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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1906)
Loup City Northwestern * * ., ~ . * . .it' \ PLUME XXIII. _LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1906. NUMBER 28 THE NORTHWESTERN' j TfCKBffS:—11.00 PER YEAR. IF PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postoffice for trans mission through the; mails as second class matter. Office ’Phone, ... rs Residence ’Phone, - - R15 •1. W. 1 iI it LEIGH. Ed. and Puli. ADVERTISING RATES Display Space— Rates furnished upon ap plication. Local Notices.—Five cents per line for cai-.i insertion Notices set in black face type double the above rate All notices will be run untu ordered out when time i> not specified Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec tures suppers, etc., where an admission fee is charged, or a momentary interest involved, five cents per line each insertion, f 'ard of Thanks. »0 cents. L solutions of respect and condolence $1.00, Jti memorlam poetry, five cents a line. Announcements of church services, lodge, •f* ty arid ciub meetings and all public gin mi’s where not conducted for revenue, will be r wished free. Memorial Sunday Program, There will he union Memorial ser vices at the i>pera house Sunday, Mav 27th. at 10:30 a. m. Singing merica. by congregation. Prayer Uev. Wold.* D Q trtette—Messrs Melior, John 'ii. Smith. Leininger. Mesdarnes; Henry. Leininger. French and Out*; house. Lesson- i»t-v. Wise. Song Italian Hymn Congregation. Sermon Uev. McEvven. Singing Hosology. Benedict ion. Decoration Day Program. Program h,r Decoration Day exer cises to be held at tlie opera house May :i0. 1 :.T» p. m. V«n*a; Music—Regale Quartette. Prayer Rev. (I. II. Wise. L; s Quartette -Mesdames Henry. Leiuinger. Main and Outhouse. Get; \ stiurg v (ration Lottie Gibson. Quartette -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lein in: >r. A. •!. Johnson. Mrs. French. Address Hon. R. j’. Stan. I» rt-Meviatnes Holcombe and French Song—America. After services at the opera house a! v. ill go io cemetery to decorate the graves of our soldiers and friends. Wattles of Omaha has decided not t for the IT, S. senate, Weil, wliat was the use, anyway. Some subscriber wrote the Times Ia>t week, nominating it's editor for th • legislature. Ahem! Hon. E. A. Riown of Sherman. it is asserted that the railway emnloyes of Nebraska will organize t ' ad off anti-railroad legislation, II '.;u is done, the superior tiandi. vi "'k I the railroad 1 c-ads will Ik' in evidence, in the minds of the people. S' far as we have been able to b :1' ie united opposit ion to repuir lir.iii iii in Nebraska ha* been only ; two Candi da.- - who express u long felt want i : the nomination for gubernatorial honors. 'ii., ir George Sheldon has an- i li need Iw "ill tic a candidate for goo rnor. with ami-pass and railroad 1 r:- I gisli'i ion. and an elective com- • mission a* his st igari. He thus throws j down tlie gauntlet of tight to finish with tlie railroad forces. - The Sh' .ru.n county republican! t intral committee is called to meet ft S re stnrr in tlii- city ori Saturday. June 2nd, at j > • ; in ' ing the time and place ;• i aiding the county convention v ■ : a.i >.;!cediy be given, afe oi Omaha . ennui even t o . letting the senutnrship ge: S' TO-:! it. i lie idea of it g mg i. ’ :v o tsi-.le bus iii" same efie ; o' - citizen- that tlie sight of " - has on a dog with the rallies. 1. •• Ac pleasant aroma of Rose \v ‘ i- ims ri" calming effect. '"1st* supreme court on Monday re*' all'need the sentence in the lower emir!. and Senator Burton of Kansas li es-, spend six months in jail and |ay a line of -:-.oihi. deprives him of j r. sent in the I’. S. senate and debars] him forever afrer from holding un I office under this government. George L. House, speaker of the las: house. i> formally brought out lp iiis Mail - county for the governor ship Hii • ever, the Independent of Brand Island (Hep.) can't see it that j v nd .ticking House on account ] t<! hi- eii'.. >r\ railroad record. "Nix i in a ii s. " Not any of htm for; us. also. _' Pan iUia’.es for the various office* I ar- ii rig name:! rapidly these days, i A .1 ’ig tii ■■ spoken of '-ate. we hear: tie name A. I*. Pulley, as demo-1 era < andidate for the legislature. I A. H. has some of the oest symptoms o ' a go id democrat, and the fact that he ails from Kentucky, should tie ; th” pass into the innermost councils. ! As we intiinatod a couple of weeks] since, the democrat* of Sherman have | tin int« ntionof allowing their populist i friend- t-■ capture the political pot. j hot propose having a convention the .