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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1904)
VOLUME XXI. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY JANUARY 15, 1901 NUMBER 9 Local Lodge Directory Loup City Uv’tre No 33. A O U W.-Meets 2nd and 4th T ursday of each month. Friendship Lodge No. 19, D of H.—1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Loup City Council No 136. L M L A—1st and 3rd Monday of each month Mateland Castle, No. 162, Royal Highlanders. 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Excelsior Lodge, No 106. I O O E—1st and 3nd Saturday of each mouth. Marlmon Lodge, No. Ill, K of P—2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Loup City Camp, No. 636. M W A—1st and 3rd. Tuesday of each month. Loup City Camp No. 827, R N A—2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Porter Lodge, No. 106, A F & A M—Tuesday oo or before full moon and 2nd Tuesday thereafter. Joppa Chapter, No. 52, R A M—1st Monday of each month. Orental Chapter. No. 78—1st and 3rd Sat urday of cash month. L of O A R—2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, at 2 o'clock p. m. AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. s#H**-*o Photographs, Farm views, stock picture*, etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri river. All work stricly guaranteed. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law> LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKS. JACOB ALBERS, . AUCTIONEER, Loup City. Neb. o-;e3»o*5=*~c> I have had twenty years of Ex perience and I am sare that I can give you satisfaction. Try me. S. A. ALLEN, DEJTTEST, LOUP CITY, • • NEB. OFFICE.—One door east of 8t. Elmo Hotel. Mr equlppment is modern and my prices will be as low as can be ex pected for srood work. I would be pleased to have you call. Open »venmgs. In a dental operation the main consider, ation Is the result. The pain Is greatly modified by modern equlppment. Dr. a. R NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE —At my new residence second door cast of opera house. LOUP CITY. : . . NEBRASKA. City Dray AND Transfer Line. ♦ J. W. & A. T. Conger, Props All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good. We solicit your patronage. LOUP CITY, - • - NEBRASKA. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. WUl Defend la Foreclosure Outs ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. J** - LOW CITY, mBAUMV r—«> ■ i ■— * «•* (Jen. Vifquaio, an old pioneer of | Nebraska and distinguished soldier | statesman, died in Lincoln last Fri 1 daV‘ ——— Mexico is about to adopt the gold standard. Only such countries as China will be left to hang on to the Bryan white metal theory. Gen. James Longstreet, one of the greatest of the many distinguished soldiers of the Confederate army, died at Gainesville, Gn., last week. The republican state committee has been called to meet Wednesday, Jan. 20, to determine upon time, place and other details of the state con vention. Wm. H. Bryan arrived in New York from his European tour last Saturday and expressed himself as well pleased with the reception ac corded him everywhere. Apropos of present weather condi tions, it would be more appropriate for the railroads to run “personally conducted” excursons to Nebraska, rather than from it. S and up for Nebraska. | ________ Gen Miles predicts a disastrous war this year between Russia and China’ into which several European countries will be drawn, but the United States will keep out. Thanks, general; what will von have? There is much favorable talk in favor of Chairman Harry Lindsej for clerk of the supreme court. That’s the kind of comment we like to hear, and espeoiallj when it is about so so competent a man and faithful part) worker. Here’s hoping Harry will land the prize. The damage to the Iowa state cap j itol is dwindling down in figures at S lightning rate. First report was total demolition, then a million dollars, ; down the toboggan to a half million, somersault to a quarter million, and now the legislature appropriates £800 I to repair roof of house chamber. Unless the boom for John L. Web ster for the vice presidency is made subservient and of secondary impor tance to that of Theodore Roosevelt for the presidency, then The North western cannot be counted for Mr. Webster. That is about as plain as we can state it in the English lan guage. _ Another ocean horror is recorded on the north Pacific coast. Last Sat urday the steamer Clallam plying between Seattle and Victoria went down within sight of the shore and fifty-two were drowned. Not a wo man or child on the ill-fated craft were saved. Every boat attempting to launch was swamped. Tugs sent to her aid finally saved a few of the remaining passengers and crew who were compelled to remain on board until the boat sank. According to the Mindeu Gazette, Kearney county is agitating the question of a new court house. Sher man county also really needs a new court bouse, but in the interest of economy public sentiment BayB wait yet a little season, till the county gets better fixed financially. In the meantime, the vaubs will be enlarged and made commodious enough to meet present requirements and when the time is ripe Sherman county will erect a building that will he a pride and joy to all. Senator Hanna most emphatically denies the published statement that he is a candidate for the presidency. And we believe the old man, too. Senator Smoot of Utah denies he is a polygamist nor has subscribed to any oath to that effect, etc. It is now up to the women to show to the contrary. A new star has arisen on the war horizon in the east. It is now stat ed that Chios proposes to be an ally of .Japan in her troubles with Rus sia. This will make a hot combina tion. Only one state, Kansas, produced more wiuter wheat last year than Nebraska. This state yielded thirty five million bushels, the aggregate value of which was nearly twenty three million dollars. Gen. J. U. Gordon, one of the most prominent generals of the Con federacy, died last Wednesday at his winter home in Florida. Since the war he has served three terms in the U. S. senate and was twice gov ernor of Georgia. There is much curreut talk in fa vor of electric lights for Loup City. Very likely King Rockefeller's poor substitute for kerosene is responsible for much of the consummation so devoutly to be wished. Just now certain persons and