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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1903)
A FREE game inside each package of Lion Coffee 60 different games. TIMK TAIII.K. LOUP CITY NKBH. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, fit. Joseph, Kansas City, 8l. Louis, % ami all points ast and south. Denver, Helena, Ilulte, Salt Lake City, Portland, • San Francisco, and all points West. TKA INS LKAVB AS FOLLOWS) GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger.12:03 p. in No so Freight.11.29 a m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.11:07 P' ,n No. 59 Freight. l:-*0 P- ,jn Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seats I reel on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage cheeked to any point in the United states or Canada. For Information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to B. I,, ARTHUR Agent. Or J. Francis, Uen’l Passenger Agent. Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. BAIWAY. No. HMeaves dally except Sunday (pass enger). 7:35 a. m. . . , No. ss leaves Monday. .Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 18:80p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. m. No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed 12:05 p. m. No. h:>arrives dally except Sunday (pass eager) 7)35 p, in. First class servic - and close connections east, west and south H. J. Clifton, Agent. COUNTY OFLICIAL OIKECTOKY. SHERMAN COP NT T, NEB. G. II. Gibson. Clerk. s. N. SwkktIjAnp, Treasurer. J. A. ANOim, Judge. J. 8. PKDI.ER. Attorney. Edward Snyder, Sheriff. B. 1>. Hendrickson, Supt. Public Inst. E It Cornino. Surveyor, geo. W. Hunter, Cornor. supervisors: I) C GROW. Dlst No. 4., Chairman., P O address, Loup City, Neb. Andrew Goustka, Dlst. No. 1., Ashton I O Peter Thode, Dl-t. No. 2 LoupCity, •• • W O Brown, Dlst. No. 3, Loup City. “ ,*• JollN MAIBFSKL Dlst. No. 5, Ashton, 1 “ . Wm. Jakob, l)i*t. No. 6, Bockvillo, f H chapman, Dlst. No. 7, Litchfield * For Sale Cheap. A second hand threshing machine, complete.— T. M Reed. If you want lire, wind, storm or hall . Insurance call on or write F. E. Brewer Office with T. S. Nightingale, I.cup City Nebraska. Highest market price paid for chickens at E. A. Chase. I). C. Grow, of the Northern Milling company feed store wants to trade Hour for wheat He also has a tine grade of whole wheat Hour for sale. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Broiuo Quinine Tablets. All ilrn}it?l»ts refund the money if It falls to cure E, W. Grove’s signature ia on each box. •■iSet. Its like a dip in the fountain of youth. Touches the cheek so gently that “youth lingers in the face of old age.” Tbats what ltoeky Mountain Tea does. — Oden dahl Bios, Funnei s don’t fail to see the line of robes, fur coats, fur mittens, and horse blankets at W. s. Owen's har ness store. Children’s sleeping garments at <ia*teyer's for 35 cents. WANTED.—'Three corn husk era, with or without teams. T. i). Wilson, Ashton Nebraska. NOTICE. Loup City park is now open for picnics and private parties. Apply to. II. Jknnf.k. " NOTICE. To those indebted to me please call and settle. Must have money to meet my obligations.—T. M. Reed If you have butter and eggs to Bell take them to Swanson & Dahl. High est prices for produce. Lowest prices for groceries. FOR SALE. A span of mares, 7 years old, weight 950 to 1,000. Also two colts, buggy, and harness. Easy terms. T. S. Nigiitinuale. FOR SALK.—I have one registered Scotch Topped Short Horn bull, a few good Short Horn grade bulls and some pure bred Polsnd China boars for sale. L. N. Smith, Loup City, Neb TAKEN UP.—At my place, on the Conger ranch, six miles southwest City, on October 14, 1903, one heifer, with tips off of Owner can have same by and paying all costs C. W. Tuoknton, Loi’J* City, N^h. e Uoaal Dsws. (’lias. Casleyer is petting down a new sidewalk in front of his store. Bring 0 bushel of potatoes and get one dor. of 8:j.OO photos at Boone's A line of 150 cloaks for ladies at Johnson Lorentz A Co. All new goods and latest styles. Clias. Conhiser moved his family from the Porter block into the C. J. Odendahl residence last Monday . Casleyer is selleng out some odd lines of shoes at half Look them over and purchase a pair at a bargain. Carl Anderson, jr, has altout com pleted a line frame barn in the north west end of town. The barn is 40x44 with a hay center. .1. II. Cressler, of Haztrd township was a pleasant caller last Wednesday E. A. Draper’s house is to he of brick and the walls are rapidly going up. 8. 