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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1901)
Lioaal Dsv/s. Corn is getting a w aterberry mowM it now days. L. A William* of Ashton is visiting in the city this week. Mr. Johnrthrove was seen smiling od our street Saturday. This i* the kind of weather to in knock-tha late cbinoh hugs Mr.and Mrs. A. T. Conger I. ft fir Walnut, la. Monday morning. Dave Depew had a \ aluable com killed by lightning Monday night. This is the second one this year. For first class ice leave vour orders with James W. Conger. Another nice gentle shower paid it's respects to this section Monday night. Heavy Draft Stallion will stand at the Round Front Bsrndurlug the sea-on of 1001. apr25—w o o Robt. Young finished a very m at ice box for Jahn Travis ibis week. Rob I a jack'Of-all-tradee. Will Callao of Washington twp. was at the hub Monday. Billy is just as good looking us ever. 1’eter Lakeman of Sargent was in the city Tuesday. He was attending the funeral of his brother's child. Billy French the street commis sioner is grading tha street o*<* block east an l north of the square. The Rockville Woodmen have tin dr new hail under roof. They are the stuff' when it comes to enterprise. All A. C. U W. boys should remem ber ta turn out at Ilia next meeting as business of importance will come up. The K. of P lodge held Moral services last Sunday and a good attendance was had frern ;he look of it to an outsider, A score of our young people visit ed Ashton Saturday night and at tended the dance at Knutzee’s park Ernest Bly of Oak Creek, sailed ftom San Francisco for the Philippines a 1 short time ago. lie joined a cavalry troop of regulars. Born —To Mr. and Mrs. Redclift n girl on Thursday, June 13, 1901. Mother and child are stout and Papa Redelift is happy as a clam. W. Knutzen of Ashton, was it the county seat Monday and had this office strike some Fourth of July hills advertising a grand cele bration at his park. KIPE C11KKR1 EtC RIPE CHERRIES: All ready for every body. Biggest crop and finest fruit we ever grew Come any dav except Saturday. »V F. Jenkins During the high winds of Thursday night Fred Stark, Jce Daddow amt Steve Sweetland, all of Clay townshij hail their wi nd mills blown down and! Mr. Allatnan also of that neighborhood had his house unroofed. A severe sprain will usually disable the injured person for three oi four weeks. Many cases have occured, how ever, in wiiich a cure has been effected in less than one week hr u{ ylylng < 'hatn berlaln's Pain Bel in. For sale by Oden dahl Bres, Mrs. F. M. Henry will sell all Ler trimmed hats at greatly reduced prices, beginning June 7th and con tinuing to* days. Now is the time to get & nice etiUimer hat at almost your ewn price. ‘ The Doctors told me ray cough wa> ; incurable. One Minuto Cough Cure made me a well man.,' Norris Silver. North Stratford, N. II.—Because vou’vi not found relief from a stubborn cough, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it will cure you. Safe and sure. Odendahl Bros, Andrew Pearson, one of Washing ton township's substantial farmers called at our sanctum last Satuiday while in the city. He reports very favorable crop conditions in his part i f the county. Mr. Pearson loft us $2.::.5 which sets him in advance on sub scription. Mrs. E. E. Ditto, arrived home from Ohio Friday evening where she h id been visiting here sick mother. H< r mother is 75 years old and tier father is in the eighties. They are both liv ing but her mother is very feeble. Mi Ditto brought home an heir-loom for her daughter, Mrs. H. W. IVdiet It was a side saddle which her great grand father presented to her grand mother when she was a young lady, and hat been in tlio family for 60 years. It was sent to her hy her grand mother and is prized very highly as a keep sake. Lightning played several small pranks around town last Thursday night while it was keeping us guessing as to who would be visited first. It struck the house of Louis Becbthold, Sr. eom 1 ig down through the roof and down betv.een the outside wall, knocked oil" a email patch of plaster and disfigured Lew ie's screen door before it took to the woods. Down in the west part of town