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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1903)
do you suppose dip into that bulk coffee before you buy it? Lion Coffee comes in sealed, air tight packages; no chance for handling, or dirt or things to get in. Clean, Fresh and Fragrant. Fthik tahlk, LOUP CITY NKBR. Lincoln. Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis. Sun Francisco, and all points and all points East and South. West. TRAINS LKAVE AS KOLl.OWSi GOING EAST No 63 Passenger.. .13:10 p. tn. No. 60 Freight.11.26a.m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger .11:07 p. in. No. 5» Freight. 1:40 p. tn. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (scat* free) on through trains. Tickets sold nn«l baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to H. L, akthub Agent. Or J. FBANCis, Uen’l Passenger Agent. Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. RAIWAY. No. 8rt leaves daily except Sunday (pass enger) 8: a m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 13:20 p. m. No. 00 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed! 2:86 p. rn. ) No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed 12.07 p. 111. No. 85arrive# dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7:35 p, m. First class service and close connections east, west and south H. J. Clifton, Agent, COUNT* OFUU1AL DIRECTORY. SHERMAN COUNT Vj NEB. G. 11. Gipson, Clerk. S. N. SWBBTLAND, Treasurer. J. A. ANGU.R, Judge. J. S., Attorney. UpwardSnyder, sheriir. It l). HENDRICKSON, Supt. Public Inst. K i! counino, Surveyor, Gko. \V. Hunter, Coruor. super visors : 1> 0 grow, Dist. No. 1., Chairman., I* O address, Loup City, Neb. Anoukw GousTiv v, Dist. No. 1., Ashton P O 1'ktkr ThoPK, Dt-t. No. 2 Loup City, “ “ TV () Brown, Dist. No. 3, Loup City, “ *• John Maiefsiu, Dist. No. 5, Ashton, “ •• Wm. Jakop, Dist. No. «, Rockville, “ \V U. CHAPMAN, Dist, No. 7, Litchfield “ “ l.OUAI. L.OPI.K DIRECTORY. Loup City Lodge No. 33. A O U W.— Meets 2nd and 1th Thursday of each month friendship Lodge No 1U. I) of II—1st and 3rd Thursday of each mouth. Loup City Council No 136, L M L A—1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Mate land Castle, No. 182, Royal Highlanders. 2nd and 1th Monday of each month. 1'lxcelslur Lodge, No. 168, I O O F—1st and 3nd Saturday of each month. Marlmon Lodge, No. Ill, K of P—2nd and 1th Wednesday of each month. Loup City Camp, No. 638, M W A—1st and 3rd. Tm sday of each mouth. Loup City Camp No. 827. it N A—2nd and Ith Tuesday of each month. Porter lodge. No. 108, A f A A M—Tuesday on or before full moon and 2nd Tuesday thereafter. Joppa Chapter. No. 51 R A M—1st Monday of each month. frontal Chapter, No. 78— 1st and 3rd Sat urday of cash mouth. L of G A R—2nd and 1th Saturday of each month, at 2 o'clock p. m. Try Sheridan coal and you will be satisfied; supply always on band at E. G. Taylor’s elevator. If you want insurance that insures go « toF. E. Brewer, Loup City, Nebraska. Try a pair of the seamless plain toe ladies’ shoes just recicved at B. J. Swanson’s. • VKTKK1NAKY ISt'KUKON. l>r. A. R. Norton, veterinary surgeon has permanently located hero, and is now ready to answer all calls. Office at present at Troy lla’e's livery barn, Loup City, Neb. Bring your borses and have their teeth oxanined-.' Reas onable charges for detutal and vetre nary work. TWO TIIOKOLGHHKKI) STALLIONS will stand for the season at li. A. Wil son llvory barn. These are two of the finest horses in the country. You should come ami see them before breeding. R A Wilson, Owner. Trespass Notice To The Traveling Public To whom it may concern: As my land is now being used as a public high-way, you are nereby warned not to drive on the same, section 22, Township 10, Range 11, in Logan town ship, Sherman county, Nebraska. Any one trespassing on said premises in vi olation of this notice will lie prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Dated this IS day of April, 1908. Joseph Damisowbki, Owner. Foil Sale. — A good Deering binder has been in use oniy two years. Will sell very reasonable. Enquire at this office or see owner, one half mile south of Loup City. August Reiman. Owner' .lust About Heiltime Take a Little Early Riser—it will cure constipa tion, biliousness and liver troubles. I)c Witt's Little Early Riser are different from other pill- They do not grip anil break down the mucous membranes of the stomach, liver anil bowels, but cure by gentle arousing seretions and giving strength to these organs. Sold by Oden dahl Bros. m Uoaal Dsws. Jas. Conger made Omaha a visit this week. Lee Adamson is putting a coat I of paiDt on the Baptist Church. S. W. Sours, photographer op posite St. Elmo Hotel. The supervisors were in session Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. ! Mr. and Mrs. W. I*. Ileed returned last Friday from a visit to BrOok, [Ddiana. The brick foundation to the new ;residence of Geo. Zimmerman is laid. Rev. G. Kanzlor went to his home in Lamar, Indiana where he will spend two weeks vacation. Mrs. Ervin Conger and two daughter arrived from Lincoln last Wendes dayevening and will visit friends and relatives here. 0. Benschoter has had the west addition to his house sided up and will give the whole building a coat of paint. A. E. Chase is having his resid ence painted. He has also torn down his barn and is going to build it larger. The little boy of E 11. Bowen got hold of a razor Monday and by accident quite seriously cut a gash in the baby’s face. The wound was not so bad as it might have been. The new grist mill is going up. The frame has been raised and the' workmen are making good head way. It will no doubt be ready for the fall and winter trade. A special meeting of the German Evangelical church will be held at their church in Loup City on Satur day, July 25, at 2 o’clock p. in. A good attendance ia desired. W. A. Arthur of Stafford, Kansas, arrived with his family last week and has purchased a quarter section of land on Wiggle Creek. Mr. Arthur will build a new house on the farm soon. Did you sec that line lot of western horses just shipped in by A. Zink. If you want horses at reasonable ■ prices you should not fail to look the herd over. Good size, good bons and good animals. Last Sunday was the second an niversary of the dedication of the German Eevangelieal church of this city and a good turnout was the result of the occasion. Four mem bers wore confirmed and eight chil dren christened. Rev. Kanzler preached a very interesting sermon. Mrs. Starr and son. wife of at torney Robert P. Starr, of Aurora have been spending a few days in the city. They returned to Aurora today, but will locate here with her husband as soon as a suitable house caa be had. Mra. Starr seems well pleased with Loup City. About 25 little folks responded to invitations sent out by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gasteyer to meet at their home last Tuesday evening and join in the celebration of the Oth birthday anniversary of their daughter Winnie. The little folks were kindly rccieved and enjoyed the occasion very much. Rev. F. D. Kennedy the new Bap tist minister from l'ilgar Nebr. tilled the pulpit at the Baptist Church last Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Kennedy made us a pleasantcall Wednesday and informed us that he will preach here for two months, after which, if circumstances will justify it, he will move his family here and take up his residence among us. Ora Zink, the second son of A. Zink, a hoy about nine years of age was shot in the side yesterday after noon by a b. b. shot discharged from a toy pistol while out to the mill race fishing. There were some four or five boys there but none of them seemed to know just how it happened. lie was brought to town in Benscholer’s express wagon and l)r. Jones was quickly summoned to examine the wound. It was found that the shot had entered the right side aud passed along between the ribs aud skin, and was not so ser ious as at lirat thought. Troy Hale returned from Idaho yesterday with a ear load of western horses. Nut coal, the best for cook stoves, for sale by JO. G. Taylor at B & M elevator. f>. J. Flatt of Clinton 111. sends a dollar and orders the North west ern for a year. Mrs, Wtn. Criss went to Arcadia yesterday to visit her sister, Mrs. Geo. Miller. Lon Zink arrived from the west last Friday with three car loads of western horses and has them for sale at the U. P. stock yards. T. II. Fllsner and son Henry went to Omaha Tuesday where Ilenry will receive medical treatment, being affected with stomach trouble. Louis Strankmnn brought a fine load of hogs to the Loup City mar ket last Monday morning. They averaged exactly 300 pounds each. He received $4 80 per cwt. S. F. Reynolds and C. C. Out house started to S-fr. Joe last Wed nesday noon with six car loads of Cattle for Mr. Hinsdale. They ex pect to return Saturday. We called on the new photographer, S. W. Sours, who recently opened up a gallery south of the St. Klmo hotel. He has a nice studo and is turuing out some very good work. Head the Ashton news page. There is every week, items of comi ty news from the east part of the county, contained therein that would otherwise appear on these pages, Mr. Smith is giving us good service and we greatly appreciate his ef forts. The Sunday School picnic held at Brown’s grove was quite largely at tended and a splendid time was the result. All who attended felt well j paid for having taken a few hours for sports and pleasure. The child