-.’Ives and have a say of their «.v*. ii. Groups of democrats might] !. been seen on the street last I Sa ::rday «rtisc*ussing tite situation and v. e were informed by one of the lead-, er : hat they would un loubtedly hold a convention soon and place a com plete ticket in tlie field. In spite of the pessimist} ■ belief of th knowing ones, the senate passed the Hepburn railroad rate bill last S iday. and in the entire senate t : > were only three votes recorded ag. list i' Koraker of Ohio, and M rgan and Petti - of A labama. The in a -ure liad hen under consideration f.enty days in that body and has caused inure interest over the coun try pan any other since the repeal of o ' tlic purchasing clause of the Sher man bill in 1* Kl. That it passed so nearly, unanimous—71 toff—will prove somewhat incredulous to the reader of the proceedings and delates on the measure during its discussion. 1st->y •- a ■, ' %'f Articles of Incorporation, Sher man County Crain, Coal, Lum ber and Live Stock Association Know All Men By These Presents: That we. C. M Snyder, Christ Zwink. W. H. Hughes. Kolia D. Hendrickson. J. B. Ford, James Me Beth. A VV. Mason John J. Zink, John N Fisher, do associate ourselves to gether lor the purpose or forming and becom ing a corporation in the state of Nebraska, for the transaction of the business hereinafter described: I. The name of th" Corporation shall be the Sherman t’ounty Grain, Coal. Lumber and Live Stock Association. The principal place of transacting its busi ness shall be in the city of Loup City, county of Sherman, and state of Nebraska. II. The nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation shall be: 1 To buy. sell, exchange, store and ship all kinds of grain and farm products, and to carry on and maintain a general gram business. -• To buy. sell, exchange, keeo in stock and deal in lumber, lime hair, cement and all kinds of lumber and building material 3. To buy. sell, exchange* keep in stock and deal in coal and other fuel, and to carry on wholesale and retail coal varcs and to do a general coal business. 4. To buy. sell, exchange and deal in animals and live stock of all kinds and to carry on and maintain stock yards and do a general stock shipping business. r> To buy. sell, lease, rent, exchange, own, hold and deal m real estate as far as may be nec essary, incidental or advantageous m con ducting the above described forms of business. 6 Such business to be conducted at Loup Hity. Nebraska, and such other places in the United States may be deemed expedient by the Board of Directors. IH. poration shall be One Hundred Thousand Dollars in .shares of ten dollars ($10* ! eac h, to he paid on demand of the Board of Directors. IV. The existence of this Corporation shall com mence on the 10th day of April. l‘JO0. and con- ! linue during the period of twt uty-five years unless sooner dissolved as provided by law. The business of said Corporation shall be : conducted by a Board of Directors, not to exceed - • it in number, to ue elected by the stockholders, such elections to take place at such • ne and bo conducted in such manner as shall bt- pr - r bed l>3 the by-law- of said Corporation VI. The officers of -aid Corporation shall be a President Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer wk .-hall i.«* chosen at the first regular meeting of tno stockholder*, and shall hold their office i >r the period of one year, and until their sue< • -sors shall be elected and qualified. VII The highest amount of indebtedness to which said Cu! ;> ratio shall at any .inn subject itself shui not b more than the pah; up capital stock, and no one except a farmer actually engaged in ’illing the soil shall be eligible to hold any office in this assoc tat ion. VIII. The manner of holding the meetings of the stockholders for tk tion of officers and the meihods <*f conducting the business o^the corporation shall be provided for in the by laws adopted by the Corporation IX. The highest number of shares that any person shed b«- allowed to subscribe for or own shall be fifty (50 and he shall be allowed one vote only as though he owned bi t one share. X No shareholder of thi- Corporation shall be ' indiv. di;i.. liable f«r more than doubk his share of -• ck subscribe 1 In .