it made e break for Ira Foster's chicken coop, tore a bole through the roof, and down a rafter and melted about six feet of a wire. It burnt the feathers all off a hens hack, scattered feathers a.I over the place and never electrocuted a chick. Sot even tin hen was hurt. Ira suys-it was a dose call for hisshaughi. I Rev. m i Mr*. Madtdy visited »b* j Diddsw neighborhood Monday. Hums I’, do, -on ami son of Rockville, were, eovnty scat visitors Fiidixy. Mr. and Mr*. Aipta Wilson ot tin* south side were in the city Monday. G. H Patton of Lincoln was in tht city over .Sunday. Hugh looks we!1. The M. F. picnic was post poned i*isi Friday on account oi *■ heavy ruins. W.T. Glhion and H T. Rowe are laving a i.c a ro fori the. tenement house <)f C. J..O Icndalil. Lew Haller i« putting down a deep well on tiie farm of Mr. Gee west of town. \V. il. Williams left for Chicago yesterday morning to vi it with o; I friends. T- M-Reed sells sewing ma I chines and a aeneral line of i , t arm tun* W. II. Conger went to hi; form Mon day and says li i will plow «• rn this week it it co--?< a law mi! j Chris J( 1.1,,'fi and wife wui to the i nonh part ot tiie tate Monday to take I charge of a sleek ranch *o we at" in formed. The front of the saloon building owned bv Fbo*. inks look* well un der a noby coat of paint. Mr* J. A. Angler went to Kldorado, I Xe i). Monday to vi*; ’ 11 • • x u » ugh ter. M; - 1 Frank Mercer, an<i family. rims. f’onlilser is having th< north | room of the Porter building fixed up i for living roew ind will nrv* therein ! shortly Henry \\ tlson is cavoorting 10 I ihe fori - in in i d around S o rient ! now d.*>3 s for 11 •» benefit of tht Woodmen The M. K. Sun lay School picir" w.t po*tpoued from lust Fri' iy to some future tin)** on a • on. • of the heavy rain last Thursday nigh1. Jennie To hi»\ . round beuiUi ful nctk wiggle your head from side to side every night t ike 1’o' Uy Mountain T: ItV a .Short cut m a gi lerfu form A». your drui.ui't. A surprise party was given in hon or of Mr. and Mrs. Gavid Richard son, -it their home in Elm twp., last Saturday night. A delightful time is reported. Don't get side-tracked in business. Dullness sometimes passes for death Men with brain- reach the goal. B < ky M< U-itaSn Tea puts gray ma ter into OKI heart. 85e. Ask your druggist. The foundation to Jut new Wood man br.’l at Rockville i built and the lunil r is on th ground. The woodwork - comm* ■■.ceil and ii will be rushed to completion a- fist a possible. There will be a Fourth of July Cele bration held in Knuizen - Park. God program aud plenty good refreshments and games of dlfl't rent Kf:.*!at the place Every body eordi illy invited W. Knv i zkx, Mr. James Brown of I’utsmouth, Yu. ovi r 90 years fei I with u t id so hi fi> fa' I’liy-icians could not hah- him 1'eWitts Witch Hazel S*S>-«5 cured him permanently. I Odeuduli iiro Anv one residing in lhe west side of the county can make any urraujp tnent necessary for urnhrtaking and embalming with <1 W. Gibsou at Litcbtuld. All orders will Vie promptly and satisfactorily attend ed to at reasonable rates. A G Edwards, agent lor the H'Om an's Horn# Companion and rather of our friend Albert Edward* living in ihe south part of the county made this afllcee friendly call Saturday, ll-’tin seeured a good list of sub-crib h - for the Companion. The infant son of Mr and Mr". E, I/tkeman which has hi mi sick for the j passed three month' died -t Hi id»y •▼en ng, ■ 1 in Evergreen cemetery on Tie--dry forenoon follow: g. The lie'e fellow suilered much and death v •».* a rulief from w hi i'll m* re w.i! : ■ m b . ik *‘A few months ago, food which a.o | tor break fast wmio not remain 01. my stomach for tlalf an h tir l is. d <u c bottle of your Kotlol l>vspepsia Curt’ | and t an n ■ v it mv In» and o!h* i me ils tti ■. . ■ d my fo«d U ■ thoroughly di;: :f !. N ihllig eipia Kodol I>y p* i — i■ Cure for stem ml troubles' II. is. 1 iits, Arlington, f«x Kodol Dyspep.ire 01 getm wha you cat — OJendabl Eros. Wanted —To trade j»;j' Hr* ink foi paint. Will give, some local paint dealer a good deal. If* member palm will only spreati ov -r your house while printers ink will spread over t is > whol t country ami goes out fresh every week We want to paint m.r 1011-1 s Our b i sad : Hut weeali’tKet paint t i *1 . u L’nless you advertise You may as well < xpect to run astean engine without water a* to Pod >m nr tive, energetic tnan vviib a torpid live and you tiny know tlm‘ Lis llvvv is t.