The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 09, 1903, Image 6

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The decision of the European pow
ers to allow The Hague tribunal to
decide upon the justice of their claims
against Venezuela has caused great
satisfaction in Washington. On this
subject a correspondent of one of the
leading newspapers of the country,
wming from the capital, says:
‘‘The selection of The Hague court
to determine a dispute which had
reached the stage of actual war is
gratifying to an extraordinary degree
to Secretary Hay and of course to the
president himself.
“When the emperor of Russia sug
gested the idea of a permanent court
of arbitration the whole world smiled,
and ever since then diplomats have
been ti the habit of referring to The
Hague court as a piece of buncombe.
The Russian emperor seemed to be
lieve that the great armies of Europe
ly upon thp honor of the nations which
have agreed to its existence. For this
reason the old-time diplomats have
predicted that nations would never
refer to The Hague court anything ex
cept the most trivial disputes.
"In the Venezuelan case, however, a
condition of actual war exists, and yet
the parties to this deplorable state ol
affairs have nearly come to an agree
ment to submit the matter in dispute
to the permanent court of arbitration,
known as The Hague tribunal.
"In discussing this unexpected tri
umph of the principle of arbitration a
distinguished official of the govern
ment. whose name could not be pub
lished because the negotiations are
still far from concluded, said to me:
“ 'The decision to refer the Vene
zue:<n dispute to The Hague tribunal
marks a great epoch in human history.
In our opinion this recognition of the
could be disbanded If an international
tribunal could be established of suf
ficient dignity to have its decisions
respected by the world at large. Old
fashioned diplomats, however—the
men who were trained in a university
of dissimulation—could not be made
to believe that the czar was in earn
“The Hagtie court as finally estab
lished contains representatives of the
highest standing from all the great
powers of the earth. The difficulty,
however, lies in the fact that the
court has absolutely no power to en
force its decisions. No nation would
surrender its sovereignty in the slight
est degree, and The Hague court can
not act automatically. It cannot im
pose arbitration on any nation, and
oven after the arbitration, voluntary
though it be, is concluded, either party
may subsequently decline to accept
the result. The court depends entire
principle of arbitration by the great
nations of the earth confers as great a
benefit upon mankind as the invention
of printing.
“ ‘This is a strong statement, it Is
true, but we believe it to be justified
by the "facts. If this Venezuela arbi
tration is successful it is probable
that many, if not all, future disputes
between nations, out of which war
might come, will be referred, before it
is too late, to this great international
court of last resort. This means a
saving of property and of life so great
as not literally to be calculated.
“ ‘The decision to refer the Vene
zuela case breathes the breath of life
Into The Hague tribunal, if the na
tions concerned are unable to make
this reference it means the death of
The Hague tribunal and the indefinite
postponement of peaceable means of
settling disputes between the nations
of the earth.’ ”
Dr. Coakley Makes Valuable Discovery
in Heart Stimulation.
Dr. W. Byron Coakley of Chicago
expects to demonstrate before the na
tional medical congress in Madrid,
Spain, next April, that the heart as
well as other internal organs may be
reached and treated locally. He has
designed an instrument which he calls
an organotone, a tubular golden needle
by which he claims to be able to pierce
the heart and inject through the tube
any solution. The solutions to be in
jected are handled in an intricate ma
chiae, which is termed an organome
ter, and by it the operator can regu
late the quantity, temperature and
pressure of the solution.
Modist Australian Statesman.
Robert Philp, premier of Queens
land. who. according to the latest tdl
egrams, is heading a movement in the
direction of secession from the com
monwealth, is a native of Scotland and
at the age of 10 accompanied his pa
rents to Queensland. Mr. Philp was
the only Australian premier absent
from his state during the visit of the
prince and princess of Wales last year,
and it was said at the time that he
took a trip to Japan to escape knight
hood. At the coronation he passed the
proffered knighthood on to his attor
ney general, Sir Arthur Rutledge, an
ex-Wesleyan minister. j
Why Reed Appointed Dingley.
