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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1902)
Uocsal Daws. Frank Dennis for dour aud feed. The Union Temperance club will hold a meeting at the Baptist church to night. W. 8. Owens has just recieved a fine line of summer lap dusters; pret ty designs. The Nebraska Telephone company aet their men at work Friday pitt ing in the local telephoaes about the oity. Win. Stephens, of Rockville was doing business at the county seat last Monday. Frank Brammer, of Pleasanton was here with a view to purchasing the Buffalo county farm of Mrs. Mary French. Henry Dolling is closing out bis entire stock of shoes at ten per. cent discount. Now is your time to buy foot ware. If you have never tried the brand of dour sold by Frank Dennis, at the north side feed store you should do so. It is the best. When you want a good carriage or wagon grease, go to W. S. Owen’s harness store and get it. Kvery box guaranteed as represented. Mr. Radclifl moved his stock of goods and household effects into the Oltman building Wednesday, which has been fitted up for a general store. There will be German service at their church in Loup City, Sunday, May 4th, at 10:30 a. m. All the members and friends of the church are herewith invited. Mrs. T. S. Nightingale spent a few days This week with her daughter, Fiorance, at College View near Lin coln. She was present at the excer siaes given by the school of which Miss. Florence is a pupil J. T. Hale wishes us to say that be would like for the party who borrowed bis w Ire stretcher to return it. He also wishes the party who borrowed bis medical horse book to bring it borne. I will sell what I have left in the line of farm machinery consisting of one bay rake, used one season, one two row Kirlin corn cultivator, in use one season, also a spring wagon. If you need anything in this line call on L. G. Fisher at the North western office. H. A. Nickles, arrived from Bro ken Bow last Tuesday and at once proceeded to put his merry-go-round in operation. He will have it in op eration this week yet, having taken out license and selected the ground south of the St. Elmo hotel. Carsten Trutlsen is putting in a fine lot of cedar trees. Mr. Truel sen seems to know just what is best adapted to this country. It is a fact that the cedar is one of the most hardy trees that grows in this part of the state and we predict that it will be acknowledge the leader as a forest product. F. C. Herse. of Wisncr, Nebraska was in tLe city this week looking after his landed interests here having traded a large stock of gen eral merchandise at that place to W. El. Morris and J. Phil. Jaeger, in which he took as a part of the consideration two quarter sections of the Morris real estate. Thirty-two wolf scalps are report ed to have been received at the county clerks office last Monday, and on Tuesday twenty more. The parties bringing them in were: Henry Plumbeck 7, Carl Anderson 7, Kenton Newton 10, M. D. Ernest 1, Adam Zahn 7, 8. V. Fletcher 7, Frank Thompson 7, and Willard Thompson 6. A pleasant surprise was given Mrs. A. P. Culley at the home of Mrs. Wra. Rcttenmayer last Wed nesday afternoon where a large num ber of her friends gathered to have a aocial visit. Mrs. Culley is soon to make an extended visit to her home in the east. We learn that a goodly quantity of ice cream was served at the gathering. Wm. Knutzen of Ashton came to the county seat last Tuesday and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Emil Dold, who he says was interfer ing in a menacing manner with his work of improving his park. The trouble grew out of a dispute over the line between the two men’s real estate property. The matter has been in court before and the dispute which then arose over the same thing was decided against Mr. Dold but be atill persists in having bis way #oout it. I We sell all kinds of ground feed at Dennis. Dr Seymour the eye • ppcialtlst In Grand Island June 5th Best flour on the market at Dennis. Uncle J. C. Fletcher of Boelus was doing business in tbe city last Tuesday. Trunks, valises, shawl straps, and satchel handles, kept at W. S. Owen's harness store. Win. Jifferies of Ashton township, enrolled his name on the Northwest ern list while in the city yesterday. Wat. Knutzen was in to see us Tuesday while up from Aahton He says that he will open his park for the season on Sunday, May 11. Right Reynolds a west side farmer and stock raiser was in to see us last Tuesday. He baa a bunch of sheep which he claims are the best paying of any stock he has yet raised. Sam Fletcher was iu to see us last Saturday and ordered three sets of hand bills. He will have a pub lic sale of horses at