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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1902)
i HE Nor I HWESTERN ^FU«USHBD EVERY FRIDAY AT TUB COUNTY SEAT. UKO. *5. BENNCHOTEK. Editor und Publisher TERMS:—#1.00 PRR TRAB. ir PAID IN ADVANCS Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the malls as second class matter. THE NEW FIRM. The new firm ol Johnson, Lorenlz & Co. who have established a first class clothing store at this place and in connection therewith opened up a tailor shop, have supplied a long felt want among our people. They are of Aurora Nebraska and are very pleassot gentlemen to do business with. Mr. Johnson has a fine cloth ing store and tailoring establish meat at that place and they have •utlicient capital to keep the stock in an up-to-date grade. Everybody is glad that we have such a place of business, even the business men and merchant of the town are glad that it is so. They report a very satisfactory business for the opening week and on one day took $108 00 worth of ^ orders for tailor made suits. We bespeak for them a successfull bus iness. Call around to their place of business and get aijuainted with them. AN INVITATION. Having moved into the Travis store building which I puruhased a few months ago, 1 invite all bis ami my own customers, in fact everyone to call. I have a very large and complete assortment of good, all fresh and of the best. My prices are as low as tiie lowest and prompt attention will be given to everyone. Plenty of room now to show goods. Call and see our assortment and lear our prices whether you waut to buy or not. Yours Respectfully, O. F. Petersen. President Mitchell of the Miners IJnioD, as a witness in the commiss ion trial, proves to he equal to the occasion. He has given his cross examiners some very pointed an swers tothe long list of interoga tories. He seems, however, to be very corteous iu his replies and cre ated a feeling of mirth amoDg the the spectators. Governor elect Mickey’s plurality kwas 5,255. while the balance of the ^republican state ticket was elected by pluralities ranging from 11,500 to 14,000. And still the Woild Herald, in a lengthy article which was coppied by the Times last week, waa trying to figure out bow it all hap pened. The only solution which we can give for this wide difference in the vote, is that the de nocrats sac rifised the populist part of the tick et in their effort to make their man Thompson, who, according to the official returns ran about 6,000 ahead of his ticket. This shows that the demos were hard aftei the ap pointive power. A CHANCE THAT MEANS SOME THING. Tha following letter from presi dent Hargis ought to open the eyes of the youDg people of this locality who are ambitious for a start in life. This college is certainly doiDg a great work: Grand Island, Neb., Nor. 17, ’02 To The Editor. My Dear Sir:—I have read the complimentary notice you gave the Grand Island Business and Normal □College last week and want to thank you most heartily for the same. This school was established nearly 20 years ago and we ure proud of its splendid success, but this year has broke all previous records, both in attendance and educational results. If you can encourage more of the youDg men and women of your local ity to enter our college, you will do ihem a great service as we are un able to supply all the demands for our gradaates. Within the past week we sent out to good positions, the only five ad vanced students iu our business de partment, one of them, Seward Ben ton by name, who is a farmer boy and only 1C years old, was sent U Alliance, Nebraska, where he gets 50,00 per month to start with. ThiB school allows one year’s time on expenses and more if needed, so that any ambitious young person can graduate and pay for same out of his or her salary after securing a position. I will be glad to send a catalogue free to any of your readers. Again thanking you, 1 am Yours truly, A. M. Harois, President. r OFFICIAL RECORD or the Count) Hoard of *u|>rr vinnrft Loup City, Nebr.. Nov. 10, 1902 State of Nebraska 1 [■ 8S. Sherman county, ) Board of superyisors of aaid county met tills day pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 46; present, W. C. Dleterlcbs, chairman, I). C. Grow, D. H. Richard son, J. F. Huberts, Anton Kwiatkowski, Peter Thode and William Jakob, super visors and G. H. Gibson, clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Messrs. ,jonn ruernan ana Jbmti uoia appeared before the Hoard and asked for damages for crossing the farms of Mrs. Ernestine Hold and John Nieman with a temporary road, after the bridge bad washed out. Said bridge being a town ship bridge, the county board