The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 27, 1906, Image 8

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    A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
rp -pyi
Real Estate and all classes of loans
made promptly at lowest rates,
with optional payments.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs .$2.50 $5.00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 5.70
Com, per bu. 25 <a .28
Wheat, per bu.o3& .56
Oats, per bu.23 .28
Rye, per bu.40 @ .45
Butter, per lb.18 @ .20
Eggs, per doz. .25
Hens, per lb. .04
Spring chickens, per lb. .05
Lioaal Dews.
As I will soon move my hardware
to a new location, I would like to1
dispose of all the heavy hardware
before moving as possible, and will
give you a good liberal discount on
all heating stoves and ranges pur
chased before I commence moving. '
P. O. Reed.
Will Zimmerman sells land.
For buggies see T. M. Reed.
Blankets and Robes at P. O .Reed’s.
Our city schools closed last Friday
for the usual holiday vacation.
Hayward Bros, shoes for sale at
Charley Minshull came home last
Thursday from Omaha for the holiday
Visit Siepmann’s market and be
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bly left for
St. Louis last Saturday for a visit
over the holidays.
Puritan Indian meal, lOcts package !
at Cooper’s.
Mrs. Edgar Draper and children'
went to Central City last Saturday to
spend the holidays.
Sweet—Sour—and Dill pickles at
Miss Ena Brach of our schools left
last Friday for Hastings to visit over
tee holidays with her parents.
3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray
man. Get him.
Mrs. W. A. Hayes and little daugh
ter left last Saturday morning for a
visit with her parents at Lincoln.
Cranberries and sauer-kraut at
Miss Nellie House left for Pender,
last Friday to spend the holidays
with her good father and mother.
. Beardsley’s shredded codfish, lOcts
per can at Cooper’s.
Miss Margaret Naumann. one of
our teachers, went to Columbus last
Saturday to be home holiday week.
Cooper pays the highest price for
poultry and produce.
Supt. M. H. Mead last Friday moved
into his property vacated by A. B.
Outhouse in the north part of town.
Henry Diston and Diamond edge
saws at P. O. Reedto.
Principal R. E. Dale of our schools
went to York Saturday morning to
eat Christmas pies that mother makes.
Will Zimmerman has some fine
bargains in town lots.
The editor’s niece, Miss Bertha
Burleigh, left last Saturday morning
for her home at Hemingford, this
Skates, skates, and a large stock to
select from at P. O. Reed’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Timson and their
little daughter went to Palmer last
Saturday to visit at their old home
I during holidays. - / a
Jt SALES—We clerk sales. See us.
1 P.bst National Bank, Loup City.
I M. L. Miller of the First National
IBank, left last Friday for a ten days’
visit with friends at Kansas City and
Neodesba, Kan.
It pays to trade at Cooper’s.
R. P. Starr had legal business at
Rockville Monday.
WANTED: 10,000 dozen eggs at
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Long returned
home from Omaha Friday evening.
Mince-meat and bulk olives at
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor returned
home from Lincoln last Friday even
Loans on Real Estate, call on
John W. Long.
Ray Kearns arrived home last Fri
day evening from college at Bellevue,
this state, for the holidays.
A cheap farm for sale by WT. P.
Reed & Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Cords and chil
dren spent Christmas with friends
and relatives at Grand Island.
A small fire-proof safe for sale. In
quire at this office.
Leslie Sweetland came home last
Friday from the Presbyterian college
at Bellevue for the holiday vacation.
Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when
in need of a drayman.
Prof. W. B. Owen of Campbell Col
lege, Holton, Kas., will sing a solo at
the Baptist church next Sunday even
ing. "
BoliarCs cake and pastry flour, 25c
per package, at Cooper’s.
Miss Beatrice Nightingale arrived
home last Friday evening from-the
university for a visit at home over
the holidays.
The genuine Round Oak heaters
and ranges at P. O. Reed’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Schweitzer
of Woodlawn, this state, are visiting
Mrs. Schweitzer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Rowe.
Go to Christensen & Ferdinandt
when you want a nice rocker.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D Hinman of
St. Edwards arrived last Monday for
a weeks’ visit with their son, Harry
Hinman, and wife.
