The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 28, 1902, Image 7

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The Remarkable Experience of a
Prominent Statesman—Congress
man Meekison Gives Pe-ru-na
a High Endorsement.
• w&y. • r
■ .
Congressman Slrcklton of Ohio.
non. David Meekison is well known
no*’ only in his own State, hut through
out America. II? was elected to the
Fifty-fifth Congress by a very large
majority,and is the acknowledged leader
of tiis party ill his section of the State.
Only one flaw marred the otherwise
complete success of this rising states
man. Catarrh with its insidious ap
proach and tenacious grasp, was his
only unconquered foe. For thirty years
he waged unsuccessful warfare against
this personal enemy. At last Pcruna
came to the rescue. He writes :
“I have used several bottles of Pc
runa and I feel greatly bene fitted there
by from my catarrh of the head. I
feel encouraged to believe that If I use
It u short time longer I will be fully able
to eradicate the disease of thirty years’
standing. ” -David Meeklson, Member
of Congress.
If you do not derive prompt and sat is
factory resu’ts from the use of Pcruna,
write at once to l)r. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will
he pleused to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Thompson's £ys Watai
Relieve* All Distress of
tue Sinmaeh and Periodi
cal Disorders
Bold Everywhere.
Om&ln, Nt>b.
vr cAPLKicnui
m guarantee
catalogues "
Oil vs. Philosophy.
Herbert Spencer Is quoted ad Pay
ing that he has no Illusions as to tbs
popularity of philosophy. 1 think it
probable that if you would ask niney
nine out of a hundred peopls whether
they W'ould daily take a spoonful of
eod liver oil or read a chapter of my
Principles of Psychology, they would
prefer the eod liver oil," be said. The
philosopher has again declared thai
lie is broken by the burden of years
and has laid his pen down forever a«
far as any large work is concerned.
Controlling the Press :n Turkey.
All printing establishments in Tur
key, according to a new law just pass
ed, may have only one doo*\ and that
opening on tne street. Windows must
be covered with close-meshed wire
netting, so that uo papers can be
handed through. A statement must
be made a year in advance of the
amount of ink required, which will
he supplied by the state. A specimen
of everything printed is to be kept
and must be shown at any time to a
police inspector on pain of a tine.
A “Hard Working Minister.”
Rev. David I. Cheney of Gloucenter,
N. J.. is known as the "hard working
minister.” He works during the week
as a carpenter and on Sunday preaches
the gospel. He went to Gloucester
several years ago while president of
the Methodist Congregational confer
ence and established a church. A
year ago he transferred his church to
Camden, where he now conducts serv
The humbugs of life constitute it*
pleasures. The realities its pains.
Working People Interested.
Wuertsburg, Wis., Nov. 17th.—The
working men and women of this dis
trict are greatly Interested in the
case of Mary Kowsky, who, In an In
terview, says:
"I have almost all my lifo been a
sufferer from Backache and two
years ago I caught cold on my Kid
neys and the agonies that followed
were almost unbearable.
‘‘I consulted different doctors but
the relief they gave me was only tem
porary. The terrible pains always reJ
turned and my suffering tempted me*'
to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. They did!
me good almost from the start tilk
now after taking three boxes 1 am'
almost completely cured.
“I want all hard working people
to know this for with the help of
Dodd's Kidney Pills I don't mean to
suffer any more Backache."
Made Gun for Fort Sumter.
Major J. Francis O'Brien, who died,
at Louisville, Ky., recently, made thO
gun with which the first shot was fir -
ed on Fort Sumter. He was 62 years'
old and for many years had been a;
dealer in railway supplies. Major.'
O’Brien was appointed to West Point]
in 1857 by Jefferson Davis, then sec-<
retary of war.
Seeking a New Home? {
Why not try the Great Southwest?;
Interesting information about condi
tions and business chances in Mis-(
souri, Kansas, Indian Territory and
Texas will he cheerfully furnished by
James Barker, Gen’I Pass. & Tkt. Agt.,1
M., K. & T. By., 513 Wainwright Bldg., I
St. Louis.
Keep them white with lied Cross Ball Blue.
All grocers sell large J oz. package, 5 cents.
Early frost catches the budding
genius. )
Cuts, Old Sores, and
A!! Open Wounds
The Chicago Limited
v Chicago »nj East
t Electric
Lighted Train
Ticket Office, 1504 FamaroSL
IKszSFs Grape Tonfc Suras Constipation.