■ f. - whereof the undersigned have j hereunto set their hands this dav of March. lion r. M SNYDER f TIU 1ST Z. WIN lv, W H. HUGHES, HOLLA D. I1ENDRIPKSON. [MKAI.j J. B. FQKD. JAMBS McBETK. A W. M ASON. JOHN J ZINK. JOHN N FISHER. Last pub June T. ■ % My three stallions and two .lacks Will stand for the season IOih. at the Ilowe Il'.meh on Oak Creek, about 8 miles northeast of Loup ( ity. All three horses will be at the old stand lp Loup City op Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week. Mv terms for the season are to insure colt to live nine days or no pay. TERMS; - “Nistral,” SJ2.5<: “Beau tiful Prince," $10.00: "Kentucky Hoy" $10.00: my old Kentucky Jack *10.00; tn\ uld Missiuri Jack $15.00. Persons disposing of or removing mare from vicinity where bred, the price of service Itecomes due the same as if mare was known to Ire in foal. Care will be taken to prevent acci dent but should any occur 1 will not e responsible. Crive Us a Trial Bound Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Prop? Loup ( ity. - Xebr. Pme-tt Liv v' Rigs, careful drivers Headquarters iortanners’teaiui. <w>m men's trade given especial at tention. Your patronage solicited. Baptist Clnuvli Directory. Every Sunday. Morning services.10:30am Sunday School .11:30 a m B. Y. P. C. . r.:3o p m Evening services .. 7:30 pm and 8:00 in the summer months Mid-week prayer meetings every Wednesday night nt 7:30 to 8:00 p. m. Prayer meetings are held in the parsonage during winter months. The Ladies’ Aid Society meets on Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. H ,S. Wulp. Pastor.' Notice of Hearing. In the District Court of Sherman County. Ne braska: In the matter of the petition of Arminius P Cullev to require the executrix of the last will and testament of George H. Scott, de ceased, to execute a deed of conveyance of certain real extn’e. State of Nebraska, i >SS. Sherman County. S To Elizabeth Scott, executrix of the estate of George II. Scott, deceased: Elizabeth Scoit, widow of George H Scott, dec eased: Joel It. Scott. Kate Kittel. Lucy Finch. George H. Scott Livingston G. Scott. Iona Sharp and Thaddeus Scott, children and heirs at law of George II. Scott deceased: Margaret Scott, wife of said Joel It. Scott: George Kittel. husband of said Kate Kittel: Kate Scott, wife of said George II. Scott: Irene Scott, wife of -aid Livingston G. Scott: William Sharp, husband of said Iona Sharp: Daisy Scott, wife of said Thaddeus Scott and to all persons interested in the estate of said George H. Scott, deceased: You and each or you arc hereby notified that on March hist. I90r>. Arminius P. Cullev tiled his petition in the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree authorizing and directing Elizabeth S.-ott ns executrix of the lavi will and testament of George H. Scott, de ceased, to execute and deli v'er to the said A r minius P Cullev a deed containing full cove nants oi warranty to the following described real estate situate in Sherman county, Nebras ka to-wit: A piece or parcel of land'hung and being in lots one and two. iu block eighteen, in the original town, now village, of Loup cm . and being the south forty feet off of the south end of said lots on and two. and which is de scribed by metes and bounds as folio .v : i'om mcncing at the southeast corner of said lot one. and running them *- north along the east line of said lot one forty feet, the ace west and parallel with the south line of said lots one and two. to the west line of saift lot two. thence south and along the west line of said lot two to the south line of said lot two, thence east along the south line of said lots one and two to the place of beginning in pursuance of th* term of a certain written contract between said George H s ott now deceased, and S. F. He: - nolds. and which contract was thereafter sold, assigned and delivered to tin- said Arminius P. Cullev That said petition was. on April 3rd. 19b:.. presented to the District court of Sherman county. Nebraska, and an order was made by said court mat the hearing upon said petition be ha : at the court house in Loup City. Ne braska. in said countv of Sherman, on the I2i’h day of June. lbiHi. at the hour of 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and it was further or dered that notice of the pendency of this peti tion and of the tin:** and place fixed for the hearing thereon be given by publication for s:x successive weeks in the Lore City North western. a weekly newspaper published and of general circulation in said county of Sher man. Dated this :£>th day of April. 