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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
VOLUME XXI. NUMBER 10 Local Lodge Directory Loup City Lodge No. 33. A O C W.— Meets I 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Friendship Lodge No. 19. D of H.—1st and | 3rd Thursday of each month. Loup City Council No 136. L M L A—1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Mateland Castle, No. 162. Royal Highlanders. 2nd and 4th Monday Ot each month. Excelsior Lodge. No 163, I O O F—1st and 3nd Saturday of each month. Marimon Lodge, No. Ill, K of P—2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Loup City Camp, No. 636, M W A—1st and 3rd. Tuesday of each month. Loup City Camp No. 827. R N A—2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Porter Lodge, No. 106. A F & A M—Tuesday oa or before full moon and 2nd Tuesday thereafter. Joppa Chapter, No. 52, R A M—1st Monday of each month. Orental Chapter. No. 78—1st and 3rd Sat urday of cash month. L of G A K—2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, at 2 o’clock p. m. AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. _ F. S. ROBBINS LOUP CITY’S UP-TO-DATE BARBER. FIRST-CLASS WORK SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Agent for Aurora Steam Laundry. PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. v Phot, ;raphs, Farm views, stock pictures, 1 etc. Flue. ‘ instrument west of the Missouri | river. All w\ork stricly guaranteed. ■ -1-J ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. JACOB ALBERS, AUCTIONEER, Loup* City. Neb I have had twenty years of Ex perience and I am sure that I can give you satisfaction. Try me. S. A. ALLEN. DEJYTIST, I.OUP CITY. • * NEII. OFFICE.-One door east of St. Elmo Hotel. My equlppment is modern and my prices will be as low as can be ex pected for "ood work. I would be pleased to have you call. Open tvenmgs. In a dental operation the main consider ation la the result. The pain Is greatly modified by modern equlppment. Dr. a. R NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE —At my new residence second door east of opera house. LOUP CITY. : . . NEBRASKA. City Dray AND Transfer Line. J. W. & A. T. Conger, Props All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good. We solicit your patronage. LOUP CITY, - - - NEBRASKA. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Publlo. Will Defend In Foreclosure Oaeee ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. LOUP OITT, - - SlfUBAIlLt. Chairman Hanna has issued the for mal call for the Republican National Convention to meet at Chicago on Tuesday, June 21st. George Francis Train, one of the greatest as well as the most erratic writers and authors in this nation’s history, died in New York City, Mon day. He was born in Boston, March 24, 1S29. The dove of peace is hovering over Russia and Japan but withiD hailing distance. If the ink wells hold out we may expect the contro versav to last to somewhere in the dim and misty future only to be wit nessed by future generations. The following resolution was passed unanimously by the executive committee of the Nebraska vice pres idential committee at a meeting in Omaha, Jan. 7, 1904: Resolved, That we favor ami recommend to the Republicans of the state an early state con vention for the purpose of une quivocally pledging the support of the state to the candidacy of Theodore Roosevelt for presi dent and of John L Webster for vice president, and that we favor and recommend the selec tion as delegates to the Nation al convention of such persons only as are known to be earnest lv aud aggressively favorable to the candidacy both of President Roosevelt and of Mr. Webster. The congressional investigation of the right of Apostle Smoot of the Mormon church to a seat in that august bod\ is now on in all its glo. ry. 8moo: is understood to be ooe of the strongest pillars of ttie Mor mon faith, which claims polygamy as one of its fundamental principles, and yet he avers he is not a polygamist in practice or profession, nor has subscribed to any oath to that effect, as all good Mormons are supposed to lie required to do. Either Smoot deals very sparingly with gilt-edged truthfulness or any old kind of an apostle is good enough for the Mor mon church at the present stage of the game. This is what congress is tningto determine. Possibly pres ent day Mormonism considers it no great sin to prevaricate in the inter est of the church, on the hypothesis that it is none of the Gentile’s busi ness anyhow. But it is