St. Clair McKelway, editor of the
Brooklyn Eagle, once asked Thomas
B Reed why he made Nelson Ding
ley chairman of the ways and means
He replied: “Some men would like
to sit in a sumptuous parlor with a
young, lovely and coquettish girl and
be petted by her. You and I wouldn’t
do it, hut we would like it. Now.
Dingley, in preference to doing that,
would be happier sitting on the bot
tom of an upturned bucket, in the
darkest corner of a deep cellar, at
midnight, with only the light of a
stump candle by which to cipher out
on rough brown paper the proper
schedules fcr a tariff bill. That is
why I wanted him for chairman of
ways and means.”
Association Bars Paper Dealing With
Marital Unrest.”
The Eclectic club of New York at
a meeting held in Delmonico’s in that
city refused to liBten to a paper Mrs.
Walling had prepared on “Marital Un
rest,” compromising witn her on a pa
per entitled "Shakespeare as a Lover
and Husband.” In the "Marital Un
rest” paper Mrs. Walling had prepared
ar argument for liberal divorce laws,
allowing a divorce where the woman
does not remain "that thing of Joyous
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Walling.
beauty, the bride," but becomes after
the honeymoon "a mere woman,
smeared with ointments and horned
vith curl papers.”
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Kansas City
CATTT.R-Jteeelpts of cattle w»re light
her** this morning, hut. considering that
vesterday was a holiday, the receipts
were as large as could be expected.
Packers took hold with a little more
life than they did yesterday and the
general tone to the market was consid
erably better. The few cars of cornfed
steers that were offered changed hands
^n good season. The better grades, if
anything, sold a shade stronger, but the
common stuff and warmed-up cattle
could not be quoted any more than
steady. Buyers claim that these farmed
up cattle do not kill out at all well and
for that reason they are afraid of them.
The cow market was quite brisk, espe
cially at the start, and the prices paid
locked a little stronger all around. It
was only a comparatively short time
before the bulk of the early arrivals was
disposed of. There was no special fea
ture to the trad*. Bulls, veal calves and
slags were all In light supply and the
market held just about steady with yes
terday. There were no new develop
ments In the stocker and feeder market
this morning. There were only a few
odd bunches in the yards and, owing
to the time of week, speculators did not
cure for many, in fact supplies have
been so light all the week that it is
difficult to tell much ulsnit the true
condition of the market, hut with mod
erate receipts the general Impression Is
that desirable grades will tlnd a ready
outlet at satisfactory prices.
HOGS—There was not a heavy supply
of hogs here this morning and as pack
ers iill seemed to be in need of fresh
supplies the market opened quite active
and strong to a shade higher. In some
cases the better grndos of butcher
weights sold as much as a nickel higher.
The bulk of the hogs sold from St*.ft."* to
*0 40, with the prime loads selling from
10.40 to $0.45. The lighter loads sold
largely from *0.30 to *0.35. but the ex
trtme lightweights sold from *0.30 down.
About the middle of the forenoon the
market suddenly weakened and as sell
ers wanted the morning prices the close
was not only weak, but very slow. All
of the advance of the morning was lost
and In some cases more, but, as has
been the case of late. It was mostly the
lightweights that were left until the
SHEEP—There was a very light run
of sheep and lambs here this morning
and as packers nil had to have a few
the market on good stuff was active
and fully steady. Western ewes sold as
high as $.'1.60 and western sheep nnd
yearlings brought *4.60 and some straight
yearlings sold at *4.65. Owing to the
light supplies the market soon came to
a close. It was very evident this morn
ing that packers were anxious for good
stuff, but the commoner grades and
half fat stuff was not iu such active
demand. There were not enough feeders
on sale to tell much about the market,
hut desirable grades would probably
have sold at about steady prices. Quo
tations for fed stock: Choice lambs, $5
*5.25; fair to good lambs, $4.5005.00;
choice yearlings, $4.150 4.75: fair to good
yearlings, $3,7504.15; choice wethers, $3.