Sleetli, at A. E. Chase’s store,
guarantees to pay 26 cents for butter
Editor John Windolph of the Grand
Island Anzeiger and Herald was the
guest here of his brother-in-law, Emil
Cords, over last Sunday.
A large line of Ladies’, furs for
Xmas. Prices from $1.00 to $20, at
Johnson & Lorentz’.
Lyman Pray arrived home from his
studies at the Agricultural Experi
ment Station, last Thursday evening
to be at home over the holidays.
H. J. Johansen has three fall and
live spring boars that he will price
right, if taken soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sami. Daddow and
three younger children left Christmas
morning to visit their daughter, Mrs.
Alfred Baliman, in Howard county.
The best investment on earth is to
buy some town lots in Loup City of
W. P. Reed & Simpson.
Mrs. H. M. Mathew, accompanied
by her son, R. H. Mathew, went up
to Arcadia, Christmas Eve. to enjoy
a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Jenkins.
John IV. Long is prepared to
make all Real Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rales.
Miss Emma McWilliams, principal
Onawa schools at Onawa, la.,
ding her vacation with her
Mrs. L. C. McEwen. Miss
Miss Edna Minshull is on the sick
Mrs. H. L. Burns is visiting her son
at Arcadia.
Miss Frankie Inks of Kearney is
visiting in the city.
Grand masquerde ball at the opera
house New Year’s Eve.
Bert Criss of Greeley Center is visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simp
son Criss.
Our genial friend, Nick Hansen, re
membered us with the usual on
| Christmas Eve. Thanks.
Mr. Carl Squier and Miss Antonia
Bloschke, both of Webster township,
I were married Wednesday, December
Christensen and Ferdinandt Fur
niture Company have a- nice line of
rugs. Just the thing for Xmas
Santa Claus brought to the daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Brown of
Webster township, a line piano on
Christmas eve.
Willis Waite and family came down
from their home in Valley county,
Monday afternoon for Christmas cheer
with relatives.
Our popular U. P. agent, G. W.
□ollipriest, and family returned home
from their extended visit to Oklahoma
and Iowa last Friday.
Elmer Babcock, wife and three
youngest children left last Thursday
for a holiday visit with their parents
at Fairfield, this state.
The new telephone pamphlets are
now ready for delivery. If you have
not received one step into the North
western office and get it.
Christensen & Ferdinandt Furni
ture Co. have just received the finest
line of Pictures and Art Goods you
ever saw. Call in and look at them.
iv iiaiiusuiiie prize win ue <*waiucu
the best masked lady and gent dancer
at the grand masquerade ball given
at the opera house New Year’s Eve.
Fuller Bros, of Hazard, undoubtedly
realizing the strenuous life of the
newspaperman, remembered us with
a handsome remittance on Christmas
The tire laddies own an almost new
step-ladder which some one has bor
rowed without asking from the hose
house and they request its early
E. G. Taylor and family spent
Christmas with relatives and friends
at St. Paul, Mrs. Taylor going from
there to David City to visit her aged
father for a few days.
J. C. Sorensen evidently knew
Christmas was coming to the editor
and was in last Saturday to make it
more pleasant. He is one of the
Northwestern’s staunchest Danish
You are especially invited by Messrs
Odendahl and McDonall to attend the
grand masquerade ball given by them
at the opera house on New Year’s
eve. Music by the Grand Island
O. G. Hunt remembered the editor
with one of those needy cartwheels
last Saturday. O. G. and the editor
were among the elect who first saw
the light of day at Vinton, Iowa,
which gives a sort of brotherhood feel
ing to the two.
We will guarantee to pay 26 cents for
butter fat delivered at the creamery
during the last half of December.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
Chas. Bennett came home from
Omaha last Thursday evening for the
holidays. Charley is now a full-fledged
pharmacist, being one of fifteen who
passed a creditable examination from
the Creighton Medical College last
Wednesday evening.
C. E. Mellor has moved his business
back of the Model Restaurant, where
he will be found with a full line of
windmills, pumps and general repairs.