referred them to the township board of Ashton township for the adjustment of said aamages if there be any. Board took up the matter of approving the lease and bond of C. J. Tracy for the county poor farm for three years begin ng March 1, 1903, and on motion said bond and lease was duly approved and signed by the chairman of this Board. In the matter of the road petitioned for by Dyuiek, et althe Board allows same as prayed, providing Rockville township will pay to August Stobbo and Haul Wesicrski the sum of 85 00 each for the damages sustained by them by location and the action on the vacation of the Dymik road as prayed for Was laid over until action by Rockville town ship on establishment as above be taken. Iu the ma'ter ot the iliddleson road It is decided that said road be allowed as prayed until it gets to road number three, then to follow said road number three into Rockville. The damages are allowed as follows: E. Phillips $500, llagerman $10 00, El. Ogle $10 00, Win. Ogle 810.00. The claim of W. II. Stephens is disallowed on account of there being a road already through his land, which is not vacated. Said road is granted with the proviso that Loup City township pay said damages. By motion, the tax against Lawrence Rossa, for one stallion, which appears from the assessors schedules to have been assessed against said horse in Oak Creek and Loup City townships, be stricken from the tax list of Loup City township. W. O. Dieterichs tiled a receipt with county clerk for $4.50 for work and labor performed by Peter Lorenz and for which he received old bridge lumber In payment. Board adjourned to 9 h. in. Nov. 11 1902 Nov. 11, 1902, 9 a m. Board again in session. Board took up the matter of the report of bridge committee on new bridges and report was as follows; MVe, the under signed bridge committee sent out to view and report on construction of the new bridges, do hereby report that the follow ing bridges, viz: Tretler bridge on Rock creek; Hansen bridge on Deer creek; Eggers bridge on Deer creek; School house bridge on Dry Oak creek and Bloomer bridge on Dry Oak creek are built in a thorough, workmanlike manner, according to plans and specifi cations of T. Gibson and very satisfac tory to the bridge committee.—J, F. Roberts, A. Kwiatkowski and Peter Thode.” Said report was duly accepted by board. Report of J. F. Roberts on county-line road, as per the action of county board of Custer county was accepted and clerk ordered to so report to Custer county board. Arguns ui oupnvnuio ar? w luttiuuu and names of bridges in their districts were received and made of record. T. S. Nightingale appeared before the board and asked that, a minimum price lie set upon lots 3, 4 and 5 in block 17 Original Town of Loup City and by motion the chair appointed J. F. Roberts, Peter Thode and D. C. Grow' as a com mittee to report and investigate and re port on said request. By motion of f). C. Grow, seconded by Richardson, at the request of the sheriff of Sherman county, it was ordered that Sherman county by i's Board of Com missioners do offer a reward of $50.00 for the arrest and conviction of toe person or persons that set fire to and burned the .Piques elevator and set fire to ilie E. G. Taylor elevator, in Ashton, Nebraska, on the night of November (ith, 1902, and the sheriff is hereby authorized to offer said reward ol $50 00 as above stated Committee sent to investigate the value of lots 3, 4 and 5 in block 17 and lot 10, block <i original town, report as follows: “We the committee to exam ine the lots in block 17 and 0, find the lots in block 17 are worth $30 and in block 0, $7.50,” Signed by the commit tee. Said repott was accepted as recoin mended, and clerk was instructed to noti fy tiie treasurer, that he accept $7.50 for lot 10, and $30 00 each for lots 3, 4 aud 5 in block 17, original town as the mini mum price according to the statute pro vided in such cases. Approved by mo tion. Oh mot on at Ivwbitkowski, seconded by Roberts, the clerk is ordered to issue > execution against delinquent parties for costs in the cases of State ys Schroll and also 'n cass of State vs Zelinski. On motion of Thode seconded by Jakobs, the clerk la ordered to Issue execution against Dold in State vs Obits or Dold. Mrs. Henrietta Dieterichs then appear ed before the board and offered #30,00 as i a minimum price for the following lots in Rockville village; All of bloik one, all of block eleven and all of block twelve, and by motion the county treas urer is hereby authorized to receive and accept the said sum. By motion and vota of board the re ward offered for the arreBt and convic tion of person or persons who burned the Jaipies elevator at Ashton was reconsid ered Board then took up the claims aad al lowed them as follows: GENERAL FUND. Hammond Bros. & Stephens...