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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1906)
American Woman Leads In Fight for Suffrage Mrs. Hannah Smith, 75 Years of Age, Still Devoting Her Entire Time to Cause of Her Sex—Author of Well-Known Booh. New York.—The woman's suffrage fight >n England, which is costing the domestic peace of so many of the cab inet ministers whose wives are ardent suffragists, is led by a quiet, sweet faced American Quaker, Hannah Whitehall Smith, who has lived in England many years and has a tre mendous influence in the woman’s movement. Mrs. Smith will soon cel ebrate her seventy-flflh birthday. She is in constant touch with the smallest details of the suffrage cause, and few moves in the campaign are made without her advice and sanction. Hannah Whitehall Smith and her Quaker husband went to England shortly after the American civil war. They were both preachers gifted with eloquence and much common sense, cultivated and possessed of social charms, and rich in this world's goods. They made friends rapidly in the most exclusive society, and some of the fini3t old country homes in England we:* thrown open for their religious gatherings. The numbers attracted by the two Quakers grew to be thousands, persons coming from as far as Paris and Berlin to hear them. Before go ing to Europe Mrs. Smith had writ ten “The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life," vhieh had already had an enor mous sale in America, but it now be came famous all over the world, and I was translated into 27 different lan- ! guages. Her husband dying, Mrs. Smith chose to remain in England perma-, nentlv. She bougut a house in London in the district of Westminster and a lovely old-fashioned place in the coun try. a few miles out of London, iu Sus sex, where a large number of well-to do literary folk have comfortable homes. With her two daughters, who are graduates of Smith college, found ed by n relative of the family in Amer ica, Mrs. Smith has been for years j a distinguished member of London so ciety. The elder daughter married a j well-known art critic and spends most of her time in Florence. The younger daughter is the wife of Hon. Bertrand Russell, brother and ! heir to the eccentric Earl Russell, who was convicted of bigamy a few years ago by his peers in the house of lords, ; the lac.y in the case being a dashing ! American widow, formerly a seam stress in the home of Mrs. Whitehall Smith and her daughters. She is now | recognized as Countess Russell, for-! malitios of divorce having been com plied with. --*«—-** - ** Mrs. Whitehall Smith practices the principles of democracy which she preaches, and both she and Mrs. Ber trand Russell are ardent liberals iq practice and well-seasoned fighters, es pecially for suffrage. Mrs. Rusesll has made her democratic ideas so obnox ious to her husband's distinguished relative, the duke of Bedford, that ha and the duchess will not have anything to do with her. After Earl Russell's numerous escapades had turned hirr —out ol fashionable society, the Bed fords looked to Bertrand Russell ts take the lead in his family branch in the exclusive set at court. But the in fluence of his beautiful American wife, who has charms and money in addi tion, nave won the day, and the duke and duchess have washed their hands of Bertrand. A few years ago Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Russell established a home in London for factory girls, and to this they have given a great deal of theli HANNAH WHITEHALL SMITH. (American Who is Leading Woman's Suffrage Fight in England.) time. ilrs. Russell opened classes fer the git Is and taught them herself, but not being satisfied with her knowledge of the factory conditions under which the girls worked, she disguised herself and for a month worked in the facto ries. She went from one to another, assisted by a few of her girls who wer» in the secret, and as a result of her in vestigations, wrote a series of articles or the North American Review which attracted widespread attention. Mrs. Whitehall Smith thinks the woman's movement in England needs all her time and strength, and she never expects to return to America to live. She is a woman of striking ap pearance, handsome anu commanding, with all the dignity and gentleness of the Quaker. Wellman’s Motor Bi cycle for Use in North Touring Sled Built for Explorer foT Use in Arctic Country—De scription of Machine. New York.