Married, at the home of the bride’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Purkypile,
of Washington township, on Saturday,
Dec. la, 1906, at 3 o’clock p. m., Mr.
Alvin Swayzee to Miss Sarah Purky
pile, Justice of the Peace Henning
Claussen officiating.
Those who are owing me book ac
counts, I would like them to arrange
to settle by Jan. 1st, 1907, as I need
the money in my business and will
appreciate an early settlement. Yours
sincerely, P. O. Reed.
The village board last Thursday
evening tabled the resolution from
the Germania Verein asking for the
resignation of Marshal Benschoter.
It was claimed the purported resolu
tion was fatherless, being unsigned
by the officers of the society by which
it was purported to be passed.
You are invited to morning worship
at the Presbyterian church next
Sabbath. The pastor will preach a
sermonette to the children, preceding
the “New Year Message.” There
will be special music. The evening
service will not be held owing to the
union meeting at the Baptist church.
If you are a patron of the First
National Bank, ask Will Mason for
one of those dandy pocket purses
given out as a Christmas gift. They
will hold forty silver dollars—so we
are told. And in order to test the
accuracy; of the fairy tale, won’t forty
of our subscribers hand us the said
number,‘just to see—what our credit
ors will do with the amount?
M. C. Mulick received the sad news
that his good mother, Mrs. Bridget
Mulick, died at Davenport, Iowa, last
Saturday. She was bom in Ireland,
coming to this country in early youth.
She was married at Port Jarvis, New
York, to Michael Mulick, and to this,
union were bom nine children, three
boys and two girls of whom survive
her. Her husband's death preceded
her’s just four years and one month
to a day. The body was taken to
BIceville, Iowa, for burial Tuesday.
Mr. Mulick was unable to be present
burial. He
Cash Pritchard is visiting friends
and relatives in St. Paul.
August Bechthold came down from
Milburn to spend Christmas.
Don’t forget the grand masquerade
ball at the opera house on New Year’s
Miss Grace Kay is in attendance at
the State Teachers’ Convention at
A. J. Budler and family drove to
Hamilton ccunty last Saturday to
visit over the holidays.
Supt. Mead and Miss N ettie Conger
are attending the State Teachers’
meeting at Lincoln this week.
Mrs. Daisy Cowper of Deadwood,
S. D., arrsved last Saturday on an
extended visit to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. T. Snyder.
■ Mr. and Mrs. H. Bell were called to
Kansas last Friday by the sad news
of the death of Mrs. Bell’s mother.
We have learned no particulars.
The ladies of the Royal Neighbors
on Christmas presented their sister,
Mrs. D. L. Adamson, with a neat
token of their esteem in the shape of
a berry spoon.
Miss Bessie Crews of Culbertson,
this state, has been secured to teach
the department in the Loup City
schools made vacant by the resig
nation of Miss Helen Church.
Grand Masquerade Ball at the opera
house sNew Year’s Eve. Music fur
nished by the Grand Island Orchestra.
Managers, Messrs. Odendalil and Mc
Donall, which assures the best time
of the season.
Next Sunday being the last for
Pastor Wold, before his departure for
other fields of labor, the other churches
will hold no evening services, but
hold a union meeting at the Baptist
church in honor of its departing
Mepmann s butcher shop on Christ
mas was “A thing of beauty and a
joy forever.” to quote the poet's words
So numerous were the tine beeves,
fat porkers, veal, turkeys, geese and
chickens hanging from hooks all over
that meat emporium that one could
scarcely get in and around the curves
to the captain's table. One thing
can be said of Joe Siepmann and that
is that he is one of the most artistic
and up-to-date meat handlers that
ever struck Lonp City and it is his
pride to have the choicest and juciest
meats always on hand for his custom
Notice to Non-Kesident Defendants.
In the District Court in and for Sherman Coun
ti.Y. iiruidsna.
