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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1903)
t+++++,>>:'<"V+,M,+'‘+++++v+‘HH,'H4+'>+++,>+++++t+W,<"H,<'+,H4 The Bow of Orange Ribbon A ROMANCE OF NEW YORK By AMELIA IE. BARR. Author of "Friend Olivia..” ‘*1, Thou end the Other One,” Eto. Copyright, 1S86, by Dodd, Mead and Company. J +++♦+++++*++ CHAPTER VII.—(Continued.) Now. here was the real Katherine. Her very presence, her smiles, her liars, her words, would be a consola tion so far beyond all hope, that the girl by her side seemed a kind of miracle to her. She was far more than a miracle to Hyde. As the door opened, he slowly turned his head. When he saw who was really there, he uttered a low cry of Joy,—a cry pitiful in its shrill weak ness. In a moment Katherine was dose to his side. She kissed his hands and face, and whispered on his lips the sweetest words of love and fidelity. Hyde was in a rapture. He lay still, Bpeechlcss, motionless, watching and listening to her. Hyde could speak little, but there was no need of speech. Had he not nearly died for her? Was not his very helplessness a plea beyond the power of words. And so quickly, so quick ly, went the happy moments! Ere Katherine had half said, “I love thee,” Mrs. Gordon reminded her that it was near the noon. “Then we must part, my Katherine, for a little. When will you come again?” This was a painful question, because Katherine felt, that, however she might excuse herself for the unfore seen stress of pity that all unaware had hurried her into this interview, she knew she could not find the same apology for one deliberate and pre arranged. “Only once more,” Hyde pleaded. “I had, iny Katherine, so many things to f ay to you. In my joy. I forgot all. Come but once more. Upon my honor, I promise to ask Katherine \ an Heemskirk only this once. To-mor row? ‘No.’ Two days hence, then?" “Two days hence I will come again. Then r.o more.” He smiled at her, and put out his hands; and she knelt again by his side, and kissed her “farewell” on his lips. And, as she put on again her cloak and veil, he drew a small volume to wards him, and with trembling hands tore out of it a scrap of paper, and gave it to her. Under the lilac hedge that night she read it, read it over and over,—the bit of paper made almost warm and sen tient by Phoedria’s tender petition to his beloved: “When you are in company with that other man, behave as if you were absent; but continue to love me by day nr.d by night; want me, dream of me, expect me, think of me, wish for me, delight in me. be wholly with me: ir. short, be my very soul, as I am yours.’’ CHAPTER VIII. “The Silver Link, the Silken Tie.” If Kataorir.e had lived at this day, she would probably have spent the time between her promise and its ful llment in self-analysis and introspec tive reasoning with her own con science. But the women of a century !go were not tossed with winds of var ious opinions, or made foolishly sub tile by arguments about principles which ought never to be associated with dissent. A few strong, plain dictates had been set before Katherine as the law of her daily life; and she knew, beyoud all controversy, when she disobeyed them. In her own heart, she called the sin she had determined to commit by its most unequivocal name. “I shall make happy Richard; but my father I shall deceive and disobey, and against my own soul there will be the lie.” This was the positon she admitted, but every woman is Eve in some hour of her life. The law of trutn and wisdom may be in her ears, but the apple of de light hangs within her reach; and, with a full understanding of the conse quences of disobedience, she takes the forbidden pleasure. There arc women who prefer secrecy to honest, and sin to truthfulness; but Katherine was not one of them. If it had been possible to see her lover honorably, she would have much pre ferred it, but she knew well the storm of reproach and disapproval which would answer any such request; and her thoughts were all bent toward de vising some plan which would enable ter to leave home early on that morn hg which she had promised her lover. But all her little arrangements fail ed; and It was almost at. the last hour, of the evening previous, that circum stances offered her a reasonable ex cuse. It came through Eataviii3, who returned home tator than usual, bring ing with him a great many patterns of damask and figured cloth and stamped leather. At once he announced his Intention of staying at home the next morning in order to have Joanna's aid in selecting the coverings for their new chairs, and counting up th«Ir cost. He had taken the strips out of hi3 pocket with an air of importance and complaisance; am. Katherine, glanc ing from them to her mother, thought she perceived a fleeting shadow of a feeling very much akin to her own contempt of the man’s pronounced self satisfaction. So when supper was over, and the house duties done, she determined to speak to her. Joris was at a town meeting, and Lysbet did not Interfere with the lovers. Katherine found her standing at an open window, looking thoughtfully into the autumn garden. “Mijn moeder.” "Mijn kind.” "Let me go away with Bram In the morning:. Batavius I cannot bear. About every chair cover he will call in the whole house. Moeder, you know how it will be. To-morrow 1 raunot bear him. Very near quarrelling have we been for a week.” "I know, Katherine. I know. Leave, then, with Bram. and go first to Mar garet Pitt’a, and ask her if the new winter fashions will arrive from Ijon don this month. And look now', Kath erine, peace is the best thing; and to his own house Batavius will go in a few weeks.” “Mijn Moeder, sad and* troubled are thy looks. Whrt is thy sorrow?’ "For thee my heart aches often— mine and thy good father’s, too. Dost thou not suffer? Can thy mother be blind? Nothing hast thou eaten late ly. Joanna says thou art restless all the night long. Thou art fo changed then, that wert ever such a happy little one. Hard is thy mother's lot. The dear children I nursed on my breast, they go here and they go there, with this strange one and that strange one. Last night, ere to our sleep we went, thy father read to me some words of the loving, mother-like Jacob. They are true words. Every good mother has said them, at the grave' or at the bridal, "If I am be reaved of my childrep, 1 am bereaved.” There was a sad pathos in the homely old words as they dropped slowly from I.ysbet’s lips. Many a year r.fterward Katherine remember ed the hour and the words, especially in the gray glooms of late October evenings. The next morning was one of per fect beauty, and Katherine awoke with a feeling of Joyful expectation. She paid a very short visit to the niantuamaker, and then went to Mrs. Gordon's. A ci-ach was in waiting, and in a few minutes they stood together at Hyde's door. There was a sound of voices v.ithin; and, when they enter ed, Katherine saw, with a pang of disappointment, a fine, soldierly look ing man in lull uniform sitting by Richard's side. But Richard appeared to be in no way annoyed by his com pany. He was looking much better, and wore a chamber gown of maroon satin, with deep laces showing at the wrists and bosom. With an air that plainly said, “This is the maiden for whom I have fought and suffered; is she not worthy of my devotion?” he introduced her to his friend, Capt. Earle. But, even as they spoke, Earle joined Mrs. Gor don, at a call rrom her; and Katner ine noticed that a door near which they stood was open, and that they went into the room to which it led, and that other voices then blended with theirs. But these things were as nothing. She was with her lover, alone for a moment with him; and Richard had never before seemed to her half so dear or half so fascinat ing. “My Katharine," he said, “I have one tormenting thought. Night and day it consumes me like a fever. I hear that Neil Semple is well. They will make you marry him, my dar ling.” “No; that they can never do.” “But I suffer in the fear. I sufTer a thousand deaths. If you were only my wife, Katherine!” “Oh, my love, my love!” “See how I tremble, Katherine. Life scarcely cares to inhabit a body so weak. If you refuse me I will let it go. If you refuse me, I shall know that in your heart you expect to marry Neil Semple—the savage who has made mo suffer unspeakable agonies.” “Never will I marry him, Richard, never, never. My word is true. You only I will marry.” “Then now, now, Katherine. Here Is the ring. Here Is the. special license from the governor; my aunt has made him to understand all. The clergyman and the witnesses are waiting. Now, Katherine? Now, now!” She rose, and stood white and trembling by his side—speechless, also. To her father and her mother her thoughts fled in a kind of loving terror. But how could she resist the pleading of one whom she so tenderly loved, and to whom, in her maiden simplicity, she imagined herself to be so deeply bounden? And when Rich ard ceased to speak, and only be sought her with the unanswerable pathos of his evident suffering for her sake, she felt the argument to be irre sistible. “Well, my Katherine, will you pity me so far?” “All you ask, my loved one, I will grant.” “Angel of goodness! Now?” “At your wish, Richard.” He took her hand in a passion of joy and gratitude, and touched a small bell. Immediately there was a sudden silence, and then a sudden movement in the adjoining room. The next moment a clergyman in canonical dress came toward them. By his side was Col. Gordon, and Mrs. Gordon and Capt. Earle followed. The cere mony was full of solemnity, and of that deepest joy which dims the eyes with tears, even while it wreathes the lips with smiles. Bering it, Katherine knelt by Richard's side; and every eye was fixed upon him, for he was almost fainting wit i the fatigue of his emotions; and it was with list re ceding consciousness that he whis pered rapturously at its close, "My wife, rny wife!" Throughout the sleep of exhaustion which followed, she sat watching him. The baud of goid about her finger fas cinated her. She was now reslly Richard's wife; and the first sensation of such a mighty change was. in her pure soul, one of infinite and reverent love. When Richard awoke, he was refreshed and supremely happy. The coach was waiting; and, with out delay, Katherine returned