Litchfield, May third, at Mason City, May tenth and at Ansley, May seventeenth. Floyd Uibson was quite badly bit ten by the large dog of J. W. Long last Tuesday morning. It seems that Floyd’s dog and Mr Long’s dog was fighting and that the boy at tempted to separate them when the large brute bit him and buried bis teeth in the thigh of Lis leg in dieting quite a severe wound. The Ord Quiz in Its write up of valley county last week claimed the Van Horn cattle ranch as a part of that county and tbe Greeley Leader In dependent comes out with the following: ‘J. Haggstrom was over in Valley county Tuesday and got a yearling Herford from the Van Horn ranch and it is a good one. John is going to im prove bit stock and does not miod pay ing a good price when be knows be will get it all back later on.” The Van Horn ranch is located in Sherman coun ty and brother Haskall, with his many years of residence in this country, ought to know better than to claim it for Yslley. It is as fine a ranch as there is in the west and is well stocked. Perhaps this may, in a degree, account for the misstatement, however as it is a model ranch we can excuse most any county for wanting to claim it as a part of their possessions. ROCKVILLE ITEMS. D. A. Price came borne Thursday from ashore sojourn at Burwell. Ike Bullock was a Ravenna visitor Thursday. . Mr Gettingber of Grand Island spent Thursday night in our eity. Dean Mills paid Ravenna a visit Sat urday. Mrs. Aldrup left Saturday morning for Grand Island, where she was called to the b.’d side of her daughter, Mrs. Johnson, who is sick. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hendrickson drove over from Farwell Saturday afternoon and spent Suaday with our genial Post Master, W. M. Smelser. Miss. Fannie Jeiinek left for her home near Ravenna Sunday afternoon after several months sojourn among our people. Mr. Will Miller visited friends in Kearney Saturday and Sunday. Geo. A.’ Lane of Grand Island was doing business in our town Tuesday. Miss. Dot Fair, of Kearney arrived Tuesday afternoon. We understand she intends to spend the summer here with her sister Mrs W. M Smelser Satn Fletcher arrived home Tuesday n>on from a trip into Idaho. He brought t ao car loads of western horses with him. Mr. H. C. Mead of St. Paul, spent Monday night with his father-in-law Mr. Niels Jensen of this place Rudolph Finder had the misfortune of having his foot badly mashed Mon day afternoon while vaccinating some cattle against Black Leg. Mr. and Mrs Andrew U. Wilson of Loup City spent Sunday here with Mrs. Wilson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gray. John Ilehnke paid St. Paul a business viait Wednesday. W. M. Smelser, has received a fine line of carpet samples etc., and invites any one to inspect them. His prices are very reasonable. A nice rain visited this section Friday and brought smllea to the faces of many of our farmers. CailTreffer paid Loup City a visit Tuesday. U. No. Me CLEAR CREEK MEWS The fall grain is looking fine and corn planting will commeuce Monday. The rains thus far this season are to light to do much good. Ilans Beck, O. A. Clark and Mr. 8or renson took the tlycr for Grand Jun ction, Colorado. They ara searching for work and larger wages. A. J. Wilson Is on his way to the west where be has a large cattle ranch. Hla f unity accompanied him. Recorder. WKDniMi RCUl A pretty wedding is reported to have takeD place at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. A. 'V Thock morion, at Divide, in (’lay township Sher man county, on Wednesday even i ig, April 80, at 8:30, at which liine and place their daughter Susie was married to Mr. Frank Arnold, of Indiana, Ilev. John Madelv, M. K pastor ot Loop City otticialing. A large number of friends and relatives were in attendance and the social which followed the iciimonj was but evidence of the high esteem in which the contracting parlies were held by all who know them. One of the principal features of the occasion was a lowely wreath of orange blossoms which was sent to the bride by her Aunt in California and which she wore upon her head. Many beautiful and useful pres-1 ents were given them. Mr. Arnold is a very pleasant gentleman and a prominent school teacher of the town in which he lives, and Miss Throckmorton is one of Sherman county’s highly educat ed and accomplished ladies, who has for several years past taught school in this county with the best of suc cess and merits the high praise which she has always enjoyed as an instructor. They go to (Jtwell, Ind iana, in a few days where they ex pect to make their future home. The Northwester? join their many fiiends in wishing them prosperity and bappioess. Those who wish