—Before leaving for Paris to arrange for the construction of his polar airship. Waiter Wellman sent a representative to interview the automobile people of the country, se lect the best and make a contract for the building of a trial motor tow ing machine. The experience was disheartening. Almost every promi nent concern had more orders on hand than could be filled, in which there was an assured profit, and to undertake an experimental machine , THE MOTOR BICYCLE SLED. such as Wellman wanted “would throw the entire factory out of its stride.” After weeks of vain effort Well man's representative returned to Washington, enlisted the interest and cooperation of Charles M. Miller & Bro.. who detailed George W. Wells, an automobile expert and a man of much originality of thought, to build the machine. In a stable in an alley way in the northeast part of the city, where the desired secrecy could be had, the work was begun and finished. The motor and tricar frame used were secured from a motor bicycle maker, but everything else was con structed by hand under Mr. Wells. The motor is of four and one-half horsepower. It is intended for tow ing solely and not for speed, and therefore is geared low. The machine ■ ■ ■ - can travel from two to thirty miles an hour over smooth ice. The runners used are of two pairs of Norwegian “ski,” both having seen actual service in the north on Well man’s two former trips and having been worn by Wellman himself. The wood is therefore seasoned and can be relied upon. They are reenforced, however, with sheet iron, underneath which are steel runners or skates. The front "ski” are the guides; the rear ones being used to take some of the weight from the tractive or driving wheel when soft snow is en countered, which is frequent enough in the frozen north to make such a provision necessary. The driving wheel is quite an inter esting bit of mechanism, and is Mr. Wells' invention. It is constructed entirely of steel except for the rub ber tire. The width of the wheel proper is about six inches, on the outer edge of which are broad teeth that are to give'the power in the snow or soft ice. In the center is a penu matic tire of rubber two inches wide. This is covered with steel wire to prevent puncture, and this latter is covered with a strip of leather which is filled with sharp steel teeth about the size of the head of an ordinary screw, that will grip the hardest ice and, as Mr. Wells put It, will climb the side of a house. Sunshine Helps Sugar Cane. The effect of sunshine on sugar growing is said by the New Orleans Picayune to make the crop more pro ductive. Thus Spain has become ar. successful with beet-sugar growing as with her established cane-sugar in dustry, notwithstanding an arid cli mate. On the other hand, the storms and fogs that envelop the British is lands are said to have prevented the development of the beet-sugar indus try there. England's annual average hours of sunshine are only 1,400 j while Spain has 3,000 hours. Evidence. As small Tommy was about to climb into his chair at the dinner table his mother said; “Are your hands clean dear?” “ 'Course they are,” answered Tom my. “If you don’t believe It, look at the towel.” To Test the Duty on Jewels. Government Will Carry Controversy Over String of Pearls to Fed eral Court. New York.—The United States gov ernment, through the treasury depart ment, has decided to discover, by means of a federal court decision, the exact basis upon which the duties im posed on gems and jewels imported into this country may be levied. There is a nice point of discrimination in the classification of imported gems, and the customs authorities fix the rate according to the class in which, in their judgment, an importation be longs. For instance, the duty on un matched, unmounted or uncut gems is only ten per cent., while that on matched or mounted jewels is 60 per cent. The customs authorities, through their agents abroad, as well as from their observations at this port, have been a wain for a long time that great quantities Of gems and pearls have found their way Into this country un der payment of the ten per cent, duty when, in their estimation, the higher rate should have been levied. The mat ter of discrimination must often be based on personal observation and judgment alone, where there is nc ouside proof to indicate that the valu able declared' had been taken apart after purchase abroad and brought here unmatched or unmounted for the sole purpose of evading payment of the higher rate. It is said that the test case to be brought by the government concerns 60 pearls of great value, purchased in Paris by William B. Leeds, the rail road man, as a gift for his wife. Much Coal in Natal. At the industries commission re cently held at Vryheld, Natal, It was stated that thousands of millions ot tons of coal equal In quality to any yet mined in Africa existed within a rauius of 30 miles of the town. CALLS MARRIAGE AN INCIDENT. Miss Louise Lee Hardin, who as president of the National Business Wom an's League declared that marriage is becoming a mere incident in a woman’) life, belongs to a prominent Kentucky family and is the originator of "Horn) Coming Week,” inaugurated in Louisville June 13. She was chosen inaid of honor for Jefferson county for the occasion. BLACKENED WITH TURTLES And the Skipper Has the Latitude and Longitude to Prove Assertion. “Yes. sir.” remarked Capt. Quick, of the steamer El Alba, which reached port from Galveston, "The sea was sim ply black with turtles. There must have teen a million of them—mon sters. too, and many were so covered with barnacles that they looked like they were hundreds of years old. For a time we thought that they had keen hurled up from the bottom of the sea by an earthquake. “It in latitude 35 degrees and 40 minutes, longitude 3G degrees and 30 minutes, that we ran into the field of