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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1902)
In each pound package of Lion Coffee from now until Christmas will be found a free game, amusing and instructive—50 different kinds. Get Lion Coffee and n Free Game at Your Grocers. Uoaal Dsws. LOUPCITY MARKET REPORT. Corrected Weekly. Wheat.$ $ 47 Bye. 28 to 80 Oats . 18 to *o Corn. 25 Hogs, per cwt.,. . . . 5 50 Stockers, Steers and Heifers 3 28 Cows. 2.00 2.60 Batter. .18 Eggs. -18 Mrs. A. B. Outhouse is sick. Sheridan coal at E. G. Taylor’s eve vator office. A. X. Conklin, of Ashton was among the witnesses in theWatka case. T. M. Reed sells feed grind ers and scoop boards. Schuyler flour and feed at Gasteyer’s. Floor and feed exchanged at D. C. Grow’* store. Soatb side pnblic square Mrs. J, W. Jones, who has been visit ing her sister at Hastings returned Thursday. We hear rumors of a new department stor# to be loeated here. No particu lars about it yet. Johnson Lorentz & Co. took 8108 00 worth of order* for tailor made suits In one day. They will take your order and guarantee a At! Den't fail to bring the children to the Jolly Dog Show Company Friday and Satuaday evening, Nov. 28 and 29 at the Loup City opera bouse. Reserve seats 25 cents for sale at Froelich's. Leschinsky's photographs are equal to the best taken in the state. Don't fer get to have your picture take* Nov. 15th until Dec. Gth. Cabinet Photos only 99 cents per dozen. Gallery open every day, including Sunday. Mrs. M. H. Mead has been quite sick for the past two weeks. Last Tuesday while she was reaching or changing position in her bed, her shoulder was accidently thrown out ef place. Pro fessonel aid was summoned at once and the dislocated member put in place. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Criss returned from Grand Island last week where they were in attendance at the funeral of their little grand child, little Lolo Opsl, •econd daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Criss, who died at her home in Grand Island, Neb. on November 12th, 1902. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cri*s, were once resident* of this place. Mrs. D. M. being a daughter of the grand parents men tioned. They have many kind friends here who truly sympathize with them In their sad bereavement. Robert Watka, the man who was ar rested lust week on the charge of hav ing fired the Ashton elevators, and who was released on 85,000 bail, was by hi* bondsman brought back to the custody of the sheriff last Saturday and again lodged In jail. When he was re leased here last Thursday he went back to his home at Farwell where he was again arrested on a complaint sworn out by C. Fletcher of Boelus, charging him with stealing two saddles. For this be was taken to the courts of How ardcounty. From there he was brought here as above stated. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson when getting bis usual Baterday evening bath stepped back against a hot store which burned him severely. The child was in great agony and bis mother could do nothing to pacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in tbu bouse, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was qui et and asleep, and in less than two weeks waa well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resident of Keller, Va. Pain Balm la an antiseptic iinement and es pecially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains For sale by Odendabl Bros. George Dinsdale who has a fine ranch about five miles north of this city has about completed bis extensive feed yards here and la already feeding 430 head of steers which he expects to have ready for market by July next. The yard! cover about seven acres of ground and are built in a very substan tial way with all the latest improve ments, Besides having the yards lo cated conveniently on the banks of tbo Creek whore water is plenty, he has planted tanks and reservoirs and erect ed a fine large windmill. lie has also erected a large grain house in which to keep oil cake aud other ground feeds. The wind breaks run nearly the full length of the yards on the north. C. C. Outhouse It building t»o Urge corn crib*. Get t tailor made *ult of Johnson, Lorentz & Co. Satisfactory price* and a fit guaranteed. Andy and John Gray wero In town lait Wednesday. Andy took a new wagon home with him. A. J. Fairburn, Mike Wlzorek and Joseph Roschynelskl, of Ashton town ship were in the city yesterday. D. C. Grow, sells flour and feed at tho Northwestern Milling Company's stand oo south side public square. Addmission for children 15 cents to the jolly Dog Show Company and 25 cents for adults, Nov. 28th and 29. Don't forget to hare your baby’s pic ture taken at Leschlnsky’s Gallery. Cab inet alze, 99 cents per dozen, Noy. 15th until Dec. 6th. A grand Thanksgiving ball will be given in Ashton, Thursday evening, November 27,1902. Come and enjoy yourself. Don’t fall to see tbe performance of tbe Jolly Dog Show Company at the Loup City opera house, Friday and Satnrday, Nov. 28 and 29. Coming, the Jolly Dog Shew Com pany Friday and Saturday evening, Nov. 28 and 29 at the Loup City opera house. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Wrinkles are smoothed away by its heling touch. Brain tired and de pressed peaple will find a cure in Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c. Odendahl Bros. S G. Taylor of Ashton and his broth er. attorney Chas. Taylor, of St, Pau', are In the city. The latter is connected with the prosecution in the Watka case. Attorney W. H. Thompson of Grand Island came up on tbe noon train yesterday to defend Robert Watka In hts examination trial in county court Epworth League services at the M. E. Church Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m Lessen subject. “Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving.” All are cordially in vited to attend. You are right at home when you order a suit of Johnson J.oreutz & Co. and can be fitted while the salt is being made. Thats what home patronage means. It ir said that every bride has many friends, but in a few years, they dwind le down to one. That's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Makes and keeps her well. 35c. Odendabl Bros. As we go to press the preliminary ex amination of Robert Watka is in prog ress before bis honor, Judge Angier, There are over twenty witnesses to ex amine. We acknowledge an Invitation to at tend the wedding of Miss. Ella. L. 8tep anoske to Mr. Fred Odendabl which is to take place on Nov. 30, at the Odendabl resedence in this el ty. E. A. Smith, the manager of the Keystone Lumber Co'a. yards at Rock ville, has bean here for the past ten days at the bed side of bis sick wife, who has been very near deaths door. Last Sunday she was reported worse but Is some better end with good nurs ing will probably get well again C. W. Couhiser sold the betiding is which he is now doing business to T. 8. Nightingale and will build a brlok warehouse 20 x 40 on the back of the new store where the old buildiDg was to have been located. Mr. Mlghtingale will move the building which he pur chased, on the lot which be purchased last week and where the Lechieskv photograph gallery now steads. There will be a county Sunday school convention held st the Baptist church in Loup City, November 29 and 30, •ervices to begin at 2 o'alock, p. m., Saturday. Sessions will be held after noon and evening Saturday aud morn ing, aftermoon and evening Suaday. Speakers from abroad will be present. De egatts from all Sunday School of the county expected. All are invited to ba present and take part. W. O. Brown, the newly elected re publican supervisor has lost a mustach of several years growth, at least he did not bring it to town with him, when he came to the opera last Wednesday evening. It is said that he tried to gain admission to the show on his face hut was told that he would have to put bis hands in his pockets and come in on his feet. Bill says it makes no difference whether it is a smooth shave or not, its all the same price. There will have to be a little change made in the furnace flues at the school house. It seems that after the north flue bad been constructed all regular up to the attic a mistake was made and the smoke stack part was covered oyer with brick and discontinued, while tha hot air flue which should have been stopped was built on up through the roof. The one will simp ly have te be plugged up and the otb ’r will have to be opened and puilt on up They have also experienced some difficulty on the south side by locating the smoke stack in the hot air flue, but the workmen say that the plans plain ly indieated It so. On this tide it will necessitate the relocating of the regis ters. When the farnace was started up for trial last Sunday morning a good lire was put on and in a few minutes the rooms above were full of smoke. It was discovered in time to prevent any damage. MWKKrWATEK W O. Pickett is having bia post office room plastered H Wilke has the addition to his residence aearly nompietnd A party of young people spnnt an enjoyable time there Saturday even ing On account of bad weather, the business meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society was posponed until Wednesday Nov. 19. Rev. David Bala, having recovered from his injuries, was at this placs and delivered a splendid sermon Sunday morning and also Sunday evening. N. T. Terry, an old and highly respected settler of this vaeinity, age 87 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. O. Lee, Nov 4, 1902 The remains worn taken to his old horns at Davis, 111. Born.