Henry B. Leavens, |
Plaintiff, i
William F, Patton |
and — Patton, wife l
of William F. Pat- |
ton. first and true j
name unknown, j
Lombard Invest-1
ment Company, a i
corporation, Abram ;
M. Hyatt and Os- j
born M. Bright. As
signees of the Lom
bard Investment |
Company, a corpo-'
ration, the Invest
ors Company, a cor- j
poration. Milton B. |
Whitney. Charles S. |
Fairchild. Sanford |
B. Ladd, Harry E. |
Mooney and Frank ;
Hagerman. Receiv- ;
ers of the Invest ;
ors Company, a
c or pot ation the ;
Northwest Quarter ,
(N. W.Miof Section ,
Thirty-two (32) in ;
Township Sixteen !
(16) North. Range!
Fifteen (ISiWest of !
the6th Slier- 1
man county, Ne-1
braska. and all per- |
sons and corpora- |
tion* having, or J
claiming, title to or (
any Interest, right |
or claim in and to |
said real estate or|
any part thereof. ;
Defendants, i
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants:
The defendants, William F. Patton,-Pat
ton, wife of William F. Patton. first and true
name unknown. Lombard investment Compa
ny. a corporation, Abram M. Hyatt and Osborn
M. Bright, Assignees of the Lombard Invest
ment Company, a corporation, the Investors
Company, a corporation. Milton B. Whitnev,
Charles S. Fairchild. Sanford B Ladd. Harry
E. Mooney and e rank Hagerman, Receivers of
the Investors Companv. a corporation, the
Northwest Quarter (N. W. H) of Section
Thirty-two (32) in Township Sixteen (16) North.
Range Fifteen (15) West of the 6th P. M. in
Sherman count.v.Nebruska. and all persons and
corporations having or claiming title to or any
interest, right or claim in and to said real es
tate or any part thereof, will take notice that
on the anil day of December, A. D. 1906, Henry
B. Leavens, plaintiff, filed his petition in the
District i'ourt of Sherman county. Nebraska,
against William F. Patton. — Patton, wife of
William F. Patton, first and true name un
known, Lombard Investment Company, a eor
B(ration. Abram M. Hyatt and Osborn M.
right, Assignees of the Lombard Investment
Company, a corporation, the Investors Compa
ny, a corporation. Milton B. Whitney, Charles
S. Fairchild, Sanford B. Ladd. Harry E. Moon
ey and Frank Hagerman. Receivers of
the Investors Company, a corporation,
and the Northwest Quarter, (N. W. J41 of
Section Thirty-two (32) in Township six
teen (16) North. Range Fifeeen (15) West of
tne 6th P. M., in Sherman county, Nebraska,
and all persons and corporations having, or
claiming title to or any interest, right or claim ,
in and to said real estate or any part I hereof,
the object and prayer of said petition are to
foreclose two certain Certificates of Tax Sale
upon the said Northwest Quarter (N. W. *<) <
of Section Thirty-two (32) in Township Six- i
teen (16) North. Range Fifteen (15) West of
the 6th P. M in Sherman county. Nebraska, 1
one dated January 8th. A. D., 1900. to J. S.
Pedler and by him assigned to the plaintiff ‘
herein upon which there is due and unpaid the <
sum of #270.25, and one dated the 2nd day of
November. A. D 1903, to W. F. Mason and by 1
him assigned to the plaintiff herein, upon
which there is now due and unpaid the sura 1
of #79.00. and the time to redeem from said ,
tax sales has expired and no redemption has
been made: that mere is now due and unoaid i
the sum of #349 25, for which sum with interest
at ten per cent per annum from December 24th. <
A. D„ 1906, Plaintiff prays for decree of fore- ,
closure and sale of said premises.
You are required to auswer said petition on <
or before the llth day of February. A. D.. 1907.
Dated December 27th. 1906. i
<• Plaintiff. 1
By R. P. Si •attorney. (
pub. Jan. 24
_ • . |
i Referee's Sale. .
William F.i Mason, the undersigned, sole ,
referee appointed by the District Court of 1
Sherman coupty. Nebraska, on the 12th day of <
December, lUOtt. in an action therein pending ‘
wherein Danfel E. Haney is plaintiff, and !
James Haned, Jr., John Haney. Joseph L.