turtles. As they scraped along the iron sides of the vessel, they sounded like tugs. One big fellow kept alongside for some time. He was over six feet long and five feet broad and had bar nacles all over him. We tried to catch one of them, but they wouldn't bite.” COING TO PLANT LOBSTERS A Vermont Farmer Who Thought His Land Just About Right for It. "I was up in northern Vermont about the first of May,” saia the Boston in surance angent, “and one day 1 had a farmer drive me across tne country be tween two towns. In our conversation he told me that he had 40 acres of land, BY A MODERN SOLOMON. Little Business Axioms That Are Needed in Every Day Life. Never go into business with rela tives. They'll skin you. even it' you get St. Petet for doorkeeper and the re cording angel for the bookkeeper. Beware of false profits! A penny overcharged may cause you to lose a dollar customer. When you hear a man say, “Do oth ers before they do you,” look out for him. He is one of the evildoers! When you are down take knocks without howling. But when you get up again just sock it to your enemy with compound interest. Mark Twain says, “Be good, and you will be lonesome!” Your Uncle Solo mon says: “Better be alone in good company than sociable in bad!” The ready lender generally finds out that when he gets broke there is a great deal of truth in the old saying that “He who goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing!” Paste this over your desk! If you haven’t a desk, on your looking-glass! ' If you haven’t a looking-glass, over your bed! if you haven't a bed, wear it next to your heart! Be sure to keep i: by you, so that you may re member, a dollar is your best friend! ' Never answer advertisements that promise to pay you $30 a week for 1 sitting home, doing nothing! Save i COL. DUPONT ELECTED SENATOR. 1. ! I The Delaware legislature elected Col. Henry A. Dupont United States sena tor for the constitutional term beginning March 3, 1905. Col. Dupont is 68 years old and is a native of Delaware. He is the head of the great powder works bearing his name and is very wealthy. He served throughout the war of the rebellion and was awarded a congressional medal of honor. Col. Dupont resigned from the army in 1875. He was president and general manager of the Wilmington & Northern Railroad company from 1879 to 1899. but owing to its sterility he could hardly make a living. In a joking way. and supposing he would take it as a joke, 1 asked: “ Why don’t you plant the whole thing to gondolas?’ “ ‘Yes, I might,’ he mused, ‘but I think I have got a better thing—some thing that will pay big after two or three years.’ “‘Ana what is that?’ “ 'There was a feller up here from Cape Cod the other day and he told me that it was just the place to grow lob sters, and he's going to send me up half a dozen to begin with next fall.’ “ ’Did he give you any statistics about them?’ ‘•‘Figures, you mean? All the said was that they took care of themselves, kept skunks away and sold for 50 cents apiece as soon as they were big enough to climb trees. That’s good enough for ine.‘ ” Glass Conductors. Glass is usually thought of as a typical non-conductor or insulator, of electricity. But some kinds of glass are very good conductors of electricity. Mr. C. E. S. Phillips, of Shooter’s Hill, England, has produced in his labora tory a glass which readily conducts electridty, and which, he thinks, may prove useful for the windows and cases of electrostatic instruments. This glass possesses about 36 times the con ductivity of common soda glass. But it is said that there is no particular difficulty in producing flint glass with as graat conductivity as that just men tioned. Valuable Volume. The duke of Devonshire possesses Claude Lorrainels “Book of Truth.” It is worth six times as much as tjie “Mazarin” Bible, the most valuable book in the British museum. The late duke refused an offer of $100,000 for it. your stamps and your common sense. The ;>ost office hasn’t cornered all the frauds yet! Never run from a policeman or a dog. They’ll think you are guilty wht.uer you are or not! Then you are sure to get a clubbing or a biting, no matter how little you may deserve it. There are times when it pays to stand still.—American Magazine. Old Vets’ Chaplain. Dr. J. W. Sayers, of Philadelphia, has just been reelected chaplain of the Grand Army of the Republic in Penn sylvania, this being his thirty-fifth con secutive term in that position. He served with company B of the One Hundred and Twenty-second Pennsyl vania volunteers during the civil war and participated in many battles with the army of the Potomac. Cheap Advertising. Sued in Bloomsbury, England, for the balance of an account for an ad vertisement In a weekly paper, a court dressmaker contended that the terms of her agreement had not been ful filled, viz., that she was to receive a notice weekly in “Answers to Corre spondents,” such as “Dear Matilda, the best place for you to get the hat is Madame-’s.” Pocahontas Society. Fifty members are already enrolled in the Pocahontas society, recently formed in Washington. Members must prove their descent from the Indian maiden and her English husband There is to be a "Pocahontas day” at the. Jamestown exposition, where the society will hold first place. Forbidden by Law. Prospective Buyer—“I’m sure I gtit a bite.” Agent—"I can’t understaad it; there is a town ordinance to muzzle mosquitoes”—hT v Sun. (Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles.) June 1, 11 a. m.