190C arm in it’s P. Cclley. Petitioner. By K. J Nii.hti>*.ai.e. His Attorney attest: C. F. BecshaI’SEN. Clerk .if the District Court of [SEAL Sin :man County. Nebraska. By John Minshull, Deputy. Las. pub. June 7. U P KAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE Vhrss Daily vpraiqs to Caliioi ilia* trains arrive and depart as FOLLOWS:— No. 28 leaves daily except Sunday ipa*s enger; 7:25 a.m. No. leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed i 12:20 p.m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed i • ir» p. m. No. s? arrives dully except Sunday mixed) 11:50 a.m. No. 37 arrives Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 7:35 p. m. No. 39 * passenger) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at f. .25 p m. First classservio and close connections east. west and south. Tickets sold to all points, aud baggage checked through to destination. Information will be cheer fully furnished on application to G. W. COi-LiPKiFST, Agent TINE TABLE, UH’P CITY NKBR. l,i;.coin, Denver, Omaha, Helena, • ’hicago, Butte, Si Joseph. Salt Lake City, Kansas Oitv, Portland, st Louis. San Francisco, snd Mi pot Ms and ail points sst a. no snnth. West. IIUI>s I.E.Wt AS FOLLOW*; going east So 52 Pasttcngei.7 . 3.*>a. m No oh Freight.9:15 a. m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger. 5:10 p. w. No. 59 Freight.tfrtiD p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seats tree) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United states or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to R. L, Arthur agent. Or J. Francis, Gen*l Passenger agent. Omaha. Nebraska. _I And the Public! Tie St. Elmo Lifer? Bam Is under anew management. Give me a trial and if you have any thin'* good to say, say it to others; if yon have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t ritiht my mistakes, hut I can and will. Respt., PHONE, w;l T.K. Gilbert, Prop. Good jVlusic popular Music Classical JVlusic Sheet JVlusic of All JCipds For Sale Undertaking and Art Goods C. H. LEININGER! Pianos and Organs E. (t. Taylor, J. S. Pedi«er, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier -directors W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland LIP CITY STATE" BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 ; \ Leiiier Liter Lin □Loup City, fJebfaska, UMBER Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Agents for Slienvin-AYilliams Prepared Paints OUR jVIOTTO: * Good Goods At Right Prices We run our business on the prin ciple that The Best Wins We adhere to the policy of always giving the best possible value For Least Money There’s considerable satisfaction in a store where you know it’s impossible for you to make a mistake. You always have the Our desire is to make Loup City The Best Possible JVIafket IN SHERMAN COUNTY Pin, met aid Eis And all kinds of Produce, C. C. Cooper. On account of re-building our coal sheds, we will reduce the price of our coal in bins on B. & M. S.25 per ton. -YARDS AT Loup City, Ashton Rockville and Schaupps Siepmann & Oltmann City Meat Market. Siepmann & Oltmann City Dray Line. Siepmann & Oltmann City Meat Market. Siepmarn & Oltmann Dity Dray Line. Phone W51 and W53 BOUGHT AT THE 8. & |V1. ELEVATORS M CAL Pi XE. LOUP CITY. SCHAUPP SIDING ASHTON AND FAR WELL. HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FAR\YELI i'h|| >iri.l our <• ml n'.s) g»‘i priced on grain. E. G- TAYLOR. Haying Tools: It is heavy, hard work to handle hay the old way, besides help is hard to get and wages are very high. Buy the Improved Stacker and sweep which light ens the work and saves you money, at the Hardware and Implement store of L S. Hayhurst, AGENT FOR DEERING Binders, Mowers, Rakes and Binding Twine. ’ xJMTHSi . O* 0’ | Xrt'lV ^