ren very much enjoyed the outing. Mr. Leroy of St. Paul, while here Wednesday and attending to some insurance business in the country, lost a Urge leather pocket book, between town and tbe Retten mayer farm. It contained no money hut had several valuable papers in it, and was fastened with a rubber band Finder will please leave at St. Elmo hotel in this city. A supprise party was given on Miss. Zua Heed, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Heed, last Fri day evening and a very large crowd of her yoimg friends honored the occasion. There was some eighty invitations sent out by the parents and strange to say that amoDg so many Miss. Zua received not the slightest hint of what was to be. She had been enjoying a visit with friends in the country and on the evening above mentioned came home, only to find that a large num ber of her school mates had taken possession of the premises. Mrs. A. Christncr of Lost Springs Kansas, arrived here yesterday for a visit with relatives. She is cousin of O. and Geo. E. Benschoter and sister of Mrs. Nelson Dewoody of Coggan, Iowa who is also here. It has been nearly thirty years since we met her and a number of years since she has seen her sister. Mrs Christncr and Mrs. Dewoody were at Loup City some thirty years ago, when the place was only a town in name, its only place of business be ing a little log but, stocked with a few groceries and other necessaries. Their coming was a pleasant sup rise to their relatives. Robert I*. Starr, attorney from Aurora, Nebraska, lias located in Loup City and opened an ofllae in the building with Senanor Wall Mr. Starr is the gentleman who made the opening address at the opera house last decoration day lie will move his family here as soon as he can secure a suitable re sidence. We understand that as yet Mr. Wall aud Mr. Starr have not formed a co-partnership, but will attend to each other's business in case of absence, and as the Sen ator is necessarily out of the city much of the time the mutual ar rangements between them will no doubt be pleasing to clients. NOTICK TO T UK PUBLIC Loup City, July 7th, 11108 The people or Loup City and vicinity will take notice that the undersigned, merchants and business inen of Loup City, have agreed that on and after July 12th 1008, their places of business will he closed at 8 o’clock, P. M. every even ing and that they will also closed on Sunday except meat market, open until 10 o'clock, Sunday morning. Chas. Gasteyer, Swanson & Dahl, O. F. Peterson C. \V Conbiser, E. Ei.evoidsen, A E. Chase, Johnson L. A Co., T. M heed E S Hayhurst, John Solms, B. J. Swansen, S. F. Reynolds, Bemont A Miller, Get your umberella of Johnson Lor entz &■ Co, Fly nets, fly nets, fly nets at Gwens’ harness shop. The best $2.50 shoes for Ladies and Gents at Swanson's. “Use Liquid Koal for chicken chol era, tnites, lice, etc. For sale by J. Solms." 1). C. Leach a Co. have nothing to do but to sell land. List your farm with them. Call and see the $2.00 Congtess and Oxford shoes just recieved at Swan son’s. The time to sell is when some one wants to buy. List your land with D. (’. Leach A Co. Go to Owens’ harness shop for fly nets where there is a largo assortment, the best on the market. Prices right. If you have butter and eggs to sell take them to Swanson & Dahl. High est prices for produce. Lowest prices for groceries. If you want tire, wind, storm or hali insurance call on or write F. E. Brewer Oflice with T. S. Nightingale, Loup City Nebraska. 1). C'. Grow, of the Northern Milling company feed store wants to trade Hour for wheat. He also has a tine grade of whole flour for sale. The Douglas shoes are better and finer this spring than ever. Our shoe maker, Swanson has just received *t good assortment of them and would be pleased to show them to you. HOKES ON THE HASHES, Having just returned from the west with three car loads ol western horses. 1 am now on the market and can sell you a team very reason able. Mv horses are all of good size and in very gocd condition. Yon should see me if you want to buy a good team. I am also on the streets buying cattle and hogs again and will pay all the market affords. Consult me before contracting your stock. A. Zink. The St. Paul Republican, in its issue, of last week gives the follow ing complimentary not co of the ball game played at that place between the Scotia club and the Loup City hoys. 4\ext on the program was me base ball game between Scotia and Loup City. This was one of the prettest Bxhibitionsof the national games ever witnessed in St. Paul. The teams were evenly matched and. although Loup City held the lead from the se cond inning it was by a very small margin and she had to work forevery u n made. Willard Paul umpire in a. manner that gave neither side cause for compliant and there was very littlo kicking indulged in. Loup City and Scotia put up the prettiest exhibition of baseball seen here for many a day. Every one of the players was a gent'eman They confined themselves to playing ball and showed no dispoticn to abuse the umpire. They will be welcomed with open arms if they desire to play the return g uno here.