—It is five years to day since I even opened my Birthday Diary. At first—after it was all over—1 couldn’t bear to see or to touch the little book; then when that feeling; had dulled, I forgot all about it. But t.hi3 morning, I came across the volume which holds the flamboyant fancies from 17 to 20; and a mood has seized me that after five years I will again turn to my paper confidant. Poor littie book! you are. faded and yellow on the margins; like your wri ter—the worse for wear! From 17 to 25 is a long, long while! Who could help growing the worse for wear? I don't suppose that many jilted wo men of 25 can smile with perpetual success! Jilted! It is a marvelously ugly word to write; but as a Birthday Diary de mands the truth. I may not scratch it DUt. Yes, at 20 I loved madly, riotously, and wonderfully—oh, God! how fuii of real romance I was!—and at 21 I had to teach myself to leave off loving! I didn't think I should ever learn the lesson; but I suppose I have—now. 1 almost wish now that I had entered In the Birthday Diary how my lover gave me up. There was nothing par ticularly original about the proceeding ar the way it was done, but for all 'hat It was worth remembering. It was after dinner. I was sitting in my boudoir waiting for him instead of going to the theater with the others, because he had wired that he wanted to see me alone. That wire had made me so happy “It is because he just wants to sit tvith his arms around me; he and I luite by ourselves,” I thought with glad conceit as I got into his favorite gown. * With curious punctuality (he was lsually late on every occasion) George irrived. His mouth looked straight and ;et as he entered the room, but when t was pressed against my own in the most passionate greeting he had ever given me, 1 forgot its almost cruel ines. When 1 had drawn back after that iwift, spontaneous kiss, George did not nake any effort to come near me igain. "I have come to tell you,” he began, ! ooking more Napoleonic than I had tver seen him—"I have come to say, I Delia, that my people want—me—to— narry—a woman—with—a great—deal -more—money — titan — you — will— f iver—have. I had better confess it all, I tnd—” Oh it's no good writing down the CAME THROUGH THE TREES. ugly history of debt and difficulty, the mercenary edicts of a snobbish family full of generals, admirals, unpaid bills and self-importance, and the pitiful, cowardly weakness of a man wirn a firm jaw and Napoleonic profile! Details are nothing; it's only results that matter, and the results are in my heart and on my face! This moruing when I woke I looked 1 In the glass, just as X looked on the ! day I began my Birthday Diary— I eight years ago! At first there didn’t seem to be much difference; but then gradually I under- j stood why my only friends are clevsr, staid spinsters or sensible married women, and my only admirers livery colonels or prudent people who would be likely to study insurance prospsc uses. A "woman” of five-and-twenty! I remember how I used to revei in the term “woman" while I was young enough tor it to be absurd when ap plied to myself; but now, oh! I'd give i anything if people would oniy spon taneously call me a “girl!” It seems ages since 1 was called a “girl” by anyone except mamma (she of course will call me one when I’m 90!). 1 am always a “nice little wom an,” a "clever woman like yourself,”; “you who are such a charming wo man,” etc. I don’t want to be a woman—not “nice,” "clever,” nor "charm ng!” I’d give all my reputation for say .ng i smart things, being accomplished end well-read, and for dressing well, ir 1 could just be a silly, vain, shy, arro gant "girl” again. But no—“youth's sweet-scented man uscript” has closed f>* me. I am 25—I am "ciever”—I am lone ly—I am admired—I am unloved! And even Dolf (the boy-lover who has faithfully remembered my birth days all these years) forgets me now. To-day Is the first time since we said good-by on my seventeenth birth day that no gift has arrived from the blazing east. 1 expect I shall hear by the next mail that he has taken unto himself a wife—some young fresh-skinned thing sent straight over from home in order to test the Anglo-Indian marriage mar ket before she runs the gamut of ex pensive i^ondon seasons. Poor Dolf! He was full of all a boy’s passionate fidelity. *‘I shall never, never forget you ol leave off loving you all my life!" Sometimes 1 can hear those words as he said them that wonderful June 1, just eight years ago, when I was full of child-girlhood's arrogance. Perhaps then—oh! here comes some one to break my solitude! Cannot they leave me alone with my birthday thoughts? 6 p. m.