with Mr s. Gordon to her lodgings, and then home. As time went on, without being watched. Katherine felt herself to be under a certain amount of restraint. If she proposed a walk into the city, Joanna or madam was sure to have the same desire. She was not for bidden to visit Mrs. Gordon, but events were so arranged as to make the visit almost impossible; and only once, during the month after her marriage, had she had an interview with here husband. For even Hyde’s impatience had recogniz ed the absolute necessity of circum spection. The marriage license had been ob tained from the governor, but extra ordinary influence had been used to procure it. Katherine was under age, and yet subject to her father's author ity. In spite of book and priest and ring, he could retain his child for at least three years; and three years. Hyde—in talking wdth his aunt called "an eternity of doubt and des pair.” Fortunately Joanna's wedding day was drawing mar, and it absorb ed what attention the general public had for the Van Heemskirk family. For it was a certain thing, develop ing into feasting and dancing; and it quite put out of consideration sus picions which resulted in nothing, when people examined them In the clear atmosphere of Katherine’s home. In the middle of the afternoon of the day before the marriage, there was the loud rat-tat-tat of the brass knocker, announcing a visitor. It was Mrs. Gordon, and she nooded and laughed in a triumphant . way that very quickly brought Katherine to her side. "My dear, I kiss you. You are the top beauty of my whole acquaint ance.” Then, in a whisper, “Richard sends his devotion. And put your hand in my muff; there is a letter. And pray give me joy; I have just secured an invitation. I asked tho councillor and madam point blank for it Faith, I think I am a little of a favorite with them! How is the young Bruce? My dear, if you don't make him suffer, I shall never forgive you. Alternate doses of hope and despair, that would be my prescrip tion.” Katherine shook her head. “On my wedding day, as I left Rich ard, this he said to me, ‘My honor, Katherine, is now' in your keeping.’ By the lifting of one eyelash, 1 will not stain It.” “My dear, you are perfectly charm ing. You always convince me that I am a better woman than I imagine myself. I shall go straight to Dick, and tell him how exactly proper you are. Really, you have more perfec tions than any one woman has a right to.” "To-morrow, if I have a letter ready, you will take It?” “I will run the risk, child. Now, adieu. Return to your evergreens and ribbons.” And so, lightly' hum ming Katherine’s favorite song, sho left the busy house. Before daylight the next morning, Batavius had every one at his post. The ceremony was to be performed in the Middle Kirk, and he took care that Joanna kept neither Dominie de Rondo nor himself waiting. Katherine looked for Mrs. Gordon in vain; she was not in the kirk, and she-did not arrive until the festival dinner was nearly over. Batavius was then considerably under the excite ment of his fine position and fine fare. He sat by the side of his bride, at the right hand of Joris; and Kather ine assisted her mother at the other end of the table. tTo be continued.) Sails for Skaters. Considering the number of persons in this country that indulge in skat ing, it Is somewhat of a surprise to see how few of them have ever used a skate sail, or in fact have ever heard of such a thing. However, in the last few years this sport has be come better known, and it is not an uncommon sight to se" dashing hith er and thither among the dark forms of the skaters, the glistening sails of the skate sailors. To the onlooker it seems at the first glance that the sailor must certainly lose His balance and topple over, so sharply does he lean backward against his sail; but so strong is the force of the wind exerted against it that this expected fall is seldom a reality. When it does happen the uh fortunate is usually a novice. There are but few requisites for the enjoyment of this pastime. First and of- the most importance 1b a pair of sharp skates. A few yards of cot ton cloth and some small poles fur nish the rest of the material. From these any person can with a little care fashion a sail that will furnish him with many a happy hour.—Country Life in America. The Merest Trifle. Cholly—I find that it’s the twlfles that worry me most in the world, don’t you know. Miss Pepprey—Yes; I’ve noticed that you think about yourself entirely too much, for Instance. “Must” is a great peacemaker as well as a peace disturber. WILL BE NO REVISION i STRONG WORDS BY SENATOR HALE OF MAINE. There Will Be No Meddling With or Emasculation of the Present Tariff, Whether Under the Guise of Reci procity or Reform. Senator Hale cf Maine, one of the most influential men on the Republi an side of the Senate chamber, says: "Neither this winter, nor the next, :or the winter thereafter, unless Con fess loses its head, will any revision of the tariff he made. The results ot Jie Dingley tariff act have been so generally happy that it is difficult to understand the cry which is set up in certain quarters, not by the people generally, in