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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1903)
The N o rt h w e s r e rn PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. GEO. E. BBBSOHOT1B, Editor and I’obllsher £ TERMS:—$1.00 PKK TKAH, ir PAID IN ADVANCF Entered at the Loup City PostofHce for irans mtsRion through the mails as second class matter. Cali For ReDQDlican County Conyention. The Jlopuhlican electors of Sherman County, Nebraska: an hereby re i quested to send delegates from their K respective townships to meet in eon veut ion at Loup City, Nebraska: Fri 'laV) August It. too;,at 11 o'clock a. rn. r;!# for I lie purpose of electing six delegates 1 to (lie Mate Com potion to lie held at Lincoln Nebraska,on the 18th day ot August lOOd and six delegates to the Judicial Convention in and for the Judicial District oi the State of Neb. and for the purpose of nominating a County ticket, as follows: County Clerk. Treasutet. SherilT. Judge, Surveyor, Coroner. Assessor. i? ami toelecta chairman of the comity S central committee, and to transact irk such other business as nay properly *. come before said convention. The several townships are entitled to representation as follows; the apport ionment being based upon the vote of the hist general election (1002) for lion. John II. Mickey, for Governor, giving eacii township one delegate for ' SL every seven votes or major fraction § tliereof. and one delegate at large for K ever> township, which gives the re K spective townships the following rep K; resentation; Oak creek. 0 . Rockville.5 HL Logan. o day. ft IH Washington,... 0 Harrison. 0 raft- El nt,. 4 Scott. 4 Webster. ft Hazard. 7 J.oui) City.. . .21 iiristol. 4 Ashton,. r> Total. 8ft It is recomemled that tlio primaries HE be held at the usual voting places in Pin the respective townships on Monday | August 10 1(503. Hy order of liepub lican committee, W. R.Mellou, ciiaiiman W. S. Waite, Secretary. CALL FOR PRIMARY. jo the republican electors of lamp city township, Sherman county Neb raska; t on are hereby notified that there will he a republican caucus held at Loup city on Monday, August loth. 1003 at 2 o'clock, p m„ for the pur posed electing 21 delegates to the re publican county convention, to be held , at Loup city,Friday August 14th ld03 at 11 o’clock a. m ; and also to place i n nomination township officers, a town ship comm itteeman and to transact such other business as may properly come before it. Geo. W. IIenter Townshin committeeman. V ' ‘ ____— ---— Bicycles were to drive out horses; but biejeles are about gone, while the horse remains. Electricity used as a motor power, was to make the old family nag, the roadster and the mule mere back numbers. But though electric lines have multiplied with amazing rapidity they do not seem to have afFected the horse market. The latter prophets were sure the automobiles would do the business for our quadrupypal friends but the only tilings they have so far proved is a terror to there occupants and the bystanders. By going out to buy a good horse any one may he oonvienced by the round price de manded that, modern improvements have not. vet threatened his su premacy — \merican Farmer. Caught A Horso Thief. The paragraph below which is taken fiom the Shelton Clipper Hhows what a man with a telephone can do and how nicely and quickly ho can do it: “Friday of last week a man came along troni ttio east with u horso and buggy and stopped at the livery sta ble of Kirthcart & Son, at Shelton, offering the outfit for sale for $50, Kirthcart questioned the fellow’ closely, and as lie told a very plaus ible story and the rig was not or.c that a person would suspect had been stolen, Kirthcart bought it paying the man the cash. Saturday morning Kirthcart recieved a postal card from the sheriff of Platte county editing that a horse had been stolen Here Wednesday night, thedeseript ion given answering to the horse the stranger had sold to him the night ' before, anil offering a reward of lift} dollar* for the arrest and conviction J of the tbief. Mose started after tbi fellow on west-bound train No. 27 | and at Gibbon he phoned to the station agent at Kearney, from whom he learned that the fellowhad purchased a tlcktt to North Platte and was at the lime wnitiug in the depot for the train. Mose then tel ephoued to Sheriff Hammons who ar rested the fellow and the sheriff' of Platte county was notified and came up and took the man back. Sat urday afternoon n man named Cisio who live* a few miles southwest ol ! Columbus came and claimed tlo horse, et iting that if had been sto, on from hi* place. The buggy and harness had been stolen at a point between Columbus and Shelton ! When the fellow was arrested he had $ Hi. of ttie fr>0. which Kithcart paid him for the outfit, and this he turn ed back to Kithcart. The fellow gave the name of Prank Edle and claimed to be from Colorado, hut be told conflicting stories so it is prob able that the name given is a ficti cious one.” From the Sonix City Journal of yesterday we read of a brutal assault by a hurley negro upon the person of Mrs. Yietta Davis, better known here ns Iioda Reynolds and sister of F. S. Tieydolds of this city. It seems that she was out looking for : her child which was out late, when the brute attacked her, and but for the timely arrival of a man who heard her screams, would have doubtlcs* been killed. The man fired two shots with Ins revolver which had the effect of frightening the brute and he took to his heels. The paper states that in the struggle she was severely hurt. The police have a very good description of the negro and are after him. Ilava You Heart! of Tile Llon'n Mouth? The old idea i> adapted by a pro gr< -sive American rewspappor to meet modern re< | u i re men t - Ct-llierV Weekly i- con ducting a very novel and Interesting t*> tnp« tition for Its readers et»ch month. To enter tin* eon test all one has to do i« to review the issue of Colliers for tlm current month and answer the t-vo or three questions which are printed in each issue giving such opinions and such suggestions ns will aid in improving tin* pape . Colliei’s aims in this way to secure the assistance of every one of its readers in making the paper more to their liking. Every reader in fact becomes one of the editors and has his voice in building the greatest illustrated journal of the age. The first pi izo each month awarded for the most helpful suggestion is $50 in cash with a second prize of $25 and eighteen other prizes of sets of book ranging in value from $32 down to $5. in all $329 of value given in prizes each month. There are, in addition cumula ative cash prizes for those who win prize In successive month, and a big cash prize of $1,000 for the most valu able suggestion during 1908. For the convenience of intending con testants who can not be promptly gup plied by newsdealers, all the coppies of Collier’s for the current month will be sent postpaid together with a hamsome proof of a drawing by Charles Dana Gibson upon receipt of 40 cents in stamps addressed to the iions mouth, Coolier’s Weekly, 438 West 13th Street New York. Marks New Era. The Russian newspaper, Novy Kry, of Tort Arthur, announces that on Jan. 14, 1903, the custom house at Dalny was opened for levying duty on merchandise carried by the Chin ese Eastern railroad into and from Manchuria. Society’s Resources. An esteemed contemporary asks us why we refer to the Smart Set as oscillating “between hell and the iron works.” Because it gets its inspira tion from the one, its money from tho other.—Louisville Courier-Jour nal. Quarantine Not Needed. Every spring it has been a precau tion of Florida to declare a quaran tine against Cuba through fear of yellow fever. This year no quaran tine will be enforced until cases of yellow fever occur in Cuba. Vienna Holds Suicide Record. Vienna holds the world's record for suicides. Between January and Sep tember last year 250 men and ninety eight women killed themselves and 3G7 made unsuccessful attempts at suicide. : Mart] !fli. K. Hcndrinksun, PHYSICIAN. IJeMld.Mi* #* at \\. I.. Zl r iiiuti'* mrp CITY, NEBRASKA. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE KEN DA NT. State of Nebraska, ) Sherman County, f ' Ida Claussen, non-resident defendant will take notice that on the Oth day «>! Ju'v lltO.l, Henning Clau sen, plaint ill herein, til d his petition in the Dlstiici Court of Sherman County, Nebraska, against said Ida Claussen, the object anti prayer of tvbicb are to obtain a divorce from saiii defendant on the ground that said defendant did, on May 20tb, 1901, wilfully desert said plaintiff, and tor more than two years last past has been wilfully absent from him without a reasonable or jus, cause. You are required to answer id peti tion on or b» f ire the 17th day of August, l!Ki:S. I >Htod ibis 7th i! ty of duly, lOOil IlKNMNIi 1’I.AUSSKN, i'laiilt i If, by It .1. Nil 1IITI VO A l.K, ItD attorney. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I>KI’AUTMKNT OK TIIK iNTKItlOlt. United States Land OlBee, ( Lincoln, Neb., June 5th., lain. I Notice 1* hereby given that t he following named Heftier has tiled notice of Intention to make (lnni proof in support of lit* claim, and that said proof will be made before J. A. AftglerCounty Judge at Loup City Nehr., on July is, 1903. viz. Jay. B. Draper fortbe South-west fourth Sec. 11, Township 15, Range 10 west Homstead Kntery No. 17460. He names the lollowing witness to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Wehlar of Loup City, Nob. Kd Shipley,of Litchfield, Neb. A. H. Simmons, of Loup City. Net). Joe KowalketVskl, of Loup City Neb. IV A. liKEKN, Register. Very Kemtirkuble (Jure of Olarrlinns. “About six > ears ago f<»r i lit' lirst time in my lift* 1 had a sudden and se ver*' • dlrrhoea,” says M Mice Miller * I Morgan, Texas, "i j tem porary rtdi* f, but it came in, * ugaiu ami again imi for six long v* - I have suffered m ■ misery an. :*g" .v than I can tell It was worse titan death. My husband sp hundred of dollars tor physicians, reseri ptioi - ud treatment without ; vil, Finaly e moved to Bosque couiity. our | r*>en t home, and one day J happened to see an advertis ment of Chamberlain" nolle. Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy with a testimonial of a man who had Ir en cured by it. The case was so simHer to my ovn that I concluded to try the remedy. The result was wot rierful. I could hardly reall/i that I we-well again, or believe it could In* so after having suf fered so lung but tha' one buttle **f medicine costing but a few cents, cured me.” For -al by O let dab! Bros fetter, Sal* .Klteuni anti I ■ :im. The intense itching ami smart ing, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain ’a Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box Dr. Cady’s Condition l’owders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. A. S. Main, PHYICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Case* ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. LOU* CIT I, - . NE UR ASH. A Robert P. Starr, Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY, NEBRRSKR More than twenty double-page pictures a year by Charles Dana Gibson are only a part of the good things that come week by week to regular readers of COLLIER'S ; the- world's most progressive illustrated I newspaper. Famous writers and artist:: i make Coilu-r’s a necessity ia every home. I Send 1 cents in ■tamp1* to-day for aaznplo copy and handaomo illustrated booklet tailing of attractive , premium* and prizes for Collier's wubat.ribcra. ! Collier's Weekly, 436W. 13th St., New Yorl T. M REED HAS JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER carload ok IBu-ggie; ^n.cL Car '. ges: GOOD GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES THEY ARE AS i ; ve A LOT AS HAS EVl R REEN SHIPPED 70 LOUP UUTY I have two hydraulic well machines and can make y<> i a first class well on short no* tiee. It will pay you to call and see me if in need of an\hing in my line. Respectfully, ' \ M- REED» I To Cir. e a Cold in O te Day SrdSTl f: t«i»» Laxative Bron > Quinine Tablets. f P ' 1 Seven Mynonbcses sold in past 13 m ths. This signature, :> o: „• •e,;;s.u •iraTiiinHiP aa*8 ii f i|||»iii||i 1 ip"nntipw « mmmmr ~ -re1*- • • ^ Eugene Field’s View* on Ambition and Dye* popsia. "Dyspepsia,” wrote Eugene Field, "often inc&p&olt&tes a man for endoavor and sometimes extinguishes the fire of ambition.” Though great despite h!> complaint Field suffered from indiges tion all his life. A weak, tired stomach can’t digest your food. It needs rest. You can only rest it by the use of a preparation like Kodol, whioh re lieves it of work by digesting your food. Rest soon restores It to Its normal tone. Strengthening, Satisfying, Envigoratlng. Prepared only by E. C. DbWitt<Si Co., Chicago. The $L bottle contains 2% times the Me. else. For salo by ODKNDAHL DR08. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, / Lincoln, Nebr, June S3, 1903, i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of her In tention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. A. Angler, county judge, at Loup City, Nebr.. on August 4, 1903., viz. Ellen Lewis, • Guardian of Barney Flanders, minor heir of Leora B. Flanders for tin* south <4 of tho South-east ' , of Sec. 4, Town ship 13, Bunge lfi West, Homestead Entry 17100. -She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: August Musbaek, of Litchfield, Neb. T. P. Clancy “ Thomas Else; ” JacobKngl emun ’* W. A. GitsvN, Register NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all Whom 11 May Concern ; The com missioner apppnintcil to locate a mail com encingata point 80 mils south of the North West corner of Section 27, Township It, ltange 14. Intersecting w itli road No :ni, running thence South on Section line, three and Ihn --fourths miles, to the South West corner of Section to. Township in. 11. lias report! d in I vor of thr> establishment thereof, and all odjectlon thereto, or claims for damages must lie tiled in tile Cimntv Clerk's Otll ••• nil or before noon of tlie 1st day of Sept, loo.), or such mail Mill he ets-iblishi without reference thereto. Dated this tsi day o: .Inly. 1904. (seal) i. i-aini> i: II. Oumov, County C.cru I lie Inundation of Health. Nourishment, is the fouoduti m of health-Ufc-atrengtli. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is t he one great medicine that en ables the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assimilate and transform ml food Into the \cind of blood that nourish es the neives and feeds tin- tissues. Kodol lays the foundation for health. Nature does the rest. Indigestion, lies pepgl a, and all discords of the ! s omaeh and digestive orgiuis are enred i hv the use of Kodol. Sold by Otlendabi Bros City AND Transfer Xiine. All kinds ot hauling will po jrt von pronip a> tentlon Hint wo; ir.asc ,i ^pcciaii -■ *1 moving tioiiHelioid good. \Vo -1 • 11< 1 patronage CD Cl* CITY, jN K15H ASK A. The Great : GERM AND ) INSECT DESTROYER CO Vi All - EVERY *■ riSEITIC ND GERMICIDE KNOWN TO SCIENCE hoc; ( II OLEIC A 1- rm disease of ill* Uite-tiies. The oholer.i bacteria finds its way Into tin- antinal through the drinking water or tilth, passing Into the stomach met finally down along the Intestines it sets n|> fermentation and from (here througl Hie blood, liver and other organs. Hog cholera cannot be nested stiei-e--fn!ly unless lrealm nl Is commenced before tiio genuine- reached the pet tod of rapid multiplication. If taken In time it can lie cured and tit all cases prev ntcii by tin use of Liquid Koal b- cause it i- the oelv germicide that will pass through tho stomach into the intestines and from there into the blond, permeating the whole system, amt still retain its germ hilling properties Allo'hcr -o called cholera cures loon.- i liter potency by the acid reaction of the gastiie jncteH of the stomach, hence have no value, bipuid Koal is also the best tcinedy for chicken cholera. Head, w hat others have to say. , Hurting toil, Neb. Dec, Hi, 1902. Niithmliil Medicine Uo., York, Neb. Hear sir-:—1 am a user of Klq: l Koal and am well pleased with it. I would not ti y to do without it as l And it useful In a great many ways, I have had nosick hogs since I commenced using It a year ago In my opinoin it is the, best and cheapest ho? cholera preventation on the market to-day. You can use i his as you wish Any one wishing to know more about this please write to me. Knock Kr.v —o 1’ltIOK One Quart thin ♦! »■) Ten tiallon Keg, per gallon One Gallon him ‘25 Gallons, hall bid per gal, 2-2-r> Five Oallons per gallon :,7H 5H tiallons, I bhl per gall. a Oh A she '12 page IsMiU on diseases of animals sent free oil application. MAXI’FACTUHKD BY Nationol Medicial Co. “SXSS" For sale by «l. HOLMS, Loup City Neb. FEMALE WEAKNESS (M2 1-2 Congress fit. PoaruLNM, Maise, Oet. 17,1902. I consider Wino of ('ardul superior to any doctor’s medicine 1 over used and I know whereof l speak. 1 suf fered for ii.. i ' i’h suppressed menstruation which completely pros trated mo. Pains would shoot through my back an 1 sides and 1 would have blinding b i daohes. My liinbe would swell u > aud I would feel so weak l could not stand up. I naturally felt discouraged for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Wino of Cardui caniuua God-scud to me. I felt a change for the better within t» week. After nineteen days treatment 1 nv r.struatod without suffering the agonies X usually did and soon became regular and without pain Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all sufforing women knew of Us good qualities. Treasurer, Portland Economic League P< riodicnl headaches tell nf fe male weakness. Wine of Cardui cun permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or any female weaknt If you aro discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the tx»t reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Koraember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. WIS3E°r Cl nwi \V ANTED-SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS person* in each slate to travel fur house established eleven years and with a large c tpital, to call up'in nu rchauts and agents for sncccsslnl and prod table line, l’ernia n<*nt engagement. Weekly cash salary of *1' and nil I raveling expenses and all hotel hills advanced In cash each week Exper lenee not essential. Mention reference and enclose self- address envelope. THE NATIONAL, 3S4 Dear Iso n St., Chicago. WANTED SKVKHAI, I'KHSONH ok CHAKA neter and good reputation In each slate tone In ■ lus county required) to represent and advertise old established wealthy hti*'i;i,** house of solid iinancial standing * aty #.’t (ill weekly with expenses addi iionn:. all payable in cash each Wednesday diiiilfrom head unices. Horse and ear rage furnished when necessary. Refer ences Enclose self-addressed envelope, colonial Op., Sill Dearborn at., C hicago.