Haney, AgneaX,. Haney, Cora J. Haney. David )
Haney. Mary R. Brauigan, Charles E. Haney. .
Mary Haney and Mary Haney administratrix
of the estate.of James Haney, deceased, are i
defendants, will by virtue of an order of said ,
court made on the 13th day of December. 1906,
directing the dale of the lands hereinafter des- .
cribed, sell sttd lands at public auction to tbe 1
highest bldderTat the south front door of tbe <
Court Houseltthe same ueing the building in
which the lam, term of the District Court in
and for said county was held, in Sherman coun- .
ty, Nebraska. fen the 31st day of January, 1907,
at tbe hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said i
Said lands lore described as follows, to-wlt: 1
he Southwest one-fourth (SW. X) of Secticn ,
Four (4) In Township Thirteen (13). Range six
teen (16) West of tbe Sixth Principal Meridian i
in Sherman county. Nebraska -
The terms of said sale are cash In hand. The
purchaser to have possession of said lands the
firstal Marclfl90r, and to receive no part of the
If you want to buy or sell real
estate, call on John W. Long.
Henry Cording arrived here from
Grand Junction, Colo., on a visit last
Mr. J. L. Baillie of Fremont, Neb.,
is here visiting his daughter, Mis.
W. J. Fisher, and other relatives and
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Grand Is
land, Neb.,office over Decatur & Bea
gle's shoe store. Consultation and ex
amination free. Chronic diseases a
specialty. 30
Harvey O’Bryan returned to his
railroad labors at Grand Island last
Thursday. Mrs. O’Bryan will remain
here until a suitable home can be
found there.
YVanted-Lady to advertise our goods
locally. Several weeks home work.
Salary $12.00 per week, $1.00 a day for
expenses. Saunders Co. Dept. W.
40-48 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111.
George Gilbert left last Thursday
for Marshalltown, Iowa, for a visit
with his brother, J. D. Gilbert, at the
Soldiers’ Home, and afterward the
brothers were to visit at Strawberry
Point with relatives.
Milo Gilbert, wife and three chil
dren left last Saturday morning for
Redding, Iowa, to visit during the
holidays, and be present at the golden
wedding anniversary of Mrs. Gilbert’s
aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Porter, former residents of Webster
While in attendance at the Rebekah
lodge at Society hall last week Wed
nesday evening. Mrs. I). L. Adamson
was attacked by an uncontrollable
coughing spell which severely centered
on the nerves of her neck, and for a
time causing a paralytic affection to
one side of her body from the hand
to the foot. Dr. Kearns was called
and rendered needed medical assist
ance and the lady is resting easier at
this writing.
Last Saturday papers were served
upon Jacob Albers as defendant in a
suit for 16,000 damages on three counts
of $2,000 each for defamation of char
acter, in which Marshal O. Benschoter
is plaintiff. The case is an outcome
of the bitter feeling over the unfor
tunate death of Gotlieb Laier, on the
L7th of November. Mr. Benschoter
lias secured the services of Judge
Wall to prosecute the case, while Mr.
Albers has so far taken no action in
the matter.
Uncle John Chipps of Oak Creek,
the only republican in that township
who was elected last fall, and now
sports road overseer after his name,
was in Loup City last Friday. While
m the way to town one of his horses
was taken sick, necessitating his stay
ing in town that night. Uncle John
was to leave Tuesday morning for a
two months’ visit in southeast Penn
sylvania, returning by way of New
York state, where he will visit for a
while, and also visiting a few days in
Iowa. We trust he will have the best
time of his life.
To the members and friends of the
Baptist church: Greeting, I desire
through the columns of our worthy
newspapers, to express, first of all, my
Jeep gratitude to the many friends
ind neighbors, who have helped us in
jur work in this town. When I leave
rou all it will be with fond memories
tf your readiness to aid me in my en
Jeavors. A short time after I came
into your midst, people from the out
side began to urge us to build the
iiandsome building west of the church
md without your help it would never
lave been erected. There is, how
jver, a small indebtedness left on the
parsonage, and we are very desirous
jo have it wiped out. Therefore, I
venture to ask you to give us another
ift next Sunday evening, for we shall
phen endeavor to raise the remainder
)f the debt. I believe in God, and I
selieve in you, I also believe that my
dosing service in your midst will be
die happiest of all.