V, non the bowels move irregularly the entire
bodily system must suffer. Constipation more
frequently occurs among women and it mani
fests itsel£ in provoking profuse leucorrhea
and other serious female diseases. Regular
bowels will result in a completocure when you
use Mull’s Grape Tonic. Unlike pills and
ordinary cathartics, this remedy is a mild,
gentle laxative in addition to being a greater
flesh-builder, blood-maker and 6trength-giver
than cod liver oil or any other preparation
recommended for that purposo. Muirs Grape
Tonic will permanently cure the most obstin
ate case of constipation, and the numerous
afflictions that invariably follow in its wake.
No matter it it ia piles, liver complaint, kidney
disorder, vertigo, paipuanon oi wu neart,■
diarrhea or the eeif-poisoning which follows
I when tho undigested food remains in the bowels where it putrefies and
empties highly diseased genus into the blood, such as typhoid and
malaria, Mull's Grape Tonic will positively cure. Largo sample bottle
will bo sent free to anv address on receipt of 10 cents to cover postage,
by the Lightning Medicine Co., Bock Island, 111. Send name of your
^druggist. All druggists sell Mull’s Grape Tonic at 50 cents a bottle^
Moccasin Snake Is
One of the Most Vicious
"When It romrs to downright vi
rlousness among snakes,” said a man
from Arkansas, "I will put the water
moerasin against every other kind ol
snake on earth. I was reading a story
about the snakes of Martinique, and it
seems that they are afliieted on the is
land with a rather bad brand of
makes, snakes that really go around
looking for trouble. I could not help
thinking that the Martinique reptile
must be related in some way to the
vicious water moccasin which is to be
found in the St. Francis basin, up in
Arkansas. They are savage, and what
is ‘worse and more of it,’ they seem
to have organized for offensive and de
fensive purposes. There are millions
upon millions of these snakes in the
basin of the St. Francis river between
the Sunk Lands and the mouth of the
river, a few miles above Helena. I
have soon the lakes alive with them,
i have known of instances where it
would bo impossible for a farm hand
to water his horses nfier his day’s
work on account of the snakes. The
makes fed in the edges or the lake
during the evening, and as soon as au
effort would he made to water the
horse at a certain place they would
make a charge on that particular
place, wriggling in from the lake in
great numbers. They seemed to re
sent it as an encroachment upon their
rights ami no amount of 'shooting' or
chunking would drive them away.
They would simply choke the drink
ing place. I have seen this same thing
happen a number of times. Of course,
it would be necessary to take the
horse elsewhere for watering purposes.
They are exeremely poisonous, and I
1 ave heard of many instances where
the moccasin bite killed animals. Dogs
in that part of the country frequently
die as the result of being bitten by a
water moccasin. They are not bad
about running away when they are in
i flock. In fact, the running had bet
ter he on the other side if it happens
to be either near the beginning or at
the end of the snake season, for they
really seem to be more vicious and
more petulant, if I may say it, at the
extremes of the season than at other
times. I suppose there is some nat
ural reason for the fact. At any rate,
it is a fact. Coming back to the point
I will put the particular brand of Ark
ansas water moccasin to which I have
icferrcd against anything in the rep
tilian line to be found in Martinique,
cr in any other place, for that mat
ter, for I really believe they are the
most desperately vicious snakes on
the face of the earth."—New Orleans |
Strange Chance Proves
the Wor!d Is Not So Vast
"I have a cousin in America. No ,
doubt you have met him. He lives in
Topeka, Kan.”
Few are the voyagers to the other
side who have not bumped against
some such assertion and then fallen
under suspicion of being themselves
unknown, since the provincial mind
of the foreigner cannot realize that
the Western hemisphere is slightly
larger than a parish in Kent.
And this, apropos of the fact that
some years ago a certain New York
man who happens to be a ‘‘mighty
hunter before the Lord," journeyed to
Iiritish Columbia in search of big
game. While sojourning at Winnipeg
he expressed a desire to bag some
caribou and a friend who knew the
country thoroughly advised him to go
to Waubagun, a station on a branch
of the Northern Pacific.
“There is nothing nut a water tank
there," said his friend, “and only one
man in the whole section, a Scotch
recluse, who looks after the tank; but
he is a superb guide, and as he has
only one train a day to watch out for
he will give you all the sport you
The New Yorker went, won the re
gard of the hermit, and slew caribou
by the score.