1*0 4.25; fair to good, $3.5003.90; choice
ewes, *3.3004.00; fair to good. *3.0003.30;
feeder lambs. $3.0004.00; feeder year
lings, *3.0003.50; feeder wethers, *3.750
3.25; feeder ewes, *1.5003.25.
CATTT-E—Receipts, 1,500 head, includ
ing 500 head Texans; steady; native
steers, *4.0006.00; Texas and Tndlan
steers, *3.230X20; Texas cows, *2.000 3.25;
native cows and heifers. *1.5003.85;
Stockers and feeders, ♦2.750 4.15; western
steers, *3.0005.25; western cows, *2.000
3.15; bulls, *2.8505.90; calves, *3.2506.15.
HOGS—Receipts, 5.000 head; weak to
5c lower; bulk of sales. *6.2506.43; heavy,
*6.37U6.50; packers, *6.2506.43; medium
*0 3006.50; light, *6.1506.30 Yorkers, $6.2Vf
6.30; pigs, $5.250 3.75.
SHEEP—Receipts, 1,000 head; steady;
muttons, $3.0004.10; Iambs, $3.6005.45;
range wethers, $3.000 4.60; ewes, $3.000 4.20.
Says She Eloped with Tutor Because
She Loved Him.
NEW YORK—The Herald corre
spondent at Zurich, Switzerland, ca
bles the report of an interview with
the crown princess of Saxony, in which
she is quoted as saying that M. Giron
is the only man she ever met whom
she felt she could love, and that it
was a question of mutual love and
affinity which made her life impossible
without him.
• Between my husband and myself,’’
said the princess, “there was no bond
of sympathy. He was a typical rough
"I, myself, was full of ideals. How
miserable that life was. I tried so
hard to bear it for the sake of my
darling children, whom I adore.
"I also hesitated for the sake of the
Saxon people, whom 1 love deeply, as
they love me.
“But all that could not alter my res
oiution. The ills of my life at court
were too great to bear."
The Times correspondent In Vienna,
in a dispatch via London, scouts the
alleged claim of the Archduke Leo
pold of Tuscany, brother of the crown
prince of Saxony, or Leopold Woel
flhig, as he will hereafter be called,
to inherit any of the estate of the
Archduke John, who disappeare 1 many
years ago under the name of John
j Orth.
The correspondent says that this
claim is at least premature, since the
will of the presumably decease.1 arch
duke is still unopened and probably
will be left unopened for several years
to come.
Eight companies have been organiz
ed recently in Dawes county for the
purpose of boring for oil, and filings
have been made on sixty-four placer
oil mining claims In Beaver creek val
ley. about ten miles northeast of
Rev. “Joe” Jones, brother of Rev.
“Sam” Jones, is dead.
The number of laborers required to
cultivate the lea crop of India is 666,
The gold production of the Cripple
Creek district, six miles square, is
1902, is estimated at 524,508,311.
Within the last five years the labor
organizations of New York state have
increased in membership 75 per cent.
Nearly 10,000 letters for Santa Claus
lie unclaimed in the New York post
office. There is a begining of a good
mail order business for some one.
Manila advices state that Hilario
Flacido, a Filipino who aided General
Funston in the capture of Aguinaldo,
has been sentenced to life imprison
ment for murder.
Henry Goodman, 15 years old, was
arrested in New York City, charged
with having tried to cut off a young
woman’s hand to obtain the diamond
rings displayed on her fingers.
General William Booth, founder and
eommander-ln-chlcf of ihe Salvation
Army, did his last day.’s work in San
Francisco Thursday, ami is now en
route for Salt laike and Omaha.