>r pid when he does not relish hi food > feel* dull and 1 ngt id > ”i at in.;, , i bis headaches ami Soim iimt .i di/zdim A few clo-es of < hambi riain's ;-iomut: and Liver Tablet4 will restore hi- Ii * to ,is i • mat tuiict ion . re ■■ w a * ■ v .1 itV, improve h's i.ig< sciou and mak him feel like:*, new man. Price vibe lit Hample free at Odcmlahl Eros. I I M, R«*ed is in Omaha buying goods this wt#k. Clint Outhc'. s 'i- baring a brick wall put under ht« livery barn. Adam S, haupp t*enior and Junior came up i'l. .1 Lincoln Wednesday. Jim Depew is carrying a large sized boil on Ins (high at present writing. (12-100 of an inch of water fi ll here Tuesday night, making '»} inches in 5 days Frank Rrc-ver has purchased a very 'me lira buggy and now sport* with the best ol tlibiii. Adam /.dm of Huxley dropped in :!!•' left some "ti thy lucre” with us while in town Wednesday. Lightning struck the ham of Lew Haller Tuesday night and somewhat demolished one corner There was a uuii her of head of - took in the barn but none were harmed Max r.' sehin. it y had the misfortune m ..lam ids ipida badtv the other dav. Hi* horse hacaine troublesome and M ix jumped out <>f the buggy to ot ' 1 ti m v ith Hu- above resalt and Mux iris been laid up since. I - Thursday night tins narf ot her i! count > and or several mlle arormd received two and three quarter • cb< - of ram and on Friday one and iv e half ii* ’ti-** winch has soaked the ground until it could hold no more. Both rains wt quite general in every ! art id the county and the present pros pects are teat we will have as large a •mp as we did in lsfll which was the large-: ever raised in Sherman county. A m girl about 10 year' old bv the nano if K Ak-iV- i "bo lives near .'i'll! . .n her way to visit her 1'ter '. b.i ives mi the He 's farin three rnib's south east of one day Just week, and in ronrng up a hill the horse fell striking tb<* little girl and breaking her b e j mt above the ankle. Sne lay in *1 ■ road sever il hours uni I i Frit/ K >rur:imt mnii' along and took her to tier siders. Dr Man* was called and in-, c* tl tin' fracture, .V pleasant am prise party was spretm on Oliver Dubrv Wednesday > wniug in memory of his tiStli birth dav, About 30 people assembled and took charge of Mr. Dubrv be fore lie discovered any signs of a sortie. A very enjoyable evening was spent and a number of valuable pti i :,!; w re left with the gentle m n to remiud him of the occasion in the years to come. L ist Tuesday t ight a baby boy ap p. i ntly about two week old was left on t!v door «tcp of Mr. VTUHo (Setts w(io M-- It I?; south cast of town. Mr. hail bm n at Woodmen lodge and arrh sd h* me n it one o’clock. Homo tim-' after h* went to bed to* heard a noise on the porch and on getting up found the ) id awaiting. There was a e uaper just below the house in Die even i •; atn! s< uietime during tiie night they pule l out a::d it s supposed they t. ft the baby. Superintendent, bcinir.ger desires tis in ,11 tlie attention of the people, ospe cia ly these living out side of High S-bo .11 >i-t No, 1, in this county, to the i «w law ‘i regard to outlaying districts having the privilege of sending scholars to tIre high school, tuition to be paid from a tax levied for that purpose on a’l outside districts The new law says it ha teach district shall vote upon the proposition at the annual meeting and | if ft majority of all votes cast in the ] county, cut i ln of the high school i Misti icr. arc in favor of levying the tax : it shall be done. Mr. Lelninger is <]e of luivn ■ ■; tup turnout In » very district '(• that the -entiment ol the people eii this very important subject ; n iv b*’ sietermined. A letter from Mr .1. I, Balllie to ye : -ei.ioi editor‘•tates that his son Will, ■ : ee a resident here and geii | • a! known by ;Ui our old ssttlers, is | now in England, having a tew weeks • .landed there from Australia , A silun the past three years he has