Last summer he was in Scotland,
and while roaming over the moors one
cay lost his way. At length he espied
a little cottage, and making for it
inquired for directions and asked if
he could not be accommodated with
something to eat. His hostess, a
motherly Scotcli body, at once set
about getting him a “snack,” nnd, like
all rustics, during the course of her
preparations deluged him with ques
"An’ so ye're frae America, ye say?"
she finally interjected. "Happen ye
ken my son, Sandy McNeil? He's
been over there mony a year."
"I think not,” replied the visitor
wearily. “You see America is a very
large place. Where does your son re
“At Waubagun watc tank,” replied
the dame.
Strange frean of chance! A habitue
of Fifth avenue was made the link oi
ejmmunication between the lonely
mother and her equally lonely son,
separated from each other by half the
distance around the globe.
Biblical Writings in
Old Turkish Mosque
Some very interest'.!;?; manuscripts
have been discovered in the vault of
the Jami-and-Kebar mosque, in Dam
ascus. Relying on an ancient tradi
tion, which said that important docu
ments relating to the early Christians
were stored there, certain Biblical
scholars requested the sultan to let
them search the vault, and after eon
ridering the matter for a year and
being assured by oriental scholars
that there were no ancient documents
in the vault relating to the Mahome
tan creed, he finally gave his consent.
As a result a thorough search was
recently made and many valuable
manuscripts were found. These were
taken to Constantinople, and an ex
amination showed that among them
were several fragments of the Olu and
New Testament in the ancient Syraic
tongue, as well as portions of a trans
lation of the Old and New Testament
in that Syraic dialect which was
spoken in Palestine in ancient times.
| Among the latter was a translation
t of some of the epistles of St. Paul,
the existence of which wa3 unknown
to scholars, and which is of great
value, as the dialect in which it is
written was spoken during the life oi
Among other ireasures discovered
were fragments of the Pentateuch, in
the Samaritan tongue, an Arabic
translation of the 73t’u psalm, seventy
seven pages of a hitherto unknown
commentary in the old Syraic tongue,
and several psalms and eleven pages
of the Pentateuch, written in Greek
and dating back to the 11th century
llaron Marschall, the German am
bassador to Turkey, has 6hown much
interest in tins discovery, and it is
said that the sultan has granted him
permission to send the manuscripts
to Berlin, with the object of having
them carefully examined by the best
biblical scholars in Europe.—Stray
On* Day In the Seven Should Qe Kept
Free From Work.
As a psychologist, 1 believe in the
Sabbath day. One day in seven should
be kept holy from work and sacred to
man’s primitive paradise of leisure.
I am no Puritan pietist or even Sabba
tarian in any severe sense, but hold
that this is one of the greatest of all
human institutions, nnd that the com
mand to keep it as a day of rest is
written in our physiological constitu
tions. If need be. it may be kept in
sleep, man’s great rcsterer. Monday
our nerves and brain must be re
freshed, and wc must start a new
weekly rhythm on a higher plane than
we closed the old one. The mental
scenery must be changed. The brood
er's overthought must have enlarged
our plans and given us botli moment
um and direction. What form the rest
cure should take differs perhaps for
each person. I go to church, but my
neighbor should perhaps spend the
day in the fields with children, in
music, in books, but for all there
should be peace, tranquillity, repose,
surcease of worry and relaxation. In
no land should the Sabbath be so hal
lowed as In this l?.nd of hustle, tension
and Americanitis.—G. Stanley Hal!, iu
Why Insomnia Had No Terror for the
Lato Senator Vance.
During the last term of the lato Sen
ator “Zeb” Vance of North Carolina a
| man noted at the capital and through
out the South as a wit, li3 was met
walking down Pennsylvania avenue
about - o'clock one winter morning by
Maj. E. E. Pope.
Scenting a senatorial poker party
somewhere or else a late supper at
Chamberlin's, Maj. Pope, with feigned
seriousness, said:
"Good morning. Senator, isn't it a
little early for you to be taking a
"No, sah ” drawled the Senator, with
all his Southern dignity, "it is very
I usual for me to walk about Washing
ton at this hour."
“Ah, I see,” replied Maj. Pope, back
ing water, as it were, "insomnia. I
know how it is myself.”