favor of a revision, "The Dingley act has given the peo ple of the United States more rev enue, more business, more trade am. more prosperity than any bill ever en acted. The people understand this, and the late election shows that, with certain exceptions, entire content ex ists under present conditions. It would be the height of folly now' to try to disturb these conditions. “The free traders, including almost all the Democratic leaders and the jneasy, weak-kneed Republicans who are howling for revision and reciproc ity, would do well to take notice of what will happen provided they get their way. It is absolutely safe to say that no tariff revision can take place except at the end of a long ses sion, after a bitter and protracted fight, which in itself will disturb near ly all and destroy some of our indus tries. "The outcome will be, if any new bill Is passed, a practlctlly Democratic tariff. The combination on important schedules in the larili between the uneasy Republicans and tiie entire Democratic force In Congress will In sure not a Republican measure, but a Democratic one. Nor can any par tial or limited rewision be made with out entering into the construction of an entire bill, ar.d, in tact, there can never be any change in certain articles without entering upon the whole subject of tariff revision. "Besides this, If it were possible, no concessions on single articles in the tariff would for a moment stop the free trade and Democratic agitation for entire revision. An eminent Demo cratic leader has said that there will he no rest until the infamous policy of protection is broken down and destroyed. “I am sure that what I say repre sents the general sentiment of the Republican party throughout the country. It is the fashion of certain newspapers and a few prominent Re publicans to say that revision is need ed, and that we will enter upon it in the next Congress, but wherever the issue has been made, whether in New England or elsewhere, this proposi tion has gone to the wall. It was tried in Massachusetts with failure as the result. “In the main, a cry for revision means a new tariff, built on anti-Re publican linos. Generally speaking, if you scratch a reviser you find under neath a free trader. "Unless the Republican party has lest heart and faith In its fundamental policies, there will be no meddling with and no emasculation of fh<> pres ent tariff, whether under the guise of reciprocity or reform. In the long fu ture, if a general revision Is demand ed, the Republican parly will not be afraid to undertake ft.” FRYE OPPOSES REVISION. Would Spoil Prosperity and Cause General Business Depression. (Special to New York Times.) Washington, Nov. 25.—Senator Frye of Maine does not sympathize with the agitation In favor-of tariff revision. Speaking of this question to day, he said: “Talk of tariff revision is absurd. The country is in the midst of great prosperity. Why should we spoil it by entering upon legislation which would disarrange business relations and certainly cause depression over the country? There is no demand for it in New England. I suppose there may be people in Massachusetts who want some changes, but they always have a few cranks in Massachusetts. The Republican who ran for Congress on a revision platform was twice de feated in a Republican district. “It is equally absurd to propose tar iff revision as a means of regulating the trusts. Suppose we should at tempt to reduce the tariff on articles made by trusts? Smaller concerns engaged in similar business would be affected by the new rates just the same as the trusts themselves. What would be the result? Small concerns would be most severely harmed and some of them would bo driven out of business entirely, while the trusts could better stand under tne new con ditions and would have a greater mon opoly than ever.” Senator Frye thinks it probable the Senate will complete such amend ments to the Sherman anti trust law as to correct the most obnoxious of the evils connected with the trusts. “I like the ideas put forth in the Pittsburg speech of Attorney-General Knox,” said he. “There is no hope of restricting trusts by an amendment to the constitution. If such an amendment should receive the neces sary votes in the Senate and House, it could never be ratified by the states. It would be regarded as too great an Invasion of the rights of the states.” It Is Democratic Doctrine. Again we see the Democrats, aided by the free traders and tariff tinkers within the Republican party, trying to jverthrow the protective tariff. They cake the attack indirectly by claim ing that t.rey reek to kill the trusts by utting oft protection from trust made ;oods. " Feeding free trade poison to ure the trust evil." as Speaker Hen Urson rays. That protection fosters rusts is Democratic doctrine, which is not borne out by the facts, but which, nevertheless, is being cmbrac 'i! by certain Republicans, thus play ing into tho hands of the Democrats. They seek to feed the trusts free trade poison, but the most of the poi son would get into the system of American industry and make the American workman sick or kill him. The President says we must be caro ful to leave ample protection to the workingman and see that industry re elves no sudden jolts. He must that constant c ianges or threat ened changes in tariff schedules will .Tighten manufacturers and cause them to curtail their product, thus throwing the workman out of a *ob. Free trade and tariff tinkering is Democratic doctrine and should be left to the Democrats.