—To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds, Nov. 7, n tins baby girl. Misses Helen and Ester and Walter and Eddie Newbsrg. and Joe Wilke visited at the hame of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilks Sunday. ROCKVILLB ITEMS O. G. Hannisch was a Boelus visiter Wed nesday afternoon 3. J. Fair was looking after sons business la Bnelun Tuesday afternoon. Work was started Wednesday on the new sidewalk that is to ceanect tbs Woodman hall and the School house. ’Twas needed years ago. but ' better late than never." S. J. Fair, accompanied by his daughter. Mrs W M Smelser. drove to Farwell Friday to visit another of his dnughtars. Mrs. D. M. Hendrickson. They returned Sunday evening. John M. Dugsn. of Wood River was on our streets Sunday. L. W Butts has been building aa addition to his house the past week. Mr. H en/ of Grand Island, is building a largn corn crib here for the Omaha Elevator Company. Two car loads nf cinders arrived Monday noon for the Union Pacifle's portion of thn new sidn walk. The entertainment given Sunday evening at the Hall by Mr. Bros* drew Quite an audience considering that It was not prop erly advertised. John Husa and Ed. Isaacson were Loup City visitors Tuesday. We were told that Dan Jackson sojd his land lying north of town last week but failed to get the particulars. A1 Chambers has sold his salooa business to Henry Lucks. We are glad to learn it. ROCKVILLE MARKETS. Wheat .48; Oats .20; Rye 30; New Corn 15; Butter .16: Eggs .22; Chickens 614; Ducks 6sj; Live Geese Dres-ed G*«se 10, Live Turkeys .9; Dressed Turkeys .lie. U. NO ME. Something New What I* It ? Ther * a new kind of t ough going the rounds of the town. And in many homes the thing may be found. This new fashioned cough no remedy can reach; It sticks in the throat as tight as a loach. It is ceitba r grippe, bronchi tis, or cold, But seems te be worse than these ailments of old. Now all that it needs is a professoaal name. Which may bo supplied by Jones or by Main. Schuylai flour and feed at Gasterer a. y Carl Anderson will have a public sal* of stock and farming Implements at the farm three and one-half miles north east of Loup City on Tuesday, Novem ber 26, 1902. There are 34 head of cattle, 7 head of horses, 14 head of shoftts, two sets of harness, a riding lister, three-row Aerway cultivator anu many other valuable thiDgs on the list. The terma of sale are liberal, there be ing one years time given on all sums oyer 810. with five per cent discount for cash. We understand that Carl has rented the farm across the ersek south of town and will move on it this fall. Kstrayed From my farm, on Frloay, Oct. 31, 1902, one blaek mare about eight years old, with one white hind boef. Finder will notify the Northwestern office or tbe owner, August Guzinski, and owner will pay honest reward. Photographs only 99 cents per dozen, at Leschinsky's Photo Gallery, Novem ber 16th until December 0th. Leschinsky's annual price reduction on Cabinet Photos, Nov. 15, continued until Dec. 6 Cabinet Photos, 99 cents per dozen. Gallery open eyery day, In cluding Sunday. Leichinsky, the photographer, will make jou one dozen Cabinet Photo graphs for 99 cents, If jou have them taken Nov. loth until Dec.0th. Gallery open every day, including Sunday, You should attend the public auction sale to be g'ven by Mrs. Annie E. Pauk ens on the old Hankena farm, five mile s •outb east of Aahton, at which place 17 head of cattle, 5 head of horses, a pulverizer, two McCormick binders, 1 mewer, 1 lister, 1 corn planter, 1 seeder, 1 cultivator. 1 plow, 1 harrow, 1 wagon 1 set of harness' 1 corn thellor and some house hold good* will be sold. Sal* will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 9,h 1902, at 10 h . m. Free lunch at noon. THE OLD RELIABLE POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE /S NO SUBSTITUTE Ol7It PRICES WILL REMAIN AS LOW AS EVER: $15.00 overcoats for $12.00 12.00 “ “ 10.00 10.00 “ “ 7.60 7.60 “ “ 5.75 Soils ii Saioe Proportion: 50c. working shirt, 25o. 65c. blue jumper, 45c. 50c. checked jumpper 25c. 2.00 shoes 1.50 I. 50 over shoes 1.25 50c. neck tie 15c. OUR STORE IS FULL OF BARGAINS. OF AL KINDS. Come in and see u» Don’t tor get the L O CA TIO N. OJA E DOOR WEST OF POST OFFICE JOHNSON, LORENTZ & CO. LOUP CITY, NEB. City Dray AND Transfer Line. J. W. & A. T. Conger, Props My i<;c will be delivered to any purt of the city free. The ice house will bo o nrd but once a day, and that will be from 4 to 8 o’clock, a. m. Ill kinds of hauling will be given prompt a ention and will make a specialty ot n ving household good. We solicit your patronage. JAS. W. CONGEIt, LOUT CITY, - - . NEBRASKA. FOUR PERSON ALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS FROM OMAHA TO CALIFORNIA WITH CHOICE OF ROUTES The excursions leave Omaha every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday at 4:25 p. in., in Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. The cars are accompan ied all the way by conductors skilled in the service of excursion parties. The Union Pacific is the only lino from Oma ha running four excursions to Californa every week. These excursions can be joined at any point enroute. For fuil information call on or ad dress H. J. Clifion Agent. Cured of Pllea After 40 Tear*. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had the piles for forty years. Doctors nor dollars could do him no lasting good DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations, tetter, salt rheam, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWItt on the package—all others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. O iendabl Bros. A big haul by highwaymen, substi tutes and others who steal the good name and fame of Rocky Mountain Tes. made fatneons by Madison Med clne Co. U5c. Odendahl Bros. j THEDFORD’S | IBWCttDBAUCHT! I THE GREAT I medicine! Thedford’s Black-Draught haa 1 g saved doctors’ bills for more than K I sixty years. For the common fam- I H ily ailments, such as constipation, li indigestion, hard colds, bowel com- 1 | plaints, chills and fever, bilious- m | ness, headaches and other like K | complaints no other medicine is g p necessary. It invigorates and reg- H • ulates tho liver, assists digestion, I ? stimulates action of the kidneys, I 4 purifies the blood, and purges the I g bowels of foul accumulations. It 9 jCcurc* liver complaint, indigestion, J| sour stomach, dizziness, chills, ■§ I rheumatic pains, sideache, back- 1 I ache, kidney troubles, constipation, 1 | diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard 1 I colds and headache. Every drug- I fj gist has Thedford’s Black-Draugnt I i in 25 cent packages and in mam- | moth size for $1.00. Never accept I 8 a substitute. Insist on having the | original made by the Chattanooga I P Medicine Company. 9 I believe Thedford’s Black-Draught I Is the best medicine on earth. It is I H good for any and everything. I have I M a family of twelve children, and for ■ g four y«»* 1 have kept them on foot ■ B and healthy with no doctor but Black M Draught. A. J. GREEN, lllewara. La. M Schuyler flour and feed at Gastever. t .... _ _ /' Headquarters FOB BUGGIES IS CONCEEDED TO BE AT -OUR STORE. The number of sales made during the first week that our stock bas been on 0Ui' floors is evidence to us that the goods and the prices we have on them is appreciated by the public who make a practice of investigating qualities and prices on this cla-sof goods. Our stock is complete and we still have plenty of goods to sell and at the same prices. Come in and look them over. Oir stock of beating stores is now on fie floor and of which we will say more later on. RESPECTFULLY YOURS. E S. H^YHUpST. ■rtji -o-1 now have possession of the-o B & M. ELEVATORS and will pay highest market [trice for grain at MCALPINE, LOUP CITY. SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale al Loop City ana Asbton. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOR. ■*m. I. DEPEYV®~ * Blacksmith §> Wagon Maker, a O ' *5 3s*oooooo-w^ fi* My shop Is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Elver. * I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma- K chlnery, also a force or experienced men who know how to operate It and E! turn out a job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT* ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. | Soliciting your patronage I am Yours respectfully, ^trand Island 61AH1TR ARB BARBU V6IKS. IRA T. PAINE & CO. 1VI O N U |VI E N TS. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD work. See us or write to us before giving an order. GRAND ISLAND, - - - NEB. For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamber lains Cough Remedy to loosen and re lieve it, and to allay the irritation and intlamatton of the throat and lungs. For sale by Odendabl Bros. —- ♦ • ♦ I have new and second hand wagons for sale. T. M. Reed. A THANKSGIVING DINNKK Heavy eating is usually the first cause of indigestion. Repeated attacts in flame the macious membrane lining the stomach, producing a swelling after eat ing, heirtb'irn, headache, aour rising and finally catarrh of tha stomach. Kod ol relieves tho Inflamation, protects the nerves and cures catnrrnh. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by cleansing am) sweetning the glands of the stomach.—Odendabl Bros. | MAKING HINS LAY, Hens will lay If they have the right kind of food and plenty of it. Leo's Egg maker supplies meat foot] and other elements needed for egg pro fusion and has the wall earned reputa tion of being the best poultry food ID; the world. It mskes bens lav, prevent* and cures colds, cholera, eto. It la the biggest 20 cent package on the market. Sold by W. T. Chase. Do you want a piano, organ or sewing machine. If so call and see T. M. Reed. Farm for r*nt.-890 acres about five miles from Loup City. Good house, well, barn, etc. A large tract under eultlvati »n. Apply to A. B. Charlton, Ord, Neb. If you are billious and se-klng advisers, 1 ake DeWitt's Little Ksrly ltisers. Just before going to bed. You will f|nd on the morrow, You are rid of your sorrow— Thats all; Just enough said. These famous pills do not gripe, but move ihe bowels gently and easily, cleansing the liver. Their tonic effect giyes strength to the gl inds, preventing a return of the disorder. A NECESSARY PRECAUTION. Don't neglect a cold, it Is worse than unpleasant. it is dangerous. By us ing One Minute Cough Cure you can cure it at once, Allays inflamatlon, clears the head, sooths and strengthens the mucious membrane. Cures soughs, croup, throat and lung troubles. Ah solutley safe. Acts immediately. Chil dren like If, rhls signature is on every boa of the gennine Laxative Bromo*Qtiinine Tablets Ike remedy that tsict m eeld to em toy