8. Hover severely sprained his ankle last Saturday afternoon while trying to get some hogs back in the pen. He is quite lame in consequence. A surprise party was given to Miss Lottie Hibson last Friday afternoon by a number of her schoolmates. The occasion was given in honor of her 18 birthday anniversary. A very pleasant time is reported. Judge Moon returned last Thursday from his long visit to relatives and friends in Iowa. The judge reports a very pleasant visit to bis old home and returned apparently in the best of health. Muster Hemple Jones entertained quite a large mumber of his young friends last Saturday afternoon who gathered at his home to celebrate his 18 birthday. Hemple received many nice presents and all had a splendid time. James Johansen lias purchases the old residence building on the Dins dale ranch and will, in a few days, haul it to town and fix it up for a dwelling on his lots west ot the railroad track. A new building has gone up on the ranch. August Anderson of Logan township disposed of his personal property at auction sale last Saturday and left for Omaha last Monday. They are an aged couple and Intend to spend the winter months with their children, after which they will select a location. Huron, the humorist gave a splendid entertainment at the opera bouse last Saturday evening. The entertainment was given under the auspiece of the Woodmen lodge and in the interest of Woodcraft. There was a fair sized audience and all seemed pleased. Walt McNulty, Will Simpson, Henry and Chris Johansen, W’ill French, Skip Thresher and Lou Winkleman went to Arcadia last Thursday to begin work claying the road leading to the river bridge trom the west side. They have taken the contract to clay one mile. Peter Iloogenboezen, son-in-law of C. Jlietnond, and who has recently lo cated in the city, is a line painter by trade and is doing a very artistic job on the front of C. W, Conhiser’s store building. He is also doing some let tering on the north side of J. 1. De pew's brick blacksmith shop. Mr. Ed. Taylor will conduct the Young People's meeting at the Baptist Church next Sunday evening. Topic, “Elijah the Prophet.” Services begin at 7 o’cIock p. m. Preaching services at 7:4.">. You have all heard of the so called Elijah III. Don’t fail to come and hear about the lirst and only Elijah. Halloween was strictly observed last Saturday night by the young bloods of the town when, to all appearances, they banded themselves together for the purpose of having a little fun. As a result, threshing machines, mowers, binders, wagons and other implements could he seen Sunday morning lined up and down main street and several out buildings were up set. People were a little out of sorts in consequence but as no serious damage was done it was re garded as a huge joke. There was a Halloween party given at the farm resilience of Alonzo Dadaovv on Wiggle Creek last Saturdsy evening. Quite a number of young folks from town attended and report a good time. A feast of good tilings was served and the amuse ments very much enjoyed. Perhaps one of the most amusing features was the ghost guessing contest in which some fourteen of the young ladies dressed as ghosts and the young man who could correctly guess the most names got a prize. Ernest Duddow won the prize. I had dyspepsia in its worst form and felt miserable most all the time. Did not enjoy eating until after I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which has completely cured me.—Nrs. W. W. Saylor, Hilliard, I’a. No appetite, loss of strength nervousness, headache, constipation,, bad breath, sour risings, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomaoh troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kadol. Kadol represents the natural juices of digestion combined with tbe greatest known tonic and reconstructs proper ties. It cleanses, purifies and sweetens the stomach. Sold by Odendabl Bros. liny ode of those new cloaks at Gasteyor’s. Everyone is a guaranteed garment. Edwin Angier, from Webster was a pleasant caller Monday and renewed his subscription. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter of Iowa and father and mother of Mrs. A. Boone arrived here last Wednesday for a vis it. Frank Cook, judge of election ot Bristol town was up to th** county seat early Wednesday morning with ihe re turns. Mens’ and boys’ overcoats, a large variety of styles and sizes at Johnson Eorentz «& Co. Prices ri^lit. You should call and see them. Dr. Chase's new bam is 40«t3. One would think Mr. Chase was going in to the liyerv business, but be says it is just a hay liarn. It looks like a frame barn. Mrs. C. E. Roberts, San Fransco Cal.: Would not be without Rocky Mountain Tea in our house. Its a (treat family remedy. Makes and keeps us well.— Odendabl Bros. While threshing on the Lawrence Spotanski farm in Oak ('reek township last Wednesday the engine set fire to the straw and destroyed a whole setting of grain stacks. Several young people from town attended a Halloween party given at the home of Jltidolph John in Webster township last Saturday evening. All had a good time. It adds spice to dreary life, encour ages the human heart, lifts one out of despair, breatha new life and confidence. Thats what Tocky Mountain tea will do. 35 cents,—Odendahl Bros. While Frank (Jingle was helping to thresh grain on the farm of Ed Man chester last week Thursday his clothes became caught in the tumbling rod and one bone of his leg was broken. A. W. Throckmorton, who has sold his Divide farm was in the city last Monday, having