v CATARRH THIRTY YEARS The Remarkable Experience of a Prominent Statesman—Congress man Meekison Gives Pe-ru-na a High Endorsement. • w&y. • r ■ . Congressman Slrcklton of Ohio. non. David Meekison is well known no*’ only in his own State, hut through out America. II? was elected to the Fifty-fifth Congress by a very large majority,and is the acknowledged leader of tiis party ill his section of the State. Only one flaw marred the otherwise complete success of this rising states man. Catarrh with its insidious ap proach and tenacious grasp, was his only unconquered foe. For thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy. At last Pcruna came to the rescue. He writes : “I have used several bottles of Pc runa and I feel greatly bene fitted there by from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that If I use It u short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the disease of thirty years’ standing. ” -David Meeklson, Member of Congress. If you do not derive prompt and sat is factory resu’ts from the use of Pcruna, write at once to l)r. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will he pleused to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Thompson's £ys Watai -DREWS JUNIPER BITTERS Relieve* All Distress of tue Sinmaeh and Periodi cal Disorders FLAVOR UNSURPASSED. Bold Everywhere. CRESCENT CmMICAL CO. Om&ln, Nt>b. F IMQIOAN HALF A (ENTUKY vr cAPLKicnui ANB m guarantee AFJ BACK OF EVERY WATERPROOF OlkEO SLICKER OR COAT BtARIrK TMI5TRAPE MACK, ON J'Ai-E EVRSrWKIfW BEWARE Or IMITATIONS catalogues " AHOWIN3 FULL Lll OF CAOMaNTJ AND MATS. A.J.TOWKR CO. BOSTON.MASS. *i W^HW^ KA£K Oil vs. Philosophy. Herbert Spencer Is quoted ad Pay ing that he has no Illusions as to tbs popularity of philosophy. 1 think it probable that if you would ask niney nine out of a hundred peopls whether they W'ould daily take a spoonful of eod liver oil or read a chapter of my Principles of Psychology, they would prefer the eod liver oil," be said. The philosopher has again declared thai lie is broken by the burden of years and has laid his pen down forever a« far as any large work is concerned. Controlling the Press :n Turkey. All printing establishments in Tur key, according to a new law just pass ed, may have only one doo*\ and that opening on tne street. Windows must be covered with close-meshed wire netting, so that uo papers can be handed through. A statement must be made a year in advance of the amount of ink required, which will he supplied by the state. A specimen of everything printed is to be kept and must be shown at any time to a police inspector on pain of a tine. A “Hard Working Minister.” Rev. David I. Cheney of Gloucenter, N. J.. is known as the "hard working minister.” He works during the week as a carpenter and on Sunday preaches the gospel. He went to Gloucester several years ago while president of the Methodist Congregational confer ence and established a church. A year ago he transferred his church to Camden, where he now conducts serv ices. The humbugs of life constitute it* pleasures. The realities its pains. Working People Interested. Wuertsburg, Wis., Nov. 17th.—The working men and women of this dis trict are greatly Interested in the case of Mary Kowsky, who, In an In terview, says: "I have almost all my lifo been a sufferer from Backache and two years ago I caught cold on my Kid neys and the agonies that followed were almost unbearable. ‘‘I consulted different doctors but the relief they gave me was only tem porary. The terrible pains always reJ turned and my suffering tempted me*' to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. They did! me good almost from the start tilk now after taking three boxes 1 am' almost completely cured. “I want all hard working people to know this for with the help of Dodd's Kidney Pills I don't mean to suffer any more Backache." Made Gun for Fort Sumter. Major J. Francis O'Brien, who died, at Louisville, Ky., recently, made thO gun with which the first shot was fir - ed on Fort Sumter. He was 62 years' old and for many years had been a; dealer in railway supplies. Major.' O’Brien was appointed to West Point] in 1857 by Jefferson Davis, then sec-< retary of war. Seeking a New Home? { Why not try the Great Southwest?; Interesting information about condi tions and business chances in Mis-( souri, Kansas, Indian Territory and Texas will he cheerfully furnished by James Barker, Gen’I Pass. & Tkt. Agt.,1 M., K. & T. By., 513 Wainwright Bldg., I St. Louis. YELLOW CLOTHES ARE UNSIGHTLY. Keep them white with lied Cross Ball Blue. All grocers sell large J oz. package, 5 cents. Early frost catches the budding genius. ) CCCCCS-1!W». float end cheapest reliable IT. S. Standard scales ninde. Many useful articles fur farmers at wholesale prices. Catafoguea. prices and tnformcnon fn-nlshcd froo. CHICAGO SCALE CuHPANV 282, 29* & 296 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, ttlinios. LI Another club woman, Mrs. 1 liaulc, of Edgerton, Wis., tells how she was cured of irregulari ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache by Lydia E. Pinkharn’s Vegetable Compound. “ A while ago my health began to fail because of female troubles. The doctor did not help me. I remembered that ny mother lvul used Lydia E. I'inkham’s Vegetable Compound on many occasions for irregularities und uterine troubles, and I felt sure th'.t it could not harm me at any rate to give it a trial. “I was certainly glad to find that within a week I felt much better, the terrible pains in ray back and side wore > "inning to cease, and at the time of menstruation I did not have nearly as serious a time ns hereto fore. so I continued its use for two mouths, and at the end of that time I was like a now woman. I really have never felt bettor in my life, have not had a nick headache since, nnd weigh SO pounds more than I ever did, so I unhesitatingly recommend Vegetable Compound.’’ —Mrs. May Havre, Ed gerton, Wis., President Household Economics Club. — $6000 forfeit Iforlclnaloj above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. Women tjmnid remember there Is one tried nrnl true remedy for all female Ills, Lydia E. I'ink liam's VegetableCompound. Re fuse to buy any other medicine, you need the best. SUES St CO., Omaha, Nebr. No I'Ve Inlets butcentrul. i'lkteuLfl lu.tL Advice free. PATENTS PHONOGRAPHS I niaehlue*. Prlc**« fiom fJl 00 up. muc; of record* In the welt. Price* and Catalogue*. Wear* beadquar I ten tor l a 1 k 1 i.jr Largest Write for NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Cor. 15th and Harney, Omaha. 20 MILLION BOTTLES GOLD EVERY YEAR. V % THACr. MARK. <*"*• Happiness is th# absence of pain, and mil lion.-, h-.ve been made happy through being cured by Sr Jacops Oil ci RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. TOOTHACHE. HEAD ACHE. LAMENESS. SCALDS, BURNS. SPRAINS. BRUISES and all pains for which an external remedy can be applied. It never falls to cure. Thousands who have btende clared incurable r. baths ard In h.spitala have thrown away their crutches, tsirg cured after using St. Jacobs Oil. Directions in eleven languages accompany eveiy bottle. CONQUERS PABN Every housewife gloats over finely starched linen and white goods. Conceit is justifiable after using Defiance Starch. It gives a stiff, glossy white-' ness to the clothes and does not rot them. It is abso lutely pure. It is the most economical because it goes farthest, docs more and costs less than Others. To be had of all k grocers at i6 oz. A for ioc. THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO. OKAHA. NEB.' W. N. U.—Omaha. No. 47—1902 Beat t ough Syrup listen Oeod. Use In time. Poltl tiy druitglilft._ 1 CON SOKPXIO N