Judge William C. Talcott, the oldest
newspaper man in the state of Indiana,
died suddenly in his 87th year. For
fifty years he owned and edited the
Porter County Vidette at Valparaiso.
Congressman Corona, editor of the
Cubano Libre, shot and instantly kill
ed Senor Insula, editor of tne Repub
lien, at Santiago, Cuba. Roth men
were prominent politicians and lead
ers of rival parties.
The board of health, having traced
several case3 of diphtheria to the hab
it of children of putting lead pencil
points into their mouths, has taken
steps to stop this source of contagion
in the Boston schools.
The scandal is undermining, accord
ing to some opinions, the people’s loy
alty and respect for the throne. The
dynasty being Catholic and the people
Protestant, the affair is being utilized
for seetaiian controversy.
B. E. MeKibben, who has been man
ager of the St. Joseph base ball team
for three years, lias signed to man
age the Tacoma, Wash., team in the
Pacific Northwest league next season.
No successor has yet been selected.
Commissioner General Sargeant of
Washington, who was grand master
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men for seventeen years, has beer,
presented by the order with a hand
some silver service of 191 pieces.
C. P. Harder, now postmaster at
Banville, Pa., enlisted as a drummer
boy in the union army in 1861 at the
age of 10 years and 6 months, and now
claims to have been the youngest sol
dier to enlist in the war. He was the
youngest of five brothers, all of whom
entered the union army.
One hundred glass workers, headed
by Janies L. Wise, a Muneie mer
chant, are planning to construct a
large co-operative window' glass fac
tory in Muneie, Ind. The company
will have a capital stock of $75,000
paid up and expects to break ground
for buildings l»y March 1.
Rev. J. B. McMichael, formerly pres
ident of Monmouth college. Monmouth,
111., fell dead shortly after he entered
the pulpit of the Sugar Creek United
Presbyterian church near Xenia, O.,
Wednesday evening. Members of the
church hastened to his side, but when
they reached him he was dead.
Governor Odell has been Inaugurat
ed for his second term as governor of
New York. The occasion was an un
usually brilliant one, marked by the
presence of many distinguished visit
tors and the participation of a large
representation of the National Guard,
as well as crowds from all parts of the
In a recent fight between Bulgarians
and Turkish troops at the village of
Brenovo, in the Monastir district, flf
teen of the latter were killed or
wounded. The Turkish commander
was among the killed. The Bulgar
ians, who were barricaded in a house,
also sustained losses, but the surviv
ors escaped.
Henry Hagner was fatally wounded
by footpads at Independence, Kansas,
where he had gone to be married. A
deep gash was cut across the back
of his head. His body was placed on
the Santa t*’e track and was mutilated
by a train. Hagner has been a trav
eling man for the McCormick Harves
ter company.
The members of the senate and
house naval committees, after confer
ences with the secretary of the navy,
have practically decided on a plan for
the increase of the personnel of the
navy. It contemplates an additional
naval cadet for each congressional dis
trict, w to for each senator and ten an
nually to be appointed at large by the
Direct communication by wireless
telegraphy between the United States
and the old world has been had for the
first time by the exchange of mes
sages by the Marconi system between
the Welfleet station and Poldhu, Corn
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Tide of Public Sentiment Turning To*
ward Her.
DAVID CITY, Neb.-*—With all its
highly colored details, and with the
single exception that not a shot was
fired, the tragedy in which Harvey
Lillie lost his life the morning of Oc
tober 24 was re-enacted Wednesday aft
ernoon in the presence of Judge
Skiles, Attorneys Walling, Evans and
Harris for the state. Attorney Miller
for the defense and J. S. Hill, the
lather of Mrs. Lillie, Coroner Sample
and Dr. A. J. Stewart.
In the presence of those eight the
details of the murder were rehearsed
with the actual settings. Gruesome
as it would naturally have been, it
was made more so by the presence of
a gray, ghastly skull, laid on the pil
low where the dead man's head rest
ed when found.