$ 1 75 Jacob Wlnklernan. 4 00 Edward Snyder. 48 75 Fremont Tribune. 16!) 97 George Miller, sr. 3 00 Geo II Gihsoo, clerk. 330 89 School Dist. No. 63. 2 50 Albert Dickerson. 4 00 Joseph Littlefield, 1 20 for tax.. 4 00 Geo Slote, 4 95 for tax. 7 80 E A Slote, all for tax. 4 00 T J Bryant. 4 00 James Patterson, 3 05 for tax... 4 00 Jacob Benson. 4 00 John Greenhalgli. 8 00 Arthur Minsbull. 4 00 David Watson.. 4 00 ltoy Way. 4 00 Julius Beu:,hausen, all for tax... 4 00 ('has Govryk . 7 40 Chet Ketile. 4 OO Then Wilson. 4 00 Chas Fredrickson. 4 00 Andrew Pearson . 4 00 Clarence Landnn. 7 50 L J Parker, 3 25 for tax. 4 Oo A P Malm. 4 00 Geo VV. Holmes, all for tax. 4 00 Joseph Huryta, all for tax. 4 00 John Vandrala. 7 60 F 11 Cook. 4 00 Cbas Krehmke..... 4 00 School Dist. No. 42. 2 50 () A Clark . 4 00 Jerry Shetler, all for tax. 4 00 m A Draper. 4 00 Enos Kirk, all for tax. 7 40 VV F Speucer. 4 00 School Dist No. 38 . 2 50 Chas Bass. 3 50 O Manchester. 7 60 Mike Koolikowsl'.l, all for tax... 4 00 Mike Petrytis, all for tax. 4 Ofl Anton Kwiatkowskl. 4 00 Orel Vanhorn. 4 00 Chas Bass. 4 OO Frank Haller. 4 00 E Munn. 8 00 Geo Newburg.•. 4 00 John Boecking. 4 00 IVter Howe. 1 00 Lewis Becbthold . J 00 Juhn Vandergrift . 4 00 N B Thompson, all for tax. 4 00 < has French. 0 00 E Holcombe. 4 00 VV A Hayes. 4 00 Peter Tbode. 4 00 C Anderson. 4 00 L Strankman, all lor tax. 4 00 E E Tracy . 6 50 James JohnsoD, allfor tax. 4 00 E A Brown. 2 00 VVJ Fisher. 4 60 E G Taylor. 9 20 George Lee. 4 00 VV B Reynolds, all for tax. 4 00 Peter Hendrickson. 6 40 Ed Angler. 4 00 O C Van Aelst.. 4 00 Frank Badura... 5 00 Fred Stark. 4 00 Fred Daddow,all for tax. 4 00 A VV Throckmorton, 3 00 for tax 4 00 R VV McCombs . 6 60 John Mattheweon. all for tax.. 4 00 VV T Chase. 5 00 School Dist. No. 72. 2 50 Keystone Lumber Co. 7 35 E A Brown. 10 45 John Maciejewskl. all for tax... 4 00 r lsymrcK. 4 nu C H PI aril beck . 4 00 Eddy Holmes, all for tax. 7 50 Win. Carruth, all f or tax. 4 00 W G McNulty. 1 50 S N Swetstland. 6 60 School Dist No. 33. 2 50 J A Angier. 70 Geo Benschoter, 9 40 for tax_ 08 60 Peter Thode. J) 30 D 11 Richardson. 7 20 Win Jakob. 8 00 Anton Kwiatkowski. 7 50 John F Roberts. 8 20 DC Grow... 6 00 W C Dieterichs. 12 04 ROAD FUND. Geo VV Hunter. 3 40 Henry Jennei . 3 40 VV J Fish' r. 3 40 F E Brewer. 3 50 i’ll Fr<- nch. 3 50 VV J Fisher. 3 50 BKIDGE FUND. H VV and Ed Lang, 4 85 for tax 6 00 Keystone Lumber Co. 62 44 Dierks Lumber Co. 2 50 VV T Gibson. 075 44 " “ 67 20 Peter Thode. 15 00 Henry Thode. 2 50 I) H Richardson. 38 00 Herbert Biker . 4 00 Frank (Surrey, all for tax. 1 00 Win Jakob. fi ()0 Anton Kwiatkowski . ]1 00 John F Roller's . 20 00 W c Dieterichs. 37 75 Fred Dunk'-r. 1 50 Wallace Peters. 3 00 Board adjourned to Jan, 0, 1902. Geo. 11. Gibson, Clerk. Tlte Item tiemeily for Croup. This 1* the season when the woman who knows th<* best remedies for croup Is is demand in every neighbor hood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to bo awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop frornone of the children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost in case of croup as a revolver is sure to be lost, in case of burglars. There used to be an old fashioned rem edy for croup known as hive syrup and tolu Out some modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is betler and don’t cost so much. It causes the patient to "tnrow up the phlegm quick er and gives relief in a shorter time. Give this remedy as soon hs the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Odendahl Bros. UNB UlHUTEUm iill < IKK Is the only harmless cough cure that gives quick relief. Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping cough. Pneumonia Asthma, LaOrlppe and all Throat, Chest and Lung trobles. I got soaked by rain, save Gertrude E. Fenner, Muncie, Ind., and contracted a severe sold and cough. I failed rapidly: lost 48 lbs. My druggist recommended One Minute Cough Cure. The first bottle brought relief: several cured me. I am back to my old v/eight 148 lbc One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm relieves the cough the at once, draws out inflammation, cures croup. An Ideal remedy for children. Oden dahl Bros. NOTICE OK SALE UNDER LIEN OK OFF-SPRING. Notice is hereby given that by virtu* of two liens of 18 00 each, dated August 15th. 1902, and duly filed under provision of law in the office of the county clerk of Sherman county, Nebraska, on the 1 St b dny of August, 1992, and executed by J. T. Bale, against the property of Andrew Widslrand. to secure lire sum of $16.00 and upon which there is now due the sum of $1000 with interest at 7 per cent from August 15th, 1902, Default having been made in the payment of said sum and uo suit or other proceedings having been instituted to recover said dobt or any pari thereof, I will sell the property therein described, to.wit: One bay horse colt with white spot in fac6 and one bay horse colt with blaze face, at the south side of the Kirst Bank in Loup City, Neb raska, pursuant to law, on the Oth day of December, l!Hrj at 2 o'clock p. in., on said day. Dated this l:Jth day of November. 