—Portland (Ore.) Chronicle. REED’S LAST MESSAGE. important Expression by the Ex Speaker on Trusts and Tariffs. In an article contributed to the North American Review for Decem ber ex-Speaker Thomas B. Reed adds materially to the sum of human knowledge and assists greatly to ward a clearer understanding of the tariff and trust problem. No man who writes for publication surpasses Mr. Reed in the faculty of logical analysis and the plain presentment of facts and conclusions. Certainly no one succeeds better in the avoidance of the hysterical and the adherence to the sane and level-headed method. The spirit of prudence, moderation and conservatism rules throughout. Mr. Reed is not a believer In quack ri medies for a condition that calls for nothing more radical than pa ticnce and common sense. Trusts are with vis. So have they always been in one form or another. It is only because we are more prosperous than ever before that the trusts are more numerous and bigger than ever be fore. Mr. Reed is of the opinion that the trust problem will solve Itself; that those will survive which deserve to survive, and those will perish which deserve to perish; that legis lation of any sort at present offers no solution of the problem. Least of all, tariff legislation. On this point Mr. Reed is most convinc ing. Tariff tinkering as a trust rem edy could not possible prove any thing but mischievous and hurtful. He closeB by saying: "We ought to let the tariff alone; we ought to defend it against all com ers for the good of the nation. We are doing more than well and need not hunt for disaster. That will come in due time.’’ The surest way to hasten disaster is to tinker the tariff in any way or in any form whatsoever, whether by di rect legislative action, by swapping trade privileges, or by the creation of a tariff commission. All these are good things—if let alone. A Dangerous Flirtation. Coincidence to Be Avoided. Democratic papers are calling at tention to the fact thdt since 1837 Mc Kinley was the first president to have a Congress in sympathy with him dur ing the middle of his presidential term, and now President Roosevelt has the same advantage. Of course they give us good advice, and we can neither be too thankful for the same nor too careful not to follow it. it might not be amiss to say to them, in a spirit of kindness, that if the people ever forget the hardships of 1893-90 and again entrust Demo crats with the government, they should be careful not to get at the same time a Congress composed of calamity howlers and a President who hates the, industries of his coun try. They then might expect to live long enough to see another Democrat In the White House. The Alternative. The Helena (Mont.) Record of Au gust 11 quotes Mr. Leonard Lewis, a leading stockman of Meagher county, as saying: “In my opinion the pres ent year has been one of the best and most successful from a live stock man's point of view which we have ever had in this country.’' We are asked to abandon tnls condi tion and return to the days of tariff reform conditions of 1892-96, when the New York newspapers were giv ing out free food to he starving and the governor of Massachusetts was listening to mobs of unemployed. They were not then concerned as to the price of beef. They had had enough money to buy bteatf.—Boston Commercial Bulletin. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON ll„ JAN. 11; PHILIPPIAITO 4: 1-13—CHRISTIAN LIVING. Golden Text—“Rejoice in the Lord AL ways”—Philippiane 4:4—The Found ing of the Church in the Chief Citp of Macedonia. Subject: Characteristics of a Citizen of Ihe Kingdom of Heaven. Jewels In Paul's Crown. I. "Therefore." Accordingly, connected immediately with Phil. 3:20,21, which de clares that the Christian Is a citizen of » heavenly commonwealth. "Beloved and longed for.” Paul had been driven away from Philippi by the persecution of the Jews, but the church there was greatly beloved by him. "My Joy” (tho source and fountain of Joy) “and crown.” The Philippian church was the outward expression of Paul's success In his work and his victory over the powers of evil. Their character and conduct were Jewels In ills crown. !. Steadfastness —"So.” As T have ex horted you before In the previous chap ters. “Stand fast In the Lord” Jesus. The expression "stand fast ' Is used six times in Paul's Epistles, stand fast In tho Lord, stand fast In tho faith, In liberty, in fellowship, in truth. II. Unity of Spirit.—Vs. 2. “I beseech.” The Greek word means to entreat, to exhort. “Euodlaa” (“Euodla.” a female name) “and ; . . Syntyche.” These were two prominent women of the Philip pian church who seem to have been at variance. “The same mind.” Not neces sarily opinion, but love, accord, harmony of disposition and feeling. “In the Lord.” Christian unity Is a unity of life under Christ as the head. .It Is a unity of purpose, a unity of love, a unity of principle, the unity of one kingdom with one law and gospel; one government under one Invisible King. III. Mutual Helpfulness.