“Majah Pope,” said the statesman,
“I long ago vanquished insomnia. It
Is quite true that sometimes I go tc
bed and can't sleep. Then I get up
and take a good stiff dram "of corn
whisky. I go back to bed, and if sleep
doesn't come Immediately I get up and
take another dram. I go back to bed,
and then, if I see that sleep is still
backward about coming to me. I’ll get
up and take a great big dram. And
do you know, Majah Pope, after I've
had five o. Ax drams of corn whisky
I don't care a rap if I never go to
Dentists Arc Philanthropic.
Swedish dentists have subscribed
for the gratuitous distribution in their
country of a periodical which is to in
culcate better ideas regarding the can
of the teeth.
It is surprising how easy It seems
to get something one doesn’t want.
Qret Harte’s Complaint.
In an article of reminiscences Mary
Stuart lioyd says that the late Bret
Harte never obtruded his personality.
He also had a dread of people re
garding him for his work only, not
for himself. "Why didn't you tell me
it was Bret Harte who sat next to me
at dinner last night?” wailed one of
society’s smartest young matrons,
in a note to her hostess the morning
after a large dinner party. "I have
always longed to meet him and 1
would have been so different had 1
only known who my neighbor was.”
"Now, why can't a woman realize this
sort of thing insulting?” queried the
author, to whom the hostess had for
warded her friend's letter. "If Mrs.
-— talked with me and found me
uninteresting as a man how could she
expect to find me interesting because
I was an author?”
A Curious Bocth Relic.
An ordinary looking piece ot callous
ed skin is kept with extraordinary
care by C. H. Braley. chiropodist,
among h(3 other pedal curios. It is
nothing but a small corn, but it came
from the bottom of Edwin Booth’s
foot twenty-four years ago. and for
that reason is considered valuable by
the doctor. 11 s secured It while Booth
was playing in Dayton. O. it seer.r
that the actor was fond of doing part
of his aet'ng by emphatic use of his
feet, ho when the corn seized upon
him it injured bis work. He was re
ferred to Dr. Braley, placed himself
In the doctor's hands, and left there
the corn and a generous fee. The fee
was soon gone, but the calloused skin
wus religiously preserved in cotton.
Great Loss of Science.
A story is told of the late Professor
Snell of Amherst college, which re
lates how he once asked for a defini
tion of the solar coiona from a mem
ber of his class in astronomy. The
young man, after a good deal of hes
itation and a dread consciousness of
iinepding failure, plunged desperately
into the statement that he did know
what the corona was but had forgot
ten. The professor turned to his
class witn a tragic gesture. “What
an incalculable loss to science," he
exclaimed, with emotion, "that the
only man who ever knew what the
sun's corona is has forgotten!”
How “Doc ’ Brown Prospered.
"Hon. Doc” Brown of Morgansfleld,
Ky., -. ho represents his district in the
state legislature, is one of Kentucky’s
unique characters. To Illustrate a
point in a recent speech, he gave the
following account of his courtship:
“Take my ndvice and never give a wo
man anything she can't eat. and nev
er make love to her out of an ink hot
tle. Why. when I courted my wife. I
just grabbed hold of her and 1 said,
’Sallie, you are the sweetest thing on
earth, and your beauty bodies the
skill of man and subdues his ferocious
nature,’ and I got her.”
An Ancient Mail Carrier.
There has just died in a suburb of
Melbourne an old Irishman of 90. His
name was John Burke, and away back
in the '30a. when Austria was only a
penal settlement, ruled by military
Dfdcers. and long before the discovery
if gold revolutionized the great south
ern continent, he c arried the mails be
tween Melbourne and Sydney. There
were no roads or railways then. It
was wild bush for most of the 500
aides, and Burke had to rely on
lorscs to carry out his contract. Or.ce.
raving lost his horre, he rode 100
j Tilc3 on the back of a cow.
FCR 1903
; six sheets 10x15 inches, of beautiful
i reproductions, in colors, of pastel
drawings by Bryson, is now ready for
distribution and will be mailed on re
ceipt of twenty-five (25) cents—coin
or stamps. Address F. A. Miller, Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Chicago.
Attacks on wagon tiams were in
cluded in the program of mimic war
carried out at Fort Kiley. Command
ers should not forget that the earnest
ness of such attacks always depend
on what is in the wagons.