recently returned from a trip to Greeley county. He informs ns that lie has purchased a half section of land in that county and expects to move there in the spring. Geo. Diusdale, the extensive cattle feeder of this country has brought 350 head of cattle in from bis ranch north of town and put them in hii feed yard* at this place It will furnish a good market for the soft grade of corn that will not do to crib and ship as well as a local market for some ot the better grade. E. E. Taylor has reconstructed his long line of double corn cribs at the 11. & M. elevator. The crib is 120 feet long and has a new roof throughout. He has also added two new bins to liis coal sheds and is engaged In build ing a new line ot corncrib8at Shaupp Siding. We understand that these will be as large as the one built at this place. We learn that Swar.son and Dahl, the gentlemen who run the exclusive gro cery store in the Oltman building will close their business up this month and that a restaurant will lie started in the building as soon as it is vacated. The restaurant will be opened under the management of Jones & Ilayne of Aurora, Neb. Mr. Dahl will return to his home at Aurora and take a posit ion as clerk in a general store. George Manchester, of Valley county, and son of () Manchester, dted at his home last Monday of typhoid fever. George whs well known to a large number of friends in Sherman county and was a very industrious young man. He was about 30 years of age at time of death and leaves a wife and two small children. The relatives have the profound sympathy ot all who knew them. Drs. Davis & Farnsworth, of Grand Island, Nebraska are prepared to make X ray examinations and use the X ray in the treatment of cancers and tumors. They are experienced in use of this method, and have recently added to their equipment of one of the strongest and finest X ray coils made. It Is used in examination of all Important, cases aud is a great aid in locating disease that can be discovered in no other way. A change in the II &M time card lias been made. No. 52 passenger will leave here at 11:28 a. m. instead of 12:03 as heretofore and the freight, No. 60 going east 11:20 a. in. No 51 passenger going west will leave at 5:45 p. m. and No. 5!) freight will leave at 2:40 p. m. The change is to take effect next Sun day. We beleive that the change will be appreciated by our citizens as it en. ables them to leave home at an earlier hour in the day and does away with arriving home at the midnight hour. The Salve That Beal*. without leaving a soar is DeWitt’s. The name Witch Hazel is applied to many salves, but DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is the only Witch Hazel Salve made that contains the pure unadulterstcd witch hazel. If anyone other Witch HhzpI Salve is offered you it is a coun terfeit. E. C. DeWItt invented Wlieb Hszel Salve ar.d DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Is the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching and protruding pllep. Sold by Odendabl Bros. A Card of Thanks. We desire to express our sincere thanks to all our kind friends and neighbors who cheerfully helped ns through the long Mckness end death ofou father and also for the assistance given us in the sickness and burial of our in f nt child. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Simmons. Chamberlain’* Cough hcmrrly la Plea*, ant In Taka. The tlnest quality of granulated loaf sugar is Used In the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the roots used in its pieparation give it alia vor similar to maple syrup, making it quite pleasant to take. Mr. W. Roder ick, of Pooleavllle, Md., in speaking of this remedy, says: ‘*1 have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy with my chil dren for several years and can truthfully say it is the best preperation of the kind I know of. The children like to take It and It hag no Injurious after effect, For sale by Odendahl Bros. rucsi aucTii amikica. New Way of l)iln( Chamberlain'* Coagh Remedy. Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from Duibat:, Natal. South Africa, s*ys: “As a proof that Chamberlain's Cough Rem. edy la a cure suitable for old and young 1 pen you the following: A neighbor of miue had a child jmt oyer two month* old. It bad a very bad cough and the parents did not know what to give it. I suggested lhat if they would get a bottle of Chamberlain,* Cough Remedy and put some upon the dummy teat the baby was sucking it would no doubt cure the child.This they did and brought about a quick relief an.! cured the baby.” This remedy is for sale by Odendabl Bros. Public Dance* The German Varein will given a pub lic dance in the opera bouse on tiie nig lit of Thanksgiving, Saturday, Nov. 28, Good music, good calling and good management guaranteed. All are invited to attend. By Order of Committke. Dieting Invites Disease To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion it is no longer necessary to live on milk and toast. Starvation produces such weakness that the whole system be comes