1902. J. T. Hale, Owner of Lien. NOTICE OK SALE. IN THE MATTER OF TUB HSTATB OF JOHN SELHCSKN, DECEASE!!. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of lion. James N. Paul, one of the Judges of l he District Court of the lltu Judicial District in and for Howard county, Nebraska nmduou the 20th day of Octoner, A. D. 1902, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at the front door of the Court House in Loup City, Sherman county. Nebraska, on the 15i h day of December. 1902. at li o'clock p. in., at public vendue, to The highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: The South West Quarter (8. W. h,) of 8er. tion Oue (1) In Township Fifteen (18), Range Fourteen (14), in Sherman county, Nebras ka. Said sale will remain open lor one hour. Dated October 8], 1902. ANDERS JENSEN, Administrator of the estate of John Seehusen, deceased. (First Publication, November 21,1802.) TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brnmo Qnlnlne Taplets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. M. W. Grave's signature Ison each box- c A. S- MAIN. PHY1CIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. STOPS THE QOUOH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Rrotno Quinine Tablet* cure a cold in one day. No. cure. No I’ajr. Price 20 cents. Will Maks Affidavit Now Loom of Ufo for aa Iowa Postmaster. Postmaster R. EL Randall, Mhn k, toys: I suffered from indication and aw suiting evils for years. Finally I tried Kodol. I eoon knew I had found what I had long looked for. I am better today than In yearn. Kodol gave me a nee lease of life. Anyone can have my af fidavit to the truth of this statement.’* Kodol digests your food. This enables the system to assimilate supplies, strengthen ing every organ and restoring health. Kodol Hakes You Strong. Prepared only by B. O. DbWitt St Oo„ Cbleasv TDetl. Dottle ooatalaaliH time* ttMttaa.Omi For sale by ODKNDAHL. DKOS., QCbcrisnod ^ Quality Solti by T. II ELSNER, Loup City Neb 18 PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU . -WITH A COMPLETE LINE OP BUGGIES, WAGONS. IMPLEMENTS HARNESS. ML Pm Pine, ir i THING IN THE HARDWARE LINE CALL AND SEE MY ELEGANT LINE OF NEW FURNITURE. I am prepared to make oaeing or hydraulic wells and solicit your trade. T |\fl. PEED. W. J. FISHBu. GEO. E. BENSCHOTER, Attorney and Notary Publla, Publisher Loup Citt Nohthwkstwi. j Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigate) LANDS FOR SALS. A. P. Cl-LEY, President. W. M. MASON, Carhier S BAINK OP LOUP CITY General Banking BusinessTransacted. Pat a up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRCSPONDCMT* (•aboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nabraafc*. TIME TABLE, LOUP OITY NKBR. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis. San Franolsoo, and all points and all points East and south. West. THAI NS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger.8:80 a. in No. 60 GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.4:88 p. ni No. 50 Freight. 12:50 p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining ohalr cars (scats free) on through trains. Tickets Bold an<l baggage checked to any point In the United Stales or Canada. For Information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or writ* to U. L, AnTHUB Agent. Or J. Fbancib, Gen’l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. 11AIWAV. No. 86 leaves dally except Sunday (pass enger). 8: a m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixedi 12:20p. m. No 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:S0p. m. ) No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed 12;06 p. m. No. 85arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7:85 p, m. First class service and close connections east, west and south H. J. Clifton, Agent, special ONE-WAY HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS -VIA UNION PACIFIC Nov.4 and 18 Dec. 2 and 16 to Many points in Kansas, Nebraska, and Eastern Colorado one-half one regular fare PLUS $2.00 Full information cheerfully furnished on application to 11. J. Clifton Agent