—Although I never believed that this birthday entry would divide itself into two halves, like some of the others, nevertheless, it has done so. I began my diary on the river—I conclude it in the bedroom (such a tiny bungalow bedroom, where my din ner frock is laid out ready). The “some one’’ who came through the trees to break the solitude of my birthday thoughts was—Dolf! The boy-lover, bronzed and grown into a strong, almost stern-looking, | man. "1 thought I would bring your pres I ent myself this year. Delia," were his first words, as he stepped into the punt and dropped a packet into my lap. i In a strange, inexplicable way I wasn't surprised to see him; It almost seemed as though the water and the wind and the birds had prepared me I for his coming. "I—I—thought you had f-f-forgouen j me this year,” I stammered, tearing the string and paper off the packet. "I told you eight years ago that 1 should never, never forget you," he answered quietly, as I raised the lid of a small cardboard box, and— iucic v> as my uii uuiay gin: Another gold heart—just like the ona he had given me when I was 17! “I have come home to give you my heart over again. Will you take it this time, Delia?” Then 1 realized that there are s ime men who “never forget"—and thank God for them! “But, Dolf, I have changed so much —let me move into the sunlight here, so that you can really see my face; and remember, I powder—now! . . . No, no, you must hear me! I have loved some one very much, and—and he gave me up. (Jilted me. Dolf!) You will be only taking the leavings of another man; you can’t want me— Dolf, you can’t want me!” With a tender smile on his face, Dolf took both my hands in his. “Yes, dear, I can want you, and 1 do want you,” he answered; “I have want ed you all these years—lonely, blazing years, Delia; and in my own way I've been praying ail ths time that seme day we might be together.” A sudden feeling of resentment rushed over me (perhaps his prayers had been responsible for my being loved—and left!); but then as I saw the great honesty of his eyes, nothing but thankfulness and humility re mained in my heart. “If you really mean It, Dolf, i—I am ready; but it is a risk for a man to pick up broken threads after eight years,” I said. “It is no risk, because, with me, the threads have never been dropped.” Then he bent down and kissed my hand. . . . Now the second gold heart (I lost the first one years ago! > is hanging round my neck, and everyone knows we are going to be married. We h.ive been up to the houseboat, and Erica has kissed and cried over us both, and mamma is so happy, too. Everyone seems happy, and—surely it can't be true—but U it that I am happy as well? It would be wonderful if it were so, but (I sit opposite the glass as I write) it almost looks like it. I caught myself smiling without knowing it, and the smile has taken away that long line; I’ll put on my white frock and—and—why, to-ntght I believe I can bear to wear roses! Ah! there is Dolf; he is calling to me from the garden below. . . “When are you coming down, you vain little girl!” “Little girl.”—girl—girl!” tfot "clever woman”—but just “vain little girl!” At last I have come back to my heri tage. I am 25—but some one has called me a "girl.” It is very dear to be loved, and my thankfulness is great. Please God, the future will be all right—I think it will! Where are the roses? I’ll put one in my hair, and a cluster on my breast. Yes, Dolf, I am coming! A little girl!!! FABULOUS INDIAN LEGEND. Grandfather of All Mosquitoes Ap peased His Appetite with a Redman or Two. There are pretty big mosquitoes in the world, but if report be true they have greatly degenerated in sizw and strength since the day3 when this le gend was believed by many tribes of Indians. The grandfatner of all mosquitoes lived in the neighborhood of Onon daga, N. Y. When he grew hungry he would sally forth and eat an Indian or two and pick his teeth with their ribs. The Indians had no arms that would prevail against this monster so they called upon the Holder of Heavens to come down. Finding that he had met his match in this person the mos quito flew eastward, sought help from the witches that inhabited the Green lake, and had reached Lake Onongaga when his pursuer came up and killed him. As his blood poured forth on the sand each drop became a smaller mos qulto. They gathered abfcut the Hold er of the Heavens and stung him so truelly that he half repented the ser leuheJmd rendered to the Indians The Tuscaroras say that two of the mosquitoes stood on opposite sides of the Seneca river and slew all who passed. Hiawatha killed them A reservation stone marks the plaee where the Holder rested during his chase, and tracks were until lately seen south of Syracuse alternated with the footprints of the mosquito These footprints were shaped like those of a bird, and were 20 Inches long These marks were revered by the Indians Tor many years. ur Last year there were 39,2n ooo of matches, sold In France. brtSTtaS that nations treasury 13.216.950, this being a state monopoly. TO SAVE HARD LABOR. Bare Table at Breakfast and Lunch Saves Tablecloths—How to Keep Table Nice. A bare table at breakfast and luncheon lessens the weekly wash, which is always an interesting and often a burdensome item in the one servant establishment. Square linen plate doilies are