to meet Dr. Seymour at the Koehler hotel in grand Island. Tuesday June otb. may by writingh im at once at Lincoln Nenr. secure a spe cial appointment card which will gise them the privilege of meeting him without charge tor consultation. HALF KATES EAST. One fare for the round trip to Harris burg, Pa , May 14 to 19. Return limit June 30th. Tickets good via Chicago or St Louie. A gieat opportunity to visit the East. Half rates from Harrisburg to points in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Dis trict of Columbia, May 21 to 24th. Ask the Burlington agent. THE PORTLAND SPECIAL, Burlington ttalns to the North west change time on May 4th. On and after that date the leaving time of the Portland Special, Train No. 41, from principal points will be as follows: Leave St Joseph 8:30 P, M; Omaha, 11:10 P M; Lincoln, 1:05 A. M; Grand Island 3:42 A. M; Broken Bow, 6:04 A M; Alliance, 10:35 A. M; arriving at Hellene, Spokane, Tacoma. Seattle and Portland about as at present The special attention of our towns people who visit Omaha is directed to the prominence of the Millard Hotel and to the first class service and reason able rates that are offered by the man agement to their patrons. The Neb raska Grain Dealers Association select ed The Millard as the place for hold ing their annual meeting, April 30, and the attendance was very large. Tho Nebraska State Medical Society will hold their annual meeting at the Mil lard May 6, 7 and 8, and a very large attendance is promised at this highly important medical meeting. The an nual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the associate meet ing of the Womens Relief Corps, will be held in Omaha, May 22 and 23, and The Millard has been selected as h°ad quarters for that great occasion. Sev eral hundred members are expected to be present. The Miilard has also been •elected as bead quarters for the June races at Omaha, June 24 to 27, the open ing race meeting of the circuit. When it Is remembered lhat The Millard rates are as low as #2 :00 per day on the American plan and 81:00 on the Euro pean plan, that the hotel has been newly furnished, that the cuisine service is Hrst-class in every particular, and that the location of the hotel is the most central of any in Omaha, convenient for all street car lines, wholesale and retail districts, banks, car line to South Omaha, etc , it is easily understood wby The Millard secured all the above named State gatherings. TOI'RIST CAK BKKVICK TO DhNVKK On April 15tb. the Union Pacific placed in service between Couneil Blufl's, Omaha and Denver a through Ordinaiy ( Tourists) car. " The Colorado Speiisl'’ Both first ami second«elas» tickets will be honored on these cirs, »nd pawiugers wishing to economize in iheir traveling expenses may avail themselves of this exce 1 nt service. 1 hs rate for a doable berth between ■ brve points i* $1.50 The car* are just as neat and clean as Palace Sleeping cars, are will ventil ited, bare separate lavaratories for ladies aud gentlemen, and all the curs being carp -ted and up holstered. This train Leaves Omaha 11:30 p. no, today, and arrives at Denver 2:00 p. m. tomorrow. For furttier information, reservations, etc , ca I on or address JJ. J. Clifton. Dr. W. I. Sevmotir the well known optician will be In Grand Island Tburs dav. June 5th at the Keohler Hotel. The doctors, will positively be there in peison, and extends a special invi tation to those wishing to see hitn re garding their eyes or ears, to meet him there at that time. Remember oue day oily. One half rates to Omaha and retu n May 21, 22 and 83. via Burlington Route. State Encampment G A. R Ask the nearest agent Burlington Route. Now that the storm season is here and there will be much danger from Lightening, you s mold think about Lightening Rods. If you have none, or .your old ones are out of repair, bit ter write to “Nebraska's resident deal er” W. E. Drake, Gran 1 Island Nebr , who does an honest business and is fast reclaiming the fallen j-eputatlon of this line of work, which lias suffered much by the abuse of unprincipled traveling “fakirs,” who have greally abused the grand discovery of Frauklin. Read bis advertisment elsewhere in this paper. BIG HORN BASIN Are you interested in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming'' It's a rich bu undeveloped portion of Northwestern Wyoming, it contains inarvelious open ings for rmali rancheg along good straams in the vailej s, with one mil lion acres of government land open for setllement under the United States land laws. The Burlington Route lus just pub lished a folder descriptive of the Big Horn Basin. It i» 11 lustrated and con tains an accurate map. It tells about the lay