seen ! a large portion of the globe. He has j been f, Slo ving the photograph business I and from the < nruings in that vocation 1 has traveled almost emitinually. lie j visited the 1 met, wont ui the Biuck illiii- to 1 a xa.s. (.'an.adii and a great UI...1V otber places and r.fiw we ti d I, m j UCI he :,te:lt OCCHn. He will piob* b y vi“it Ms fathers old home In Scot hand me he fc"ls through with tijs trav el - CAKD ISLAND CELEBRATION. \ au Mi va went to Grant! Inland that you did not cojoy yourself. The coming Fourth of .July wjll P'ovi no exception. Grand Island id out do herself on that occasion to entertain ion and show von u good time. I 1 fact, ‘•there wilt he a hot lime in she old town that 1 n The Gipsies will he therein 1 ir it. t fantastic . oitutnes. Two ' eic g:\nt h ids have been engaged to | discourse the music throughout the day. lin> c 1her noon wit! h. given to p• • /■ ■ r ecs of n• I kinds, incinding jit icc cari t :-s, Icisc udl game, and jn 1 doon aset nsinr., etc. The Gentry lie .." 1 - d I ■ , d'OW will also I ■* a s i 1s 'fc. i i= will he redut i d laics i j mid special trains and uccoiiitnodu I tint's for ail. And now comes A. I’ Gulley now ai | Alberta Canada and in a letter to 1 Louis Hein say*: ‘‘You may t-av tr ! the local editors of our city that from l my observations near and around th< north pole I consider the conditions for pleaty of moisture this season very favorable and that a bountiful harvest is in store for those who till the soil. He further says that- there will he a heavy rain between the first and sixth of.luly, probabiv the third. This n the first time we have heard from Mr I'ulley since he vveat to Canada but wa presume that, he has been so busy ex ploring tin* new territory In and around Gberta that he h i* not had time befori to thiuk of home and friends. When he will return we do not know and sup pose no one will know until he looms up: Now t alley lias gone to Albertim T mingle with Capitalists there; perhaps the trip will not hurt him. As he lias got boodles to spare. That country Is advertised largely As being the home of the soul; The place when all should be headed, Where Culley explored the north pole. When he gets tired of his iamb, ling No doubt lie’ll return to the fold: To Ncbn.ika the land of sweet sunshine, Alberta will be too darned cold. ♦ « ♦ ltd Zakrzew’ski, one of Sherman county's prosperous farmers dropped in Wednesday and left two large coin of the i elm w ith u- and iufoi med us that he h id lost a horse worth a hundred dollars by lightning last Saturday morning. Now is just the time to cut down the weed around your p.oinlses. If they are cut while the stalks are young and tender you will have no trouble in the future to keep them down. Fly nets of all kinds at— \V. 8. Owens’ harness shop. Leave your orders for ice with O. Benschoter. A Good Cough It speaks w-.ll fur Chamberlain's .Cough Remedy when druggists e><* it. in their own families in preference to any other. I have sold Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for the past tiro years with complete satisfaction to mvself and customers,” ->nvs Druggist J. Goldsmith Van Etten, N. Y. “1 have always used m inyovn family both for ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough fol low ing la grippe, and tin 1 it very efli eatious.” For sale by odendahl Rros. * * * Eczema, -altrheum* tetter, chafing, ivy poisoning and all *kin tortures are ! ijuickly cured by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel : Salyc. The certain rule cure Odendahl ! Bros. 1 Just received. — Anew line of trunks, telescopes, and club bags at \V. 8. Owens’ harness shop. ♦ • ♦ The bilious, tired, nervous man can not successfully compete with his heal thy rival. DoWitt'sLittle Early Kisers the famous pills for constipation will remove the cause of your trouble.— Odendahl Bros There will be regular Presbyter ian services each Sunday hereafter until further notice as follows: At Loup City in the Peterson hall at 10 at) a ra.; at Austin at 3.30 p. m. and at llockville at S.OO o’clock p. tu. All are cordially invited. Rev. (i. C. Porter, Pastor. -♦ • ♦ - Didn't Marry l or Money The Boston man, who lately married a sickly rich young woman, is happy r,«w, lor he got Dr. King's New Life Dills, which restored her to perfect health. Infallible for Jaundice, Bil iousness, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles, Gen tle but effective. Only 25e at Odendahl Bros. WANTED.