an easy prey to disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest ami as similate all of the wholesome food that one carea to eat, aDd is a never failing cure for indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol di gests what you eat—makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Odendahl Bros. NOTICE TO NON-ltESI DENT DE FENDANT: To John M. Davis: You are hereby notified that on the 1st. day of Octo ber, 1903, Anna Dora Davis tiled a petition againBt you in the district court of Sherman county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have wilfully aband oned the plaintiff, without good cause, for the term of three years last pasr; and also for the care, custody and edu cation of the minor child, the issue of said Marriage, to-wit; John Davis, age three years. You are required to answer the said petition on or before the 9th dsy of November, 19^*8 Dated October 1st., 1903. Anna Dora Davis, by Charles E. Matson, her attorney. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to lo cate a road commencing at the south east corner of section Twenty-two (22) and south west corner of section Twen ty-three (23) in township Fourteen (14), Range Thirteen (13) and run ning thence two miles north on sec tion line and terminating at the north west corner of section Fourteen (14) and northeast corner of See. Fifteen (15) Township Fourteen (14.) Range (13), In Sharmau county, Nebraska, has report ed in favor of the establishment thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damage must be riled In the county clerk’s ottice on or before noon of the 12th. day oft December. 1903, or such road will be established without reler ance thereto. Dated this 3rd day of October, 1903. G. II. Gibson, County Cleric. NOTICE TO LAND OWNKRS. To all whom it in ay concern: The Commissioner appointed to vacate a Hoad commencing at road No. 139, near the North West corner of the North Wes' Quarter of Section Four (4) Township Fourteen (14) North of Range Thirteen (13) West, and which is known as the old Loup City and St. Paul Road, and running thence diagon ally South East to within about, twenty rods of the South East corner of said North West. Quarter of Section Four Township Fourteen North of Range Thirteen, West, and terminating at ?a d point on s lid South line of North West Qaarter, aforeaald, has reported in favor of the vacation thereof and all objections thereto or claims for dam age, must be filed in the county clerks office on or before noon of the 80th, day of December, 1908, or such road will be vacated without reference thereto. Dated this 28r.i day of October. 1903. Geo. H. Gicson, County Clerk. % When our clothes are on a man's back it takes an expert to detect them from the best made-to measure clothing Look on page 5 of our fall cat alog. There vc show men’s suits for $9. These suits can’t be duplicated by any store on earth for less than $12 All points of tailoring are carried out perfectly in these suits. The collar of the coat is full and sets well around the neck. The shoulders are broad and symmetrical. There is no wrinkling, drawing or sagging. The vests cling to the outlines of the body and the trousers hang per fectly and keep their shape. Send for samples of these suits They are for our Mall Order Customers. fjgfaqd SBAHITB ABB EQABIM Willi. IRA T. PAINE & CO. |VI ON U 1VI E NTS. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD work. See us or write to us »efore giving an order. GRAND ISLAND, - NEB. A. P. GULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Caelinr. FIRST tl OF LOUP CITY ■ General Banking BusinessTransacted. a ^^ Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. Correspondents Seaboard National Bank, New York City. N. Y. Omaha National Bonk. Om&ha. Nebraska THE FAST TRAINS ARE VIA THE UNION PACIFIC If you want a quick and pleasant trip, select the Union Pacilic, its trains from Omaha reaching the Pacific Coast : : : 16 HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE NO CHANGE OF liOADS NO CHANGE OF CARS NO DETOURS “TttE OVERLAND ROUTE” all the way Re sure your ticket reads over the UNION PACIFIC, Full information cheerfully furnished on application to G. E. BAILY, AGENT. L >Ut> Oily, Neb. The Best Liniment. ‘‘Chamberlain's Pain Balm is consul-1 ered the beat liniment on the market,” wiite Post & Bliss,of Georgia, Vr. No other liniment will heal a cut or bruise so promptly. No other aft'ords such quick releif from rheumatic pains. No other Is so valuable for deep seated pains like iatne back ana pains in the chest. Give the Unlrnent a trial and you will never wish to be without it. Sold by Odendabl Bros. A Perfect Painless Pin is the one that, wlli dense the system, set the liver to action, remove the bile, clear the complexion, cure herdacbe ai.d leave a good taste In the mouth The famous little pills fordoing such work plesant lv and effectually are DeVVitt's Little Early Kisers Bob Moore of Lafayette Ind. says: -All other Pill* ] have used gripe and sicken, while I>e Witt’s Litt'e ill! !t: i /