of Itie land, character of the soil, products, yield, irrigation and opportunities. If you’re interested, better write for a copy. It is free J Fuancis General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Drs W I. Seymour & Williams the eye and ear specialists will be in Grand Island, June .'5th Go to Frank Dennis when you want the very best grade of flour. ■ 1 have had occasion to use yourV ’Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medi.m cine and am pleased to say that I never used anything for stock that gave half as good satisfaction. I heartily recoin, mend it to all owners of stock, j J. B. BELSHER. St. Louis, Mo. Sick stock or poultry should not eat cheap stock food any more than sick persons should exnect to lie cored by food. When your stock and poultry are sick give them med icine. Don t stuff them with worth less stock foods. Unload the bowels and stir up the torpid liver and the animal will be cured, if it be possi b!e to cure it. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine unloads the bowels and stirs up the torpid liver. It cures every malady of stock if k*kon in time. Secure a 25-cent can of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine and it will pay for itself tern times over. Horses work better. Cows give more milk. Hogs gain flesh. And hens lay more eggs. It solves the problem of making as much blood, flesh and energy as possible out of the smallest amount of food con sumed. Buy a can from your dealer. RoVal Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. _ worn a*kino powder co., new yobk. >J\M Peals&Go.’s © 1902 PRIZE WALL PAPERS These famous patterns are handsomer J and better made than those of any j\ 5^oth"r manufacturer. They consist of all f grades from the most inexpensive Kitchen IL Iand Bed Room papers to the choicest Halls, I. R Dining Rooms and Parlors, representing a MB stock of over 3,000,000 rolls. I JS Don't buy old shop worn goods when lJE WE CAN SAVE YOU 80 PER CENT. j» on any one of our 600 patterns manufactur* ffl ed expressly for the spring of 1902. K*. J ORDERS TAKEN FOR ONE ROOM OR A WHOLE HOUSE, IP8S DESIGNS AND COLORINOS BXCLUSIVB. 1 HVIPOPTED SHfRE will stand at my farm, one and one-half miles north of Loup City during the season of lt)02. Be sure and see me before you breed. I have just what you are looking for, a good, heavy thoroughbred and my prices are reasona ble. FRANK OTLFWSKI, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. RADIZINSKI, NO 80,880. Will stand at the Round Front livery barn, Loup City, Neb., during the season of 1902. This is an Imported RegisterehHorse. Farmers see this Horse before breeding. 0. Gnnnnrson and A. L. Zimmerman, Owners. TELEPHONES ON TRAINS- _•_ “The Overland Limited’’—Electric Lighted— contains a novel feature, absolutely new to railroad travel. Telephone connections aie provided at terminal sta tions and are available for use of passingors three quar ters of an hour prior to departure. This famous train reaches Salt Lake City 12 hours and San Francisco 16 hours a head of all competitors. If you contemplate a trip to any western point, the Union Pacific offers you the highest degree of comfort a id luxury with no additional cost and a great saving of time and expense. Full information cheerfully furnished on application to J. H. Clifton, Agent. TO CD It JC A COLD IN ONfc DAT. Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Taplets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. M. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 8BC. Bhe was sitting up with a sick man. No professional nurse wail she. Simply sitting up with her love-sick lov’r Glveihg him Kockv Mountain Tea. For sale by Odendahl Bros WHEATOS5 If you want a good food foryourchild ren, try Wheatose. It is easily and quickly prepared, and very healthful. Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit. All reliable grocers have it. California Breakfast Food DRESS MAKING. I wi,l (lo dress making and sewing at my residence and w'il guarantee good woik at reasonable prices. If you wish any woik done in this line call at residence in east pare of town Mks. T. M. Rked. Best Dray Line, Quickest Time. JAS. W. CONGER, Prop. My Ico will be delivered to any part of tlie city free. The lee house will be opened but once a day, and that will be from 1 to s o’clock, a m. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specially ol moving household good. We solicit your patronage. JAS. W. CONGER, l.OUl* CITY. . . . NEBRASKA. Reader—You will conyev a lasting favor and receive a rev ard, if you v ill report the name of dealers trying losell you a substitute for the Madison Medi cine Co’s Rocky Mountain Tea. OJendahl Bros.