A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. rp -pyi FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of LOUp GfTY. Conser vative 1906 and Strong Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. Cattle, per 100 lbs .$2.50 $5.00 Hogs, per 100 lbs. 5.70 Com, per bu. 25 retty Christmas cantata, and gave a ery presentable dialogue, the little >nes having been drilled to perfection n their parts and gave them “like to he manor born.” At the close, a Christmas tree loaded with good Lings was dispensed to the little ones ,o their hearty appreciation. The oom was tastefully decorated and vas tilled to overflowing with patrons >f the school who gave every evidence >f a just appreciation. Miss Young’3 •oom, which was also decorated in ex ■ellent tone for the occasion, gave ome very excellent recitations and a ) re tty Christmas dialogue, the chil Iren entering heartily into the spirit >f all the exercises, and which were is well done as could have been done >v much older and more mature per 10ns, after which a well loaded Christi nas tree was dispensed to the happy mpils. Miss Naumann’s room gave i, very presentable play, the east end >f the room being set apart for a nimic stage, on which the characters jave their parts in a highly appre :iative manner to a large number of matrons of the school present. All in ill, the exercises given by the pupils )f these rooms gave great credit not mly to themselves, but to the careful md painstaking work of their in structors. Omaha Elevator Co. E. G. Taylok, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier -directors W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland LOUP Cin STATE 1ABR t LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $260,000. OO Do You Want i If so, Enquire of W. R. Mellor ■*m. I. DEPEWS^ Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker Cj My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Ktvei I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, nia ohiuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. High Gfade Ofgap Manufactured by the I 1 i At Factory Prices f Delivered in your town. You Pay $5 Gash apd $1 Pef Week 60 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors, Burlington Bulletin, December, 1906. If You Are Restless At Horae, Con sult This Bulletin. To California:—Daily reduced rate tourist tickets good all winter including all Coast at traction. through Standard and Tourist sleepers. Holiday Special Rates:-Round trip rates. Dec. 20th to 25th inc.. and Dec. 30th to Jan. 1st. Inc., good returning until Jan. 7th. To Havana. Cuba:—One fare, round trip, Dec. 18th to 20th, limit Jan. 9th. To the South:—Dally low excursion rates to Florida and resorts in the Southeast and along the Gulf. Homeseekers rates Urst and third Tuesdays to the Southwest. Personally conducted Excursionto Florida -Leaving Lincoln and Omaha Wednesday. Jan. 9th. 1907. Through sleepers to Jackson ville. Write for itinerary. _ . Homeseekers Excursions West:—Reduced jne-way and round trip rates frequently each month to Western Nebraska. Kansas. Eastern Colorado and Denver, the North Platte Valley ind Big Horn Basin. Free Folders:—Write or call for folders on rrigation. dry land farming. Dairy District. And Free Klnkaid Land folde . Personally jonducted excursions twice a month for Kin raid lands east of Alliance. R. L. ABTHDK. Agent. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. in the District Court in and for Sherman coun ty. Nebraska. To Eva Glazik. . You are hereby notified that on the 11th day December 1906. Wolcleh Glazik filed bis petition against you In the District Court of Sherman county, Neoraska. the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree of Hvprce from you on the grounds of wilful Abandonment for a period of more than two pears. Yon are required to answer said petition on »r before the 28th day of January. A. D.. 1906. Woicikh Glazik. By bis attorney, R. P. Stakb. [Last pub. Jan. 16-1 .A^nd the Public! The St. Elmo Livery Bara launder a new raanagt iuent. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if you have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt., PHONE, 4 on 6. T.E.Gilbert.Prop. I have a few choice high-g rade Short-horn Bulls six to ten months old u . Headji fnr Service. * | Our herd leaders are the very best, and if you want something, good, call on me. JL . JV.