—< H|mt>li‘, reliable persons in every county to repiesent large company of solid financial reputation; $#30 salary por year, payable weekly; S3 per day abso lutely sure and all expenses; straight, buna tide, definite salary, no coniunslion; salary paid each Saturday and expense i money advanced each Week. STANDARD IlorsE 3;i Dkakrokn 8t., riucAoo. I-IBB TAKKN I I' By tin* undersigned at Loup Oity Neb raska, on Saturday, May Zr>, 11»01, one if year old orown tillv, with small white strip in face, weight about 750 pounds, has while hind fee above ankles. Owner can have same by proving pro perty anti [mying for this notice, cost oT keeping and other necessary ex penses. O. Bknsciiotkr, Loup City, Xebr. W* ANTE D,—TUI TWOUTIIT MKN ANI> wo men to travel and advertise for old es tablished house ol solid financial standing Salary $.-<> R year and expenses, all pay able in cash. No canvassing required. Give reference and Inclose sclf-aiblresscd stamped envelope. Address Manager, 3ft." ax ton, Bldg , Chicago. Dyspeptics cannot be long lived lie eause to ice riqiiies nourishment, Food is not noursshlng until it is digest ed A disordered stoniacli ennuot tligcsi food, it must have assistance, loilo] I |), pepsia t'lire digests all kinds of food | without, aid from the stoniacli, allowing ii to res; and regain Its natural fttuc | iious It- el'-metils are exactly tin1 , - line as the natiirttl digestive Hinds unii it simply can't help but do you good I Odendahl Bros W. J. FISH Eh. GEO. E. BENSCHOTF.R, Attorney Rnd Notary Public Publisher Lo*p Citt Nokthwebibrh Fisher & Benschoter, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LAto'DS FOR SALE. ROLLMAN CHERRY SEEDER. 1 This perfect cherry seeder docs not cru*h the cherry or cause any loss of juice. A practical ma< hine for large, small or California cherries. The seed extracting knife \ drives seed into one dish and actually throws the r! eny into another. The marks of the knife can scarcely be seen on the seeded fruit. Seeds from 20 to 30 quarts pci hour s' Ask your dealer for it. If he cannot furnish, we will send it anywhere in the U S.# express prepaid, on receipt cf $1. Fur further information write to the manufacturers. Tinned ROLLMAN MANUFACTURING CO.t ISO Peon Avenue^Moun^loyjJjv^J R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OITT. I l tfZSk A. S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON! LOCI* CITY, NtBRA-KA ofKICE.- One door west of Oilen aid’s Druif Store W J. FISHEH. Attorney at Law and Notary Fublia. Will Defond la Foreclosure Casna ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Offlc# Id Northwebtekw Building. LOer CITY, - - SKliftAaKA. CHEAP TRIP TO CHICAGO. Via the Burliogton Route. One fare for the rouud trip plus $2.00. Tickets on sale.June 1L’, 1?., 1 t and 15. return limit jjept 15. Adi tiunat information about rates, tick ets and train service mav he secured from nearest Agent. B. & 51. J. Francis, 0. P A. Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. If you want deeds, mortgages, leases or any legal instruments drawn at. very reasonable rates when at the county seat, call ou \V. J. Fisher at tlie North uhstkbn’ office All kmd« of blanks on liaud. A Notary Public in olfiee. ill* 1.1 FIC SAVED 15y Chamberlain's Colic Cholera anil Diarrhoea Keinedj “I am sure that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy at one time saved my life," says A. E. I.afa letr e,of Gregory Landing, Clark county Missouri. "1 was in such bad shape that the doctors said I could not live. When 1 was at the lowest ebb, one of iny neighbors brought in a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and I took it and got in stant relief. I soon got up and around. That was uitio years ago and I am still in good health. Since then that medi cine has ai way s been in my house and, always will t*. It is the best on earth.’ For sale by <Idtndabl Bros. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR 'Noiuethtng New Under The nun . ” All Doctors have tried to cure CATARRH by the use of powders, acid gases, Inhalers and drugs In paste form. Their powders dry up the mucus membranes causing ! tin in to (Tacit open and bleed The power ful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have am ed to vine, while pastes and ointments cannot reach tlia di sease. An old and experienced practitioner who has lor many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of CATARRH, has at last perfected a treat ment which when faithfully used, not only rellevesat once, hut permanently cures CATARRH, by removing the cause, slop ping the discharges, and curing all lulln ination. It is tlte only remedy known to I science that actually roaches the allticted parts. Tills wonderful remedy is known ns •SN1FFEL3 the GUARANTEED QAT AR Bit CUBE’’ and is sold at I lie extremely low price of One Dollar, each package con taining Internal and external medicine sufficient for it 11111 months treatment and everything necessary in its perfect use, “SNC F’FELS’’ is the only perfect CAT ARRH* CRE ever muds and Is now recog nized us the only safe and pos Hive cure lor that annoying and disgusting disease. II cures all lnflumatlon quickly and perma nently and Is also wonderfully quick to re lleve HAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. Oatakuii when neglected often leads to CONSU'IPTIOM—‘'SKl'FFBI.S” will Have you If you use it ul once. It Is no ordinary remedy, lint, a eoinploie treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure cat.vuhh In an v form «r stage If used according to the directions whieli accompany each package Don't delay gut send fer it at once and write full parti,-alum as to your ; condition, and yon will receive speelal ad vise from the discoverer of this wonilerfnl remedy regarding your case without cost to yon beyond the regular price of sni .. KKI.H" the “OUABANTKKII CATAKKII Cl 111: •* sent prepaid lo any address m the 1'nltid States or Canada on receipt of *inn Dollar. Address Dept. Ai'.ft EDWIN It GILES * i.'OMl’ANY, Kilim and stir.’ Market Street, t'lilludelpliia Itanger, di.-ease and death follow ip gleet of tha bowels, l!s« DoTV'itt'* Lit tle Karly Kisers to regulate tli«r,i and you "ill add years to your life and life to your years. Kaay to take, never gripe. Odendabl Bros, Women Love Jewelry and so do limut every body else, which is a mark of refine ment with the human family. To get the most exquisite for the least money, and that which will please you most, you only have to call on (t. H. MORGAN, lie carries a line of watches and clocks in connection with high grade jewelry, and can always be found at his show case ready to please your taste or at his bench to do your re pairing promptly, neatly and accurately. No trouble to show ..Is nor charge for work unless done in a first class manner. COME AND SEE US. Store.—North Side R. R. St. G. H. MORGAN, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN LOUP CITY NEB 4TH OF JUIY PROGRAM. UK AND ISLAND, N E HR ASK A. ] 25TII. ANNIVERSARY. I Saluta, 125 g i is at sunrise 0:30 a. m. Grand Patriotic and Givi;: parade, including Gentry’s deg and pony show. 10:30 a in Invocation, reading of the Declaration of Independence, Oration, Patriotic Songs and Ex ercises at court square. 10 30 a in Base ball game at Puk wana park, North Platte vs. Grand Island. 12:00 m. Basket Picnic at Court House Square. 1:30 p m to 4:30 p m. Concerts by the bands on Thud Street, hose races, horse races, pony races, foot races, track and wheel borrow races’ sack races, and .athletic sports. All or, third stre<t. •1:3() p m. Base ball game at Puk wuna park and baloon ascension. 4:30 to <1:00 p in Baud concerts on 3rd street bv Harrison’s celebrated band and bv the inlander's state concert band. 0:00 p m. Supper. f:30 lo S:3‘ p in Grand Consert by the two bands on 3rd street. S:30 to 11:30 p m. Grandest dis play of fire works ever seen any where. 9500.00 in cash appropri ated to amuse the multitudes. By Oroer of Committee Imitator* have been mane Thought full pe,,p;n have inn uni that tru** merit come.- only witb the £n,uim Cocky Mountain Tea male by the Mailison Medicine Co. 35c Ask vour druggist.