pa pers are booming Congressman Bur keit for tOe U. S. senate. Burkett, makes a magnificent member of the lower house and could not be bet tered. The longer be is there the better for the slate. Let well enough alone. - Those who want Summers removed from the U. S. district attorneyship should make a desperate attempt to muzzle old man Rosewater and keep him from trying to take Summer's scalp. Rosy’s knife has lost it’s old time keen edge and would not cut the cuticle of a barn-yard fowl. There is an alarming increase in the mortuary statistics of the llnited States from the growing prevalence of the dreaded disease, pneumonia. Pneumonia has become moie deadly than tuberculosis in New York,where it resulted in the death of 9,000 peo ple last year. It is now claimed the disease is infectious. Loup City is having a famine in rentable residences. Every tenanta ble bouse is occupied and a dozen more additional cottages are in daily demand. Loup City and Sheman I county real estate is also in active demand at constantly advancing fig. ures aDd every avenue of trade is on the up grade. Let the good work go on. This must be an age of miracles. There has beeD found one bondsman of a defunct bank who was not either judgment proof or taken advantage of the hankrnpt law to escape liabili ty. This one exception is Judge William Gaslin of Kearney, who makes restitution of $2,500 of the $40,000 lost by the failure of the First National bank of Alma, a state depository, the money paid repre senting his just proportion as one of the bondsmen. He is a poor man in this world’s goods, but has shown proof of great richness in rugged honesty and sterling worth as a man. “ We need more such men. FELL FLAT. The Dietrich prosecution fell, last Friday, with a cold, sickening thud. Senator Dietrich was indicted by the federal grand jury for bribery, some time since, it being alleged that he as United States senator had received a sura of money, a bribe, for his in fluence in securing the appointment of one Fisher as postmaster at Hast ings. The indictment, it seems was the outcropping of a bitter faction al fight over the Hastings postotHce. The case did not even go to the jury, the presiding judges throwing it ont as having no foundation in fact. The circumstances in a nutshell are that long before tbe legislature made the mistake of electing Dietrich senator, and while as governor, he rented a building in Hastings for the post office, using his influence to have it changed from another place, the successful aspirant to pay the dif ference between the rent of the old and new station, and in addition thereto said aspirant purchasing the old fixtures for use in the new loca tion, the ownership to lie transferred to the government upon his retire ment from office. All this took place before Dietrich was sworn in as senator, and while in the light of questionable sharp business transac tion on the pHrt of Dietrich, and by virtue of his political prestige, yet c mid not come in under the mean ing of the law relative to the action of U. S. Senators in such cases I made and provided. The action of U. S. Attorney Summers in bringing about the indictment and subsequent trial upon what he must have known were insufficient grounds was repre hensible to say the least, and more like the conduct of a pouty child who wanted to kick the shins of big boy Dietrich because the latter would not give his help toward landing the juicy attorney plum in Billy’s out stretched arms. While the after, math of this affair may materially assist in retiring Dietrich to private life, a consummation to be devoutly wished, it will not, we opine, serve to assist Mr. Sommers in retaining his grip on the United States district attorneys!)ip. Both can be spared. According to astrological reckon ing, the year 1904 will be a twelve months of hoirors almost unprece dented in the annals of history. A leading astrologer sizes up the situa tion in with a dismal foreboding that would cause the average pop editor to turn green with envy. He pre dicts everything bad—conspiracies, murders, massacres, unlimited ma terialism. popular disturbances, poi. sonings, anarchy, every wherse caimss ol passion, mysterious deaths, strange phenomenas, and oh, dear, ob, dear, its awful to contemplate. The Unit ed States, of course, is to catch its share. Uucle Sam is to have grave quarrels with Russia and Germany, lioosevelt tolls sick, a conspiracy is hatched against him, serious financial disasters overtake us, etc. During the year, somewhere in the wide, wide world, a wonderful child will be born with a high destiny, show ing its power in 1924. Now, how is the above fora picnic for the people. If that is not a retrospective view of tolly developed populistic prophecy, then we hail from Missouri. W% MMDli w^ts w Tasr!£> ▼ ifwi leuii's', ■'iffisaS'toafii ysc*f & LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. st/re, sms m rents REAL ESTATE RESIDENT AGENT FOR B. & M. LANDS AND LINCOLN LAND, CO. TOWN LOTS. OZAPIiBWSKI’S Polish Grocery and Shoe Store West side Public Square, Fine, large stock of groceries on hand at the open ing and more goods coming. I handle everything in the grocery line and will sell on close margins. I will pay highest market price for butter and eggs. I have a fine stock of Shoes, all new Goods and I invite the public to call, get acquainted and learn my prices. _PHONE G 25. I A Model Lunch Room. I M€5jRLiS HUU HOURS, j -* OPER FROM 6=30 A-M-TO 11=30 P. M. «- ! OYSTERS ANY STYLE -&K FRESH BREED END BUNS FROM THE j ; CELEBRETED CESS BROS BEKERY OF EURORE. \ Also Pies aim Cans lor sale here. . Two Doors West of Post Office. ! - BAYNE & JONES, Loop City, Nebraska. □ I. DEPEW©* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker, ^BXMKXHXXWM My shop U tbe largest and best equipped north of tbe Platte River I have a four horse engine and a complete line or tbe lateet improved, me cbluery, also a force or experienced men who know bow to operate it and turn out a job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage I am | Yours respectfully, J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. GRAIN, COAL AND HOGS. BOUGHT AT THE B & M. ELEVATORS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Lonp City aid Asia. Will Boy HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Oall and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G- TAYLOR,