Your brother and friend,
H. S. Wold.
Last Friday afternoon the pupils of
VI isses Conger, Young and Naumann's
•ooms had very interesting exercises
Vliss Conger’s infant pupils had a very
>retty Christmas cantata, and gave a
ery presentable dialogue, the little
>nes having been drilled to perfection
n their parts and gave them “like to
he manor born.” At the close, a
Christmas tree loaded with good
Lings was dispensed to the little ones
,o their hearty appreciation. The
oom was tastefully decorated and
vas tilled to overflowing with patrons
>f the school who gave every evidence
>f a just appreciation. Miss Young’3
•oom, which was also decorated in ex
■ellent tone for the occasion, gave
ome very excellent recitations and a
) re tty Christmas dialogue, the chil
Iren entering heartily into the spirit
>f all the exercises, and which were
is well done as could have been done
>v much older and more mature per
10ns, after which a well loaded Christi
nas tree was dispensed to the happy
mpils. Miss Naumann’s room gave
i, very presentable play, the east end
>f the room being set apart for a
nimic stage, on which the characters
jave their parts in a highly appre
:iative manner to a large number of
matrons of the school present. All in
ill, the exercises given by the pupils
)f these rooms gave great credit not
mly to themselves, but to the careful
md painstaking work of their in
Omaha Elevator Co.
E. G. Taylok, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
Individual Liability, $260,000. OO
Do You Want
If so, Enquire of
W. R. Mellor
■*m. I. DEPEWS^
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker
My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Ktvei
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, nia
ohiuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and
turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch.
High Gfade Ofgap
Manufactured by the
I 1
i At Factory Prices
f Delivered in your town.
You Pay $5 Gash
apd $1 Pef Week
60 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors,
Burlington Bulletin,
December, 1906.
If You Are Restless At Horae, Con
sult This Bulletin.
To California:—Daily reduced rate tourist
tickets good all winter including all Coast at
traction. through Standard and Tourist
Holiday Special Rates:-Round trip rates.
Dec. 20th to 25th inc.. and Dec. 30th to Jan. 1st.
Inc., good returning until Jan. 7th.
To Havana. Cuba:—One fare, round trip, Dec.
18th to 20th, limit Jan. 9th.
To the South:—Dally low excursion rates to
Florida and resorts in the Southeast and along
the Gulf. Homeseekers rates Urst and third
Tuesdays to the Southwest.
Personally conducted Excursionto Florida
-Leaving Lincoln and Omaha Wednesday.
Jan. 9th. 1907. Through sleepers to Jackson
ville. Write for itinerary. _ .
Homeseekers Excursions West:—Reduced
jne-way and round trip rates frequently each
month to Western Nebraska. Kansas. Eastern
Colorado and Denver, the North Platte Valley
ind Big Horn Basin.
Free Folders:—Write or call for folders on
rrigation. dry land farming. Dairy District.
And Free Klnkaid Land folde . Personally
jonducted excursions twice a month for Kin
raid lands east of Alliance.
R. L. ABTHDK. Agent.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant.
in the District Court in and for Sherman coun
ty. Nebraska.
To Eva Glazik. .
You are hereby notified that on the 11th day
December 1906. Wolcleh Glazik filed bis
petition against you In the District Court of
Sherman county, Neoraska. the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a decree of
Hvprce from you on the grounds of wilful
Abandonment for a period of more than two
Yon are required to answer said petition on
»r before the 28th day of January. A. D.. 1906.
Woicikh Glazik.
By bis attorney, R. P. Stakb.
[Last pub. Jan. 16-1
.A^nd the Public!
The St. Elmo Livery Bara
launder a new raanagt iuent. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
PHONE, 4 on 6.
I have a few choice high-g rade
Short-horn Bulls
six to ten months old u
. Headji fnr Service. * |
Our herd leaders are the very best,
and if you want something, good, call
on me.
JL . JV.