Tho scene was enacted to give
Judge Skiles an accurate idea of the
location of the room, in order that
he might better judge of the testi
mony as it is given. Even the cur
tain, window and screen through
which the second bullet was fired were
hung in their accustomed places.
New Year’s clay came as a relief to
Mrs. Lillie, the central figure. For
three days she has been forced to sit
in the court room and listen to the
testimony of the witnesses. She had
to hear how Harvey Lillie, her mur
dered husband's head was cut open,
the skull sewed in pieces, the brain
dissected and the dozen other little
points that were taken Into account
at the autopsy. The efforts that have
been necessary to suppress her feel
ings through all this ghastly recital
have told on her to a pitiful extent.
Every one is discussing the evi
dence of the past few days and spec
ulating on its significance. So far,
nothing has been dlscovdfed that
would reflect upon her tn any way.
In fact, several points nave been
brought out, such as contradictions of
testimony and fact, that mase her
case all the stronger.
State Has a Million and a Half Dollars
LINCOLN—Auditor Charles Wes
ton’s balance sheet, issued Jonuary 1,
shows that the state treasurer has on
hand $205,374.21. and that the invest
ments now held by the state amount
to nearly $5,500,000. The total
amount of trust funds on hand is $2,
678.38. This is made up of the fol
lowing funds on hand: Permanent
school fund, $290.91; agricultural col
lege endowment fund, $674.51; per
manent university fund, $898.47; nor
mal endowment, $812.38.
The amount on hand December 1
was $432,255.38. The receipts during
the month wore $207,416.22, and the
disbursements wore $434,297.39, leav
ing $203,374.21 on hand at the open
ing of the new year. This is the
smallest amount for which the treas
urer has had to account within the
past twenty years. When State Treas
urer Meserve turned over the office to
State Treasurer Stuefer he had on
hand $300,242.55. Of that amount $91,
639.48 was trust funds.
The investments of the state funds
have grown, notwithstanding a great
many bonds and securities have been
paid off by counties. The total in
vestment held by the state has grown
from $4,571,340.21 on August 31, 1901,
to $5,475,034.77 at the present time.
These investments are as follows.
School fund, $5,090,291.66; agricultur
al college endowment, $224,692.14; per
manent university, $101,050.97; nor
mal endowment, $59,000.
Gossip About Appointments.
LINCOLN'—Food Commissioner S.
C. Bassett has decided to retain his
office until the closing of the legisla
tuie. He had handed in a resigna
tion to take effect much sooner, but
at the request of Governor Mickey
has consented to remain until April
1. It is rumored about the state cap
itol that Horace Clark, superintend
ent of the girls’ industrial school at
Geneva, and Commissioner A. V. Cole
of the soldiers’ home at Grand Island
will be retained in their present po
Stockmen Will Meet.
LINCOLN—L. C. Lawson, F. M. Tyr
rell and Hon. Z. C. Branson are ar
ranging for the program for the meet
ing in this city on January 22 and 22
of tno Central Short-Horn Breeders'
association. This will be one of the
big gatherings of the year in Lincoln.
From 3u0 to 500 'lovers- and breeders
of short-horn cal tie will be here. They
come from all parts of the United
States and Canada, and are a class of
men whom it will he to the interest of
Nebraska people to know. For six
years the association has met yearly
in Kansas City, but at the last ses
sion it was induced to come to Lin
J. T. Morey has* been re appointed
as superintendent of the state school
for the blind at Nebraska City.
In Dodge county the total chattel
mortgages filed during 1902 was 92ti,
amount. $320,130.26; released 539,
amount, $268,309.94.
Congressman Robinson of Madison,
who recently underwent an operation
lor appendicitis, is rapidly recovering,
although still confined to his home.
S. G. Wright, for ten years proprie
tor of a drug store at Table Rock, has
sold his business to F. M. Colwell of
Pawnee City, and will go elsewhere.
