As3ae4... 30 15 78 nel.31 15 39 se4.81 13 96 swl.32 15 99 sel.36 16 16 HARRISON TWP. Township 14 Range 16 swl. 3 18 00 nwl.3 16 91 sal. 3 18 61 w2nw4*p8sw4 7 11 73 sel. 7 11 35 n2sw4As2nw4.. 8 15 06 «2nw4.11 8 10 nlswl.11 8 10 sel.18 17 43 e2nwl.12 9 22 sel.13 27 36 nel.17 16 52 nwl.17 16 52 sel.17 17 28 n2noi.18 5 63 pt swlsel.18 19 n2ne4.20 8 10 pt e2ne4.88 50 In witness whereof, I hare hereunto set my hand and official seal, this 1st day of October, 1907. [SEAL] R. M. HIDDLBSON. Treasurer of Sherman County. Nebr. I e2nw4.SO 6 05 e2sw4.SO 8 13 3w4nw4 .30 3 31 ! w2»w4.30 8 10 Ise4...SO 30 33 tnw4.31 14 53 i W2sw4.31 8 10 He4se4.31 4 00 i s3se4.33 8 04 l|ne4oe4Apt nw4 l ne4.S3 12 03 ' ne4 .85 18 4« pt «e4.Si 1 IS I LITCHFIELD VILLAGE I Original Town I Lot Block Amt 19 1 336 II* 1 36 15 5 266 3 6 41 >4 6 41 >5 6 43 16 6 41 U 6 181 18 8 41 111 6 63 113 6 6 66 11(1 7 3 30 11 7 47 112 7 2 64 113' 7 47 114 7 43 116 7 41 110 7 41 117 7 42 118 7 47 16 8 5 31 17 8 566 8 8 63 111 8 1 36 >13 9 4 65 14 10 47 1 sVJ 8 10 58 111 10 136 112 10 6 00 >16 10 6 66 117 10 58 118 10 8 66 14 11 5 31 > 9 11 5 31 I north 14 10 11 3 01 south* 10 II 2 65 111 11 330 12 11 5 66 1 12 99 H4 15 3 30 17 16 48’ 11 16 48 12 16 64 FAIRVIKW PARK > Lot Block Amt II 2 07 2 2 07 13 2 07 >4 3 07 5 2 1 86 8 2 07 1st’Add to LITCHFIELD Lot Block Amt I north* 1 1 2 16 - 3 1 48 II and 2 5 95 16 6 47 SCOTT TWP. Twj>. IS. Kg. 16, Sec 'pte*se*.1 46 ! pt »*se*.1 104 1 pt ne*.I 69 1 ow*. 3 23 79 ine*ne*.6 4 17 i nw4ne4An2nw4 .. .6 12 76 strip adjoln’g ryl2 18 ptne*.13 10 46 >sw*.13 18 18 Ise*.13 24 30 !nw*...14 20 83 Ise*.14 2083 Isw*.18 25 01 I se*.18 18 29 1 se4c«4Sne4se4 . 20 9 54 »n*«w)<.21 9 56 Is2sw4 *s2se4...21 19 16 I ne*ne*.24 7 32 I w*ne*.24 1169 I sSneHse*.24 3 58 I s*sn*.24 9 07 >s*se*.26 10 97 I sw4nw4Aw2sw4 27 18 26 le*sw*.27 8 02 Ine*.28 15 28 >se*.29 18 25 >«w*.31 26 02 > nw*nw*.34 4 25 >sw*.34 18 48 ' HAZARD TWP. I Twp. 13, B. 15 Sec I**.1 18 22 >oe54.7 14 01 >nw!4.1J 18 83 ) 8W14.12 17 51 I e4mr54.14 12 56 • w54nw54. 14 10 04 >nw!4.22 2581 > 9548*54.24 8 59 1*54.24 18 04 > ne54.29 15 77 1 8W 54 ■ * - •'.29 1692 1*54.29 2857 9*54.81 15 04 sw>4.|-32 15 18 ne!4.84 21 16 d2bw0, bw4 bw4 nw4 ae4.34 20 77 ptew5t*w54.35 28 pt BW54.35 48 HAZARD VILLAGE / Lot Block Amt 11 6 12 12 6 12 13 6 12 14 6 12 15 6 12 16 6 12 18 6 12 15 10 17 18 10 17 3 11 29 4 11 29 1 13 171 7 14 12 • 14 7 01 1) 14 36 1 17 2 01 2 17 06 3 „ 17 06 4 17 06 BRISTOL TWP. Twp IK B 13, aec BW54. 17 14 87 8*54.18 2035 e2sw4Asw4**4... 19 16 36 n» 548(54.10 3 01 o*54n*M.21 3 36 ■20*4*13*48*4... 21 19 25 *H**54.*1 15 28 nw4sw4 lot 5 * 8 pt; lot 6 - 22 8 73 nptloi: 6..*...’..22 52 ow54 . 30 27 19 •54n*!4.33 7 ln nw54...35 13 2® Twp IK R 14 8w54 v. <5 Ult o*54. 7 13 67 **14. 7 15 23 8*54.18 16 18 0*54.19 17 91 nw54.20 20 31 sw54-.