up to con gress to show up the Sinooty aspect of affairs if it can. There is a merry war on now be tween the medical fraternity on the one hand and the anti toxine com bine on the other. It seems that a new trust has been formed that con trols, practically, within three firms all the anti-toxme output. The rued ical fraternity labels it the -‘death trust,” and say it is nothing more or less than a iratlio in human life,” and make the claim that the trus> has advanced the price of the product over 100 per cent. Thus it is that the trust and combine forces are fast sealing their own death casket by a hoggisliness that will arouse the entire people into a specific demand for the removal of the trust blot, and it will be done quickly when once the people get aroused to the necessity for immediate action. The people are long suffering and forbearing, but the time is fast ripening tor re Volt ,-tfid 'ho 'rils's ai.d «•**(111>i» es o hastening their own desonotion. H the expenditure of today more ill tu the income of tomorrow? -- ~ —-— Hope for success in all your un der'akings, but hustle to make sure of it. Rerards are granted to those who de rve them. Tis seldom one goes asiray. A single good Samaritan can gire but little relief, but with a gigantic combination of such, inestimable good maybe accomplished. While none need to borrow trouble, it is always wise to be prepared for it. Borrowing trouble and being prepared for it are in no way con nected. The coal oil that Rockefeller has be- n furnishing for this part of the eour,try is like a great deal of the combined trust stock, somewhat watered. When death is meted out to you at the hands of the Creator, will lie need reek his records tor one to fill tb- vacancy thus made, or will any on be the equivalent? In these cold, wintry days we do no forget the glory of the summer. 'V know that it will come back eg n in ail its bloom and brightness. N< i’ll- r let us be sorrowful when the sh o v comes, for, it shall sure ly i iss away and the springtime of 'io, i : gain scatter its bright blossoms around our life path. To keep the hall rolling annie one must ever follow it up with an oc casional push. Scientists tell us hat a perfect vacuum is difficult to obtain, hut they have never examined the pur ses of most people. The funeral of Governor Busbneil of Ohia occurred Monday morning, at Springfield, Ohio. There seems to be an unprecedented number of deaths lately of prominent men in the nation’s history. Look over the columns of the pa per from week to week and notice the advertisements of our mer chants and professional men. They want your business and ask for it. Advertising pays. The paper is a medium of exchange of thought, a fountain of facts. The merchant has goods to sell. lie wants your trade. lie asks for it through our columns. The more you patronize the home merchant the more he can afford to advertise his goods. The more he advertises the better paper we can afford to give our readers, and the better the paper the more the reader gets for his money. Is that not a good proposition? If so, buy of the merchant who adver tises and help us to give you a bet ter paper thereby. Thus the reader, the merchant and the paper furnish three links in the golden chain of prosperity that cannot be broken. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. BUYS, SELLS END RENTS REAL ESTATE RESIDENT AGENT FOR B. & M. LANDS AND LINCOLN LAND CO. TOWN LOTS. GRAIN, COAL AND HOGS. BOUGHT AT THE B & M. ELEVATORS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loop City and Asia. Will Boy HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G- TAYLOR, j PUBLIC SALE I At my old farm, three miles southeast of Loup City, Neb. I I Thursday, Feb. 11,1904 I JLt 10:00 A.. StLariD, I I I will sell the following described property, to-wit: I pi 35 head of well bred cattle, one thoroughbred Short Horn bull, purchas- I er receiving pedigree with same. 5 head of good work horses. 1 1 Jenkins’ Hay Stacker and Sweep Rake. I || 3 sets of harness and a complete line of good farm implements; house- I I hold goods and other articles to numerous to mention. I FREE kUNCJM AT NO©!. I 1 TERMS OF SALE: - - - All sums of$10.00 and under, cash; all sums over $10.00 I one years’ time will be given, by purchaser giving note with approved security and draw- I | ing 10 per cent interest from date. Five per cent discount on all cash sales over $10.00. I 1 JACOB ALBERS, Auctioneer. £has Rje(]el & SOTl, I JOSEPH PEDLER, Clerk, 1 1 ’ 1 | OWNXSBS. J -- - _