—St. Paul Repub lican. •- ♦ • ♦ • - The ladies of the Baptist Aid Society will hold an exchange Saturday afternoon and evening next at the store if A. K. Chase. Come and have a dish of ice cream and get something for your Sunday dinner. We will try and make it pleasant and you can save the good wife the the trouble of worrying over the though of “what shall 1 have f< r dinner Sunday.”—By order of the committee. orcai Dfudin s rood England buys her eggs and butter from France and Denmark, her chick ens from Scandinavia and Russia, and her green vegetables from Holland. Has Risen to High Station. Sir Frederick Holder, first speaker of the Australian commonwealth house of representatives, started life as a schoolmaster in South Australia. BIEMOND & MILLER, —rr.opniETORs of— ejfY MEAT MARKET We carry in stock all kinds of FRESH t SALT MEATS, and can till all orders promptly and satisfactorily. We solicit a fair share of the public’s patronage, and will give you your money’s worth at all times, •>• llit/hcst Mark'd Pric< Paiit for Jlult x. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. A. P. CULLEY, President. FIRST OF LOUP CITY General Banking BusinessTransacted. Pas-i up Capital Stock $20,000. Correspondents: Seaboard National Bank, New York City. N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omn'vr Nebraska •*sa. I. DEPEW8S* Blacksmith @ Wagon Maker, JiEEOOOOOOl^ My shop is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Kiver I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma chinery, also a forco of experienced men who Unow how to opernte it ami turn out a job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage 1 am Yours respectfully, J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. PRERIDENT ROOSEVELT MAYS “The Yellostone Park is something abso lutely unique in this world, a* far I know. Nowhere else in any civilized country is there to be found such a tract of J&Vlulrl vert ibale won derland, made accessible to all visitors, n-IWjE*?’ where at the same time not only the scenerj of the wilderness, hut the wild creatures of the park, are scrupulously preserved The popular route to Yellowstone National Pask is via the UNION PACIFIC to Mon id a, Mott, thence, daily, splendid Concord Conches take the visitor to all points in the l’aik. VERY LOW RATES ' During June, July and August1 I For full information call on or address C, T-. IIakvky, Agt. j| Catarrh of tlio Stomach. When the stomach is overloaded; when food is taken into it that tails to digest, it decays and enflames the mucous membrane, exposing the nerves ami causes the glands to secret mucin instead of the natural juices of digestion This is called Catarrh of the Stomach For years I have suffered with Catarrh of tlie Stomach, caused bv indigestion. Doctors and medicines failed to benllt me until 1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. I!. Khea Coppell,Tax. Bold by Oden dahl Rros. LOW UA 1ES TO CALIFORNIA. The Rarliugton offers round n ip tick ets as follows. Ban Francisco and return, ®4<i45, August 1 to 14. Los Angiles and return, $10 45, August 1 to 14. Ask the ticket agent for particular-. TO CURE A UOtiD IN ONE l' AY Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money If It falls to cure. E, W. Grove's signature is on each box. siSct. CHOLUHA 1M KANTOM. This has long been regarded as one <>f the most dangerous and fatal diseases to which Infants are subject. It can be cured however, when properly treated. All that is necessary is to give Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera, and diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil,as onted with each bottle, and a cure is cem i . For gale bv Odendal'.! Mims LOW RATES WEST. The Burlington offers round trip tick ets as follows. Denver, Onl , and return 815.30, June 1 to Sept. 30. Colorado Springs, c„|., and return 917.80 June 1 to Sept. 30. , Pueblo, Col., and return, 918.05 June 1 p to Sept 30 Glen wood Springs, Col., and return, 827.30, June 1 to Sept. 20. Ogden, I'tah. and return, 831.35, Juno t to Sept. 30. Salt Lake City, Utah, and return, >31.35, June 1 to Sept. 30. Deadwood, 8. I), anil return, 817.90, June 1 to Sept. 30. Lead, S. I*., and return, $17 00, June 1 to Sept. 30 II it Springs S 1)., and return 814.30, June 1 to Sept. 30. Custer, S, I)., and return, 815.40, June 1 to Sept. 30. A»k the ticket agent for particulars.