-^.v .20 13 22 OW54-- .21 15 36 9*54.21 15 96 9w54 ... .24 2190 n*54.25 28 13 «54ooX.26 9 96 n*54.28 24 38 9*54.28 24 88 ow54.29 21 87 •w!4.31 13 31 o«54.32 20 71 n54nw54.33 8 47 954ow54.33 9 83 Clarke won the nomination for rail road commissioner by a rote of 228. Pretty close shave, but enough. We have found one man in Sherman county who defends the primary law. But even he acknowledges he doesn’t understand it. The republican party in Sherman county are fortunate in the selection of their republican candidate for county clerk in the person of Thos. R. Lay, one of the brightest young business men in the county. Mr. Lay has for years had charge of the Keystone Lumber company’s interests at Rockville and has drown an aptitude for business far beyond that exhibited by the average young man of today and we have it from Mr. Outhouse that it was with regret that he accepted Mr. Lay’s resigna tion as his business agent at Rock ville, to allow the latter to go into the canvass that will undoubtedly land him in the clerk’s office. How ever, Mr. Outhouse’s loss is the ffe RubU»n party’s gain, for Mr. Lay will undoubtedly make as competent M hB for It looks like William Howard Taft for our next president. Judge Reese’s majority over Judge Sedgwick wa/ 7,372. Now double that and you will have approximately the majority of Reese over the fusion nominee for supreme judge. The attorney general's office has decided that the primary law did not intend that blank lines should be placed on the ballots, hence candi dates who have received nominations by their names written in the blank spaces will not be recognized. The primary law was evidently made to benefit the fellow who could get a a nomination for office in no other way than by the #5 method. Judging by the poll of the middle-j west recently made by the Chicago Tribune, which included 1,700 con gressmen, editors, legislators and j party leaders, which gave Taft 9001 votes to Cannon's 191, Hughes 184. Fairbanks 159 and Knox 19, the trend seems to be overwhlemingly Taft’s way. According to this Taft would have 160 votes to Cannon's 54 and Fairbanks 30. The approval of Roose velt’s progressive policies received 1,566 to a disapproval of 65. As an indication that Taft is thought to be the strong man for republican candi date for the presidency, there can be littie doubt. THEATRE TALK NO. I. WHEN HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW ANNOUNCED ' THAT “ART IS LONG AND TIME IS FLEETING” he could not have been thinking of dramatic art. The only successful plays made out of his works were made by — ■ ■ . other hands than his. But his statement, if in it he included UOOu ■ Id jiJ dramatic art, is susceptible of ay |\jA mountains of proof. GOOD nGVCr Ulv PLAYS NEVER DIE. They go --— into states of coma, and suspended animation that lasts sometimes for years and sometimes for centuries, but if they are good plays they still live and make their appearance at the most unexpected times and under the most unusual circumstances. IT IS POSSIBLE TO SEE ON THE STAGE TODAY PLAYS THAT WERE SEEN HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO. All Shakespeare was acted before “HIS LIFE Oft MY HONGS’* the death of its author. The plays of Marlow and Lea John son, Shakespearr’f. contempo raries, and of B£arxcr.t and Fletcher, his predecessors, still ~ held the stjMITE IS LIMITS MORE CIRCUMSTAN TIAL THAN THOSE THAT INCLUDE THE -CENTURIES, IT IS POSS-H.i TQ FIND PLAYS THAI DAVE LIVED LONG AND PROSPERED. “Richelieu,” “The Lriy of Lycr-s.” ' The.Twc Orphans,” “ilente Cristo,” “Unde Tom’s Cabin,” who rhall say that they have net proved their worth bv long life. TEEN THERE “IS THE HIDDEN HAND”. WHICH WILL BE SEEN IN TOWN BEFORE MANY DAYS, and which is one of the best