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
ot everyday use in the market and who
is reasonably satisfied with the old,
we would suggest that a trial of De
fiance Cold Water Starch be made at
once. Not alone because it is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to he
superior to any other brand, but be
cause each 10c package contains
t'8 ozs., while all the other kinds eon
j ain but 12 ozs. It is safe to say that
[the lady who once uses Defiance
j.Starch will use no other. Quality and
;quantity must win.
With the telection of an icehouse
tin Nome as an appropriate place to
[hung a murderer the limit of modern
•cruelty was reached. Think of the
Uuuden and terrible change of climate.
To prove tko healing and
Cleansing power of i'nxtlnc
Toilet Antiseptic we will
mail a large trial package
with book of instructions
absolutely free. This is not
a tiny sample, but a large
package, enough to con
vince anyone of its value.
Women all over the country
arc praising I’nxtlne for what
It has clone in local treat
ment of female Ills, curing
all Inllatnmation and discharges, wonderful ns a
cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, nasal
catarrh, hs a mouth wush end to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth, Send today; a postal card
will do.
bold by druggist nor sent postpaid by us, CO
oonts, large bus. s»t isThci Ion guaranteed.
TllK it. PAXTON CO., Hoston, Mass.
Sit Columbus Avf.
raeaisH soakEsswosu
Steel Frame and F.oial Scale Rack
- £
Official Slock Scales cl World’s Fair, Cfclcaro, I.SV3,
also at Tram-Mlssir.slapl Eiaoslllon, Omaha, |V>S-1!W».
float end cheapest reliable IT. S. Standard scales ninde.
Many useful articles fur farmers at wholesale prices.
Catafoguea. prices and tnformcnon fn-nlshcd froo.
282, 29* & 296 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, ttlinios.
LI Another club woman, Mrs. 1
liaulc, of Edgerton, Wis., tells
how she was cured of irregulari
ties and uterine trouble, terrible
pains and backache by Lydia E.
Pinkharn’s Vegetable Compound.
“ A while ago my health began to
fail because of female troubles. The
doctor did not help me. I remembered
that ny mother lvul used Lydia E.
I'inkham’s Vegetable Compound
on many occasions for irregularities
und uterine troubles, and I felt sure
th'.t it could not harm me at any rate
to give it a trial.
“I was certainly glad to find that
within a week I felt much better, the
terrible pains in ray back and side
wore > "inning to cease, and at the
time of menstruation I did not have
nearly as serious a time ns hereto
fore. so I continued its use for two
mouths, and at the end of that time I
was like a now woman. I really have
never felt bettor in my life, have not
had a nick headache since, nnd weigh
SO pounds more than I ever did, so I
unhesitatingly recommend Vegetable
Compound.’’ —Mrs. May Havre, Ed
gerton, Wis., President Household
Economics Club. — $6000 forfeit Iforlclnaloj
above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced.
Women tjmnid remember there
Is one tried nrnl true remedy for
all female Ills, Lydia E. I'ink
liam's VegetableCompound. Re
fuse to buy any other medicine,
you need the best.
SUES St CO., Omaha, Nebr.
No I'Ve Inlets butcentrul.
i'lkteuLfl lu.tL Advice free.
I niaehlue*. Prlc**« fiom fJl 00 up.
muc; of record* In the welt.
Price* and Catalogue*.
I ten tor
l a 1 k 1 i.jr
Write for
Cor. 15th and Harney, Omaha.
V %
Happiness is th# absence of pain, and mil
lion.-, been made happy through being
cured by Sr Jacops Oil ci RHEUMATISM,
SPRAINS. BRUISES and all pains for which
an external remedy can be applied. It never
falls to cure. Thousands who have btende
clared incurable r. baths ard In h.spitala have
thrown away their crutches, tsirg cured after
using St. Jacobs Oil. Directions in eleven
languages accompany eveiy bottle.
Every housewife gloats
over finely starched
linen and white goods.
Conceit is justifiable
after using Defiance
Starch. It gives a
stiff, glossy white-'
ness to the clothes
and does not rot
them. It is abso
lutely pure. It is
the most economical
because it goes
farthest, docs more
and costs less than
Others. To be had of all
k grocers at i6 oz. A
for ioc.
W. N. U.—Omaha. No. 47—1902
Beat t ough Syrup listen Oeod. Use
In time. Poltl tiy druitglilft._