—V. 3. “I In treat thee also, true yokefellow.” “Help those women” (Euodla and Syntyche) "which” (rather, "for they") "labored with me." A third party can often be of great service In harmonizing those who have differences. IV. Joy.—V. 4. "Hejolce." The Chris tian may be and should be the happiest person on earth. Every source of true Joy belongs to him. “Rejoice in tho Lord.” In Ihe Lord God. manifested to us In the Lord Jesus. This shows the nature of Christian joy. It Is a joy that endures, a joy that will be the same In heaven, only more complete. “Alway." Under all circumstances, in all places, at all times. "Again I say. Rejoice.” He wishes to emphasize this duty, to Impress It on their minds, so that in no trial, or trouble, or persecution they shall forget their blessed privilege of Joy. \. Forbearance in Love.—V. 5. ' Let your moderation." K. V'., ''forbearance.” "Fnto all men." EVen to perspeutora, and to those who exercise no such for bearance to you. “The lx>rd Is at hand." us he promised, “Lo, L am with you al waj s." VI. Trust In God's Love.—V. 6. “Ha careful for nothing." And exact repeti tion of our Lord's command. “Take no thought,” in Matt. 6:25, 34. “nut.” 11a now shows us how we may conquer anxi ous cares. “In every thing." In great things and small: in things religious and in matters of dally life; In trials and in Joys. “By prayer and supplication." “Tho former applies rather to the out pouring of the soul, the casting off the load of care upon God: the latter to the requests which wo feel prompted to make unto him.”—Shnff. "With thanksgiving." This must always be the Christian’s tone towards God. “Let your requests be made known unto God.” With generous, filial, unreserved confidence. It is tho means of our becoming acquainted with him. VII. Peace.—V. 7. “And the peace of God which pusseth all understanding." The mysterious dealings of God present problems which mere reason cannot solve. “Shall keep.” Rather, “shall guard." It defends us from fears and unxietles which assail our peace. VIII. Noble and Uplifting Thoughts.— V’. 8. “Finally." As a closing exhorta tion, and one of great Importance. “Whatsovor things are true.” In accord ance with the realities of things, In ac cordance with the nature of God. Tho Christian's first aim Is to learn, not what Is popular or what Is pleasant, but what is true. “Whatsoever things nre hon est." That is, “honorable." “Just . . . pure." “Under purity are obviously In cluded temperance, chastity, and mod esty."—Butler. "Whatsoever things are lovely." The things that are lovely com prehend everything that is fitted to con ciliate or express the sentiment of af fection and esteem. “Of good report.” This is a word of peculiarly religious meaning, “well-omened," '‘auspicious.’' “If there be any virtue." Any excellence of any kind, although not mentioned hero by name. "Any praise.” Anything praise worthy. “Think on these things.” Not the common word for "think," but the reckoning, counting up, dwelling repeat edly on these things. iX. I he Power or Example.—V. 9. "Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do.” Knowing: how much more telling example often Is than pre cept, the apostle points to ills own teach ing and life as they had known them. “And the God of peace shall be with you.” The God who enjoys peace, tho God who brings peace, whoso laws ant the way to peace. All they have to do Is to receive this peace by receiving and loving and obeying him. X. Christian Contentment.—V. 10, “But I rejoiced.” And still do rejoice "In the Lord.” It was the Lord’s gift, though it came through the Phlllpplans, which had given him such Joy. "Now at the last.” What if the church who had shown so much affection should have grown cold in their love!” “Your care of me hath nourished." Literally, ye have caused your thought for me to bloom again. “Wherein ye were alsu careful." They wore careful und thought ful for him; their love had not waxed cold. *but It had not had the opportunity to manifest itself. “But ye lacked op portunity.” The tree cannot be in fault, which has not known the season yet for putting forth its blossoms. 11. "Not that I speak In - respect of want.” The mere supply of my wants Is of little account: what I care for most is your affection, and the Christian char acter expressed by your giving. “I huvo learned." Christ was Paul's teacher. "To be content” is to have the repose that comes from perfect trust In God. Build on Sure Foundation. Live as long as you may. tho first twenty years form the larger part of ycur life. They appear ao when they are passing; they seem so when we look back on them, and they take up more room in our memory than all tho years that come after them. Take good care of the first twenty years of your life. On the use which you make of them your happiness and use fulness in after years will largey de pend. See that they are spent in learning right habits and cultivating gcod tastes.