of modem dramas. It has been played so often that it is hard tohrealize that it is not older than it is. It will not die, it has real human blood in its veins and cannot die. “The Hidden Hand” is one of those successful dramas of the season, which in this day of froth and folly on the stags, affords an evening’s entertainment which agnsrls to all lowers of all that is be:: in dramatic‘art. The piecq is one of there an. iatic stories in which the people portray a plain country folk, -tlwrv r so interesting when faithfully produced on ti e stags. “The Hidden Hand” a3 it will be | seen here, is said to be sc realistic P - t"SBI ri a w tnat one can almost imagine J aggl pi oneself sniffing the ozone of the jj i UL a Ln I Blue Ridge mountains, and L‘ - .. listening to the quaint manners of speech of the pc, tie, both white and black of Old Virginia. It is one of those NATURAL PLAYS THAT HAS NO WICKED WOKEN WITH PAINTED FACES AND WHITEWASHED CAREERS, n» loathsome men of objectionable sins, nor any shocking episodes. “Your Money’s Worth or Ydur Money Back.” USUAL PRICES WILL PREVAIL. Pilger’s Opera House, October 15th, 1907. — . AUTUMN SPECIAL CATES * Cheap One-Way Colonist Rates: Daily during October to Pacific Coast and far west points at about half rates. To the East: The low rate Jamestown Exposi tion tickets can be used for your autumn trip to New York, Boston, and other Eastern cities. These are the last cheap rates of the season. Homeseekers’ Excursions: Cheap rat* excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month •this Autumn to Kansas. Okla ' homa, the Gulf country, Colo rado, Utah, Wyoming, Big Horn Basin, Montana and the North west. Ask your nearest agent or write the undersigned. To - Califofpia $26.45 EVERY DAX to OCT. 5, 1907 one-way Colonist Rates will be in effect to x San Francisco, , San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, Fresno, and many other California points VIA x Union Pacific Colonist tickets are good in tourist sleeping cars which which afford all comforts and convenience and materially reduce the co6t of a California 'trip. For full information inquire of EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAIN " SALES FOR THE Next Thirty Days Our stock is too large and will be reduced and we are going to give yon some Extra Special Bargains in Everything in the Dry Goods line, Hats, Gaps, Boots, Shoes, and in fact We must raise same some money and are going to do so. Cash Is what we want and cash is what we must have. ^_. All people knowing themselves indebted to us will confer a great favor by helping us on their accounts. \ Extra Special Bargains every hour of the day Every Day in the Week and Every Week in the Month . r _ Until Demands on Us Are Satisfied. C. G. Cooper I •^J. I. DEPEW®* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker My shoo la the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River 1 have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma chlnery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS (Jet More Epss. Paint the inside of your nen house with CARBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and mite exterminator. For sale by KleTT'stoiie Lmbr. Co. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps o > r f > o oo 1