John Noffsetger, the oldest resident
of Dakota county, died in his 9bth
year. He headed a colony from Can
ada which settled near Dakota City in
By the blowing out of a plug in the
flue of an Elkhorn engine at Peters
burg, Brakeman Spencer Martin and
Fireman Ed Rohoder were severely
Governor Mickey has appointed
Mayor Moores of Omaha a colonel on
liis personal staff. Mayor Moores
served under Governor Savage in a
similar capacity.
1 he Second regiment band of Be
atrice has been selected by Adjutant
General Colby to play at the inaugu
ration of Governor-elect Mickey at
Lincoln, January 8.
Twelve families of Gypsies have
gone into winter quarters near Bea
trice. They are having their large
living vans repaired and painted and
getting ready for the road in the
S. A. Teal, for thirty years master
mechanic of the Fremont, Elkhom &
Missouri Valley railroad, with head
quarters at Missouri Valley, has re
signed and will be succeeded by Ed
ward W. Pratt.
Sheriff John M. Kreader of Dodge
county has resigned, in order to as
sume the duties of deputy collector of
internal revenue. Deputy Sheriff Ar
thur Bauman has been appointed to
fill the vacancy.
W. A. Townsend, a prominent Te
eumseh business man, was adminis
tered an injection of morphine by his
physician to relieve nervousness, lie
died twenty mtnutes later, presumably
from the effects of the opiate.
Union Pacific engine 1718, attached
to an extra freight train, left the rails
while going on a sidetrack at the west
end of the yards at Elkhorn. The
wrecking crane came out from Omaha
and put it back on the track. The
engine received but small damage.
The women of the Helen Gould club
met in open session at the home of
Mrs. Fozzard, one of its members, in
Rising City, New Year's eve. An in
teresting program was listened to, one
of the principal features of which was
a paper prepared and read by J. A.
Reichenback on the subject of “Labor
The following is the mortgage rec
ord of Dodge comity for the month of
December, 1902: Farm mortgages re
corded 11, amount $25,458.06; released
18, amount $23,254.56. Town and city
mortgages recorded 7, amount $4,345;
released 15, amount $0,945.67. Chattel
mortgages filed 59, amount $25,407.97;
released 15, amount $120,647.80.
Mrs. Charles Coburn, residing at
Beatrice, attempted suicide by swal
lowing a quantity of morphine. A
physician was summoned when it was
discovered that she had swallowed
the drug and succeeded in resuscitat
ing her by the use of a stomach pump.
It Is alleged that Mrs. Coburn had
trouble with her husband the forepart
of the week, which resulted in his
leaving her.
The women of the W. S. A. society
at Table Rock gave a New Year’s re
ception at the fine parlors of Mrs. C.
R. Smith from 2 p. m. till 5 p. m., at
which the attendance was large. The
parlors were decorated with holly, mis
tletoe and Spanish moss and the Buff
rage colors. The tables, with ferns,
and a profusion of potted plants also
adorned the rooms. The hostess and
the officers of the society formed the
receiving line.
The Farmers Co-oporative Grain anti
Live Stock association met at Arapa
hoe to complete the organization be
gun two weeks ago. R. B. Chambers
was elected president, A. Daliemand
secretary and Smith Paine treasurer.
A board of live directors was elected
and W. S. Curry was made manager
to take charge of shipping, which will
begin as soon as he can secure cars.
The delegates chosen to the Lincoln
meeting on January 22 were: A. Dai
lemand, W. S. Curry and J. P. Snyder.
The association took membership in
the central association. Over thirty
charter members are enrolled, and
nearly $500 stock is now subscribed.
Mr. Vincent of Omaha was present by
invitation and lent his assistance in
perfecting the organization.
Taxes on foreign visitors and resi
dents are proposed to the Vaud Can
ton, Switzerland.