at each cover, two larger ones, also square, lie diamondwise through the center of the table. Between their points is a smaller round or square doily upon which stands the center piece of ferns or other growing plants. The hemstitched doilies are con venient for both the plates and cen terpieces. since they are much easier laundered than the figured varieties. One set of the latter is an addition for special occasions. By this arrangement one table cloth lasts about five days, which al lows only three In two weeks to be laundered. The small doillies are more easily laundered than a table cloth, and more satisfactorily turned out at the hands of the inexperi enced laundress. To protect the table there may be cut from sheets of asbestos, pieces round, square or oblong, as the case may be. to fit under the various doilies. A little rubbing of the table with a flannel cloth twice a week keeps it in perfect condition.—Chicago Trib une. NOTES ON THE FASHIONS. Black Silk Gloves for Day and Those Matching the Gown the Proper Caper for Evening. The fashionable woman now wears black glace kid gloves with all her gowns in the day time, but for even ing she wears gloves that exactly match her dress. The only exception to this i;. the white glove or flesh color, both of which are worn a great deai in the evening. Glove trimmings are very important this season, for they are so pretty and so unusual. A great many of the gloves are hand embroidered, and these hand embroidered gloves, in silk or lisle, are very much the mode. And, of course, with all gloves there are bracelets worn. The bracelet is a thing that is taken for granted. The wearing of bracelets of different design is one of the summer ideas, and as it is not an expensive fashion, the woman who is trying to dress pret tily can take it up. For a moderate sum she can get a beautiful bracelet of antique design which will be iu good taste and suitable for wear with any gown. The wearing of antique jewels is one of the summer fashions, and antique bracelets, dinner rings and garilets are worn. The whole idea is that the costume must match throughout, and that any amount of ingenuity must be em ployed to secure this result. This is the fashion, not only in this country, but in London. The new materials of summer show a tendency toward the tiny figure, and there are very many that are sprigged and flowered and daintily designed in floral pattern.—Brooklyn Eagle. MISCELLANEOUS. Dry buckwheat applied liberally to grease spots on carpets will readily remove them. To clean zinc dip a piece of cotton rag in paraffin and rub the zinc with it until all dirt is removed. Rinse well with clean water and dry with a clean cloth. it <x lauiesyuuuiui ui uiacK pepper :s stirred into the first water in which gray or buff linen is washed it will prevent its spotting; it will also pre vent colors running in cambrics and muslins, and is will not affect the soft ness of the water. TO PREVENT RUST.—Heat the ar ticles well and rub in thoroughly com mon beeswax. Then rub well with a cloth until the wax is well rubbed in. Knives, tin or iron kettles or any ar ticle which will rust have been kept for years in this manner. The loofahs or dried vegetable sponges which one buys at the drug gist's for a small sum. make excellent wash cloths. With a sharp pair of shears cut the loofah in two crosswise, and again through the middle. The outer surface is smoother than the in ner, but some people like a rough face cloth. The little sponges are good also to wash fine glass and china. White chiffon washes perfectly, but a better way to clean it is by a dry method. Use tv^o quarts of finely pow dered starch to one of powdered borax. Spread the chiffon on a clean muslin, and rub the mixture well Into it. Shake this out, and sprinkle liberally with clean flour and borax: cover and leave over night; the next day brush and shake every particle of powder from the chiffon. It should be found quite spotless.—Good Literature. Fruit Rolls. Sift two cupfuls of pastry flour, one teaspoonful of salt and four teaspoon fuls of baking powder together; rub Into this with the tips of the fingers one tablespoonful of butter, mix to a soft dough with three-fourths of a cupful of thin cream, toss on a lightly floured board, pat and roll one-fourth Inch thick, cut with biscuit cutter, place a large seeded raisin or the half of a stoned date on one-half the circle, brush the edges with cream, fold over, press the edges firmly together, brush the top with milk or butter, and bake on a buttered sheet In a hot oven for 15 minutes. Fruit may be placed on top of the rolls also If desired. . Pongee in Demand. Just at present the material most in demand is pongee, in all its different qualities and colorings. House dresses, handsome reception gowns, coat and Bklrt costumes, traveling dresses—it does not seem to matter for what purpose, so varied are the spring and Bummer models in pongee and rajah cloth. Raspberry Sherbert. Ma3h a quart of raspberries, cover with a pound of sugar, and add the luice of a large lemon. Stand for two hours, then squeeze hard through Doarse muslin. Turn into a freezer utd freeze.